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For insect-pollinated plant species, reproductive success and genetic exchange via the transfer of pollen between flowers depends (i.a.) on the efficiency, abundance and behaviour of floral visitors. These in turn are expected to respond to plant population size and flower density. High floral densities for example usually attract large numbers of pollinators that visit more flowers per plant or patch, which increases pollen deposition at short distances. Thus, population characteristics might serve as indicators for pollen dispersal patterns and help to identify suitable habitat size and quality for conservation measures. To test this hypothesis, we observed floral visitors of a generalist, entomophilous species, Comarum palustre, and compared their abundance and visitation rates in populations of different sizes and flower densities. At the same time, we mimicked pollen flow using fluorescent dye. In the large and dense populations, pollinator abundance and visitation rates were high and dye was dispersed to the edges of the populations (up to 200 m). In the medium-sized population with high flower density, insect abundance and visitation rates were unexpectedly low and dye dispersal declined very quickly. On the contrary, in the smallest population with scattered flowers, especially bumble bee abundance was similar to the large populations and dye dispersal mirrored this high bumble bee activity. Thus, our results indicate that in smaller habitat fragments, the mere size of a population might be insufficient to suggest pollen flow for a plant species. Instead, the abundance of its major pollinators should be considered.  相似文献   

Outcrossing rates, pollen dispersal and male mating success were assessed in Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff, a neotropical tree endemic to the Guiana shield. All adult trees within a continuous area of 40 ha (n = 157) were mapped, and were genotyped with six microsatellite loci. In addition, progenies were genotyped from 22 mature trees. At the population level, the species was mostly outcrossing (tm = 0.89) but there was marked variation among individuals. One tree exhibited mixed mating, confirming earlier results obtained with isozymes that D. guianensis can tolerate selfing. A Bayesian extension of the fractional paternity method was used for paternity analysis, and was compared with the neighbourhood method used widely for forest trees. Both methods indicated that pollen dispersal was only weakly related to distance between trees within the study area, and that the majority (62%) of pollen came from outside the study stand. Using maximum likelihood, male potential population size was estimated to be 1119, corresponding to a neighbourhood size of 560 hectares. Male mating success was, however, related to the diameter of the stem and to flowering intensity assessed visually. The mating behaviour of D. guianensis is a combination of long-distance pollen flow and occasional selfing. The species can still reproduce when it is extremely rare, either by selfing or by dispersing pollen at long distances. These results, together with the observation that male mating success was correlated with the size of the trees, could be implemented in management procedures aiming at regenerating the species.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the molecular signatures of selection in species lacking an available closely related reference genome remains challenging, yet it may provide valuable fundamental insights into the capacity of populations to respond to environmental cues. We screened 25 native populations of the tree species Frangula alnus subsp. alnus (Rhamnaceae), covering three different geographical scales, for 183 annotated single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Standard population genomic outlier screens were combined with individual-based and multivariate landscape genomic approaches to examine the strength of selection relative to neutral processes in shaping genomic variation, and to identify the main environmental agents driving selection. Our results demonstrate a more distinct signature of selection with increasing geographical distance, as indicated by the proportion of SNPs (i) showing exceptional patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation (outliers) and (ii) associated with climate. Both temperature and precipitation have an important role as selective agents in shaping adaptive genomic differentiation in F. alnus subsp. alnus, although their relative importance differed among spatial scales. At the ‘intermediate'' and ‘regional'' scales, where limited genetic clustering and high population diversity were observed, some indications of natural selection may suggest a major role for gene flow in safeguarding adaptability. High genetic diversity at loci under selection in particular, indicated considerable adaptive potential, which may nevertheless be compromised by the combined effects of climate change and habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

  • 1 The herbivorous insects on twelve species of evergreen broadleafed trees were repeatedly sampled over a period of 11 months in a small relict forest on the east coast of South Africa. This extraordinarily speciose forest patch has an unusually high proportion of endemic tree species, some of which are extremely rare.
  • 2 The insect herbivore fauna (number of species) seems to be markedly depauperate compared to that reported on native, broadleafed trees from other parts of the world. Some possible reasons for this are discussed.
  • 3 The total number of herbivorous insect species on each tree species was strongly correlated with the local relative abundance of the host plant species.
  • 4 There was no relationship between the total number of insect herbivore species on each tree species and the relative taxonomic isolation of the trees. The proportion of seemingly unique (= specialist) herbivorous insect species (i.e. those that occurred on one tree species only) was greatest on taxonomically isolated trees.
  • 5 A fundamental deficiency in the interpretation of the data in this study, and of many other similar studies that report on the number of insect species on plants, is discussed, namely the lack of clarity on the closeness of the association between individual insect herbivore species and their respective host plants.

Paternity analysis based on eight microsatellite loci was used to investigate pollen and seed dispersal patterns of the dioecious wind-pollinated tree, Araucaria angustifolia. The study sites were a 5.4 ha isolated forest fragment and a small tree group situated 1.7 km away, located in Paranalpha State, Brazil. In the forest fragment, 121 males, 99 females, 66 seedlings and 92 juveniles were mapped and genotyped, together with 210 seeds. In the tree group, nine male and two female adults were mapped and genotyped, together with 20 seeds. Paternity analysis within the forest fragment indicated that at least 4% of the seeds, 3% of the seedlings and 7% of the juveniles were fertilized by pollen from trees in the adjacent group, and 6% of the seeds were fertilized by pollen from trees outside these stands. The average pollination distance within the forest fragment was 83 m; when the tree group was included the pollination distance was 2006 m. The average number of effective pollen donors was estimated as 12.6. Mother-trees within the fragment could be assigned to all seedlings and juveniles, suggesting an absence of seed immigration. The distance of seedlings and juveniles from their assigned mother-trees ranged from 0.35 to 291 m (with an average of 83 m). Significant spatial genetic structure among adult trees, seedlings, and juveniles was detected up to 50 m, indicating seed dispersal over a short distance. The effective pollination neighborhood ranged from 0.4 to 3.3 ha. The results suggest that seed dispersal is restricted but that there is long-distance pollen dispersal between the forest fragment and the tree group; thus, the two stands of trees are not isolated.  相似文献   

Fungi play a crucial role in the decomposition of lignin in fallen leaves but few studies have examined the functional roles of ligninolytic fungi associated with the decomposition of fallen leaves on tropical forest soils. This study examined fungal populations responsible for lignin decomposition in Castanopsis sieboldii leaves in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern Japan. Fallen leaves of C. sieboldii are characterized by the occurrence of bleached portions attributable to fungal colonization of leaf tissues and decomposition of lignin. The bleached area accounted for 29.7%, on average, of the total area of C. sieboldii fallen leaves in the study site. Leaf mass per unit area (LMA) and lignin content were lower in the bleached area than in the surrounding nonbleached area of the same leaves, indicating that removal of lignin enhanced mass loss from leaf tissues and created small-scale heterogeneity of decomposition within single leaves. An unidentified species of Lachnocladiaceae (Basidiomycetes) was isolated frequently from the bleached area and caused selective decomposition of lignin in leaves under pure culture conditions, indicating that this fungus was responsible for the bleaching. The greater hyphal length of basidiomycetes in the bleached area than in the nonbleached area supported the finding that this Lachnocladiaceae sp. was associated with the bleaching. The relatively rapid decomposition of C. sieboldii leaves on the subtropical forest soil is partly attributable to colonization of the litter by this Lachnocladiaceae sp.  相似文献   

Pollen flow, seed dispersal and individual reproductive success can be simultaneously estimated from the genotypes of adults and offspring using stochastic models. Using four polymorphic microsatellite loci, gene flow of the wind-pollinated and wind-seed-dispersed dioecious tree species, Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica, was quantified in a riparian forest, in northern Japan. In a 10.5-ha plot, 74 female adults, 76 male adults and 292 current-year seedlings were mapped and genotyped, together with 200 seeds. To estimate dispersal kernels of pollen and seeds, we applied normal, exponential power, Weibull, bivariate t-distribution kernels, and two-component models consisting of two normal distribution functions, one with a small and one with a large variance. A two-component pollen flow model with a small contribution (26.1%) from short-distance dispersal (sigma = 7.2 m), and the rest from long-distance flow (sigma = 209.9 m), was chosen for the best-fitting model. The average distance that integrated pollen flows inside and outside the study plot was estimated to be 196.8 m. Tree size and flowering intensity affected reproduction, and there appeared to be critical values that distinguished reproductively successful and unsuccessful adults. In contrast, the gene flow model that estimated both pollen and seed dispersal from established seedlings resulted in extensive seed dispersal, and the expected spatial genetic structures did not satisfactorily fit with the observations, even for the selected model. Our results advanced small-scale individual-based parentage analysis for quantifying fat-tailed gene flow in wind-mediated species, but also clarified its limitations and suggested future possibilities for gene flow studies.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of flowering phenology on pollen flow distance and spatial genetic structure in a population of a bumblebee-pollinated herb, Primula sieboldii, we investigated the flowering phenology of 1712 flowers of 97 genets in a population in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, and constructed a mating model based on the observed mating pattern, which was revealed by paternity analysis using 11 microsatellite markers. The effects of flowering phenology were inferred by comparing estimated pollen flow distance and the level of heterozygosity in the next generation between two scenarios. In the first scenario, both the intergenet distance and flowering phenology influenced mating opportunity, while in the second scenario only intergenet distance influenced mating opportunity. Although the frequency distribution of pollen flow distance at the population level did not differ significantly between the two scenarios, the mean pollen flow distance of several flowers increased by more than 10 m as a result of variation in flowering phenology. Furthermore, accounting for flowering phenology predicted change in heterozygosity in the next generation from -0.04 to 0.07. The results showed that flowering phenology can affect pollen flow distance and spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) is a protogynous beetle-pollinated savannah tree species, widely distributed in the savannahs of the Cerrado biome. Studies on the mating system and pollen dispersal of protogynous species are very scarce. Here, we used six microsatellite loci to assess the mating system and pollen dispersal of A. crassiflora in a savannah remnant in Central Brazil. We mapped and sampled leaves of 112 adult trees and collected 74 fruits from 20 mother trees (1–4 fruits per plant) to obtain the seeds used (460) for mating system and parentage analyses. Annona crassiflora has predominantly allogamous mating systems, with a high multilocus outcrossing rate (tm?=?0.974, SE?=?0.011) that did not differ among mother trees (F?=?1.32, p?=?0.165). However, tmts was variable among seed trees, indicating that some seeds were produced by mating among relatives. Our results also showed multiple paternity within fruits. Multilocus correlation of outcrossed paternity was high (rp?=?0.302, SE?=?0.045), indicating that for each mother tree, the probability that the same pollen donor sired two random sibs was 30.2%, and the mean number of pollen donors per mother tree was high (6.3). We detected a maximum pollen dispersal distance of 360.7 m and an average of 124.3 m (SD?=?80 m), but most pollination events (73%) occurred at shorter distances (<?160 m), indicating short-distance pollen dispersal, most likely due to the pollinator behaviour.  相似文献   

Fungi, especially basidiomycetes, are the primary agents of woody debris decomposition in terrestrial forest ecosystems. However, quantitative data regarding the abundance and decay activity of wood-inhabiting fungi are lacking, especially for tropical and subtropical areas. This study demonstrates the dynamics of decay columns of wood-inhabiting fungi within decaying woody debris of Castanopsis sieboldii and the wood decay activities of those fungi in a subtropical natural forest. Among six basidiomycetes and two ascomycetes observed as sporocarps on fallen boles of C. sieboldii, Microporus affinis was most abundantly observed in terms of frequency of sporocarps and as percentage area of decay columns within cross-sections of boles, especially those in the early stages of decomposition. In decay columns of M. affinis, both acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) and holocellulose decayed simultaneously, and wood relative density decreased to 45.8% of that of fresh C. sieboldii wood. A pure culture decay test under laboratory conditions showed that M. affinis was a strong decomposer of AUR and holocellulose. These results suggest that M. affinis has a central role in lignocellulose decomposition of wood of C. sieboldii in the early stages of decomposition.  相似文献   

Patterns of gas flow in the upper bronchial tree   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Subtropical forests in China constitute the major expanse of evergreen broad-leaved forest in East Asia. The significant genetic divergence of the keystone tree species should be expected due to the huge geomorphological and environmental changes from west to east in subtropical China. In this study, a total of 652 individuals from 27 populations of Castanopsis fargesii throughout its natural range in mainland China were genotyped with eight chloroplast microsatellite markers to investigate genetic diversity, population differentiation, and demographic history of C. fargesii. Phylogeographic structure among populations of C. fargesii was evidenced by the permutation test, revealing that NST was significantly higher than GST . The strong genetic differentiation found among populations was well in accordance with isolation-by-distance model. In addition, significant isolation by elevation was detected among populations. Significant genetic differentiations were revealed among the west, center, and east regions by approximate Bayesian computations (ABC). The genetic divergence might reflect the regional responses to the fast and dramatic uplift of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and Wuyi mountain range in the Pleistocene. In the present study, contraction-expansion process was detected in the west, center, and east regions, indicating that geomorphological remodeling together with climatic changes in the Pleistocene had strong impact on genetic structure of C. fargesii.  相似文献   

The comparison between historical estimates of gene flow, using variance in allelic frequencies, and contemporary estimates of gene flow, using parentage assignment, is expected to provide insights into ecological and evolutionary processes at work within and among populations. Genetic variation at six microsatellite loci was used to quantify genetic structure in the insect-pollinated, animal-dispersed, low-density tree Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz, and to derive historical estimates of gene flow. The neighbourhood size and root-mean-squared dispersal distance inferred from seedling genotypes ( N b  = 70 individuals, σ e  = 417 m) were similar to those inferred from adult genotypes ( N b  = 114 individuals, σ e  = 472 m). We also used parentage analyses and a neighbourhood model approach after an evaluation of the statistical properties of this method on simulated data. From our data, we estimated even contributions of seed- and pollen-mediated dispersal to the genetic composition of established seedlings, with both fat-tailed pollen and seed dispersal kernels, and slightly higher mean distance of pollen dispersal (248 m) as compared to seed dispersal (135 m). The resulting contemporary estimate of gene dispersal distance (σ c  = 211 m) was ∼twofold smaller than the historical estimates. Besides different assumptions and statistical nuances of both approaches, this discrepancy is likely to reflect a recent restriction in the scale of gene flow which requires manager's attention in a context of increasing forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Size at reproduction is a key aspect of species life history that is relatively understudied for long‐lived tropical trees. Here, we quantified reproductive diameter for 31 major timber species across 11 sites in Cameroon, Congo, and Central African Republic. Specifically, we examined whether (1) between‐species variability is correlated with other species traits; (2) reproductive diameter varies within‐species among sites; (3) reproductive status varies with crown exposure; and (4) the minimum cutting diameter limits (MCDL) imposed by national forest regulations enable seed trees to persist after logging operations. Consistent with studies conducted elsewhere in the tropics, we found great variability in diameter at reproduction among species, which correlated with adult stature (maximum diameter and height). For some species, reproductive diameter thresholds substantially varied between sites, and crown exposure had a significant positive effect on reproductive status. Most MCDLs were found to be suitable, with trees having a high probability of being seed trees at MCDL. Our findings have implications for the sustainable management of production forests, and they highlight questionable MCDLs for some species and between‐site variation in reproductive diameter. The study also highlights the need for long‐term phenological monitoring of tree species spanning a large range of ecological strategies to address both theoretical (species life history, allocation trade‐offs) and practical questions (MCDL).  相似文献   

Disturbances and environmental heterogeneity are two factors thought to influence plant species diversity, but their effects are still poorly understood in many ecosystems. We surveyed understory vegetation and measured tree canopy cover on permanent plots spanning an experimental fire frequency gradient to test fire frequency and tree canopy effects on plant species richness and community heterogeneity within a mosaic of grassland, oak savanna, oak woodland, and forest communities. Species richness was assessed for all vascular plant species and for three plant functional groups: grasses, forbs, and woody plants. Understory species richness and community heterogeneity were maximized at biennial fire frequencies, consistent with predictions of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. However, overstory tree species richness was highest in unburned units and declined with increasing fire frequency. Maximum species richness was observed in unburned units for woody species, with biennial fires for forbs, and with near-annual fires for grasses. Savannas and woodlands with intermediate and spatially variable tree canopy cover had greater species richness and community heterogeneity than old-field grasslands or closed-canopy forests. Functional group species richness was positively correlated with functional group cover. Our results suggest that annual to biennial fire frequencies prevent shrubs and trees from competitively excluding grasses and prairie forbs, while spatially variable shading from overstory trees reduces grass dominance and provides a wider range of habitat conditions. Hence, high species richness in savannas is due to both high sample point species richness and high community heterogeneity among sample points, which are maintained by intermediate fire frequencies and variable tree canopy cover.  相似文献   

Water-use strategies of Populus tremula and Tilia cordata, and the role of abscisic acid in these strategies, were analysed. P. tremula dominated in the overstorey and T. cordata in the lower layer of the tree canopy of the temperate deciduous forest canopy. Shoot water potential (), bulk-leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]leaf), abscisic acid concentration in xylem sap ([ABA]xyl), and rate of stomatal closure following the supply of exogenous ABA (v) decreased acropetally through the whole tree canopy, and foliar water content per area (w), concentration of the leaf osmoticum (c), maximum leaf-specific hydraulic conductance of shoot (L), stomatal conductance (gs), and the threshold dose per leaf area of the exogenous ABA (da) required to reduce stomatal conductance increased acropetally through the tree canopy (from the base of the foliage of T. cordata to the top of the foliage of P. tremula) in non-stressed trees. The threshold dose per leaf dry mass of the exogenous ABA (dw) required to reduce stomatal conductance, was similar through the tree canopy. After a drought period (3 weeks), the , w, L, gs, da and dw had decreased, and c and v had increased in both species. Yet, the effect of the drought period was more pronounced on L, gs, da, dw and v in T. cordata, and on , w and c in P. tremula. It was concluded that the water use of the species of the lower canopy layer—T. cordata, is more conservative than that of the species of the overstorey, P. tremula. [ABA]leaf had not been significantly changed in these trees, and [ABA]xyl had increased during the drought period only in P. tremula. The relations between [ABA]leaf, [ABA]xyl and the stomatal conductance, the osmotic adjustment and the shoot hydraulic conductance are also discussed.  相似文献   

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