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Although the effects of aflatoxin on animal performance have been well established in previous studies, there are few studies reporting on the relationship between aflatoxin and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to minimize aflatoxicosis was evaluated. An aflatoxin-free diet and six contaminated diets (400 μg kg−1 aflatoxin) were formulated with five diets containing the viable yeast (Y1026 or Y904). A 28-day bioassay using 21-day-old and 60-g body weight Wistar rats was conducted. The results showed that there were no significant (P > 0.05) differences for: food consumption; daily weight gain; food conversion, and enzyme activity. Hepatic tissues from the aflatoxin control group suffered from hepatotoxicity, cellular disorganization, and hepatocyte necrosis. The inclusion of yeast or yeast and amino acids (methionine and cysteine) reduced the toxicity. A. S. Baptista received fellowship from FAPESP.  相似文献   

Summary The fidelity of translation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by a number of gene products. We have begun a molecular analysis of such genes and here describe the cloning and analysis of one of these genes, SAL3. Mutations at this locus, and at least four other unlinked loci (designated SAL1-SAL5), increase the efficiency of the tRNA ochre suppressor SUQ5, and are thus termed allosuppressors. We have cloned the SAL3 gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a sal3 mutation. Integration of the cloned sequence into the yeast chromosome was used to confirm that the SAL3 gene had been cloned. SAL3 gene is present in a single copy in the yeast genome, is transcribed into a 2.3-kb polyadenylated mRNA and encodes a protein of Mr 80 000. The size of the SAL3 gene product strongly suggests that it is not a ribosomal protein.  相似文献   

Summary In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the RAD2 gene is absolutely required for damage-specific incision of DNA during nucleotide excision repair and is inducible by DNA-damaging agents. In the present study we correlated sensitivity to killing by DNA-damaging agents with the deletion of previously defined specific promoter elements. Deletion of the element DRE2 increased the UV sensitivity of cells in both the G1/early S and S/G2 phases of the cell cycle as well as in stationary phase. On the other hand, increased UV sensitivity associated with deletion of the sequence-related element DRE1 was restricted to cells irradiated in G1/S. Specific binding of protein(s) to the promoter elements DRE1 and DRE2 was observed under non-inducing conditions using gel retardation assays. Exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents resulted in increased protein binding that was dependent on de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary We describe here a new method for the introduction of non-selectable alleles into Saccharomyces cerevisiae, gene replacement by donation. This method only requires the availability of an autonomously replicating, selectable plasmid containing the allele to be introduced into yeast. The plasmid is digested at a restriction site (or sites) within this allele, and introduced into yeast by transformation. In the course of double-strand break repair, the entering plasmid donates genetic information to the chromosome, replacing the chromosomal allele in a gene conversion-like event. Gene replacement events are identified by a phenotypic screen of the transformants. When necessary, the transforming plasmid may be subsequently lost by segregation during permissive growth. We have studied several parameters affecting the utility of this protocol as a method of gene replacement. Together with our previous results, the results show gene replacement by donation to be a useful, facile method, yielding gene replacement in up to 1.5% of transformants.  相似文献   

Summary The upstream activation site of the pyruvate decarboxylase gene, PDC1, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains an RPG box, and mediates the increase in expression of a PDC1-lacZ fusion gene during growth on glucose. Oligonucleotide replacement experiments indicate that the RPG box functions as an absolute activator of expression, but other elements (possibly CTTCC repeats) are required for carbon source regulation, and maximal expression. Gel retardation and oligonucleotide competition experiments suggest that the DNA binding factor TUF interacts with the RPG box in the upstream region of PDC1. Binding of TUF factor is not carbon source dependent in in vitro experiments, and is probably not responsible for glucose induction of PDC1 expression.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is frequently used in biotechnology, including fermentative processes in food production, heterologous protein production and high throughput developments for biomedicine. Accurate expression of selected genes is essential for all these areas. Systems that can be regulated are particularly useful because they allow controlling the timing and levels of gene expression. We examine here new expression systems that have been described, including improvements of classical ones and new strategies of artificial gene control that have been applied in functional genomics.  相似文献   

The combination of genetic, molecular and biochemical approaches have made the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae a convenient organism to study translation. The sequence similarity of translation factors from yeast and other organisms suggests a high degree of conservation in the translational machineries. This view is also strengthened by a functional analogy of some proteins implicated in translation. Beautiful genetic experiments have confirmed existing models and added new insights in the mechanism of translation. This review summarizes recent experiments using yeast as a model system for the analysis of this complex process.  相似文献   

Genetic regulation of the inducibility of sexual agglutination ability in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Detailed analysis of the degree of sexual agglutination was carried out; it showed that a greater number of genes are involved in the regulation of inducible sexual agglutination in strain H1-0 than previously assumed. Although dominancy of inducible phenotype over constitutive was confirmed, the effectiveness of one gene changing the constitutive phenotype to the inducible seemed to be somewhat low. Quantity per cell of agglutination substances responsible for sexual agglutination increased as the agglutination ability became greater.  相似文献   

Summary In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the HOM2 gene encodes aspartic semi-aldehyde dehydrogenase (ASA DH). The synthesis of this enzyme had been shown to be derepressed by growth in the presence of high concentrations of methionine. In the present work we have cloned and sequenced the HOM2 gene and found that the promoter region of this gene bears one copy of the consensus sequence for general control of amino acid synthesis. This prompted us to study the regulation of the expression of the HOM2 gene. We have found that ASA DH is the first reported enzyme of the related threonine and methionine pathway to be regulated by the general control of amino acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast transformants containing integrated copies of a galactose-regulated, ricin toxin A chain (RTA) expression plasmid were constructed and used in an attempt to isolate RTA-resistant yeast mutants. Analysis of RNA from mutant strains demonstrated that approximately half contained ribosomes that had been partially modified by RTA, although all the strains analysed transcribed full-length RTA RNA. The mutant strains could have mutations in yeast genes giving rise to RTA-resistant ribosomes or they could contain alterations within the RTA-encoding DNA causing production of mutant toxin. Ribosomes isolated from mutant strains were shown to be susceptible to RTA modification in vitro suggesting that the strains contain alterations in RTA. This paper describes the detailed analysis of one mutant strain which has a point mutation that changes serine 203 to asparagine in RTA protein. Although serine 203 lies outside the proposed active site of RTA its alteration leads to the production of RTA protein with a greatly reduced level of ribosome modifying activity. This decrease in activity apparently allows yeast cells to survive expression of RTA as only a proportion of the ribosomes become modified. We demonstrate that the mutant RTA preferentially modifies 26S rRNA in free 60S subunits and has lower catalytic activity compared with native RTA when produced in Escherichia coli. Such mutations provide a valuable means of identifying residues important in RTA catalysis and of further understanding the precise mechanism of action of RTA.  相似文献   

Protracted starvation of auxotrophic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for an essential amino acid is commonly used to allow investigation of adaptive mutation mechanisms during starvation-induced cell cycle arrest. Under these conditions, the majority of cells dies during the first 6 days. We investigated starving cells for markers of programmed cell death and for the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We observed that protracted starvation for lysine or histidine resulted in an increasing number of cells exhibiting DNA fragmentation and chromatin condensation, thus an apoptotic phenotype. Not only respiration-competent cells but also respiratory deficient rho0 cells were able to undergo programmed cell death. In addition the starving cells rapidly exhibited indicators of oxidative stress, independently of their respiratory competence. These results indicate that starvation for an essential amino acid results in severe cell stress, which may finally be the trigger of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The heme biosynthesis pathway in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a highly regulated system, but the mechanisms accounting for this regulation remain unknown. In an attempt to identify rate-limiting steps in heme synthesis, which may constitute potential regulatory points, we constructed yeast strains overproducing two enzymes of the pathway: the porphobilinogen synthase (PBG-S) and deaminase (PBG-D). Biochemical analysis of the enzyme-overproducing strains revealed intracellular porphobilinogen and porphyrin accumulation. These results indicate that both enzymes play a rate-limiting role in yeast heme biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic controller designed to control glucose feeding in a fed-batch baker's yeast process is presented. Feeding is carried out in portions and the controller determines the time at which glucose should be added and computes the size of the portion to provide the maximum glucose uptake rate. Moreover, the controller detects and prevents the occurrence of overdosage. The experimental results indicate that yield and specific growth rate obtained with the controller approached 55% and 0.13 h–1, respectively.  相似文献   

Protoplasts prepared from complementary haploid strains ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae were studied with regard to their ability of conjugating. Neither fresh protoplasts nor the growing protoplasts possessing fibrillar walls exhibited sex specific agglutination or fusion. However, they were capable of inducing sexual activation in normal cells of opposite mating type. After completing the regeneration of cell walls the protoplasts could conjugate either with each other or with cells of opposite sex. The frequency of conjugations was low, about 1%, and was largely dependent on the degree of completition of the wall during regeneration. From the results the following conclusions may be drawn: 1. The initiation of mating is dependent on the integrity of the cell wall. 2. The sex specific morphogenetic changes do not occur in wall-less protoplasts but may happen after the protoplasts have regenerated their cell walls. 3. The lysis of cell walls does not occur until the walls come into close contact. 4. The fusion of plasma membranes in sex-activated protoplasts cannot be induced by artefucial agglutination.  相似文献   

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