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To test whether the affinity (Kd) and total binding capacity (Bmax) of melatonin receptors exhibit daily and circadian changes in teleost fish whose melatonin secretion is not regulated by intra-pineal clocks, we examined the changes in melatonin binding sites in the brains of underyearling masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou under artificial light-dark (LD), constant light (LL) and constant dark (DD) conditions. In Experiment 1, fish were reared under a long (LD 16:8) or short (LD 8:16) photoperiod for 69 days. Blood and brains were sampled eight times at 3 h intervals. Plasma melatonin levels were high during the dark phase and low during the light phase in both photoperiodic groups. The Bmax exhibited no daily variations. Although the Kd slightly, but significantly, changed under LD 8:16, this may be of little physiological significance. In Experiment 2, fish reared under LD 12:12 for 27 days were exposed to LL or DD from the onset of the dark phase under LD 12:12. Blood and brains were sampled 13 times at 4 h intervals for two complete 24 h cycles. Plasma melatonin levels were constantly high in the DD group and low in the LL group. No significant differences were observed in the Kd and the Bmax between the two groups, and the Kd and the Bmax exhibited no circadian variation either in the LL or DD groups. These results indicate that light conditions have little effect on melatonin binding sites in the masu salmon brain.  相似文献   

A new supplementary lighting program was designed to increase the egg production of geese under natural light conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the supplementary lighting program on egg production of White Roman geese in an open housing system at the Tropic of Cancer. Forty mature White Roman geese were randomly allocated into two groups (male:female=1:4). The supplementary lighting program with a total daily photoperiod of between 12.0 h and 13.5 h was initiated on 1 November and withdrawn from the experimental group on 30 January. In contrast, the geese in the control group were kept under natural lighting conditions throughout this study. The results showed that the laying peak of the experimental group occurred earlier than normal in the reproductive season and the geese continued laying throughout the breeding season. The geese in the experimental group had 47.6 eggs/goose which was significantly (P<0.05) more than that of the control group having 26.4 eggs/goose. We can conclude that the supplemental lighting method will result in an earlier laying peak of the geese in the breeding season and higher egg production. The supplementary lighting program was able to maximize egg production in geese at the Tropic of Cancer.  相似文献   

Our experiments, carried out at night and during the day on adults and laboratory-born young of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator, deal with the identification and use of the moon as an orientating factor. Sandhoppers were released in an apparatus (a Plexiglas dome) that produced a scenario similar to the natural one (with artificial sky, moon or sun illuminated at different intensities).When tested at night, the adult and young sandhoppers used the artificial moon like the natural one, independently of the intensity of illumination of the artificial sky and moon. In other words, sandhoppers tested at night always identified the artificial moon as the moon and never as the sun. In daytime releases, the seaward orientation failed at low intensities of artificial sky and sun illumination (3.07 and 1.55 microW cm2, respectively), whereas the sun compass was used effectively at higher levels of artificial sun and sky illumination. The innate ability of moon compass orientation in inexpert young sandhoppers was demonstrated even under artificial light.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of human thermal characteristics were inspected in thermal comfort and when constantly indoors. Metabolic rate, tympanic temperature, skin temperature, body fat, body weight and thermal sensation were measured under identical thermal conditions in a chamber over the course of one year. Experiments were carried out for each subject in both summer and winter. Six subjects were measured 35 times in summer and 45 times in winter. one subject was measured weekly for 14 months. Measurements for analyses were taken 40-60 min after entrance into the chamber. Results revealed the following. 1) For all subjects, the metabolic rate, tympanic temperature and body fat were lower in summer than in winter; thigh skin temperatures were higher in summer than in winter. The averaged individual ratio of seasonal difference was 11.9% for metabolic rate, 14.9% for body fat, 1.8% for thigh temperature and 0.53% for tympanic temperature. Seasonal differences of about 10% in metabolic rate were maintained in this study. 2) Seasonal variations of the variables were examined for phase relationships against the outdoor temperature. 2-1) Metabolic rate, thermal sensation, body weight and body fat changed in reverse phase, whereas skin temperature was in-phase. 2-2) Skin temperature lagged by about one month in both summer and winter. Body fat also lagged by about one month in summer, but corresponded to the phase in winter. Metabolic rates were also in-phase in winter but led about three months in summer. Thermal sensations lagged by about three months in winter but were in-phase in summer. Body weight was in-phase in summer and winter. 2-3) Summer disorders were observed particularly in seasonal variations of metabolic rates, tympanic temperature, skin temperatures, and thermal sensation, thereby suggesting that the effect of temperature exposure was altered by air-conditioner use.  相似文献   

The seasonal reproductive cycle of photoperiodic rodents is conceptualized as a series of discrete melatonin-dependent neuroendocrine transitions. Least understood is the springtime restoration of responsiveness to winter-like melatonin signals (breaking of refractoriness) that enables animals to once again respond appropriately to winter photoperiods the following year. This has been posited to require many weeks of long days based on studies employing static photoperiods instead of the annual pattern of continually changing photoperiods under which these mechanisms evolved. Maintaining Siberian hamsters under simulated natural photoperiods, we demonstrate that winter refractoriness is broken within six weeks after the spring equinox. We then test whether a history of natural photoperiod exposure can eliminate the requirement for long-day melatonin signalling. Hamsters pinealectomized at the spring equinox and challenged 10 weeks later with winter melatonin infusions exhibited gonadal regression, indicating that refractoriness was broken. A photostimulatory effect on body weight is first observed in the last four weeks of winter. Thus, the seasonal transition to the summer photosensitive phenotype is triggered prior to the equinox without exposure to long days and is thereafter melatonin-independent. Distinctions between photoperiodic and circannual seasonal organization erode with the incorporation in the laboratory of ecologically relevant day length conditions.  相似文献   

We examined melatonin profiles of ruin lizards in different seasons (spring, summer, and autumn) under light:dark (LD) and concomitant responses when transferred to continuous darkness (DD) to determine the degree to which previously reported seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior are related to melatonin secretion. The amplitude of the melatonin rhythm and the amount of melatonin produced over 24 h varied with season. In spring, the amount of melatonin produced was greatest and the amplitude 4- 5 times that found in summer or autumn. The degree of self-sustainment of the melatonin rhythm when transferred to DD also varied with season. In DD, melatonin levels remained high but did not exhibit circadian variation in spring. In summer, the melatonin profile persisted virtually unchanged in DD, showing the existence of a circadian rhythm. Finally, in the fall there was no circadian variation in DD and levels remained low. These responses correspond closely to previously reported effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior where there is little or no effect of pinealectomy in spring or fall but a profound alteration of locomotor behavior in summer. These results suggest that the seasonally dependent effects of pinealectomy on locomotor behavior in ruin lizards are related to a seasonally mediated change in the degree of self-sustainment of some component of the circadian pace-making system of which melatonin plays some role.  相似文献   

Li  Yan  Zidorn  Christian 《Phytochemistry Reviews》2022,21(5):1549-1575
Phytochemistry Reviews - The present review gives an overview about the status of research on seasonal variation of natural products in herbs growing in or grown in Europe. Due to pronounced...  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of colony numbers of Microcystis aeruginosa(Kütz.) Kütz. and M. wesenbergii(Komárek) Komárek in N. V. Kondrat. in sediments of Lake Biwa were investigated over a period of 1 year. At two stations located in the shallow South Basin of Lake Biwa (ca. 4 m water depth), the colony number of Microcystisfluctuated seasonally. The number had a tendency to gradually decrease from winter to early summer, while it increased through mid-summer and autumn. Since the Microcystispopulation in sediment was rather small, intensive growth and accumulation in the water column should be important for the formation of Microcystisblooms in Lake Biwa. Microcystiscolonies in the sediment samples after June were observed to be floating in a counting chamber under a microscope. The observation suggests that the recruitment of Microcystis colonies into the water column mostly occurs in early summer. The number of Microcystiscolonies in the deep North Basin of Lake Biwa (70 – 90 m water depth) was larger than in the South Basin. Because the seasonal variation of colony numbers was not observed in the North Basin, and Microcystiscells do not have gas vesicles, these colonies will not return into the water column. The colonies isolated from the sediment of the North Basin were able to grow in cultured conditions, in the same way as those from the sediment of the South Basin. Therefore, Microcystiscolonies may survive for a long time under stable conditions of low temperature (ca. 8 °C) and darkness, in the sediment of the deep North Basin, accumulating gradually each year.  相似文献   

Direct demographical information from different populations of species in concern may reveal processes to target by management. We estimated seasonal survival rates using data from 253 individual females in a continuous population of black grouse Tetrao tetrix in Central Finland in 2005–2007. The information theoretic model selection included the effects of age class, ecological season, year, and their relevant interactions. We showed a clear difference in the survival of young and older females during late winter, a decrease in female survival during spring, and variation between the study years. The most frequent proximate mortality cause was avian predation, and the avian predation rate was highest in spring.  相似文献   

Foraging on flowers in low light at dusk and dawn comes at an additional cost for insect pollinators with diurnal vision. Nevertheless, some species are known to be frequently active at these times. To explore how early and under which light levels colonies of bumblebees, Bombus terrestris, initiate their foraging activity, we tracked foragers of different body sizes using RFID over 5 consecutive days during warm periods of the flowering season. Bees that left the colony at lower light levels and earlier in the day were larger in size. This result extends the evidence for alloethism in bumblebees and shows that foragers differ in their task specialization depending on body size. By leaving the colony earlier to find and exploit flowers in low light, larger‐sized foragers are aided by their more sensitive eyes and can effectively increase their contributions to the colony''s food influx. The decision to leave the colony early seems to be further facilitated by knowledge about profitable food resources in specific locations. We observed that experience accrued over many foraging flights determined whether a bee started foraging under lower light levels and earlier in the morning. Larger‐sized bees were not more experienced than smaller‐sized bees, confirming earlier observations of wide size ranges among active foragers. Overall, we found that most foragers left at higher light levels when they could see well and fly faster. Nevertheless, a small proportion of foragers left the colony shortly after the onset of dawn when light levels were below 10 lux. Our observations suggest that bumblebee colonies have the potential to balance the benefits of deploying large‐sized or experienced foragers during dawn against the risks and costs of foraging under low light by regulating the onset of their activity at different stages of the colony''s life cycle and in changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   


Photoperiodic treatments have been of practical interest in controlling seasonal reproduction in sheep, goats and horses. Melatonin is the principal mediator of the environmental photoperiodic message. To investigate the intra- and inter-subject variability of melatonin 24 h rhythm, ten female Italian Saddle horses (8–10 yrs old, mean body weight 525 ± 30 kg), ten female Sarda breed sheep (2–3 yrs old, mean body weight 40.5 ± 2.8 kg) and ten female Sarda breed goats (3–4 yrs old, mean body weight 38.9 ± 4.1 kg), housed individually in a 4 × 4 m soundproof box equipped with 50 × 100 cm opening windows, were subjected to a natural photoperiod of the vernal equinox (sunrise 06:00 h; sunset 18:00 h). Blood samples were collected from each animal, every 3 h over a 48 h period starting at 00:00 h of day 1 and ending at 00:00 h of day 3. Plasma melatonin concentrations were determined by direct radioimmunoassay (MelatoninDirect RIA, Labor Diagnostika Nord GmbH, Nordhorn, Germany). The application of single cosinor method substantiated a circadian rhythm of melatonin with a nocturnal peak in all studied species. The application of two-way ANOVA on the rhythmic parameters indicated statistically significant differences between the three species in all of the cosinor analysis-derived parameters of MESOR, amplitude, acrophase and robustness of rhythm. Analyses of intra- and inter-subject variability indicate that organization of the melatonin 24 h rhythm is characterized by great accuracy of control within and between the individuals of a breed. In conclusion, features of the 24 h rhythm of melatonin among species; however, the 24 h rhythmicity of melatonin each species showed high stability within the various subjects and within the same subject. These findings must be taken into consideration when applying photoperiod and melatonin treatments for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Measurements of daily variations in the intensity, spectral composition and polarization of the direct and the indirect sunlight are presented, and the physics of light propagation through the atmosphere is discussed. Observations of daily changes in these properties of the skylight are presented from two different locations in Norway. Probable adaptations of the light detection systems of insects living at high latitudes are predicted from the observations. The adaptation processes under consideration are (1) changes in the light absorption characteristics of the visual pigments, (2) changes in the visual sensitivity to light and (3) a switch in Zeitgeber from the daily intensity changes to changes in the spectral comptisition of the light in polar regions. It is shown that in particular the intensity ratio between the ultraviolet and the green part of the diffuse light is well suited as a Zeitgeber for insects living at high latitudes.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of shift in the natural light/dark regimen (desynchronosis) and treatment with melatonin on behavioral characteristics of rats with different activity in the open-field test. Experiments were performed on 172 Wistar rats kept under conditions of the natural or shifted light/dark regimen. Some animals were intraperitoneally treated with 1 ml physiological saline or melatonin in doses of 1 and 2 mg/kg, while others did not receive the injections. Desynchronosis altered the normal rhythm of locomotor activity and abolished the differences between daytime and nighttime activity rats not receiving the injections. The influence of melatonin on locomotor activity of rats maintained under normal or shifted light/dark conditions depended on its dose, time of treatment, and initial behavioral characteristics of animals. Our results indicate that the use of melatonin for treatment of disturbances produced by a shift in the light/dark conditions should be performed taking into account individual behavioral characteristics of the organism.  相似文献   

Summary The total carbon 13C values of two C3 halophytes,Salicornia europaea L. ssp.rubra (Nels.) Breitung andPuccinellia muttalliana (Schultes) Hitch., native to inland saline areas of Alberta, Canada, were determined for plants grown under controlled conditions of supplied NaCl in the nutrient solution, and for plants found growing in the field. Field specimens were collected along line transects which ran from areas of high salinity to areas of low salinity across the pattern of species zonation. The 13C value of the two species seemed to reflect the water potential of the soil ( w soil ) as measured arbitrarily at a depth of 10 cm, becoming less negative as the w soil decreased. Over a linear distance of 5.55 m,S. europaea spp.rubra showed a shift of +5.3 as the w soil went from-25x102 kPa to a minimum of-73x102 kPa. ForP. nuttalliana, the 13C values differed by 3.4 over a distance of 7.45 m where the maximum difference in w soil was 12.7x102 kPa. However, 13C values ofP. nuttalliana only roughly reflected the spatial trends in w soil at the time of collection. In the growth chamber, the 13C value ofS. europaea ssp.rubra changed by a maximum of +8.0 when the solute potential of the nutrient solution ( w soil ) was dropped from-0.25x102 kPa to-64.25x102 kPa; while the 13C value ofP. nuttalliana changed by a maximum of +10.8 when the w soil was dropped from-0.25x102 kPa to-40.25x102 kPa. Linear regression analyses indicated that the 13C values of both species were strongly correlated (P<0.2%) with w soil . The observed shifts in 12C may represent changes in the mode of photosynthetic CO2 fixation. However, a number of other explanations, some of which are discussed in the text, are also possible. A proper ecophysiological interpretation of such shifts in 13C values of C3 plants awaits a better understanding of the isotope fractionation mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

The fluctuations of activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and those of the levels of protein, glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, K+, Cl-, Na+ in blood plasma of mice in natural conditions (NC) and exposed to constant light (CL) were studied in different seasons of the year (in January, April, July, October) on days 18, 24, 6 (at 12 o'clock). Most indices both in NC and CL animals had seasonal rhythm similar for each of them. This proves a primary effect of environmental geoclimatic factors of formation of circadian periodicals as compared to desynchronization in constant light revealed by Kosinor analysis in winter (acrophase from 14.16 till 16.32 o'clock) and autumn (acrophase from 23.03 til 4.40 o'clock). During the same seasons one can observe the maximum desynchronization influences of constant light, which leads to abrupt falling (to the 10-fold and more) of the fluctuations amplitude and in some cases to stabilization of circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

The patterns of light intensity to which humans expose their circadian pacemakers in daily life are very irregular and vary greatly from day to day. The circadian pacemaker can adjust to such irregular exposure patterns by daily phase shifts, such as summarized in a phase response curve. It is demonstrated in this paper on the basis of computer simulations applying actually recorded human light exposure patterns that the pacemaker can substantially improve its accuracy by an additional response to light: For that purpose, it should additionally change its angular velocity (and consequently its period tau) in response to light. Reductions of tau in response to light in the morning and increases of tau in response to light in the evening can lead to an increase in entrained pacemaker accuracy with about 25%. Circadian pacemakers have evolved as accurate internal representations of external time, and investigated diurnal mammals all seem to respond to light by changing the period of their circadian pacemaker (in addition to shifting phase). The authors suggest that also human circadian systems take advantage of this possibility and that their pacemakers respond to light by shifting phase and changing period. As a consequence of this postulated mechanism, the simulations demonstrate that the period of the pacemaker under normally entrained conditions is 24 h. The maximum accuracy corresponds to a day-to-day standard deviation of the time of phase 0 of circa 15 min. This is considerably more accurate than the light signal humans usually perceive.  相似文献   

Almond plants (Amygdalus communis L.) of the Garrigues variety were grown in the field drip irrigated and rainfed. Leaf water potential (Ψ) and leaf conductance (g1) were determined throughout one growing season. Pre-dawn measurement for Ψ in the irrigated treatment was consistent through the growing season, whereas in the rainfed treatment it decreased gradually. Ψ values at midday (Ψ minimum) was closely dependent on atmospheric evaporative demand, and their recovery was quicker in the wet treatment than in the dry. The g1 values were higher in the wet than dry treatments, decreasing in both cases by leaf ageing. Maximum values for g1 were reached when evaporative demand was highest in the day. The relationship between Ψ and g1 revealed a decrease in the hysteresis throughout the growing season, being most marked in the dry treatment. The results highlight the close dependence of Ψ and g1 on evaporative demand, leaf ageing and irrigtion treatment during the growing season.  相似文献   

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