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With a view to obtain 13C chemical shift correlation spectra of uniformly labelled peptides/proteins at high magnetic fields and high magic angle spinning frequencies (r/2 20 kHz), the efficacy of RFDR with adiabatic inversion pulses has been assessed via numerical simulations and experimental measurements employing different adiabatic pulse phasing schemes, shapes and durations. It is demonstrated that homonuclear dipolar recoupling with superior performance under resonance offset and H 1 inhomogeneity effects and without strong dependence on the 13C chemical shift differences can be achieved with adiabatic pulses. It is shown that 13C chemical shift correlation spectra in the entire range of carbon chemical shifts can be obtained efficiently with short adiabatic inversion pulses. In situations where correlation spectra of only the aliphatic region are required, the possibility for minimising the interference between the recoupling and decoupling RF fields with long adiabatic pulses, at low recoupling power levels and without compromising the broadband RFDR characteristics, is also indicated.  相似文献   

At high magic angle spinning (MAS) frequencies the potential of tanh/tan adiabatic RF pulse schemes for 13C chemical shift correlation without 1H decoupling during mixing has been evaluated. It is shown via numerical simulations that a continuous train of adiabatic 13C inversion pulses applied at high RF field strengths leads to efficient broadband heteronuclear decoupling. It is demonstrated that this can be exploited effectively for generating through-bond and through-space, including double-quantum, correlation spectra of biological systems at high magnetic fields and spinning speeds with no 1H decoupling applied during the mixing period. Experiments carried out on a polycrystalline sample of histidine clearly suggest that an improved signal to noise ratio can be realised by eliminating 1H decoupling during mixing.  相似文献   

It is shown that it is possible to effectively execute RFDR experiments with adiabatic inversion pulses and obtain resonance offset compensation that is superior to what can be achieved by conventional rectangular pulses. Employing 40-s tanh/tan adiabatic pulses at a power level of 38 kHz and a spinning speed of 12 kHz it is demonstrated that the range of resonance offset compensation achieved is sufficient to generate, via a single experiment, homonuclear chemical shift correlation spectra in the entire 13C chemical shift range in peptides/proteins at the currently available field strengths.  相似文献   

The efficacy of RNn symmetry-based adiabatic Zero-Quantum (ZQ) dipolar recoupling schemes for obtaining chemical shift correlation data at moderate magic angle spinning frequencies has been evaluated. RNn sequences generally employ basic inversion elements that correspond to a net 180° rotation about the rotating frame x-axis. It is shown here via numerical simulations and experimental measurements that it is also possible to achieve efficient ZQ dipolar recoupling via RNn schemes employing adiabatic pulses. Such an approach was successfully used for obtaining 13C chemical shift correlation spectra of a uniformly labelled sample of (CUG)97– a triplet repeat expansion RNA that has been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy. An analysis of the 13C sugar carbon chemical shifts suggests, in agreement with our recent 15N MAS-NMR studies, that this RNA adopts an A-helical conformation.  相似文献   

A simple approach is demonstrated for designing optimised broadband inversion pulses for MAS solid state NMR studies of biological systems. The method involves a two step numerical optimisation procedure and takes into account experimental requirements such as the pulse length, resonance offset range and extent of H1 inhomogeneity compensation needed. A simulated annealing protocol is used initially to find appropriate values for the parameters that define the well known tanh/tan adiabatic pulse such that a satisfactory spin inversion is achieved with minimum RF field strength. This information is then used in the subsequent stage of refinement where the RF pulse characteristics are further tailored via a local optimisation procedure without imposing any restrictions on the amplitude and frequency modulation profiles. We demonstrate that this approach constitutes a generally applicable tool for obtaining pulses with good inversion characteristics. At moderate MAS frequencies the efficacy of the method is experimentally demonstrated for generating double-quantum NMR spectra via the zero-quantum dipolar recoupling scheme RFDR.  相似文献   

We have examined via numerical simulations the performance characteristics of different 15N RF pulse schemes employed in the transferred echo double resonance (TEDOR) experimental protocol for generating 13C-15N dipolar chemical shift correlation spectra of isotopically labelled biological systems at moderate MAS frequencies (omega(r) approximately 10 kHz). With an 15N field strength of approximately 30-35 kHz that is typically available in 5 mm triple resonance MAS NMR probes, it is shown that a robust TEDOR sequence with significant tolerance to experimental imperfections sa as H1 inhomogeneity and resonance offsets can be effectively implemented using adiabatic heteronuclear dipolar recoupling pulse schemes. TEDOR-based 15N-13C and 15N-13C-13C chemical shift correlation experiments were carried out for obtaining 13C and 15N resonance assignments of an RNA composed of 97 (CUG) repeats which has been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that the spatial proximity of 1H nuclei in hydrogen bonded base-pairs in RNAs can be conveniently mapped via magic angle spinning solid state NMR experiments involving proton spin diffusion driven chemical shift correlation of low gamma nuclei such as the imino and amino nitrogens of nucleic acid bases. As different canonical and non-canonical base-pairing schemes encountered in nucleic acids are characterised by topologically different networks of proton dipolar couplings, different base-pairing schemes lead to characteristic cross-peak intensity patterns in such correlation spectra. The method was employed in a study of a 100 kDa RNA composed of 97 CUG repeats, or (CUG)97 that has been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy. 15N–15N chemical shift correlation studies confirm the presence of Watson–Crick GC base pairs in (CUG)97.  相似文献   

The conformation of an elastin-mimetic recombinant protein, [(VPGVG)4(VPGKG)]39, is investigated using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The protein is extensively labeled with 13C and 15N, and two-dimensional 13C-13C and 15N-13C correlation experiments were carried out to resolve and assign the isotropic chemical shifts of the various sites. The Pro 15N, 13Calpha, and 13Cbeta isotropic shifts, and the Gly-3 Calpha isotropic and anisotropic chemical shifts support the predominance of type-II beta-turn structure at the Pro-Gly pair but reject a type-I beta-turn. The Val-1 preceding Pro adopts mostly beta-sheet torsion angles, while the Val-4 chemical shifts are intermediate between those of helix and sheet. The protein exhibits a significant conformational distribution, shown by the broad line widths of the 15N and 13C spectra. The average chemical shifts of the solid protein are similar to the values in solution, suggesting that the low-hydration polypeptide maintains the same conformation as in solution. The ability to measure these conformational restraints by solid-state NMR opens the possibility of determining the detailed structure of this class of fibrous proteins through torsion angles and distances.  相似文献   

A MAS solid state NMR approach for achieving efficient scalar coupling mediated through-bond (13)C chemical shift correlations of the aliphatic carbons in uniformly labelled peptides/proteins is described. The method involves the application of a continuous train of adiabatic inversion pulses, as in the adiabatic TOCSY experiments carried out in solution state NMR studies. While rotor synchronised application of adiabatic inversion pulses leads to dipolar correlations, it is shown here via numerical simulations and experimental measurements that asynchronous application of adiabatic pulses can facilitate the mapping of through-bond connectivities. The method employs a suitable phasing scheme for generating the desired isotropic mixing Hamiltonian and requires moderate (13)C RF field strength only.  相似文献   

We have carried out chemical shift correlation experiments with symmetry-based mixing sequences at high MAS frequencies and examined different strategies to simultaneously acquire 3D correlation spectra that are commonly required in the structural studies of proteins. The potential of numerically optimised symmetry-based mixing sequences and the simultaneous recording of chemical shift correlation spectra such as: 3D NCAC and 3D NHH with dual receivers, 3D NC??C and 3D C??NCA with sequential 13C acquisitions, 3D NHH and 3D NC??H with sequential 1H acquisitions and 3D CANH and 3D C??NH with broadband 13C?C15N mixing are demonstrated using microcrystalline samples of the ??1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G (GB1) and the chicken ??-spectrin SH3 domain.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the averaged chemical shift (ACS) of a nucleus in the protein backbone correlates well empirically to its secondary structure content (SSC). This allows the estimation of SSC directly from the NMR spectrum without the time intensive process of chemical shift assignment. Here, we present an empirical correlation that accounts both for contributions to the relevant protein and chemical shift databases made subsequent to the original analysis, and for missing or inconsistently referenced resonances. Our results affirm that this method provides a significant tool for initial structural prediction from NMR data prior to complete chemical shift assignment.  相似文献   

A reduced dimensionality magic angle spinning solid-state NMR experimental protocol for obtaining chemical shift correlation spectra of dipolar coupled nuclei in uniformly (13C, 15N) labelled biological systems is described and demonstrated. The method involves a mapping of the evolution frequencies of heteronuclear 13C-15N zero- and double-quantum coherences. In comparison to a reduced dimensionality procedure involving the simultaneous incrementation of two single-quantum chemical shift evolution periods, the approach described here could be potentially advantageous for minimising the heat dissipated in the probe by high power 1H decoupling in experiments requiring long t 1 acquisition times.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of the microalga Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle & Heimdalwas studied with different proton nuclearmagnetic resonance (1H NMR)techniques, and by comparing NMR spectrafrom extraction samples with a spectrumfrom a sample of whole cells we show thathigh-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) 1H NMR can be used for broadrange analysis of metabolic composition inmicroalgal whole cells. Signals fromimportant metabolites such aspolyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic(DHA) acids were seen in a 1H NMRspectrum of lipophilic extract, andpossibly also signals from the carotenoidfucoxanthin. In a spectrum of hydrophilicextract we assigned signals to amino acidssuch as glutamine (Gln) and glutamic acid(Glu), carbohydrate and ATP. These findingswere compared to a spectrum of HR MAS1H NMR analysis of whole cells, whereit was possible to find signals coincidentwith the different metabolites seen inspectra of the extraction samples. Sincethe position of resonance peaks in a NMRspectrum depends on the chemicalsurroundings of each atom at the time ofanalysis some peak shift differencesbetween extract and whole cell samplespectra may occur, but signal shifts werenot significantly different between theanalyses here. In addition, application ofHR MAS highly increased spectral resolutionin the complex whole cell sample. Wetherefore suggest that HR MAS 1H NMRanalysis is a suitable analysis tool tostudy metabolic composition directly onwhole cells of microalgae, making itpossible to study a broad range ofmetabolites simultaneously without tediousextraction procedures.  相似文献   

13C cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) NMR and (1)H T(1rho) experiments of poly(L-alanine) (PLA), poly(L-valine) (PLV), and PLA/PLV blends have been carried out in order to elucidate the conformational stability of the polypeptides in the solid state. These were prepared by adding a trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) solution of the polymer with a 2.0 wt/wt % of sulfuric acid (H(2)SO(4)) to alkaline water. From these experimental results, it is clarified that the conformations of PLA and PLV in their blends are strongly influenced by intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions that cause their miscibility at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Alanine oligomers provide a key structure for silk fibers from spider and wild silkworms.We report on structural analysis of l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanine (Ala)4 with anti‐parallel (AP) β‐structures using X‐ray and solid‐state NMR. All of the Ala residues in the (Ala)4 are in equivalent positions, whereas for alanine trimer (Ala)3 there are two alternative locations in a unit cell as reported previously (Fawcett and Camerman, Acta Cryst., 1975, 31, 658–665). (Ala)4 with AP β‐structure is more stable than AP‐(Ala)3 due to formation of the stronger hydrogen bonds. The intermolecular structure of (Ala)4 is also different from polyalanine fiber structure, indicating that the interchain arrangement of AP β‐structure changes with increasing alanine sequencelength. Furthermore the precise 1H positions, which are usually inaccesible by X‐ray diffraction method, are determined by high resolution 1H solid state NMR combined with the chemical shift calculations by the gauge‐including projector augmented wave method. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 13–20, 2014.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP, 18.5 kDa isoform) is a peripheral membrane protein that is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of the multilamellar myelin sheath of the central nervous system. Reconstitution of the most abundant 18.5 kDa MBP isoform with lipid vesicles yields an aggregated assembly mimicking the protein's natural environment, but which is not amenable to standard solution NMR spectroscopy. On the other hand, the mobility of MBP in such a system is variable, depends on the local strength of the protein-lipid interaction, and in general is of such a time scale that the dipolar interactions are averaged out. Here, we used a combination of solution and solid-state NMR (ssNMR) approaches: J-coupling-driven polarization transfers were combined with magic angle spinning and high-power decoupling to yield high-resolution spectra of the mobile fragments of 18.5 kDa murine MBP in membrane-associated form. To partially circumvent the problem of short transverse relaxation, we implemented three-dimensional constant-time correlation experiments (NCOCX, NCACX, CONCACX, and CAN(CO)CX) that were able to provide interresidue and intraresidue backbone correlations. These experiments resulted in partial spectral assignments for mobile fragments of the protein. Additional nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY)-based experiments revealed that the mobile fragments were exposed to solvent and were likely located outside the lipid bilayer, or in its hydrophilic portion. Chemical shift index analysis showed that the fragments were largely disordered under these conditions. These combined approaches are applicable to ssNMR investigations of other peripheral membrane proteins reconstituted with lipids.  相似文献   

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