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Fish production in the Jarama River, Central Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fish production was estimated at three sites on the Jarama River, a small, typical upland river in Central Spain. Population estimates were made by the successive removal method of electrofishing. The same six species were recorded at each of the sites: Chondrostoma polylepis, Barbus barbus bocagei, Leuciscus cephalus pyraenaicus, Salmo trutta m. fario, Gobio gobio and Cobitis paludicola , with the first three species always dominant. Density, biomass, production (assuming that No is the total number of eggs spawned), and available production were, respectively: 13502-85776 ind. ha−1, 178.6–221.3 kg ha−1, 221.7–583.6 kg ha−1 yr−1, 118.1–271.9 kg ha−1 yr−1. Production estimates based on mortality curves were 7.9–19.5% (mean: 13.7) lower than those based on estimated from the number of eggs laid. Production per unit of area was highest at the widest and deepest site. Brown trout production contributed only 2–4% of the total production for all sites.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The population dynamics and annual production of the multivoltine. pelagic amphipod Hyalella montezuma were studied over a 3-year period in the thermally constant environment of Montezuma Well. Arizona.
2. H. montezuma showed two maxima which coincided with spring and autumn phytoplankton maxima. Juveniles comprised over 85% of the population in the pelagic zone compared to 37% in the littoral vegetation and there were significantly more females in the littoral vegetation. It appears that juvenile and adult H. montezuma show different habitat preferences.
3. Total annual mean production for H. montezuma calculated by the size frequency method and adjusted for multiple generations, was 357 kg ha−1 yr−1, which is higher than single-species production estimates reported for most zoobenthic amphipods and multivoltine planktonic crustaceans. Average energy production for H. montezuma was 4640 kJ ha−1 yr−1 in the pelagic zone and 1072 kJ ha−1 yr−1 in the littoral vegetation.
4. Average cohort P / ratios for H. montezuma were higher in the pelagic zone (5.5) than in the litttoral vegetation (3.7). Juveniles had higher cohort P ratios than adults in the pelagic zone, while the reverse relationship was true in the littoral vegetation. We propose that different size-selective predators may contribute to the differences in P ratios for juveniles and adults in these two habitats.  相似文献   

Climate-induced changes in high elevation stream nitrate dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mountain terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are responsive to external drivers of change, especially climate change and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N). We explored the consequences of a temperature-warming trend on stream nitrate in an alpine and subalpine watershed in the Colorado Front Range that has long been the recipient of elevated atmospheric N deposition. Mean annual stream nitrate concentrations since 2000 are higher by 50% than an earlier monitoring period of 1991–1999. Mean annual N export increased by 28% from 2.03 kg N ha−1 yr−1 before 2000 to 2.84 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in Loch Vale watershed since 2000. The substantial increase in N export comes as a surprise, since mean wet atmospheric N deposition from 1991 to 2006 (3.06 kg N ha−1 yr−1) did not increase. There has been a period of below average precipitation from 2000 to 2006 and a steady increase in summer and fall temperatures of 0.12 °C yr−1 in both seasons since 1991. Nitrate concentrations, as well as the weathering products calcium and sulfate, were higher for the period 2000–2006 in rock glacier meltwater at the top of the watershed above the influence of alpine and subalpine vegetation and soils. We conclude the observed recent N increases in Loch Vale are the result of warmer summer and fall mean temperatures that are melting ice in glaciers and rock glaciers. This, in turn, has exposed sediments from which N produced by nitrification can be flushed. We suggest a water quality threshold may have been crossed around 2000. The phenomenon observed in Loch Vale may be indicative of N release from ice features such as rock glaciers worldwide as mountain glaciers retreat.  相似文献   

Oligotrophic, Sphagnum -dominated peatlands have been regarded as long-term stable ecosystems that function as carbon sinks. As a result of environmental perturbations, particularly anthropogenic N deposition, this view is now increasingly questioned. We examined whether small-scale field experiments can predict the direction and magnitude of ecosystem responses to increased N supply. We, therefore, compared data from a 10-year field experiment (involving deposition of 2, 15 and 30 kg N ha−1 year−1) with data from a gradient associated with increased N deposition (2, 8 and 12 kg N ha−1 year−1). We chose to compare: (1) the physiological response of Sphagnum balticum , measured in the form of N accumulation as free amino acids (NAA); and (2) changes in the total Sphagnum cover, the cover of S. balticum , and vascular plant cover. In all cases we found a highly significant correlation between the two data sets. We attribute the high correspondence between the two data sets to the key function of the dominant group of organisms, the Sphagna, that monopolize N availability and control the water balance, creating an environment hostile to vascular plants. Thus the key role of Sphagna as ecosystem engineers seems to supersede the role of other, scale-dependent processes. We also conclude that NAA is a sensitive indicator that can be used to signal the slow and gradual shift from Sphagnum to vascular plant dominance.  相似文献   

The competition between peat mosses ( Sphagnum ) and vascular plants as affected by raised CO2 and increased N deposition was studied in a glasshouse experiment by exposing peat monoliths with monocultures and mixtures of Sphagnum magellanicum and Eriophorum angustifolium to ambient (350 ppmv) or raised (560 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 concentrations, combined with low (no N addition) or high (5 g m−2 yr−1 added) N deposition. Growth of the two species was monitored for three growing seasons.
The presence of Eriophorum did not affect Sphagnum biomass, because Eriophorum density did not become high enough to severely shade the moss surface. In contrast, Sphagnum had a negative effect on Eriophorum biomass, particularly on the number of flowering stems. Possibly, the presence of a living Sphagnum layer decreased nutrient availability to Eriophorum by immobilising nutrients mineralised from the peat.
Raised CO2 and/or increased N deposition did not change these competitive relationships between Sphagnum and Eriophorum , but had independent effects. Raised CO2 had a positive effect both on Sphagnum and Eriophorum biomass, though on Eriophorum the effect was transient, probably because of P limitation. Nitrogen addition had a direct negative effect on Sphagnum height growth in the first growing season, but by the third year an increased shoot density had cancelled this out, so no N effect on Sphagnum biomass was present at the end of the experiment. The response of Eriophorum to N addition was small; N availability appeared not to limit its growth.  相似文献   

Carbon mitigation by the energy crop, Miscanthus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biomass crops mitigate carbon emissions by both fossil fuel substitution and sequestration of carbon in the soil. We grew Miscanthus x giganteus for 16 years at a site in southern Ireland to (i) compare methods of propagation, (ii) compare response to fertilizer application and quantify nutrient offtakes, (iii) measure long-term annual biomass yields, (iv) estimate carbon sequestration to the soil and (v) quantify the carbon mitigation by the crop. There was no significant difference in the yield between plants established from rhizome cuttings or by micro-propagation. Annual off-takes of N and P were easily met by soil reserves, but soil K reserves were low in unfertilized plots. Potassium deficiency was associated with lower harvestable yield. Yields increased for 5 years following establishment but after 10 years showed some decline which could not be accounted for by the climate driven growth model MISCANMOD. Measured yields were normalized to estimate both autumn (at first frost) and spring harvests (15 March of the subsequent year). Average autumn and spring yields over the 15 harvest years were 13.4±1.1 and 9.0±0.7 t DW ha−1 yr−1 respectively. Below ground biomass in February 2002 was 20.6±4.6 t DW ha−1. Miscanthus derived soil organic carbon sequestration detected by a change in 13C signal was 8.9±2.4 t C ha−1 over 15 years. We estimate total carbon mitigation by this crop over 15 years ranged from 5.2 to 7.2 t C ha−1 yr−1 depending on the harvest time.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variations in the structure, density, biomass and production rates of fish were assessed in the neotropical River Ubatiba (Serra do Mar, southeast Brazil). Electrofishing techniques and the length-frequency method were shown to be reliable for the assessment of (ish numbers and production rates in these running waters of medium conductivity. Eighteen fish species of small size and prolonged spawning period were broadly distributed throughout the river catchment. Over the year, the assemblage structure was persistent along the river. Water column omnivore and algae/detritivore species dominated in density (15086-70330 ind. ha−1), whereas three omnivores and a piscivorous species accounted for 70% of the production (51.5-250.4 kg ha−1 yr−1). Comparison of production rates among, tropical, temperate and Mediterranean stream fish assemblages indicate lower rates in tropical streams and an inverse relationship between production and species diversity, lower production rates in high-diversity tropical streams vs higher rates in low-diversity Mediterranean streams, with intermediate rates in temperate streams of intermediate diversity.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization reduces Sphagnum production in bog communities   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The effects of increased nitrogen influx on Sphagnum growth and on interspecific competition between Sphagnum species were studied in a 3-yr experiment in mires situated in two areas with different rates of airborne N deposition. Sphagnum growth was recorded after various supplementary N influxes (0, 1, 3, 5 and 10 g m −2 yr−1) in hummocks and lawn communities. Sphagnum biomass production decreased with increasing N influx in both areas. After the first season at the low-deposition site, Sphagnum showed an increased growth in length with the intermediate N treatment, but in the second and third seasons the control treatment had the highest growth in length. Capitulum dry mass increased with increasing N influx. Sphagnum N concentration and N/P quotient were higher at the high- than at the low-deposition site. The low quotient at the low-deposition site, together with the initial growth increase with intermediate N supplements, indicates that growth was N-limited at this site, but our lowest N supplement was sufficient to reduce growth. The N treatments had no effect on interspecific competition between the Sphagnum species. This indicates that the species have similar responses to N. The species studied all occur naturally on ombrotrophic, N-poor sites and show low tolerances to increased N influx. Reduced Sphagnum production may affect the carbon balance, changing the mires from C sinks to sources.  相似文献   

An investigation covering hydrography, chemistry, vascular and cryptogamic plants, nitrogen fixation, phytoplankton biomass and production, and zooplankton was carried out from April to November 1976 in tarn in W Norway, The volume of the tarn was 18000 m3 and the turnover time about 30 d. Temperature ranged between 3.6 and 23.4°C and pH between 4.8 and 5.5. Nuphar luteum and Carex rostrata were the two dominating vasculars-with biomasses of 117 and 97 g m−2, respectively The biomass of the bryophytes ( Sphagnum spp.) was about 510 g m−2 and the production of the order 0.2–2.1 μg (mg d.w.)−1h−1. Nitrogen fixation in association with Sphagnum spp. was estimated at 25 g yr−1 for the whole tarn. Phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms, green algae and chrysophyceans. The chlorophyll a content ranged from 2 to 20 mg m−3 and the carbon assimilation rates from 0.03 to 20 mg C m−3h−1 at 0–4 m depths. Production in the period was of the magnitude 22 g C m−2. The copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis was the most common netzooplankter. Large numbers of rotationrians were found during summer.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTF) are a widely distributed vegetation type in the tropics, characterized by seasonal rainfall with several months of drought when they are subject to fire. This study is one of the first attempts to quantify above- and belowground biomass (AGB and BGB) and above- and belowground carbon (AGC and BGC) pools to calculate their recovery after fire, using a chronosequence approach (six forests that ranged form 1 to 29 years after fire and mature forest). We quantified AGB and AGC pools of trees, lianas, palms, and seedlings, and BGB and BGC pools (Oi, Oe, Oa soil horizons, and fine roots). Total AGC ranged from 0.05 to nearly 72 Mg C ha−1, BGC from 21.6 to nearly 85 Mg C ha−1, and total ecosystem carbon from 21.7 to 153.5 Mg C ha−1; all these pools increased with forest age. Nearly 50% of the total ecosystem carbon was stored in the Oa horizon of mature forests, and up to 90% was stored in the Oa-horizon of early successional SDTF stands. The soils were shallow with a depth of <20 cm at the study site. To recover values similar to mature forests, BGC and BGB required <19 years with accumulation rates greater than 20 Mg C ha−1 yr−1, while AGB required 80 years with accumulation rates nearly 2.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. Total ecosystem biomass and carbon required 70 and 50 years, respectively, to recover values similar to mature forests. When belowground pools are not included in the calculation of total ecosystem biomass or carbon recovery, we estimated an overestimation of 10 and 30 years, respectively.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of algal epiphytes on the surfaces of Phragmites, Potamogeton , and Nuphar was measured seasonally from June 1978, through June 1979, in the littoral zone of Lake Ohrid, using 14C methodology. Surface areas of individual macrophytes were determined throughout the study period through the use of a non-miscible surfactant and a calibration curve of surfactant weight versus known, calculated surface areas.
Mean total surface area available for epiphytic colonization during the study period was 1.032 m2 macrophyte surface per m2 of littoral zone for Phragmites , 0.810 m2 for Potamogeton , and 0.167 m2 for Nuphar . Seasonal rates of mean primary productivity of algal epiphytes on Phragmites from the surface to the light-compensation depth ranged from 84–1406 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1; ranges for epiphytes on Potamogeton and Nuphar were 77–586 and 69–268 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1, respectively. Maximum rates were observed typically during June; minimum rates were observed typically during August to December. Mean daily productivity rates over the 12 month period were for epiphytes on Potamogeton 167.0, on Nuphar 100.4 and on Phragmites 671.2 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1. Calculated annual production for epiphytes on Nuphar was 36.65, on Potamogeton 60.95 and on Phragmites 245.0 g C m−2 littoral zone yr−1. Epiphytic production data were typically considerably higher than production data obtained for littoral and pelagial planktonic algae and compare favorably with published data for epiphytic and periphytic production in Lawrence Lake, Marion Lake, and Borax Lake.  相似文献   

Vibeke Holter 《Ecography》1984,7(2):165-170
Nitrogen fixation activity was determined for Lotus tenuis. Medicago lupulina and Trifolium pratense . The three species grew in clones in grassland in an area reclaimed from brackish water in the 1940s. The N2[C2H2]-fixation was measured in soil cores throughout 1974 and 1975. From cores taken in dense and uniform stands of the species, the yearly N2[C2H2]-fixation at maximum cover was estimated. L. tenuis fixed about 4 g N m−2 yr−1 (area with max. cover 130%), i.e. 30–56% of its requirement. Both M. lupulina and T. pratense fixed about 7 g N m−2 yr−1 (maximum cover 37% and 80%) i.e. 67% of their N-requirement. Average N2[C2H2]-fixation for the whole area was 0.4 g N m−2 yr−1, considerably less than the N-addition through rainfall.  相似文献   

We present data on the accumulation of carbon and nitrogen into an open oceanic ombrotrophic bog, SW Sweden, with high levels of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. The aim was to investigate if this peatland currently acts as a sink for atmospheric carbon. Peat cores were sampled from the top peat layer in five different vegetation types. Small pines were used to date the cores. The cores bulk density and carbon and nitrogen content were determined. A vegetation-classified satellite image was used to estimate the areal extent of the vegetation types and to scale up these results to bog level. The rate of current carbon input into the upper oxic acrotelm was 290 g m−2 yr−1, and there were no significant differences in accumulation rates among the vegetation types. This organic matter input to the acrotelm was almost completely decomposed before it was deposited for storage in the deeper peat layers (the catotelm) and only a small fraction (≪1%) or 0.012 g m−2 yr−1 of the carbon would be left, assuming a residence time of 100 years in the acrotelm. Nitrogen accumulation rates differed between the vegetation classes, and the average input via primary production varied from 5.33 to 16.8 g m−2 yr−1. Current nitrogen input rates into the catotelm are much lower, 0–0.059 g m−2 yr−1, with the highest accumulation rates in lawn-dominated communities. We suggest that one of the main causes of the low carbon input rates is the high level of nitrogen deposition, which enhances decomposition and changes the vegetation from peat-forming Sphagnum -dominance to dominance by dwarf shrubs and graminoids.  相似文献   

Fish production in Oued Sebaou, a seasonal river in North Algeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fish were sampled by electrofishing at three contiguous sites 26 km from the source of Oued Sebaou, a seasonal river in North Algeria. River discharge ranges from 300 m3s−1 in the peak of the rainy season to 0.1 m3s−1 at the end of the dry season. Extensive gravel extraction from the river bed takes place during the dry season.
Two species were recorded at each site: Barbus callensis , which is heavily fished locally, and Anguilla anguilla . The three sample maximum likelihood Zippin method was used to estimate mean density and standing crops, which were: barbel, 452 fish ha−1, 5.33 kg ha−1; eels, 149 fish ha−1, 3.04 kg ha−1. Estimated average biomass and production were: barbel, 2.31 kg ha−1, 4.27 kg ha−1 year−1; eels, 1.51 kg ha−1, 2.60 kg ha−1 year−1.  相似文献   

American sycamore ( Platanus occidentalis L.) seedlings were grown in the field under different urea-nitrogen fertilization regimes to identify physiological variables that characterize the growth response. Treatments included fertilization at the beginning of the growing season with 50, 150, 450 kg N ha−1, fertilization 3 times each at 37.5 kg N ha−1 and unfertilized control. The greatest aboveground biomass accumulation (3× that of control) occurred in plots fertilized with 450 kg N ha−1, but nearly as much growth occurred when 37.5 kg N ha−1 was added periodically. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentrations and growth increased rapidly after the midseason application of 37.5 kg N ha−1 but not after the late-season application. Although nitrogen fertilization increased leaf area per plant, leaf nitrogen concentration did not differ between treatments. There was no evidence to indicate that fertilization extended the physiologically active season or increased susceptibility to drought or cold. Sycamore leaves accumulated sucrose and mannose in response to water stress in all treatments. Photosynthetic pigment concentrations and net photosynthetic rate were the most sensitive indicators of growth response to nitrogen fertilization in the first growing season. Careful timing (based on physiological indicators) of low level applications of nitrogen fertilizer can optimize growth.  相似文献   

There is a tradeoff to consider when harvesting perennial biomass crops: harvest too late and yield declines, harvest too early and risk higher mineral contents, particularly nitrogen (N). Allowing the crop to completely senesce and recycle nutrients has several advantages, including improved feedstock quality and reduced fertilizer requirements, but it comes at a risk, particularly in temperate climates where snow and ice can reduce or destroy harvestable biomass. The effect of harvest time on the N concentration ([N]) and biomass of Panicum virgatum and Miscanthus × giganteus was evaluated at three sites in Illinois over two years. In both species [N] of standing biomass significantly declined with time ( P <0.0001). Interestingly, there was no significant interaction effect of species and sample date on [N] ( P =0.2888), but there was a highly significant interaction effect on the total N in standing biomass ( P <0.0001). The amount of standing N was directly related to biomass yield. Seasonal changes in standing N differed among locations, suggesting that harvest time recommendations for N management depend on location. P. virgatum would have potentially removed as much as 187 kg N ha−1 if harvested green, and as little as 5 kg N ha−1 if harvested in late winter. Because of higher biomass yields, M . × giganteus standing N ranged from 379 kg N ha−1 in June to <17 kg N ha−1 in February. Importantly, there was little overall change in [N] between an early winter (December) harvest and a late winter (February/March) harvest, indicating the benefits of N cycling in the system can be realized by end of the growing season and thus, at least from an N economy perspective, there is no reason to risk yield losses by delaying harvest over the winter.  相似文献   

Kaare Aagaard 《Ecography》1982,5(3):325-331
Populations of Heterotrissocladius subpilosus and Phaenopsectra (Sergentia) coracina were studied from 1974 to 1978 in Langvatn, South-Trøndelag, Norway. During 1975 and 1976 the lake was fertilized respectively by 1600 kg and 1000 kg fertilizer, (20% N, 4,8% P).
Fertilization had a positive effect on primary production and zooplankton. The effect on the two chironomid species, which both need more than one year for development, was ambiguous. However, there was a positive relationship between the density of H. subpilosus larvae and the primary production.
The number of P. (S.) coracina larvae steadily increased during the investigated period. Production estimates gave values in the range 0.6–1.5 g w.w. m−2 yr−1 for H. subpilosus and ca 2.3 g w.w. m−2 yr−1 for P. (S.) coracina .  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of Sphagnum species on bogs follows a hummock-hollow gradient. S . Sect. Acutifolia (that is in this study S. fuscum and S. rubellum combined) dominates hummock tops, ca 20 cm above the maximum water level with a green biomass of 50 g m−2, S. magellancium dominates at a lower level, about 5 cm above the water level with a green biomass of 75 g m−2 and S. cuspidatum dominates in the wettest hollows with a green biomass of about 50 g m−2.
In situ measurements of length growth of S . Sect. Acutifolia and S. magellanicum using a 14CO2-labelling technique during three consecutive years, revealed an unexpectedly high between-year variation in length growth of 7-23 mm yr−1, and 16-22 mm yr−1, respectively. Consequently the dominating producer in the transition between hummock and hollow changes from year to year, probably depending on climatic conditions.
In vitro experiments on the effects of different water levels of 2, 5, 10 and 20 cm below the moss surface, on photosynthetic activity of S . Sect. Acutifolia and S. magellanicum , measured by a second 14CO2-technique, indicate optimal conditions for S. magellanicum at 10 cm above water level, and for S . Sect, Acutifolia at 20 cm above water level.
Differences in capillary water transport capability between the species are more important than the sensitivity of photosynthesis to water stress in explaining field patterns of productivity and distribution.  相似文献   

The population biology of pike in two gravel pit lakes of contrasting habitat type were studied. The density of pike (1 + and over) in November 1987 in the Main Lake was 7.7 fish ha−1 (19 kg ha−1) and in St Peter's was 71 fish ha'(53 kg ha−1). The age distribution showed that recruitment was consistent in St Peter's but variable in the Main Lake. The main factor causing this difference in recruitment is abundance of aquatic vegetation. Survival up to November 1987 of 0-group pike in the Main Lake was 0.00175% from potential egg deposition, producing 6.6 fish ha−1 (0.83 kg ha−1). In St Peter's survival was 0.00315%, producing 23 fish ha−1 (3.04 kg ha 1).  相似文献   

A method of estimating the population density of bream in Tjeukemeer (21.3 km2) using 16 690 introduced fish (fin-clipped and opercular tagged) is described. Gill nets of the winter fishery proved to be a more effective method of sampling the population for marked fish than fyke nets. The population density of bream (⋝25 cm) was estimated to be 180 000. There was no significant difference between the estimates derived from fin-clipped and opercular tagged fish. The growth rate of bream in Tjeukemeer (L=41 cm) is poor compared with that of bream in other waters, due to its high density and the scarcity of zoobenthos available to it.
The production of bream (I–XV) is estimated to be 34 kg ha−1 of which 25% is contributed by two (1959, 1963) strong year classes. Of a total biomass of 37.5 kg ha−1 available to the fishery in 1969 only 2.7 kg ha−l was removed as yield. The average P/B ratio for the population was low (0.39). It is concluded that a major flow of energy to bream is through zooplankton.  相似文献   

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