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Light response (at 300 ppm CO(2) and 10-50 ppm O(2) in N(2)) and CO(2) response curves [at absorbed photon fluence rate (PAD) of 550 μmol m(-2) s(-1)] of O(2) evolution and CO(2) uptake were measured in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves grown on either NO(3)(-) or NH(4)(+) as N source and in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), and amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) leaves grown on NH(4)NO(3). Photosynthetic O(2) evolution in excess of CO(2) uptake was measured with a stabilized zirconia O(2) electrode and an infrared CO(2) analyser, respectively, and the difference assumed to represent the rate of electron flow to acceptors alternative to CO(2), mainly NO(2)(-), SO(4)(2-), and oxaloacetate. In NO(3)(-)-grown tobacco, as well as in sorghum, amaranth, and young potato, the photosynthetic O(2)-CO(2) flux difference rapidly increased to about 1 μmol m(-2) s(-1) at very low PADs and the process was saturated at 50 μmol quanta m(-2) s(-1). At higher PADs the O(2)-CO(2) flux difference continued to increase proportionally with the photosynthetic rate to a maximum of about 2 μmol m(-2) s(-1). In NH(4)(+)-grown tobacco, as well as in potato during tuber filling, the low-PAD component of surplus O(2) evolution was virtually absent. The low-PAD phase was ascribed to photoreduction of NO(2)(-) which successfully competes with CO(2) reduction and saturates at a rate of about 1 μmol O(2) m(-2) s(-1) (9% of the maximum O(2) evolution rate). The high-PAD component of about 1 μmol O(2) m(-2) s(-1), superimposed on NO(2)(-) reduction, may represent oxaloacetate reduction. The roles of NO(2)(-), oxaloacetate, and O(2) reduction in the regulation of ATP/NADPH balance are discussed.  相似文献   

Equipment was devised which permitted the addition of specific gaseous ions to the atmosphere of plastic chambers in which seedlings of HORDEUM VULGARIS were grown in sand culture supplied with chemically defined nutrient solutions. Moderate densities of O2 or O2 + ions (1.8×104/cm3)in air containing an added 8% of O2 accelerated the growth rate. A like number of CO2 or CO2 + ions in air containing 8% of CO2 inhibited growth, impeded the production of chlorophyll and devitalized the young seedlings. Evidence is presented that O2 and O2 + stimulate the production of cytochromes and other Fe-containing enzymes through their action on the plant regulatory system responsible for the control of Fe metabolism. The toxic effect of CO2 and CO2 + cannot be explained as yet.
Zusammenfassung Eine Apparatur wurde entwickelt, die die Zufuhr von ionisiertem Gas der AtmosphÄre in Kammern gestattet. Darin wurden Keimlinge von HORDEUM VULGARIS in Sand mit chemisch definierten NÄhrlösungen gezüchtet. Konzentrationen von 1,8×104/cm3 O2 und O2 + in Luft mit zusÄtzlich 8% O2 beschleunigten die Wachstumsrate. Die gleiche Menge CO2 und CO2 + in Luft mit zusÄtzlich 8% CO2 hemmte die Wachstumsrate, die Bildung von Chlorophyll und entkrÄftigte die Keimlinge. Es wird gezeigt,dass O2 und O2 + die Bildung von Cytochrom und anderen eisenhaltigen Enzymen anregen durcn ihre Wirkung auf das den Fe-Stoffwechsel regulierende System der Pflanze. Die toxische Wirkung von CO2 und CO2 + lÄsst sich noch nicht erklÄren.

Resume On a construit un appareil permettant d'introduire dans 1'atmosphères des ions de gaz déterminés. On a alors effectué de telles adjonctions à l'air contenu dans des cellules de plastique dans lesquelles on cultivait HORDEUM VULGARIS sur du sable et dans une solution nutritive chimiquement définie. Des densités modérées d'ions O2 ou O2 + (1,8×104/cm3) dans de l'air additionné de 8% d'O2 accélèrent la croissance. La meme concentration de CO2 et CO2 + additionnée de 8% de CO2 a ralenti la croissance et la formation de chlorophylle et a diminué la vitalite des plantes nouvellement germées. On démontre que O2 et O2 + active la formation de cytochrome et d'autres enzymes ferreuses par suite de l'action de ces ions sur le système régularisant le métabolisme du fer dans la plante. L'effet toxique du CO2 et CO2 + reste encore inexpliqué.

1. The uptake of (14)C-labelled alpha-aminoisobutyric acid by 5-day-old chick embryo hearts was investigated in vitro, together with the effect of insulin thereon. 2. At equilibrium the distribution ratio of this amino acid analogue between intracellular and extracellular water attained values greater than unity. Insulin enhanced the rate of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation and increased the value of its final concentration in the cell water. 3. The rate of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation and the effect of insulin on it were independent of the presence of glucose in the incubation medium. Bovine and chicken insulin were equally effective, and the action of the hormone was specifically prevented by an anti-insulin serum but not by puromycin. 4. A linear relationship was observed between the intracellular accumulation of the analogue and the logarithm of the insulin concentration in the range 50muunits-100m-units/ml. of incubation medium. 5. Evidence was obtained for the occurrence of two different transport processes for alpha-aminoisobutyric acid in the chick embryo heart: one subject to saturation and one that was not saturated by reasonable concentrations of the analogue. Insulin increased the effectiveness of the saturable component, increasing the maximal velocity of transport without altering the concentration for half-maximal velocity of transport, and decreased the contribution of the non-saturable component.  相似文献   

Summary The treatment of barley aleurone layers with gibberellic acid (GA3) results in the synthesis of two groups of -amylase isozymes. Addition of abscisic acid (ABA) at the same time as GA3 inhibited the synthesis of both groups of isozymes. However, midcourse ABA addition (12 h or later after GA3) had a more inhibitory effect on the high pI -amylase group than on the low pI -amylase group. This midcourse inhibition was detectable within 2 h of ABA addition. Northern analysis results using cDNA probes for the high pI and low pI -amylase groups paralleled the protein synthesis results for both isozyme groups. High pI -amylase mRNA levels began to decrease within 2 h of midcourse ABA treatment and were less than 10% of the original level by 4 h. The levels of low pI -amylase mRNA were decreased less by midcourse ABA addition than were high pI mRNA levels. Cordycepin and cycloheximide blocked the effects of midcourse ABA addition on -amylase mRNA. These observations indicate that ABA inhibits -amylase expression at the pretranslational level and that protein and RNA synthesis are required for midcourse ABA action to occur. Our results also show that -amylase mRNA, which has been thought to be very stable, is degraded after midcourse ABA treatment.  相似文献   

The amino acid analogue α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) decreased linear extension growth in fifteen out of sixteen wood decay and wood spoilage fungi. In Serpula lacrimans inhibition of extension growth by AIB was accompanied by an increase in the frequency with which the hyphae of the fungus initiated branches. AIB was shown to have a preservative effect against Lentinus lepideus, Serpula lacrimans and Pleurotus ostreatus when wood blocks were impregnated with this chemical prior to challenge by cultures of these fungi. The effectiveness of this compound in limiting growth in a large number of different fungi suggests that competitive inhibitors of nitrogen uptake and metabolism could be used to control fungi which decay wood and similar materials, and may also have wider applications.  相似文献   

The inheritance of seed -amylase inhibitor in the common bean and the genetic relationships among the variants and six arcelin variants in the common bean were investigated by crossing between accessions containing different AI and arcelin variants. All seed proteins in parental, F1 and F2 seeds from the crosses were examined by Western-blot analysis. All F1 seeds gave combined AI banding patterns from parents on the blotting membranes. The segregation of F2 seeds for AI variants indicated that the polypeptides of AI variants were inherited as single co-dominant units. Moreover, AI and arcelin behaved as a single block in crosses, indicating a close linkage relationship between the genes controlling these proteins.  相似文献   

The regulatory consequences of acetate infusion on the pyruvate and the branched chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase reactions in the isolated, perfused rat liver were investigated. Metabolic flux through these two decarboxylation reactions was monitored by measuring the rate of 14CO2 production from infused 1-14C-labeled substrates. When acetate was presented to the liver as the sole substrate the rate of ketogenesis which resulted was maximal at concentrations of acetate in excess of 10 mm. The increase in hepatic ketogenesis during acetate infusion was not accompanied by an alteration of the mitochondrial oxidation-reduction state as measured by the ratio of β-hydroxybutyrate/ acetoacetate in the effluent perfusate. While acetate infusion did not affect the rate of α-keto[1-14C]isocaproate decarboxylation, the rate of α-keto[1-14C]isovalerate decarboxylation was stimulated appreciably upon acetate addition. No change was observed in the amount of extractable branched chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase during acetate infusion. The rate of [1-14C]pyruvate decarboxylation was stimulated in the presence of acetate at low (<1 mm) but not at high (>1 mm) perfusate pyruvate concentrations. The stimulation of the metabolic flux through the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction upon acetate infusion was accompanied by an increase in the activation state of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from 25.7 to 35.6% in the active form. In a liver perfused in the presence of the pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor, dichloroacetate, at a low concentration of pyruvate (0.05 mm) the infusion of acetate did not affect the rate of pyruvate decarboxylation. As the rate of mitochondrial acetoacetate efflux is increased during acetate infusion the stimulation of pyruvate and α-ketoisovalerate decarboxylation is attributed to an accelerated rate of exchange of mitochondrial acetoacetate for cytosolic pyruvate or α-ketoisovalerate on the monocarboxylate transporter.  相似文献   

The role of uronic acid oxidase in abscission was studied in explants of citrus ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck; var. Shamouti) leaves and fruits. In leaf explants, activity of uronic acid oxidase prior to onset of abscission and the rate of abscission were markedly accelerated by ethylene and delayed by 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetie acid. Similar results were obtained for uronic acid oxidase activity in the exocellular fraction of young fruit explants. In mature fruit explants, treated with ethylene, an immediate increase in activity was evidenty in the non-active shoot/peduncle abscission zone, whereas in the calyx abscission zone the rise in activity occurred after a prolonged exposure to ethylene, when most of the fruits had already abscised. Whenever ethylene enhanced uronic acid oxidase activity, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid delayed it. A gradient of decreasing activity or uronic acid oxidase was recorded from both sides of the abscission zone in leaves and fruits toward the separation line, where activity was the lowest as compared with the activity found in adjacent tissues. It is suggested that uronic acid oxidase is involved in senescence and cell wall degradation. However, it is yet questionable whether this enzyme is directly related to the control mechanism of abscission.  相似文献   

Epichlorohydrin (ECH) is used in many industrial processes. Different toxic effects of ECH were found in rodents. The metabolism of ECH was investigated before in rats using [14C]ECH. The aim of this investigation was the development of non-radioactive quantitative analytical methods for measuring two urinary metabolites of ECH, namely 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropylmercapturic acid (CHPMA) and α-chlorohydrin (α-CH). The identity of CHPMA and α-CH excreted in urine of rats treated with 5 to 35 mg/kg ECH was confirmed by GC-MS. The quantitative analysis of CHPMA, involving ethyl acetate extraction from acidified urine and subsequent methylation and analysis by gas chromatography-flame photometric detection (GC-FPD), showed a method limit of detection of 2 μg/ml. The analysis of α-CH, based on ethyl acetate extraction and subsequent analysis by GC-ECD, showed a method limit of detection of 2 μg/ml. CHPMA and α-CH derivatives could be determined quantitatively down to concentrations of 0.5 and 0.4 μg/ml urine, respectively, by selected-ion monitoring GC-MS under EI conditions. Cumulative urinary excretion of CHPMA and α-CH by rats treated with ECH were found to be 31 ± 10 and 1.4 ± 0.6% (n = 13) of the ECH dose, respectively. For CHPMA, the dose-excretion relationship suggested partially saturated ECH metabolism. For α-CH, the dose-excretion relationship was linear. With fractionated urine collection it was found that approximately 74 and 84% of the total cumulative excretion of CHPMA and α-CH, respectively, took place within the first 6 h after administration of ECH. From these investigations it is concluded that the GC-FPD and GC-ECD based methods developed are sufficiently sensitive to measure urinary excretion of CHPMA and α-CH in urine from rats administered 5 to 35 mg/kg ECH. It is anticipated that the analysis of CHPMA and α-CH based on GC-MS may be sufficiently sensitive to investigate urinary excretion from humans occupationally exposed to ECH.  相似文献   

Masayoshi Ono  Takami Oka 《Cell》1980,19(2):473-480
The dose-response relationship between cortisol and the accumulation of the two milk proteins, casein and α-lactalbumin, was studied in organ culture of mammary gland from midpregnant mice. The accumulation of casein was low in culture with insulin but was enhanced by the further addition of prolactin. Further increases in casein were effected by the addition of cortisol in increasing concentrations up to 3 × 10?6 M, which was optimal for the accumulation of this protein. The content of α-lactalbumin in explants was similarly low in culture with insulin alone, but, in contrast, was increased to a maximal level by the addition of insulin and prolactin. The addition of cortisol up to 3 × 10?8 M with insulin and prolactin did not further increase the level of α-lactalbumin; in fact, at concentrations above 3 × 10?7 M the steroid caused progressive inhibition of the accumulation of this protein in cultured explants. Studies of the appearance of casein and α-lactalbumin in incubation medium during organ culture revealed the presence of substantial amounts of these milk proteins. During the first 2 days of culture with insulin, prolactin and 3 × 10?6 M cortisol, the amount of α-lactalbumin in culture medium was almost equal to the level found in tissue, whereas in the presence of 3 × 10?8 M cortisol, or in the absence of exogenous steroid, over 70% of total α-lactalbumin was retained in tissue. The observed difference in the amount of α-lactalbumin in culture medium can, however, only partially account for the inhibitory effect of high doses of cortisol on the accumulation of α-lactalbumin in cultured mammary explants. In contrast to α-lactalbumin, the relative amount of casein in culture medium containing insulin and prolactin was smaller—19% of total casein synthesized—and was further reduced to 16% and 11% of the total in the presence of 3 × 10?8 M and 3 × 10?6 M cortisol, respectively. The above results indicate that cortisol exerts dose-dependent differential actions on the accumulation of casein and α-lactalbumin in mouse mammary epithelium in vitro.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effects of dietary trans linoleate on the concentration of PGF and its precursor acid, and on platelet aggregation, four groups of rats were fed a diet containing hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO, treatment A); 9 trans, 12 trans linoleate (trans linoleate, treatment B); an equal mixture of 9 cis linoleate (cis linoleate) and trans linoleate (treatment C); and cis linoleate (treatment D); respectively for 12 weeks. The levels of arachidonic acid as a percent of total serum lipids were 5.8, 0.8, 25.2 and 30.0, respectively for treatments A, B, C, and D. The serum concentrations of PGF were 3.2, 0.31, 14.1 and 27.4 ng/ml, respectively for treatments A, B, C, and D. Thus, trans linoleate caused decreased biosynthesis of PGF probably resulting from decreased level of its precursor acid. The magnitude of the inhibition of the platelet aggregation by indomethacin was greater in treatment A than in treatment B. The difference in the magnitude of the inhibition between treatment C and D was not apparent at a high concentration of indomethacin, however, at a lower concentration (0.01 mM) the percent inhibition was 3 and 42 for treatments C and D, respectively. These results indicate that levels of dietary linoleate can affect physiological responses through an effect on the amount of PG synthesized in animal tissues.  相似文献   

Treatment of Fe2(CO)9 with sulfur-transfer reagents of the types ImideSSImide and RSSImide where H-imide = phthalimide, succinimide, benzimidazole, morpholine and piperazine, and R  CH2Ph and CMe3 leads to cleavage of both the sulfursulfur bond and the sulfurnitrogen bond to give Fe3(CO)9S2 in varying yields, some Fe2(CO)6S2 plus low yields of the appropriate dimers of the type Fe2(CO)6(SR)(SR′), where R = R′ = phthal imido, CH2Ph, CMe3 and R = CH2Ph, CMe3, R′ = phthalimido. The naturally occurring cyclic disulfide D,L-α-lipoic acid, its methyl ester and amide react with Fe2(CO)9 to give Fe2(CO)6 derivatives wherein the sulfursufur bond has been broken.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in B cells is induced through the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) and affects the sialic acid recognition molecules on B cells. We investigated the effects of 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), which mainly contains 2,6-linked sialic acid, on anti-IgM antibody (Ab)-induced apoptosis in Ramos cells, which are derived from Burkitt's lymphoma. When Ramos cells were incubated with anti-IgM-Ab in plates coated with AGP, neuraminidase-digested AGP (asAGP) or 2,3-sialylated AGP (2,3AGP), apoptosis was suppressed only in those coated with AGP. We also studied the effects of CD22, which is expressed on the surface of mature B cells and binds to sugar chains containing 2,6-linked sialic acid, with anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Anti-CD22mAb enhanced anti-IgM Ab-induced apoptosis in Ramos cells. These contradictory results suggested that the recognition molecules for 2,6-linked sialic acid on AGP, which inhibits B-cell apoptosis, is distinct from CD22, or that different binding domains of CD22 between 2,6-linked sialic acid and anti-CD22 mAb exert opposite functions of suppression or enhancement to anti-IgM Ab-induced B cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between accumulation of cyclic AMP and the secretion of α-amylase was investigated in the rat pancreas in vitro. Theophylline and secretin induced an increase in tissue cyclic AMP levels, however, only secretin stimulated secretion of α-amylase. Pancreozymin caused a release of α-amylase and had a biphasic effect on nucleotide levels — stimulation followed by inhibition. Carbachol, which induced a secretory response in the rat pancreas, reduced tissue levels of the cyclic nucleotide.  相似文献   

1. Certain aromatic polysulphonic acids, previously tested for inhibition of the haemolytic activity of staphylococcal α-toxin, together with some additional related compounds, were tested as possible inhibitors of α-toxin in mice. 2. Compounds that inhibited the haemolytic activity of α-toxin at concentrations of 0·16mm or less [compounds (I), (II), (IV), (V), (VII) and (VIII)] were found to inhibit the lethal effect of α-toxin. 3. With the exception of compound (VIII), amounts of 1mg. were required to inhibit 4 LD50 of toxin when the test compounds were premixed with α-toxin before injection; comparable inhibition with 0·3mg. of compound (VIII) was achieved without prolonged premixing. 4. Mixtures of α-toxin and compounds (I) and (II) containing an excess of test compound showed markedly diminished inhibitory activities. 5. The `half-molecule' analogues of group 1 [compounds (III) and (XVIII)] were non-inhibitory. 6. Compounds (I)–(V), when administered separately from α-toxin by the same route (intraperitoneal), were active only when injected almost simultaneously with toxin, whereas compounds (VII) and (VIII) were strikingly inhibitory when injected 15min. before or after the toxin. 7. Compound (VIII) failed to inhibit the lethal effect of α-toxin when injected by a different route (intravenous).  相似文献   

The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, contains a family of defense proteins that comprises phytohemagglutinin (PHA), arcelin, and -amylase inhibitor (AI). Here we report eight new derived amino acid sequences of genes in this family obtained with either the polymerase chain reaction using genomic DNA, or by screening cDNA libraries made with RNA from developing beans. These new sequences are: two AI sequences and arcelin-4 obtained from a wild accession of P. vulgaris that is resistant to the Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfasciatus) and the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus); an AI sequence from the related species P. acutifolius (tepary bean); a PHA and an arcelin-like sequence from P. acutifolius; an AI-like sequence from P. maculatus; and a PHA sequence from an arcelin-5 type P. vulgaris. A dendrogram of 16 sequences shows that they fall into the three identified groups: phytohemagglutinins, arcelins and AIs. A comparison of these derived amino acid sequences indicates that one of the four amino acid residues that is conserved in all legume lectins and is required for carbohydrate binding is absent from all the arcelins; two of the four conserved residues needed for carbohydrate binding are missing from all the AIs. Proteolytic processing at an Asn-Ser site is required for the activation of AI, and this site is present in all AI-like sequences; this processing site is also found at the same position in certain arcelins, which are not proteolytically processed. The presence of this site is therefore not sufficient for processing to occur.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphate buffer on the activity of jack bean urease was studied in the range of pH 5.80–8.07. The inhibition constants of phosphate buffer were determined by measuring initial reaction rates at each pH for a series of buffer concentrations at a series of urea concentrations. It was shown that: (1) at pH 5.80–7.49 the buffer is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme with Ki,buffer increasing from 0.54 mM for pH 5.80 to 362 mM for pH 7.49, (2) the values of pKi,buffer are pH-dependent exhibiting a slope of −1 at pH 5.80–6.5 and a slope of −2 at pH 6.5–7.49, (3) from pH 7.62 as the pH is further raised the competitive inhibition of urease by the buffer was not observed, (4) the true competitive inhibitor of urease is H2PO4 ion, and (5) pH 6.5 and 7.6 correspond to the ionization constants of the active site groups of urease responsible for the inhibitory strength of H2PO4 ion.  相似文献   

The stability of subtilisin BPN′ in organic solvents or cosolvent/water mixtures was studied as a function of the type and concentration of counterion at the time of freeze-drying, water concentration, and stirring speed/method. It was found that the enzyme is stabilized by high concentrations of counterion, at least at very high cosolvent concentrations. The type of counterion also has a remarkable impact on the enzyme stability; at high concentrations of DMF (dimethylformamide), multivalent counterions with low solubility in organic solvents are far superior to monovalent, soluble ones. Sodium citrate is the best salt tested in terms of enzyme stability, increasing the half life of the enzyme better than a millionfold over Tris in 99% DMF. The stability of the enzyme was found to have a complex dependence on the amount of water in the DMF. Enzyme lyophilized from the sodium phosphate displays a stability minimum at about 90% DMF, while enzyme lyophilized from Tris becomes increasingly unstable from 30% to 99% DMF, without inflection. Vigorous stirring with a magnetic stir bar, which broke apart the enzyme particles, was found to be extremely deleterious to enzyme stability, while swirling the enzyme with a wrist-action stirrer, which did not grind the enzyme particles, had no effect. Explanations for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Collisionless confinement of monoenergetic α particles in three-dimensional magnetic fields produced by the magnetic coils of the Large Helical Device is calculated. It is found that the inward shift of the magnetic axis due to the vertical field improves the α-particle confinement. In contrast to the vertical field, both large positive and negative hexapole fields do not improve the confinement. The study of the β effect and Mercier criterion calculations for different hexapole fields are also presented.  相似文献   

Nε-acetylation occurs on select lysine residues in α-crystallin of the human lens and alters its chaperone function. In this study, we investigated the effect of Nε-acetylation on advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation and consequences of the combined Nε-acetylation and AGE formation on the function of α-crystallin. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Nε-acetylation of lysine residues and AGE formation co-occurs in both αA- and αB-crystallin of the human lens. Prior acetylation of αA- and αB-crystallin with acetic anhydride (Ac2O) before glycation with methylglyoxal (MGO) resulted in significant inhibition of the synthesis of two AGEs, hydroimidazolone (HI) and argpyrimidine. Similarly, synthesis of ascorbate-derived AGEs, pentosidine and Nε-carboxymethyl lysine (CML), was inhibited in both proteins by prior acetylation. In all cases, inhibition of AGE synthesis was positively related to the degree of acetylation. While prior acetylation further increased the chaperone activity of MGO-glycated αA-crystallin, it inhibited the loss of chaperone activity by ascorbate-glycation in both proteins. BioPORTER-mediated transfer of αA- and αB-crystallin into CHO cells resulted in significant protection against hyperthermia-induced apoptosis. This effect was enhanced in acetylated and MGO-modified αA- and αB-crystallin. Caspase-3 activity was reduced in α-crystallin transferred cells. Glycation of acetylated proteins with either MGO or ascorbate produced no significant change in the anti-apoptotic function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that lysine acetylation and AGE formation can occur concurrently in α-crystallin of human lens, and that lysine acetylation improves anti-apoptotic function of α-crystallin and prevents ascorbate-mediated loss of chaperone function.  相似文献   

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