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Cornelius F 《Biochemistry》2001,40(30):8842-8851
The effects of phospholipid acyl chain length (n(c)), degree of acyl chain saturation, and cholesterol on Na,K-ATPase reconstituted into liposomes of defined lipid composition are described. The optimal acyl chain length of monounsaturated phosphatidylcholine in the absence of cholesterol was found to be 22 but decreased to 18 in the presence of 40 mol % cholesterol. This indicates that the hydrophobic matching of the lipid bilayer and the transmembrane hydrophobic core of the membrane protein is a crucial parameter in supporting optimal Na,K-ATPase activity. In addition, the increased bilayer order induced by both cholesterol and saturated phospholipids could be important for the conformational mobility of the Na,K-ATPase changing the distribution of conformations. Lipid fluidity was important for several parameters of reconstitution, e.g., the amount of protein inserted and the orientation in the liposomes. The temperature dependence of the Na,K-ATPase as well of the Na-ATPase reactions depends both on phospholipid acyl chain length and on cholesterol. Cholesterol increased significantly both the enthalpy of activation and entropy of activation for Na,K-ATPase activity and Na-ATPase activity of Na,K-ATPase reconstituted with monounsaturated phospholipids. In the presence of cholesterol the free energy of activation was minimum at a lipid acyl chain length of 18, the same that supported maximum turnover. In the case of ATPase reconstituted without cholesterol, the minimum free energy of activation and the maximum turnover both shifted to longer acyl chain lengths of about 22.  相似文献   

Cornelius F  Mahmmoud YA 《Biochemistry》2007,46(9):2371-2379
FXYD10 is a 74 amino acid small protein which regulates the activity of shark Na,K-ATPase. The lipid dependence of this regulatory interaction of FXYD10 with shark Na,K-ATPase was investigated using reconstitution into DOPC/cholesterol liposomes with or without the replacement of 20 mol % DOPC with anionic phospholipids. Specifically, the effects of the cytoplasmic domain of FXYD10, which contains the phosphorylation sites for protein kinases, on the kinetics of the Na,K-ATPase reaction were investigated by a comparison of the reconstituted native enzyme and the enzyme where 23 C-terminal amino acids of FXYD10 had been cleaved by mild, controlled trypsin treatment. Several kinetic properties of the Na,K-ATPase reaction cycle as well as the FXYD-regulation of Na,K-ATPase activity were found to be affected by acidic phospholipids like PI, PS, and PG. This takes into consideration the Na+ and K+ activation, the K+-deocclusion reaction, and the poise of the E1/E2 conformational equilibrium, whereas the ATP activation was unchanged. Anionic phospholipids increased the intermolecular cross-linking between the FXYD10 C-terminus (Cys74) and the Cys254 in the Na,K-ATPase A-domain. However, neither in the presence nor in the absence of anionic phospholipids did protein kinase phosphorylation of native FXYD10, which relieves the inhibition, affect such cross-linking. Together, this seems to indicate that phosphorylation involves only modest structural rearrangements between the cytoplasmic domain of FXYD10 and the Na,K-ATPase A-domain.  相似文献   

Cornelius F 《Biochemistry》2008,47(6):1652-1658
Polyunsaturated phospholipids such as 16:0-22:6 PC and 22:6 PC both stabilized the E1 conformation and inhibited turnover of Na,K-ATPase reconstituted into 18:1 PC or 18:1 PC/cholesterol liposomes. The inhibition increases in the order 22:6 PC > 16:0-22:6 PC both in the presence and in the absence of cholesterol, but is most pronounced in the absence of cholesterol. The inhibition of Na,K-ATPase turnover may thus correlate with the capability of polyunsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol to induce liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered lipid phases, respectively. In the presence of cholesterol 16:0-22:6 PC and 22:6 PC both increase the apparent Na+ affinity and change the K+ inhibition observed at low ATP concentration into activation. These effects on Na,K-ATPase kinetics can be explained by the ability of polyunsaturated phospholipids to induce lateral phase separation from cholesterol, which may be partially excluded from interaction with the Na,K-ATPase/lipid interface. Finally, inclusion of polyunsaturated phospholipids may induce changes in the bilayer hydrophobic thickness, which will increase the hydrophobic mismatch between lipids and protein.  相似文献   

The effects of phospholipid acyl chain length (nc) and cholesterol on Na,K-ATPase reconstituted into liposomes of defined lipid composition are described. The optimal hydrophobic thickness of the lipid bilayer decreases from nc = 22 to 18 in the presence of 40 mol% cholesterol. Hydrophobic matching as well as specific interactions of cholesterol with the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reactions is found to be important. A novel regulatory protein has been identified in Na,K-ATPase membrane preparations from the shark (phospholemmanlike protein from shark, PLMS) with significant homology to phospholemman (PLM), the major protein kinase substrate in myocardium. Both are members of the FXYD gene family. Another member of this family is the Na,K-ATPase subunit indicating that these proteins may be specific regulators of the Na,K-ATPase. A regulatory mechanism is described in which association/dissociation of PLMS with the Na,K-ATPase is governed by its phosphorylation by protein kinases.  相似文献   

Fedosova NU  Esmann M 《Biochemistry》2004,43(14):4212-4218
Correlation between the Na,K-ATPase affinity to ADP and the cation (its nature and concentration) present in the medium was investigated. In buffer with low ionic strength (I approximately 1 mM) high-affinity ADP binding was not observed, while a stepwise increase in the concentrations of added cation (Na(+), Tris(+), imidazole(+), N-methylglucamine(+), choline(+)) induced an increase in the ADP affinity. The effect was fully saturated at 30-50 mM for all of the cations tested. The maximal affinity for ADP was slightly higher in the presence of Na(+), Tris(+), or imidazole(+) than in the presence of N-methylglucamine(+) or choline(+) (equilibrium dissociation constant K(d) 0.2-0.3 vs 0.7 microM). The ADP dissociation rates from its complex with enzyme in the presence of Na(+) or Tris(+) were similar, implying identity of the nucleotide-binding enzyme conformations, which therefore are assigned to E(1). The ability to compete with K(+) clearly distinguished Na(+) from other cations, which speaks against the sole involvement of the transport sites in the induction of the ADP-binding E(1) conformation. Since the cations are similar in their mode of induction of the high ADP affinity but they demonstrate a pronounced difference in ability to compete with K(+), their effects cannot be combined within any scheme with only one type of cation-binding sites. We suggest that the high affinity toward nucleotide is induced by cation interactions within the protein or lipid and that these nucleotide-domain-related sites coexist with the transport sites, which bind only Na(+) or K(+).  相似文献   

We have reported that α1 Na/K-ATPase regulates the trafficking of caveolin-1 and consequently alters cholesterol distribution in the plasma membrane. Here, we report the reciprocal regulation of α1 Na/K-ATPase by cholesterol. Acute exposure of LLC-PK1 cells to methyl β-cyclodextrin led to parallel decreases in cellular cholesterol and the expression of α1 Na/K-ATPase. Cholesterol repletion fully reversed the effect of methyl β-cyclodextrin. Moreover, inhibition of intracellular cholesterol trafficking to the plasma membrane by compound U18666A had the same effect on α1 Na/K-ATPase. Similarly, the expression of α1, but not α2 and α3, Na/K-ATPase was significantly reduced in the target organs of Niemann-Pick type C mice where the intracellular cholesterol trafficking is blocked. Mechanistically, decreases in the plasma membrane cholesterol activated Src kinase and stimulated the endocytosis and degradation of α1 Na/K-ATPase through Src- and ubiquitination-dependent pathways. Thus, the new findings, taken together with what we have already reported, revealed a previously unrecognized feed-forward mechanism by which cells can utilize the Src-dependent interplay among Na/K-ATPase, caveolin-1, and cholesterol to effectively alter the structure and function of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In amphibian and mammalian systems, regulation of Na+ transport via the Na,K-ATPase plays an important role in distinct developmental processes such as blastocoele formation and neurulation. In this study, we have followed the Na,K-ATPase activity, the biosynthesis, and the cellular accumulation of catalytic alpha-subunits after fertilization of Xenopus laevis eggs up to neurula formation. Our data show that Na,K-ATPase activity increases significantly between stages 4 and 6 and again between stages 13 and 24. The four-fold rise in Na,K-ATPase activity during blastocoele formation is not mediated by an increased cellular pool of alpha-subunits. On the other hand, a five-fold increase of the biosynthesis rate around midblastula precedes a progressive accumulation up to neurula stage mainly of alpha 1-subunits and to a lesser extent of a second alpha-immunoreactive species. In contrast, newly synthesized glycoproteinic beta 1-subunits of Na,K-ATPase cannot be detected up to late neurula. These data indicate that (1) upregulation of Na,K-ATPase activity during blastocoele and neurula formation are mediated by different regulation mechanisms and (2) alpha- and possibly beta-isoforms are expressed in a developmentally regulated fashion during early Xenopus development.  相似文献   

Fragmental Na,K-ATPase from the electric eel forms three phosphorylated intermediates (EP) with MgATP and Na+: ADP-sensitive K+-insensitive EP (E1P), ADP- and K+-sensitive EP (E*P), and K+-sensitive ADP-insensitive EP (E2P). The EP composition varied with the Na+ concentration. In the reconstituted Na,K-ATPase proteoliposomes (PL), the EP composition of the inside-out form was controlled not only by the intravesicular (extracellular) Na+ concentration, but also by the temperature and the cholesterol content of the lipid bilayer. When the lipid bilayer of PL contained less than 30 mol % cholesterol, the E*P content did not change significantly while the E2P content increased with an elevation in temperature (3-20 degrees C). In contrast, when the lipid bilayer contains more than 35 mol % cholesterol, the E*P content increased while the E2P content stayed less than 10% under the same temperature change. These observations suggest that a high cholesterol content in the lipid bilayer interferes with the E*P to E2P conversion. This cholesterol effect was reversed by ionophores (monensin, nigericin, and A23187). Therefore, E1P-rich EP, E*P-rich EP, or E2P-rich EP could be obtained in the PL under a constant Na+ concentration by using various concentrations of cholesterol and ionophores. The reaction between the proteoliposomal EPs and digitoxigenin (lipid-soluble cardiac steroid) occurred in a single turnover, thereby avoiding unphysiologically high Na+ concentrations. The increase in the ADP- and K+-insensitive EP, which indicated formation of the digitoxigenin-Na,K-ATPase complex, was equivalent to the decrease in the E*P under six different sets of conditions, without any significant change in the E1P and E2P contents. This result indicated that E*P is the active intermediate of the Na,K-ATPase for cardiac steroid binding. Although the E2P has been thought to be the active form for binding, it cannot bind with the cardiac steroid in the presence of Na+ and in the absence of free Mg2+.  相似文献   

The effect of glucose and 2-deoxy-D-glucose on pre-steady state kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by Na,K-ATPase has been investigated by following pH transients in a stopped-flow spectrophotometer. A typical pre-steady state signal showed an initial decrease then subsequent increase in acidity. Under optimal Na^+ (120 mM) and K^+ (30 mM) concentrations, magnitudes of both H^+ release and H^+ absorption were found to be approximately 1.0/ATPase molecule. The presence of 1 mM glucose significantly decreased H^+ absorption at high Na^+ concentrations, whereas it was ineffective at low Na^+. H^+ release was decreased significantly in the presence of 1 mM glucose at Na^+ concentrations ranging from 30 mM to 120 mM. Similar to the control, K^+ did not show any effect on either H^+ release or H^+ absorption at all tested combinations of Na^+ and K^+ concentrations. Pre-steady state H^+ signal obtained in the presence of 2-deoxy-D-glucose did not vary significantly as compared with glucose. Delayed addition of K^+ (by 30 ms) to the mixture (enzyme+ 120 mM Na^+ATP+glucose) showed that only small fractions of population absorb H^+ in the absence of K^+. No H^+ absorption was observed in the absence of Na^+. Delayed mixing of Na^+ or K^+ did not have any effect on H^+ release. Effect of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on H^ absorption and release was almost the same as that of glucose at all combinations of Na^+ and K^+ concentrations. Results obtained have been discussed in terms of an extended kinetic scheme which shows that, in the presence of either glucose or 2-deoxy-D-glucose, significantly fewer enzyme molecules reache the E-P(3Na+) stage and that K^ plays an important role in the conversion of E1 .ADP.P(3Na^+) to H^+.E1-(3Na^+) complex.  相似文献   

Chimeras of the catalytic subunits of the gastric H,K-ATPase and Na, K-ATPase were constructed and expressed in LLC-PK1 cells. The chimeras included the following: (i) a control, H85N (the first 85 residues comprising the cytoplasmic N terminus of Na,K-ATPase replaced by the analogous region of H,K-ATPase); (ii) H85N/H356-519N (the N-terminal half of the cytoplasmic M4-M5 loop also replaced); and (iii) H519N (the entire front half replaced). The latter two replacements confer a decrease in apparent affinity for extracellular K+. The 356-519 domain and, to a greater extent, the H519N replacement confer increased apparent selectivity for protons relative to Na+ at cytoplasmic sites as shown by the persistence of K+ influx when the proton concentration is increased and the Na+ concentration decreased. The pH and K+ dependence of ouabain-inhibitable ATPase of membranes derived from the transfected cells indicate that the H519N and, to a lesser extent, the H356-519N substitution decrease the effectiveness of K+ to compete for protons at putative cytoplasmic H+ activation sites. Notable pH-independent behavior of H85N/H356-519N at low Na+ suggests that as pH is decreased, Na+/K+ exchange is replaced largely by (Na+ + H+)/K+ exchange. With H519N, the pH and Na+ dependence of pump and ATPase activities suggest relatively active H+/K+ exchange even at neutral pH. Overall, this study provides evidence for important roles in cation selectivity for both the N-terminal half of the M4-M5 loop and the adjacent transmembrane helice(s).  相似文献   

Membrane phospholipids represent a potential influence on the enzymatic properties of the Na,K-ATPase. Little is known concerning the effects of the fatty acid environment surrounding the enzyme on the kinetic properties of the Na,K-ATPase. We used the most obvious difference among the α isoforms of rat, their affinities for digitalis glycosides, to examine the relationship between the lipid environment and the Na,K-ATPase. Specific membrane environments that differ in their fatty acid composition were produced by drug-induced diabetes, as well as variations in diet. The α1 isoforms in various tissues were then characterized by their resistance to ouabain in Na,K-ATPase-enriched membrane microsomal fractions. The Na,K-ATPase activity in nerves and hearts were altered by diabetes and partially restored in nerves after a fish oil diet. Evaluation of enzyme kinetics (dose-response curves for ouabain) in membrane preparations allowed us to correlate the ouabain affinity of α1 isoform with fatty acid composition. The affinity of the α1 isoform for ouabain was significantly increased with accretions in the total amount of fatty acids of the n-6 series (P < 0.0001). Our observations provide a partial explanation for the observed difference in isoform properties among tissues. Moreover, these results underline the interaction between membrane fatty acids and the glycoside binding site of the Na,K-ATPase α1 subunit. Received: 15 June 1998/Revised: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

Monofunctional imidoesters such as ethyl acetimidate can induce crosslinking of subunits of the (Na+ + K+) ion-stimulated ATPase. The cross-linked product is shown to be composed of equal parts of two subunits: one phosphorylated by γ-[32P]ATP, the other a glycoprotein. Because crosslinking of proteins by imidoesters normally requires reaction at both ends of a bifunctional reagent, the reaction is unexpected. A model for the reaction is proposed, in which a favorably positioned amino group on one subunit displaces the amidino group on the other, forming a covalent diamidino crosslink between the two subunits.Reaction with imidoesters also partially inhibits the Na,K-ATPase and reduces the sensitivity of the phosphorylated form of the enzyme to potassium ion. This modification resembles the effect of ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na,K-ATPase, and is independent of crosslinking.  相似文献   

Cytokines, including TNFα and IL-1β, are central to the chronic inflammatory process and tissue damage that characterises diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. The mechanisms responsible for long-term generation of these molecules are poorly understood. We have previously demonstrated impaired activity of Na,K-ATPase, a key enzyme regulating intracellular cation levels, on rheumatoid mononuclear cells. Mimicking this `defect' on normal mononuclear cells with ouabain has been shown to induce TNFα and, in particular, IL-1β production, whereas IL-6 synthesis was suppressed. A similar pattern of cytokine generation was noted when mononuclear cells were treated with the sodium ionophore, monensin. Induction of cytokine production was related to up-regulation of the appropriate mRNA, although enhanced secretion of processed IL-1β was also observed. The mechanism underlying these cellular responses appears to involve sodium/calcium exchange across the cell membrane. Impaired Na,K-ATPase activity might promote pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The whole-cell voltage-clamp technique was used in rat cardiac myocytes to investigate the kinetics of ADP binding to phosphorylated states of Na,K-ATPase and its effects on presteady-state Na(+)-dependent charge movements by this enzyme. Ouabain-sensitive transient currents generated by Na,K-ATPase functioning in electroneutral Na(+)-Na(+) exchange mode were measured at 23 degrees C with pipette ADP concentrations ([ADP]) of up to 4.3 mM and extracellular Na(+) concentrations ([Na](o)) between 36 and 145 mM at membrane potentials (V(M)) from -160 to +80 mV. Analysis of charge-V(M) curves showed that the midpoint potential of charge distribution was shifted toward more positive V(M) both by increasing [ADP] at constant Na(+)(o) and by increasing [Na](o) at constant ADP. The total quantity of mobile charge, on the other hand, was found to be independent of changes in [ADP] or [Na](o). The presence of ADP increased the apparent rate constant for current relaxation at hyperpolarizing V(M) but decreased it at depolarizing V(M) as compared to control (no added ADP), an indication that ADP binding facilitates backward reaction steps during Na(+)-Na(+) exchange while slowing forward reactions. Data analysis using a pseudo three-state model yielded an apparent K(d) of approximately 6 mM for ADP binding to and release from the Na,K-ATPase phosphoenzyme; a value of 130 s(-1) for k(2), a rate constant that groups Na(+) deocclusion/release and the enzyme conformational transition E(1) approximately P --> E(2)-P; a value of 162 s(-1)M(-1) for k(-2), a lumped second-order V(M)-independent rate constant describing the reverse reactions; and a Hill coefficient of approximately 1 for Na(+)(o) binding to E(2)-P. The results are consistent with electroneutral release of ADP before Na(+) is deoccluded and released through an ion well. The same approach can be used to study additional charge-moving reactions and associated electrically silent steps of the Na,K-pump and other transporters.  相似文献   

The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP and UTP to induce ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was studied. At low Na+/K+ ratio (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation was observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its efficiency as an active transport substrate. In order to test the hypothesis on the role of the negative charge in position 1 of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide in the reversible transitions from the Na- to the K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase, two ATP analogs (N1-hydroxy-ATP possessing a proton-accepting ability and N1-methoxy-ATP whose molecule carries a negative charge quenched by a methyl group) were used. The first substrate provides for active accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes at a rate similar to that of ATP, whereas the second substrate is fairly ineffective.  相似文献   

Role and regulation of lung Na,K-ATPase.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recognition that pulmonary edema is cleared from the alveolar airspace by active Na+ transport has led to studies of the role and regulation of alveolar epithelial Na,K-ATPases. In the lung these heterodimers are predominantly composed of alpha1 and beta1-subunits and are located on the basolateral aspect of alveolar type 2 epithelial cells (AT2). Working with apically positioned epithelial Na+ channels they generate a transepithelial osmotic gradient which causes the movement of fluid out of the alveolar airspace. Accumulating data indicates that in some forms of pulmonary edema alveolar Na,K-ATPases function is reduced suggesting that pulmonary edema may be due, in part, to impairment of edema clearance mechanisms. Other studies suggest that Na,K-ATPase dysfunction or inhibition may contribute to airway reactivity. It is now recognized that lung Na,K-ATPases are positively regulated by glucocorticoids, aldosterone, catecholamines and growth hormones. These findings have led to investigations that show that enhancement of Na,K-ATPase function can accelerate pulmonary edema clearance in vitro, in normal and injured animal lungs in vivo, and in human lung explants. This review focuses on Na,K-ATPase data from lung and lung cell experiments that highlight the importance of Na,K-ATPases in airway reactivity and in maintaining a dry alveolar airspace. Review of data that suggests that there may be a role for therapeutic modulation of alveolar Na,K-ATPases for the purpose of treating patients with respiratory failure are also included.  相似文献   

The amounts of the polyamines putrescine, spermine and spermidine as well as the Na,K-ATPase activity have been determined in the developing chick brain. The amounts of spermine and spermidine per gram fresh weight do not change significantly, the amount of putrescine declines until the 17th day of incubation after which an increase takes place. Spermine is able to inhibit the Na,K-ATPase from chick brain competitively. Half maximal inhibition is achieved at 4 X 10(-5) mol/1 spermine. This polyamine functions as an allosteric inhibitor; the Hill coefficient is 2.2 +/- 0.3. A regulatory effect of spermine on the Na,K-ATPase from chick brain is discussed. In contrast to spermine 1 mmol/1 spermidine inhibits the Na,K-ATPase only slightly, while 1 mmol/1 putrescine does not inhibit the Na,K-ATPase at all.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a widely used, reversible means of regulating enzymatic activity. Among the important phosphorylation targets are the Na+,K+- and H+,K+-ATPases that pump ions against their chemical gradients to uphold ionic concentration differences over the plasma membrane. The two pumps are very homologous, and at least one of the phosphorylation sites is conserved, namely a cAMP activated protein kinase (PKA) site, which is important for regulating pumping activity, either by changing the cellular distribution of the ATPases or by directly altering the kinetic properties as supported by electrophysiological results presented here. We further review the other proposed pump phosphorylations.  相似文献   

Pre-steady-state phosphorylation of purified Na,K-ATPase from red outer medulla of pig kidney was studied at 25 degrees C and an ample range of [tau-32P]ATP concentrations. At 10 microM ATP phosphorylation followed simple exponential kinetics reaching after 40 ms a steady level of 0.76 +/- 0.04 nmol of P/mg of protein with kapp = 73.0 +/- 6.5 s-1. At 500 microM ATP the time course of phosphorylation changed drastically, since the phosphoenzyme reached a level two to four times higher at a much higher rate (kapp greater than or equal to 370 s-1) and in about 40 ms dropped to the same steady level as with 10 microM ATP. This superphosphorylation was not observed in Na,K-ATPase undergoing turnover in a medium with Mg2+, Na+, and ATP, suggesting that it required the enzyme to be at rest. Superphosphorylation depended on Mg2+ and Na+ and was fully inhibited by ouabain and FITC. After denaturation the phosphoenzyme made by superphosphorylation had the electrophoretic mobility of the alpha-subunit of the Na,K-ATPase, and its hydrolysis was accelerated by hydroxylamine. On a molar basis, the stoichiometry of phosphate per ouabain bound was 2.40 +/- 0.60 after phosphorylation with 1000 microM ATP. The results are consistent with the idea that under proper conditions every functional Na,K-ATPase unit can accept two, or more, phosphates of rapid turnover from ATP.  相似文献   

The effect of ions on the thermostability and unfolding of Na,K-ATPase from shark salt gland was studied and compared with that of Na,K-ATPase from pig kidney by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and activity assays. In 1 mM histidine at pH 7, the shark enzyme inactivates rapidly at 20 °C, as does the kidney enzyme at 42 °C (but not at 20 °C). Increasing ionic strength by addition of 20 mM histidine, or of 1 mM NaCl or KCl, protects both enzymes against this rapid inactivation. As detected by DSC, the shark enzyme undergoes thermal unfolding at lower temperature (Tm ≈ 45 °C) than does the kidney enzyme (Tm ≈ 55 °C). Both calorimetric endotherms indicate multi-step unfolding, probably associated with different cooperative domains. Whereas the overall heat of unfolding is similar for the kidney enzyme in either 1 mM or 20 mM histidine, components with high mid-point temperatures are lost from the unfolding transition of the shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine, relative to that in 20 mM histidine. This is attributed to partial unfolding of the enzyme due to a high hydrostatic pressure during centrifugation of DSC samples at low ionic strength, which correlates with inactivation measurements. Addition of 10 mM NaCl to shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine protects against inactivation during centrifugation of the DSC sample, but incubation for 1 h at 20 °C prior to addition of NaCl results in loss of components with lower mid-point temperatures within the unfolding transition. Cations at millimolar concentration therefore afford at least two distinct modes of stabilization, likely affecting separate cooperative domains. The different thermal stabilities and denaturation temperatures of the two Na,K-ATPases correlate with the respective physiological temperatures, and may be attributed to the different lipid environments.  相似文献   

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