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正Dear Editor,Diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN)is a frequently occurring complication of diabetes.DPN is diagnosed on the basis of findings of neural electrophysiological study,such as the nerve conduction study(NCS).The most common NCS manifestations of DPN include slow velocity,prolonged latency,and decreased amplitude.Risk factors for DPN include age,hyperglycemia,dyslipidemia,smoking,atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease,peripheral arterial disease,diabetic nephropathy,and diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

Alpinia zerumbet, known popularly as "col?nia" in Northeastern Brazil, is a medicinal plant that has been used widely in folk medicine as teas and infusions for the treatment of intestinal and cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension. Our previous studies have demonstrated that the essential oil of A. zerumbet (OEAZ) is very active on excitable tissues, such as smooth muscle, and in this study we verified its effects on the compound action potential (CAP) of rat sciatic nerve. EOAZ induced a dose-dependent blockade of the CAP. Control peak-to-peak amplitude and conduction velocity of CAPs were 7.6 +/- 0.43 mV and 80.6 +/- 3.19 m/s, respectively. At 60 microg/ml, EOAZ induced no demonstrable effect. Conduction velocity was significantly reduced at 180 min of preparation exposure to 100 microg/ml of EOAZ. At 300, 600 and 2000 microg/ml doses of EOAZ, the peak-to-peak amplitudes of CAPs following 180 min exposure of the nerve to the drug were reduced significantly, to 75.3 +/- 7.36%, 50.45 +/- 2.17% and 0% respectively, of control value. Conduction velocity was reduced significantly by 300, 600 and 2000 microg/ml of EOAZ, at 180 min, to 83.61 +/- 3.28%, 64.06 +/- 8.21% and 22.7 +/- 5.79%, respectively, of control value. All these effects developed slowly and were reversible upon a 180-min wash.  相似文献   

For research as well as diagnostic applications the non-invasive detection of the activity of single motor units is of interest. The most direct information is expected to be found in monopolarly recorded data. But when an array of surface electrodes is used for the monopolar recordings of the potential distribution on the skin, in most cases an additional invasive needle electrode is utilized to detect the exact points in time when a certain motor unit is firing. With this supplementary information, an averaging of the monopolar EMG tracings can be performed. In this paper, a completely non-invasive methodology is presented which replaces the invasive needle by a spatial filtering procedure. The EMG signals from the m. biceps brachii are recorded monopolarly with an electrode array. Afterwards, a spatial filtering procedure, called normal double differentiating filter, is applied to the data. The EMG signals obtained are investigated by means of an amplitude threshold to distinguish the activity of different motor units. The point of the maximum amplitude of the selected peaks then is used as trigger point to average the monopolar EMG data. The time courses of the motor unit action potential signals found after applying the described procedure show similar shapes, while two different components are to be identified: corresponding to the spread of the excitation, one is referring to stationary, the other to travelling events. These results justify the possibility to replace the needle electrode to obtain a trigger event in the future by the non-invasive spatial filtering procedure.  相似文献   

Experiments on frog neuromuscular junctions have demonstrated that asynchrony of the acetylcholine quantal release forming the multi-quantal evoked response at high-frequency synaptic activity is caused, in particular, by a decrease in velocity of the action potential propagation along the non-myelinated nerve endings, which is mediated by activation of the α7 and α4β4 nicotinic cholinoreceptors.  相似文献   

Motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) of brachial biceps were simulated. A simulated MUAP was obtained as a sum of single fibre action potentials (SFAPs) from all the muscle fibres of a motor unit (MU). The influence of the following factors on MUAP shape for different kinds of recording electrode was studied: fibre density, neuromuscular jitter, temporal dispersion and electrode displacements. The simulation confirms that typical MUAPs recorded with needle electrodes from muscles of low fibre density such as brachial biceps are usually triphasic. Increased fibre density produces MUAPs of more complex shape and higher amplitude. Normal neuromuscular jitter is responsible for the variability of shape of subsequent potentials from the same MU as well as for electromyographic shimmer. Pathologic (increased) jitter makes the shapes of subsequent potentials unrecognizable. The influence of temporal dispersion is interconnected with other factors but rather of minor importance. The simulation shows how big changes in MUAP shape can be expected due to electrode displacements during single experiment or during estimation of MU territory.  相似文献   

Integrins are found at most or all synapses and play a variety of roles. At frog neuromuscular junctions, mechanical tension on integrins due to muscle stretch or hypertonicity causes a powerful modulation of release efficacy. Understanding the mechanism(s) of integrin-mediated modulation will likely further our understanding of mechanisms of neurotransmitter release. The modulation of evoked release with stretch occurs with no detectable delay, does not adapt, and bypasses the Ca2+ triggering step in vesicle fusion. It depends primarily on integrin bonds to native ligands and requires that one or more proteins in the link between integrins and vesicle fusion be dephosphorylated. Hypertonicity, studied in both frog and Drosophila terminals, causes a larger but slower phasic-tonic change in spontaneous release, which is also Ca2+-independent and mostly dependent on integrins, but not dependent on the phosphorylation state of molecules in its pathway of action. In Drosophila, the integrin-dependent component involves the cAMP/PKA pathway, and is absent in mutants lacking PKA. Both stretch and hypertonicity responses in frog terminals are enhanced by agents that elevate PKA levels, suggesting that, in frogs, the cAMP/PKA cascade primarily determines the size of the pool of vesicles available for release by the integrin-mediated mechanism and is not a direct intermediary in the modulation. Evoked release is affected little or even inhibited by hypertonicity. In Drosophila, the inhibition can be explained by a decrease in Ca2+ influx. The effect of hypertonicity on evoked release in frogs may similarly be a balance between mechanisms that enhance spontaneous release and those that suppress I Ca.  相似文献   

The present investigation was carried out to know the effect of Ca2+ on different peaks of compound action potential (CAP) representing the fibers having different conduction velocity. CAP was recorded from a thin bundle of nerve fibers obtained from desheathed frog sciatic nerve. Suction electrodes were used for stimulating and recording purposes. In Ca2+ -free amphibian Ringer, two distinct peaks (Peak-I and Peak-II) were observed. The threshold, conduction velocity (CV), amplitude and duration of Peak-I were 0.32 +/- 0.02 V, 56 +/- 3.0 m/sec, 2.1 +/- 0.2 mV and 0.75 +/- 0.1 ms, respectively. The Peak-II exhibited ten times greater threshold, eight times slower CV, three times lower amplitude and four times greater duration as compared to Peak-I. Addition of 2 mM Ca2+ in the bathing medium did not alter CAP parameters of Peak-I excepting 25% reduction in CV. But, in Peak-II there was 70-75% reduction in area and amplitude. The concentration-attenuation relation of Peak-II to various concentrations of Ca2+ was nonlinear and 50% depression occurred at 0.35 mM of Ca2+. Washing with Ca2+ -free solution with or without Mg2+ (2 mM)/verapamil (10 microM) could not reverse the Ca2+ -induced changes in Peak-II. Washing with Ca2+ -free solution containing EDTA restored 70% of the response. The results indicate that Ca2+ differentially influence fast and slow conducting fibers as the activity of slow conducting fibers is greatly suppressed by external calcium.  相似文献   

Large and rapid changes in light scattering accompany secretion from nerve terminals of the mammalian neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary). In the mouse, these intrinsic optical signals are intimately related to the arrival of the action potential E-wave and the release of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin (S-wave). Here we have used a high bandwidth atomic force microscope to demonstrate that these light-scattering signals are associated with changes in terminal volume that are detected as nanometer-scale movements of a cantilever positioned on top of the neurohypophysis. The most rapid mechanical response ("spike"), having a duration shorter than the action potential but comparable to that of the E-wave, represents a transient increase in terminal volume due to water movement associated with Na(+)-influx. The slower mechanical event ("dip"), on the other hand, depends upon Ca(2+)-entry as well as on intraterminal Ca(2+)-transients and, analogously to the S-wave, seems to monitor events associated with secretion.  相似文献   

An endplate potential due to potassium released by the motor nerve impulse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A small endplate potential can be recorded in frog muscle fibres, after all acetylcholine-mediated transmission has been eliminated by pre- or postsynaptic blocking agents (botulinum toxin, calcium lack, manganese, curare, alpha-bungarotoxin). It is usually necessary to hyperpolarize the muscle membrane to detect this 'non-cholinergic' endplate potential. Below--100 mV little or no response is seen; a maximum is reached at about--140 mV, when the amplitude can be as large as 100 microV (endplate current up to about 1 nA). Other characteristic features are: the response shows no quantal fluctuations; its amplitude is not facilitated by repetitive impulses; its size and time course are not noticeably affected by prostigmine, curare or alpha-bungarotoxin; the half-time of decline of the endplate current is approximately 1.7 ms at 20 degrees C, and is lengthened by lowering the temperature with a Q10 of about 1.3; the response is abolished by barium. When iontophoretic pulses of potassium are applied to the endplate, local depolarization is recorded whose amplitude varies with membrane potential similarly to that of the nerve-evoked response. These observations strongly indicate that this 'non-cholinergic', 'non-quantal' endplate potential arises from a rapid synaptic transfer of potassium ions, released by the active nerve terminal into the synaptic cleft and entering the muscle fibre through 'anomalous rectifier' channels in the endplate membrane.  相似文献   

In this theory, we propose that the action potential and the birefringence change in nerve axon are both originated from dipole reorientation at the membrane surface under stimulation. The calculation is based upon a dipole distribution in two energy bands with a population ratior. Coincidence of the action potential with the birefringence change is predicted to occur whenr is in the order of 0.1 which corresponds to severalkT for the energy separation between the two bands. Furthermore, at any value ofr, there is always a small delay of the birefringence change behind the action potential. The theory not only is in good agreement with the recent optical observations in nerve but also indicates a possible physical origin of action potential, a long unresolved problem in neurophysiology.  相似文献   

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