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Age- and size-specific shoot life histories were studied with population censuses in June 1984 and June 1985 in an evergreen understory shrub. Rhododendron maximum. Most shoots (65%) survived without branching or flowering, and lesser numbers branched (2%), flowered (20%), or died (23%) during the year between censuses. The probabilities of surviving, branching, flowering or dying were both age- and size-dependent. Small, young shoots increased in leaf area. Flowering occurred most prominently in 3- to 6-year old shoots that had exceeded a leaf area of 200 cm2, and the rate of flowering increased proportionately with size above this threshold. Branching normally occurred in the year following flowering. The age and size distributions of the population shifted significantly between years, indicating a nonequilibrium population. The survival schedule was Deevey Type I, indicating a high degree of “parental care” of young shoots. Age- and age + size-based demographic models predicted a rapid decline of the shoot population over a decade, while a size-based model predicted a much slower decline in shoot numbers. A sensitivity analysis of the models showed that overall shoot population growth was positively influenced by branching shoots and shoots that added leaf area, and negatively influenced by shoots that lost leaf area, died, or flowered. The role of shoot life histories in determining individual plant fitness and ecological dominance is discussed.  相似文献   

本文记述分布在我国的盾盘吸虫六种:贝居腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster conchicola K.Baer);黑龙江腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster amurensis Achmerov,1956);饭岛腹盾吸虫(Aspidogasterijimai Kawamura,1913);印度腹盾吸虫(Aspidogaster indica Dayal,1943);中华杯盾吸虫(Cotylaspis sinensis Faust and Tang,1936)及东方簇盾吸虫(Lophotaspis orientalis Faust and Tang,1936)。对各虫种的形态特征作简单描述。    相似文献   

The life histories of the red algae Rhodochorton purpureum and R. tenue were studied in unialgal culture. Telrasporophytes produced sporangia in short day regimes (8–12 hr) with 50–200 ft-c cool white light at 10 or 15 C. Mature gametophytes were not observed in the Washington and Alaska clones of R. purpureum. Tetraspores from R. tenue and the California clones of R. purpureum give rise to unisexual gametophytes that are reproductive when smaller than the tetrasporophytes. The tetrasporophytes develop directly from the gonimoblast cells. Because of similarities in morphology and life histories, it is proposed that R. tenue be placed in synonomy with R. purpureum.  相似文献   

Schiel  D.R. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):61-61
Introductions of non-native macroalgae and the subsequent displacement of native species are globally becoming more frequent. The algal genera Undaria, Sargassum , Caulerpa and Codium have been identified as being particularly invasive. An overview on the present knowledge on macroalgal introductions in the Australian region is presented and options for management are discussed, mostly using examples from studies on the introduced Japanese kelp, Undaria pinnatifida. Undaria pinnatifida was first detected in Tasmania, Australia in the early 1980's. Since then, its range has expanded despite eradication efforts. Long distance jumps appear to be the major mode of spread of U. pinnatifida in Tasmania. Studies are underway to distinguish the relative importance of spore dispersal, drift of adult plants and anthropogenic factors in spreading this invasive kelp. Although information on the real impacts of U. pinnatifida and other introduced macroalgae is sparse, the development of management and control strategies is of vital importance to prevent further spread and translocation of these "pest" species.  相似文献   

Although modular construction is considered the key to adaptive growth or growth‐form plasticity in sessile taxa (e.g., plants, seaweeds and colonial invertebrates), the serial expression of genes in morphogenesis may compromise its evolutionary potential if growth forms emerge as integrated wholes from module iteration. To explore the evolvability of growth form in the red seaweed, Asparagopsis armata, we estimated genetic variances, covariances, and cross‐environment correlations for principal components of growth‐form variation in contrasting light environments. We compared variance–covariance matrices across environments to test environmental effects on heritable variation and examined the potential for evolutionary change in the direction of plastic responses to light. Our results suggest that growth form in Asparagopsis may constitute only a single genetic entity whose plasticity affords only limited evolutionary potential. We argue that morphological integration arising from modular construction may constrain the evolvability of growth form in Asparagopsis, emphasizing the critical distinction between genetic and morphological modularity in this and other modular taxa.  相似文献   

Life cycles of the slugs Deroceras reticulatum and Arion intermediuswere compared over a four-year period on permanent pasture nearOvingham, Northumberland. Both species were semelparous, theirlife cycles taking about one year. D. reticulatum, unlike A.intermedius and other species, had two overlapping generationsthat laid their eggs in late spring and autumn respectivelyand also had one instead of two immature phases in its lifecycle. The pattern and rates of growth for the immature phasesin the life cycle of A. intermedius differed markedly from thosedescribed under laboratory conditions. Growth in the infantilephase was delayed in the field by low winter temperatures whilesecond stage growth was usually delayed in late spring by dryconditions. The life cycle of A. intermedius appears to be synchronisedby seasonal changes in photoperiod, unlike that of D. reticulatum.Growth in D. reticulatum continued throughout the winter monthsexcept under exceptionally cold conditions and was not usuallydelayed by dry conditions in spring. The size of hermaphroditegland relative to body weight in D. reticulatum reached a maximumin mature-unmated slugs and then became progressively smalleras the slug approached the post-reproductive stage which wasrelatively brief. Exceptionally dry conditions in 1962 delayedthe development of the hermaphrodite gland, the maximum sizereached was significantly reduced and fewer eggs were laid. (Received 17 September 1987; accepted 2 January 1988)  相似文献   

Tropical reef fishes, along with many benthic invertebrates, have a life cycle that includes a sedentary, bottom-dwelling reproductive phase and a planktonic stage that occurs early in development. The adult benthic populations occupy disjunct, patchy habitats; the extent of gene flow due to dispersal of the planktonic life stage is generally unknown.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory postulates that evolution is constrained by trade‐offs (i.e., negative genetic correlations) among traits that contribute to fitness. However, in organisms with complex life cycles, trade‐offs may drastically differ between phases, putatively leading to different evolutionary trajectories. Here, we tested this possibility by examining changes in life‐history traits in an aphid species that alternates asexual and sexual reproduction in its life cycle. The quantitative genetics of reproductive and dispersal traits was studied in 23 lineages (genotypes) of the bird cherry‐oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, during both the sexual and asexual phases, which were induced experimentally under specific environmental conditions. We found large and significant heritabilities (broad‐sense) for all traits and several negative genetic correlations between traits (trade‐offs), which are related to reproduction (i.e., numbers of the various sexual or asexual morphs) or dispersal (i.e., numbers of winged or wingless morphs). These results suggest that R. padi exhibits lineage specialization both in reproductive and dispersal strategies. In addition, we found important differences in the structure of genetic variance–covariance matrices ( G ) between phases. These differences were due to two large, negative genetic correlations detected during the asexual phase only: (1) between fecundity and age at maturity and (2) between the production of wingless and winged parthenogenetic females. We propose that this differential expression in genetic architecture results from a reallocation scheme during the asexual phase, when sexual morphs are not produced. We also found significant G × E interaction and nonsignificant genetic correlations across phases, indicating that genotypes could respond independently to selection in each phase. Our results reveal a rather unique situation in which the same population and even the same genotypes express different genetic (co)variation under different environmental conditions, driven by optimal resource allocation criteria.  相似文献   

Several Florideae grown in natural seawater media under defined laboratory conditions have interesting and unusual life histories. Antithamnion occidentale males of one generation produced tetraspores that gave rise to nonsporangiate males. The functional females of A. pygmaeum developed spermatangia and tetrasporangia; the tetraspores formed new females. Antithamnion defectum tetrasporophytes of one generation bore spermatangia in addition to tetrasporangia; the tetraspores gave rise to typical gametophytes. Tetraspores from successive generations of Callitham-nion sp. developed into tetrasporophytes and males but no females were produced. Functional female gametophytes of Platythamnion sp. bore abortive tetrasporangia. Field-collected plants of two species of Fauchea produced tetraspores that yielded additional sporangiate plants: those of F. pygmaea being bispo-rangiate and tetrasporangiate, and those of F. lacini-ata being strictly tetrasporangiate. Male plants of Pleonosporium vancouverianum from a running seawater table bore spermatangia and polysporangia when collected. The same plants in unialgal culture produced only spermatangia.  相似文献   

The development and morphology of the pallial and pulmonarycavities of various gastropods has been investigated using epoxy-resinserial sections. In the veliger larvae of Cellana sandwicensis(Patellogastro-poda), Gibbula adansonii (Vetigastropoda), Modulustectum (Caenogastropoda) and Ovatella myosotis (Pulmonata) theformation of the pallial cavity is nearly identical. After shellformation a shallow dorsal pallial groove develops beneath themantle edge. During the late veliger stage, the ectoderm formsa deep invagination along the bottom of the pallial groove onthe right side of the larva, giving rise to the pallial cavity.In the ellobiid O. myosotis the pallial cavity becomes the lung(=pulmonary cavity), without any major post-metamorphic modification.Thus, the lung of this species is clearly homologous with thepallial cavity of prosobranchs. The lung of pulmonates withveliger development, as well as of fresh water basommatophoransand stylommatophorans, can be shown to be homologous by comparisonof adult morphology. In contrast to previous views, the pulmonatelung should be regarded as truly homologous with the pallialcavity of prosobranchs and opisthobranchs. In the onchidiidpulmonate Onchidium cf. branchiferum, the larval pallial cavityshifts posteriorly after metamorphosis, where it gives riseto a lung and a cloaca. Contrary to previous interpretations,it can be shown that the onchidiid lung is homologous with atleast part of the pallial cavity. Smeagol climoi has only asmall pallial cavity and no separate lung. The previously described‘lung’ is shown to be a gland. The re-evaluationof the development and morphology of the pulmonate lung hasimportant systematic implications: (1) The pulmonary cavitydoes not represent a synapomorphic character of pulmonates.(2) The gymnomorphs cannot be separated from the remaining pulmonatesbased on lung development. (3) The lack of a lung in the smeagolidsmight give reason to reconsider this group's systematic placementwithin the pulmonates.  相似文献   

The immature stages of Anagonia scutellata (Malloch), Paradrino laevicula (Mesnil), Sturmia convergens (Wiedemann) and Winthermia neowinthemoides (Townsend) are described and data on their development are presented.  相似文献   

Daily measurements of hypocotyl length were made on Celosia cristata seedlings cultured in darkness under aseptic conditions at six constant temperatures between 14.5° and 40.5°C. At 40.5° roots did not penetrate the agar and only the hypocotyls that were supported by the wall of the test tube could be measured. The growth curves were of the generalized logistic type, but of different degrees of skewness. The degree of symmetry of the growth curves was influenced by temperature. At the lower temperatures the maximal growth rate came relatively late in the grand period of growth; at successively higher temperatures it came progressively earlier. The mean total time rate of growth (millimeter per diem) was found to be a parabolic function of the temperature. The maximum rate of growth was found from the curve to be at 30.48°C. The maximum observed rate of growth, and the maximum yield, were found to be at 30°C. At all temperatures above 14.5° the maximum growth activity fell in the second quarter of the whole growth period. At all temperatures tested other than 30°, and at all parts of the growth cycle, the growth yield as measured by height of hypocotyl at any given equivalent point was less than at 30°. The total duration of life of the seedlings, and the duration of life after the end of the growth period (intermediate period) were inversely proportional to the mean total growth rate. The observations on Celosia cristata seedlings are thus in accord with the "rate of living" theory of life duration. The optimal temperature for life duration is the minimum temperature, within the range of these observations.  相似文献   

Natural populations of guppies that co-occur with the pike cichlid Crenicichla alta and associated predators mature at smaller body sizes, produce more and smaller offspring per litter reproduce more frequently, and have higher reproductive allotments (weight of developing embryos/total body weight) than guppies that co-occur with just the killifish Rivulus harti (Reznick and Endler, 1982). I here consider three forms of repeatability in these life-history patterns: i) among replicate samples collected on the same day from the same locality, ii) between Crenicichla and Rivulus communities among a new series of localities, and iii) among a smaller series of Crenicichla and Rivulus localities sampled in two wet and two dry seasons. In the analysis of replicate collections from two localities, seven of eight statistical comparisons revealed no significant difference. The usual methodology for estimating these variables therefore accurately represents guppy life-history patterns at a given locality. Differences among guppies from Rivulus and Crenicichla localities, covering a wider geographical area than considered by Reznick and Endler (1982), were virtually identical to the previous comparison. Wet-season samples were associated with significant decreases in reproductive allotment and fecundity and significant increases in the size of mature males and the minimum size of reproducing females. Differences between guppies from Rivulus and Crenicichla localities persisted across all samples and were consistent with all other observations, although they tended to be smaller during the wet season. Discriminant analyses on female reproductive traits showed that fecundity and offspring size made strong, independent contributions to discriminating between guppies from the two types of localities. The contribution from reproductive allotment was considerably smaller. There was more overlap between predator treatments during the wet season. Only 8.5% of the individuals were misclassified during the dry season, but 19.5% were misclassified during the wet season.  相似文献   

The fossil record of neritopsid opercula and shells shows thatthe shell shape typical for Neritopsidae and Neritidae appearedin the Triassic. The ancestors of Neritimorpha were most probablyforms similar to Naticopsis. The operculum of Recent Neritopsisis composed of two calcitic parts secreted from inside and anaragonitic callus deposited from outside. Similar neritopsidopercula were already present in the Late Triassic. The firstopercula with asymmetrically situated muscle scars, possiblyancestral for neritids, also appeared at that time. (Received 27 May 2004; accepted 8 December 2004)  相似文献   

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