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Gene hpaA, which codes for the receptor-binding subunit of the N-acetylneuraminyllactose-binding fibrillar hemagglutinin (NLBH) of Helicobacter pylori, was cloned and sequenced. The protein expressed by hpaA, designated HpaA, was identified as the adhesin subunit on the basis of its fetuin-binding activity and its reactivity with a polyclonal, monospecific rabbit serum prepared against NLBH purified from H. pylori. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis and Western blots (immunoblots) showed that the cloned adhesin has the same molecular weight (20,000) as that found on H. pylori. Also, HpaA contains a short sequence of amino acids (KRTIQK) which are all either identical or functionally similar to those which compose the sialic acid-binding motif of Escherichia coli SfaS, K99, and CFA/I. Affinity-purified antibody specific for a 12-residue synthetic peptide that included this sequence blocked the hemagglutinating activity of H. pylori and was shown by immuno-gold electron microscopy to react with almost transparent material on unstained H. pylori cells, which is consistent with previous observations concerning the location and morphology of the NLBH.  相似文献   

The variable adherence-associated (Vaa) antigen of Mycoplasma hominis is an abundant surface lipoprotein adhesin that may mediate important interactions of this wall-less prokaryotic pathogen with the human host. Extensive mutational variation of Vaa size, as well as sequence and antigenic divergence, has been described previously. Using a series of clonal isolates representing an isogenic lineage of variants oscillating in Vaa expression, Vaa is further shown in this study to undergo high-frequency phase variation in expression, which correlated precisely with the ability of M . hominis to adhere to cultured human cells. Although no DNA rearrangements or sequence differences in the 5' regions flanking vaa alleles were detected between Vaa+ and Vaa variants, intragenic vaa sequences from this lineage revealed an oscillating mutation involving a single nucleotide deletion/insertion in a short tract of adenine residues near the 5' end of the mature Vaa coding sequence, which created a translational frameshift resulting in either a complete Vaa ORF or an in-frame UAG stop codon immediately downstream of the poly-A tract. Evidence for the occurrence of this high-frequency frameshift mutation in vivo was obtained from analysis of PCR-generated vaa sequences amplified from the joint synovial fluid of a patient with M . hominis -associated arthritis, which indicated that Vaa phase variation occurs during M . hominis infection in the natural host. These results identify a distinctive frameshift mutator element in the vaa gene that governs M . hominis adherence and highlight the importance of mutational alteration of primary gene products on the mycoplasma surface as a means of generating and maintaining functional diversity in the host.  相似文献   

The araC regulatory gene mRNA contains a leader sequence   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary An estimation of the size of the araC gene in Escherichia coli B/r was made by sub-cloning restriction fragments of the araC-containing hybrid plasmid pTB1 into the plasmid pBR322. Plasmids which contained a functional araC gene were identified by genetic complementation tests. DNA sequence analysis of the promoter-proximal region of the araC gene revealed that araC mRNA contains a 150 nucleotide leader.  相似文献   

C1 inhibitor gene sequence facilitates frameshift mutations.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations disrupting the function or production of C1 inhibitor cause the disease hereditary angioneurotic edema. Patient mutations identified an imperfect inverted repeat sequence that was postulated to play a mechanistic role in the mutations. To test this hypothesis, the inverted repeat was cloned into the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene in pBR325 and its mutation rate was studied in four bacterial strains. These strains were selected to assay the effects of recombination and superhelical tension on mutation frequency. Mutations that revert bacteria to chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) were scored. Both pairs of isogenic strains had reversion frequencies of approximately 10(-8). These rare reversion events in bacteria were most often a frameshift that involved the imperfect inverted repeat with a deletion or a tandem duplication, an event very similar to the human mutations. Increased DNA superhelical tension, which would be expected to enhance cruciform extrusion, did not accentuate mutagenesis. This finding suggests that the imperfect inverted repeat may form a stem-loop structure in the single-stranded DNA created by the duplex DNA melting prior to replication. Models explaining the slippage can be drawn using the lagging strand of the replication fork. In this model, the formation of a stem-loop structure is responsible for bringing the end of the deletion or duplication into close proximity.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana contains a single gene encoding squalene synthase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Squalene synthase (SQS) catalyzes the condensation of two molecules of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) to produce squalene (SQ), the first committed precursor for sterol, brassinosteroid, and triterpene biosynthesis. Arabidopsis thaliana contains two SQS-annotated genomic sequences, At4g34640 (SQS1) and At4g34650 (SQS2), organized in a tandem array. Here we report that the SQS1 gene is widely expressed in all tissues throughout plant development, whereas SQS2 is primarily expressed in the vascular tissue of leaf and cotyledon petioles, and the hypocotyl of seedlings. Neither the complete A. thaliana SQS2 protein nor the chimeric SQS resulting from the replacement of the 69 C-terminal residues of SQS2 by the 111 C-terminal residues of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe SQS were able to confer ergosterol prototrophy to a Saccharomyces cerevisiae erg9 mutant strain lacking SQS activity. A soluble form of SQS2 expressed in Escherichia coli and purified was unable to synthesize SQ from FPP in the presence of NADPH and either Mg2+ or Mn2+. These results demonstrated that SQS2 has no SQS activity, so that SQS1 is the only functional SQS in A. thaliana. Mutational studies revealed that the lack of SQS activity of SQS2 cannot be exclusively attributed to the presence of an unusual Ser replacing the highly conserved Phe at position 287. Expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged versions of SQS1 in onion epidermal cells demonstrated that SQS1 is targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane and that this location is exclusively dependent on the presence of the SQS1 C-terminal hydrophobic trans-membrane domain.  相似文献   

We isolated a novel gene for cyclophilin (CyP) first identified as an intracellular target of the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A and also known to have peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) activity, named ATCYP5 from Arabidopsis thaliana. ATCYP5 encoded a polypeptide with 201 amino acids with a putative ER-targeting signal sequence at its N-terminal, but without the typical ER-retention signal in its C-terminal. In addition, ATCYP5 protein contained a seven amino-acid long sequence which has been found previously only in cytosolic CyPs from plants. The synthetic mutant green fluorescent protein (sGFP; S65T) was fused to the N-terminal part of ATCYP5, and expressed in tobacco BY-2 cells. The fluorescence derived from the fusion protein was detected mainly around the nucleus, indicating translocation into ER. ATCYP5 was expressed mainly in young stems especially in the apical region and weakly in leaves and roots.  相似文献   

sufS was found to suppress the only known suppressible-1 frameshift mutation, trpE91, at a site identified as GGA and mapped within the single gene of the only tRNA that can decode GGA in Escherichia coli. It mapped to the same gene in Salmonella typhimurium. sufS alleles were recessive, and dominant alleles could not be isolated. This is in contrast to all other tRNA structural gene mutations identified thus far that cause frameshift suppression. The recessiveness implies that all sufS alleles are poor competitors against their wild-type tRNA(Gly2) counterparts. The base G immediately 5' of the GGA suppression site influenced the level but was not critical for suppression by sufS601. From this result, it is inferred that sufS601 causes frameshifting by doublet decoding.  相似文献   

K P Dudov  R P Perry 《Cell》1984,37(2):457-468
The family of approximately 16 genes encoding the mouse ribosomal protein L32 has been characterized by an analysis of a representative set of genomic clones. Surprisingly, this family contains only a single expressed intron-containing gene. This gene, termed rpL32 , has been completely sequenced and found to possess certain novel features including the presence in two of its introns of a sequence with high homology to the 5' end of U1 snRNA and a 5' terminal region exceptionally rich in pyrimidines. Most of the other members of the L32 family appear to be processed genes, some of which are identical or very similar to the rpL32 gene, except for the lack of introns. One unmutated gene was found to be integrated 28 nucleotides downstream of a canonical TATA box. However, despite this feature, the gene does not seem to be expressed, as judged by its extent of methylation compared to the expressed rpL32 gene.  相似文献   

Streptavidin binds at low levels and high affinity to cell surfaces, the cause of which can be traced to the occurrence of a sequence containing RYD (Arg-Tyr-Asp) in the protein molecule. This binding is enhanced in the presence of biotin. Cell-bound streptavidin can be displaced by fibronectin, as well as by RGD- and RYD-containing peptides. In addition, streptavidin can displace fibronectin from cell surfaces. The RYD sequence of streptavidin thus mimics RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp), the universal recognition domain present in fibronectin and other adhesion-related molecules. The observed adhesion to cells has no relevance to biotin-binding since the RYD sequence is not part of the biotin-binding site of streptavidin. Since the use of streptavidin in avidin-biotin technology is based on its biotin-binding properties, researchers are hereby warned against its indiscriminate use in histochemical and cytochemical studies.  相似文献   

Balhimycin, produced by the actinomycete Amycolatopsis balhimycina DSM5908, is a glycopeptide antibiotic highly similar to vancomycin, the antibiotic of 'last resort' used for the treatment of resistant Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. Partial sequence of the balhimycin biosynthesis gene cluster was previously reported. In this work, cosmids which overlap the region of the characterized gene cluster were isolated and sequenced. At the 'left' end of the cluster, genes were identified which are involved in balhimycin biosynthesis, transport, resistance and regulation. The 'right' end border is defined by a putative 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (dahp) gene. The proximate gene is similar to a type I polyketide synthase gene of the rifamycin producer Amycolatopsis mediterranei indicating that another biosynthesis gene cluster might be located directly next to the balhimycin gene cluster. The newly identified StrR-like pathway-specific regulator, Bbr, was characterized to be a DNA-binding protein and may have a role in balhimycin biosynthesis. Purified N-terminally His-tagged Bbr shows specific DNA-binding to five promoter regions within the gene cluster. By in silico analysis and by comparison of the DNA sequences binding Bbr, conserved inverted repeat sequences for the Bbr-binding site are proposed. The putative Bbr consensus sequence differs from that published for StrR.  相似文献   

Thirty-three kilobase pairs (kb) of human DNA containing the haptoglobin (Hp) and haptoglobin-related (Hpr) gene pair were cloned, and the nucleotide sequence of 21-kb DNA was determined. The two genes are closely linked, with Hpr being 2.2 kb downstream of Hp. Six hundred nucleotides of DNA occur between the two genes that are not found either 5' to the Hp gene or 3' to the Hpr gene. After the duplication event, the first intron of the Hpr gene acquired a 9-kb insert consisting mainly of a retrovirus-like element with a potential primer-binding site homologous to a mouse isoleucine tRNA. The element forms a repeated family in the human genome that I name RTVL-I (retrovirus-like element-isoleucine). In the coding region of the Hpr gene, there are no frameshift or nonsense mutations and its exon-intron splicing sites, 5' flanking and 3' flanking sequences do not show any obvious defects. There are 28 amino acid differences between the decoded amino acid sequences of the Hpr and Hp genes. Sixteen of these differences occur in the hpr beta chain, and all appear to be located on the surface of the molecule in places not thought to be involved in the hemoglobin binding function of haptoglobin. The structure of the Hpr gene suggests that the gene may be expressed and give rise to a functional product.  相似文献   

F Y Liu  B Roizman 《Journal of virology》1991,65(10):5149-5156
The herpes simplex virus 1 open reading frames UL26 and UL26.5 are 3' coterminal. The larger, UL26 open reading frame encodes a protein approximately 80,000 in apparent molecular weight and contains the promoter and coding sequence of the UL26.5 gene, which specifies a capsid protein designated infected cell protein 35. The larger product contains in its entirety the amino acid sequence of the smaller protein. We report that the UL26 gene encodes a protease which catalyzes its own cleavage and that of the more abundant product of UL26.5. By inserting the coding sequence of an epitope to a cytomegalovirus monoclonal antibody and homologs of the immunoglobulin G binding domain of staphylococcal protein A into the 3' termini of the coding domains of the two open reading frames, we identified both products of the cleavage and determined that the cleavage site is approximately 20 amino acids from the carboxyl termini of both proteins.  相似文献   

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