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Finding, assessing, rejecting, and copulating with a mate isassumed to carry fitness costs, particularly for females, thathave to be traded off against fitness benefits of mating suchas increased fecundity, fertility, longevity, or better qualityoffspring. Female dung flies, Sepsis cynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae),typically attempt to dislodge mounted males harassing themby vigorous shaking. Shaking duration has been shown to reflect both direct and indirect female choice in this species. Thelatter is an expression of the females' general reluctanceto mate due to presumed costs of mating. We investigated thecosts of copulation in the laboratory. Females were randomlyassigned to one of three treatment groups and allowed to copulateeither not at all, once, or twice. The males' armored genitalia injured females internally during copula. Injuries were visibleas sclerotized scars in the female ovipositor, and their occurrenceincreased with mating frequency. Presumably due to these injuries,mated females showed higher mortality. This effect was statisticallyindependent from additional costs of reproduction related tooviposition, as copulation also increased lifetime egg productionand tended to augment oviposition rate (eggs per day), while fertility (proportion of offspring emerged) was unaffected.We thus found high mortality costs of copulating, indicatingsubstantial sexual conflict, which helps explain female reluctanceto mate in this species.  相似文献   

Standardized measures of the strength of selection on a character allow quantitative comparisons across populations in time and space. Spatiotemporal variation in selection influences patterns of adaptation and the evolution of characters and must therefore be documented. For the dung-breeding fly Sepsis cynipsea, we document patterns of variation in sexual, fecundity and larval and adult viability selection on body size at several spatiotemporal scales: between-populations, over the season, over the day and between dung pats. Adult viability selection based on residual physiological survivorship in the laboratory was nil or weakly negative. In contrast, larval viability selection in two laboratory environments was weakly positive for males at low competition and females at high competition. Fecundity selection was positive and strong at all times and in all populations. Sexual selection reflecting pairing success was overall strongly positive (about three times stronger than fecundity selection), while selection reflecting male reproductive success via the clutch size of his mate (i.e. assortative mating) was essentially nil. Only sexual selection varied significantly at coarse (between populations and seasonally) but not at fine (within a day or between pats on a pasture) spatial and temporal scales. Quadratic and correlational selection differentials were low and inconsistent in all episodes except for fecundity selection, where there was some evidence that clutch size reaches an asymptote at large body sizes, implying weaker selection for large size as females get bigger. Implications of these results for the evolution of body size and body size dimorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict can elevate mating costs via male inflicted damage to females. Possible selective advantages to males include decreasing the likelihood that females remate and/or increasing females' current reproductive investment in a manner analogous to terminal reproductive investment. We investigated female mating behaviour relative to their number of previous copulations in the fly Sepsis cynipsea, and whether males accepted as first mates were more likely to be accepted again. Females were more likely to remate with new rather than original males, although there was no associated fitness benefit, and in contrast to theoretical predictions, females became less reluctant to remate as the number of previous copulations increased. Additionally, females did not increase reproductive investment as would be expected if they were ensuring their final reproductive efforts were maximized by remating. This suggests that damaging females is a pleiotropic effect which inadvertently leads to increased, not decreased, polyandry.  相似文献   

Males of the green-veined white butterfly (Pieris napi L.) transfer large ejaculates that represent on average 15% of their body mass when mating for a first time. Shortly after mating a male is able to transfer only a small ejaculate when mating a second time. Male ejaculate production plays a crucial role in the mating system ofP. napi because females use male-derived nutrients for egg production and somatic maintenance. Here we study how timing of female rematings and copulation duration are influenced by the mating history of their mates and, also, study if females exert mate choice to minimize their mating costs. Mating with a recently mated male increased female mating costs by increasing time in copula and mating frequency. Virgin females that mated with virgin males remated after an average of 6 days, whereas virgin females that mated with recently mated males remated after an average of 2 days. Moreover, copulations involving recently mated males lasted on average almost 7 h, whereas copulations involving virgin males lasted on average 2 h. Recently mated males were eager to remate, in spite of the fact that the size of the ejaculate they transfer is small and that they remain in copula for a long time. Hence it seems that males are more successful in the sexual conflict over mating decisions and that females do not minimize mating costs by choosing to mate preferentially with virgin males.  相似文献   

The polyandrous fly Sepsis cynipsea has been used extensively in studies of sexual selection and local adaptation. We isolated and characterized 11 novel microsatellite markers for S. cynipsea from a genomic library and screened 32 flies for polymorphism. All microsatellite markers show high allelic diversity with an average of 9.64 alleles per locus. Two microsatellites were found likely to be X-linked. These novel markers will significantly advance studies of sexual selection and evolutionary genetics of S. cynipsea and related species, especially given the low numbers of markers currently available in this family.  相似文献   

Bed bugs are cited as exemplars of sexual conflict because mating can only occur via traumatic insemination. However, past antagonistic coevolution between the sexes does not necessarily preclude current female choice. Here, we investigate opportunities for precopulatory female choice in bed bugs. We examined whether females seek out mating opportunities when they gain the most benefit: when females are virgin and/or have recently fed. But, we found that female mating and feeding status had little effect on female attraction to males and male odor. To determine whether females approach male harborages (home crevices) to seek matings in nature, we investigated where matings occurred among unfamiliar pairs of bed bugs. We found that, despite female attraction to male odor, matings were most likely to take place in the female's harborage rather than the male's harborage. We also examined the effect of feeding on male and female ability to mate. Whereas previous research reported that engorgement impaired female ability to refuse matings, we found that male feeding status had a larger effect on the success of mating encounters than female feeding status. Fed males had poor mating success, suggesting that males may be faced with a trade‐off between mating and feeding.  相似文献   

In the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea large and more symmetric males have been shown to enjoy a mating advantage, but we still do not know which mechanism of sexual selection is responsible. Here we test several assumptions and predictions relating to the hypothesis that either trait is indicative of ‘good genes’. We tested for good genes by regressing fitness in good and bad environments (no and high larval competition, respectively) on the family mean for size or asymmetry as expressed in the good environment, separately for both sexes. Body size (hind tibia length or head width) was positively correlated with female fecundity, growth rate of both sexes and larval survivorship for males, but only in the good environment. The corresponding evidence for asymmetry is more equivocal. Mean standardised asymmetry was weakly associated with lower survivorship in the good environment, while growth rates and female fecundity were not. As predicted by sexual selection theory, fore tibia length showed greater asymmetry than other, presumably not sexually selected traits, and asymmetry in fore tibia length was greater for males than females. However, a negative correlation between trait size and asymmetry was only evident for male seta length but not for fore tibia length, fore femur length, or any composite measure of asymmetry. Most crucially, asymmetry was heritable for some female morphological traits (hind tibia length: h2 = 0.15; fore femur length: h2 = 0.16; mean of all measured traits: h2 = 0.27), but not for any male trait. Also, asymmetry of the various traits measured was not correlated within males and only weakly so within females. The crucial assumption that asymmetry of sexually selected traits reflects overall, heritable developmental stability of an individual is thus only partly substantiated by our data. In contrast, large body size is heritable, associated with high fitness and consequently could be indicative of good genes. Fore leg asymmetry may influence male mating success by simply mechanically constraining his ability to hold on to the female.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Sperm competition is extremely common in many species but conclusions about the relative successes of males, measured as the proportion of a female's offspring fertilised by the second male to mate with it, are based largely on laboratory studies using two laboratory-bred males or on interrupted last copulations.
2. A study was conducted in which virgin female yellow dung flies Scathophaga stercoraria mated uninterrupted with two field-captured males.
3. The results confirmed two previous conclusions: the proportion of a female's offspring fertilised by the second male was related strongly to the copula duration of the second male, and the proportion of a female's offspring fertilised by the second male was lower in larger females, though this effect was weak.
4. The results indicate that previous experiments on laboratory populations of this species are likely to be relevant to wild situations, but researchers are urged to conduct studies that will improve the confidence with which laboratory measures of the proportion of a female's offspring fertilised by the second male can be assumed to reflect the sperm precedence of the last male to mate in natural situations.  相似文献   

Abstract Direct costs and benefits to females of multiple mating have been shown to have large effects on female fecundity and longevity in several species. However, with the exception of studies examining genetic benefits of polyandry, little attention has been paid to the possible effects on offspring of multiple mating by females. We propose that nongenetic effects of maternal matings on offspring fitness are best viewed in the same context as other maternal phenotype effects on offspring that are well known even in species lacking parental care. Hence, matings can exert effects on offspring in the same way as other maternal environment variables, and are likely to interact with such effects. We have conducted a study using yellow dung flies ( Scathophaga stercoraria ), in which we independently manipulated female mating rate, number of mates and maternal thermal environment and measured subsequent fecundity, hatching success, and offspring life-history traits. To distinguish between direct effects of matings and potential genetic benefits of polyandry we split broods and reared offspring at three different temperature regimes. This allowed us to demonstrate that although we could not detect any simple benefits or costs to matings, there are effects of maternal environment on offspring and these effects interact with female mating regime affecting offspring fitness. Such interactions between female phenotype and the costs and benefits of matings have potentially broad implications for understanding female behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract  1. Large male seaweed flies (Diptera: Coelopidae) are more likely to mate than smaller males. This is due to sexual conflict over mating, by which females physically resist male attempts to copulate. In some species, large males are simply more efficient at overpowering female resistance.
2. Female reluctance to mate is likely to have evolved due to the costs of mating to females. In many dipterans, males manipulate female behaviour through seminal proteins that have evolved through sperm competition. This behavioural manipulation can be costly to females, for example forcing females to oviposit in sub-optimal conditions and increasing their mortality.
3. Previous work has failed to identify any ubiquitous costs of mating to female coelopids. The work reported here was designed to investigate the effects of exposure to oviposition sites ( Fucus algae) on the reproductive behaviour of four species of coelopid. Algae deposition in nature is stochastic and females mate with multiple males in and around oviposition sites. Spermatogenesis is restricted to the pupal stage and there is last-male sperm precedence. It was predicted that males would avoid wasting sperm and would be more willing to mate, and to remain paired with females for longer, when exposed to oviposition material compared with control males. Females were predicted to incur longevity costs of mating if mating increased their rate of oviposition, especially in the presence of algae.
4. The behaviour of males of all four species concurred with the predictions; however mating did not affect female receptivity, oviposition behaviour, or longevity. Exposure to algae induced oviposition and increased female mortality in all species independently of mating and egg production. The evolutionary ecology of potential costs of mating to female coelopids are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Previous univariate studies of the fly Sepsis cynipsea (Diptera: Sepsidae) have demonstrated spatiotemporally variable and consequently overall weak sexual selection favouring large male size, which is nevertheless stronger on average than fecundity selection favouring larger females. To identify specific target(s) of selection on body size and additional traits possibly affecting mating success, two multivariate field studies of sexual selection were conducted. In one study using seasonal replicates from three populations, we assessed 15 morphological traits. No clear targets of sexual selection on male size could be detected, perhaps because spatiotemporal variation in selection was again strong. In particular, there was no (current) selection on male abdomen length or fore coxa length, the only traits for which S. cynipsea males are not smaller than females. Interestingly, copulating males had a consistently shorter fore femur base, a secondary sexual trait, and a wider clasper (hypopygium) gap, an external genital trait. In a second study using daily and seasonal replicates from one population, we included physiological measures of energy reserves (lipids, glucose, glycogen), in addition to hind tibia length and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of all pairs of legs. This study again confirmed the mating advantage of large males, and additionally suggests independent positive influences of lipids (the long-term energy stores), with effects of glucose and glycogen (the short-term energy stores) tending to be negative. FA of paired traits was not associated with male mating success. Our study suggests that inclusion of physiological measures and genital traits in phenomenological studies of selection, which is rare, would be fruitful in other species.  相似文献   

Uncovering mate choice and factors that lead to the choice are very important to understanding sexual selection in evolutionary change. Cicadas are known for their loud sounds produced by males using the timbals. However, males in certain cicada species emit 2 kinds of sounds using respectively timbals and stridulatory organs, and females may produce their own sounds to respond to males. What has never been considered is the mate choice in such cicada species. Here, we investigate the sexual selection and potential impact of predation pressure on mate choice in the cicada Subpsaltria yangi Chen. It possesses stridulatory sound-producing organs in both sexes in addition to the timbals in males. Results show that males producing calling songs with shorter timbal–stridulatory sound intervals and a higher call rate achieved greater mating success. No morphological traits were found to be correlated with mating success in both sexes, suggesting neither males nor females display mate preference for the opposite sex based on morphological traits. Males do not discriminate among responding females during mate searching, which may be due to the high energy costs associated with their unusual mate-seeking activity and the male-biased predation pressure. Females generally mate once but a minority of them re-mated after oviposition which, combined with the desirable acoustic traits of males, suggest females may maximize their reproductive success by choosing a high-quality male in the first place. This study contributes to our understanding mechanisms of sexual selection in cicadas and other insects suffering selective pressure from predators.  相似文献   

In the fly, Dryomyza anilis, males copulate repeatedly withthe same female during oviposition. Each copulation bout consistsof intromission followed by several tapping sequences duringwhich the male touches the external genitalia of the femalewith his claspers. The relative fertilization success of thelast male to mate with the female increases with the numberof tapping sequences. In this study, male benefits of repeatedcopulation bouts were examined by comparing matings with thesame number of tapping sequences in one and several copulationbouts. The relative fertilization success for the last maleincreased with successive copulation bouts. Simulated ovipositionpatterns showed that fertilization success in matings with manycopulation bouts was higher than in matings with one bout onlyif eggs were distributed between bouts in a certain way. Thesepredicted oviposition patterns were compared with natural ones.Although males may benefit from repeated copulation, femalesare likely to prefer matings with quick oviposition. This intersexualconflict may also affect natural oviposition patterns. It issuggested that repeated copulation in D. anilis may have evolvedin connection with males trying to secure their paternity becausefemales can discharge sperm at any moment during mating.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Cryptic female choice is a potentially important aspect of the sexual selection process. According to the theory of sexual dialectics, postcopulation manipulation of relative male fertilization success can provide an avenue by which females can circumvent attempts by males to control female reproduction. Here I use stochastic models to investigate the evolution of cryptic female choice in populations with and without age structure. In populations without age structure, cryptic female choice will evolve only when (1) precopulatory mate choice by females is inefficient, (2) variation in male fitness is correlated with a trait upon which a female can base her choice of mates, and (3) the cost of multiple mating is not too high. In populations with age structure, similar conditions apply. However, selection sometimes favors females that employ alternative strategies of female choice at different ages. These results help to define the types of biological systems in which we should expect to see the evolution of cryptic female choice. They also illustrate that the evolution of choice strategies in females may be complex and may mirror in some important respects the evolution of alternative mating tactics in males.  相似文献   

Mating with more than one male often provides direct or indirect benefits to female fitness but can also increase the chance of injury and death. Costs of mating are expected to increase linearly with increasing mating number. But how such costs interact with benefits to determine the net payoff of mating multiply is not well understood. Using the highly cannibalistic Springbok mantis, Miomantis caffra, a species where females are stabbed in the abdomen by males during violent premating struggles that males initiate to avoid being cannibalized, we took an experimental approach to assess the economics of polyandry under the risk of external, male-inflicted injury. We predicted that females that mate multiply would be more likely to show abdominal injuries, have higher prereproductive mortality, produce fewer offspring and be more likely to engage in pre-mating cannibalism to avoid unwanted matings. In line with our predictions, we found that the likelihood of abdominal injury was highest among females that mated at least once, and prereproductive death was highest among females that mated twice or three times. Virgin females completely avoided these costs and produced some offspring parthenogenetically but not enough to provide a net benefit. Although mating was better than not mating, there was no singularly optimal mating number: females that mated once and three times produced similarly high numbers of offspring from the first ootheca, which resulted in an intermediate trough in offspring production at two matings. We also found little evidence that cannibalism was deployed as a mate-avoidance strategy: females consistently attacked and consumed males regardless of how many times they mated or how long they were housed with males. Our results suggest the possibility of two distinct mating strategies in M. caffra, where females either mate at a lower frequency to minimize costs or at a higher frequency to maximize benefits. We discuss possible explanations for this bimodal pattern in offspring production.  相似文献   

Traditional models of sexual selection posit that male courtship signals evolve as indicators of underlying male genetic quality. An alternative hypothesis is that sexual conflict over mating generates antagonistic coevolution between male courtship persistence and female resistance. In the scarabaeine dung beetle Onthophagus taurus, females are more likely to mate with males that have high courtship rates. Here, we examine the effects of exposing females to males with either high or low courtship rates on female lifetime productivity and offspring viability. Females exposed to males with high courtship rates mated more often and produced offspring with greater egg-adult viability. Female productivity and lifespan were unaffected by exposure to males with high courtship rates. The data are consistent with models of sexual selection based on indirect genetic benefits, and provide little evidence for sexual conflict in this system.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that the yellow dung fly mating system may include alternative patroller–competitor mating tactics in which large males compete for gravid females on dung, whereas small, non-competitive males search for females at foraging sites. Small males obtain most matings off pasture, yet the behavioural mechanism(s) giving rise to this pattern are unknown. We investigated the male and female behaviours that determine mating success in this environment by conducting field mating experiments and found small males to benefit from several attributes specific to the off-pasture mating environment. First, small males from foraging sites exhibited higher mating propensity, indicating that large males away from dung may be depleted of energy and/or sperm. Second, small males were more discriminating, being significantly less likely to attempt with non-gravid females, which are absent on dung but common off pasture. Third, non-gravid females were generally more likely to actively struggle and reject mating attempts; however, such behaviours occurred disproportionately more often with large males. Female Scathophaga stercoraria thus appear to preferentially mate with small males when off pasture. These findings challenge assumptions about male–female interactions in systems with alternative mating tactics and reveal hidden processes that may influence selection patterns in the field.  相似文献   

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