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Considering the lack of knowledge on genetic variation on members of the freshwater red algal of the order Batrachospermales in tropical regions, phylogeographic patterns in Sirodotia populations were investigated using two mitochondrial regions: the cox2‐3 spacer and partial cox1 gene (barcode). Individuals identified as Sirodotia delicatula were analyzed from 14 stream segments across its distribution in Brazil. Phylogenetic analyses based on the ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large sub‐unit gene showed three clades, one representing S. delicatula, from all locations in southeastern Brazil and other regions from Brazil. The remaining samples formed two clades, which were highly divergent and distantly positioned from those of S. delicatula: 2.5–2.7% and 3.4–3.7%. This level of variation would warrant the species split of these taxa from mid‐western Brazil. A total of eight cox2‐3 spacer and nine cox1 haplotypes were observed among the 122 individuals studied. One location had two cox2‐3 haplotypes and three locations had two cox1 haplotypes; all others had a single dominant haplotype each. The existence of high intraspecific genetic variation among individuals of distinct locations (several haplotypes), but little variation within a location seems to be a pattern for the Batrachospermales. Haplotype networks showed low variation among the haplotypes from southeastern Brazil (10 locations with divergence of 0.3–1.1% for cox2‐3, 0.1–0.3% for cox1) and high variation among the haplotypes from the mid‐west region (four locations, 4.0–9.3% for cox2‐3, 6.2–8.4% for cox1). Thus, the present data clearly suggest the existence of cryptic species in Sirodotia in Brazil.  相似文献   

The only known population of Batrachospermum spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, located in a small stream on east Maui, Hawaii, was sampled from November 2001 to October 2002 to investigate its phenology. Additionally, the taxonomic status of the alga was examined. Phylogenetic analyses of the large subunit of the ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) gene for B. spermatiophorum confirm its placement within the Section Contorta of the genus Batrachospermum. Comparisons with rbcL gene sequences for all other available Batrachospermum species, including 10 other members of the Section Contorta, illustrate that B. spermatiophorum is distinct in its rbcL nucleotide sequence and should be maintained as a separate species. The phenology of B. spermatiophorum differed from most studies of Batrachospermum reproduction in that the gametophytes were present year round, and no macroscopic chantran‐sia stages were identified at any point during the present study. Maximum plant length was highest in the late fall and early winter months, while gametangial production peaked in February and March. Carposporophyte abundance rose sharply in July and August, and the percentage of carposporophytes producing carpospores was highest in late summer and early fall months. Although significant correlations were determined among stream conditions and among phenological characteristics, only pH was associated with several of the reproductive characters, which is unusual for studies of Batrachospermum phenology. Timing of sexual reproduction for all macroalgal community members in the stream site was not coordinated, with some reproducing year round and others more sporadically. The year‐round presence of Batrachospermum gametophytes may be a result of a combination of smaller seasonal changes in cues such as day length and water temperature in the tropical environment than occur in temperate locations, and lack of extreme conditions that might inhibit the persistence of the gametophyte.  相似文献   

The daily course of photosynthetic parameters of a population of the freshwater red alga Sirodotia delicatula from São Paulo State, Brazil (20°43′24″S, 49°18′21″W) was investigated under natural and laboratory conditions using dissolved oxygen and in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence techniques. Field specimens in laboratory conditions showed a defined daily pattern for net photosynthesis (NP) with two peaks observed in marine macroalgae and some freshwater red algae: the first (the highest) during the morning, and the second (the lowest and less evident) during the afternoon. Values of electron transport rate did not show a clear pattern of daily variation. NP results suggest the existence of an endogenous rhythm controlling photosynthesis. The study under natural conditions in two contrasting periods (autumn (June) and spring (October)) showed that the daily course of effective and potential quantum yield values was negatively correlated with irradiance and values were similar in the beginning and end of the day. These data evidenced, respectively, high excitement pressure on photosystem II and good recovery capacity (with lower values in spring) and a lack of irreversible photodamage to photosynthetic apparatus due to the prolonged exposure to high irradiances. Non‐photochemical quenching values were also negatively correlated with the irradiance, suggesting a low dissipation capacity of excess energy absorbed by reaction centers. The results evidenced a typical pattern of daily variation with evident response to irradiance.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ultrastructural changes occurring during encystment of Acanthamoeba palestinensis have been investigated. The cyst wall consists of endocyst and exocyst, both having the same fine structure. At irregular intervals in the cyst wall ostioles occupied by opercula are present. The nuclear membrane forms bulb-shaped projections and releases vesicles bounded by double membranes into the cytoplasm. Dense nucleolus-like bodies of different sizes and variable numbers are found in the nucleus of every cyst. The importance of the cyst structure as a taxonomic criterion is discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships and morphological characters are presented for a population of Nemalionopsis shawii Skuja collected from Nepal. Molecular data (sequences of rbcL and cox1) were generated and morphological characters were described in detail. The rbcL sequence analyses showed that specimens from Nepal are most similar to N. shawii from Indonesia and Japan and that these entities form a clade with high support (>95% bootstrap and 0.95 posterior probability). The cox1 barcode sequence, however, only had 90.9–91.9% identity with specimens of N. shawii from Hawaii. The rbcL sequence of the specimen from Nepal was positioned in a clade having sequence identity of 99.3–99.7% with three samples: N. shawii from Indonesia and two from Japan identified as N. tortuosa. The comparison of morphological characters of Nemalionopsis from Nepal allowed unequivocal identification with N. shawii. Identifications from previous studies using molecular data were mistaken since most reports of N. shawii are actually of N. tortuosa or vice‐versa. This confusion of names presumably occurred because most specimens previously sequenced were from culture collections or from ‘Chantransia’ stages. Small tufts of ‘Chantransia’ stage were observed growing epiphytically on gametophytes and on the basal system. Carpogonia and spermatangia were fully described in specimens from Nepal. Monosporangia were not observed, whereas carposporangia were unequivocally described for the first time in the genus. An unusual flat strap‐like basal system was observed, interpreted as an additional mode of maintenance in nature under unfavorable environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Larval attachment organs (LAOs) are unicellular or multicellular organs that allow larvae to adhere to a substrate before yolk-sac absorption and the free-swimming stage. This study documents the LAO of tropical gar, Atractosteus tropicus, using a combination of scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. It is shown that the LAO of A. tropicus is a super-organ surrounded by a wall and containing at its centre many smaller multicellular organ units, each comprised of attachment and support cells. Attachment cells are secretory and house large vacuoles filled with a glycoprotein. At hatching, the super-organ is well developed and occupies almost the entire anteroventral surface of the head. During subsequent development, the smaller individual units begin to regress, until at 6 days post-hatching the super-organ and its individual units are no longer visible.  相似文献   

The Dimorphandra group, as traditionally circumscribed, is a rather diverse assemblage of genera in Leguminosae subfamily Caesalpinioideae that share certain morphological characteristics with the basally branching lineages of subfamily Mimosoideae. It currently comprises 51 species in seven genera: Burkea (1 species), Dimorphandra (26 species), Erythrophleum (10 species), Mora (6 species), Pachyelasma (1 species), Stachyothyrsus (2 species) and Sympetalandra (5 species). This study investigates the pollen morphology of 25 samples from 19 species of all seven genera. Pollen of the Dimorphandra group is small, isopolar, trizonocolporate and released in monads. Apertures are almost equal to polar length, with correspondingly small apocolpial areas. The shape of the aperture apices varies from acute to wide and rounded. Surface ornamentation is psilate, perforate, microreticulate, or perforate‐rugulate. The wall structure is usually columellate with a well developed foot layer. The pollen is small and unspecialised, agreeing with a previously noted pattern of more fixed and homogenous pollen structure in the more derived clades in subfamily Caesalpinioideae, compared with the great diversity of pollen types found in the basally branching lineages.  相似文献   

Spore ornamentation is increasingly recognized as a key character for species differentiation and genus assignment in the phylum Haplosporidia. Unfortunately, spore ornamentation is known for only a small number of described species so it is difficult to assign most species to genera with any confidence. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to determine the presence and morphology of spore ornamentation of Haplosporidium pickfordi collected from the digestive gland of the snail Physella parkeri in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Spores possess filaments that are derived from the spore wall and originate from two separate areas at the posterior end of the spore. When spores are first isolated from host tissue, filaments are fused into a sheet that wraps around the spore, passing under the opercular lid. These filaments gradually unravel when spores are held in water and after about 14 d most filaments project freely from the posterior end of the spore. The number of filaments could not be determined with certainty, but appears to be approximately nine. Filaments are 100 nm in diam. and up to 50 microm in length. The presence of spore wall-derived filaments confirms the placement of the parasite in the genus Haplosporidium.  相似文献   

Batrachospermum delicatulum specimens from three stream segments were analyzed from a tropical region in south‐ eastern Brazil (20°18′– 20°49′S, 49°13′– 49°46′W). Physical and chemical parameters and the spatial placement of thalli were investigated along with the reproductive characteristics of the gametophytic phase. Sequence data of the cox 2‐ 3 spacer region was also utilized to evaluate genetic variation in individuals within and among stream segments. Gametophyte occurred under relatively diverse environmental conditions, whereas thalli abundance was weakly or not correlated to environmental variables within the stream segments. All specimens examined were dioecious. The ratio of male/female plants was relatively low (0.5 to 1.3) and male plants tended to occur as clumps (two or three plants together). High reproductive success was observed, as indicated by the occurrence of 100% fertilized (carposporophytic) female plants. This is similar to previous reports for this and other dioecious species, which is remarkable considering the relatively low proportion of male/female plants. Results support the two hypotheses to explain the high reproductive success in dioecious species. The occurrence of male plants in clumps was evidence for a strict spatial relationship (i.e. male plants located in upstream position of female plants in order to release spermatia, which would be carried by eddies through female plants). In contrast, the occurrence of male and female plants adjacent to each other allowed outcrossing among neighboring plants with intermingled male and female branches, which seemed more applicable to some situations (low turbulence habitats). The cox 2‐ 3 spacer region from the 18 individuals sequenced was 376 bp and the DNA sequence was identical with no base pair substitutions. Likewise, a previous study of another Batrachospermum species showed that the same haplotypes were present in all stream segments from the same drainage basin, even though the stream segments were a considerable distance apart. Short distance dispersal either by small birds or waterway connectivity might explain these findings.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and morphogenesis of the ventral ciliature of Paraurostyla hymenophora (Stokes) are described. The oral primordium apparently originates in association with transverse cirrus #6, from which it migrates anteriorly simultaneous with kinetosomal proliferation. The primordium eventually forms an elongate ciliary field from which the future opisthe's fronto-ventro-transverse (FVT) and undulating membrane primordial fields arise. Concomitantly, the future proter's FVT primordial field is initiated by the disaggregation of frontal cirri #4, #5, and #6. Primordia then develop simultaneously within marginal and ventral cirral rows by a disaggregation of cirri within the respective rows, and do not give rise to new cirri until the FVT fields complete segregation into discrete cirri. Near the completion of cirral production from the FVT primordia, each ventral cirral primordium (VCP) forms the 2 rightmost transverse cirri. Segregation of new cirri within the marginal cirral primordia and VCP then occurs, eventually replacing all old cirri within their respective marginal and ventral cirral rows. At the end of cortical morphogenesis, all old ciliary organelles, with the exception of the adoral zone of membranelles, are either reorganized or replaced. These results suggest an evolutionary affinity between the ventral and marginal cirral rows and raise questions about the control of the developmental competence of individual primordia.  相似文献   

In the ceramiacean red alga Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada et Inagaki, the structure of the spermatial covering and appendages was examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The liberated spermatium was subspherical, ca 4.5 μm in size with a colorless covering 2.7–3.0‐μm thick. Two flexible, ribbon‐like appendages arose from the periphery of the spermatial covering. The appendages averaged 80 μm in length and were 0.5–0.6 μm width in most parts. Each appendage consisted of a number of thin longitudinal fibrils. Concanavalin A conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, colloidal gold orferritin, bound specifically with the inner layer of spermatial covering and spermatial appendages. When the liberated spermatia were incubated with mature female gametophytes, the spermatial appendages entangled around the tricho‐gyne.  相似文献   

Data on the intra-annual variation in phytoplankton production for 114 southern and northern hemisphere lakes (42°S to 75° N) were combined to examine broad-scale latitudinal trends. Much of the seasonal variation in production can be statistically explained through the climatic factors of mean annual range of atmospheric temperature and annual variance in incident solar radiation, of which the amplitude of both increases with distance from the equator. Quantification of this latitudinal-climatic trend is an important step in understanding the hierarchial regulation of variability in lake trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

LOURO, R. P., MIGUENS, F. C. & MACHADO, R. D., 1992. Structure and development of stellate trichomes in Andradea ftoribunda Fr. Allem. (Nyctaginaceae). Trichomes occur on both faces of young leaves. They are peltate-stellate on the abaxial face, and comprise a stalk and radiating cells with a rudimentary central apex. On the adaxial face the trichomes arc stellate with a large apex comprising one to three cells. In both cases the stalk is formed by three to six cells of which the most distal may contain a tannoid substance. In the adult leaf only the abaxial surface exhibits stellate trichomes, with two to three celled stalks. The central region of radial cells is depressed. On the adaxial side the hairs are shed during maturation of the leaf.  相似文献   

Epiphytes of Paralemanea catenata (Kützing) Vis & Sheath (Rhodophyta) were studied on material from the River Dyje in National Park Podyjí. Longitudinal sections of the thalli were made with help of Cryo Cut Microtome techniques. The epiphytic cyanophytes Xenococcus kerneri Hansgirg and Chamaesiphon minutus (Rostafinski) Lemmermann were recognized on the cortex of the thalli. Our observations of the determined species are discussed.  相似文献   


The pollen morphology of the Iberian taxa of the genus Xanthium s.l. and of the non-Iberian species X. ambrosioides was studied to help to identify these poisonous, allergenic and invasive taxa and clarify their taxonomic relationships. In addition, the question of the existence and structure of a mesoaperture in the apertural system of Xanthium was also considered. The pollen grains of sections Acanthoxanthium and Xanthium clearly differ by their characters, which supports the separation of both taxa and allows for their distinction based on pollen morphology. It is suggested that the morphological and palynological differences between Xanthium and Acanthoxanthium, together with the lack of hybridisation between the two sections and the monophyly of Acanthoxanthium, could lead to the elevation of the latter to the generic status. The two species of section Xanthium present in the Iberian Peninsula (X. orientale and X. strumarium) and of section Acanthoxanthium are well separated by their palynological features. Likewise, the Iberian subspecies of Xanthium, X. orientale subsp. orientale and X. orientale subsp. italicum are palynologically distinguishable. However, no significant difference could be found between the pollen of X. strumarium subsp. strumarium and of X. strumarium subsp. brasilicum. The pollen data do not support the hypotheses of a hybrid origin for X. strumarium subsp. brasilicum. A mesoaperture intersecting the foot layer and the upper part of the endexine is present in both sections, which is congruent with the results already found for other Asteroideae.  相似文献   

Based on physiological characteristics, we hypothesized that different strains of Gracilaria birdiae from two distinct geographical areas of the Brazilian coast (2500 km apart) would have different responses to long-term exposure to UV-B radiation (UV-B). The locations differ in their environmental conditions: one is a warmer area, Ceará State (CE), closer to the equator; the other is a colder area, Espirito Santo State (ES), closer to the Tropic of Capricorn. To test the hypothesis that the CE population is more resistant to UV-B than the ES population, apical segments of the red (RDCE, RDES), green (GRCE) and greenish-brown (GBCE) strains were cultivated in the laboratory under two treatments: control (PAR) and artificial UV-B (PAR + UV-B). Algal performance was evaluated by considering growth rates, pigment content and ultrastructural analysis. Compared with the control, all strains showed a decrease in growth rates after exposure to UV-B. Of all strains, RDES showed the greatest sensitivity to UV-B. However, a decrease in growth rate and morphological changes were observed to a lesser extent in the RDCE strain. Moreover, exposure to UV-B resulted in a decrease in the concentrations of phycobiliproteins in the RDCE strain. The GBCE strain showed an increase in phycoerythrin (PE)/allophycocyanin (APC) and phycocyanin (PC)/allophycocyanin (APC) ratios after exposure to UV-B, suggesting this strain had a higher tolerance to the radiation. No differences in the chlorophyll a and carotenoid content were found between the control and UV-B treated samples for all strains. Ultrastructural changes, such as damage to chloroplasts and mitochondria, were present in all strains after exposure to UV-B. In summary, our findings support the hypothesis that the population from Ceará State has adapted to the higher irradiation and is thus more resistant to increased UV-B. Additionally, of the strains tested, the GBCE and RDCE strains appear to be more resistant to this radiation.  相似文献   

El‐Bakry, A.M. 2011. Comparative study of the corneal epithelium in some reptiles inhabiting different environments. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 54–61. The vertebrate cornea functions in either aquatic or aerial environments and in some cases in both. In terrestrial and aerial vertebrates, the cornea contributes most of the refractive powers of the eye because of the large variation in refractive index between the air and the cornea. The present study aimed to examine and compare the main features of the corneal epithelial surface of three reptilian species related to three different families (Caretta caretta, Varanus griseus and Mabuya quinquetaeniata) and inhabiting different environment, by light, scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy. The mean epithelial cell densities of the species of the study were 8.670 ± 3.134, 5.945 ± 2.144 and 2.124 ± 713 respectively. The corneal epithelium of the three species observed by SEM showed a similarity to one another indicating that the apical cell surfaces possess regular polygonal cells with varieties of microprocesses. These microprocesses were represented by microplicae, numerous microvilli and some long microridges in C. caretta, microplicae and minute microholes in V. griseus and microplicae intermingled with short microvilli in M. quinquetaeniata. According to the densities of these microprocesses, three polymorphic cell types (light, medium and dark) appeared in C. caretta, light and medium cell types were observed in V. griseus and medium and dark cell types were noticed in M. quinquetaeniata. Different types of tight adhesions were observed by transmission electron microscopy between the cell borders of the epithelial cells which differ according to environment where the species occupy. In conclusion, variation in the structure of the corneal epithelial cells appears to be related to the living environment, such as aerial, terrestrial and aquatic ones, which is occupied by every species.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis and phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the rbcL chloroplast gene (which codes for the large subunit of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase enzyme) and the nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene were carried out on 26 specimens of marine and freshwater Hildenbrandia from North America. Nineteen marine specimens were collected from Alaska to Costa Rica on the Pacific coast and from Newfoundland to Connecticut on the Atlantic coast. Seven freshwater samples were collected from Texas, Costa Rica, St Lucia and Puerto Rico. Three groups of samples were distinguished by morphometric analysis: one containing all freshwater samples (H. angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West), one consisting of a marine sample with parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. occidentalis Setchell ex Gardner) and one group with non-parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini. These groupings were partially incongruent with those obtained by analyses of the molecular data. Parsimony and distance analyses of the rbcL gene resulted in trees in which Atlantic and Pacific clades were largely resolved. However, an Alaskan sample was included in the Atlantic group, which may indicate a trans-Arctic invasion event. The freshwater samples were paraphyletic for the rbcL gene, among the marine collections, which supports the concept of multiple invasions establishing the freshwater populations in North America. The 18S rRNA gene sequence data indicate that the freshwater samples are monophyletic with the exception of the unresolved position of the H. occidentalis sample. The freshwater samples form a monophyletic clade when multiple outgroups are used. The rbcL data appear to be mutationally saturated above approximately 17% divergence, which makes interpretation of phylogenetic signal among distant groups difficult. This may be a result of the asexual reproduction of the alga.  相似文献   

The marine red alga Peyssonnelia rumoiana Kato et Masuda, sp. nov. (Peyssonneliaceae, Gigartinales) is described from warm‐ and cold‐temperate regions in Japan. It is principally characterized by having hypo‐thallial filaments comprising a polyflabelate layer, proximal perithallial cells arising from the whole upper surface of each hypothallial cell (Peyssonnelia rubra‐type anatomy) and closely packed in a firm matrix, the production of two filaments from the proximal perithallial cell, unicellular rhizoids, appressed crust margins and hypobasal calcification. The alga is distinguished from related species by: (i) its conspicuously elevated cystocarpic (100–150 μm high) and tetrasporangial (80–110 μm high) nemathecia; (ii) tetrasporangia with or without a unicellular pedicel; and (iii) large (25–45 μm in diameter by 70–115 μm in length) tetrasporangia and (iv) the production of double chains of spermatangia (Peyssonnelia harveyana‐type spermatangial development).  相似文献   

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