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The outcome following injury can be healing, scarring or regeneration, all of which initiate within a resolving inflammatory response. Regeneration, comprising the complete anatomical and functional restoration of lost tissue with minimal residual consequence of injury, is the outcome that most holistically restores prior function. Leukocytes are recognized as playing an important role in determining the balance between fully regenerative or only partially reparative outcomes. Although macrophages have attracted considerable attention for their capacity to direct pro-regenerative outcomes, neutrophils are also key players in initiating inflammation and in influencing its ensuing outcome. In the context of prior studies investigating the role of neutrophils and macrophages in wound healing and in tissue/organ regeneration (mostly wound repair/healing models in mice), we comprehensively review the experimental possibilities that zebrafish models offer for delineating the individual and interactive contributions of neutrophils and macrophages to the regenerative process in embryos and adults. Zebrafish are a highly regenerative vertebrate and have a myeloid system very analogous to that of less-regenerative mammalian models. There are well-characterized reporter lines for imaging and distinguishing neutrophil and macrophage behaviors in vivo, and tools enabling selective, independent manipulation of these two leukocyte lineages for functional studies. Zebrafish are an attractive model for delineating neutrophil and macrophage contributions not only to regeneration, but also to many other pathological processes.This article is part of a directed issue entitled: Regenerative Medicine: the challenge of translation.  相似文献   

Here, we used classical genetics in zebrafish to identify temperature-sensitive mutants in caudal fin regeneration. Gross morphological, histological, and molecular analyses revealed that one of these strains, emmental (emm), failed to form a functional regeneration blastema. Inhibition of emm function by heat treatment during regenerative outgrowth rapidly blocked regeneration. This block was associated with reduced proliferation in the proximal blastema and expansion of the nonproliferative distal blastemal zone. Positional cloning revealed that the emm phenotype is caused by a mutation in the orthologue of yeast sly1, a gene product involved in protein trafficking. sly1 is upregulated in the newly formed blastema as well as during regenerative outgrowth. Thus, sly1 is essential for blastemal organization and proliferation during two stages of fin regeneration.  相似文献   

Hox genes are re-expressed during regeneration in many species. Given their important role in body plan development, it has been assumed, but not directly shown, that they play a functional role in regeneration. In this paper we show that morpholino-mediated knockdown of either Hoxc13a or Hoxc13b during the process of zebrafish tail fin regeneration results in a significant reduction of regenerative outgrowth. Furthermore, cellular proliferation within the blastema is directly affected in both knockdowns. Hence, similar to the demonstration of unique functions of multiple Hox genes during limb formation, both Hoxc13 orthologs have distinct functions in regeneration.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix plays a dynamic role during the process of wound healing, embryogenesis and tissue regeneration. Caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish is an excellent model to study tissue and skeletal regeneration. We have analyzed the expression pattern of some of the well characterized ECM proteins during the process of caudal fin regeneration in zebrafish. Our results show that a transitional matrix analogous to the one formed during newt skeletal and heart muscle regeneration is synthesized during fin regeneration. Here we demonstrate that a provisional matrix rich in hyaluronic acid, tenascin C, and fibronectin is synthesized following amputation. Additionally, we observed that the link protein Hapln1a dependent ECM, consisting of Hapln1a, hyaluronan and proteoglycan aggrecan, is upregulated during fin regeneration. Laminin, the protein characteristic of differentiated tissues, showed only modest change in the expression pattern. Our findings on zebrafish fin regeneration implicates that changes in the extracellular milieu represent an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that proceeds during tissue regeneration, yet with distinct players depending on the type of tissue that is involved.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(24):4543-4550
R-spondin (Rspo) encodes a multi-domain protein that modulates the Wnt-signaling pathway. Two distinct rspo2 zebrafish mutants were generated by TALEN-mediated mutagenesis: a null mutant, rspo2null, lacking all functional domains, and a hypomorphic mutant, rspo2tsp, lacking the two N-terminal domains. Mutants were analyzed mainly for abnormalities in the skeletal system. Fin ray skeletons were formed normally in the rspo2tsp mutants, but were absent from the rspo2null mutants. Hypoplasia of the neural/hemal arches and ribs was observed in both mutants. Thus, the two rspo2 mutants help to identify the functions of Rspo2 in skeletogenesis, as well as functional differences among multiple Rspo2 domains.  相似文献   

The fins of actinopterygian can regenerate following amputation. Classical papers have shown that the ray, a structural unit of these fins, might regenerate independent of this appendage. Each fin ray is formed by two apposed contralateral hemirays. A hemiray may autonomously regenerate and segmentate in a position-independent manner. This is observed when heterotopically grafted into an interray space, after amputation following extirpation of the contralateral hemiray or when simply ablated. During this process, a proliferating hemiblastema is formed, as shown by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, from which the complete structure will regenerate. This hemiblastema shows a patterning of gene expression domain similar to half ray blastema. Interactions between contralateral hemiblastema have been studied by recombinant rays composed of hemirays from different origins on the proximo-distal or dorso-ventral axis of the caudal fin. Dye 1,1′-dioctadecyl-3,3,3′,3′-tetramethylindocarbocianine perchlorate labeling of grafted tissues was used as tissular marker. Our results suggest both that there are contralateral interactions between hemiblastema of each ray, and that hemiblastema may vary its morphogenesis, always differentiating as their host region. These non-autonomous, position-dependent interactions control coordinated bifurcations, segment joints and ray length independently. A morphological study of the developing and regenerating fin of another long fin mutant zebrafish suggests that contralateral hemiblastema interactions are perturbed in this mutant.  相似文献   

Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation and chromatin modifications are critical for regulation of spatiotemporal gene expression during development. In mammals, the de novo-type DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts), Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are responsible for the creation of DNA methylation patterns during development. In addition to developmental processes, we recently showed that DNA methylation levels are dynamically changed during zebrafish fin regeneration, suggesting that the de novo-type Dnmts might play roles in the regulation of gene expression during regeneration processes. Here, we showed the detailed expression profiles of three zebrafish dnmt genes (dnmt3aa, dnmt3ab, and dnmt4), which were identified as the orthologues of mammalian dnmt3a and dnmt3b, during embryonic and larval development, as well as fin regeneration processes. dnmt3aa and dnmt3ab are expressed in the brain, pharyngeal arches, pectoral fin buds, intestine, and swim bladder; the specific expression of dnmt3aa is observed in the pronephric duct during larval development. dnmt4 expression is observed in the zona limitans intrathalamica, midbrain–hindbrain boundary, ciliary marginal zone, pharyngeal arches, auditory capsule, pectoral fin buds, intestine, pancreas, liver, and hematopoietic cells in the aorta–gonad–mesonephros and caudal hematopoietic tissue from 48 to 72 h post-fertilization. Furthermore, during fin regeneration, strong dnmt3aa expression, and faint dnmt3ab and dnmt4 expression are detected in blastema cells at 72 h post-amputation. Taken together, our results suggest that zebrafish Dnmt3aa, Dnmt3ab, and Dnmt4 may play roles in the formation of various organs, such as the brain, kidney, digestive organs, and/or hematopoietic cells, as well as in the differentiation of blastema cells.  相似文献   

Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs) are cytosolic phosphoproteins that are functionally important during vertebrate development. We have generated a zebrafish gene trap line that produces fluorescently tagged Crmp1 protein, which can be dynamically tracked in living fish at subcellular resolution. The results show that Crmp1 is expressed in numerous sites in the developing nervous system. Early expression is apparent in the forebrain, epiphysis, optic tectum and the developing spinal cord. In the larval brain, Crmp1 is expressed in several distinct brain regions, such as the telencephalon, habenula and cerebellum. In addition, it is expressed in the spinal cord in a manner that persists in the larva. The results suggest that this Crmp1 protein trap line offers a powerful tool to track selected neuronal populations at high resolution.  相似文献   

A major issue in regenerative medicine is the control of progenitor cell mobilisation. Apoptosis has been reported as playing a role in cell plasticity, and it has been recently shown that apoptosis is necessary for organ and appendage regeneration. In this context, we explore its possible mode of action in progenitor cell recruitment during adult regeneration in zebrafish. Here, we show that apoptosis inhibition impairs blastema formation and nerve growth, both of which can be restored by exogenous adenosine acting through its A2B receptor. Moreover, adenosine increases the number of progenitor cells. Purinergic signalling is therefore an early and essential event in the pathway from lesion to blastema formation and provides new targets for manipulating cell plasticity in the adult.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11302-014-9420-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In zebrafish, mutations in the gap junction gene connexin43 lead to short bony fin ray segments that give rise to the short fin phenotype. The sofb123 mutant exhibits fins that are half the length of wild-type fins and have reduced levels of cx43 mRNA. We find that sofb123 regenerating fins exhibit reduced levels of cell proliferation. Interestingly, the number of dividing cells per unit length of fin growth is similar between wild-type and mutant fins, suggesting that the number of cells that enter the cell cycle is specifically affected in sofb123. Expression of cx43 is identified in mitotic cells, which further suggests that Cx43 may contribute to establishing or maintaining the population of dividing cells. Indeed, missense alleles exhibiting high or low levels of gap junctional communication reveal a correlation between defects in direct cell-cell communication, cell proliferation, and segment length. Finally, targeted gene knockdown of cx43 in adult regenerating fins recapitulates the sofb123 phenotype, revealing that the loss of Cx43 is sufficient to reduce both cell proliferation and segment length. We hypothesize that the level of gap junctional intercellular communication among dividing cells regulates the level of cell proliferation and ultimately regulates bone growth.  相似文献   

The development of transgenesis in axolotls is crucial for studying development and regeneration as it would allow for long-term cell fate tracing as well as gene expression analysis. We demonstrate here that plasmid injection into the one-cell stage axolotl embryo generates mosaic transgenic animals that display germline transmission of the transgene. The inclusion of SceI meganuclease in the injections (Thermes, V., Grabher, C., Ristoratore, F., Bourrat, F., Choulika, A., Wittbrodt, J., Joly, J.S., 2002. I-SceI meganuclease mediates highly efficient transgenesis in fish. Mech. Dev. 118, 91-98) resulted in a higher percentage of F0 animals displaying strong expression throughout the body. This represents the first demonstration in the axolotl of germline transmission of a transgene. Using this technique we have generated a germline transgenic animal expressing GFP ubiquitously in all tissues examined. We have used this animal to study cell fate in the dorsal fin during development. We have uncovered a contribution of somite cells to dorsal fin mesenchyme in the axolotl, which was previously assumed to derive solely from neural crest. We have also studied the role of blood during tail regeneration by transplanting the ventral blood-forming region from GFP+ embryos into unlabeled hosts. During tail regeneration, we do not observe GFP+ cells contributing to muscle or nerve, suggesting that during tail regeneration blood stem cells do not undergo significant plasticity.  相似文献   



Unlike mammals, zebrafish have the ability to regenerate damaged parts of their central nervous system (CNS) and regain functionality of the affected area. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in zebrafish regeneration may therefore provide insight into how CNS repair might be induced in mammals. Although many studies have described differences in gene expression in zebrafish during CNS regeneration, the regulatory mechanisms underpinning the differential expression of these genes have not been examined.


We used microarrays to analyse and integrate the mRNA and microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles of zebrafish retina after optic nerve crush to identify potential regulatory mechanisms that underpin central nerve regeneration. Bioinformatic analysis identified 3 miRNAs and 657 mRNAs that were differentially expressed after injury. We then combined inverse correlations between our miRNA expression and mRNA expression, and integrated these findings with target predictions from TargetScan Fish to identify putative miRNA-gene target pairs. We focused on two over-expressed miRNAs (miR-29b and miR-223), and functionally validated seven of their predicted gene targets using RT-qPCR and luciferase assays to confirm miRNA-mRNA binding. Gene ontology analysis placed the miRNA-regulated genes (eva1a, layna, nefmb, ina, si:ch211-51a6.2, smoc1, sb:cb252) in key biological processes that included cell survival/apoptosis, ECM-cytoskeleton signaling, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding,


Our results suggest a key role for miR-29b and miR-223 in zebrafish regeneration. The identification of miRNA regulation in a zebrafish injury model provides a framework for future studies in which to investigate not only the cellular processes required for CNS regeneration, but also how these mechanisms might be regulated to promote successful repair and return of function in the injured mammalian brain.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1772-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Zebrafish fins grow by sequentially adding new segments of bone to the distal end of each fin ray. In wild type zebrafish, segment addition is regulated such that an isometric relationship is maintained between fin length and body length over the lifespan of the growing fish. Using a novel, surrogate marker for fin growth in conjunction with cell proliferation assays, we demonstrate here that segment addition is not continuous, but rather proceeds by saltation. Saltation is a fundamental growth mechanism shared by disparate vertebrates, including humans. We further demonstrate that segment addition proceeds in conjunction with cyclic bursts of cell proliferation in the distal fin ray mesenchyme. In contrast, cells in the distal fin epidermis proliferate at a constant rate throughout the fin ray growth cycle. Finally, we show that two separate fin overgrowth mutants, long fin and rapunzel, bypass the stasis phase of the fin ray growth cycle to develop asymmetrical and symmetrical fin overgrowth, respectively.  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, teleost fish are able to mount an efficient and robust regenerative response following optic nerve injury. Although it is clear that changes in gene expression accompany axonal regeneration, the extent of this genomic response is not known. To identify genes involved in successful nerve regeneration, we analyzed gene expression in zebrafish retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) regenerating their axons following optic nerve injury. Microarray analysis of RNA isolated by laser capture microdissection from uninjured and 3-day post-optic nerve injured RGCs identified 347 up-regulated and 29 down-regulated genes. Quantitative RT-PCR and in situ hybridization were used to verify the change in expression of 19 genes in this set. Gene ontological analysis of the data set suggests regenerating neurons up-regulate genes associated with RGC development. However, not all regeneration-associated genes are expressed in differentiating RGCs indicating the regeneration is not simply a recapitulation of development. Knockdown of six highly induced regeneration-associated genes identified two, KLF6a and KLF7a, that together were necessary for robust RGC axon re-growth. These results implicate KLF6a and KLF7a as important mediators of optic nerve regeneration and suggest that not all induced genes are essential to mount a regenerative response.  相似文献   

Zebrafish possess a robust, innate CNS regenerative ability. Combined with their genetic tractability and vertebrate CNS architecture, this ability makes zebrafish an attractive model to gain requisite knowledge for clinical CNS regeneration. In treatment of neurological disorders, one can envisage replacing lost neurons through stem cell therapy or through activation of latent stem cells in the CNS. Here we review the evidence that radial glia are a major source of CNS stem cells in zebrafish and thus activation of radial glia is an attractive therapeutic target. We discuss the regenerative potential and the molecular mechanisms thereof, in the zebrafish spinal cord, retina, optic nerve and higher brain centres. We evaluate various cell ablation paradigms developed to induce regeneration, with particular emphasis on the need for (high throughput) indicators that neuronal regeneration has restored sensory or motor function. We also examine the potential confound that regeneration imposes as the community develops zebrafish models of neurodegeneration. We conclude that zebrafish combine several characters that make them a potent resource for testing hypotheses and discovering therapeutic targets in functional CNS regeneration. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Zebrafish Models of Neurological Diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Crayfish haemolymph contains three types of haemocytes with cytoplasmic granules: coagulocytes, granulocytes and amoebocytes. Muscle degeneration was induced by either a gross mechanical injury or a mild puncture injury of m. extensor carpopoditi. Granulocytes and amoebocytes were involved in the phagocytosis of disintegrating muscle fibres. Within three weeks after the gross injury the first myotubes were found. The formation of regenerated fibres started before the degenerating material was removed completely. Mild injury resulted in the formation of contraction clots, localized at the ends of a fibre and connected to a persistent external lamina in the form of an empty sheath. The external lamina sheaths were invaded by amoebocytes. They arranged themselves into a superficial layer similar to an epithelium, formed gap junctions and zonulae adherentes, and showed an increase in the number of cytoplasmic microtubules. These transformed haemocytes retained their ability to engulf material of the disintegrating fibre. In about three weeks the number of microtubules in the transformed haemocytes decreased, and newly formed contractile filaments appeared. Satellite cells are present along the normal crayfish muscle fibres. Following their activation in degenerated material, they might conceivably induce the transformation of haemocytes into myogenic cells.  相似文献   

Sox2 has been variously implicated in maintenance of pluripotent stem cells or, alternatively, early stages of cell differentiation, depending on context. In the developing inner ear, Sox2 initially marks all cells in the nascent sensory epithelium and, in mouse, is required for sensory epithelium formation. Sox2 is eventually downregulated in hair cells but is maintained in support cells, the functional significance of which is unknown. Here we describe regulation and function of sox2 in the zebrafish inner ear. Expression of sox2 begins after the onset of sensory epithelium development and is regulated by Atoh1a/b, Fgf and Notch. Knockdown of sox2 does not prevent hair cell production, but the rate of accumulation is reduced due to sporadic death of differentiated hair cells. We next tested the capacity for hair cell regeneration following laser ablation of mature brn3c:gfp-labeled hair cells. In control embryos, regeneration of lost hair cells begins by 12 h post-ablation and involves transdifferentiation of support cells rather than asymmetric cell division. In contrast, regeneration does not occur in sox2-depleted embryos. These data show that zebrafish sox2 is required for hair cell survival, as well as for transdifferentiation of support cells into hair cells during regeneration.  相似文献   

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