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Glucocorticoids regulate glucose concentrations and responses to unpredictable events, while also modulating cognition. Juvenile Belding''s ground squirrels (Urocitellus beldingi) learn to respond to whistle and trill alarm calls, warning of aerial and terrestrial predators, respectively, shortly after emerging from natal burrows at one month of age. Alarm calls can cause physiological reactions and arousal, and this arousal, coupled with watching adult responses, might help juveniles learn associations between calls and behavioural responses. I studied whether young show differential cortisol responses to alarm and non-alarm calls, using playbacks of U. beldingi whistles, trills, squeals (a conspecific control vocalization) and silent controls. Trills elicited very high cortisol responses, and, using an individual''s response to the silent control as baseline, only their response to a trill was significantly higher than baseline. This cortisol increase would provide glucose for extended vigilance and escape efforts, which is appropriate for evading terrestrial predators which hunt for long periods. Although whistles do not elicit a cortisol response, previous research has shown that they do result in bradycardia, which enhances attention and information processing. This is a novel demonstration of two physiological responses to two alarm calls, each appropriate to the threats represented by the calls.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):653-661
Nestling begging calls of altricial species of birds have design features (wide frequency range, abrupt onsets and modulation in amplitude and frequency) that make them easily located by birds and mammals, and so may attract predators to the nest. To be maintained by natural selection, such calls must also be beneficial. It is argued here that sibling competition for food during the early stages of nestling development favours locatability of begging calls, presumably because noisy nestlings attract the attention of parents. In the magpie, Pica pica, begging calls of nestlings have a wider frequency spectrum before the nestlings' eyes have opened, a trait that increases their locatability. A strategy of having locatable calls should spread if favoured by mechanisms that overcome the increased predation risk associated with such calls. Two mechanisms are proposed: increased attenuation of the signals by emphasizing higher frequencies (a feature commonly found in begging calls) and dispersion of energy over a wide time-frequency range, a trait that, because of sound degradation, probably masks the estimate of source distance by predators. This hypothesis agrees with predictions of models of intra-brood conflict: when predation costs are higher, level of solicitation (locatability) should decrease. Hole-nesting species, which have a lower risk of predation, have calls with wider frequency ranges and lower (less attenuable) medium frequencies than those of open-nesting species of a similar weight.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals during intrasexual interactions may help receivers to establish the cost and benefits of engaging in a confrontation versus avoiding the cost of escalation. Although birdsong repertoires have been previously suggested as providing information during agonistic encounters, the cost (time/neural resources) of assessing large repertoires may decrease the efficiency of the signal for mutual assessment. Acoustic-structural features may, therefore, be used to enable a fast and accurate assessment during this kind of encounters. Recently, it has been suggested that the consistency of songs may play a key role during intrasexual interactions in bird species. Using a playback experiment in a colour-ringed great tit population, we tested the hypothesis that songs differing in consistency may elicit a differential response, indicating that the signal is salient for the receivers. Great tit males clearly responded more aggressively towards highly consistent songs. Our findings, together with previous evidence of increased song consistency with age in the great tit, suggest that song consistency provides information on experience or dominance in this species, and this phenomenon may be more widespread than currently acknowledged.  相似文献   

Synchronized swimming in cetaceans has been hypothesized to play a role in affiliative processes as well as anti-predatory responses. We compared observed variation in synchronized swimming at two research sites in relation to disturbance exposure to test these two hypotheses. This study describes and quantifies pair synchronization in long-finned pilot whales at the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain and Cape Breton, Canada. Synchronization differed depending on the behavioral state and the response is different in the two sites leading to the conclusion that environment can shape the occurrence and magnitude of certain behaviors. We also analyzed intra-population variations in synchronization among 4 social units of Pilot whales in the Strait of Gibraltar and the results of this study confirmed the affiliative role of synchronization and highlighted an influence of disturbance on synchronization. We can conclude that synchronization is a common behavior in long-finned pilot whales that allow for close proximity and rapid coordinated response of individuals, with the multiple functions of showing affiliation and reacting to disturbance.  相似文献   

During mating events, females of many primate species produce loud and distinct vocalizations known as 'copulation calls'. The adaptive significance of these signals is considered to be in promoting the caller's direct reproductive success. Here, we investigated copulation calling in bonobos (Pan paniscus), a species in which females produce these vocalizations during sexual interactions with partners of both sexes. Females were more likely to call when mating with males than with females. We also observed a positive relationship between the likelihood of calling and partner rank, regardless of partner sex. Sexual activity generally increased with swelling size (an indicator of reproductive state) and, during their peak swelling, females called more with male than with female partners. Female bonobos are unusual among the non-human primates in terms of their heightened socio-sexuality. Our results suggest that in this species, copulation calls have undergone an evolutionary transition from a purely reproductive to a more general social function, reflecting the intrinsic evolutionary links between vocal behaviour and social cognition.  相似文献   

Cuckoos Cuculus canorus produce calls that consist of a repeated but variable number of syllables that has given name to the species and the family. Here we tested the hypothesis that cuckoo calls are reliable indicators of environmental and individual quality by determining the number of repeated ‘cuckoo’ syllables in calls in relation to habitat and soil, ionizing radiation, presence of a female cuckoo and local density of male cuckoos at Chernobyl, Ukraine. Males were consistent in their production of syllables, producing more syllables per call when a female or another male arrived. This increase in the number of syllables was larger in males that already produced many syllables in the absence of conspecifics, implying that males of superior quality were still able to increase the number of syllables. Males produced more syllables per call in habitats with black soil and in forests. Furthermore, they produced fewer and more aberrant syllables in radioactively contaminated areas of Chernobyl providing evidence of an effect of environmental perturbation on the number of syllables. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the number of syllables is a condition-dependent signal used for attracting mates, repelling competitors, providing information about local environmental conditions for other cuckoos, but also for humans and thus can be used by humans to infer habitat quality.  相似文献   

Novel noises can affect various animal behaviours, and changes to vocal behaviour are some of the most documented. The calls of invasive species are an important source of novel noise, yet their effects on native species are poorly understood. We examined the effects of invasive bird calls on the vocal activity of an endangered Australian finch to investigate whether: 1) native finch calling behaviour was affected by novel invasive bird calls, and 2) the calls of the finches overlapped in frequency with those of invasive birds. We exposed a wild population of black‐throated finch southern subspecies Poephila cincta cincta to the vocalisations of two invasive birds, nutmeg mannikins Lonchura punctulata and common mynas Acridotheres tristis, a synthetic ‘pink' noise, and a silent control. To determine whether the amount of black‐throated finch calling differed in response to treatments, we recorded and quantified black‐throated finch vocalisations, and assessed the amount of calling using a generalised linear mixed model followed by pairwise comparisons. We also measured, for both black‐throated finches and the stimulus noises: dominant, minimum and maximum frequency, and assessed the degree of frequency overlap between black‐throated finch calls and stimulus noises. Compared to silent controls, black‐throated finches called less when exposed to common myna calls and pink noise, but not to nutmeg mannikin calls. We also found that pink noise overlapped most in frequency with black‐throated finch calls. Common myna calls also somewhat overlapped the frequency range of black‐throated finch calls, whereas nutmeg mannikin calls overlapped the least. It is possible that masking interference is the mechanism behind the reduction in calling in response to common myna calls and pink noise, but more work is needed to resolve this. Regardless, these results indicate that the calls of invasive species can affect the behaviour of native species, and future research should aim to understand the scope and severity of this issue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   The decline in populations of several species of marsh birds in North America has prompted development of a monitoring protocol that involves the broadcast of conspecific calls to enhance detection of these secretive species. However, with a standardized protocol, temporal (seasonal) and geographic variation in responses to the broadcast of calls could lead to inadequate monitoring of migratory species with large ranges. Our objective was to examine temporal variation in the response of marsh birds to playback of conspecific calls in west-central and northern New York to determine if use of the current protocol would permit effective monitoring of their populations. From 11 April to 8 July 2005, we conducted 572 surveys at 143 survey points on 16 marshes and detected 663 individuals of our target species. Our results revealed more detections of American Bitterns ( Botaurus lentiginosus ) and Pied-billed Grebes ( Podilymbus podiceps ) early in our survey period, and more detections of Virginia Rails ( Rallus limicola ) and Least Bitterns ( Ixobrychus exil is) later in our survey period. Only 22% of Least Bitterns were detected before 28 May, whereas 76% of American Bitterns and 70% of Pied-billed Grebes were detected before 28 May. With the current recommended monitoring protocol, surveys are to be completed during a 44-day period that includes three 10-day sampling periods separated by 1 week. However, our results indicate that this protocol would lead to inadequate and inaccurate monitoring of marsh birds in New York. Given that the timing of peak detection of different species of marsh birds varies geographically, we recommend flexibility in the timing and duration of surveys so that surveys can be synchronized with location-specific peak-detection periods.  相似文献   

Mays HL  Albrecht T  Liu M  Hill GE 《Genetica》2008,134(1):147-158
Data from avian species have played a prominent role in developing and testing theories of female mate choice. One of the most prominent models of sexual selection, the "good genes" model, emphasizes the indirect benefits of female preferences for male ornaments as indicators of a potential sire's additive genetic quality. However, there is growing interest in non-additive sources of genetic quality and mate choice models for self-referential disassortative mating based on optimal levels of genetic dissimilarity. We reviewed the empirical evidence for genetic-complementarity-based female mate choice among birds. We found the evidence for such choice is mixed but in general against the genetic complementarity hypothesis. The lack of evidence for genetic complementarity in many birds may be due to an inability to make the fine distinctions among potential mates based on genes, possibly due to the comparative anosmatic nature of avian sensory system. For some species however there is compelling evidence for genetic complementarity as a criterion used in female mate choice. Understanding the ubiquity of female mate choice based on genetic complementarity and the variation in this source of female preference among and within species remains a challenge.  相似文献   

Predator—prey relationships involving rabbits and hares are widely studied at a long-term population level, while the short-term ethological interactions between one predator and one prey are less well documented. We use a physiologically-based model of hare behavior, developed in the framework of artificial intelligence studies, to analyse its sophisticated anti-predatory behavior. The hares use to stand to the fox in order to inform it that its potential prey is alerted. The behavior of the hare is characterized by specific standing and flushing distances. We show that both hare survival probability and body condition depend on habitat cover, as well as on the ability of the predator to approach—undetected—a prey. We study two anti-predatory strategies, one based on the maximization of the survival probability and the other on the maximization of the body conditions of the hare. Despite the fact that the two strategies are not independent, they are characterized by quite different behavioral patterns. Field estimates of flushing and standing distances are consistent with survival maximization. There exists an optimal anti-predatory strategy, characterized by a flushing distance of 20 m and a standing distance of 30 m, which is optimal in a large set of environmental conditions with a sharp fitness advantage with respect to suboptimal strategies. These results improve our understanding of the anti-predatory behavior of the hare and lend credibility to the optimality approach in the behavioral analysis, showing that even for complex organisms, characterized by a large network of internal constraints and feedback, it is possible to identify simple optimal strategies with a large potential for selection.  相似文献   

The courtship and mounting behavior of promiscuous tortoisesis based on a multiple signaling system that includes visual,olfactory, tactile, and acoustic signals. Vocalizations relatedto mounting seem to be particularly intriguing because tortoisesvocalize mainly at this time. Vocalizations and courtship behaviormight be costly for males, and if these costs increase differentiallyfor different males, then the potential exists for vocalizationsand displays to reveal male individual quality on which femalescould base their mate choice. In the present study, by usingindividuals breeding in seminatural enclosures, we experimentallyinvestigated whether the mounting call of male Hermann's tortoises(Testudo hermanni) represents a relevant stimulus to both malesand females. We also looked for potential preference towarddifferent acoustic stimuli in order to determine which callfeatures, if any, played a role in attracting potential partnersor deterring rivals. Females were sensitive to call playback,whereas males apparently paid little attention to playback.In addition, females showed a significant preference towardhigh-pitched calls emitted at high rate. Also, females exhibiteda strong tendency toward short-duration calls. Because callrate is related to hematocrit in Hermann's tortoise males, byresponding to fast-rate calls females are also choosing high-qualitypartners as sires of their offspring. This is the first studyin which an attractive function of tortoise vocalizations hasbeen documented.  相似文献   

We compared nestling begging calls of four hosts (reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus; great reed warbler, A. arundinaceus; dunnock, Prunella modularis; and meadow pipit, Anthus pratensis) and the respective host-races of the common cuckoo. Note structure varied between host species, but not between cuckoo host-races, so cuckoos did not vary their call note structure to match that of their hosts' chicks. Call rate increased with age, but there were marked differences between both host species and cuckoo host-races. Dunnock-cuckoos called more rapidly than reed warbler-cuckoos despite growing at the same rate. We suggest this difference reflects how cuckoos tune into the way these host species respond to begging signals from their own young, because dunnock chicks called much more rapidly than reed warbler chicks. Great reed warbler-cuckoos called at a lower rate than reed warbler-cuckoos when young, but at a greater rate when older than 8 days. This could also result from the cuckoo chicks tuning into differences in the way these hosts respond to begging signals. However, great reed warbler-cuckoos grew at a faster rate than the other cuckoo host-races, so they may also call faster to demand higher provisioning rates from this larger host. To test these hypotheses critically, data are needed on how the different host species integrate visual and vocal begging signals from their own broods. We discuss how differences in cuckoo begging might develop, given that cuckoo host-races are restricted to female cuckoo lineages. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

There are a limited number of studies dealing with abnormal behavior in caged birds kept as pets. However, these studies demonstrate the presence of abnormal behavior in both songbirds and parrots. Ethological studies on these birds, as well as studies on domestic and zoo birds, indicate that inappropriate rearing and housing conditions may lead to behavioral abnormalities. Together these data indicate that behavioral abnormalities occur among both wild-caught and domesticated pet birds. The severity and magnitude of these abnormalities is probably underestimated, and there is a need for systematic studies on the nature, origin, variability, species-specificity, and reversibility of behavioral problems in pet birds. Abnormal behavior in caged birds may to some extent be prevented and reduced by environmental enrichment. However, most enrichment studies are anecdotal and not based on a thorough analysis of the behavioral abnormalities, which may lead to measures resulting in a reduction of symptoms rather than the underlying causes. Although it is likely that several of these problems could be reduced by modifying rearing and housing conditions, the current insights into the causal mechanisms underlying abnormal behavior of domesticated and wild-caught pet birds are limited, as are the insights into the possibilities of preventing or curing abnormal behavior.  相似文献   

Predation is a powerful agent of natural selection, driving the evolution of antipredator calls [1]. These calls have been shown to communicate predator category [2-4] and/or predator distance to conspecifics [5-7]. However, the risk posed by predators depends also on predator behavior [8], and the ability of prey to communicate predator behavior to conspecifics would be a selective advantage reducing their predation risk. I tested this idea in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus), a group-living bird species. Predation by hawks, and to a lesser extent by owls, is substantial and the sole cause of mortality in adult jays [9]. By using field data and predator-exposure experiments, I show here that jays used antipredator calls for hawks depending on predator behavior. A playback experiment demonstrated that these prey-to-prey calls were specific to hawk behavior (perch, prey search, attack) and elicited distinct, situation-specific escape responses. This is the first study to demonstrate that prey signals convey information about predator behavior to conspecifics. Given that antipredator calls in jays aim at protecting kin group members [10, 11], consequently lowering their mortality [9], kin-selected benefits could be an important factor for the evolution of predator-behavior-specific antipredator calls in such systems.  相似文献   

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