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In this paper we discuss improvements to our previously reported ELP-intein purification system described by Banki et al. [M.R. Banki, L. Feng, D.W. Wood, Simple bioseparations using self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide tags, Nat. Methods 2 (2005) 659–661; W.Y. Wu, C. Mee, F. Califano, R. Banki, D.W. Wood, Recombinant protein purification by self-cleaving aggregation tag, Nat. Protoc. 1 (2006) 2257–2262]. This method is based on the selective and reversible precipitation of ELP-tagged target proteins by gentle heating in the presence of high concentrations of sodium chloride. A critical aspect of this system is that the ELP tag is induced to self-cleave by a mild pH shift after purification. An examination of the Hofmeister series of ions suggested that salts other than sodium chloride may be more efficient for ELP precipitation. Specifically, by replacing sodium chloride with ammonium sulfate to induce ELP aggregation, we were able to reduce the required salt concentration by almost 4-fold, and the precipitation steps could be conducted at room temperature instead of 37 °C. This results in a cheaper, gentler, and more scaleable purification method. To demonstrate these advantages, green fluorescent protein and β-lactamase were purified using the newly optimized conditions in side-by-side comparisons to the previous method. The results indicate that both specific activity and yield were improved with the new conditions. These improvements thus significantly increase the attractiveness of this highly general and economical method for recombinant protein purification.  相似文献   

We have combined Invitrogen's Gateway cloning technology with self-cleaving purification tags to generate a new system for rapid production of recombinant protein products. To accomplish this, we engineered our previously reported DeltaI-CM cleaving intein to include a Gateway cloning recognition sequence, and demonstrated that the resulting Gateway-competent intein is unaffected. This intein can therefore be used in several previously reported purification methods, while at the same time being compatible with Gateway cloning. We have incorporated this intein into a set of Gateway vectors, which include self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide (ELP), chitin binding domain (CBD), phasin (polyhydroxybutyrate-binding), or maltose binding domain (MBD) tags. These vectors were verified by Gateway cloning of TEM-1 beta-lactamase and Escherichia coli catalase genes, and the expressed target proteins were purified using the four methods encoded on the vectors. The purification methods were unaffected by replacing the DeltaI-CM intein with the Gateway intein. It was observed that some purification methods were more appropriate for each target than others, suggesting utility of this technology for rapid process identification and optimization. The modular design of the Gateway system and intein purification method suggests that any tag and promoter can be trivially added to this system for the development of additional expression vectors. This technology could greatly facilitate process optimization, allowing several targets and methods to be tested in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

Methods development in chromatographic purification processes is a complex operation and has traditionally relied on trial and error approaches. The availability of a large number of commercial media, choice of different modes of chromatography, and diverse operating conditions contribute to the challenging task of accelerating methods development. In this paper, we describe a novel microtiter-plate based screening method to identify the appropriate sequence of chromatographic steps that result in high purities of bioproducts from their respective culture broths. Protein mixtures containing the bioproduct were loaded on aliquots of different chromatographic media in microtiter plates. Serial step elution of the proteins, in concert with bioproduct-specific assays, resulted in the identification of "active fractions" containing the bioproduct. The identification of a successful chromatographic step was based on the purity of the active fractions, which were then pooled and used as starting material for screening the next chromatographic dimension. This procedure was repeated across subsequent dimensions until single band purities of the protein were obtained. The sequence of chromatographic steps and the corresponding operating conditions identified from the screen were validated under scaled-up conditions. Various modes of chromatography including hydrophobic interaction, ion exchange (cation and anion exchange) and hydrophobic charge-induction chromatography (HCIC), and different operating conditions (pH, salt concentration and type, etc.) were employed in the screen. This approach was employed to determine the sequence of chromatographic steps for the purification of recombinant alpha-amylase from its cell-free culture broth. Recommendations from the screen resulted in single-band purity of the protein under scaled-up conditions. Similar results were observed for an scFv-beta-lactamase fusion protein. The use of a miniaturized screen enables the parallel screening of a wide variety of actual bioprocess media and conditions and represents a novel paradigm approach for the high-throughput process development of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

A new protein affinity purification system has been developed. Recombinant tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was used as an affinity matrix for isolation and purification of the given protein of interest. In model experiments, streptavidin-specific heptapeptide sequence TLIAHPQ was inserted into TMV coat protein near the C end. This oligopeptide did not interfere significantly with viral replication, assembly, and movement. Recombinant TMV functioned as an epitope tag recognizing streptavidin in plant protein extracts. Plant protein extracts containing streptavidin were incubated with recombinant TMV virions. Affinity complexes of viral particles with the protein of interest were collected by centrifugation. Recombinant TMV-streptavidin complex was dissociated with 0.2M acetic acid, pH 4.6, and was passed through membrane filter Nanosep 300K by centrifugation. The filtrate contained pure streptavidin. Recombinant TMV was left on the filter. TMV particles collected from the filter could be used for at least two more purification cycles. The streptavidin-specific recombinant TMV system was applied successfully for purification of streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii. The authors believe that the TMV-based affinity system can also be used for the purification of other proteins.  相似文献   

The gene of human neurotrophin-3 (hNT3), a 380 bp fragment corresponding to a 14 kDa protein, was amplified by PCR with genome DNA of human whole blood as the template and cloned into a vector pTXB1. The recombinant including the hNT3 gene was expressed in E. coli and the target product was in the form of inclusion bodies. After denaturation and renaturation, the hNT3 was purified on an affinity column by a self-cleaving intein. The bioactivity assay showed that the purified hNT3 induced profuse neurite outgrowth from the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) explants.  相似文献   

The presence of endotoxins in preparations of recombinantly produced therapeutic proteins poses serious problems for patients. Endotoxins can cause fever, respiratory distress syndromes, intravascular coagulation, or endotoxic shock. A number of methods have been devised to remove endotoxins from protein preparations using separation procedures based on molecular mass or charge properties. Most of the methods are limited in their endotoxin removal capacities and lack general applicability. We are describing a biotechnological approach for endotoxin removal. This strategy exploits the observation that endotoxins form micelles that expose negative charges on their surface, leading to preferential binding of endotoxins to cationic surfaces, allowing the separation from their resident protein. Endotoxins exhibit high affinity to stretches of histidines, which are widely used tools to facilitate the purification of recombinant proteins. They bind to nickel ions and are the basis for protein purification from cellular extracts by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. We show that the thrombin-mediated cleavage of two histidine tags from the purified recombinant protein and the adsorption of these histidine tags and their associated endotoxins to a nickel affinity column result in an appreciable depletion of the endotoxins in the purified protein fraction.  相似文献   

Thermally responsive elastin like polypeptides (ELPs) can be used to purify proteins from Escherichia coli culture when proteins are expressed as a fusion with an ELP. Nonchromatographic purification of ELP fusion proteins, termed inverse transition cycling (ITC), exploits the reversible soluble-insoluble phase transition behavior imparted by the ELP tag. Here, we quantitatively compare the expression and purification of ELP and oligohistidine fusions of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT), blue fluorescent protein (BFP), thioredoxin (Trx), and calmodulin (CalM) from both a 4-h culture with chemical induction of the plasmid-borne fusion protein gene and a 24-h culture without chemical induction. The total protein content and functional activity were quantified at each ITC purification step. For CAT, BFP, and Trx, the 24-h noninduction culture of ELP fusion proteins results in a sevenfold increase in the yield of each fusion protein compared to that obtained by the 4-h-induced culture, and the calculated target protein yield is similar to that of their equivalent oligohistidine fusion. For these proteins, ITC purification of fusion proteins also results in approximately 75% recovery of active fusion protein, similar to affinity chromatography. Compared to chromatographic purification, however, ITC is inexpensive, requires no specialized equipment or reagents, and because ITC is a batch purification process, it is easily scaled up to accommodate larger culture volumes or scaled down and multiplexed for high-throughput, microscale purification; thus, potentially impacting both high-throughput protein expression and purification for proteomics and large scale, cost-effective industrial bioprocessing of pharmaceutically relevant proteins.  相似文献   

This work combines two well-established technologies to generate a breakthrough in protein production and purification. The first is the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) granules in engineered strains of Escherichia coli. The second is a recently developed group of self-cleaving affinity tags based on protein splicing elements known as inteins. By combining these technologies with a PHB-specific binding protein, a self-contained protein expression and purification system has been developed. In this system, the PHB-binding protein effectively acts as an affinity tag for desired product proteins. The tagged product proteins are expressed in E. coli strains that also produce intracellular PHB granules, where they bind to the granules via the PHB-binding tag. The granules and attached proteins can then be easily recovered following cell lysis by simple mechanical means. Once purified, the product protein is self-cleaved from the granules and released into solution in a substantially purified form. This system has been successfully used at laboratory scale to purify several active test proteins at reasonable yield. By allowing the bacterial cells to effectively produce both the affinity resin and tagged target protein, the cost associated with the purification of recombinant proteins could be greatly reduced. It is expected that this combination of improved economics and simplicity will constitute a significant breakthrough in both large-scale production of purified proteins and enzymes and high-throughput proteomics studies of peptide libraries.  相似文献   

The purification of recombinant proteins by affinity chromatography is one of the most efficient strategies due to the high recovery yields and purity achieved. However, this is dependent on the availability of specific affinity adsorbents for each particular target protein. The diversity of proteins to be purified augments the complexity and number of specific affinity adsorbents needed, and therefore generic platforms for the purification of recombinant proteins are appealing strategies. This justifies why genetically encoded affinity tags became so popular for recombinant protein purification, as these systems only require specific ligands for the capture of the fusion protein through a pre-defined affinity tag tail. There is a wide range of available affinity pairs “tag-ligand” combining biological or structural affinity ligands with the respective binding tags. This review gives a general overview of the well-established “tag-ligand” systems available for fusion protein purification and also explores current unconventional strategies under development.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins are essential products of today's industrial biotechnology. In this study we address two crucial factors in recombinant protein production: (i) product accessibility and (ii) product recovery. Escherichia coli, one of the most frequently used hosts for recombinant protein expression, does not inherently secrete proteins into the extracellular environment. The major drawback of this expression system is, therefore, to be found in the intracellular protein accumulation and hampered product accessibility. We have constructed a set of expression vectors in order to facilitate extracellular protein production and purification. The maltose binding protein from E. coli is used as fusion partner for several proteins of interest allowing an export to the bacteria's periplasm via both the Sec and the Tat pathway. Upon coexpression of a modified Cloacin DF13 bacteriocin release protein, the hybrid proteins are released into the culture medium. This essentially applies to a distinguished reporter molecule, the green fluorescent protein, for which an extracellular production was not reported so far. The sequestered proteins can be purified to approximate homogeneity by a simple, rapid and cheap procedure which utilizes the affinity of the maltose binding protein to α-1,4-glucans.  相似文献   

As a novel attempt for the intracellular recombinant protein over expression and easy purification from Pichia pastoris, the therapeutic cytokine human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (hGMCSF) gene was fused to an intein-chitin-binding domain (gene from pTYB11 vector) fusion tag by overlap extension PCR and inserted into pPICZB vector, allowing for the purification of a native recombinant protein without the need for enzymatic cleavage. The fusion protein under the AOX1 promoter was integrated into the P. pastoris genome (SMD 1168) and the recombinant Pichia clones were screened for multicopy integrants. Expression of hGMCSF was done using glycerol and methanol based synthetic medium by three stage cultivation in a bioreactor. Purification of the expressed hGMCSF fusion protein was done after cell disruption and binding of the solubilized fusion protein to chitin affinity column, followed by DTT induced on column cleavage of hGMCSF from the intein tag. In this study, final biomass of 89 g dry cell weight/l and purified hGMCSF of 120 mg/l having a specific activity of 0.657 x 10(7) IU/mg was obtained. This strategy has an edge over the other--His or--GST based fusion protein purification where non-specific protein binding, expensive enzymatic cleavage and further purification of the enzyme is required. It distinguishes itself from all other purification systems by its ability to purify, in a single chromatographic step.  相似文献   

【目的】使用自行设计的类弹性蛋白(Elastin-like protein, ELP) ELP[I]50作为非色谱纯化标签, 分离纯化重组硫氧还蛋白(Thioredoxin, Trx), 并研究聚乙二醇(Polyethylene glycol, PEG)对ELP[I]50-Trx相变温度(Inverse temperature transition, Tt)的影响。【方法】人工合成Trx基因, 将其亚克隆到自行构建的表达载体pET28编码ELP[I]50标签下游, 转入大肠杆菌BLR(DE3)进行表达。融合蛋白表达后, 采用可逆相变循环(Inverse transition cycling, ITC)分离纯化, 并检测不同浓度PEG时的Tt值。【结果】成功表达、分离纯化出融合蛋白ELP[I]50-Trx, 检测出该蛋白浓度为25 μmol/L时, Tt为28.6 °C; 而当PEG的浓度为5%、10%、15%、20%时, Tt分别降至22.3 °C、15.9 °C、6 °C、0 °C。【结论】ELP[I]50标签高效纯化重组蛋白具有操作简便、成本较低、易于扩大的优势, 而PEG能降低蛋白的Tt值, 进一步增强分离纯化效果, 扩大使用范围, 可望应用于分离纯化多种重组蛋白。  相似文献   

The expression of recombinant proteins is a well-accepted technology, but their detection and purification often require time-consuming and complicated processes. This paper describes the development of a novel double epitope tag (GEPGDDGPSGAEGPPGPQG) for rapid and accurate quantification of recombinant protein by a homogeneous immunoassay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer. In our double epitope tagging system, recombinant proteins can be simply measured on a microtiter plate by addition of a pair of fluorophore-labeled monoclonal antibodies (their epitopes; GEPGDDGPS and GPPGPQG). The sensitivity of the immunoassay with an incubation time of only 5 min is almost equal to that of labor-intensive Western blotting. In addition, culture media and extracts of host cells generally used for protein expression have little effect on this immunoassay. To investigate the utility of our proposed tag for protein production, several different proteins containing this tag were practically expressed and purified. The data presented demonstrate that the double epitope tag is a reliable tool that can alleviate the laborious and troublesome processes of protein production.  相似文献   

Expanded bed absorption chromatography (EBA) was used to improve and simplify the purification of several wheat recombinant proteins. Binding and elution conditions were set to allow the purification of the over expressed protein in a single step. In comparison with our previous multi step protocol, same purity was obtained while EBA required less time (one day instead of five) and gave a higher yield (63% instead of 10%). This new procedure was then used for the successful purification of five other wheat ns-LTP. Despite their important polymorphism (identity from 44 to 97 %-pHi from 8 to 10), the EBA protocol allowed their purification in a single step.  相似文献   

We have developed a specific and efficient method for complete removal of polyhistidine purification tags (HisTags) from the N-termini of target proteins. The method is based on the use of the aminopeptidase dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI), either alone or in combination with glutamine cyclotransferase (GCT) and pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase (PGAP). In both cases, the HisTag is cleaved off by DPPI, which catalyzes a stepwise excision of a wide range of dipeptides from the N-terminus of a peptide chain. Some sequences, however, are resistant to DPPI cleavage and a number of mature proteins have nonsubstrate N-termini which protects them against digestion. For such proteins, HisTags composed of an even number of residues can be cleaved off by treatment with DPPI alone. When the target protein is unprotected against DPPI, a blocking group is generated enzymatically from a glutamine residue inserted between the HisTag and the target protein. A protein with a HisTag-Gln extension is incubated with both DPPI and GCT. As above, the polyhistidine sequence is cleaved off by DPPI, but when the glutamine residue appears in the N-terminus, it is immediately converted into a pyroglutamyl residue by an excess of GCT and further DPPI digestion is prevented. The desired sequence is finally obtained by excision of the pyroglutamyl residue with PGAP. All the enzymes employed can bind to immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) matrices, and in this paper we demonstrate a simple and highly effective process combining IMAC purification of His-tagged proteins, our aminopeptidase-based method for specific excision of HisTags and use of subtractive IMAC for removing processing enzymes. Typical recoveries were 75-90% for the enzymatic processing and subtractive IMAC. The integrated process holds promises for use in large-scale production of pharmaceutical proteins because of a simple overall design, use of robust and inexpensive matrices, and use of enzymes of either recombinant or plant origin.  相似文献   

For the investigation of the NADPH-dependent Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase MekA from Pseudomonas veronii MEK700, the encoding gene mekA with a C-terminal strep-tag was cloned and expressed under the control of a l-rhamnose inducible promoter from Escherichia coli. The mekA gene was found by analyzing the methylethylketone (MEK) degradation pathway by Onaca et al. J Bacteriol 189:3759–3767, 2007. Sequence analysis of the corresponding protein, which catalyzes the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of MEK to ethyl acetate, showed two binding sites (Rossman-fold motifs) for cofactors NAD(P)H and FAD. Although expression of mekA resulted in large amounts of inclusion bodies compared to soluble protein, high amounts of purified and active MekA were obtained by affinity chromatography. The substrate spectrum of MekA was investigated with purified enzyme and whole cells using a variety of aliphatic, aromatic, and cyclic ketones including four chiral substrates. The specific activity of MekA with MEK as substrate was determined to be 1.1 U/mg protein. K M values were determined for MEK and the cofactors NADPH and NADH to be 6, 11, and 29 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

A large variety of fusion tags have been developed to improve protein expression, solubilization, and purification. Nevertheless, these tags have been combined in a rather limited number of composite tags and usually these composite tags have been dictated by traditional commercially‐available expression vectors. Moreover, most commercially‐available expression vectors include either N‐ or C‐terminal fusion tags but not both. Here, we introduce TSGIT, a fusion‐tag system composed of both N‐ and a C‐terminal composite fusion tags. The system includes two affinity tags, two solubilization tags and two cleavable tags distributed at both termini of the protein of interest. Therefore, the N‐ and the C‐terminal composite fusion tags in TSGIT are fully orthogonal in terms of both affinity selection and cleavage. For using TSGIT, we streamlined the cloning, expression, and purification procedures. Each component tag is selected to maximize its benefits toward the final construct. By expressing and partially purifying the protein of interest between the components of the TSGIT fusion, the full‐length protein is selected over truncated forms, which has been a long‐standing problem in protein purification. Moreover, due to the nature of the cleavable tags in TSGIT, the protein of interest is obtained in its native form without any additional undesired N‐ or C‐terminal amino acids. Finally, the resulting purified protein is ready for efficient ligation with other proteins or peptides for downstream applications. We demonstrate the use of this system by purifying a large amount of native fluorescent mRuby3 protein and bacteriophage T7 gp2.5 ssDNA‐binding protein.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of a hexa‐histidine tagged exopeptidase for the cleavage of hexa‐histidine tags from recombinant maltose binding protein (MBP) when both tagged species are bound to an immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) matrix. On‐column exopeptidase cleavage only occurred when the cleavage buffer contained an imidazole concentration of 50 mM or higher. Two strategies were tested for the on‐column tag cleavage by dipeptidylaminopeptidase (DAPase): (i) a post‐load wash was performed after sample loading using cleavage buffers containing varying imidazole concentrations and (ii) a post‐load wash was omitted following sample loading. In the presence of 50 mM imidazole, 46% of the originally adsorbed hexa‐histidine tagged MBP was cleaved, released from the column, and recovered in a sample containing 100% native (i.e., completely detagged) MBP. This strategy renders the subsequent purification steps unnecessary as any tagged contaminants remained bound to the column. At higher imidazole concentrations, binding of both hexa‐histidine tagged MBP and DAPase to the column was minimized, leading to characteristics of cleavage more closely resembling that of a batch cleavage. An on‐column cleavage yield of 93% was achieved in the presence of 300 mM imidazole, albeit with contamination of the detagged protein with tag fragments and partially tagged MBP. The success of the on‐column exopeptidase cleavage makes the integration of the poly‐histidine tag removal protocol within the IMAC protein capture step possible. The many benefits of using commercially available exopeptidases, such as DAPase, for poly‐histidine tag removal can now be combined with the on‐column tag cleavage operation. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The feature of elastin-like proteins (ELPs) to reversibly precipitate above their transition temperature was exploited as a general method for the purification of histidine (His)-tagged proteins. The principle of the single-step metal-affinity method is based on coordinated ligand-bridging between the modified ELPs and the target proteins. ELPs with repeating sequences of [(VPGVG)(2)(VPGKG)(VPGVG)(2)](21) were synthesized and the free amino groups on the lysine residues were modified by reacting with imidazole-2-carboxyaldehyde to incorporate the metal-binding ligands into the ELP bio- polymers. Biopolymers charged with Ni(2+) were able to interact with a His tag on the target proteins based on metal coordination chemistry. Purifications of two His-tagged enzymes, beta-D-galactosidase and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, were used to demonstrate the utility of this general method and over 85% recovery was observed in both cases. The bound enzymes were easily released by addition of either EDTA or imidazole. The recovered ELPs were reused four times with no observable decrease in the purification performance.  相似文献   

The creation of a double His-tag fusion that forms a RNA stem loop in the mRNA encoding the N-terminus of the target protein is a novel approach for the enhancement of expression, purification, and detection of a recombinant protein. Compared to a single His-tag fusion, a tandem His-tag fusion RNA stem loop, located downstream of the constitutive groE and Ch promoters, enhanced heterologous gene expression in Brucella, Salmonella, and Escherichia. We demonstrated one-step detection and purification of recombinant green fluorescence protein (GFP) directly from Brucella spp. without using Escherichia coli as an expression host. The amount of purified GFP using the tandem His-tag RNA stem loop increased more than threefold; moreover, the sensitivity of detection increased more than fourfold in comparison to the single His-tag fusion form. This method has the potential to significantly improve heterologous gene expression and high-throughput protein synthesis and purification.  相似文献   

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