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The virus causing phyllody (virescence) in clover flowers was transferred by Cuscuta subinclusa to Fragaria vesca and Duchesnia indica plants which then produced symptoms of strawberry green-petal disease.
The jassid Euscelis plebejus (Fall.) in several forms, including E. lineolatus Brullé, transmitted green-petal virus from clover to clover, to and from a wide range of other hosts, and from but not to strawberry. Two viruses (or strains) were distinguished, one causing phyllody and the other witches' broom on clover; both were retained for more than 2 months by the vector, in which both had a latent period of about 30 days. Macrosteles viridigriseus (Edwards) also transmitted both viruses.
Variation in symptoms on strawberry plants infected naturally, and experimentally through dodder, suggested that two diseases have previously been grouped under the name 'green petal". It is proposed to distinguish these as ( a ) green petal caused by the virus inducing phyllody in clover, and ( b ) bronze leaf wilt caused by the clover witches' broom virus.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum plants infected with tomato aspermy virus (TAV) produce severely distorted and discoloured flowers but show only slight leaf mottle.
TAV infected twenty-five of forty-five species (belonging to seventeen genera) tested and was transmitted by the aphid species Aulacorthum solarti, Macrosiphoniella sanborni and Myzus persicae .
Sap from infected tobacco leaves lost infectivity when diluted more than 1 in 10,000, when heated for 10 min. at above 65°C. and when stored for more than 42 hr. at 16–18°C.
Partial protection was obtained between TAV and two strains of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus. Evidence was obtained that this was true protection between related viruses and serological tests confirmed the view that TAV is a strain of cucumber mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Whiteflies, which had originated from a mixed culture of Bemisia spp. collected from cassava ( Manihot utilissima Pohl.) in the field, needed to feed for at least 4 hr. on the young leaves of a cassava plant with mosaic before they acquired the virus. Whiteflies that acquired virus in 4–6 hr. required another 4 hr. to become viruliferous. Once viruliferous they could infect healthy plants in a feeding period of 15 min., but longer periods gave more infections. Adult whiteflies remained infective for more than 48 hr. after ending their infection feed. Cassava fed upon by only one viruliferous fly sometimes became infected.
The virus-vector relationships of cassava mosaic virus resemble those of cotton leaf-curl virus but the first could not be transmitted to cotton or the second to cassava.  相似文献   

A virus causing a wilt of Datura stramonium was identified as a strain of henbane mosaic virus. It causes necrotic local lesions in Nicotiana rustica , and local lesions are demonstrable in tobacco by staining with iodine. Some of the factors affecting its transmission by Myzus persicae (Sulz.) were studied quantitatively using these lesions.
Infective aphids differed little in their ability to cause infection, and usually produced two or three lesions. The duration of the feeding puncture did not affect the number of infections and had little effect on the percentage of aphids becoming infective. Transmissible virus did not seem to be continually imbibed while aphids fed on infected plants, and there were indications that it was acquired immediately before aphids withdrew their stylets from the leaf. Aphids became infective when allowed to make feeding punctures into epidermis stripped from infected leaves.
M. persicae transmitted during feeding punctures as brief as 5–10 sec; the probability of single feeding punctures resulting in infection reached a maximum with those lasting from 20 to 30 sec, during which the stylets did not penetrate as far as the centre of the epidermal cell and little or no saliva appeared to be ejected. M. persicae did not transmit the virus when its stylets were artificially wetted with infective sap.
Periods of darkness before inoculation with datura wilt virus increased the susceptibility of Nicotiana rustica to infection by rubbing, but not to infection by aphids.  相似文献   

An apparently undescribed mechanically transmissible virus has been named beet ringspot virus (BRV). It occurs naturally in Scotland in sugar-beet, turnip, swede, potato and many kinds of weed plants. BRV is readily distinguished from raspberry ringspot virus by the symptoms produced in Chenopodium amaranticolor , French bean, tobacco and Petunia hybrida plants. BRV lost infectivity when heated for 10 min. at 63°C. but not at 60°C.: at 20°C. its longevity in vitro was about 3 weeks. BRV was precipitated by ammonium sulphate, ethanol and acetone.
Protection experiments with tobacco plants, and serological tests, gave no evidence that BRV was related to tobacco ringspot, raspberry ringspot, potato bouquet or tobacco rattle viruses, but showed that viruses isolated from different host plants and from different localities were strains of BRV.
BRV is soil-borne: in glasshouse experiments sugar-beet, beetroot, potato, turnip, swede, French bean, Fragaria vesca , oat and wheat plants often became systemically infected when grown in soil from the site of a disease outbreak, but the virus was restricted to the roots of many infected plants. When sugar-beet seedlings were grown in virus-containing soil, BRV was first detected in their roots, where its concentration increased, before progressively increasing amounts of virus were found in the shoots.
Soils from five localities were found to contain BRV. BRV has been found only where the soil is light in texture, and often in fields where raspberry ringspot virus occurs.  相似文献   

The reversible inactivation of tobacco mosaic virus by crystalline ribonuclease is reported. Studies on the effect of time of standing on the amount of inactivation, and on the effect of dilution and repeated high speed centrifugation on the recovery of virus activity, and the preparation of an insoluble virus-enzyme complex show that the inactivation is brought about at least in part by a combination between virus and enzyme. The significance of the fact that ribonuclease has no detectable effect on the virus nucleic acid when the latter is in combination with protein in the form of virus is discussed with respect to the structure of the virus.  相似文献   

Different strains of cucumber mosaic virus differ in their host range, symptoms caused, virulence towards different plants, transmissibility by aphids, dilution end-point and thermal inactivation point.
There are seasonal variations in the susceptibility of some host species; French bean is apparently immune during the summer but during the winter produces countable local lesions suitable for quantitative assays.
Different host species differ in the ease with which cucumber mosaic virus is transmitted to and from them; systemic infection in beet rarely occurs unless the virus is introduced into young tissues. Inhibitors of infectivity in sap of sugar beet and Phytolacca sp. make mechanical transmission from these to other hosts difficult; the inhibitors interfere less with the infection of hosts in which they occur than with the infection of tobacco.
Cucumber mosaic virus has a low temperature coefficient of thermal inactivation and much infectivity is destroyed by heating at temperatures below the thermal inactivation point.
Myzus persicae (Sulz.) is a more efficient vector than M. ornatus Laing which is more efficient than Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas); although individual aphids can cause more than one infection, most cease to be infective in feeding periods of from one to five minutes.  相似文献   

Whereas the spinach strain of cucumber mosaic virus fails to multiply and cause symptoms in tobacco plants kept above 30° C., the yellow strain infects at 36° C. and causes more severe symptoms than at 20° C. Increasing the temperature up to 28° C. increases the initial rate at which the spinach strain multiplies, but the virus later reaches much higher concentrations in leaves at lower temperatures, presumably because it is rapidly inactivated at 28° C. Exposing inoculated plants to 36° C. for 6 hr. decreases the number of infections by the spinach strain when the exposure starts within 6 hr. of inoculation, but not afterwards.
Pancreatic ribonuclease inhibits infections by strains of cucumber mosaic virus; inhibition is greatest when the enzyme is present in the inoculum, and when applied to inoculated leaves its effect decreases rapidly with increasing time after inoculation.
Infection by and the multiplication of strains of cucumber mosaic virus in tobacco are only slightly affected by thiouracil and greatly by azaguanine, whereas strains of tobacco mosaic virus are inhibited much more by thiouracil than by azaguanine. Like tobacco mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus multiplies more when inoculated leaves are floated in nutrient solutions than in water, but unlike tobacco mosaic virus, its multiplication is not inhibited by thiouracil more in nutrient solutions than in water.  相似文献   

禾谷多粘菌( Polymyxa graminis )侵染及传毒体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工气候箱内,以小麦为寄 主建立了专性寄生禾谷多粘菌(Polymyxa graminis)的侵染体系,graminis能够快速大量繁殖,生活史缩短为13 ̄15d。简化了单孢子堆分离以及病根表面消毒等分离纯化方法,对接种的菌源材料、寄主苗龄、温度、pH值及营养液成分等影响因素进行了测定,优化完善了P.graminis的砂培条件。建立了针对小麦黄花叶病毒(whea4t yellow mosaic v  相似文献   

Datura tatula is a more suitable host than potato for studying the factors influencing the transmission of potato leaf-roll virus by Myzus persicae ; it is more easily infected, provides a better source of virus for feeding aphids, produces symptoms more quickly and over a longer period of the year.
Loughnane's (1943) claim that leaf-roll virus is transmitted by starved aphids that feed for only 5 min. on infected potato plants was not confirmed. The shortest infection-feeding time in which M. persicae aphids became infective was 2 hr.; such aphids did not infect healthy plants in the first 2 days and, when transferred to a series of healthy plants at intervals, infected only few. The ability to cause infections was increased by increasing the length of infection feeding. Aphids fed for many days on infected plants could infect healthy plants in the first 15 min. of test feeding, and they continued to cause infections for long periods.
Aphids became infective more readily when feeding on recently infected Datura tatula , showing only slight symptoms, than on older plants with pronounced chlorosis; similarly, young potato sprouts showing no symptoms were better sources of virus for aphids than older plants showing severe leaf roll.
The differences in severity of symptoms shown by potato plants with leaf roll in the field mainly occur because of differences in virulence of accompanying strains of potato virus X , but isolates of leaf-roll virus were found that also varied in virulence.  相似文献   

通过直接叮吸微量培养板中细胞培养液的方法感染蚊虫,首次证明黄斑伊蚊(Aedes(Stegomyia)flauopictus)传播登革病毒,蚊体感染率为24.6%,涎腺感染率为2.1%.上述结果表明黄斑伊蚊是登革热的潜在媒介,但媒介效能较低.  相似文献   

A strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from a spinach plant in 1946 was readily transmitted by Myzus persicae until 1955 when it lost this property, although it was still being propagated in conditions in which other strains remained transmissible. M. circumflexus also transmitted other strains but not this one. It was transmitted as readily as other strains by Aphis gossypii and Myzus ascalonicus. M. ascalonicus transmitted less frequently than Aphis gossypii. Transmission of the spinach strain by other aphids did not make it transmissible by Myzus persicae ; nor did propagation in different plant species or several passages through spinach. In 1955 the spinach strain was occasionally transmitted by M. persicae , but the cultures isolated in this way were no more readily transmissible by the aphid than was the bulk culture maintained by manual inoculation of sap, and after a few weeks all cultures ceased to be transmitted by M. persicae.  相似文献   

大麦条纹花叶病毒单克隆抗体及抗原特性的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张菁  于善谦 《病毒学报》1990,6(4):347-351

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