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A new genus and new species of mantidflies, Doratomantispa burmanica n. gen., n. sp. (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), is described from Burmese amber. Diagnostic characters of the new genus are small body size, trichosors present around entire wing margin except basally, protarsus 5-segmented with paired, simple claws but no aroleum, profemur bearing six cuticular spines, inner surface of protibia with row of peg-like protrusions, Sc meets R1 in region of pterostigma, costal space greatly narrows toward wing apex, with 16 veinlets in costal space on front wing while costal veinlets on hind wing are replaced by trichosors and CuP absent in hind wing. The abdomen of the mantidfly is filled with large spheres resulting from a possible rickettsial infection. Phoretic heterostigmatid mites are adjacent to the wings of the fossil.  相似文献   

Heidi Hopkins 《ZooKeys》2014,(384):1-256
The cockroach genus Arenivaga is revised. Forty-eight Arenivaga species are recognized with nine previously known species and 39 described as new including the following: A. pagana sp. n., A. grandiscanyonensis sp. n., A. haringtoni sp. n., A. hopkinsorum sp. n., A. umbratilis sp. n., A. tenax sp. n., A. impensa sp. n., A. trypheros sp. n., A. darwini sp. n., A. nalepae sp. n., A. sequoia sp. n., A. mckittrickae sp. n., A. gaiophanes sp. n., A. belli sp. n., A. estelleae sp. n., A. delicata sp. n., A. mortisvallisensis sp. n., A. milleri sp. n., A. pratchetti sp. n., A. gumperzae sp. n., A. rothi sp. n., A. ricei sp. n., A. adamsi sp. n., A. nicklei sp. n., A. akanthikos sp. n., A. moctezuma sp. n., A. paradoxa sp. n., A. apaeninsula sp. n., A. hebardi sp. n., A. dnopheros sp. n., A. aquila sp. n., A. florilega sp. n., A. galeana sp. n., A. gurneyi sp. n., A. pumila sp. n., A. hypogaios sp. n., A. diaphana sp. n., A. nocturna sp. n., A. alichenas sp. n. All species are described or redescribed, major morphological features are illustrated, distributions are characterized, and the biology of the species is reviewed. A neotype series is designated for A. investigata Friauf & Edney.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epipanfilovia oviformis gen. et sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Panfiloviidae) is described from the Middle Jurassic locality of Daohugou (Inner Mongolia, China) based on six specimens. A revised diagnosis of this family is provided. It includes two genera, Panfilovia Makarkin and Epipanfilovia gen. nov.; Osmylogramma Ponomarenko is removed from the family. Panfiloviidae is most closely related to another Jurassic family Grammolingiidae, and both are provisionally assigned to the superfamily Osmyloidea.  相似文献   

Xin Sun  Yu Li 《ZooKeys》2014,(439):19-26
A new collembolan species is described, Spinonychiurus sinensis sp. n., which has seven chaetae in the distal row of the tibiotarsi. It is placed in the genus Spinonychiurus due to two important characters: the two subsegments on Abd. III sternum and the absence of d0 on the head. This is the first report of the genus Spinonychiurus in China. The diagnosis of Spinonychiurus is broadened and the key to the world species is provided.  相似文献   

Yun Bu  Yan Gao 《ZooKeys》2015,(534):55-60
The genus Paratullbergia Womersley, 1930 is recorded for the first time from China. Paratullbergia changfengensis sp. n. from Shanghai is described and illustrated. It is characterized by the presence of 1+1 pseudocelli on thoracic segment I, with two pairs of pseudocelli on each of thoracic segments II and III, presence of seta px on abdominal segment IV, seta a2 and p4 on abdominal segment V as microsetae, and less differentiated sensory seta p3 on abdominal segment V. Both sexes present. The new species can be easily distinguished from its congeners by the presence of pseudocelli on thoracic segment I. An updated key to the world species of the genus Paratullbergia is provided.  相似文献   

Stenobiella variolasp. n., a new species of beaded lacewing (Neuroptera: Berothidae), is described and figured from south-eastern Australia. A preliminary key to Stenobiella species is presented.  相似文献   

Pachygnatha kiwuana Strand, P. leleupi Lawrence, P. longipes Simon. P. mucronata Tullgren, P. palmqvisti Tullgren, P. ruanda Strand and Dyschiriognatha argyrostilba (O.-P. Cambridge, 1876) (junior synonym: D. atlantica Holm, 1969) are redescribed. Puchygnutha hexutrucheutu, P. zuppu, P. procincta, P. okuensis, P. utromurginata, P. jansseni, P., goedeli, P. opdmwrdiue and Glenognatha smilodon, all species collected during the Belgian Cameroon expeditions, arc described as new. A key for all Afrotropical species is presented.  相似文献   

Poinar G  Huber JT 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):461-472
Myanmymar aresconoidesgen n., sp. n. is described from one female in Burmese amber, dated as about 100 my. It is similar to Arescon on wing features but is unique among Mymaridae in having distinctly segmented palpi. It is the fifth mymarid genus definitely referable to the Cretaceous period. A key to Cretaceous mymarid genera is presented and the features of Myanmymar are compared with the other Cretaceous and extant mymarid genera.  相似文献   


The larval stages of the genus Kempynus Navás, 1912 Navás, L. (1912), ‘Insectos neurópteros nuevos o poco conocidos’, Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona, 10, 135202. [Google Scholar] (probably K. falcatus Navás, 1912 Navás, L. (1912), ‘Insectos neurópteros nuevos o poco conocidos’, Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona, 10, 135202. [Google Scholar] based on the presence of synchronic and sympatric adults) are described for the Neotropical Region for the first time, and the larval stages of Isostenosmylus pulverulentus (Gerstaecker, 1893 Gerstaecker, C.E.A. (1893), ‘Ueber neue und weniger gekannte Neuropteren aus der familie Megaloptera Burm’, Mitt[h]eilungen aus dem Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein für Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen, 25, 93173. [Google Scholar]) are redescribed. The external morphology of third-instar larvae of both species and their habitats are described and compared. Kempynus sp. is a water-dependent species and can be considered semi-aquatic, whereas I. pulverulentus larvae are terrestrial and live in undergrowth vegetation. The first key to identification of Neotropical Osmylidae larvae is provided, based on third-instar larvae of both species.  相似文献   

Prior to this study, the genus Heraeus Stål, 1862 included 14 species, all of which are restricted to the Western Hemisphere. Three species are known from the Nearctic Region, nine from the Neotropical Region, and two mainly tropical elements are distributed in both regions. In this contribution, we consider Heraeus cincticornis Stål, 1874 a junior synonym of Heraeus elegans (Walker, 1873), select a lectotype for Heraeus coquilletti Barber, 1914, and neotype for Lygaeus triguttatus Guérin‐Méneville, 1857, and describe 28 new species. In addition, the two new genera, Baranowskiobius gen. nov., to include H. elegans (Baranowskiobius elegans comb. nov.) and two new species, and Paraheraeus gen. nov., to include Heraeus eximius Distant, 1882 (Paraheraeus eximius comb. nov.), are described. Previously described species and new taxa are (re)described and illustrated, including male genitalia. Scanning electron micrographs, general habitus photographs, and distribution maps are included for all species studied. A phylogenetic analysis comprising 46 terminal taxa and 50 morphological characters was performed, and five species groups were hypothesized, including the coquilletti, caliginosus, guttatus, illitus, and plebejus groups. All known species of Heraeus and the new genera are included in the phylogenetic analysis. The type species of the genera Myodocha Latreille, 1807, Orthaea Dallas, 1852, and Paisana Dellapé, 2008 are used as out‐groups.  相似文献   

Eumantispa spp. usually show markedly asymmetrical wing venation, and this character is used in defining the genus. This is illustrated and discussed in relation to fluctuating asymmetry, which is used as a measure of environmental stress. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Ma J  Wang Y  O'Neill NR  Zhang XG 《Mycologia》2011,103(2):407-410
Lomaantha phragmitis sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a specimen collected on dead culms of Phragmites communis in southern China. The fungus differs from other described Lomaantha species in its conidiophores, conidiogenous cells and conidial appendages. Conidial morphology and presence or absence of percurrent proliferation of conidiogenous cells are the main characters distinguishing species within this genus. We provided a key and synoptic table of morphological characters of all three Lomaantha species.  相似文献   

Winterton SL  Gharali B 《ZooKeys》2011,(138):75-92
An unusual new genus of Scenopinidae, Iranotrichia gen. n., comprising two newly discovered species (Iranotrichia insolita sp. n. and Iranotrichia nigra sp. n.), is described from Iran. Iranotrichia gen. n. are scenopinine window flies with a habitus reminiscent of certain bee fly genera (Bombyliidae), based on colouration and elongate mouthparts and antennae. The phylogenetic placement of this distinctive new genus is discussed and a dichotomous key to world genera is presented. The genus name Kelseyana nom. n. is proposed to replace Caenoneura Kröber, 1924, which was found to be preoccupied by Thomson (1870: 270) (Hymenoptera) and Kirby (1890: 136) (Odonata).  相似文献   

Five previously described species of Dhatrichia Mosely, 1948 are recognized: D. inasa Mosely, 1948 from Yemen; D. bipunctata Statzner, 1977 from Zaire; D. lerabae (Gibon, Guenda & Coulibaly, 1994) comb. n. from Burkina Faso and Ghana; and D. cinyra Wells & Andersen, 1995 and D. divergenta Wells & Andersen, 1995 from Tanzania. A sixth species D. feredougoubae Gibon, 1987 from the Ivory Coast and Ghana is transferred to Microptila Ris, 1897 comb. n. In addition, nine new species are described and illustrated as males: D. ankasaensis sp. n., D. botiensis sp. n., D. hunukani sp. n., D. minuta sp. n., D. paraminuta sp. n. and D. wliensis sp. n. from Ghana, D. anderseni sp. n. from Tanzania, and D. madagascarensis sp. n. and D. giboni sp. n. from Madagascar. Females are associated, described and illustrated for all species, except D. inasa and D. giboni. The larvae and pupae of D. ankasaensis, D. hunukani, D. lerabae, D. minuta and D. wliensis are described and illustrated as the first known immatures of the genus. Keys to known larvae, pupae, males and females are provided. A phylogenetic analysis of the genus revealed four species groups. The most plesiomorphous taxa are West African, followed by East African and Malagasian taxa. A sister group relationship between the Eburneo–Ghanean and the Sudanian biogeographical regions is encountered twice. Among several possible sister taxa, the sister group turned out to be Kumanskiella Harris & Flint, 1992 and Microptila Ris, 1897 in part, combined. Implications for generic classification and biogeography are outlined. A morphometric principal component analysis revealed good separation of the sexes by the number and shape of antennal segments, and by eye size. Other measures are strongly dependent on overall size, and show best separation of females between species and species groups. A functional fit between male inferior appendages and secondary sexual characters in female sternite VIII is demonstrated for all species with associated females.  相似文献   

The Australian harvestmen genus Megalopsalis (Neopilionidae: Enantiobuninae) is recognised as a senior synonym of the genera Spinicrus and Hypomegalopsalis, and seven new species are described in Megalopsalis: Megalopsalis suffugiens, Megalopsalis walpolensis, Megalopsalis caeruleomontium, Megalopsalis atrocidiana, Megalopsalis coronata, Megalopsalis puerilis and Megalopsalis sublucens. A morphological phylogenetic analysis of the Enantiobuninae is also conducted including the new species. Monophyly of Neopilionidae and Enantiobuninae including ‘Monoscutidae’ is corroborated, with the Australasian taxa as a possible sister clade to the South American Thrasychirus.  相似文献   

The transversely-dividing flabellids consist of five genera (Truncatoflabellum, Placotrochides, Blastotrochus, Placotrochus, and Falcatoflabellum) and 45 species. A dichotomous key is provided for these five genera as well as the species of the genus Truncatoflabellum and Placotrochides, the other three genera being monotypic. A tabular key is also provided for the 38 species of Truncatoflabellum. Two new combinations are suggested (Truncatoflabellum gambierense and Truncatoflabellum sphenodeum) and two new species are described (Truncatoflabellum duncani and Truncatoflabellum mozambiquensis). All but one species are illustrated and accompanied by their known distribution and a guide to the pertinent literature for the species. New records of 19 of the 45 species are listed. The transversely-dividing flabellids range from the Middle Eocene to the Recent at depths of 2–3010 m, and constitute 60% of the 65 known extant species of transversely-dividing Scleractinia.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A taxonomic review of the waspfish genus Neocentropogon Matsubara 1943 (Tetrarogidae), diagnosed by the following combination of characters: body sparsely covered with...  相似文献   

Two new species, Parasapyga boschi sp. n. from Vietnam and P. yvonnae sp. n. from Indonesia are described. Parasapyga walshae van der Vecht, 1940, is treated as a valid species instead of a subspecies of P. moelleri Turner, 1910. A key to the species of the genus is added and all species are illustrated.  相似文献   

We redefine the genus Orthaea Dallas and redescribe O. consuta and O. procincta. Two new species are described, O. meloae from Colombia and O. montana from Peru. A new genus, Neomyocoris, is created to accommodate O. arnaudi Brailovsky. A key to the species of Orthaea and illustrations of male genitalia of O. consuta, O. procincta, O. montana and N. arnaudi n. comb. are provided. Photographs of scanning microscope and habitus are given.  相似文献   

Pinnaticoemansia coronantispora gen. sp. nov. (Kickxellaceae, Kickxellales) is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by imparipinnate sporocladia (sporocladia arranged in pairs), sporangiospores with a three-lobed corona, and the germination pattern of sporangiospores with downward hyphal growth and repeated dichotomy. The key to the genera of Kickxellales by Kurihara et al. (2001) is revised based on the observation of the germination pattern of this fungus in comparison with that of Asellariales.  相似文献   

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