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In the preceding paper it has been shown that human or mouse lymphocytes stimulated by a variety of agents, damaged allogeneic target cells while damage of xenogeneic target cells was weak or absent. In this study, the species specificity of the cytotoxicity of PHA activated lymphocytes has been studied in greater detail. Effector cells were purified lymphocytes either from human peripheral blood, or from spleen or lymph nodes of inbred mice. Target cells were 51Cr-labeled human Chang liver cells or mouse L cells.PHA stimulated human or mouse lymphocytes were significantly more cytotoxic to allogeneic than to xenogeneic target cells. At low PHA doses at which damage of allogeneic target cells was significant, damage of xenogeneic target cells was very weak or absent. At higher PHA doses, damage of xenogeneic target cells became also significant but always remained at a lower level than that of allogeneic target cells.Prestimulation of human lymphocytes with PHA for 3 days increased their cytotoxic efficiency. Furthermore, damage of human Chang cells by human lymphocytes had a dose-response relationship similar to that valid for stimulation of DNA synthesis. However, damage of mouse L cells by human lymphocytes increased at PHA-doses at which stimulation of DNA-synthesis declined. For mouse lymphocytes, these doseresponse relationships were less clear-cut, probably due to differences in origin and survival of the effector cells. This confirms previous observations that cytotoxicity and DNA-synthesis are different but probably interdependent expressions of lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

Normal lymphocytes activated by mitogens such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), by Staphylococcus filtrate (SF), or lymphocytes from sensitized individuals stimulated by antigen (PPD, etc.) are cytotoxic to tissue culture cells of different origins. In this and the following paper, the results of a detailed quantitative analysis of the specificity of this cytotoxic reaction are presented. Effector cells were human or mouse lymphocytes, activated by PHA, SF, PPD, or serum factors in the culture medium. Cells from established cell lines of human, mouse, hamster, or rabbit origin, or primary human or rat embryonic fibroblasts were used as target cells. Lysis was quantitated by release of 51Cr from labeled target cells.Purified human blood lymphocytes, activated by PPD, SF, or otherwise, preferentially damaged allogeneic target cells. Lysis of xenogeneic target cells was weak or did not occur. A close correlation was noted between target cell destruction and blastoid transformation of the lymphocytes, but the slope of the regression lines of xenogeneic cytotoxicity was much smaller than that of allogeneic cytotoxicity when plotted as a function of blastoid transformation.Lymph node or spleen cells from CBA mice were stimulated by PPD to transformation and DNA synthesis. CBA lymphocytes also showed an increased degree of blast transformation in medium containing fetal calf serum or certain batches of fresh human serum. Mouse lymphocytes activated in these ways damaged allogeneic L cells but had no effects on xenogeneic Chang cells.These results indicate that lymphocytes activated by various means preferentially damage target cells from their own species. The recognition mechanisms which determine the specificity of the reactions are not known.  相似文献   

When encountering target cells, NK (natural killer) cells exocytose Pfn (perforin) and granzyme B to kill challengers. We previously reported that granzyme B is recycled and reused by NK cells via clathrin-dependent endocytosis. However, whether Pfn, a main secretory vesicle content, indispensible to granzyme B killing, undergoes endocytosis remains unknown. We demonstrate that Pfn is recaptured by early endosomes of NK cells via a clathrin-dependent endocytosis after target cell stimulation. Inhibition of clathrin-dependent endocytosis significantly attenuated the cytotoxicity of NK cells. The data suggest that the recovery of Pfn contributes to the cytotoxicity of NK cells. The assay of endocytosis of lytic molecule presents a particular focus for exploring the mechanism of abnormal cytotoxicity of NK cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity not restricted by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is mediated by two distinct types of lymphocyte: natural killer (NK) cells and non-MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). These two types of cytotoxic lymphocytes can be distinguished by antigenic phenotype, function, and molecular genetic studies. In human peripheral blood, NK cells are identified by expression of the Leu-19 and/or CD16 cell surface antigens, and lack of CD3/T cell antigen receptor (Ti) complex expression (i.e., CD3-,Leu-19+). Peripheral blood non-MHC-restricted CTL express both CD3 and Leu-19 (i.e., CD3+, Leu-19+, referred to as Leu-19+ T cells). Both Leu-19+ T cells and NK cells lyse "NK-sensitive" hematopoietic tumor cell targets, such as K562, without deliberate immunization of the host. However, most "NK activity" in peripheral blood is mediated by NK cells, because they are usually more abundant and more efficient cytotoxic effectors than Leu-19+ T cells. The cytolytic activity of both NK cells and Leu-19+ T cells against hematopoietic targets was enhanced by recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL 2). NK cells, but not peripheral blood Leu-19+ T cells, were also capable of lysing solid tumor cell targets after short-term culture in rIL 2. Southern blot analysis of NK cells revealed that both the T cell antigen receptor beta-chain genes and the T cell-associated gamma genes were not rearranged, but were in germ-line configuration. These findings indicate that NK cells are distinct in lineage from T lymphocytes and do not use the T cell antigen receptor genes for target recognition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An in vitro human antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity system was used to study the adherence of nonsensitized attacking lymphocytes from peripheral blood to antibody coated melanoma target cells. Specific adherence of attacking cells was documented by labeling the lymphocytes with 51Cr. The degree of specific adherence was proportional to antibody concentration and incubation time and could be detected before the lysis of target cells. Adsorption of attacking lymphocytes on immune serum treated target cells depleted B cells, enriched T cells, and removed most cytotoxic activity of nonadherent lymphocytes in this system. These results were not found when attacking lymphocytes were adsorbed on normal serum treated target cells.  相似文献   

We previously reported the cytotoxic negative regulatory molecule, Cho-1, that was expressed on the cell surface of rat fetal fibroblast cells in the cytotoxicity by natural killer (NK) cells. This molecule was IFN-gamma-inducible, but appeared to be different from MHC class I. It was expressed on NK-resistant cells but not on NK-sensitive murine target cells such as YAC-1. In this paper, first we determined whether Cho-1 could also act as the negative regulatory molecule in a human NK-resistant HEPM line. Our data strongly suggested that Cho-1 could act as such a negative regulatory molecule in human NK cytotoxicity. The immunoprecipitates made with HEPM cell lysate and anti-MHC class I monoclonal antibody (mAb) did not react against anti-Cho-1 mAb, indicating that Cho-I was different from MHC class I. Second, an assessment was made as to whether or not this molecule is involved in the cytotoxicity of CD8 (+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) against human autologous tumor cells. The data indicated that although this cell surface molecule was expressed on certain tumor lines, it was not involved in the cytotoxic mechanism of CTL. Thus, Cho-1 appeared to be the novel regulatory molecule in the NK cytotoxic mechanism.  相似文献   

The main conclusion from the present study is that T. parva sporozoite entry is dependent on a functional host cell actin cytoskeleton and is not driven by the parasite. Treating lymphocytes with cytochalasin D resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in the levels of host cell infection. However, the primary effect was to block sporozoite binding and only at the highest concentration (20 microM) was sporozoite internalization significantly reduced. In fact at lower concentrations (1-10 microM) cytochalasin treatment lead to a relative increase in sporozoite internalization. The results are consistent with sporozoite entry being primarily a passive process and with a functional host cell actin cytoskeleton that is required only to maintain the molecular integrity of the surface membrane. Thus T. parva sporozoite entry differs from the process in other apicomplexans, although the results are consistent with a number of features of sporozoite biology. Treatment of lymphocytes with either the microtubule-destabilizing agent, nocodazole, or taxol, which induces microtubule polymerization, had no significant effect on sporozoite binding or entry. As both reagents had the expected effects on the lymphocyte microtubule system, it is unlikely that host cell microtubules are essential for successful sporozoite invasion or establishment.  相似文献   

Recognition and lysis of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A single cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) is capable of performing the two most fundamental functions of an immune response, recognition and elimination of foreign antigens. It is now clear that in a CTL these two functions are linked via the antigen-specific, heterodimeric receptor. We review here some experimental approaches that justify this conclusion and provide the means for further examination of the mechanisms by which CTLs lyse their target cells. When antireceptor antibodies serving as antigen substitutes are attached to various cells, they trigger the lytic activity of particular CTLs, which results in lysis of the antibody-modified cell. In the process, a novel serine esterase, which is located within cytolytic granules of the CTL, is released. The presence of this enzyme and a complement-like protein, perforin, in granules of a CTL has led to the suggestion that CTLs and complement have similar cytolytic mechanisms. However, the resistance of some CTLs to lysis by other CTLs, but not to lysis by antibody-activated complement, suggests fundamental differences between cytolytic mechanisms of CTLs and complement.  相似文献   

We found that rotavirus-specific protein synthesis was not necessary for recognition by virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). In addition, CTLs lysed rotavirus-infected target cells prior to production of infectious virus. Target cell processing of rotavirus antigens for presentation to CTLs was enhanced by treatment of rotavirus with trypsin prior to infection; trypsin-induced cleavage of the viral hemagglutinin (vp4) has previously been found to facilitate rotavirus entry into target cells by direct penetration of virions through the plasma membrane. We conclude that sufficient quantities of exogenous viral proteins may be introduced into the cytoplasm for processing by target cells. The mechanism by which rotavirus proteins are processed for presentation to the target cell surface remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Controversy remains regarding the origin of the pancreatic endocrine cells. It is generally accepted that the majority of insulin-secreting cells derive from the endodermal epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution made by a particular cluster of differentiation (CD)-positive cells to the development of the bovine endocrine pancreas. In bovine embryos and foetuses with crown to rump lengths (CRL) ranging from 1 to 47 cm, cells staining positively for CD34 and/or CD133 were always more numerous in the left lobe and body of pancreas than in the right lobe. In the early stages of pancreatic development (CRL <5 cm), CD34 and/or CD133-reactive cells were concentrated within the epithelial cell cords that form the primitive pancreas. In later developmental stages (CRL >5 cm), individual or groups of CD34 and/or CD133-reactive cells were present in newly formed acini, which bulged out from the duct system that had arisen from the cords. Some of the positively stained cells accumulated in focal areas associated with hyperplastic intra-acinar cells. These “acino-insula-like complexes” appeared to enlarge with age and develop into intralobular Islets of Langerhans. Most of the described CD34 and/or CD133-reactive cells displayed co-localisation with glucagon. A negligible number of these cells showed co-localisation with insulin. Glucagon-stained cells were distinct from insulin-stained cells and were more abundant in embryonic and early foetal pancreata. Our data demonstrate that CD34 and/or CD133-reactive cells contribute to the pancreatic alpha cell population during early foetal development in cattle.  相似文献   

IL-12 activates STAT4 by inducing tyrosine phosphorylation, homo-dimerization, and nuclear translocation in NK cells and thereby stimulates proliferation and activation of these cells. The pore-forming protein perforin is a key effector protein for NK cell- and cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis. Here we demonstrate that IL-12 induces the expression of the perforin gene in human NK cell line, NKL. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using a probe containing two putative STAT-binding sequences located at -1085 and -1059 in the human perforin gene showed that STAT4 or STAT5 activated by IL-12 or IL-2, respectively, in NKL cells binds this region. Further analyses using various probes with or without mutated STAT-binding sequences showed that, although either of the two tandem STAT-binding sequences binds STAT4 weakly, the presence of both is required for significant binding of activated STAT4 and for formation of the STAT4-DNA-binding complex with lower electrophoretic mobility. Furthermore, mutation of either of the tandem STAT-binding sequences abolished the IL-12-induced activation of the perforin gene promoter in reporter gene assays. These results indicate that the IL-12-induced expression of the perforin gene in NK cells is directly regulated by STAT4, which binds, most likely as a homo-tetramer, to the tandem STAT-binding sequences in the perforin gene promoter.  相似文献   

Several tumor target cell lines, prototypically K562 cells, are resistant to lysis by recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF alpha) but are killed by monocytes expressing membrane-associated TNF, suggesting that membrane TNF could account for monocyte-mediated cytotoxicity. Formaldehyde-fixed monocytes or extracted monocyte membrane fragments are cytotoxic to K562 target cells. Treatment of monocytes with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) increases cytotoxicity by live and fixed cells or by extracted monocyte membranes. Both TNF and TNF receptors are detectable on monocyte membranes by FACS analysis, and the levels of each are modulated by treatment with IFN-gamma. Cytotoxicity can be inhibited by either anti-TNF or anti-TNF receptor antibodies. Incubation of effector cells with exogenous soluble TNF prior to fixation or membrane preparation increases their cytotoxicity. In contrast, incubation of the target cells with exogenous TNF neither increases nor decreases killing by effector cell membrane fragments or intact effector cells. The data suggest that the TNF receptors on the effector cell, but not on the target cell, play a crucial role in TNF-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The capacity of human lymphocytes to adhere to paramyxovirus-infected monolayers and their capacity to kill paramyxovirus-infected cells was investigated. A large fraction of human lymphocytes was found to adhere firmly to the paramyxovirus-infected monolayers. Predsorption of lymphocytes on mumps virus-infected cells impaired their adsorption to a second cell monolayer of the same type. The cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes against mumps virus-infected cells was also reduced after predsorption on mumps virus- or Newcastle disease virus-infected (NDV) cell monolayers. Exposure of lymphocytes to trypsin did not significantly decrease either adsorption or cytotoxicity. Pretreatment of lymphocytes with neuraminidase (NANase) partly inhibited adsorption whereas cytotoxicity was not decreased. Cell fractionation experiments after rosetting of the lymphocytes with sheep erythrocytes (E) indicated that T cells were equally or better adsorbed than "non-T" cells. Taken together with previous experiments which showed that the majority of T lymphocytes are not cytotoxic against mumps virus-infected cells these results suggest that adherence of lymphocytes to infected cells and cytotoxicity may be unrelated phenomena.  相似文献   

An examination of the incompatibility mechanism of Lolium perenne using the pollen stigma reaction has revealed that no precise one or two locus system is operative in this species.  相似文献   

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