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土壤铁矿物形态转化影响有机碳固定研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋旭昕  刘同旭 《生态学报》2021,41(20):7928-7938
铁是地壳中丰度第四高的元素,其可通过多种方式影响土壤有机碳累积,尤其铁氧化物与土壤有机碳相互作用形成的稳定有机-矿物复合物,被认为是土壤可溶性有机碳长期固定的关键地球化学机制。促进土壤固定有机碳不仅可以提高土壤质量和肥力,还是应对全球气候变化的主要策略之一。然而,铁活跃的氧化还原反应和多样化的赋存形态,使其转化过程对土壤有机碳累积和稳定性的影响结果受到诸多生物和非生物因素调控。从不同角度,结合多学科的研究成果,综述了近年来国内外关于铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的相关研究,包括铁矿物形态转化过程、土壤有机碳固定机制、铁矿物形态转化影响土壤有机碳固定的机制及其主要影响因素(各种环境条件、自身的铁矿物性质、碳源质量等方面),强调铁在土壤有机碳固定过程中的重要作用。对铁固定土壤有机碳的相关研究提出了建议,为今后研究提供相关参考。  相似文献   

铜是人体必需的微量元素,参与体内多种蛋白和酶的组成,机体内存在严格的铜稳态调控机制。作为血浆中最主要的多铜亚铁氧化酶——铜蓝蛋白,与另外两种同源亚铁氧化酶——膜铁转运辅助蛋白和zyklopen,共同参与体内铁的转运,维持铁代谢的平衡。将对调节铜和铁平衡的重要意义以及铜和铁在机体代谢过程中的相互作用、发展动态进行讨论。  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) homeostasis are tightly linked across biology. Understanding crosstalk between Fe and Cu nutrition could lead to strategies for improved growth on soils with low or excess metals, with implications for agriculture and phytoremediation. Here, we show that Cu and Fe nutrition interact to increase or decrease Fe and/or Cu accumulation in leaves and Fe uptake processes. Leaf Cu concentration increased under low Fe supply, while high Cu lowered leaf Fe concentration. Ferric reductase activity, an indicator of Fe demand, was inhibited at insufficient or high Cu supply. Surprisingly, plants grown without Fe were more susceptible to Cu toxicity.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria, which are considered to be the chloroplast precursors, are significant contributors to global photosynthetic productivity. The ample variety of membrane and soluble proteins containing different metals (mainly, iron and copper) has made these organisms develop a complex homeostasis with different mechanisms and tight regulation processes to fulfil their metal requirements in a changing environment. Cell metabolism is so adapted as to synthesize alternative proteins depending on the relative metal availabilities. In particular, plastocyanin, a copper protein, and cytochrome c(6), a haem protein, can replace each other to play the same physiological role as electron carriers in photosynthesis and respiration, with the synthesis of one protein or another being regulated by copper concentration in the medium. The unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has been widely used as a model system because of completion of its genome sequence and the ease of its genetic manipulation, with a lot of proteomic work being done. In this review article, we focus on the functional characterization of knockout Synechocystis mutants for plastocyanin and cytochrome c(6), and discuss the ongoing proteomic analyses performed at varying copper concentrations to investigate the cyanobacterial metal homeostasis and cell response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Density-dependent spectrin binding to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine/dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPC/DMPE) small uni-lamellar vesicles (SUVs) has been directly evaluated in this work from the increase in the extent of quenching of the tryptophan fluorescence of spectrin at two different temperatures, above and below the main phase transition temperatures (Tm). Results from the binding studies of spectrin to phospholipid SUVs indicated that the binding dissociation constant Kd, increased from 45±7 nM in pure DMPC SUVs to 219±20 nM in DMPC/DMPE (50:50) SUVs, both in the gel and liquid crystalline phase. However, in pure DMPE SUVs the Kd decreased drastically to 0.7±0.2 nM in the gel phase at 18°C and to 2.6±0.7 nM in the fluid phase at 55°C indicating a high affinity binding of spectrin for the bilayer-forming DMPE. The maximum extent of phospholipid-induced quenching and the number of spectrin molecules associated with one SUV particle, evaluated in the present work, led to a model in DMPC/DMPE bilayer membranes indicating the PE-binding site of spectrin to localize at one of the terminal domains of the dimeric spectrin. A direct evidence of the localization of the PE-binding site at one of the terminal ends of the spectrin dimer also came from electron microscopic observation in fluid membranes made of bovine brain PE.  相似文献   

细胞内铁稳态的维持主要通过铁调节蛋白(ironregulatory protein,IRP)与几种铁代谢基因如转铁蛋白受体和铁蛋白mRNA上铁应答元件结合来实现。铁不足可增加IRP2活性和含量,而铁过载则诱导了IRP2的泛素化和蛋白降解。F-盒蛋白FBXL5是一种铁和氧依赖的E3泛素连接酶,在铁和氧存在的情况下催化IRP2的泛素化,而缺铁或缺氧则造成FBXL5自身被泛素化修饰和随后的蛋白酶体降解。FBXL5铁调节功能的发现使人们对细胞内铁稳态的理解更为清晰。  相似文献   

Iron is essential to life,but surprisingly little is known about how iron is managed in nonvertebrate animals.In mammals,the well-characterized transferrins bind iron and are involved in iron transport or immunity,whereas other members of the transferrin family do not have a role in iron homeostasis.In insects,the functions of transferrins are still poorly understood.The goals of this project were to identify the transferrin genes in a diverse set of insect species,resolve the evolutionary relationships among these genes,and predict which of the transferrins are likely to have a role in iron homeostasis.Our phylogenetic analysis of transferrins from 16 orders of insects and two orders of noninsect hexapods demonstrated that there are four orthologous groups of insect transferrins.Our analysis suggests that transferrin 2 arose prior to the origin of insects,and transferrins/,i,and 4 arose early in insect evolution.Primary sequence analysis of each of the insect transferrins was used to predict signal peptides,carboxyl-terminal transmembrane regions,GPI-anchors,and iron binding.Based on this analysis,we suggest that transferrins 2,and 4 are unlikely to play a major role in iron homeostasis.In contrast,the transferrin 1 orthologs are predicted to be secreted,soluble,iron-binding proteins.We conclude that transferrin 1 orthologs are the most likely to play an important role in iron homeostasis.Interestingly,it appears that the louse,aphid,and thrips lineages have lost the transferrin 1 gene and,thus,have evolved to manage iron without transferrins.  相似文献   

郭鑫  王福俤 《生命科学》2012,(8):917-926
铁代谢在维持生命活动中至关重要,机体铁代谢紊乱会导致贫血和人类遗传性血色病等诸多疾病,对人体健康造成危害。在铁代谢研究领域,小鼠模型具有人群及细胞模型所不具备的优势,可以最准确的表现相应基因及通路在铁代谢调控中的生理作用。利用基因敲除及转基因小鼠模型,许多铁代谢相关的基因及调控通路被发现,有助于深入了解铁稳态调控的分子机制。这些小鼠模型为治疗铁代谢紊乱相关疾病潜在药物的开发和评估提供了理想的平台。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible mechanism by which endotoxin enhances peroxidative damage to membrane lipids. Male B6C3 mice were treated with endotoxin intraperitoneally 0 or 20 mg/kg body weight for 24 h. Freshly prepared liver homogenate was incubated with either 1-5 mM of reduced glutathione (GSH), glucose, H(2)O(2), ascorbic acid (AA), FeSO(4), FeCl(3), EDTA, FeCl(3) plus AA, AA plus EDTA or EDTA plus FeCl(3) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.0, or PBS, at 37 degrees C for 60 min. The levels of lipid peroxidation products, thiobarbituric acid reactants (TBAR), were significantly higher in the liver of endotoxin-treated mice, and the values were markedly increased following incubation. Compared to PBS, incubation with H(2)O(2), FeCl(3), FeSO(4), and AA, but not glucose, significantly enhanced TBAR formation. The greatest increase of TBAR was found when AA and FeCl(3) were added together. On the other hand, EDTA and GSH inhibited the formation of TBAR during incubation. When added before AA, EDTA completely inhibited the peroxidative effect of AA or FeSO4, and when added subsequent to AA, EDTA partially prevented the adverse effect of AA. The results obtained suggest that ionic iron plays an important role in initiating endotoxin-induced peroxidative damage to membrane lipids, and that AA may be involved in releasing iron from its protein complex and/or maintaining ionic iron in a reduced or catalytic state.  相似文献   

白念珠菌是一种常见的条件致病性真菌。为了在宿主体内复杂的铁离子微环境中定居、生长和繁殖,该菌在长期的进化过程中演化出一系列复杂的铁离子稳态调控网络,包括位于细胞膜表面的铁离子吸收系统和位于细胞内的铁离子储存、转运及利用系统。本文结合课题组研究工作,简要综述近几年关于铁离子吸收、储存及转运机制的研究进展,主要关注细胞内铁离子的储存、转运,尤其是线粒体在胞内铁离子代谢及稳态维持方面的作用。  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae showed an uncommon resistance to Cu(2+), as pointed out through cell growth rate (EC(50) = 469 +/- 30 microM) and the neutral red cytotoxicity assay (EC(50) = 334 +/- 45 microM). Although no evidence of Cu-inducible metallothionein was found, Cu-dependent ATPase activity was cytochemically detected on pelletted, resin-embedded amoebae. This activity required Cu(2+) in the incubation medium, was sensitive to TPEN, vanadate and temperature, and showed dose-dependent increase after exposure of amoebae to 10-500 microM Cu(2+) for 7 days. Accordingly, immunofluorescence and Western blotting revealed the occurrence of a Cu-inducible, putative homologue of human Menkes (MNK) Cu-P-type ATPase. To verify if Cu-ATPase is involved in copper resistance, amoebae were exposed to low concentrations of Cu(2+) and vanadate followed by the neutral red assay. Exposure to either treatment showed no effect, while a combination caused a dramatic increase of Cu toxicity, possibly depending on Cu-ATPase inhibition.  相似文献   

Microorganisms capable of growth with bromobenzene as their sole source of carbon and energy were selected from a continuously growing community of microorganisms initially selected for growth at the expense of benzene as sole source of carbon and energy. The selection was by a gradient of increasing bromobenzene/decreasing benzene in the nutrient feed of the continuous culture. Generation times in the system were about 38h. These experiments selected two strains ofPseudomonas that used bromobenzene as sole carbon and energy source. These two strains appeared identical with two members of the original community which previously could not use bromobenzene. After the selection, the strains in either pure or mixed culture, were capable of growing at the expense of benzene, bromobenzene, and chlorobenzene, but not iodobenzene.  相似文献   

Summary The compartmentation of the phosphatidylethanolamine newly synthesized in brain microsomesin vitro either by base exchange or net synthesis has been studied, using difluorodinitrobenzene as a chemical probe. The experimental results demonstrate that in rat brain microsomes the phosphatidylethanolamine molecules synthesized by base exchange and the bulk membrane lipid belong to different pools. Ca2+ bound to microsomes seems to be involved in the maintenance of the compartmentation of phosphatidylethanolamine. In the presence of Ca2+ the newly synthesized phosphatidylethanolamine molecules react with difluorodinitrobenzene as though they are organized in clusters. After biosynthesisin vivo orin vitro through the cytidine pathway, the compartmentation of the newly formed phosphatidylethanolamine appears less marked than after the synthesis through base exchange.  相似文献   

Ferritin protein nanocages are the main iron store in mammals. They have been predicted to fulfil the same function in plants but direct evidence was lacking. To address this, a loss-of-function approach was developed in Arabidopsis. We present evidence that ferritins do not constitute the major iron pool either in seeds for seedling development or in leaves for proper functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus. Loss of ferritins in vegetative and reproductive organs resulted in sensitivity to excess iron, as shown by reduced growth and strong defects in flower development. Furthermore, the absence of ferritin led to a strong deregulation of expression of several metal transporters genes in the stalk, over-accumulation of iron in reproductive organs, and a decrease in fertility. Finally, we show that, in the absence of ferritin, plants have higher levels of reactive oxygen species, and increased activity of enzymes involved in their detoxification. Seed germination also showed higher sensitivity to pro-oxidant treatments. Arabidopsis ferritins are therefore essential to protect cells against oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Cellular iron homeostasis is critical for survival and growth. Bacteria employ a variety of strategies to sequester iron from the environment and to store intracellular iron surplus that can be utilized in iron‐restricted conditions while also limiting the potential for the production of iron‐induced reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we report that membrane‐derived oligosaccharide (mdo) glucan, an intrinsic component of Gram‐negative bacteria, sequesters the ferrous form of iron. Iron‐binding, uptake, and localization experiments indicated that both secreted and periplasmic β‐(1,2) ‐ glucans bind iron specifically and promote growth under iron‐restricted conditions. Xanthomonas campestris and Escherichia coli mutants blocked in the production of β‐(1,2) ‐ glucan accumulate low amounts of intracellular iron under iron‐restricted conditions, whereas they exhibit elevated ROS production and sensitivity under iron‐replete conditions. Our results reveal a critical role of glucan in intracellular iron homeostasis conserved in Gram‐negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Graminaceous plants release ferric-chelating phytosiderophores that bind to iron. These ferric-phytosiderophore complexes are transported across the plasma membrane by a protein produced from Yellow Stripe 1 (YS1). Here, we report the characterization of OsYSL16, one of the YS1-like genes in rice. Real-time analysis revealed that this gene was constitutively expressed irrespective of metal status. Promoter fusions of OsYSL16 to β-glucuronidase (GUS) showed that OsYSL16 was highly expressed in the vascular tissues of the root, leaf, and spikelet, and in leaf mesophyll cells. The OsYSL16-green fluorescence protein (GFP) fusion protein was localized to the plasma membrane. From a pool of rice T-DNA insertional lines, we identified two independent activation-tagging mutants in OsYSL16. On an Fe-deficient medium, those mutants retained relatively high chlorophyll concentrations compared with the wild-type (WT) controls, indicating that they are more tolerant to a lack of iron. The Fe concentration in shoots was also higher in the OsYSL16 activation lines than in the WT. During germination, the rate of Fe-utilization from the seeds was higher in the OsYSL16 activation lines than in the WT seeds. Our results suggest that the function of OsYSL16 in Fe-homeostasis is to enable distribution of iron within a plant.  相似文献   

In Bradyrhizobium japonicum, iron uptake from ferric siderophores involves selective outer membrane proteins and non-selective periplasmic and cytoplasmic membrane components that accommodate numerous structurally diverse siderophores. Free iron traverses the cytoplasmic membrane through the ferrous (Fe2+) transporter system FeoAB, but the other non-selective components have not been described. Here, we identify fsrB as an iron-regulated gene required for growth on iron chelates of catecholate- and hydroxymate-type siderophores, but not on inorganic iron. Utilization of the non-physiological iron chelator EDDHA as an iron source was also dependent on fsrB. Uptake activities of 55Fe3+ bound to ferrioxamine B, ferrichrome or enterobactin were severely diminished in the fsrB mutant compared with the wild type. Growth of the fsrB or feoB strains on ferrichrome were rescued with plasmid-borne E. coli fhuCDB ferrichrome transport genes, suggesting that FsrB activity occurs in the periplasm rather than the cytoplasm. Whole cells of an fsrB mutant are defective in ferric reductase activity. Both whole cells and spheroplasts catalyzed the demetallation of ferric siderophores that were defective in an fsrB mutant. Collectively, the data support a model whereby FsrB is required for reduction of iron and its dissociation from the siderophore in the periplasm, followed by transport of the ferrous ion into the cytoplasm by FeoAB.  相似文献   

To elucidate the physiological role of canine serum ferritin, we measured clearance rates of biotinylated ferritins in beagle. Biotinylated canine tissue ferritins were cleared rapidly from circulation. The clearance time (T1/2) of liver ferritin (H/L subunit ratio=0.43) was 6.8 to 11.8 min, and that of heart ferritin (H/L=3.69) was 9.3 to 25.0 min. T1/2 of biotinylated canine liver ferritin was independent of iron content, whereas canine heart apoferritin (T1/2=31.2 and 32.7 min) was more slowly removed from circulation than the holoferritin. On the other hand, biotinylated recombinant bovine H-chain ferritin homopolymer show a much slower rate of removal (T1/2=153.8 and 155.0 min) compared with the L-chain ferritin homopolymer (T1/2=26.4 and 31.3 min). The rapid clearance of canine tissue ferritin suggests that serum ferritin is an iron transporter in canines.  相似文献   

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