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The Immunoglobulins (IG) and the T cell receptors (TR) play the key role in antigen recognition during the adaptive immune response. Recent progress in next-generation sequencing technologies has provided an opportunity for the deep T cell receptor repertoire profiling. However, a specialised software is required for the rational analysis of massive data generated by next-generation sequencing.


Here we introduce tcR, a new R package, representing a platform for the advanced analysis of T cell receptor repertoires, which includes diversity measures, shared T cell receptor sequences identification, gene usage statistics computation and other widely used methods. The tool has proven its utility in recent research studies.


tcR is an R package for the advanced analysis of T cell receptor repertoires after primary TR sequences extraction from raw sequencing reads. The stable version can be directly installed from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html). The source code and development version are available at tcR GitHub (http://imminfo.github.io/tcr/) along with the full documentation and typical usage examples.  相似文献   

An extensive analysis was made of receptor specificity and gene usage in the neutralising antibody (mAb) and Class II-restricted T cell responses to influenza haemagglutinin (HA) following natural infection of MHC (H-2k or H-2d) congenic mice with X31 virus (H3N2 subtype). Despite the diversity of available antigenic sites on the HA1 subunit, there was strikingimmunodominance in the mAb response as deduced by sequencing the HA genes of escape mutants and the corresponding antibody H and L chain gene rearrangements. Similarly, Class II restricted T cell responses of individual donors focused on a single antigenic site, or immunodominant peptide; and PCR sequence analysis of T cell receptor () gene usage indicated that T cell memory was derived from asingle progenitor cell. Focusing of the immune repertoire to limited regions of the HA molecule during a primary viral infection may be a significant factor in immune pressure for antigenic variation.  相似文献   

Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) has become a therapy of choice for the treatment of certain malignancies and hematopoietic disorders. However, immunodeficiencies following BMT continue to cause significant morbidity and mortality. We have compared the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of BMT patients and healthy control individuals by staining peripheral blood mononuclear cells with fluorochrome-labeled TCR-specific antibodies. Several patients exhibited a biased pattern of TCR expression atypical of the healthy controls, yet no particular TCR bias characterized all patients. For example, we found that 2%–8% of T cell from healthy individuals expressed the V19 TCR. One BMT patient exhibited V19 expression on more than 60% of peripheral T cells, while additional patients expressed V19 on less than 1% of T cells. The patients with the most extreme skewing of TCR types suffered from graft-versus-host disease. The causes of skewed TCR V expression patterns in BMT patients are not fully understood, yet some researchers have suggested that an oligoclonal expansion of CD8+ T cell populations may be largely responsible. To test this hypothesis, we examined the TCR V repertoire of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. We found that biased V expression characterized both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations, sometimes within a single individual. Thus, therapies directed toward CD8+ T cells alone may not fully correct repertoire abnormalities following BMT.  相似文献   

Several species of Streptococcus, such as S. salivarius, S. mitis, and S. anginosus, are found to extensively colonize the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract, and have been shown to increase in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Accumulating evidence have revealed that commensal bacteria are involved in antitumor immunity via T cell-mediated mechanisms, but the role of Streptococcus enrichment in OSCC is yet unclear. In this study, we stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from non-cancer controls (NCs) and OSCC patients with S. salivarius, S. mitis, and S. anginosus. We observed that compared to NC subjects, OSCC patients at earlier stages had higher frequencies of granzyme B-expressing CD8 T cells for all Streptococcus species tested, while OSCC patients at more advanced stages had higher frequencies of granzyme B-expressing CD8 T cells for S. anginosus but not other Streptococcus species. In OSCC patients, the Streptococcus-reactive CD8 T cells presented significantly lower levels of PD-1 and TIM-3 expression than Streptococcus-nonreactive CD8 T cells. The clinical outcomes of OSCC patients in our cohort were tracked for 24 months after the resection of the primary tumor. In patients that did not present tumor recurrence, the frequencies of S. salivarius-reactive and S. mitis-reactive CD8 T cells were significantly higher than that in patients that developed recurrent tumor. Furthermore, in patients with tumor recurrence, the duration between primary tumor resection and tumor recurrence was positively associated with the frequencies of S. salivarius-reactive and S. anginosus-reactive CD8 T cells. Together, we demonstrated that Streptococcus-reactive CD8 T cell responses might contribute to antitumor immunity in OSCC patients.  相似文献   

The pulmonary resident T lymphocytes (RPLs) expressing a nearly invariant T cell receptor γδ heterodimer (γδTCR) migrate from fetal thymus to the lung epithlium, followed by RPL subsets expressing diverse sets of γδTCRs after birth. However, it remains unclear whether the fetal type Vγ6/Vδ1+ RPLs are essential for γδ T cell repertoire formation in the lung epithelium. In this study, we found a marked decrease in the number of γδRPLs at 4 weeks of age in Vδ1−/− mice and they predominantly expressed Vγ6 and Vδ4 genes. The skewed diversity towards the Vδ4-(Dδ1)-Dδ2-Jδ2 junctional region was observed only in γδ RPLs from 4-week-old Vδ1−/− mice, compared with those from 8-week-old Vδ1−/− mice and the both ages of wild-type mice. These results suggest that the invariant Vδ1+ T cells are crucial not only for optimal γδ T cell expansion but also for affecting the migration or microenvironment for other γδ T cells in the lung epithelium.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by multi-focal demyelination, axonal loss, and immune cell infiltration. Numerous immune mediators are detected within MS lesions, including CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes suggesting that they participate in the related pathogenesis. Although CD4+ T lymphocytes are traditionally considered the main actors in MS immunopathology, multiple lines of evidence suggest that CD8+ T lymphocytes are also implicated in the pathogenesis. In this review, we outline the recent literature pertaining to the potential roles of CD8+ T lymphocytes both in MS and its animal models. The CD8+ T lymphocytes detected in MS lesions demonstrate characteristics of activated and clonally expanded cells supporting the notion that these cells actively contribute to the observed injury. Moreover, several experimental in vivo models mediated by CD8+ T lymphocytes recapitulate important features of the human disease. Whether the CD8+ T cells can induce or aggravate tissue destruction in the CNS needs to be fully explored. Strengthening our understanding of the pathogenic potential of CD8+ T cells in MS should provide promising new avenues for the treatment of this disabling inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a case of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma with the subsequent development of a peripheral T cell lymphoma. This case is unusual in that the sheets of atypical and small to intermediate-sized T cells in the diffuse component were CD8 positive and expressed cytotoxic proteins. The diagnosis of peripheral T cell lymphoma was supported by the demonstration of a clonal T cell receptor beta chain gene rearrangement by Southern blot analysis. Peripheral T cell lymphoma with a cytotoxic phenotype is a rare entity with an aggressive clinical behavior. As such, this report emphasizes the need to consider a diagnosis of coexisting peripheral T cell lymphoma in cases of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma with atypical features, such as few or poorly defined B cell macronodules and diffuse T cell areas. The examination of both T cell receptor gamma and beta chain gene rearrangements should be performed to confirm such cases.  相似文献   

In order to select the most cytotoxic effector cells for adoptive immunotherapy, lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and autologous mixed lymphocyte tumor cell culture (MLTC) cells derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in the same subject with head and neck carcinomas were prepared. The autologous tumor cell killing activity and cell surface phenotypes of each of the three effector cells were studied. MLTC cells cultured with interleukin-2 (IL-2) showed the strongest cytotoxic activity among these three different effector cells. Although TILs had suppressed killing activity immediately after isolation, after successive cultivations with IL-2, a cytotoxic activity against autologous tumor cells stronger than that of LAK cells appeared. Both IL-2 stimulated MLTC cells and TILs showed an enrichment of CD8 positive and CDU negative cells in a CD3 positive subpopulation.Abbreviations CD cluster differentiation - IL-2 interleukin-2 - LA lymphokine activated - LAK lymphokine activated killer - MLTC mixed lymphocyte tumor cell culture - NK natural killer - PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells - TILs tumor infiltrating lymphocytes  相似文献   

How the immune system kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still a puzzle. The classical picture of killing due to phagocytosis by activated macrophages may be only partly correct. Based on recent evidence, we express here the view that cytotoxic T lymphocytes also make an important contribution and suggest that DNA vaccines might be a good way to enhance this.  相似文献   

T cell activation by nonself peptide-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigenic complexes can be blocked by particular sequence variants in a process termed T cell receptor antagonism. The inhibition mechanism is not understood, although such variants are encountered in viral infections and may aid immune evasion. Here, we study the effect of antagonist peptides on immunological synapse formation by T cells. This cellular communication process features early integrin engagement and T cell motility arrest, referred to as the "stop signal." We find that synapses formed on membranes presenting antagonist-agonist complexes display reduced MHC density, which leads to reduced T cell proliferation that is not overcome by the costimulatory ligands CD48 and B7-1. Most T cells fail to arrest and crawl slowly with a dense ICAM-1 crescent at the leading edge. Similar aberrant patterns of LFA-1/ICAM-1 engagement in live T-B couples correlate with reduced calcium flux and IL-2 secretion. Hence, antagonist peptides selectively disable MHC clustering and the stop signal, whereas LFA-1 valency up-regulation occurs normally.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were induced by co-culturing peripheral blood mononuclear cells with X-ray-irradiated human lung squamous carcinoma cells, SQ-5, in the medium supplemented with interleukin(IL)-1, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6, and 5% autologous plasma for 3 or 5 days. The CTL grew in serum/plasma-free medium containing these four interleukins and 0.5% bovine serum albumin for over a month and maintained kiling activity of target cells within 48 h at an effector/target ratio of 1.25. Their growth was essentially dependent on the target SQ-5 cells, which were renewed every 5 days. Under these conditions, IL-4 and IL-6 could be omitted. When anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody was added to the serum/plasma-free medium supplemented with IL-1 and IL-2, the target tumor cells were not required to maintain the specific killing activity of the CTL. A large number of CTL (1011) were obtained in 35 days.  相似文献   

To analyze the potential role of Tregs in controlling the TCR repertoire breadth to a non‐self‐antigen, a TCRβ transgenic mouse model (EF4.1) expressing a limited, yet polyclonal naïve T‐cell repertoire was used. The response of EF4.1 mice to an I‐Ab‐associated epitope of the F‐MuLV envelope protein is dominated by clones expressing a Vα2 gene segment, thus allowing a comprehensive analysis of the TCRα repertoire in a relatively large cohort of mice. Control and Treg‐depleted EF4.1 mice were immunized, and the extent of the Vα2‐bearing, antigen‐specific TCR repertoire was characterized by high‐throughput sequencing and spectratyping analysis. In addition to increased clonal expansion and acquisition of effector functions, Treg depletion led to the expression of a more diverse TCR repertoire comprising several private clonotypes rarely observed in control mice or in the pre‐immune repertoire. Injection of anti‐CD86 antibodies in vivo led to a strong reduction in TCR diversity, suggesting that Tregs may influence TCR repertoire diversity by modulating costimulatory molecule availability. Collectively, these studies illustrate an additional mechanism whereby Tregs control the immune response to non‐self‐antigens.  相似文献   

To study in vivo activated cytolytic T cells, CD8+ T cells clones were isolated from a melanoma patient (HLA A2, A11) treated with active specific immunotherapy for 5 years. CD8+ T lymphocytes, purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, were cloned directly from the peripheral blood without antigen-presenting cells in the presence of irradiated autologous melanoma cells and recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4. These conditions were inhibitory to de novo in vitro immunization. Of the 28 cytolytic CD8+ T cell clones, 21 lysed the autologous melanoma cell line (M7) but not the autologous lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL-7) nor the two melanoma cell lines, M1 (HLA A28) and M2 (HLA A28, A31), used to immunize the patient. The remaining 7 clones were also melanoma-specific, although their reactivities were broader, lysing several melanoma cell lines but not HLA-matched lymphoblastoid cells. Eight clones from the first group, ostensibly self-MHC-restricted, were expanded for further analysis. All expressed cluster determinants characteristic of mature, activated T cells, but not those of thymocytes, naive T cells, B cells or natural killer (NK) cells. They also expressed CD13, a myeloid marker. Of the 8 clones, 3 expressed both CD4 and CD8, but dual expression was not correlated with specificity of lysis. Two CD8+ and 2 CD4+ CD8+ clones were specific for the autologous melanoma cells, the other 4 were also reactive against other HLA-A2-positive melanomas. Cytotoxicity for both singly and doubly positive clones was restricted by HLA class I but not class II antigens. Analysis of the RNA expression of the T cell receptor (TCR) V and V gene segments revealed heterogeneous usage by the A2-restricted clones and, perhaps, also by the broadly melanoma-specific clones. Apparent TCR-restricted usage was noted for the self-MHC-restricted clones; 2 of the 4 expressed the V17/V7 dimer. Since the T cell clones were derived from separate precursors of circulating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), the V17/V7 TCR was well represented in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of this patient. In summary, we show that melanoma cells presented their own antigens to stimulate the proliferation of melanoma-reactive CD8+ CTL. CTL with a range of melanoma specificities and different TCR dimers were encountered in this patient, perhaps as a result of hyperimmunization. Restricted TCR gene usage was noted only for classical self-MHC-restricted CD8+ T cell clones, although lysis of the autologous melanoma cells was effected by a variety of TCR structures. Molecular definition of the TCR repertoire of well-characterized T cell clones in this and other patients should provide new insight into the human antitumor immune response.Supported by National Institutes of Health research grants CA 36233 and EY 9031, the Lucy Adams Memorial Fund and a grant from the Concern Foundation  相似文献   

Purpose: To study the effect of autologous tumor cell vaccinations on the presence and numbers of circulating CD8+ T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens (TAA) in metastatic melanoma patients. To investigate the correlation between the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and circulating TAA-specific CD8+ T cells before and after autologous tumor cell vaccination with overall survival. Experimental design: Twenty-five stage III and resected stage IV metastatic melanoma patients were adjuvantly treated with a series of intracutaneously injected autologous tumor cell vaccinations, of which the first two contained BCG as an immunostimulatory adjuvant. Tumor samples and blood samples obtained before and after vaccination of these patients were studied for the presence of TAA-specific T cells using HLA-tetramers and results were correlated with survival. Results: In 5 of 17 (29%) melanoma patients, circulating TAA-specific T cells were detectable prior to immunizations. No significant changes in the frequency and specificity were found during the treatment period in all patients. Presence of circulating TAA-specific T cells was not correlated with survival (log rank, P=0.215). Inside melanoma tissue, TAA-specific TIL could be detected in 75% of 16 available tumor samples. In case of detectable TAA-specific TIL, median survival was 22.5 months compared to median survival of 4.5 months in case of absence of TAA-specific T cells (log rank, P=0.0094). In none of the patients, TAA-specific T cells were found both in tumor tissue and blood at the same time. Conclusions: These data suggest that the presence of TAA-specific TILs forms a prognostic factor, predicting improved survival in advanced-stage melanoma patients. The absence of TAA-specific T cells in the circulation suggests that homing of the tumor-specific T cell population to the tumor site contributes to the effectiveness of antitumor immunity. J.B.A.G. Haanen and A. Baars contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) induces T cell activation as well as directing activated T cells to kill major-histocompatibilitycomplex-class-II-expressing tumours such as freshly prepared leukemia cells. We now report that conjugates of SEA and the colon-carcinoma-reactive mAb C215 mediate T-cell-dependent killing of freshly isolated cells obtained from surgical specimens of human colon carcinomas. Cytotoxicity was observed at nanomolar concentrations of conjugate while no or very low effects were seen with the mAb C215 or SEA alone. Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) did not exert any cytotoxicity against conjugate-treated tumour cells immediately after isolation. In vitro culture of TIL with interleukin-2 and SEA resulted in SEA-mAb-conjugate-dependent killing of freshly isolated tumour cells. This suggests that mAb-SEA conjugates may be of potential use to target T lymphocytes, including TIL, against colon carcinoma cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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