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Endothelial 1 (E1) is identified as an endothelial cell secreted factor that stimulates collagen gel contraction by fibroblasts. This identification is based on (a) co-localization of stimulatory activity in endothelial cell conditioned media with synthetic E1 in reversed phase analysis; (b) removal of the activity from conditioned media with antiserum directed against E1; and (c) the activity of synthetic E1. Treatment of endothelial cell conditioned media with immobilized anti-E1 antibodies removed 59% of the activity from the pool suggesting that E1 is the major contraction promoter in endothelial cell conditioned medium. The mechanism of action of E1 is shown to be different from serum in that E1-promoted contraction is dependent upon the synthesis of an unknown effector protein. Synthetic E1 is shown to be a potent promoter of gel contraction with half-maximal activity occurring at 32 pM. Two other endothelins, E2 and VIC, are slightly less active than E1. A fourth endothelin species, E3, is substantially less active. A comparison of E1 with other contraction promoting peptides revealed that E1 and platelet-derived growth factor are essentially equal in specific activity, whereas TGF beta is approximately 50-fold more potent.  相似文献   

Human fibroproliferative disorders like hypertrophic scarring of the skin are characterized by increased contractility and excess extracellular matrix synthesis. A beneficial role of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in wound healing was proposed; however, chronic stimulation by this cytokine leads to fibrosis. In the present report, the intracellular TGF-beta signaling in fibroblasts derived from hypertrophic scars and normal skin was examined. In an attempt to intervene in profibrogenic TGF-beta functions, ectopic expression of Smad7 or dominant negative Smads3/4 completely inhibited contractility of scar-derived and normal fibroblasts after suspension in collagen gels. Both cell types displayed constitutive Smad2/3 phosphorylation and (CAGA)9-MLP-Luc activity with expression and phosphorylation of Smad3 being predominant in hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts. Down-regulation of intrinsic signaling with various TGF-beta antagonists, e.g. soluble TGF-beta receptor, latency-associated peptide, and anti-TGF-beta1 antibodies, confirms autocrine TGF-beta stimulation of both cell populations. Further, Smad7 expression inhibited alpha1 (I) collagen and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. In summary, our data indicate that autocrine TGF-beta/Smad signaling is involved in contractility and matrix gene expression of fibroblasts from normal and hypertrophic scars. Smad7 inhibits these processes and may exert beneficial effects on excessive scar formation.  相似文献   

Bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), grown in vitro, are shown to synthesize and secrete factor(s) that stimulate fibroblasts to contract collagen matrices. The amount of contraction-promoting activity in the conditioned media is dependent on conditioning time and the number of cells in the culture. Production of the contraction-promoting activity continues at a high stable level for at least 5 d in serum-free medium but is abolished when the cells are exposed to an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The mechanism of action of the contraction factor(s) derived from endothelial cells was compared with that of unidentified serum factors. The endothelial cell-secreted factor(s) depends on active protein synthesis by the target cell but does not need to be present during the contraction process. The serum factors on the other hand promote collagen contraction in the absence of de novo protein synthesis but need to be continuously present. Preliminary biochemical characterization of the contraction-promoting factors produced by endothelial cells revealed properties similar to those of previously identified growth factors. However, the BAEC-secreted factor was found to be distinct from a previously identified contraction-promoting transforming growth factor beta.  相似文献   

TGF-beta signals through TGF-beta receptors and Smad proteins. TGF-beta also augments fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction, an in vitro model of connective tissue remodeling. To investigate the importance of Smad2 or Smad3 in this augmentation process, embryo-derived fibroblasts from mice lacking expression of Smad2 or Smad3 genes were cast into native type I collagen gels. Fibroblast-populated gels were then released into 0.2% FCS-DMEM alone or with recombinant human TGF-beta1, beta2, beta3, or recombinant rat PDGF-BB. Gel contraction was determined using an image analyzer. All three isoforms of TGF-beta significantly augmented contraction of collagen gels mediated by fibroblasts with genotypes of Smad2 knockout (S2KO), Smad2 wildtype (S2WT), and Smad3 wildtype (S3WT), but not Smad3 knockout (S3KO) mice. PDGF-BB augmented collagen gel contraction by all fibroblast types. These results suggest that expression of Smad3 but not Smad2 may be critical in TGF-beta augmentation of fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction. Thus, the Smad3 gene could be a target for blocking contraction of fibrotic tissue induced by TGF-beta.  相似文献   

The N-terminal fragment (FNZN) of the fibronectin-binding protein FNZ from Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus was investigated as to effects on murine cell interactions with extracellular matrix proteins. FNZN bound to immobilized fibronectin (FN) and native, but not denatured, collagen type I. FNZN had no effect on primary adhesion of cells from the murine myoblastic C2C12 cell line to immobilized fibronectin. C2C12 cells adhered to immobilized FNZN, a process that was not inhibited by anti-human FN IgG or by an inhibitor of integrin alphaVbeta3. C2C12 cells lack collagen-binding beta1 integrins and neither adhere to native collagen nor mediate contraction of three-dimensional collagen gels. FNZN stimulated collagen gel contraction by C2C12 cells but not adhesion of C2C12 cells to collagen. Experiments with an alphaVbeta3-inhibitor suggested that FNZN promoted contraction by a process requiring alphaVbeta3. Our data suggest that FNZN by binding to cells, collagen, and FN modulate complex adhesive processes mediated by the alphaVbeta3 integrin. Since alphaVbeta3-mediated contractile events function to counteract edema formation during inflammation, it is possible that FNZN and its secreted homologue FNE modulate edema responses in infected tissues.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) is a key mediator in tissue repair and fibrosis. Using small interference RNA (siRNA), the role of Smad2 and Smad3 in TGF-beta stimulation of human lung fibroblast contraction of collagenous matrix and induction of alpha-SMA and the role of alpha-SMA in contraction were assessed. HFL-1 cells were transfected with Smad2, Smad3 or control-siRNA, and cultured in floating Type I collagen gels +/- -TGF-beta1. TGF-beta1 augmented gel contraction in Smad2-siRNA- and control-siRNA-treated cells, but had no effect in Smad3-siRNA-treated cells. Similarly, TGF-beta1 upregulated alpha-SMA in Smad2-siRNA- and control-siRNA-treated cells, but had no effect on Smad3-siRNA-treated cells. Alpha-SMA-siRNA-treated cells did not contact the collagen gels with or without TGF-beta1, suggesting alpha-SMA is required for gel contraction. Thus, Smad3 mediates TGF-beta1-induced contraction and alpha-SMA induction in human lung fibroblasts. Smad3, therefore, could be a target for blocking contraction of human fibrotic tissue induced by TGF-beta1.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix components play an important role in modulating cellular activity. To study such capacities of the matrix, fibroblasts are frequently cultured in a three-dimensional gel and contraction is assessed as a measure of cellular activity. Since a connective tissue contains several types of collagen, we investigated the effect of gels composed of collagen I alone or in combination with 10% collagen III and/or 5% collagen V on contraction by human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Gels containing collagen V contracted much faster than those without this type of collagen. Blocking of the integrin beta1-subunit with an activity-blocking antibody delayed (gels with collagen V) or almost completely blocked (gels without collagen V) contraction. Use of an antibody directed against integrin alpha2beta1 resulted in delay of gel contraction for gels both with and without collagen V. Anti-integrin alpha v beta3 or RGD peptides partially blocked contraction of gels containing collagen V, but had no effect on gels consisting of collagen I alone. The beta1-containing integrins are involved in the basal contraction by fibroblasts that bind to collagens I and III. The enhanced contraction, stimulated by collagen V, appears to be mediated by integrin alpha v beta3. We conclude that collagen V may play an important modulating role in connective tissue contraction. Such a modulation may occur during the initial stages of wound healing and/or tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

The contraction of collagen matrices by dermal fibroblasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Floating collagen gel cultures containing human foreskin fibroblasts have been observed to undergo a rapid contraction process. The initial rate of contraction (i.e., within the first 2 hr) was observed to be a linear function of cell number within the concentration range of 10(5)-10(6) cells/gel. Observation of thick, deresined sections of such contracting gels in the SEM, as well as observation of thin sections in the TEM, suggest that the fibroblasts exert a tension upon the surrounding collagen fibers. These observations further indicate that the fibroblasts migrate from the interior regions of the gel matrix and eventually form a monolayer of cells encapsulating the contracted collagen disc. These observations are discussed in terms of the possible mechanisms involved in gel contraction.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts in situ reside within a collagenous stroma and are elongate and bipolar in shape. If isolated and grown on glass, they change from elongate to flat shape, lose filopodia, and acquire ruffles. This shape change can be reversed to resemble that in situ by suspending the cells in hydrated collagen gels. In this study of embryonic avian corneal fibroblasts grown in collagen gels, we describe for the first time the steps in the acquisition of the elongate shape and analyze the effect of cytoskeleton-disrupting drugs on filopodial activity, assumption of bipolarity, and cell elongation within extracellular matrix. We have previously shown by immunofluorescence that filopodia contain actin but not myosin and are free of organelles. The cell cortex is rich in actin and the cytosol, in myosin. By using antitubulin, we show in the present study that microtubules are aligned along the long axis of the bipolar cell body. The first step in assumption of the elongate shape is extension of filopodia by the round cells suspended in collagen, and this is not significantly affected by the drugs we used: taxol to stabilize microtubules; nocodazole to disassemble microtubules; and cytochalasin D to disrupt microfilaments. The second step, movement of filopodia to opposite ends of the cell, is disrupted by cytochalasin, but not by taxol or nocodazole. The third step, extension of pseudopodia and acquisition of bipolarity similarly requires intact actin, but not microtubules. If fibroblasts are allowed to become bipolar before drug treatment, moreover, they remain so in the presence of the drugs. To complete the fourth step, extensive elongation of the cell, both intact actin and microtubules are required. Retraction of the already elongated cell occurs on microtubule disruption, but retraction requires an intact actin cytoskeleton. We suggest that the cell interacts with surrounding collagen fibrils via its actin cytoskeleton to become bipolar in shape, and that microtubules interact with the actin cortex to bring about the final elongation of the fibroblast.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 inhibits the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Human dermal fibroblasts, exposed to human or porcine Interleukin-1, responded by an inhibition of collagen synthesis in a dose dependent manner. Incubation with Il-1 for more than 8 h was required to see an appreciable effect. The phenomenon was not dependent on the presence of serum in the culture medium. Since a stimulation of prostaglandin E2 secretion was also observed in presence of Il-1, we investigated the eventual role of arachidonic acid metabolites in the phenomenon. Inhibitors interfering with arachidonate metabolism, namely indomethacin, acetyl salicylic acid, BW 755 C and NDGA had no influence on the inhibition of collagen synthesis caused by Il-1. These data suggest that both cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase derived metabolites of arachidonic acid are unlikely to play a role in the mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary A floating collagen matrix culture of neonatal rat heart myocardial cells shows rhythmic contractions which are dependent on localization of cells, cell density, and collagen concentration. The rhythmic contractions of the collagen matrix can be registered by a device scanning the optical density at the edge of the gel and have been observed over a temperature range from 9° to 40° C. The results of the present study underline the usefulness of myocardial cell populated collagen matrixes for studies on coherent contractions of heart cell cultures.  相似文献   

Bradykinin is a multifunctional mediator of inflammation believed to have a role in asthma, a disorder associated with remodeling of extracellular connective tissue. Using contraction of collagen gels as an in vitro model of wound contraction, we assessed the effects of bradykinin tissue on remodeling. Human fetal lung fibroblasts were embedded in type I collagen gels and cultured for 5 days. After release, the floating gels were cultured in the presence of bradykinin. Bradykinin significantly stimulated contraction in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Coincubation with phosphoramidon augmented the effect of 10(-9) and 10(-8) M bradykinin. A B2 receptor antagonist attenuated the effect of bradykinin, whereas a B1 receptor antagonist had no effect, suggesting that the effect is mediated by the B2 receptor. An inhibitor of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization abolished the response; addition of EGTA to the culture medium attenuated the contraction of control gels but did not modulate the response to bradykinin. In contrast, the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122 and the protein kinase C inhibitors staurosporine and GF-109203X attenuated the responses. These data suggest that by augmenting the contractility of fibroblasts, bradykinin may have an important role in remodeling of extracellular matrix that may result in tissue dysfunction in chronic inflammatory diseases, such as asthma.  相似文献   

Fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction depends on collagen-binding beta1 integrins. Perturbation of these integrins reveals an alternative contraction process that is integrin alphaVbeta3-dependent and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) BB-stimulated. Connective tissue cells actively control interstitial fluid pressure (IFP), and inflammation-induced lowering of IFP provides a driving force for edema formation. PDGF-BB normalizes a lowered IFP by an alphaVbeta3-dependent process. A potential modulation of IFP by extracellular matrix-binding bacterial proteins has previously not been addressed. The fibronectin (FN)-binding protein FNE is specifically secreted by the highly virulent Streptococcus equi subspecies equi. FNE bound FN and native collagen type I with K(d) values of approximately 20 and approximately 50 nm determined by solid-phase binding assays. Rotary shadowing revealed a single FNE binding site located at on average 122 nm from the C terminus of procollagen type I. FNE induced alphaVbeta3-mediated contraction by C2C12 cells in a concentration-dependent manner having a maximal effect at approximately 100 nm. This activity of FNE required cellular FN, and FNE acted synergistically to added plasma FN or PDGF-BB. FNE enhanced binding of soluble FN to immobilized collagen, and conversely the binding of collagen to immobilized FN. Marked bell-shaped concentration dependences for these interactions suggest that FNE forms a bridge between FN and collagen. Finally, FNE normalized dermal IFP lowered by anaphylaxis. Our data suggest that secreted FNE normalized lowering of IFP by stimulating connective tissue cell contraction.  相似文献   

Extracts from the human dermis were prepared and evaluated with respect to their ability to influence fibroblasts to contract collagen gels in vitro. The extract which had the most inhibitory effect on fibroblasts to cause contraction of collagen gels was extract D. It also inhibited fibroblast growth. Inhibition of contraction was not simply related to fibroblast cell numbers and the data suggests a specific effect upon the ability of fibroblasts to cause contraction. Other extracts were without significant effect.  相似文献   

In investigating the role of cell-extracellular matrix interactions in cell adhesion and growth control, the effects of heparin on cell-collagen interactions were examined. Exponentially growing Balb/c-3T3 fibroblasts were radiolabelled with 3H-thymidine and detached from tissue culture surfaces using EDTA, and cell attachment to various types of collagen substrata was assayed in the presence or absence of heparin or other glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) or dextran sulfate (40 K). Cells attached readily (70-90%) to films of types I and V, but not to type III collagen. The number of cells bound to types I and V collagen films was inhibited by 10-50% when heparin was present from 0.1-100 micrograms/ml. Cell-collagen attachment was also inhibited by dextran sulfate, and to a lesser extent by dermatan sulfate, but chondroitin sulfates A and C and hyaluronic acid showed no effect. Heparin was active even at early time points in the adhesion assay, suggesting it may disrupt cell-collagen attachment. To study the effects of heparin in modulating cell growth on collagen, growth arrested cells cultured on type I collagen films were serum stimulated in the presence of heparin or other GAGs for 3 days. Growth was inhibited (greater than 40%) only by heparin and dextran sulfate. Interaction of heparin fragments (Mr less than or equal to 6KD) with type I collagen was analyzed by affinity co-electrophoresis (Lee and Lander, 1991) and showed higher affinity heparin binding to native as compared with denatured collagen. These data suggest that sites within native collagen may mediate Balb cell-collagen and heparin-collagen interactions, and such interactions may be relevant towards understanding heparin's antiproliferative activity in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Cultured dermal fibroblasts become notably elongated when incorporated into a fibroblast-populated collagen lattice (FPCL). With time these fibroblasts reorganize the collagen responsible for reduction in lattice size. In monolayer the microinjection of Lucifer Yellow (LY) into cultured human fibroblasts shows cell coupling through gap junctions. Human fibroblasts residing on the periphery of a FPCL are at high density and the microinjection of LY into one of those fibroblasts demonstrates cell coupling. Cells within the center of an FPCL are at low density and appear to be independent of one another; however, the microinjection of LY into selected fibroblasts again demonstrates cell coupling. Hence the microinjection of cells in both the center and the edge of a FPCL pass dye to numerous neighbors. Does cell coupling influence FPCL contraction? FPCL incubated with heptanol and octanol, aliphatic alcohols that uncouple cells, inhibits lattice contraction, whereas hexanol, an aliphatic alcohol that does not uncouple cells, did not alter lattice contraction. Fibroblasts derived from connexin 43 (a transmembrane protein responsible for gap junction structures) knockout mice were demonstrated to lack gap junctional communications. When incorporated into a FPCL these cells failed to elongate and demonstrated retarded lattice contraction. Hence, gap junctional communications between fibroblasts incorporated into collagen lattices appear to optimize FPCL contraction and suggest a role for gap junctions in the organization of collagen fibers.  相似文献   

Dynamic interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix are essential in the regulation of a number of cellular processes including migration, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. A variety of factors have been identified which modulate these interactions including transforming growth factor-beta, platelet-derived growth factor and others. Insulin-like growth factors have been shown to regulate collagen production by heart fibroblasts; however, the effects of this growth factor on the interactions of heart fibroblasts with the extracellular matrix have not been examined. The present studies were carried out to determine the effects of IGF-I on the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the extracellular matrix and to begin to determine the mechanisms of this response. These experiments illustrate that IGF-I treatment results in increased migration, collagen reorganization and gel contraction by heart fibroblasts. IGF-I has been shown to activate both the mitogen-activated protein kinase and phophatidylinositol-3 kinase pathways in isolated cells. Experiments with pharmacological antagonists of these pathways indicate that the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is essential for IGF-I stimulated collagen gel contraction by fibroblasts. These studies illustrate that IGF-I modulates the ability of fibroblasts to interact with the collagen matrix and that activation of multiple signaling pathways by IGF-I may produce distinct downstream responses in these cells.  相似文献   

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