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Membrane proteins are found in a variety of conformations, with each protein spanning the membrane a set number of times and adopting a particular orientation. Positively charged residues, often located near the boundaries of transmembrane segments, appear to be involved in specifying the topology of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) are important for the metabolic salvage of nucleosides and the cellular uptake of antineoplastic and antiviral nucleoside analogs. Human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hENT1) is inhibited by nanomolar concentrations of structurally diverse compounds, including dipyridamole, dilazep, nitrobenzylmercaptopurine ribonucleoside (NBMPR), draflazine, and soluflazine. Random mutagenesis and screening by functional complementation for inhibitor-resistant mutants in yeast revealed mutations at Phe-334 and Asn-338. Both residues are predicted to lie in transmembrane segment 8 (TM 8), which contains residues that are highly conserved in the ENT family. F334Y displayed increased V(max) values that were attributed to increased rates of catalytic turnover, and N338Q and N338C displayed altered membrane distributions that appeared to be because of protein folding defects. Mutations of Phe-334 or Asn-338 impaired interactions with dilazep and dipyridamole, whereas mutations of Asn-338 impaired interactions with draflazine and soluflazine. A helical wheel projection of TM 8 predicted that Phe-334 and Asn-338 lie in close proximity to other highly conserved and/or hydrophilic residues, suggesting that they form part of a structurally important region that influences interactions with inhibitors, protein folding, and rates of conformational change during the transport cycle.  相似文献   

A major hurdle in designing successful epitope-based vaccines resides in the delivery, stability, and immunogenicity of the peptide immunogen. The short-lived nature of unmodified peptide-based vaccines in vivo limits their therapeutic application in the immunotherapy of cancers and chronic viral infections as well as their use in generating prophylactic immunity. The incorporation of beta-amino acids into peptides decreases proteolysis, yet its potential application in the rational design of T cell mimotopes is poorly understood. To address this, we have replaced each residue of the SIINFEKL epitope individually with the corresponding beta-amino acid and examined the resultant efficacy of these mimotopes. Some analogs displayed similar MHC binding and superior protease stability compared with the native epitope. Importantly, these analogs were able to generate cross-reactive CTLs in vivo that were capable of lysing tumor cells that expressed the unmodified epitope as a surrogate tumor Ag. Structural analysis of peptides in which anchor residues were substituted with beta-amino acids revealed the basis for enhanced MHC binding and retention of immunogenicity observed for these analogs and paves the way for future vaccine design using beta-amino acids. We conclude that the rational incorporation of beta-amino acids into T cell determinants is a powerful alternative to the traditional homologous substitution of randomly chosen naturally occurring alpha-amino acids, and these mimotopes may prove particularly useful for inclusion in epitope-based vaccines.  相似文献   

The SulP family (including the SLC26 family) is a diverse family of anion transporters found in all domains of life, with different members transporting different anions. We used sequence and bioinformatics analysis of helices 1 and 2 of SulP family members to identify a conserved motif, extending the previously defined 'sulfate transporter motif'. The analysis showed that in addition to being highly conserved in both sequence and spacing, helices 1 and 2 contain a significant number of polar residues and are predicted to be buried within the protein interior, with at least some faces packed closely against other helices. This suggests a significant functional role for this region and we tested this by mutating polar residues in helices 1 and 2 in the sulfate transporter, SHST1. All mutations made, even those removing only a single hydroxyl group, had significant effects on transport. Many mutations abolished transport without affecting plasma membrane expression of the mutant protein, suggesting a functional role for these residues. Different helical faces appear to have different roles, with the most severe effects being localised to two interacting faces of helices 1 and 2. Our results confirm the predicted importance of conserved polar residues in helices 1 and 2 and suggest that transport of sulfate by SHST1 is dependent on a network of polar and aromatic interactions between these two helices.  相似文献   

Critical to vertebrate development is a complex program of events that establishes specialized tissues and organs from a single fertilized cell. Transitions in chromatin architecture, through alterations in its composition and modification markings, characterize early development. A variant of the H2A core histone, H2A.Z, is essential for development of both Drosophila and mice. We recently showed that H2A.Z is required for proper chromosome segregation. Whether H2A.Z has additional specific functions during early development remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that depletion of H2A.Z by RNA interference perturbs Xenopus laevis development at gastrulation leading to embryos with malformed, shortened trunks. Consistent with this result, whole embryo in situ hybridization indicates that endogenous expression of H2A.Z is highly enriched in the notochord. H2A.Z modifies the surface of a canonical nucleosome by creating an extended acidic patch and a metal ion-binding site stabilized by two histidine residues. To examine the significance of these specific surface regions in vivo, we investigated the consequences of overexpressing H2A.Z and mutant proteins during X. laevis development. Overexpression of H2A.Z slowed development following gastrulation. Altering the extended acidic patch of H2A.Z reversed this effect. Remarkably, modification of a single stabilizing histidine residue located on the exposed surface of an H2A.Z containing nucleosome was sufficient to disrupt normal trunk formation mimicking the effect observed by RNA interference. Taken together, these results argue that key determinants located on the surface of an H2A.Z nucleosome play an important specific role during embryonic patterning and provide a link between a chromatin structural modification and normal vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein viral protein R (Vpr) is a major determinant for virus-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest and cytopathicity. Vpr is thought to perform these functions through the interaction with partner proteins. The NMR structure of Vpr revealed solvent exposed hydrophobic amino acids along helices 1 and 3 of Vpr, which could be putative protein binding domains. We previously showed that the hydrophobic patch along helix-3 was important for G2/M blockade and cytopathicity. Mutations of the exposed hydrophobic residues along helix-1 were found to reduce Vpr-induced cell cycle arrest and cell death as well. The levels of toxicity during virion delivery of Vpr correlated with G2/M arrest. Thus, the exposed hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal helix-1 are important for the cell cycle arrest and cytopathicity functions of Vpr.  相似文献   

A series of novel tetrahydronaphthyridine-based histamine H(3) ligands that have serotonin reuptake transporter inhibitor activity is described. The 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2,6-naphthyridine scaffold is assembled via the addition of a nitrostyrene to a metalated pyridine followed by reduction and cyclization to form the naphthyridine. In vitro biological data for these novel compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of human placental brush-border membrane vesicles with four tyrosine group-specific reagents, N-acetylimidazole, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl), tetranitromethane and p-nitrobenzesulfonyl fluoride, inhibited NaCl gradient-driven taurine uptake in these vesicles without affecting the vesicle integrity. The relative potency of these reagents to inhibit the transporter was in the following order: tetranitromethane greater than NBD-Cl greater than p-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride greater than N-acetylimidazole. The inhibition by N-acetylimidazole was reversible with hydroxylamine and the inhibition by NBD-Cl was reversible with 2-mercaptoethanol. Kinetic analysis of taurine uptake in control and in N-acetylimidazole-treated membrane vesicles revealed that the inhibition was primarily due to a reduction in the maximal velocity. There was no change in the affinity of the transporter for taurine in control and treated vesicles. The transporter could be protected from the N-acetylimidazole-induced inhibition by Na+. The dependence of taurine uptake rate on extravesicular Na+ concentration was sigmoidal and analysis of the data revealed that two Na+ ions were involved per transport of one taurine molecule. It is concluded that tyrosine residues are essential for optimal transport function of the human placental taurine transporter and that these critical tyrosine residues are located at or near the Na+-binding site of the transporter.  相似文献   

The nonclassical class I MHC molecule HLA-G is selectively expressed on extravillous cytotrophoblast cells at the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy. HLA-G can inhibit the killing mediated by NK cells via interaction with the inhibitory NK cell receptor, leukocyte Ig-like receptor-1 (LIR-1). Comparison of the sequence of the HLA-G molecule to other class I MHC proteins revealed two unique cysteine residues located in positions 42 and 147. Mutating these cysteine residues resulted in a dramatic decrease in LIR-1 Ig binding. Accordingly, the mutated HLA-G transfectants were less effective in the inhibition of NK killing and RBL/LIR-1 induced serotonin release. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated the involvement of the cysteine residues in the formation of HLA-G protein oligomers on the cell surface. The cysteine residue located at position 42 is shown to be critical for the expression of such complexes. These oligomers, unique among the class I MHC proteins, probably bind to LIR-1 with increased avidity, resulting in an enhanced inhibitory function of LIR-1 and an impaired killing function of NK cells.  相似文献   

D(3) dopamine receptors are expressed by dopamine neurons and are implicated in the modulation of presynaptic dopamine neurotransmission. The mechanisms underlying this modulation remain ill defined. The dopamine transporter, which terminates dopamine transmission via reuptake of released neurotransmitter, is regulated by receptor- and second messenger-linked signaling pathways. Whether D3 receptors regulate dopamine transporter function is unknown. We addressed this issue using a fluorescent imaging technique that permits real time quantification of dopamine transporter function in living single cells. Accumulation of the fluorescent dopamine transporter substrate trans-4-[4-(dimethylamino)styryl]-1-methylpyridinium (ASP(+)) in human embryonic kidney cells expressing human dopamine transporter was saturable and temperature-dependent. In cells co-expressing dopamine transporter and D3 receptors, the D2/D3 agonist quinpirole produced a rapid, concentration-dependent, and pertussis toxin-sensitive increase of ASP(+) uptake. Similar agonist effects were observed in Neuro2A cells and replicated in human embryonic kidney cells using a radioligand uptake assay in which binding to and activation of D3 receptors by [(3)H]dopamine was prevented. D3 receptor stimulation activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase and MAPK. Inhibition of either kinase prevented the quinpirole-induced increase in uptake. D3 receptor activation differentially affected dopamine transporter function and subcellular distribution depending on the duration of agonist exposure. Biotinylation experiments revealed that the rapid increase of uptake was associated with increased cell surface and decreased intracellular expression and increased dopamine transporter exocytosis. In contrast, prolonged agonist exposure reduced uptake and transporter cell surface expression. These results demonstrate that D3 receptors regulate dopamine transporter function and identify a novel mechanism by which D3 receptors regulate extracellular dopamine concentrations.  相似文献   

Larsen MB  Fjorback AW  Wiborg O 《Biochemistry》2006,45(4):1331-1337
The plasma membrane serotonin transporter (SERT) has an important role in terminating serotonergic neurotransmission by re-uptake of 5-HT from the synaptic cleft. The expression of SERT on the cell surface is therefore a critical factor. In this study, we examined the role of the carboxyl terminus of SERT in trafficking to the plasma membrane. 5-HT uptake activity was used to measure the effects of systematic deletions or alanine substitutions in the C-terminus. We found that deletion of 16 amino acids in the distal C-terminus had no effect on uptake activity, whereas further deletion was detrimental for the function of SERT. Cell surface biotinylation was used to determine the role of the C-terminus in localization and trafficking. We showed that the C-terminus is crucial for the delivery of SERT to the plasma membrane and that the deletion of this part of the transporter results in a lack of mature glycosylation and impaired trafficking to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, the C-terminally truncated mutants were shown to have a dominant negative effect on wild-type SERT uptake activity.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) is an oligomeric glycoprotein with two sialic acid residues on each of two complex oligosaccharide molecules. In this study, we investigated the contribution of N-glycosyl modification to the structure and function of SERT in two model systems: wild-type SERT expressed in sialic acid-defective Lec4 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and a mutant form (after site-directed mutagenesis of Asn-208 and Asn-217 to Gln) of SERT, QQ, expressed in parental CHO cells. In both systems, SERT monomers required modification with both complex oligosaccharide residues to associate with each other and to function in homo-oligomeric forms. However, defects in sialylated N-glycans did not alter surface expression of the SERT protein. Furthermore, in heterologous (CHO and Lec4 cells) and endogenous (placental choriocarcinoma JAR cells) expression systems, we tested whether glycosyl modification also manipulates the hetero-oligomeric interactions of SERT, specifically with myosin IIA. SERT is phosphorylated by cGMP-dependent protein kinase G through interactions with anchoring proteins, and myosin is a protein kinase G-anchoring protein. A physical interaction between myosin and SERT was apparent; however, defects in sialylated N-glycans impaired association of SERT with myosin as well as the stimulation of the serotonin uptake function in the cGMP-dependent pathway. We propose that sialylated N-glycans provide a favorable conformation to SERT that allows the transporter to function most efficiently via its protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Mutations of parkin, a protein-ubiquitin E3 ligase, are linked to Parkinson's disease (PD). Although a variety of parkin substrates have been identified, none of these is selectively expressed in dopaminergic neurons, whose degeneration plays a critical role in PD. Here we show that parkin significantly increased dopamine uptake in the human dopaminergic neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y. This effect was accompanied by increased V(max) of dopamine uptake and unchanged K(m). Consistent with this, increased binding sites for dopamine transporter (DAT) ligand were observed in SH-SY5Y cells overexpressing parkin. The results were confirmed when parkin was transfected in HEK293 cells stably expressing DAT. In these cells, parkin enhanced the ubiquitination and degradation of DAT, increased its cell surface expression, and augmented dopamine uptake. The effects of parkin were significantly abrogated by its PD-causing mutations. Because the cell surface expression of functional DAT requires its oligomerization, misfolded DAT, induced either by the protein glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin or by its C-terminal truncation, significantly attenuated cell surface expression of native DAT and reduced dopamine uptake. Expression of parkin, but not its T240R mutant, significantly alleviated these detrimental effects of misfolded DAT. Thus, our studies suggest that parkin increases dopamine uptake by enhancing the ubiquitination and degradation of misfolded DAT, so as to prevent it from interfering with the oligomerization and cell surface expression of native DAT. This function of parkin would enhance the precision of dopaminergic transmission, increase the efficiency of dopamine utilization, and reduce dopamine toxicity on neighboring cells.  相似文献   



Mast cell secretory granules accommodate a large number of components, many of which interact with highly sulfated serglycin proteoglycan (PG) present within the granules. Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) are absolutely required for the survival of the vast majority of living cells. Given the reported ability of polyamines to interact with PGs, we investigated the possibility that polyamines may be components of mast cell secretory granules.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Spermidine was released by mouse bone marrow derived mast cells (BMMCs) after degranulation induced by IgE/anti-IgE or calcium ionophore A23187. Additionally, both spermidine and spermine were detected in isolated mouse mast cell granules. Further, depletion of polyamines by culturing BMMCs with α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) caused aberrant secretory granule ultrastructure, impaired histamine storage, reduced serotonin levels and increased β-hexosaminidase content. A proteomic approach revealed that DFMO-induced polyamine depletion caused an alteration in the levels of a number of proteins, many of which are connected either with the regulated exocytosis or with the endocytic system.


Taken together, our results show evidence that polyamines are present in mast cell secretory granules and, furthermore, indicate an essential role of these polycations during the biogenesis and homeostasis of these organelles.  相似文献   

The norepinephrine (NET) and dopamine (DAT) transporters are highly homologous proteins, displaying many pharmacological similarities. Both transport dopamine with higher affinity than norepinephrine and are targets for the psychostimulants cocaine and amphetamine. However, they strikingly contrast in their affinities for tricyclic antidepressants (TCA). Previous studies, based on chimeric proteins between DAT and NET suggest that domains ranging from putative transmembrane domain (TMD) 5 to 8 are involved in the high affinity binding of TCA to NET. We substituted 24 amino acids within this region in the human NET with their counterparts in the human DAT, resulting in 22 different mutants. Mutations of residues located in extra- or intracytoplasmic loops have no effect on binding affinity of neither TCA nor cocaine. Three point mutations in TMD6 (F316C), -7 (V356S), and -8 (G400L) induced a loss of TCA binding affinity of 8-, 5-, and 4-fold, respectively, without affecting the affinity of cocaine. The triple mutation F316C/V356S/G400L produced a 40-fold shift in desipramine affinity. These three residues are strongly conserved in all TCA-sensitive transporters cloned in mammalian and nonmammalian species. A strong shift in TCA affinity (IC(50)) was also observed for double mutants F316C/D336T (35-fold) and S399P/G400L (80-fold for nortriptyline and 1000-fold for desipramine). Reverse mutations P401S/L402G in hDAT did not elicit any gain in TCA affinities, whereas C318F and S358V resulted in a 3- and 10-fold increase in affinity, respectively. Our results clearly indicate that two residues located in TMD6 and -7 of hNET may play an important role in TCA interaction and that a critical region in TMD8 is likely to be involved in the tertiary structure allowing the high affinity binding of TCA.  相似文献   

The UvrB protein is the central recognition protein in bacterial nucleotide excision repair. We have shown previously that the highly conserved beta-hairpin motif in Bacillus caldotenax UvrB is essential for DNA binding, damage recognition, and UvrC-mediated incision, as deletion of the upper part of the beta-hairpin (residues 97-112) results in the inability of UvrB to be loaded onto damaged DNA, defective incision, and the lack of strand-destabilizing activity. In this work, we have further examined the role of the beta-hairpin motif of UvrB by a mutational analysis of 13 amino acids within or in the vicinity of the beta-hairpin. These amino acids are predicted to be important for the interaction of UvrB with both damaged and non-damaged DNA strands as well as the formation of salt bridges between the beta-hairpin and domain 1b of UvrB. The resulting mutants were characterized by standard functional assays such as oligonucleotide incision, electrophoretic mobility shift, strand-destabilizing, and ATPase assays. Our data indicated a direct role of Tyr96, Glu99, and Arg123 in damage-specific DNA binding. In addition, Tyr93 plays an important but less essential role in DNA binding by UvrB. Finally, the formation of salt bridges between the beta-hairpin and domain 1b, involving amino acids Lys111 bound to Glu307 and Glu99 bound to Arg367 or Arg289, are important but not essential for the function of UvrB.  相似文献   

Glucose transporter (GLUT) 8 is an insulin-responsive facilitative glucose transporter expressed predominantly in the murine blastocyst. To determine the physiologic role of GLUT8, two-cell embryos were cultured to a blastocyst stage in antisense or sense oligonucleotides to GLUT8. Apoptosis was assessed using the TUNEL techniques and recorded as the percentage of TUNEL-positive nuclei/total nuclei. Embryos cultured in GLUT8 antisense experienced increased TUNEL-positive nuclei, whereas sense embryos did not. Embryos cultured in a control AS oligonucleotide, specific for heat shock protein 70-2, showed a rate of apoptosis similar to sense. To determine the outcome of these apoptotic embryos, blastocysts exposed to sense vs. antisense were transferred back into foster mice and the pregnancy continued until Day 14.5, at which time the uteri were examined for normal gestational sacs and resorptions. Embryos exposed to GLUT8 antisense experienced higher rates of resorptions and lower normal pregnancy rates compared to embryos cultured in GLUT8 sense. To examine the insulin growth factor (IGF)-1/insulin intracellular signaling pathways involved in GLUT8 translocation, IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) expression was decreased in the blastocysts with antisense oligonucleotides. Using confocal immunofluorescent microscopy, GLUT8 translocation in response to insulin was observed. Exposure to insulin in the embryos exposed to IGF-1R sense induced translocation of GLUT8 from intracellular compartments to the plasma membrane. Blastocysts exposed to IGF-1R antisense, however, failed to demonstrate any change in the intracellular location of GLUT8 with insulin treatment. The IGF-1R antisense embryos also displayed significantly greater TUNEL staining compared to sense embryos. These data suggest that GLUT8 expression and translocation in response to insulin are critical for blastocyst survival.  相似文献   

Mo X  Luo SZ  López JA  Li R 《FEBS letters》2008,582(23-24):3270-3274
Platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex requires all its three subunits for efficient expression on the cell surface, but the underlying molecular basis is not fully clear. Using transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells as the model system, we demonstrate that juxtamembrane residues 149-154 in the cytoplasmic domain of the GPIbbeta subunit is required for assembly and surface expression of the GPIb-IX complex. The complex, or GPIbbeta by itself, lacking these residues is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results thus have illustrated an important role of the GPIbbeta cytoplasmic domain in biosynthesis of the GPIb-IX complex.  相似文献   

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