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The encapsulation of proteins in porous sol-gels is a promising technique for generating, trapping, and probing functionally significant nonequilibrium protein species. An essential step needed in the pursuit of that goal is establishing the degree to which the sol-gel limits conformational change upon adding or removing substrates. In the present study, geminate recombination and solvent phase bimolecular recombination of CO to human adult hemoglobin (HbA) are used as sensitive probes of the degree of conformational constraint within the sol-gel. Two forms of CO saturated encapsulated HbA are generated. In one case, designated [COHbA], the equilibrium form of COHbA is directly encapsulated. In the second case, designated as [deoxyHbA] + CO, the equilibrium form of deoxyHbA is encapsulated and only after the sample has aged is CO introduced to the HbA through the porous sol-gel matrix. Three different preparative protocols are used to generate the sol-gels for each of the two forms of encapsulated COHbA. The kinetic traces obtained from these encapsulated samples allow for an easy evaluation of the extent to which the sol-gel is locking in the initial tertiary/quaternary structure. The results show that the sol-gel encapsulated samples can be used with pulsed laser sources and that one of the tested encapsulation protocols is far superior with respect to conformational locking. This protocol is used to trap and probe nonequilibrium forms such as the liganded T state of HbA, a species whose properties are needed to fully explore allostery in HbA.  相似文献   

In addition to interacting with hemoglobin as a heme ligand to form nitrosylhemoglobin, NO can react with cysteine sulfhydryl groups to form S-nitrosocysteine or cysteine oxides such as cysteinesulfenic acid. Both modes of interaction are very sensitive to the quaternary structure of hemoglobin. To directly view the interaction of NO with quaternary-T deoxyhemoglobin, crystallographic studies were carried out on crystals of deoxyhemoglobin that were exposed to gaseous NO under a variety of conditions. Consistent with previous spectroscopic studies in solution, these crystallographic studies show that the binding of NO to the heme groups of crystalline wild-type deoxyhemoglobin ruptures the Fe-proximal histidine bonds of the alpha-subunits but not the beta-subunits. This finding supports Perutz's theory that ligand binding induces tension in the alpha Fe-proximal histidine bond. To test Perutz's theory, deoxy crystals of the mutant hemoglobin betaW37E were exposed to NO. This experiment was carried out because previous studies have shown that this mutation greatly reduces the quaternary constraints that oppose the ligand-induced movement of the alpha-heme Fe atom into the plane of the porphyrin ring. As hypothesized, the Fe-proximal histidine bonds in both the beta- and the alpha-subunits remain intact in crystalline betaW37E after exposure to NO. With regard to S-nitrosocysteine or cysteine oxide formation, no evidence for the reaction of NO with any cysteine residues was detected under anaerobic conditions. However, when deoxyhemoglobin crystals are first exposed to air and then to NO, the appearance of additional electron density indicates that Cys93(F9)beta has been modified, most likely to cysteinesulfenic acid. This modification of Cys93(F9)beta disrupts the intrasubunit salt bridge between His146(HC3)beta and Asp94(FG1)beta, a key feature of the quaternary-T hemoglobin structure. Also presented is a reanalysis of our previous crystallographic studies [Chan, N.-L., et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 16459-16464] of the interaction of NO with liganded hemoglobin in the quaternary-R2 structure. These studies showed additional electron density at Cys93(F9)beta that was consistent with an NO adduct. However, for reasons discussed in this paper, we now believe that this adduct may be the Hb-S-N.-O-H radical intermediate and not Hb-S-N=O as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase converts heme to biliverdin, iron, and CO in a reaction with two established intermediates, alpha-meso-hydroxyheme and verdoheme. Transient kinetic studies show that the conversion of Fe(3+)-heme to Fe(3+)-verdoheme is biphasic. Electron transfer to the heme (0.11 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.49 s(-1) at 25 degrees C) followed by rapid O(2) binding yields the ferrous dioxy complex. Transfer of an electron (0.056 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.21 s(-1) at 25 degrees C) to this complex triggers the formation of alpha-meso-hydroxyheme and its subsequent O(2)-dependent fragmentation to Fe(3+)-verdoheme. The conversion of Fe(3+)-verdoheme to Fe(3+)-biliverdin is also biphasic. Thus, reduction of Fe(3+) to Fe(2+)-verdoheme (0.15 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.55 s(-1) at 25 degrees C) followed by O(2) binding and an electron transfer produces Fe(3+)-biliverdin (0.025 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.10 s(-1) at 25 degrees C). The conversion of Fe(3+)-biliverdin to free biliverdin is triphasic. Reduction of Fe(3+)-biliverdin (0.035 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.15 s(-1) at 25 degrees C), followed by rapid release of Fe(2+) (0.19 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.39 s(-1) at 25 degrees C), yields the biliverdin-enzyme complex from which biliverdin slowly dissociates (0.007 s(-1) at 4 degrees C and 0.03 s(-1) at 25 degrees C). The rate of Fe(2+) release agrees with the rate of Fe(3+)-biliverdin reduction. Fe(2+) release clearly precedes biliverdin dissociation. In the absence of biliverdin reductase, biliverdin release is the rate-limiting step, but in its presence biliverdin release is accelerated and the overall rate of heme degradation is limited by the conversion of Fe(2+)-verdoheme to the Fe(3+)-biliverdin.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for blood transfusions, the production of human hemoglobin (Hb) from sustainable sources is increasingly studied. Microbial production is an attractive option, as it may provide a cheap, safe, and reliable source of this protein. To increase the production of human hemoglobin by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the degradation of Hb was reduced through several approaches. The deletion of the genes HMX1 (encoding heme oxygenase), VPS10 (encoding receptor for vacuolar proteases), PEP4 (encoding vacuolar proteinase A), ROX1 (encoding heme-dependent repressor of hypoxic genes) and the overexpression of the HEM3 (encoding porphobilinogen deaminase) and the AHSP (encoding human alpha-hemoglobin-stabilizing protein) genes — these changes reduced heme and Hb degradation and improved heme and Hb production. The reduced hemoglobin degradation was validated by a bilirubin biosensor. During glucose fermentation, the engineered strains produced 18% of intracellular Hb relative to the total yeast protein, which is the highest production of human hemoglobin reported in yeast. This increased hemoglobin production was accompanied with an increased oxygen consumption rate and an increased glycerol yield, which (we speculate) is the yeast's response to rebalance its NADH levels under conditions of oxygen limitation and increased protein-production.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1976,15(2):115-118
Data for oxygen equilibrium curves for Hb SS erythrocytes, both before and after separation into fractions of varying density by ultracentrifugation technique, were fitted to Hill plots and the ‘n’ values, which is a measure of the heme heme interaction of the Hb molecule, were analyzed. The heme heme interaction for the bottom fractions, which consist mainly of dense deformed cells with a very high MCHC, was found to be smaller than that for the top (undeformed cells) and middle fractions or unfractioned erythrocytes. This finding indicates that the high concentration of Hb S in the dense deformed cells is associated not only with a reduced affinity for oxygen but also a reduced heme heme interaction.  相似文献   

We compare three separation techniques for preparative purposes, i.e. ion-exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose, conventional isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel slabs and immobilized pH gradients. The biological system used to test the three methods is a solution containing four hemoglobin (Hb) valence intermediates, i.e. metHb, oxyHb, (alpha + beta O2)2 and (alpha O2 beta +)2. The delta pI between the two valence intermediates is 0.04 pH units. Immobilized pH gradients give the best performance in terms of resolving power, total amount of protein which can be loaded and retention of biological activity by the protein (the latter assessed by determination of CO dissociation rates).  相似文献   

Mechanism of heme degradation by heme oxygenase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Heme oxygenase catalyzes the three step-wise oxidation of hemin to alpha-biliverdin, via alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, verdoheme, and ferric iron-biliverdin complex. This enzyme is a simple protein which does not have any prosthetic groups. However, heme and its two metabolites, alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin and verdoheme, combine with the enzyme and activate oxygen during the heme oxygenase reaction. In the conversion of hemin to alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, the active species of oxygen is Fe-OOH, which self-hydroxylates heme to form alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin. This step determines the alpha-specificity of the reaction. For the formation of verdoheme and liberation of CO from alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, oxygen and one reducing equivalent are both required. However, the ferrous iron of the alpha-meso-hydroxyheme is not involved in the oxygen activation and unactivated oxygen is reacted on the 'activated' heme edge of the porphyrin ring. For the conversion of verdoheme to the ferric iron-biliverdin complex, both oxygen and reducing agents are necessary, although the precise mechanism has not been clear. The reduction of iron is required for the release of iron from the ferric iron-biliverdin complex to complete total heme oxygenase reaction.  相似文献   

We report the ligand dependence of the conformer distribution in the distal heme pocket of Ascaris suum hemoglobin (Hb) studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The heme-bound CO is used as a spectroscopic antenna to probe the original distribution of conformers in the dioxygen derivative of Ascaris Hb, by utilizing sol-gel encapsulation. The first step is to encapsulate the dioxygen derivative in the porous sol-gel and let the gel age, thus trapping the equilibrium conformational distribution of Ascaris dioxygen Hb. In the second step, the dioxygen ligand is replaced by CO. The sol-gel environment impedes any large scale movements, drastically slowing down the conformational relaxation triggered by the ligation change, essentially "locking in" the initial quaternary and even tertiary structure of the protein. Studying the Fe-CO frequencies of the latter sample allows evaluation of the distribution of the distal heme pocket conformers that was originally associated with the dioxygen derivative. Extending the study to the Ascaris mutants allows for examination of the effect of specific residues in the distal pocket on the conformational distribution. The choice of mutants was largely based on the anticipated variation in hydrogen bonding patterns. The results show that the sol-gel encapsulation can slow or prevent re-equilibration within the distal heme pocket of Ascaris Hb and that the distribution of distal heme pocket conformers for the CO derivative of Ascaris Hb in the sol-gel is highly dependent on the history of the sample. Additionally, we report a detailed study of the CO complex of the mutants in solution for assignment of the various heme pocket conformers, and we present a comparison of the sol-gel data with solution data. The results support a picture in which the dioxygen derivative biases the population strongly toward a tightly packed configuration that favors the network of strong hydrogen bonding interactions, and suggest that Ascaris Hb is uniquely designed for dioxygen capture.  相似文献   

Washed cell suspensions of Clostridium sphenoides degraded the alpha-isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane via delta-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene and the gamma-isomer via gamma-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene. Both intermediates were further metabolized to unknown substances. The tetrachlorocyclohexene intermediates were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that a protein-bound heme adduct formed from the reaction of BrCCl3 with myoglobin was due to bonding of the proximal histidine residue through the ring I vinyl of a heme-CCl2 moiety. The present study reveals that BrCCl3 also reacts with the heme of reduced human hemoglobin to form two protein-bound heme adducts. Edman degradation and mass spectrometry provided evidence that these protein-bound heme adducts were addition products in which heme-CCL2 or heme-CCl3 were bound to cysteine residue 93 of the beta-chain of hemoglobin. It appeared that the cysteine residue was bonded regiospecifically to the ring I vinyl group of the altered heme moiety, because the nonprotein-bound products of the reaction included the beta-carboxyvinyl and alpha-hydroxy-beta-trichloromethylethyl derivatives of the ring I vinyl moiety of heme. The absorption spectra of the protein-bound adducts in both the oxidized and reduced states were highly similar to those described for hemichromes, which are thought to be involved in the formation of Heinz bodies and subsequent red cell lysis.  相似文献   

Washed cell suspensions of Clostridium sphenoides degraded the alpha-isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane via delta-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene and the gamma-isomer via gamma-3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-1-cyclohexene. Both intermediates were further metabolized to unknown substances. The tetrachlorocyclohexene intermediates were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

We report studies on loss of heme at or below pH 3.0 from two clinically important hemoglobin variants, HbE and HbS, in the presence and absence of phopholipid membranes. The kinetics of heme loss has been studied at pH 3.0 to simulate the same at a faster rate than at physiological pH, for spectroscopic investigation. Results obtained from the study clearly establish the probable fate of the lost heme to partition into the phospholipid bilayer independent of the pH range. This is also of particular importance to membranes containing the aminophospholipid and cholesterol which are predominantly localized in the inner leaflet of erythrocytes. Absorption measurements indicated such loss of heme when the Soret peak at 415 nm blue-shifted to 380 nm at pH 3.0. The extent of this blue shift decreased from 35 nm to ~15 nm in the presence of small unilammelar vesicles of both dimyristoyl- and dioleoyl-based phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, indicating partitioning of the released heme in the membrane bilayer. The kinetics of heme loss was faster from HbE than HbA and HbS, obeying first-order reaction kinetics. Released heme could be involved in the premature destruction of erythrocytes in hemoglobin disorders.  相似文献   

Coenzyme A transferases are involved in a broad range of biochemical processes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and exhibit a diverse range of substrate specificities. The YdiF protein from Escherichia coli O157:H7 is an acyl-CoA transferase of unknown physiological function, and belongs to a large sequence family of CoA transferases, present in bacteria to humans, which utilize oxoacids as acceptors. In vitro measurements showed that YdiF displays enzymatic activity with short-chain acyl-CoAs. The crystal structures of YdiF and its complex with CoA, the first co-crystal structure for any Family I CoA transferase, have been determined and refined at 1.9 and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. YdiF is organized into tetramers, with each monomer having an open alpha/beta structure characteristic of Family I CoA transferases. Co-crystallization of YdiF with a variety of CoA thioesters in the absence of acceptor carboxylic acid resulted in trapping a covalent gamma-glutamyl-CoA thioester intermediate. The CoA binds within a well defined pocket at the N- and C-terminal domain interface, but makes contact only with the C-terminal domain. The structure of the YdiF complex provides a basis for understanding the different catalytic steps in the reaction of Family I CoA transferases.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles (NPs) due to their small size and high surface area induce remarkable adverse effects on the biological systems. However, the exact mechanism by which NPs interacted with biological system and induce their adverse effects is still an enigma. Herein, the interaction of zero valent iron NPs (ZVFe NPs) with human hemoglobin (Hb) was evaluated using a variety of techniques including circular dichroism, fluorescence, and UV–visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy methods. Also, the cytotoxicity of ZVFe NPs on the human lymphocyte cell line as a model of blood system cell line was investigated by reactive oxygen species (ROS), caspase-9, and caspase-3 activities assays. It was revealed that ZVFe NP interaction resulted in heme displacement and degradation and induction of protein cabonylation. It was also shown that ZVFe NPs impaired the complexity of lymphocyte cells through ROS generation and apoptotic pathway. Together, these data suggest that NPs influence the biological system and induce adverse effects through ROS generation.  相似文献   

Recent computational and experimental probes of high-valent intermediates in heme proteins and model compounds reveal a rich spectrum of chemical behavior that is dependent on the nature of the proximal ligand, metal center, distal- and proximal-binding site environment, porphyrin macrocycle architecture, and consequent electronic structure. The results of such studies reveal an underlying complexity, which is simply understood once one is cognizant of the 'chameleon'-like behavior of such intermediates is determined by the high-valent intermediate environment.  相似文献   

Mutational study of the bacterial hemoglobin distal heme pocket   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ligand binding experiments on three mutants in the distal heme pocket of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (GlnE7His, ProE8Ala, and GlnE7His,ProE8Ala) were used to probe the role of GlnE7 and ProE8 in the pocket's unusual structure. The oxygen dissociation constants for the wild type, E8Ala mutant, and E7His mutant proteins were 4.5, 4.7, and 1.7microM, respectively; the K(d) for the double mutant was not determinable by our technique. Visible-Soret spectra of the carbonyl and cyanyl forms and FT-IR of the carbonyl form of the E8 mutant were similar to those of the wild type; the opposite was true for the GlnE7His and GlnE7His,ProE8Ala mutants, which also differed from wild type in the visible-Soret spectra of their oxidized forms. Models of the effects of the mutations on distal pocket structure were consistent with the experimental findings, particularly the larger effects of the GlnE7His change.  相似文献   

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