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We compared the physiological responses of latitudinal pairings of painted turtles submerged in normoxic and anoxic water at 3 degrees C: western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from Wisconsin (WI) versus southern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta dorsalis) from Louisiana (LA), Arkansas (AR), and Alabama (AL), and eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut (CT) versus C. p. picta from Georgia (GA). Turtles in normoxic water accumulated lactate, with C. p. bellii accumulating less than (20 mmol/L) the other groups (44-47 mmol/L), but with relatively minor acid-base and ionic disturbances. Chrysemys picta bellii had the lowest rate of lactate accumulation over the first 50 d in anoxic water (1.8 mmol/d vs. 2.1 for AR C. p. dorsalis, 2.4 mmol/d for GA C. p. picta, and 2.5 mmol/d for CT C. p. picta after 50 d and 2.6 mmol/d for AL C. p. dorsalis after 46 d). Northern turtles in both groups survive longer in anoxia than their southern counterparts. The diminished viability in C. p. dorsalis versus C. p. bellii can be partially explained by an increased rate of lactate accumulation and a decreased buffering capacity, but for the CT and GA C. p. picta comparison, only buffering capacity differences are seen to influence survivability.  相似文献   

During anoxia, overall protein synthesis is almost undetectable in the brain of the western painted turtle. The aim of this investigation was to address the question of whether there are alterations to specific proteins by comparing the normoxic and anoxic brain proteomes. Reductions in creatine kinase, hexokinase, glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase reflected the reduced production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) during anoxia while the reduction in transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase reflected the conservation of ATP or possibly a decrease in intracellular Ca2+. In terms of neural protection programed cell death 6 interacting protein (PDCD6IP; a protein associated with apoptosis), dihydropyrimidinase‐like protein, t‐complex protein, and guanine nucleotide protein G(o) subunit alpha (Go alpha; proteins associated with neural degradation and impaired cognitive function) also declined. A decline in actin, gelsolin, and PDCD6IP, together with an increase in tubulin, also provided evidence for the induction of a neurological repair response. Although these proteomic alterations show some similarities with the crucian carp (another anoxia‐tolerant species), there are species‐specific responses, which supports the theory of no single strategy for anoxia tolerance. These findings also suggest the anoxic turtle brain could be an etiological model for investigating mammalian hypoxic damage and clinical neurological disorders.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of treatment by luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) on the morphology and steroid release of ovarian tissues in the Western painted turtle, (Chrysemys picta). In Experiment I, four adult female turtles were injected with synthetic mammalian LHRH (i.p., 500 pg/g bodyweight) and four with saline 2-3 weeks prior to ovulation. Granulosa cells from LHRH-treated turtles vs controls contained both preovulatory follicles (16-20 mm in diameter) and small follicles (0.5-1.00mm in diameter) with increased RER, free ribosomes and mitochondria with swollen cristae. An increase in the amount of cytoskeletal material (microfilaments) was observed in granulosa cells of the experimental turtles compared to the controls. Cytoplasmic extensions of the oocyte and granulosa cells were longer in the small follicles of treated animals, accounting for the observed increase in the thickness of the zona pellucida (ZP) over the controls. In Experiment II, administration of LHRH (i.p.) to 10 turtles during the same period triggered a substantial increase in plasma progesterone and estradiol-17beta levels over the 10 saline-injected controls. This supports the idea that in this species, as in mammals, steroidogenic activity in the ovarian follicles are under the control of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. The ultrastructure and hormonal levels of the experimental animals were typical of untreated turtles just prior to ovulation. In this species the development of follicles and steroidogenesis can be stimulated prematurely by a releasing hormone from a nonreptilian origin.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The painted turtle, Chrysemys picta , is currently recognized as a continentally distributed polytypic species, ranging across North America from southern Canada to extreme northern Mexico. We analyzed variation in the rapidly evolving mitochondrial control region (CR) in 241 turtles from 117 localities across this range to examine whether the painted turtle represents a continentally distributed species based on molecular analysis. We found strong support for the novel hypothesis that C. p. dorsalis is the sister group to all remaining Chrysemys , with the remaining Chrysemys falling into a single, extremely wide-ranging and genetically undifferentiated species. Given our goal of an evolu-tionarily accurate taxonomy, we propose that two evolutionary lineages be recognized as species within Chrysemys : C. dorsalis (Agassiz 1857) in the southern Mississippi drainage region, and C. picta (Schneider 1783) from the rest of the range of the genus. Neither molecular nor recent morphological analyses argue for the hybrid origin of C. p. marginata as previously proposed. Within C. picta , we find evidence of at least two independent range expansions into previously glaciated regions of North America, one into New England and the other into the upper Midwest. We further find evidence of a massive extinction/recolonization event across the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain region encompassing over half the continental United States. The timing and extent of this colonization is consistent with a recently proposed regional aridification as the Laurentide ice sheets receded approximately 14,000 years ago, and we tentatively propose this paleoclimatological event as a major factor shaping genetic variation in Chrysemys .  相似文献   

Hatchlings of the North American painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) typically spend their first winter of life inside the shallow, subterranean nest where they completed embryogenesis the preceding summer. Neonates at northern localities consequently may be exposed during winter to subzero temperatures and frozen soil. Hatchlings apparently survive exposure to such conditions by supercooling, but the physiological consequences of this adaptive strategy have not been examined. We measured lactate in hatchling painted turtles after exposure to each of three temperatures (0 °C, −4 °C, and −8 °C) for three time periods (5 days, 15 days, and 25 days) to determine the extent to which overwintering hatchlings might rely on anaerobic metabolism to regenerate ATP. Whole-body lactate increased with increasing duration of exposure and decreasing temperature, and the highest levels were associated with the group that experienced the highest mortality. These results indicate that animals may develop a considerable lactic acidosis during a winter in which temperatures fall below 0 °C for weeks or months and that accumulation of lactate may contribute to mortality of overwintering animals. Accepted: 20 October 1999  相似文献   

Hatchlings of the North American painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) spend their first winter of life inside a shallow, subterranean hibernaculum (the natal nest) where they may be exposed for extended periods to ice and cold. Hatchlings seemingly survive exposure to such conditions by becoming supercooled (i.e., by remaining unfrozen at temperatures below the equilibrium freezing point for body fluids), so we investigated the role of their integument in preventing ice from penetrating into body compartments from surrounding soil. We first showed that hatchlings whose epidermis has been damaged are more likely to be penetrated by growing crystals of ice than are turtles whose cutaneous barrier is intact. We next studied integument from a forelimb by light microscopy and discovered that the basal part of the alpha-keratin layer of the epidermis contains a dense layer of lipid. Skin from the forelimb of other neonatal turtles lacks such a layer of lipid in the epidermis, and these other turtles also are highly susceptible to inoculative freezing. Moreover, epidermis from the neck of hatchling painted turtles lacks the lipid layer, and this region of the skin is readily penetrated by growing crystals of ice. We therefore conclude that the resistance to inoculation imposed by skin on the limbs of hatchling painted turtles results from the presence of lipids in the alpha-keratin layer of the epidermis. Neonates apparently are able to avoid freezing during winter by drawing much of the body inside the shell, leaving only the ice-resistant integument of the limbs exposed to ice in the environment. The combination of behavior and skin morphology enables overwintering hatchlings to exploit an adaptive strategy based on supercooling.  相似文献   

The capacity for an ectothermic reptile to thermoregulate has implications for many components of its life history. Over two years, we studied thermoregulation in a population of Midland painted turtles (Chrysemys picta marginata) in a shallow, thermally variable wetland during summer in Northern Michigan. Mean body temperature (Tb) of free-ranging turtles was greater in 2008 (25.8 °C) than in 2010 (19.7 °C). Laboratory determined thermoregulatory set point (Tset) ranged from 25 °C (Tset-min) to 31 °C (Tset-max) and was lower during the fall (17–26 °C). Deviations of Tb distributions from field measured operative temperatures (Te) and indices of thermoregulation indicated that C. picta marginata were capable of a limited degree of thermoregulation. Operative temperatures and thermal quality (de=|Tset-minTe| and |TeTset-max|) cycled daily with maximal thermal quality occurring during late morning and late afternoon. The accuracy of thermoregulation (db=|Tset-minTb| and |TbTset-max|) was maximal (db values were minimal) as Tb declined and traversed Tset during the late afternoon–early evening hours and was higher on cloudy days than on sunny days because relatively low Te values decreased the number of Tb values that were above Tset. Our index of thermal exploitation (Ex=frequency of Tb observations within Tset) was 36%, slightly lower than that reported for an Ontario population of C. picta marginata. Regression of db (thermal accuracy) on de (thermal quality) indicated that turtles invested more in thermoregulation when thermal quality was low and when water levels were high than when they were low. There were no intersexual differences in mean Tb throughout the year but females had relatively high laboratory determined Tb values in the fall, perhaps reflecting the importance of maintaining ovarian development prior to winter.  相似文献   

Four green turtle females were tracked by satellite during their post-reproductive migration in the South China Sea. Three of them reached their feeding grounds 923–1551 km distant. During nesting activity, a female was displaced twice, and her return trips to the nesting beach from 11 and 284 km were tracked by a direction-recording data-logger and by satellite, respectively. Part of the journeys occurred coastwise, indicating that leading geographical features had been utilised. The straightness of the turtles' tracks in open seas, both over shallow and deep waters, and their ability to pinpoint distant targets and home after displacement off their usual routes, provides circumstantial evidence for a true navigation mechanism.Abbreviation PTT platform transmitter terminal  相似文献   

In order to investigate the selenite metabolism in the anterior pituitary and compare it with other endocrine organs, rats were injected intraperitoneally with75Se sodium selenite (5 mg/kg). The rats were whole body counted shortly after injection and recounted just before sacrifice, which was performed 2, 24, 48 h, and 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 d after injection. Besides the anterior pituitary, the selenium content was also estimated in the thyroid gland, testis, adrenals, liver, kidney, and blood. The maximum selenium content was observed in all organs 2 h after injection, at which time the anterior pituitary contained 2.9 μg/g wet wt, compared to 13.5 μ/g wet wt in liver and .6 μg/mg wet wt in testis. The excretion of selenite from the anterior pituitary resembled that seen in most other organs investigated, i.e., an initial rapid excretion and a slower secondary phase resembling a first order reaction. Practically all selenium was excreted by 60 d after injection.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies of pituitaries from Ellobius lutescens (immature males and females, adult hypogonadic males, and virgin and pregnant females) show that the gonadotrophic cells are characterized by a lamellar or vacuolar rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), a spirally-arranged Golgi apparatus, elongated mitochondria and secretory granules of variable density and size (150–500 m). Ultrastructural differences between gonadotrophic cells previously determined by light microscopy correspond to changes in the development of the protein synthetic apparatus and in the intensity of hormonal discharge. Type 2 gonadotrophs always appear to be more active than type 1 gonadotrophs. After castration, all gonadotrophic cells develop into the same form of castration cell, although type 1 gonadotrophs change more slowly than type 2 cells. Treatment with testosterone induces an inverse development of the gonadotrophic cells which take on the appearance of resting cells similar to those found in immature animals, where the two cell types are also identical. Thus, only one morphological type of gonadotrophic cell can be identified in Ellobius lutescens. Moreover, the gonadotrophic cells of the hypogonadic adult male have the same appearance as those of the female two months after castration, which proves that the negative feedback mechanism which regulates gonadotrophic function is defective in adult male Ellobius lutescens.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in an isolated brown bear population of the Western Carpathians was studied by electrophoretic analysis of 51 presumptive allozyme loci. In spite of a severe population bottleneck at the beginning of the 1930s (40 survivors), average heterozygosity (H=5.3%) was within the range commonly found in mammals and the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus (Ap=3, over five polymorphic loci) was very high. Possible reasons for the maintenance of high allelic variation are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of fragmentation by human activities on genetic diversity of forest trees is an important concern in forest conservation, especially in tropical forests. Dysoxylum malabaricum (white cedar) is an economically important tree species, endemic to the Western Ghats, India, one of the world's eight most important biodiversity hotspots. As D. malabaricum is under pressure of disturbance and fragmentation together with overharvesting, conservation efforts are required in this species. In this study, range‐wide genetic structure of twelve D. malabaricum populations was evaluated to assess the impact of human activities on genetic diversity and infer the species’ evolutionary history, using both nuclear and chloroplast (cp) DNA simple sequence repeats (SSR). As genetic diversity and population structure did not differ among seedling, juvenile and adult age classes, reproductive success among the old‐growth trees and long distance seed dispersal by hornbills were suggested to contribute to maintain genetic diversity. The fixation index (FIS) was significantly correlated with latitude, with a higher level of inbreeding in the northern populations, possibly reflecting a more severe ecosystem disturbance in those populations. Both nuclear and cpSSRs revealed northern and southern genetic groups with some discordance of their distributions; however, they did not correlate with any of the two geographic gaps known as genetic barriers to animals. Approximate Bayesian computation‐based inference from nuclear SSRs suggested that population divergence occurred before the last glacial maximum. Finally we discussed the implications of these results, in particular the presence of a clear pattern of historical genetic subdivision, on conservation policies.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the development of IgM and IgG containing plasmablasts in splenic white pulp after a single intravenous injection of the thymus-independent antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or the thymus-dependent antigen sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) using immunohistoperoxidase techniques.Attention has been paid especially to the sites where IgM and IgG blasts develop in the white pulp and their migration route, from the white pulp towards the red pulp. The distribution of IgM and IgG blasts in the different white pulp compartments, i.e. outer periarteriolar lymphocytic sheath (PALS), inner PALS, follicles and the area along the terminal arteriolar branches, has been studied. Our findings indicate that both the thymus-independent IgM response to LPS and the thymus-dependent IgM response to SRBC start in the outer PALS. During the course of the immune response against SRBC the early localization of IgG plasmablasts in the white pulp was dispersed through the whole PALS. Later in the immune response the IgG blasts in the white pulp were localized especially in and at the border of follicle centres. No significant development of IgG blasts was found after LPS administration. The results of the present study suggest that during the immune response the bulk of IgM blasts migrates via the outer PALS and along the terminal arteriolar branches into the red pulp.  相似文献   

Bakker  C.  Herman  P. M. J.  Vink  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,282(1):79-100
During the pre-barrier period (1982–83), the Oosterschelde phytoplankton were a diatom-dominated community, comprising a species-rich assemblage throughout the year. Assemblages of spring, early summer and summer, developed in response to a gradually evolving turbidity-light gradient during the course of the year.During the barrier-construction period (1984–87), characterized by decreasing current velocities, increasing sedimentation of suspended matter, increasing water transparencies and unchanged nutrient conditions, the growth season for the phytoplankton started earlier and lasted longer. Some flagellate species responded by much higher biomass than before. The impact of short-term climatic factors during this period, notably severe winters, could be illustrated with examples of clear responses of some species (e.g. Biddulphia aurita).In the post-barrier years (1987–90) a changed light-nutrient-salinity regime (i.e. much light, limitation of nitrate, high salinity) was demonstrated and an extended summerseason developed, without the original gradual transitions. This was reflected in an a-seasonal trend of the phytoplankton assemblage, where summer species were already observed in spring and spring species decreased in abundance. In summer small flagellates increased and some weakly silicified diatom species made their appearance. In the eastern compartment no colony formation of Phaeocystis occurred in summer and this was thought to be due to nitrate limitation. Changes in abundance of some species (Phaeocystis, Ditylum brightwellii, Skeletonema costatum), occurring during the entire period of investigation (1982–90), could be explained using field observations compared with experimental evidence from the literature.The relationship between species composition and biomass on the one hand and environmental variables on the other hand, was analysed in a Canonical Correspondence Analysis, for both compartments separately.  相似文献   

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