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A slow-migrating -esterase (S-esterase) is described which has been detected in Drosophila montana, Drosophila imeretensis, and some stocks of Drosophila virilis when mixtures of - and -naphthyl acetate are used as substrates in histochemical reactions after electrophoresis. Sexual dimorphism for S-esterase has been demonstrated. This esterase is contained in male genitalia only, predominantly in the ejaculatory bulb (waxy plug). It appears 3–4 days after emergence of flies. In hybrids between S+ and S0 species, the activity of the slow esterase is either decreased or inhibited. An autonomous synthesis of the S-esterase in the ejaculatory bulb was established by transplantation of imaginal genital discs into larvae of different Drosophila stocks. Based on analysis of physicochemical and immunochemical properties, S-esterase is suggested to be an independent fraction of esterase, possibly dimeric, which does not cross-react with -esterase antiserum.  相似文献   

In interspecific matings between Drosophila virilis and Drosophila texana female sterility is observed in F2 hybrid females. A previous study has shown that no vitellogenin synthesis occurs in the fat body of sterile hybrid females. The results presented in this paper show that hybrid ovaries of sterile females transplanted into the abdomens of females of the parental species are not able to develop upon maturity. With few exceptions, the hybrid ovaries remained alive in the host environment, but their oocytes failed to develop to vitellogenic stages. Thus, in hybrid females between Drosophila virilis and Drosophila texana sterility is the result of defects in both the two main developmental processes of egg maturation, the synthesis of vitellogenins in the fat body and the uptake of vitellogenins by the ovary. Dev Genet 20:47–52, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In interspecific matings between the species Drosophila virilis and Drosophila texana, female sterility can be observed in F2 backcross females and in F2 hybrid females. The results presented in this report show that the female sterility, whenever it exists, is due to prevention of vitellogenin synthesis in the fat body, but other abnormalities such as defects with the hybrid ovaries are not excluded. The observation that sterility appears among females from backcrosses suggests that incompatibilities between interspecific genes may cause female sterility even in the presence of a complete habloid genome from one or the other species. Yet, the parallel observation that female sterility appears only in hybrid females with recombinant chromosomes indicates that sterility results when conspecific combinations of genes on the same chromosome are broken by interspecific recombination. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in esterase patterns in hybrids between Drosophila virilis stocks differing in the electrophoretic mobilities of certain esterase fractions have been studied by means of starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It has been established that parental esterases are expressed synchronously during the period of the end of embryogenesis to the beginning of first instar larvae. This period coincides with the biochemically detected increase in esterase activity.  相似文献   

The low percentage of larval hatching both in the initial lines and the hybrids of direct and back crosses was shown to be due to the low fertilizability of eggs. A study of early embryogenesis, up to the gastrulation, has shown that the F1 hybrids (female D. virilis x male D. littoralis) develop at a lesser rate than both the parental species. Some embryos of these latter attain the stage of blastoderm syncytium for 2 hrs whereas the hybrid embryos attain only the stage of polynuclear syncytium.  相似文献   

The present report presents the results of starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic studies of the influence of the X chromosome on the expression of esterase-6 in D. melanogaster × D. simulans hybrids heterozygous for locus Est-6 as well as studies of the influence of autosomes on esterase expression in Drosophila of the virilis group. A differential expression of esterase-6 has been detected in D. melanogaster × D. simulans hybrid males. A differential decrease in the activity of esterase-6 (both F and S allozymes) derived from D. melanogaster has been noted. In hybrid females, the activity of parental esterases is the same. It is suggested that the X chromosome regulates the expression of esterase-6 in D. melanogaster. Analysis of individuals obtained in different schemes of crosses between different species of Drosophila of the virilis group by use of stocks marked with mutations in various chromosomes indicates that other autosomes (in particular, autosomes 4 and 5) also influence the phenotypic expression of esterases (which are controlled by genes located on the second chromosome).  相似文献   

We report the isolation and cross species amplification of 42 Drosophila virilis microsatellite loci. Nine loci were isolated from mapped P1 bacteriophage clones and 33 were obtained from genomic DNA or GenBank searches. Cross species amplification was tested for all members of the D. virilis group. The amplification success was high (varying from 45% to 100%) and most of the loci were polymorphic. This set of loci can be applied for several genetic studies such as mapping behavioural quantitative trait loci (QTL) and for studying population structure in a phylogeographical framework in D. virilis group species.  相似文献   


The courtship rituals of Drosophila include an exchange of several signals with different modalities, chemical, visual, acoustic and tactile stimuli, between sexes. Using a video recording method, we studied the role of acoustic communication in courtship behavior in three species of the Drosophila virilis group, D. virilis, D. lummei and two populations of D. littoralis. Five series of experiments were performed: tests with intact flies (control), tests with mute flies (wingless males or females), and tests with deaf flies (aristaless males or females). We distinguished the two situations: either a female did not hear a male or vice versa, males did not hear females. When females did not hear males, the reduction in the copulation number was found in D. virilis and both populations of D. littoralis, but not in D. lummei. When males did not hear females, the reduction in the copulation number was only found in D. littoralis. The ablation of the male aristae in D. virilis and D. lummei even increased the mating success as compared to the control, which may be explained by the ‘sensory overload’ hypothesis. The changes in courtship temporal structure usually included the delayed onset of the main courtship elements (tapping, licking, and singing), and the variation in their duration and the total time of courtship. These effects were, however, more substantial in D. virilis and both populations of D. littoralis than in D. lummei. Thus, the effect of blocking the acoustic channel was different in the three species regardless of their phylogenetic relationship, and the role of acoustic communication in courtship behavior seemed to increase in the order D. lummei – D. virilis – D. littoralis.


Andrea L. Sweigart 《Genetics》2010,184(2):401-410
Many studies have demonstrated the rapid diversification of reproductive genes that function after mating but before fertilization. This process might lead to the evolution of postmating, prezygotic barriers between species. Here, I investigate the phenotypic and genetic basis of postmating, prezygotic isolation between two closely related species of Drosophila, Drosophila virilis and D. americana. I show that a strong barrier to interspecific fertilization results in a 99% reduction in progeny production. A genetic interaction among maternal and paternal alleles at only a few loci prevents the fertilization of D. virilis females by D. americana males. These loci are autosomal and isolation acts recessively; the fertilization incompatibility is caused by at least two loci in the maternal D. virilis parent in combination with at least three loci in the paternal D. americana parent. These findings, together with results from classical experiments, suggest that male–female coevolution within D. americana may have driven postmating, prezygotic isolation between species.AN understanding of speciation requires insight into the origins and mechanisms of reproductive isolation. Divergent selection on traits that facilitate mating or fertilization might eventually lead to incompatibilities between males and females of incipient species. In animals, it has long been recognized that sexual selection can promote the evolution of specialized courtship rituals or elaborate phenotypic displays to attract mates (Darwin 1871). Similarly, sexual selection can be a powerful evolutionary force during or after mating by affecting the many biochemical, physiological, and morphological mechanisms involved in fertilization (Eberhard 1996). Postmating reproductive traits might also be subject to sexually antagonistic coevolution, whereby a difference in the reproductive interests of males and females leads to an evolutionary arms race between the sexes (Rice 1996). Just as divergent sexual selection on mate signals and preferences might give rise to premating (sexual) isolation (reviewed in Ritchie 2007), postcopulatory sexual selection and sexual conflict might promote the evolution of postmating barriers to fertilization or hybrid incompatibilities (Howard 1999; Wu and Davis 1993). Indeed, these evolutionary forces have apparently led to competitive gametic isolation (Price 1997; Price et al. 2000; Fishman et al. 2008) and sperm–egg incompatibilities (Galindo et al. 2003). Moreover, because sexual selection and antagonistic coevolution can act rapidly (Fisher 1930; Rice 1996), they might be particularly important in the early stages of speciation.In diverse animal taxa, sexual selection and/or sexual conflict are thought to drive rapid evolution of a variety of postmating reproductive traits, including male genital morphology (Eberhard 1996), length of sperm and female sperm-storage organs (Pitnick et al. 1997; Miller and Pitnick 2002), ejaculate composition (e.g., Swanson et al. 2001a; Dorus et al. 2004), female reproductive tract proteins (e.g., Lawniczak and Begun 2007; Kelleher et al. 2007), and gamete recognition molecules (e.g., Wyckoff et al. 2000; Swanson et al. 2001b). In recent years, many studies have also documented strong signatures of positive selection in the rapid evolution of reproductive genes (e.g., Haerty et al. 2007; Turner et al. 2008; reviewed in Swanson and Vacquier 2002; Clark et al. 2006). For internally fertilizing species, coevolution between the female reproductive tract and the male ejaculate is particularly dynamic (Pitnick et al. 2007). For example, in Drosophila, hundreds of nonsperm seminal fluid proteins are transferred during mating, including many fast-evolving accessory gland proteins (ACPs) (Swanson et al. 2001a; Wagstaff and Begun 2005). As expected, there is evidence for coordinated evolution of female reproductive tract genes, which also show elevated rates of evolution in Drosophila (Panhuis and Swanson 2006; Prokupek et al. 2008). But what are the consequences of such rapid rates of diversification? How many of these fast-evolving reproductive genes contribute to isolating barriers? Major progress toward addressing these questions would require identifying and characterizing individual loci that cause postmating, prezygotic isolation.A large body of classical work suggests that the Drosophila virilis species group might represent an ideal model for studying the genetics of reproductive isolation (Patterson and Stone 1952); and importantly, the D. virilis genome sequence is now available. There is also evidence that postmating, prezygotic isolation may be significant among D. virilis and the closely related North American species, D. americana and D. novamexicana. Patterson et al. (1942) describe reproductive isolation due to “gamete mortality” in reciprocal crosses between D. virilis and D. americana. In later studies, these authors discovered that very few eggs from interspecific crosses become fertilized or hatch and speculate that sperm become “immobilized in the reproductive tract of the alien female” (Patterson and Stone 1952). Moreover, a recent study has found a similar problem with fertilization in crosses between D. americana and D. novamexicana (Y. Ahmed and B. McAllister, personal communication). Consistent with the evolution of these interspecific barriers, male and female reproductive tract proteins have been shown to evolve rapidly in the D. virilis species group (Civetta and Singh 1995; Haerty et al. 2007). In addition, females of both D. virilis and D. americana produce a large opaque vaginal mass in response to mating (the “insemination reaction”; Wheeler 1947), which almost certainly reflects an evolutionary history of interaction between the female reproductive tract and male ejaculate (Knowles and Markow 2001).Despite the potential importance of postmating, prezygotic isolation in D. virilis group divergence, almost nothing is known about its genetic architecture. On the basis of the results from their crosses between D. virilis and D. americana, Patterson et al. (1942) infer that postmating isolation involves recessive autosomal genes. However, their experiments often cannot distinguish between the effects of the apparent fertilization incompatibility and premating isolation, the latter also being strong between D. americana females and D. virilis males (Stalker 1942). Their genetic mapping studies were also crude.In this study, I have two main objectives. First, I characterize the phenotypic basis of postmating isolation between D. virilis and D. americana. To do so, I perform a series of crosses within and between species. I find that low F1 hybrid production between D. virilis and D. americana is due primarily to a reduction in interspecific fertilization; females presented with heterospecific males almost always become inseminated, but very few eggs are fertilized. Second, I perform a detailed genetic analysis of the fertilization incompatibility between D. virilis females and D. americana males. Using the D. virilis genome assembly, I developed molecular markers targeted to genomic regions of interest for high-resolution genetic mapping of both the maternal and paternal components of isolation. This study is a first step toward understanding the genetic and evolutionary mechanisms of postmating, prezygotic reproductive isolation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The kinetic characteristics of the main isozymes of Drosophila virilis esterase were studied and Km values of esterase-2, -4, and -6 and p-esterase for alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetate were obtained. Juvenile hormone (JH) was shown to inhibit the p-esterase activity when in competition with beta-naphthyl acetate and the general esterase inhibitor, diisopropylphosphofluoridate (DFP), was shown to inhibit all the components of the D. virilis esterase patterns except p-esterase. While studying the changes of p-esterase activity in D. virilis ontogenesis, the increase in p-esterase activity in the wandering larvae, prepupae, and early pupae was found to correlate with a decrease in JH titer at these stages. The decrease in JH level in a temperature-sensitive lethal mutant larvae of D. virilis at high temperatures was shown to correlate with increased p-esterase activity. These results confirm that p-esterase of D. virilis is JH-esterase.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of esterase activity was analyzed electrophoretically throughout the development of Drosophila pseudoobscura. The major adult enzyme form, Esterase 5, and several minor components, showed no important developmental variation. A group of several rapidly migrating (anodal) esterases, in contrast, accumulated maximum activity during late pupal stages, but was completely absent in newly emerged adults. This disappearance was not the result of some rapid inactivation, for subsequent to eclosion these enzymatic forms could be fully recovered from the discarded pupal case. Of the four additional Drosophila species examined, all but one displayed a similar pattern of ontogenesis. The possible role of these pupa-specific esterases is discussed.  相似文献   

The males of six species of the Drosophila virilis group (including D. virilis) keep their wings extended while producing a train of sound pulses, where the pulses follow each other without any pause. The males of the remaining five species of the group produce only one sound pulse during each wing extension/vibration, which results in species-specific songs with long pauses (in D. littoralis about 300 ms) between successive sound pulses. Genetic analyses of the differences between the songs of D. virilis and D. littoralis showed that species-specific song traits are affected by genes on the X chromosome, and for the length of pause, also by genes on chromosomes 3 and 4. The X chromosomal genes having a major impact on pulse and pause length were tightly linked with white, apricot and notched marker genes located at the proximal third of the chromosome. A large inversion in D. littoralis, marked by notched, prevents more precise localization of these genes by classical crossing methods.  相似文献   

The content of JH-esterase was assayed by radial immunodiffusion in Drosophila virilis pupae under normal conditions and under the effects of extreme factors. It was found that JH-esterase content is the same (not different from the control) in pupae showing a high activity of the enzyme and in those not showing it. These data are evidence for a gene controlling JH-esterase activity. It was also shown that a regulatory factor converts inactive into active JH-esterase when homogenates of pupae, with active and inactive forms, were mixed and incubated together. It was demonstrated that the source of the activating factor is the larval brain. Sublines 147-R and 147-I were produced by introducing the second chromosome pair of stocks 103 and 101, which are heat resistant, into the genome of individuals of stock 147, which is heat sensitive. Sublines 160-III, 160-IV, 160-V, and 160-VI were produced by introducing the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth chromosome pairs of stock 147 into the genome of stock 160S, which is heat-resistant. The results of analysis of JH-esterase activity and the viability of individuals of these sublines at high temperatures indicated that the gene regulating the activity of JH-esterase is located in the sixth chromosome of D. virilis.  相似文献   

The heat-resistant subline 147S was obtained in Drosophila virilis by selecting for viability individuals of heat-sensitive stock 147. It was shown that in the heat-treated 147S pupae the activity of juvenile hormone (JH)-esterase is decreased and, consequently, the titer of juvenile hormone is increased compared with those in the control pupae. These changes are consistent with those observed earlier for resistant stock 101. Heat-resistant stocks 101 and 147S were crossed with heat-sensitive stock 147, whose heat-treated larvae show earlier activation and higher activity of JH-esterase than control larvae. The viability and electrophoretic esterase patterns were analyzed in the F1 and F2 hybrids at different temperatures. It was found that the F1 hybrid is resistant to the effect of high temperature and its activity level of JH-esterase is lower compared with controls. In the F2 hybrid, there was a 3:1 segregation of viability and a 1:2:1 segregation of the activity level of JH-esterase at high temperatures. It is concluded that the activity level of JH-esterase and heat resistance in D. virilis are monogenically controlled at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of the effect of genotype and temperature (25 and 17°C) on sex ratio in the hybrids D. virilis Sturt. X D. littoralis Sokolov. A genetic system has been found controlling sex-differential viability. In the F1 of the reciprocal hybrids D. virilis X D. littoralis the sex ratio is normal, though at 17°C females are slightly excessive. The abnormal sex ratio is observed only in the progeny of test crosses.The major gene causing the death of female progeny of the cross [ (, D. virilis x , D. littoralis) x D. virilis] x D. littoralis is located on chromosome 2 of D. virilis. It is expressed as a lethal if chromosome 5 is heterogeneous virilis-littoralis. Chromosome 3 of D. virilis bears a modifier-enhancer and chromosome 5, a suppressor, of this lethal found in chromosome 2. This genetic system has a maternal effect and functions at 25°C, interacting with the X-chromosome of D. littoralis. If the maintainance temperature is lowered to 17°C, the progeny of the cross hybrid FB1 x D. littoralis is predominantly female. Partial death of males is accounted for by a disturbance in the interaction between the genes of X-chromosome in certain combinations with the D. virilis autosomes and the Y-chromosome of the paternal species D. littoralis.Sex-differential mortality in the hybrids D. virilis x D. littoralis is one of the isolating factors between these species which does not appear to act until the second and subsequent F1 generations due to the formation of the recombination load.  相似文献   

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