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汶川地震对大熊猫栖息地的影响与恢复对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 大熊猫是生物多样性保护的旗舰种, 保护大熊猫及其栖息地是保护生物多样性和生态系统功能完整性与稳定性的重要保障体现。汶川地震灾区位于大熊猫重点分布区岷山-邛崃山, 地震及其次生灾害导致该区27个大熊猫自然保护区不同程度受损, 8.3%的大熊猫栖息地因地震而被破坏。地震及其次生灾害对大熊猫栖息地的影响主要表现在: 1) 地震埋没和砸毁大熊猫赖以生存的主食竹, 地震可能诱发主食竹开花, 威胁到大熊猫的健康和食物安全; 2) 地震及其诱发的土壤和山石运动显著影响森林的动态特征, 森林大面积丧失或质量下降; 3) 地震改变大熊猫栖息地生境特征, 大熊猫个体交流的廊道阻断, 形成“生殖孤岛”, 遗传多样性降低, 栖息地破碎化进程加快。应对震后大熊猫栖息地恢复的主要对策有: 1) 重新评估震后大熊猫栖息地质量, 并重新规划现有大熊猫保护区群的布局; 2) 应用地理信息系统、遥感及数学模型等手段与野外实地实证研究相结合的方法, 全面查清震后大熊猫栖息地主食竹资源状况及分布规律并及时监测其动态, 复壮更新大熊猫主食竹; 3) 利用天然植被自然恢复和人工重建等措施恢复因地震而退化或丧失的大熊猫栖息地。  相似文献   

本文以2010—2020年15只母兽带仔野化培训的大熊猫幼仔为研究对象,基于红外视频监控系统观察和音频颈圈解译获得的行为资料、GPS颈圈跟踪定位采集的粪样数据,分析了野化培训大熊猫幼仔的行为发育进程和食性转换特征。结果表明:随着野化培训大熊猫幼仔的生长发育,与觅食和警戒相关的行为得到充分发育,且具有较强的时间关联性,包括食乳、爬行、走动、玩耍物品、爬树、咬玩竹子、饮水和采食竹子等。8~10月龄的大熊猫幼仔开始取食竹子,其发育性食性转换过程划分为3个阶段:食乳期(1~7月龄)、食母乳—食竹子转换期(8~28月龄)和食竹期(29~39月龄),其中转换期细分为关键期(8~18月龄)和过渡期(19~28月龄)。从统计检验来看,不同食性阶段间差异显著;过渡期的大熊猫幼仔可离开母兽独立生活,此阶段大熊猫幼仔食物组分比例与食竹期相比无显著差异。野化培训大熊猫幼仔的季节性食性转换规律与带仔母兽和野生大熊猫具有相似的格局,即春季主要取食竹笋,夏、秋季则以嫩竹茎和竹叶为食,冬季采食竹叶与竹茎。  相似文献   

为了探讨圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱组成及主要影响因素,并为圈养单位提供科学合理的食物营养配比和饲养管理建议。本研究通过对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地10 只成年大熊猫4 年(2009. 03 -2013.02)的饲养数据,3只成年大熊猫1 年(2012. 07 -2013. 06)的觅食行为观察数据,以及投饲的3 种竹笋和5 种主食竹常规养分和总黄酮含量的统计分析。结果发现,基地圈养大熊猫偏好竹笋,喜食巴山木竹叶、白夹竹茎和苦竹茎,随机采食箬竹叶和刺竹茎;基地大熊猫根据投饲竹种类和季节的变化,形成了较为稳定的食谱组成;对投饲竹各部位成分比较分析发现,投饲竹养分含量的变化呈现出一定的规律性:其中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、蛋白质和能量比都以竹叶最高,竹枝次之,竹茎最低;干物质和粗纤维的含量则以竹茎最高,竹枝次之,竹叶最少;竹茎和竹枝呈现钙少磷多的现象,而竹叶则是钙多磷少;各投饲竹不同部位总黄酮含量以叶中最高,枝中其次,茎中最低。研究结果表明,圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱的选择遵循能量和营养学的规律,选择适口性强、营养价值高的食物假说。  相似文献   

2002 年4 ~11 月,在蜂桶寨自然保护区对小熊猫的觅食特征和营养对策进行了研究,并采用Vanderloeg 和Scavia 选择指数Ei衡量小熊猫对竹笋和竹茎年龄的选择程度。结果表明,小熊猫食物由竹叶(70.5% )、竹笋(22.1% )、野果(7.2% )以及毛(0.2% )等组成。小熊猫几乎全以冷箭竹为食,未发现采食短锥玉山竹。春季食物主要由竹叶和竹笋组成,夏秋季主要由竹叶和果实组成,而冬季以竹叶为主。小熊猫对竹笋、竹叶的觅食具有很强的选择性。基径在3 mm 以上被采食竹笋,Ei的值为0.071 9 ~0. 094 4,竹高在10 ~70 cm 未被采食竹笋, Ei 的值为0.149 6 ~0.1989。对不同年龄竹茎和竹叶的选择在各个月份间存在变化,4 ~6 月一年生、二年生和多年生竹竹叶Ei分别为0. 036 2 、0.224 8 和0.487 6, 7 ~8 月三者Ei分别为0.0071、0.0027 和0. 0098,9~11 月特别喜食当年生老笋上的竹叶(Ei =0.552 1)。此外,小熊猫在6 ~ 8 月还特别喜食已展开(53.4% )和未展开的卷曲嫩叶(36.3% ),不喜食较老的竹叶(10.3% )。小熊猫的食性及其对食物的选择体现了在长期进化过程中觅食对策的优化,可最大化觅食过程中的物质或能量摄入。  相似文献   

拐棍竹是卧龙野生大熊猫春季的主要食物。2014-2016年,从设置的3条固定样线中我们发现了当地野生大熊猫有分段取食拐棍竹笋的现象,且没有到放牧活动和人为干扰严重的河谷区域取食竹林内的拐棍竹笋。它们首先在海拔较低( 2 100 m左右)、新笋发育较早且人为干扰不严重的区域觅食,当这些区域的新笋普遍超过2 m高度时会向海拔较高处迁移。大熊猫优先选择有较高比例粗大竹笋的区域作为觅食场所,且当觅食斑块内新笋普遍较小时对粗笋有倾向性选择(P<0.05),但当环境中的新笋质量较好时,选择性有所降低(P>0.05)。大熊猫在新笋质量较好的觅食斑块中取食率较高,在海拔较高处因竹笋的基径较小所以取食率较低(F=20.12, P<0.05)。大熊猫取食新笋所留残桩高度与周边竹笋的高度呈正比(r=0.50, P<0.001)。为保证大熊猫在新笋期的觅食活动免遭干扰,管理者应该在这一时期严格限制大熊猫活动频繁区域的人为干扰。  相似文献   

In this study, the behavioral responses of Barbary macaques to seasonal and interhabitat variations in resource availability were analyzed over an entire annual cycle. Two groups, one in an evergreen cedar–oak forest (Djurdjura) and the other in a deciduous oak forest (Akfadou), were observed. In this paper, references to data on resource availability published elsewhere are made. Time budget has been studied. Variations in foraging and moving time, in day–range lengths, and in time moving in trees have been considered to estimate the variations in foraging effort and thus energy expenditure. Great monthly variations in foraging effort and other activities were observed in both habitats. In early spring, when resource availabilities were maximal, foraging effort was low while monkeys maximized their feeding time (about 5 h/day). In June, during the peak of the birth season and the rearing period, monkeys minimized their feeding time to the benefit of social interactions (to 1.6–2.7 h/day), whatever the food availability, which was low in Akfadou and high in Djurdjura. In addition, foraging effort remained low in Djurdjura, while it increased in Akfadou. Thus, at the beginning of the dry summer period, monkeys in Akfadou were in a less favorable position than those in Djurdjura. At both sites, in periods of food shortage in summer or in winter, monkeys displayed two different strategies. In the former case, their foraging effort increased, while in the second one it remained relatively low. Whatever the foraging effort, monkeys did not reach the same amount of feeding time as in early spring. In the poorest site of Akfadou, foraging effort was globally greater than in the richest site of Djurdjura, especially for adults. At both sites, adult males spent more time feeding than juveniles and less time in social interactions. Results are discussed according to rearing period, temperatures, and day length constraints. The limits of adaptability to different habitats are considered in light of the demographic parameters. Am. J. Primatol. 43:285–304, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

秦岭大熊猫冬春季节对巴山木竹竹林生长指标的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004~2005年冬季的12月、1月和春季的4月、5月,在秦岭山系南坡佛坪自然保护区内就大熊猫对构成其主要栖息地和食物来源的巴山木竹竹林的选择进行研究后的结果表明:在冬季,大熊猫栖息地多为幼竹与死竹比例基本持平、密度稳定的巴山木竹竹林,主要取食老竹;在春季,大熊猫更偏好选择竹子密度和盖度略低、竹子粗壮高大、幼竹与竹笋比例高的竹林活动,主要取食幼竹。大熊猫春季栖息地幼竹比例通常高过死竹比例,竹林密度处于增长期。竹林进入发笋期后,稀疏、高大的竹林下的粗大竹笋成为大熊猫的主要食物来源。  相似文献   

用间接遥感方法探测大熊猫栖息地竹林分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
竹子是野生大熊猫赖以生存的唯一食物。探测大熊猫栖息地内的竹林分布状况,有助于深入了解大熊猫及其栖息地的空间分布格局与特点,并为评估其栖息地适宜性、破碎化程度和生态承载力提供科学依据。由于大熊猫的主食竹大都生长于林下,直接通过遥感影像解译的方法很难实现对其分布密度的探测。以佛坪自然保护区的两大优势竹种——巴山木竹和秦岭箭竹为例,在运用遥感和GIS方法获取空间连续的环境变量时,引入了林上和林下的光照条件,通过分析不同竹种与各环境要素之间的关系,建立竹子密度的预测模型,最后在GIS空间分析技术的支持下实现了对林下竹子密度的绘制。研究结果显示:该方法能够比较准确地预测出林下竹子的分布状态,对两种竹子的密度预测精度均可达到70%以上。  相似文献   

An animal's pattern of habitat use can reveal how different parts of its environment vary in quality based on the costs (such as predation risk) and benefits (such as food intake) of using each habitat. We studied klipspringer habitat use in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa using giving‐up densities (GUDs; the amount of food remaining in a resource patch following exploitation) in experimental food patches. We tested hypotheses related to how salient habitat variables might influence klipspringers' perceptions of foraging costs. At small spatial scales (3–4 m), klipspringer GUDs did not vary with cover and open microhabitats, or with the four cardinal aspects (shading) around shrubs. Adding water adjacent to food patches did not influence GUDs, showing that water is not a limiting complementary resource to food. Generally, klipspringers do not appear to be physiologically constrained. There was no difference in GUDs between four daily time periods, or between summer and winter; however, a significant interaction effect of time‐of‐day with season resulted from GUDs during the midday time period in winter being significantly higher (perceived value lower) than during the same time period in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–60 m), klipspringer GUDs increased with distance from rocks because of increased predation risk. Based on GUDs collected at the largest scale (two 4.41‐ha grids), klipspringers preferred foraging at greater distances from drainage lines and on pebble and cobble substrates. Overall, this study has shown the efficacy of measuring GUDs to determine klipspringers' habitat utilization while foraging.  相似文献   

Seasonal energy intake and digestion of bamboo by red pandas were measured in energy balance trials at the field station at an altitude of 3,100 m in Yele Natural Reserve, Mianning County of Sichuan Province, Peoples Republic of China. Two‐week trials were conducted at monthly intervals by feeding animals with only natural bamboo browse, Bashania spanostachya, from May to November 1995. Results demonstrated that energy intake, digestible energy, and digestibility differed significantly among seasons and diets. Energy digestibilities were high in summer‐autumn, intermediate in spring, and low in winter. These variations correlated positively with the nutrient contents of bamboo. The daily metabolic energy requirement measured varied from 2,603.3 kJ in the spring to 3,139.8 kJ in the summer‐autumn to 2,740.8 kJ in the winter. The results also showed that shoots were more easily digested than leaves and exhibited the highest digestibility. Restricted by the capacity of digestive tracts, red pandas poorly utilized the energy provided by bamboo as indicated by the lower energy digestibility (averaging 26.47% for leaves and 44.08% for shoots among the seasons). To fulfill their daily energy requirements, red pandas ingested a large amount of energy from bamboo leaves, which varied from 10,145.8 kJ in the spring, 12,045.1 kJ in the summer‐autumn, and 12,276.9 kJ in the winter to maximize the rate of energy intake. Zoo Biol 19:27–33, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A yearlong arboreal baiting survey of ants was conducted during 1983 on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Because of a severe El Nino event, the 1983 dry season in Panama was exceptionally long and dry with a distinct boundary between the dry and wet seasons. Baits, located on tree trunks, attracted both terrestrial and arboreal ants, allowing comparisons between the two groups. Species composition at baits changed dramatically with season. Baits were primarily occupied by arboreal species during the dry season, while wet season baits were occupied mostly by terrestrial species. Arboreal and terrestrial ants differed markedly in their preferences for protein‐ or carbohydrate‐based baits; arboreal ants preferred protein‐based baits and terrestrial ants preferred carbohydrate‐based baits. Foraging preference for protein suggests that protein resources were limiting for arboreal ants, particularly during the dry season, and that carbohydrate resources were limiting for terrestrial ants. Fundamental differences in arboreal and terrestrial habitats may promote the differences in foraging strategies observed during an annual cycle in a seasonal tropical forest.  相似文献   

秦岭大熊猫栖息地巴山木竹生物量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党坤良  陈俊娴  孙飞翔  周勇 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3816-3824
巴山木竹是秦岭大熊猫冬、春季食物的主要来源,其生长状况、数量和空间分布格局与大熊猫的生存与活动有着密切的关系。为了探讨不同立地因子对巴山木竹生物量的影响,确定巴山木竹生长的主导因子和适宜立地条件,在秦岭大熊猫栖息地内选取54块样地,对不同立地条件下巴山木竹生物量进行了测定。通过统计分析,结果表明:由于不同地区气候和土壤条件的差异,导致了巴山木竹生物量亦存在较大差别;巴山木竹生物量在其分布区内随海拔的升高而呈规律性变化,1500—1700 m为最适分布区域,其生物量最大;坡度越大生物量越小,陡坡不适宜竹林的生长;上坡位不利于竹林生长,而中、下坡位生物量没有显著差异;坡向对生物量的影响不明显,均适宜巴山木竹生长;在落叶阔叶和针阔混交林中,当林冠郁闭度>0.6时,竹林生长减弱。在这些立地因子中,影响巴山木竹生物量积累的主导因子是坡位和林冠郁闭度。  相似文献   

卧龙及草坡自然保护区大熊猫的种群与保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡锦矗 《兽类学报》2004,24(1):48-52
卧龙和草坡自然保护区以保护大熊猫及其生态系统为主, 面积3 224 km2 , 为中国大熊猫分布区最大的保护区。自1974 年以来, 我们经过多次调查, 其栖息地由约2 500 km2 缩减到现今约800 km2 。大熊猫在该地所选择的最适生境在海拔2 800~3 100 m一带的三、四级夷平地带, 面积约4 ×104 hm2 。大熊猫的种群数量, 据1974 年调查有195 只(其中卧龙为145 只) , 1983 年冷箭竹大面积开花后种群有所下降, 而上世纪90 年代以后有所恢复, 现在约有150 只。在保护对策上, 应在4 个隔离种群间退耕还林, 控制交通流量和禁止夜间通行, 扩大保护范围到毗邻的县, 对最适的栖息地实行绝对保护, 并控制旅游规模及旅客流量。  相似文献   

大熊猫主要采食竹子,因此主食竹对大熊猫生存具有重要的作用。在秦岭的佛坪地区的大熊猫主要取食巴山木竹以及秦岭箭竹。本文研究了海拔对这两种竹林的结构与营养含量的影响以及海拔与大熊猫季节性分布的关系。结果表明:(1)海拔对竹林基径、株高有显著影响(p0.05);整齐度、均匀度、基径和株高分布的偏度值和峰度值均随海拔变化而变化。(2)海拔对主食竹营养含量的显著影响随季节而变化(春季粗蛋白和总糖p=0.02;夏季粗纤维p=0.01;秋季粗蛋白p=0.04、粗纤维p=0.04和总糖p0.01)。每个竹种在叶、枝、杆三个部位间的营养均有显著性差异(p0.05)。(3)海拔对竹林结构及营养的显著影响决定了大熊猫对主食竹的取食策略,夏季在高海拔活动,其余季节在低海拔活动。本文的研究结果对理解海拔、主食竹结构、营养以及大熊猫迁移活动之间的关系有重要作用,为圈养大熊猫的饲料配比提供理论依据,也为野外大熊猫的保护和规范保护区内部的人类活动提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

<正>竹子是大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的主要食物,是大熊猫赖以生存的物质基础(胡锦矗等,1985;胡锦矗,2001)。竹子生物量对大熊猫觅食乃至生存、繁衍等具有至关重要的影响。然而,竹子生物量随竹子种类、竹株部位和龄级以及生长环境的不同而可能具有明显差异(胡锦矗,1981;魏辅文等,1996)。截止目前,田星群(1989)等对秦岭大熊猫分布区的竹类资源进行了调查,黄华梨和杨飞虞(1990)、胡杰等(2000)分别对岷山山系大熊猫栖息地内竹子种类、主食竹  相似文献   

佛坪大熊猫的移动习性   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
1991年4月1992年4月,在佛坪自然保护区采用无线电遥测方法,对大熊猫移动进行了研究。结果表明,佛坪大熊猫有季节性能垂直移动习性。海拔2200米以上的松花竹林为夏居地,1300-1900米的巴山木竹林为冬居地。每年6-9月熊猫向上移动至夏居地,10月至次年5月在冬居地活动。熊猫的移动与气候和食物的变化有关。  相似文献   

Wei G  Lu H  Zhou Z  Xie H  Wang A  Nelson K  Zhao L 《Microbial ecology》2007,54(1):194-202
Despite having a typical carnivorous digestive tract, the giant panda has a diet consisting exclusively of bamboo, a low-efficiency food source. Given this paradox, we sought to investigate if the giant panda digestive tract is inhabited by organisms indicative of high cellulose diet or their gastrointestinal tract anatomy. The diversity and dynamics of the predominant bacteria in the fecal flora of two adult (male and female) and one young (male) giant panda reared in two different zoos over a 2-year period was studied using 16S rDNA-based approaches. The temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) profiles of the 16S rDNA V3 region of the three individuals were highly similar. The structure of their fecal flora remained relatively stable over the 2-year period. Both the most predominant band in TGGE patterns shared by the three pandas and the biggest operational taxonomic unit (OTU) in the clone library were phylogenetically related to Escherichia coli. Gram-negative, facultative bacteria constituted almost 60% of the whole community in the clone library. All the OTUs were related to previously described phylotypes known to reside in the intestine or rumen. The results of our study indicate that the predominant bacterial populations in the intestine of the three pandas were markedly different from that of herbivores. The unbalanced intestinal community structure may play a role in the inefficient digestion of bamboo by the giant pandas.  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is classified as a carnivore, yet subsists on a diet comprised almost exclusively of bamboo. Wild and captive giant pandas use highly selective foraging behaviors for processing and consuming bamboo. These behaviors are for the first time quantified in captive giant pandas over a 5‐year period of time showing highly specific seasonal trends. Giant panda feeding behavior was recorded using live video observations of two giant pandas housed at the Memphis Zoo from November 2003 to June 2008. Leaf was the primary plant part consumed from June to December, whereas culm was consumed primarily from February to May, with both bears displaying similar seasonal shifts in plant part consumption. From May to June, leaf consumption increased significantly (P‐values<0.001); from June to August, leaf consumption remained high and stable. From December to March, leaf consumption decreased significantly (P‐values<0.001). Specific behaviors for bamboo leaf and culm consumption were also observed. Both bears formed wads of leaves before ingestion while feeding on leaf, but the male employed this feeding behavior more often than the female (54 and 33%, respectively). Both bears used similar culm‐stripping behavior (26 and 25%), used to remove the outer layer and isolate the pith for consumption. This study indicates that unique seasonal foraging behaviors observed in wild pandas are also apparent in captive animals in relation to plant part selectivity and feeding behaviors. Zoo Biol 29:470–483, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wild species use habitats that vary in risk across space and time. This risk can derive from natural predators and also from direct and indirect human pressures. A starving forager will often take risks that a less hungry forager would not. At a highly seasonal and human-modified site, we predicted that arboreal samango monkeys (Cercopithecus albogularis labiatus) would show highly flexible, responsive, risk-sensitive foraging. We first determined how monkeys use horizontal and vertical space across seasons to evaluate if high-risk decisions (use of gardens and ground) changed with season, a proxy for starvation risk. Then, during a subsequent winter, we offered equal feeding opportunities (in the form of high-value, raw peanuts) in both gardens and forest to see if this short-term change in food availability and starvation risk affected monkeys’ foraging decisions. We found that during the food-scarce winter, monkeys foraged outside indigenous forest and in gardens, where they fed on exotic species, especially fallen acorns (Quercus spp.), despite potential threats from humans. Nevertheless, and as predicted, when given the choice of foraging on high-value foods in gardens vs. forest during our artificial foraging experiment, monkeys showed a preference for a safer forest habitat. Our experiment also indicated monkeys’ sensitivity to risk in the lower vertical strata of both habitats, despite their previous extensive use of the ground. Our findings support one of the central tenets of optimal foraging theory: that risk of starvation and sensitivity to the variation in food availability can be as important drivers of behavior as risk of predation.  相似文献   

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