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Sühnel J 《Biopolymers》2001,61(1):32-51
Hydrogen-bonded base pairs are an important determinant of nucleic acid structure and function. However, other interactions such as base-base stacking, base-backbone, and backbone-backbone interactions as well as effects exerted by the solvent and by metal or NH(4)(+) ions also have to be taken into account. In addition, hydrogen-bonded base complexes involving more than two bases can occur. With the rapidly increasing number and structural diversity of nucleic acid structures known at atomic detail higher-order hydrogen-bonded base complexes, base polyads, have attracted much interest. This review provides an overview on the occurrence of base polyads in nucleic acid structures and describes computational studies on these nucleic acid building blocks.  相似文献   

Calculations of the energy of nucleic acid base interactions as a function of parameters determining mutual position of two bases in a plane have been performed. Atom-atom potential functions used include terms proportional to the first (electrostatic), sixth (or tenth for the atoms of hydrogen bond) and 12th power of interatomic distance. The calculations have shown the existence of 27 energy minima which correspond to the formation of co-planar pairs with two (or three for G : C pair) almost linear N--H...O and N--H...N hydrogen bonds. The positions of nitrogen bases bound by two hydrogen bonds in every crystal of nucleic acid components, in the complexes of polynucleotides and in tRNA are near to the positions in one of these minima. In addition for every pair there exist energy minima which correspond to the formation of one N--H...O or N--H...N and one C--H...O or C--H...N hydrogen bond. Energy behavior near minima have been investigated. The results of our calculations are in agreement with experimental data and with the calculations which employ quantum mechanical results.  相似文献   

The natural bases of nucleic acids form a great variety of base pairs with at least two hydrogen bonds between them. They are classified in twelve main families, with the Watson–Crick family being one of them. In a given family, some of the base pairs are isosteric between them, meaning that the positions and the distances between the C1′ carbon atoms are very similar. The isostericity of Watson–Crick pairs between the complementary bases forms the basis of RNA helices and of the resulting RNA secondary structure. Several defined suites of non-Watson–Crick base pairs assemble into RNA modules that form recurrent, rather regular, building blocks of the tertiary architecture of folded RNAs. RNA modules are intrinsic to RNA architecture are therefore disconnected from a biological function specifically attached to a RNA sequence. RNA modules occur in all kingdoms of life and in structured RNAs with diverse functions. Because of chemical and geometrical constraints, isostericity between non-Watson–Crick pairs is restricted and this leads to higher sequence conservation in RNA modules with, consequently, greater difficulties in extracting 3D information from sequence analysis. Nucleic acid helices have to be recognised in several biological processes like replication or translational decoding. In polymerases and the ribosomal decoding site, the recognition occurs on the minor groove sides of the helical fragments. With the use of alternative conformations, protonated or tautomeric forms of the bases, some base pairs with Watson–Crick-like geometries can form and be stabilized. Several of these pairs with Watson–Crick-like geometries extend the concept of isostericity beyond the number of isosteric pairs formed between complementary bases. These observations set therefore limits and constraints to geometric selection in molecular recognition of complementary Watson–Crick pairs for fidelity in replication and translation processes.  相似文献   

The hydration of water bridged base pairs of nucleic acids have been simulated via the Monte Carlo method. The simulation have shown that water molecules forming H-bonds with both bases preserve this H-bonding with large probability in the water surrounding. This fact supports the supposition about the important role of water molecules in wrong base pair formation and about the role of these base pairs in the structure and functioning of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Tertiary interactions are crucial in maintaining the tRNA structure and functionality. We used a combined sequence analysis and quantum mechanics approach to calculate accurate energies of the most frequent tRNA tertiary base pairing interactions. Our analysis indicates that six out of the nine classical tertiary interactions are held in place mainly by H-bonds between the bases. In the remaining three cases other effects have to be considered. Tertiary base pairing interaction energies range from -8 to -38 kcal/mol in yeast tRNA(Phe) and are estimated to contribute roughly 25% of the overall tRNA base pairing interaction energy. Six analyzed posttranslational chemical modifications were shown to have minor effect on the geometry of the tertiary interactions. Modifications that introduce a positive charge strongly stabilize the corresponding tertiary interactions. Non-additive effects contribute to the stability of base triplets.  相似文献   

Watson-Crick base pairing is a natural molecular recognition process that has been exploited in molecular biology and universally adopted in many fields. An additional mode of nucleic acid sequence recognition that could be used in combination with normal base pairing would add an exta dimension to nucleic acid interactions and open up many new applications. In principle the triplex approach could provide this if developed to recognize any DNA sequence. To this end modified nucleosides have been incorporated into triple-helix-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) and used to recognize mixed sequence DNA with high selectivity and affinity at neutral pH. Continuing developments are directed towards improving TFO affinity at high pH and increasing triplex association kinetics. A number of applications of triplexes are currently being explored.  相似文献   

Hairpin loops are critical to the formation of nucleic acid secondary structure, and to their function. Previous studies revealed a steep dependence of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) hairpin stability with length of the loop (L) as ~L8.5 ± 0.5, in 100 mM NaCl, which was attributed to intraloop stacking interactions. In this article, the loop-size dependence of RNA hairpin stabilities and their folding/unfolding kinetics were monitored with laser temperature-jump spectroscopy. Our results suggest that similar mechanisms stabilize small ssDNA and RNA loops, and show that salt contributes significantly to the dependence of hairpin stability on loop size. In 2.5 mM MgCl2, the stabilities of both ssDNA and RNA hairpins scale as ~L4 ± 0.5, indicating that the intraloop interactions are weaker in the presence of Mg2+. Interestingly, the folding times for ssDNA hairpins (in 100 mM NaCl) and RNA hairpins (in 2.5 mM MgCl2) are similar despite differences in the salt conditions and the stem sequence, and increase similarly with loop size, ~L2.2 ± 0.5 and ~L2.6 ± 0.5, respectively. These results suggest that hairpins with small loops may be specifically stabilized by interactions of the Na+ ions with the loops. The results also reinforce the idea that folding times are dominated by an entropic search for the correct nucleating conformation.  相似文献   

The imino proton resonances of 15N labeled tRNA appear as asymmetric doublet signals, the asymmetry being dependent on the applied magnetic field strength. Assuming a tautomerism of the type N-H...N not equal to N...H-N in the base pairs the line shapes can be simulated. The most important parameters fitted in the simulation are the rate constants of the proton transfer and the mole fractions of either tautomeric state. The rate constants are of the order of 100s-1 and the mole fractions of the non dominant tautomer about 0.1 depending on the temperature and on the nature of the base pairing. The observations are attributed to a double proton transfer in the base pairs. The unexpectedly slow rates of the double proton transfer process may be connected with a concomitant conformational change of the duplex structure.  相似文献   

DNA chemical modifications caused by the binding of some antitumor drugs give rise to a very strong local stabilization of the double helix. These sites melt at a temperature that is well above the melting temperatures of ordinary AT and GC base pairs. In this work we have examined the melting behavior of DNA containing very stable sites. Analytical expressions were derived and used to evaluate the thermodynamic properties of homopolymer DNA with several different distributions of stable sites. The results were extended to DNA with a heterogeneous sequence of AT and GC base pairs. The results were compared to the melting properties of DNA with ordinary covalent interstrand cross-links. It was found that, as with an ordinary interstrand cross-link, a single strongly stabilized site makes a DNA's melting temperature (T(m)) independent of strand concentration. However in contrast to a DNA with an interstrand cross-link, a strongly stabilized site makes the DNA's T(m) independent of DNA length and equal to T(infinity), the melting temperature of an infinite length DNA with the same GC-content and without a stabilized site. Moreover, at a temperature where more than 80% of base pairs are melted, the number of ordinary (non-modified) helical base pairs (n) is independent of both the DNA length and the location of the stabilized sites. For this condition, n(T) = (2 omega-a)S/(1-S) and S = exp[DeltaS(T(infinity)-T)/(RT)] where omega is the number of strongly stabilized sites in the DNA chain, a is the number of DNA ends that contain a stabilized site, and DeltaS, T, and R are the base pair entropy change, the temperature, and the universal gas constant per mole. The above expression is valid for a temperature interval that corresponds to n<0.2N for omega=1, and n<0.1N for omega>1, where N is the number of ordinary base pairs in the DNA chain.  相似文献   

This paper presents ab initio (DFT) calculations of the 15N chemical shifts in AT (Adenine-Thymine) and CG (Cytosine-Guanine) nucleic acid base pairs. Calculations were done on 14 AT and 18 CG base pairs using experimental (X-ray) geometries obtained from several DNA decamers. The calculated chemical shifts are compared with the experimental values in the pure bases and subjected to statistical analysis to explore their sensitivity to the local geometry and pair helix parameters. The results indicate that the 15N chemical shifts, isotropic and principal components are quite sensitive to small changes in the geometry of the pairs, but they do not correlate well with the helix pair parameters. From the statistical analysis, several linear correlations between structural parameters and chemical shifts emerge. These relationships may serve as a foundation to extract information on molecular structure from 15N chemical shift measurements.  相似文献   

The magnetic shielding constants of the different nuclei of the four nucleic acid bases adenine, uracile, guanine and cytosine are calculated by a non empirical method using a minimal basis set and compared to the available corresponding experimental data. The same calculations carried out for AU and GC pairs give not only the values of the chemical shift variations due to the formation of the pairs but also the relative importance of the three different contributions (geometric, polarization and charge transfer plus exchange) to the total value of delta delta. Their analysis shows the importance of the polarization term. The magnitude of the charge transfer plus exchange term which is obtained for the nuclei belonging to the hydrogen bonding sites indicates that the hydrogen bond length is the major factor in the determination of the magnetic shielding constants of these atoms. On the other hand it appears that the pairing of the bases has a negligible effect on the "geometric" magnetic shielding due to the bases.  相似文献   

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