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One of the central questions of the transition from mobile hunter-gatherers to sedentary farming communities concerns the establishment of new social structures and group identities. Along with other important factors, such as territory, ideology or economy, biological relationships might have played a decisive role in defining social groups. We therefore systematically analyzed teeth and jaw remains from nine sites in the Near East dating from the Natufian to the Late PPNB as primary proxy data for the reconstruction of familial relationships. This paper presents the results of morphological analyses on the teeth of the individuals from Kfar HaHoresh, one of the investigated Pre-Pottery Neolithic B sites. Kfar HaHoresh is located in the Nazareth hills of Galilee (32°42''20'''' N 35°16''28'''' E), Israel. Different statistical methods were applied to our data of epigenetic traits with the aim of determining biological relationships within the community, whereby the data of the eight other sites were used as cross-references. Our comparison of the traits of all individuals from Kfar HaHoresh indicates a rather heterogeneous community, but clearly shows one cluster belonging to a quite homogenous group, suggesting close biological relations between females and sub-adults. Interestingly, none of the male individuals belongs to this cluster, although their number outweighs that of the female individuals. This might suggest matrilocal residence patterns. However, due to the incomplete preservation of the teeth along with several other uncertainties, our conclusion must be seen as preliminary. A cross-examination of the results on skeletons excavated after our investigation should also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

In this paper we present new data pertaining to the paleo-landscape characteristics at the Acheulian site of Revadim, on the southern coastal plain of Israel. Sedimentological, isotopic, granulometric and micromorphological studies showed that the archaeological remains accumulated in an active fluvial environment where channel action, overbank flooding and episodic inundation occurred. Measurements of total organic matter and its carbon isotopic composition indicate that the hominin activity at the site started at a period of relatively drier conditions, which coincided with erosion of the preceding soil sequence. This process led to the formation of a gently-undulating topography, as reconstructed by a GIS model. Later deposition documents relatively wetter conditions, as indicated by carbon isotopic composition. Formation processes identified at the site include fluvial processes, inundation episodes that resulted in anaerobic conditions and formation of oxide nodules, as well as small-scale bioturbation and later infiltration of carbonate-rich solutions that resulted in the formation of calcite nodules and crusts. The combination of micro-habitats created favorable conditions that repeatedly drew hominins to the area, as seen by a series of super-imposed archaeological horizons. This study shows that site-specific paleo-landscape reconstructions should play an important role in understanding regional variation among hominin occupations and in extrapolating long-term behavioral patterns during the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

本文通过对牛河梁遗址出土的31例红山文化时期人类牙齿龋病的统计与分析, 获知: 1)牛河梁遗址男女两性的患龋率、龋齿率没有明显的性别差异; 2)他们的患龋率和龋齿率有随年龄增长逐步增高的趋势; 3)上颌的龋齿罹患率高于下颌; 4)龋齿的发生主要集中在臼齿,且以咬合面部位为主; 5)他们的患龋率和龋齿率均较低。牛河梁红山文化人群相对偏低的龋齿率可能暗示出他们的经济生活方式还处在以采集狩猎为主体的模式中, 农耕经济可能处于较低层次的状态。  相似文献   

Chemical modification of tryptophan residues in ricin E was investigated with regard to saccharide-binding. Two out of ten tryptophan residues in ricin E were modified with N- bromosuccinimide at pH 4.5 in the absence of specific saccharide accompanied by a marked decrease in the cytoagglutinating activity. Such a loss of the cytoagglutinating activity was found to be principally due to the oxidation of one tryptophan residue per B-chain. In the presence of lactose, one tryptophan residue/mol was protected from the modification with retention of a fairly high cytoagglutinating activity. However, G a IN Ac did not show such a protective effect. The binding of lactose to ricin E altered the environment of the tryptophan residue at the low affinity binding site of ricin E, leading to a blue shift of the fluorescence spectrum and an UV-difference spectrum with a maximum at 290 nm and a trough at 300 nm. The ability to generate such spectroscopic changes induced by lactose was retained in the derivative in which one tryptophan residue/mol was oxidized in the presence of lactose, but not in the derivative in which two tryptophan residues/mol were oxidized in the absence of lactose. Based on these results, it is suggested that one of the two surface-localized tryptophan residues is responsible for saccharide binding at the low affinity binding site of ricin E, which can bind lactose but lacks the ability to bind GalNAc.  相似文献   

Essential arginine residues are suggested to be located at the active sites of maize branching enzymes (BE) based on the evidence that two arginine residues are conserved in all BE from various species and that as little as one arginine residue is located at the active site of maize BE by phenylglyoxal (PGO) modification. To determine the exact location of the active-site arginine residue in BE, we employed peptide mapping and site-directed mutagenesis approaches. A single trypsin-digested, [14C]PGO-labeled peptide was purified from maize BEII by two rounds of HPLC separation, but we failed to obtain amino acid sequencing information. Site-directed mutagenesis was then used to create one mutant (arginine-384 to alanine-384), R384A. Immunoblotting result showed that BEII protein was expressed at a similar level in the wild type and the R384A mutant. However, BE activity in the R384A mutant was only 1.4% of the wild type. These results support the conclusion that the conserved arginine-384 residue is important in BEII catalysis.  相似文献   

Dietary exposures of passerine birds at the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, were examined due to the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the terrestrial and aquatic food webs. Average potential daily doses in diets were 6- to 29-fold and 16- to 35-fold greater at a contaminated location than at a reference location for PCB exposures quantified as total PCBs and 2,3,7,8–tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs), respectively. Birds with diets comprised of primarily aquatic insects had greater dietary exposure than birds with diets of primarily terrestrial insects. Risk associated with dietary exposure varied with the selection of the threshold for effects including hazard quotients, which exceeded 1 in instances where the most conservative toxicity reference values were utilized. Risk based on concentrations of PCBs in the tissues indicated little risk to avian species, and co-located studies evaluating reproductive health did not suggest that observed incidences of diminished reproductive success were related to PCB exposure. Measures of risk based on comparison to toxicity reference values (TRVs) were consistent with direct measures of ecologically relevant endpoints of reproductive fitness, but uncertainty exists in the selection of threshold values for effects in these species especially based on TEQs. This is largely due to the absence of species-specific, dose-response relationships. Therefore, the best estimate of risk is through the application of multiple lines of evidence.  相似文献   

The association of the FTO gene with obesity has been implicated in various human populations. The FTO gene is also most likely involved in the regulation of energy balance and feed intake. Here, the FTO gene was studied as a candidate gene for fatness and growth rate traits in pigs. The amino acid sequence of the FTO gene showed high conservation among human, pig, and other important domestic animals. Twelve variants including ten SNPs and two indels were detected, and then five SNPs within different genomic regions were genotyped in the ISU Berkshire × Yorkshire pig resource family. The linkage disequilibrium analyses revealed that most of these FTO variants were not in strong LD with each other. The SNPs c.46–139A > T within intron 1 and a synonymous mutation c.594C > G (Ala198Ala) within exon 3 had significant (P < 0.01) associations with average daily gain on test and total lipid percentage in muscle, respectively. Five major haplotypes were identified and the subsequent association analyses suggested that haplotype 2 (-CTTGG-) was the most favorable for increased growth rate, while haplotype 1 (-CTACG-) was unfavorably associated with intramuscular fatness traits.  相似文献   

Starch grain, phytolith and cereal bran fragments were analyzed in order to identify the food remains including cakes, dumplings, as well as porridge unearthed at the Astana Cemeteries in Turpan of Xinjiang, China. The results suggest that the cakes were made from Triticum aestivum while the dumplings were made from Triticum aestivum, along with Setaria italica. The ingredients of the porridge remains emanated from Panicum miliaceum. Moreover, direct macrobotantical evidence of the utilization of six cereal crops, such as Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare var. coeleste, Panicum miliaceum, Setaria italica, Cannabis sativa, and Oryza sativa in the Turpan region during the Jin and Tang dynasties (about 3rd to 9th centuries) is also presented. All of these cereal crops not only provided food for the survival of the indigenous people, but also spiced up their daily life.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of purified d-glucosaminate dehydratase (GADH) apoenzyme by N-ethyl-maleimide (NEM) and by 7-chloro-4-aminobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBDC1) resulted in the time- and concentration-dependent inactivation of the enzyme in each case. The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics and a double-logarithmic plot of the observed pseudo-first-order rate constant against reagent concentration proved evidence for an approximately first-order reaction, suggesting that the modification of a single cysteine residue per mole of enzyme resulted in inactivation. Amino acid analysis of the NEM-inactivated enzyme showed that three moles of cysteine residues among six moles per mole of subunit were modified under these conditions, therefore one of the three cysteine residues modified by NEM may be essential for activity. Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) and D-glucosaminate (GlcNA) protected the enzyme against inactivation by NEM and NBDCI. The apoenzyme was inactivated by EDTA and activity of enzyme was restored by incubation with Mn2+ in the presence of PLP. Incubation of the EDTA-treated enzyme with NEM inhibited the restoration of activity. These results suggest that one of the cysteine residues of GADH may be chelated to a Mn2+ at or near the active site of GADH, contributing to formation of the active enzyme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates patterns of scraper retouch at the Lower Palaeolithic site of High Lodge, England. The unifacial scrapers from High Lodge are intensively retouched tools with regular and complex shapes that have been routinely interpreted as evidence of intentional design. The primary aim is to determine whether the different scraper types identified in the assemblage represent discrete and discontinuous implement categories made according to fixed designs, or rather, points or stages along one or more reduction continuums. To achieve this, we apply a range of quantitative measures of artifact reduction to all complete single, double, convergent, and transverse scrapers from the site (n = 165). Our results indicate that morphological and typological diversity in the High Lodge scraper assemblage can be parsimoniously explained as a result of both the extent to which implements were resharpened during use and subtle variability in the nature of blank forms selected for retouch. Accordingly, we critique the notion that high levels of morphological complexity in retouched Lower Palaeolithic tool types necessarily reflect the imposition of preconceived forms on stones.  相似文献   

Parasites may adversely affect the breeding success and survival of penguins, potentially hampering the viability of their populations. We examined 161 pygoscelid penguins (3 Pygoscelis adeliae, 98 Pygoscelis antarcticus, and 60 Pygoscelis papua) at the South Shetlands Archipelago during the 2010–2011 summer; blood smears were examined for 64 penguins (2 P. adeliae, 18 P. antarcticus, and 44 P. papua), and a PCR test targeting Haemoproteus sp. and Plasmodium sp. was applied for 37 penguins (2 P. adeliae, 17 P. antarcticus, 19 P. papua). No blood parasites were observed, and all PCR tests were negative, leukocyte profiles were similar to those reported in other studies for wild pygoscelid penguins, and all penguins were in good body condition and had no external signs of disease. One specimen of chewing lice (Austrogoniodes sp.) was recorded in one P. antarcticus at King George Island. Ticks (Ixodes uriae) were not observed on the penguins, but were found on the ground near P. antarcticus nests at King George Island. The absence of avian blood parasites in Antarctic penguins is thought to result from the absence of competent invertebrate hosts in the climatic conditions. Predicted climate changes may redefine the geographic distribution of vector-borne pathogens, and therefore, the occurrence of blood parasites and their invertebrate hosts should be monitored regularly in Antarctic birds, particularly in the northernmost Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

A 130-kD protein that coimmunoprecipitates with the tight junction protein ZO-1 was bulk purified from Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells and subjected to partial endopeptidase digestion and amino acid sequencing. A resulting 19–amino acid sequence provided the basis for screening canine cDNA libraries. Five overlapping clones contained a single open reading frame of 2,694 bp coding for a protein of 898 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 98,414 daltons. Sequence analysis showed that this protein contains three PSD-95/SAP90, discs-large, ZO-1 (PDZ) domains, a src homology (SH3) domain, and a region similar to guanylate kinase, making it homologous to ZO-1, ZO-2, the discs large tumor suppressor gene product of Drosophila, and other members of the MAGUK family of proteins. Like ZO-1 and ZO-2, the novel protein contains a COOH-terminal acidic domain and a basic region between the first and second PDZ domains. Unlike ZO-1 and ZO-2, this protein displays a proline-rich region between PDZ2 and PDZ3 and apparently contains no alternatively spliced domain. MDCK cells stably transfected with an epitope-tagged construct expressed the exogenous polypeptide at an apparent molecular mass of ~130 kD. Moreover, this protein colocalized with ZO-1 at tight junctions by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. In vitro affinity analyses demonstrated that recombinant 130-kD protein directly interacts with ZO-1 and the cytoplasmic domain of occludin, but not with ZO-2. We propose that this protein be named ZO-3.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of mRNA analog, dodecaribonucleotide pUUAGUAUUUAUU derivative carrying a perfluoroarylazido group at the guanine N7, was studied in model complexes with 80S ribosomes involving tRNA and in binary complex (i.e., in the absence of tRNA). It was shown that, irrespectively of complex formation conditions (13 mM Mg2+, or 4 mM Mg2+ in the presence of polyamines), the mRNA analog in binary complex with 80S ribosomes was crosslinked with sequence 1840–1849 of 18S rRNA, but in the complexes formed with participation of Phe-tRNAPhe (where the G residue carrying the arylazido group occupied position –3 to the first nucleotide of the UUU codon at the P site) the analog was crosslinked with nucleotide 1207. The presence and the nature of tRNA at the E site had no effect on the environment of position –3 of the mRNA analog. Efficient crosslinking of the mRNA analog with tRNA was observed in all studied types of complex. Modified codon GUA, when located at the E site, underwent crosslinking with both cognate valine tRNA and noncognate aspartate tRNA for which the extent of binding at the E site of 80S ribosomes was almost the same and depended little on Mg2+ concentration and the presence of polyamines.  相似文献   

百色六怀山遗址位于右江右岸第四级基座阶地。2005年10—11月对该遗址进行抢救性发掘,揭露面积1000m^2,出土石制品136件,砾石37件。石制品类型包括石器、石核、石片、断块和砾石等。古人类选择阶地底部河卵石为原料进行剥片和加工石器;石器以大型为主,手镐和砍砸器是主要类型;古人类多在砾石一端采用锤击法打制石器。石器面貌具有中国南方旧石器主工业的鲜明特点。地貌和地层对比显示该遗址形成于中更新世早期。  相似文献   

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent not only the major driver for quality-restricted and lost life years; NCDs and their related medical treatment costs also pose a substantial economic burden on healthcare and intra-generational tax distribution systems. The main objective of this study was therefore to quantify the economic burden of unbalanced nutrition in Germany—in particular the effects of an excessive consumption of fat, salt and sugar—and to examine different reduction scenarios on this basis. In this study, the avoidable direct cost savings in the German healthcare system attributable to an adequate intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA), salt and sugar (mono- & disaccharides, MDS) were calculated. To this end, disease-specific healthcare cost data from the official Federal Health Monitoring for the years 2002–2008 and disease-related risk factors, obtained by thoroughly searching the literature, were used. A total of 22 clinical endpoints with 48 risk-outcome pairs were considered. Direct healthcare costs attributable to an unbalanced intake of fat, salt and sugar are calculated to be 16.8 billion EUR (CI95%: 6.3–24.1 billion EUR) in the year 2008, which represents 7% (CI95% 2%-10%) of the total treatment costs in Germany (254 billion EUR). This is equal to 205 EUR per person annually. The excessive consumption of sugar poses the highest burden, at 8.6 billion EUR (CI95%: 3.0–12.1); salt ranks 2nd at 5.3 billion EUR (CI95%: 3.2–7.3) and saturated fat ranks 3rd at 2.9 billion EUR (CI95%: 32 million—4.7 billion). Predicted direct healthcare cost savings by means of a balanced intake of sugars, salt and saturated fat are substantial. However, as this study solely considered direct medical treatment costs regarding an adequate consumption of fat, salt and sugars, the actual societal and economic gains, resulting both from direct and indirect cost savings, may easily exceed 16.8 billion EUR.  相似文献   

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