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Bioenergetics of mitochondrial diseases associated with mtDNA mutations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This mini-review summarizes our present view of the biochemical alterations associated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) point mutations. Mitochondrial cytopathies caused by mutations of mtDNA are well-known genetic and clinical entities, but the biochemical pathogenic mechanisms are often obscure. Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is due to three main mutations in genes for complex I subunits. Even if the catalytic activity of complex I is maintained except in cells carrying the 3460/ND1 mutation, in all cases there is a change in sensitivity to complex I inhibitors and an impairment of mitochondrial respiration, eliciting the possibility of generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the complex. Neurogenic muscle weakness, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa (NARP), is due to a mutation in the ATPase-6 gene. In NARP patients ATP synthesis is strongly depressed to an extent proportional to the mutation load; nevertheless, ATP hydrolysis and ATP-driven proton translocation are not affected. It is suggested that the NARP mutation affects the ability of the enzyme to couple proton transport to ATP synthesis. A point mutation in subunit III of cytochrome c oxidase is accompanied by a syndrome resembling MELAS: however, no major biochemical defect is found, if we except an enhanced production of ROS. The mechanism of such enhancement is at present unknown. In this review, we draw attention to a few examples in which the overproduction of ROS might represent a common step in the induction of clinical phenotypes and/or in the progression of several human pathologies associated with mtDNA point mutations.  相似文献   

Barrientos A 《IUBMB life》2003,55(2):83-95
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an excellent model for gaining insights into the molecular basis of human mitochondrial disorders, particularly those resulting from impaired mitochondrial metabolism. Yeast is a very well characterized system and most of our current knowledge about mitochondrial biogenesis in humans derives from yeast genetics and biochemistry. Systematic yeast genome-wide approaches have allowed for the identification of human disease genes. In addition, the functional characterization of a large number of yeast gene products resident in mitochondria has been instrumental for the later identification and characterization of their human orthologs. Here I will review the molecular and biochemical characterization of several mitochondrial diseases that have been ascribed to mutations in genes that were first found in yeast to be necessary for the assembly of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The usefulness of yeast as a model system for human mitochondrial disorders is evaluated.  相似文献   

Caspases and the cytotoxic lymphocyte protease granzyme B (GB) induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, loss of transmembrane potential and mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP). Whether ROS are required for GB-mediated apoptosis and how GB induces ROS is unclear. Here, we found that GB induces cell death in an ROS-dependent manner, independently of caspases and MOMP. GB triggers ROS increase in target cell by directly attacking the mitochondria to cleave NDUFV1, NDUFS1 and NDUFS2 subunits of the NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex I inside mitochondria. This leads to mitocentric ROS production, loss of complex I and III activity, disorganization of the respiratory chain, impaired mitochondrial respiration and loss of the mitochondrial cristae junctions. Furthermore, we have also found that GB-induced mitocentric ROS are necessary for optimal apoptogenic factor release, rapid DNA fragmentation and lysosomal rupture. Interestingly, scavenging the ROS delays and reduces many of the features of GB-induced death. Consequently, GB-induced ROS significantly promote apoptosis.To induce cell death, human granzyme B (GB) activates effector caspase-3 or acts directly on key caspase substrates, such as the proapoptotic BH3 only Bcl-2 family member Bid, inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase (ICAD), poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), lamin B, nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 (NUMA1), catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) and tubulin.1, 2, 3 Consequently, caspase inhibitors have little effect on human GB-mediated cell death and DNA fragmentation.2 GB causes reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, dissipation of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) and MOMP, which leads to the release of apoptogenic factors such as cytochrome c (Cyt c), HtrA2/Omi, endonuclease G (Endo G), Smac/Diablo and apoptosis-inducing factor, from the mitochondrial intermembrane space to the cytosol.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Interestingly, cells deficient for Bid, Bax and Bak are still sensitive to human GB-induced cell death,5, 11, 12, 13 suggesting that human GB targets the mitochondria in another way that needs to be characterized. Altogether, much attention has been focused on the importance of MOMP in the execution of GB-mediated cell death, leaving unclear whether ROS production is a bystander effect or essential to the execution of GB-induced apoptosis. The mitochondrial NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex I is a key determinant in steady-state ROS production. This 1 MDa complex, composed of 44 subunits,14 couples the transfer of two electrons from NADH to ubiquinone with the translocation of four protons to generate the ΔΨm. The importance of ROS has been previously demonstrated for caspase-3 and granzyme A (GA) pathways through the cleavage of NDUFS1 and NDUFS3, respectively.15, 16, 17, 18 GA induces cell death in a Bcl-2-insensitive and caspase- and MOMP-independent manner that has all the morphological features of apoptosis.1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 As GA and GB cell death pathways are significantly different, whether ROS are also critical for GB still need to be tested. Here, we show that GB induces ROS-dependent apoptosis by directly attacking the mitochondria in a caspase-independent manner to cleave NDUFS1, NDUFS2 and NDUFV1 in complex I. Consequently, GB inhibits electron transport chain (ETC) complex I and III activities, mitochondrial ROS production is triggered and mitochondrial respiration is compromised. Interestingly, MOMP is not required for GB to cleave the mitochondrial complex I subunits and ROS production. Moreover, GB action on complex I disrupts the organization of the respiratory chain and triggers the loss of the mitochondrial cristae junctions. We also show that GB-mediated mitocentric ROS are necessary for proper apoptogenic factor release from the mitochondria to the cytosol and for the rapid DNA fragmentation, both hallmarks of apoptosis. Moreover, GB-induced ROS are necessary for lysosomal membrane rupture. Thus, our work brings a new light to the GB pathway, showing that GB-mediated mitochondrial ROS are not adventitious waste of cell death, but essential mediators of apoptosis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondria form a branched, tubular reticulum in the periphery of the cell. Mmm1p is required to maintain normal mitochondrial shape and in mmm1 mutants mitochondria form large, spherical organelles. To further explore Mmm1p function, we examined the localization of a Mmm1p-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion in living cells. We found that Mmm1p-GFP is located in small, punctate structures on the mitochondrial outer membrane, adjacent to a subset of matrix-localized mitochondrial DNA nucleoids. We also found that the temperature-sensitive mmm1-1 mutant was defective in transmission of mitochondrial DNA to daughter cells immediately after the shift to restrictive temperature. Normal mitochondrial nucleoid structure also collapsed at the nonpermissive temperature with similar kinetics. Moreover, we found that mitochondrial inner membrane structure is dramatically disorganized in mmm1 disruption strains. We propose that Mmm1p is part of a connection between the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes, anchoring mitochondrial DNA nucleoids in the matrix.  相似文献   

Zhe Chen  Fan Zhang  Hong Xu 《遗传学报》2019,46(4):201-212
Mutations that disrupt the mitochondrial genome cause a number of human diseases whose phenotypic presentation varies widely among tissues and individuals. This variability owes in part to the unconventional genetics of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA), which includes polyploidy, maternal inheritance and dependence on nuclear-encoded factors. The recent development of genetic tools for manipulating mitochondrial genome in Drosophila melanogaster renders this powerful model organism an attractive alternative to mammalian systems for understanding mtDNA-related diseases. In this review, we summarize mtDNA genetics and human mtDNA-related diseases. We highlight existing Drosophila models of mtDNA mutations and discuss their potential use in advancing our knowledge of mitochondrial biology and in modeling human mitochondrial disorders. We also discuss the potential and present challenges of gene therapy for the future treatment of mtDNA diseases.  相似文献   

We studied two related infants with a fatal mitochondrial disease, affecting muscle in one and liver in the other. Quantitative analysis revealed a severe depletion of mtDNA in affected tissues. This genetic abnormality was also observed in muscle of an unrelated infant with myopathy and in muscle and kidney of a fourth child with myopathy and nephropathy. Biochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization showed that the depletion of mtDNA in muscle fibers was correlated with a respiratory chain defect and with lack of mitochondrially translated proteins. Although the differential tissue involvement in these infants suggests mtDNA heteroplasmy, sequence analysis of mtDNA replication origins did not reveal any abnormality that could account for the low copy number.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane protein, Mmm1p, is required for normal mitochondrial shape in yeast. To identify new morphology proteins, we isolated mutations incompatible with the mmm1-1 mutant. One of these mutants, mmm2-1, is defective in a novel outer membrane protein. Lack of Mmm2p causes a defect in mitochondrial shape and loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleoids. Like the Mmm1 protein (Aiken Hobbs, A.E., M. Srinivasan, J.M. McCaffery, and R.E. Jensen. 2001. J. Cell Biol. 152:401-410.), Mmm2p is located in dot-like particles on the mitochondrial surface, many of which are adjacent to mtDNA nucleoids. While some of the Mmm2p-containing spots colocalize with those containing Mmm1p, at least some of Mmm2p is separate from Mmm1p. Moreover, while Mmm2p and Mmm1p both appear to be part of large complexes, we find that Mmm2p and Mmm1p do not stably interact and appear to be members of two different structures. We speculate that Mmm2p and Mmm1p are components of independent machinery, whose dynamic interactions are required to maintain mitochondrial shape and mtDNA structure.  相似文献   

Mito-mice: animal models for mitochondrial DNA-based diseases   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have successfully produced "Mito-mice" harbouring a pathogenic mtDNA mutation. We generated the mice by introducing mitochondria with a 4696 base-pair mtDNA deletion (Delta mtDNA4696) into mouse embryos. This deletion encompasses nucleotides 7759-12 454 and includes six tRNA genes and seven structural genes. In Mito-mice, the Delta mtDNA4696 is transmitted maternally, and induces mitochondrial dysfunction in various tissues. Most of the Mito-mice with high proportions of the Delta mtDNA4696 died at about age 6 months due to renal failure. Mito-mice are the first animal model for mtDNA-based diseases and will be valuable for studying pathogenesis and for identifying effective drug and gene therapies.  相似文献   

The quantity and activity of mitochondria vary dramatically in tissues and are modulated in response to changing cellular energy demands and environmental factors. The amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which encodes essential subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes required for cellular ATP production, is also tightly regulated, but by largely unknown mechanisms. Using murine T cells as a model system, we have addressed how specific signaling pathways influence mitochondrial biogenesis and mtDNA copy number. T cell receptor (TCR) activation results in a large increase in mitochondrial mass and membrane potential and a corresponding amplification of mtDNA, consistent with a vital role for mitochondrial function for growth and proliferation of these cells. Independent activation of protein kinase C (via PMA) or calcium-related pathways (via ionomycin) had differential and sub-maximal effects on these mitochondrial parameters, as did activation of naïve T cells with proliferative cytokines. Thus, the robust mitochondrial biogenesis response observed upon TCR activation requires synergy of multiple downstream signaling pathways. One such pathway involves AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which we show has an unprecedented role in negatively regulating mitochondrial biogenesis that is mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent. That is, inhibition of AMPK after TCR signaling commences results in excessive, but uncoordinated mitochondrial proliferation. Thus mitochondrial biogenesis is not under control of a single master regulatory circuit, but rather requires the convergence of multiple signaling pathways with distinct downstream consequences on the organelle’s structure, composition, and function.  相似文献   

In a screen of nuclear genes that assist splicing of mitochondrial localized group II introns in yeast we isolated low-copy number suppressors of splicing and respiratory-deficient point mutants of intron aI5gamma, the last intron of the gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit I. One of the genes found contains the open reading frame (ORF) YGL064c that has previously been proposed to encode a putative RNA helicase of the DEAD box family. Deletion of the ORF gives rise to 100% cytoplasmic petites, indicating that the protein plays an essential role in the mitochondrial RNA metabolism. Overexpression of YGL064c-GFP fusions clearly revealed a mitochondrial localization of the protein. The gene encodes the fourth putative RNA helicase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae implicated in a mitochondrial function and was therefore termed MRH4 (for mitochondrial RNA helicase).  相似文献   

Serine substitutions for the five conserved cysteins (residues 38, 85, 97, 132, and 184) have been made in the Azotobacter vinelandii nitrogenase Fe-protein by site-specific mutagenesis. At least moderate levels of enzyme activity (greater than 10% of wild type enzyme) were found for enzymes with serine substitutions at residues 38, 85, and 184; whereas, no activity was detected for enzymes with serines at residues 97 and 132. This is consistent with cysteines 97 and 132 being the four ligands to the Fe:S cluster (two ligands from each of the two identical subunits). Although previous chemical modification studies had implicated these residues as ligands, the earlier results did not portend the new finding that of all the conserved cysteines only these 2 residues are required for a second function of the Fe-protein. Namely, if either cysteine 97 or 132 is replaced, it appears that a functional Fe:S cluster cannot be incorporated into the apo-Fe-protein. The consequence is that these altered Fe-proteins cannot participate either in substrate reduction or in the biosynthesis of FeMo-cofactor, a metallocofactor of the MoFe-protein. These results implicate the Fe:S center of Fe-protein in the biosynthesis mechanism as either a redox partner or Fe:S donor. Additional results suggest that the posttranslational modification of Fe-protein by nifM product is not the insertion of the Fe:S center.  相似文献   

Using a computational model, we simulated mitochondrial deoxynucleotide metabolism and mitochondrial DNA replication. Our results indicate that the output from the mitochondrial salvage enzymes alone is inadequate to support a mitochondrial DNA replication duration of as long as 10 hours. We find that an external source of deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates or triphosphates (dNTPs), in addition to those supplied by mitochondrial salvage, is essential for the replication of mitochondrial DNA to complete in the experimentally observed duration of approximately 1 to 2 hours. For meeting a relatively fast replication target of 2 hours, almost two-thirds of the dNTP requirements had to be externally supplied as either deoxyribonucleoside di- or triphosphates, at about equal rates for all four dNTPs. Added monophosphates did not suffice. However, for a replication target of 10 hours, mitochondrial salvage was able to provide for most, but not all, of the total substrate requirements. Still, additional dGTPs and dATPs had to be supplied. Our analysis of the enzyme kinetics also revealed that the majority of enzymes of this pathway prefer substrates that are not precursors (canonical deoxyribonucleosides and deoxyribonucleotides) for mitochondrial DNA replication, such as phosphorylated ribonucleotides, instead of the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides. The kinetic constants for reactions between mitochondrial salvage enzymes and deoxyribonucleotide substrates are physiologically unreasonable for achieving efficient catalysis with the expected in situ concentrations of deoxyribonucleotides.  相似文献   

Structural constituents of the spindle apparatus essential for cleavage induction remain undefined. Findings from various cell types using different approaches suggest the importance of all structural constituents, including asters, the central spindle, and chromosomes. In this study, we systematically dissected the role of each constituent in cleavage induction in grasshopper spermatocytes and narrowed the essential one down to bundled microtubules. Using micromanipulation, we produced "cells" containing only asters, a truncated central spindle lacking both asters and chromosomes, or microtubules alone. We show that furrow induction occurs under all circumstances, so long as sufficient microtubules are present. Microtubules, as the only spindle structural constituent, undergo dramatic, stage-specific reorganizations, radiating toward cell cortex in "metaphase," disassembling in "anaphase," and bundling into arrays in "telophase." Furrow induction usually occurs at multisites around microtubule bundles, but only those induced by sustained bundles ingress. We suggest that microtubules, regardless of source, are the only structural constituent of the spindle apparatus essential for cleavage furrow induction.  相似文献   

Germ-line deletions of mtDNA in mitochondrial myopathy.   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
mtDNA encodes subunits of the electron transport chain and is exclusively maternally inherited in mammals. It has been suggested that mtDNA might be the site of some of the mutations causing a group of human disorders called the "mitochondrial myopathies," because these may both be (1) accompanied by defects in the electron transport chain and (2) display a maternal pattern of inheritance. However, all of the deletions and duplications of mtDNA which occur in these patients have been sporadic, apart from families in whom affected members all carry different deletions suggesting a mutant autosomal dominantly inherited nuclear gene with de novo deletions in each individual. We present the first evidence for the presence of deleted mtDNAs in the germ line in these disorders. The patient carries a higher level of deleted mtDNAs than do his relatives, corresponding to severity of symptoms and consistent with a predicted dosage effect. "Selfishness" of deleted mtDNAs is probably one of the factors over and above random segregation of a small number of "founder" mtDNAs (the bottleneck hypothesis) which may be invoked to explain the usual distribution of mtDNAs in different tissues of patients with mtDNA deletions.  相似文献   

线粒体疾病与核基因-线粒体基因的表达调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严庆丰  管敏鑫 《生命科学》2008,20(4):496-505
线粒体与疾病是当前生物医学领域最前沿之一。本文简单介绍线粒体生物医学的基础知识、线粒体疾病的遗传模式,综述了近年来在线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变和疾病、核基因突变和疾病等领域的研究进展,着重阐明核基因(特别是核修饰基因)调控mtDNA突变致病表达的分子机制。  相似文献   

While dnaK and tig are the essential components for nascent polypeptide folding in E. coli, deletion did not confer synthetic lethality in B. subtilis, suggesting that under normal growth conditions, another system or mechanism with a specific role prevails. Likewise, survival at high temperature suffered dramatically, resulting from deletion of several sets of heat shock genes, thus during sudden stress various heat shock genes act synergistically to protect the proteins.  相似文献   

In humans, well over one hundred diseases have been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction and many of these are associated with neurodegeneration. At the root of most of these diseases lay ineffectual energy production, caused either by direct or indirect disruption to components of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. It is surprising then to learn that, in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a collection of mutants which share disruptions in some of the same genes that cause mitochondrial pathogenesis in humans are in fact long-lived. Recently, we resolved this paradox by showing that the C. elegans "Mit mutants" only exhibit life extension in a defined window of mitochondrial dysfunction. Similar to humans, when mitochondrial dysfunction becomes too severe these mutants also exhibit pathogenic life reduction. We have proposed that life extension in the Mit mutants occurs as a by-product of compensatory processes specifically activated to maintain mitochondrial function. We have also proposed that similar kinds of processes may act to delay the symptomatic appearance in many human mitochondrial-associated disorders. In the present report, we describe our progress in using the Mit mutants as an investigative tool to study some of the processes potentially employed by human cells to offset pathological mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that undergo frequent fission and fusion or branching. Although these morphologic changes are considered crucial for cellular functions, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive, especially in mammalian cells. We characterized two rat mitochondrial outer membrane proteins, Mfn1 and Mfn2, with distinct tissue expressions, that are homologous to Drosophila Fzo, a GTPase involved in mitochondrial fusion. Expression of the GTPase-domain mutant of Mfn2 (Mfn2(K109T)) in HeLa cells induced mitochondrial fragmentation in which Mfn2(K109T) localized at the restricted domains. Immuno-electronmicroscopy revealed that Mfn2(K109T) was concentrated at the contact domains between adjacent mitochondria, suggesting that fusion of the outer membrane was arrested at some intermediate step. Mfn1 expression induced highly connected tubular network structures depending on the functional GTPase domain. The Mfn1-induced tubular networks were suppressed by co-expression with Mfn2. In vivo depletion of either isoform by RNA interference revealed that both are required to maintain normal mitochondrial morphology. The fusion of differentially-labeled mitochondria in HeLa cells subjected to depletion of either Mfn isoform and subsequent cell fusion by hemagglutinating virus of Japan revealed that both proteins have distinct functions in mitochondrial fusion. We conclude that the two Mfn isoforms cooperate in mitochondrial fusion in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The formin INF2 polymerizes a calcium-activated cytoplasmic network of actin filaments, which we refer to as calcium-induced actin polymerization (CIA). CIA plays important roles in multiple cellular processes, including mitochondrial dynamics and vesicle transport. Here, we show that nonmuscle myosin II (NMII) is activated within 60 s of calcium stimulation and rapidly recruited to the CIA network. Knockout of any individual NMII in U2OS cells affects the organization of the CIA network, as well as three downstream effects: endoplasmic-reticulum-to-mitochondrial calcium transfer, mitochondrial Drp1 recruitment, and mitochondrial division. Interestingly, while NMIIC is the least abundant NMII in U2OS cells (>200-fold less than NMIIA and >10-fold less than NMIIB), its knockout is equally deleterious to CIA. On the basis of these results, we propose that myosin II filaments containing all three NMII heavy chains exert organizational and contractile roles in the CIA network. In addition, NMIIA knockout causes a significant decrease in myosin regulatory light chain levels, which might have additional effects.  相似文献   

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