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It has been reported that functional expression of the multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in E. coli is useful for screening P-gp substrates and inhibitors. In the present study, we have constructed by nitrosoguanidine and UV mutagenesis 28 leaky mutants of E. coli UT5600. These mutants are significantly susceptible to the toxic effect of known P-gp substrates and lipophilic cancer drugs. Mouse mdr1 was functionally expressed in the most permeable E. coli mutant (UTP17). Expression of P-gp in this mutant confers cross-resistance to mitomycin C, tegafur, daunorubicin, rhodamine 6G, tetraphenylphosphonium bromide and ciprofloxacin. To examine the reversal of P-gp expressed in this heterologous system, UTP17 cells expressing mouse mdr1 or lac permease as negative control were treated with various concentrations of mitomycin C with or without ascorbic acid. We found that ascorbic acid abrogated P-gp mediated multidrug resistance, suggesting that ascorbic acid might be used in combination with anticancer drugs to reduce emergence of multidrug resistance. We also demonstrated that tomato lectin antagonized the inhibitory action of ascorbic acid. This study provide a heterologous system for mdr1 expression in E. coli leaky mutant that can be used as a system for the screening of P-gp inducers and inhibitors, since it is quick and simple.  相似文献   

The interchange reaction of disulfides was caused by the copper(II)/ascorbic acid/O2 system. The incubation of two symmetric disulfides, L-cystinyl-bis-L-phenylalanine (PP) and L-cystinyl-bis-L-tyrosine (TT), with L-ascorbic acid and CuSO4 in potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2, 50 mM) resulted in the formation of an asymmetric disulfide, L-cystinyl-L-phenylalanine-L-tyrosine (PT), and the final ratio of PP:PT:TT was 1:2:1. As the reaction was inhibited by catalase and DMSO only at the initial time, hydroxyl radical generated by the copper(II)/ascorbic acid/O2 system seemed to be responsible for the initiation of the reaction. Oxytocin and insulin were denatured by this system, and catalase and DMSO similarly inhibited these denaturations. As the composition of amino acids was unchanged after the reaction, hydroxyl radical was thought to cause the cleavage and/or interchange reaction of disulfides to denature the peptides.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli devoid of glutathione (because of transposon insertions in the gshA gene) has normal resistance to H2O2, cumene hydroperoxide, heat, or ionizing radiation. Intracellular glutathione thus does not protect E. coli from such lethal oxidative damage. The use of gshA::Tn10 mutants also revealed a glutathione-independent, H2O2-inducible resistance to N-ethylmaleimide.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli BS-12 uvrA lon is hypersensitive to ultraviolet light. On minimal agar plates at densities in excess of about 10(7) bacteria per plate, as few as one or two photoreversible pyrimidine dimers in the entire genome are sufficient to cause inhibition of cell division. Most of the resulting filaments are unable to divide or form a viable colony. Inhibition of cell division appears to be a rapid consequence of replication of deoxyribonucleic acid containing a pyrimidine dimer. Photoreversibility of the inhibition of cell division persists indefinitely, indicating that the continued presence of the pyrimidine dimers (or the continued generation of daughter strand gaps) is necessary to maintain the division-inhibited state. In view of the kinetics for the production of filamentation by ultraviolet light and the extremely low average inducing fluence (0.03 J/m2), it is concluded that the initiating signal is not the same as that causing other inducible phenomena such as prophage induction or Weigle reactivation.  相似文献   

Virulence of an Escherichia coli O157:H7 sorbitol-positive mutant.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Virulence and pathogenicity of an Escherichia coli O157:H7 sorbitol-positive mutant were investigated with an infant rabbit animal model as well as a battery of in vitro assays. Total cell lysate protein profiles, outer membrane protein profiles, plasmid profiles, and levels of cytotoxic activity against Vero cells were similar in the wild-type and mutant strains. Both adhered to intestinal epithelial cells in culture and reacted with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled antiserum against E. coli O157:H7. The mutant appeared to be similar to the wild type in all respects except in its ability to ferment sorbitol. [14C]sorbitol uptake and sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities were notably increased in the mutant strain. Diarrhea developed in rabbits administered the wild-type strain and in those fed the sorbitol-positive mutant. There was greater bacterial attachment and mucosal damage in the cecum and large intestine than in the small intestine. Scanning electron microscopy revealed bacteria adhering as single cells and as aggregates closely associated with mucus. Mucosal lesions consisted of areas of tissue necrosis with sloughing of epithelial cells. By transmission electron microscopy, electron-dense necrotic epithelial cells were visible in areas where bacteria were present, and epithelial cell debris containing bacteria was observed between the villar luminal surfaces. Light microscopy of epithelial cells of intestinal sections of infected rabbits revealed noticeable vacuolation and spherical, pyknotic nuclei. These data indicate that the sorbitol-negative phenotype is not associated with the pathogenicity of E. coli O157:H7.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant resistant to 2-amino-hydroxyethylthiazole   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An Escherichia coli mutant was isolated and shown to be polymyxin B resistant. Mapping and sequence analysis revealed a missense mutation at codon 53 within the pmrA (basR) gene that results in a G-to-V substitution. Fusions of promoters from the pmrC, yibD, and pmrH genes with the lacZ reporter showed that they were constitutively expressed in pmrA53 cells. In pmrA+ strains, these promoters were induced by iron and zinc, while a DeltapmrA mutation blocked induction. The PmrA regulon regulates genes whose products remodel the composition and charge of lipid A and hence the barrier properties of the outer membrane. Along these lines, the pmrA53 mutant was also found to be hypersensitive to the anionic bile detergent deoxycholic acid.  相似文献   

肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7是一种重要的传染性病原菌,可引起多种致死性疾病的爆发流行。Tir细胞骨架偶联蛋白(TccP)是近年来发现的O157:H7的一种新的重要的毒力因子,在O157:H7黏附宿主细胞造成黏附擦拭(A/E)损伤过程中起重要作用,TccP相关研究对阐明O157:H7致病机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A positive selection procedure is described for the isolation of hydrogenase-defective mutant strains of Escherichia coli. Mutant strains isolated by this procedure can be divided into two major classes. Class I mutants produced hydrogenase activity (determined by using a tritium-exchange assay) and formate hydrogenlyase activity but lacked the ability to reduce benzyl viologen or fumarate with H2 as the electron donor. Class II mutants failed to produce active hydrogenase and hydrogenase-dependent activities. All the mutant strains produced detectable levels of formate dehydrogenase-1 and -2 and fumarate reductase. The mutation in class I mutants mapped near 65 min of the E. coli chromosome, whereas the mutation in class II mutants mapped between srl and cys operons (58 and 59 min, respectively) in the genome. The class II Hyd mutants can be further subdivided into two groups (hydA and hydB) based on the cotransduction characteristics with cys and srl. These results indicate that there are two hyd operons and one hup operon in the E. coli chromosome. The two hyd operons are needed for the production of active hydrogenase, and all three are essential for hydrogen-dependent growth of the cell.  相似文献   

To determine surviving numbers of Escherichia coli from cultures or food systems, dilution with 0.1% peptone is regularly used. Higher numbers of survivors could be obtained from an acid-treated culture if 0.5 mol l-1 sucrose was added to the 0.1% peptone. Sorbitol, glucose or sodium chloride, but not glycerol, could be used in place of sucrose. Using electron microscopy distinct differences could be seen between acid-treated and untreated cells. The osmolarity of the diluents ranged from 5 to 500 mosmol kg-1 H2O for the 0.5 mol l-1 sugar or glycerol solutions, to about 1000 mosmol kg-1 H2O for the salt solution. Maximum recovery diluent has an osmolarity of about 300 mosmol kg-1 H2O and resulted in recovery of similar numbers of injured cells as a 0.5 mol l-1 solution of sugar in 0.1% peptone. Taking into account the observed damage to acid-treated cells and the differences in osmolarity of the diluents, it is likely that dilution in 0.1% peptone imposed additional stress on the acid-injured cells which caused further cell damage. Dilution in a more osmotically stable solution alleviated this osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Stationary phase and the starvation of log-phase cells increased the acid tolerance of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains. Although the degree of acid tolerance varied, the survival of most O157:H7 strains exceeded that of other, related, pathogens in a synthetic gastric fluid.  相似文献   

A mutant of alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), which in contrast to wild type (wt) can invade cowpea plants systemically, is replicated more efficiently in cowpea protoplasts than the wt. Mutant preparations isolated from infected cowpea protoplasts contained a higher amount of middle component (M, containing RNA 2) than wt preparations. Both in cowpea plants and in cowpea protoplasts a wt phenotype is obtained upon addition of wt M to this mutant, suggesting a correlation between the type of plant reaction evoked by the virus infection and the regulation of viral RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

We initially compared lipid peroxidation profiles in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves during different cell death events. An upstream oxylipin assay was used to discriminate reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated lipid peroxidation from 9- and 13-lipoxygenase (LOX)-dependent lipid peroxidation. Free radical-mediated membrane peroxidation was measured during H(2)O(2)-dependent cell death in leaves of catalase-deficient plants. Taking advantage of these transgenic plants, we demonstrate that, under light conditions, H(2)O(2) plays an essential role in the execution of cell death triggered by an elicitor, cryptogein, which provokes a similar ROS-mediated lipid peroxidation. Under dark conditions, however, cell death induction by cryptogein was independent of H(2)O(2) and accompanied by products of the 9-LOX pathway. In the hypersensitive response induced by the avirulent pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae, both 9-LOX and oxidative processes operated concurrently, with ROS-mediated lipid peroxidation prevailing in the light. Our results demonstrate, therefore, the tight interplay between H(2)O(2) and lipid hydroperoxides and underscore the importance of light during the hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

The effects of cold-shock on the resistance of plasmid-free and plasmid-carrying Escherichia coli to acrylate and copper ions have been tested. Such shock, produced by transfer from 37 to 5°C, with 60 min incubation at the lower temperature, significantly enhanced the resistance of all the tested strains to both inhibitors. Such resistances may have arisen because the inhibitory agents are less able, due to porin changes, to penetrate into the organisms after cold-shock. It is more likely, however, that inhibitor penetration is unaffected but that cold-shocked organisms are better able to repair the damage caused (e.g. to membranes, DNA or cellular enzymes) by the inhibitors.  相似文献   

O-Antigen plays a critical role in the bacterium-host interplay, the chain length is an important factor in O-antigen functions. Wzz protein is responsible for O-antigen chain length regulation, but the mechanism is still unknown. Here, we overexpressed the Wzz of Escherichia coli O86:H2 in wzz mutant O86:H2 strain, the yield can achieve 15 mg/L. The recombinant Wzz was purified to 99% purity in dodecylmaltoside by sequential Ni-affinity chromatography and anion-exchange. Size exclusion chromatography and in vivo cross-linking experiments both showed that Wzz formed tetramer. Furthermore, analysis with circular dichroism revealed that the predominant structural composition in Wzz is alpha-helices, and incubation with O-antigen significantly changed Wzz conformation. The results suggested that Wzz protein can interact with O-antigen.  相似文献   

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