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From analyses of the magnetic field dependence of 1/T1 (NMRD profiles) of water protons in solutions of calf lens alpha-crystallin at several concentrations, we find two regimes of solute behavior in both cortical and nuclear preparations. Below approximately 15% vol/vol protein concentration, the solute molecules appear as compact globular proteins of approximately 1,350 (cortical) and approximately 1,700 (nuclear) kD. At higher concentrations, the effective solute particle size increases, reversibly, as evidenced by the appearance of spectra-like 14N peaks in the NMRD profiles and a change in the field and temperature dependence of 1/T1. At these higher concentrations, the profiles are very similar to those of calf gamma II-crystallin, a crystallin that undergoes an analogous transition near approximately 15% protein (Koenig, S. H., C.F. Beaulieu, R. D. Brown III, and M. Spiller, 1990. Biophys. J. 57:461-469). By comparison with recent analyses of NMRD results for solutions of immobilized proteins as models for the transition from protein solutions to tissue (Koenig, S. H., and R. D. Brown III. 1991. Prog. NMR Spectr. 22:487-567), we argue that alpha-crystallin solute behaves as aggregates approximately greater than 50,000 kD as protein concentration is progressively increased above 15%. Finally, the concentration dependence of the NMRD profiles of alpha- and gamma II-crystallin can readily explain recent osmotic pressure data, in particular the intersection of the respective pressure curves at approximately 23% vol/vol (Vérétout, F., and A. Tardieu. 1989. Eur. Biophys. J. 17:61-68).  相似文献   

We report the magnetic field dependence of 1/T1 of solvent water protons and deuterons (nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion, or NMRD, profiles) for solutions of steer lens beta L-crystallin. Such data allow the study of intermolecular protein interactions over a wide concentration range, here 1-34% vol/vol, by providing a measure of the rotational relaxation time of solute macromolecules. We conclude that, for approximately less than 5% protein, the solute particles are noncompact, with a rotationally averaged volume approximately three times that of a compact 60-kD sphere. (Earlier results for alpha-crystallin, approximately 1,000 kD, from optical and osmotic measurements (Vérétout and Tardieu, 1989. J. Mol. Biol. 205:713-728), show a similar, approximately twofold, effect). At intermediate concentrations, to approximately 20% protein, there is evidence for limited association or oligomerization, as found for the structurally related gamma II-crystallin (Koenig et al. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:461-469), to a limiting size about two-thirds that of alpha-crystallin. The difference in NMRD behavior of the three classes of crystallins is consonant with their differing osmotic properties (Vérétout and Tardieu. J. Mol. Biol. 1989, 205:713-728; Kenworthy, McIntosh, and Magid. Biophys. J. 1992. 61:A477; Tardieu et al. 1992. Eur. Biophys. J. 21:1-12). We indicate how the unusual structures and interactions of these three classes of proteins can be combined to optimize transparency and minimize colloid osmotic difficulties in eye lens.  相似文献   

The solvent proton spin-lattice relaxation time of high spin Fe3+ (S=5/2) human A fluoromethaemoglobin aqueous solutions was measured at 14 Larmor frequencies in the range from 2.2 to 96 MHz. The observed paramagnetic relaxation rates are analysed in terms of the Solomon-Bloembergen theory, with the g-tensor value of 2 based on the consideration of the protein tertiary structure. From the H2O (pH 6) haemoprotein solution relaxation data, tau(c) =(9.3+/-0.3) X 10(-10) sec. If the total relaxation rates are corrected for the "outer-sphere" paramagnetic contribution, tau(c)=(6.5+/-0.4) X 10(-10) sec. The latter correction is obtained from the p.m.r. of the non-exchangeable aliphatic protons of C2H4(OD)2 added to the D2O-solution of fluoromethaemoglobin. Assuming that single proton transfer is taking place through the protein channel along the axis normal to the haem (g=2), the protein "binding" site is at a distance of 3.93 to 3.98 A from the haem Fe3+ ion.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation measurements were made over the range 4.7--220 MHz for aqueous solutions of hog kidney diamine oxidase. The values of 1/T1 give rise in two distinct dispersions, at 16 and 75 MHz, whereas 1/T2 displays a minimum at 20 MHz. The temperature dependence of relaxation rates in all cases yield apparent activation energies less than 0.6 kcal/mol. These data indicate to us that the two Cu(II) ions of diamine oxidase are intrinsically different in terms of their electronic relaxation characteristics and hence, chemical environments. Low field limits of the two electronic relaxation times are 2 and 10 ns, with one of these correlation times being frequency dependent. The value of the frequency-dependent electronic relaxation time is governed by interactions that are modulated by a process having a correlation time of 5 ps.  相似文献   

Single and multiple quantum nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques were used to investigate the motional dynamics of sodium and potassium ions in concentrated protein solution, represented in this study by cortical and nuclear bovine lens tissue homogenates. Both ions displayed homogeneous biexponential magnetic relaxation behavior. Furthermore, the NMR relaxation behavior of these ions in lens homogenates was consistent either with a model that assumed the occurrence of two predominant ionic populations, "free" and "bound," in fast exchange with each other or with a model that assumed an asymmetric Gaussian distribution of correlation times. Regardless of the model employed, both ions were found to occur in a predominantly "free" or "unbound" rapidly reorienting state. The fraction of "bound" 23Na+, assuming a discrete two-site model, was approximately 0.006 and 0.017 for cortical and nuclear homogenates, respectively. Corresponding values for 39K+ were 0.003 and 0.007, respectively. Estimated values for the fraction of "bound" 23Na+ or 39K+ obtained from the distribution model (tau C greater than omega L-1) were less than or equal to 0.05 for all cases examined. The correlation times of the "bound" ions, derived using either a two-site or distribution model, yielded values that were at least one order of magnitude smaller than the reorientational motion of the constituent lens proteins. This observation implies that the apparent correlation time for ion binding is dominated by processes other than protein reorientational motion, most likely fast exchange between "free" and "bound" environments. The results of NMR visibility studies were consistent with the above findings, in agreement with other studies performed by non-NMR methods. These studies, in combination with those presented in the literature, suggest that the most likely role for sodium and potassium ions in the lens appears to be the regulation of cell volume by affecting the intralenticular water chemical potential.  相似文献   

The interaction of water molecules with copper in wild-type azurin and different site-directed mutants of the coordinated residues is studied by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion. Different degrees of solvent accessibility are found. The low relaxivity of wild-type azurin agrees with a solvent-protected copper site in solution, the closest water being found at a distance of more than 5?Å from the copper. This low relaxivity contrasts with the relatively large relaxivity of the His46Gly and His117Gly azurin mutants, which shows clear evidence of copper-coordinated water. The data on the latter mutants are best analyzed in terms of one and two water molecules coordinated to the copper in His46Gly and His117Gly, respectively. The Met121His azurin mutant shows an intermediate behavior. The data are analyzed in terms of an increased solvent accessibility with respect to the wild-type azurin, resulting in semi-coordination of water at low pH. These different modes of coordination lead to different geometries, ranging from the trigonal type 1 site of wild-type azurin to the tetragonal type 2 copper sites of the His117Gly and His46Gly azurin mutants through a so-called type 1.5 site of the Met121His mutant. A correlation is found between the relaxation time (τs) of the unpaired electron of copper(II) and the geometry of the metal site: as the tetragonal character decreases the relaxation becomes significantly faster. τs values of ≤1?ns are found for the tetrahedrally distorted type 1 and type 1.5 sites and of 5–15?ns for the tetragonal type 2 sites.  相似文献   

We have investigated the binding of a series of high affinity asparagine-linked glycopeptides, including high mannose type and a bisected hybrid type, and several related synthetic oligosaccharides, to Ca2+- Mn2+-concanavalin A (ConA), using solvent proton nuclear relaxation dispersion (NMRD) measurements. We find that binding of the glycopeptides induces a common smaller decrease in the NMRD profile of ConA compared to that induced by monosaccharide binding. This effect is also observed with a synthetic analog of complex-type carbohydrates, hepta, which also shows enhanced affinity for the protein relative to monosaccharide binding. The high affinity of the glycopeptides and hepta, and their unique effects on the NMRD profile, are mimicked by binding of the trimannosyl oligosaccharide, 3,6-di-O-(alpha-D-mannopyranosyl)-D-mannose, which is present as a structural element in all of the glycopeptides and synthetic oligosaccharides. However, adding a so-called bisecting N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue to the trimannosyl oligosaccharide greatly reduces its binding affinity and produces a decrease in the NMRD profile of the protein similar to that observed for monosaccharide binding. These results indicate that the trimannosyl oligosaccharide is a unique moiety recognized by the lectin for high affinity and extended site binding, and the presence of a bisecting N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue in the trimannosyl oligosaccharide eliminates this type of interaction. The results also demonstrate that ConA primarily binds to the outer trimannosyl regions of high mannose and bisected hybrid-type glycopeptides compared to the central trimannosyl region of complex glycopeptides. Two mechanisms of enhanced affinity binding of saccharides and glycopeptides to ConA are discussed.  相似文献   

Potentialities and limitations of the use of (1)H NMRD technique for the characterization of the hydration properties of unfolded or partially folded states of proteins are discussed. The copper(I) form of monomeric Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase in its folded state and in the presence of 4M guanidinium chloride is taken as case system. The dispersion profile, analyzed with an extended relaxation matrix analysis, indicates the presence of long-lived water molecules in the folded state. The observed increase in relaxation at high field upon addition of guanidinium chloride indicates an increase in the number of solvation protons interacting with the protein and exchanging with a time shorter than the protein reorientational time. The observed effect is consistent with an exposed protein surface of SOD in the presence of 4M guanidinium chloride smaller than what could be expected for a random coil.  相似文献   

The proton and deuterium longitudinal relaxation rates were Studied at room temperature up to the highest protein concentrations in oxyhaemoglobin solutions of different H2O/D2O composition. The deuterium relaxation rates followed the experimentally well known single linear dependence on protein concentration, the slopes being little influenced by solvent (D2O/H2O) composition. The proton ralaxation rates show two different liner dependences on haemoglobin concentration. The entire concentration range is described by two straight lines with the threshold concentration about 11 mM (in haem), The ratio of the slopes is 1.6 (high-to-low Hb-conc.). Only in the higher concentration range two T1's were observed if the solvent contained more than half of D2O. The slow relaxation phase of protons has T1's similar to those measured in solutions with less than half of D2O. The relaxation of the other phase was ten times faster. The ratio of the proton populations in these two phases was equal to 2 (slow-to-fast) and independent of protein concentration. The fast relaxing protons are attributed to water molecules encaged within two or more haemoglobin molecules which associate for times long enough on the PMR time-scale.  相似文献   

The conformation of bilirubin and its dimethyl ester in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) was investigated by n.m.r. spectroscopy. The chemical shifts of the pyrrole NH and Lactam protons of bilirubin and its dimethyl ester in DMSO indicate a strong interaction with the solvent. Inter-proton distances were calculated from nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE), selective and non-selective relaxation times (T1) and rotational correlation times taken from 13C relaxation times. The interproton distances indicate that the conformation of the skeleton of bilirubin and its dimethyl ester in DMSO is similar to that of bilirubin and mesobilirubin in the crystalline state and in chloroform solutions, except for a possible slight twist of the pyrrolenone rings about the methine bonds, which may be a consequence of solvation of the NH groups by DMSO. Unlike in chloroform solutions, no direct hydrogen-bonding occurs between the carboxylic acid and the lactam groups of bilirubin in DMSO, as shown by the absence of an NOE between these groups. The fast exchange of the pyrrole NH protons with 2H shows that no hydrogen-bonding occurs between these protons and the propionic residues, in line with their solvation by DMSO. From the above results, and from the slowness of the internal motion of the propionic residues of bilirubin and its dimethyl ester, it is concluded that these residues are tied to the skeleton via bound solvent molecules.  相似文献   

Structural alterations of the haem vicinity of the high-spin derivatives of bovine ferric myoglobin (metmyoglobin) and human haemoglobin and the changes of the interaction with inositol hexaphosphate induced by ethanediol were monitored by solvent-proton magnetic relaxation. On addition of ethanediol up to 60% the fluoromet derivatives exhibit a gradual increase in the accessibility of the haem for the molecules from the solvent. In aquomethaemoglobin solutions with more than 25% ethanediol there is no unique explanation of proton magnetic relaxation. Ethanediol enhances the binding of inositol hexaphosphate to methaemoglobin, but the structural consequences of this binding on the haem-pockets seem to be diminished. The mechanisms of the observed structural and functional alterations of myoglobin as well as haemoglobin tetramer are discussed here.  相似文献   

The solution structure of human neuropeptide Y has been solved by conventional two-dimensional NMR techniques followed by distance-geometry and molecular-dynamics methods. The conformation obtained is composed of two short contiguous alpha-helices comprising residues 15-26 and 28-35, linked by a hinge inducing a 100 degree angle. The first helix (15-26) is connected to a polyproline stretch (residues 1-10) by a tight hairpin (residues 11-14). The helices and the polyproline stretch are packed together by hydrophobic interactions. This structure is related to that of the homologous avian pancreatic polypeptide and bovine pancreatic polypeptide. The C- and N-terminii, known to be involved in the biological activity for respectively the receptor binding and activation, are close together in space. The side chains of residues Arg33, Arg35 and Tyr36 on the one hand, and Tyr1 and Pro2 on the other, form a continuous solvent-exposed surface of 4.9 mm2 which is supposed to interact with the receptor for neuropeptide Y.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy has been used to examine cross-relaxation in sonicated phospholipid vesicle systems. The observed pattern of proton cross-relaxation reveals several important features of these vesicle systems. For example, cross-relaxation rates on each monolayer of the vesicle system can be resolved and reflect the expected geometric packing constraints of the vesicle system. Small but significant magnetization-exchange is also seen to develop between the headgroup N-methyl resonance and the terminal methyl resonance. Spectra taken with deuterated lipids indicate that this exchange is not mediated by spin-diffusion down the length of the alkyl chains. Since spin-diffusion is the only process that is expected to facilitate magnetization-exchange over distances of 15-20 A, a close proximity of headgroup and terminal methyl protons in a fraction of the membrane lipid is indicated by these results. This could occur by events such as lipid interdigitation or alkyl chain bends that terminate lipid alkyl chain ends near the membrane surface.  相似文献   

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation field-cycling relaxometry is a technique, able to report on water mobility in tissues. By means of this technique, post-mortem specimens from both controls and idiopathic Parkinson's disease patients have been investigated. Results show different relaxometric behavior between the groups, which is consistent with protein aggregation in Parkinson's disease specimens.  相似文献   

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