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Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), a secondary atmospheric pollutant, is also formed in forest soil and thus ranked among natural organohalogens. The observed biooxidation of atmospheric tetrachloroethene (PER) to TCA in chloroplasts has led to the investigation of the mode of action of TCA in spruce needles, since TCA is also accumulated in the needles after its rapid uptake from soil by roots. Being phytotoxic, TCA considerably influences conifers by affecting their photosynthetic apparatus. We examined the transport of TCA from soil into chloroplasts in order to compare the effects of TCA on conifers from both sources, i.e. endogenously produced within chloroplasts or taken up by roots. The influence of TCA formed in chloroplasts was found to be much more adverse than that of “soil” TCA.  相似文献   

The (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum presents negative cooperativity for the hydrolysis of Mg2+-ATP at different concentration ranges of this substrate. A kinetic model is proposed according to which Mg2+-ATP may bind to three different enzymatic species present during the catalytic cycle, E (K 1=1 µM), EP.Ca2 (K 9=500 µM) and *EP (K 7=20 µM), accelerating the release of Pi. The fact that each of these species has a different affinity for Mg2+-ATP allows a significant enhancement of the rate of Pi release to the medium at the different ranges of Mg2+-ATP concentration where the enzyme shows a kinetic cooperativity. The kinetic analysis of this mechanism yields an equation which is a ratio of two cubic polynomials (3:3 rate equations) with respect to Mg2+-ATP and which may explain the negative cooperativity of the enzyme at different concentration ranges of Mg2+-ATP.Abbreviations: EGTA, ethylene glycol bis(-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid; I.U., international units; piruvate kinase (EC; lactate dehydrogenase (EC; ATP phosphohydrolase (EC  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle controls the contraction-relaxation cycle by raising and lowering the myoplasmic free-Ca2+ concentration. The coupling between excitation, i.e., depolarization of sarcolemma and transvers tubule (TT) and Ca2+ release from the terminal cisternae (TC) of SR takes place at the triad. The triad junction is formed by a specialized region of the TC, the junctional SR, and the TT. The molecular architecture and protein composition of the junctional SR are under active investigation. Since the junctional SR plays a central role in excitation-contraction coupling and Ca2+ release, some of its protein constituents are directly involved in these processes. The biochemical evidence supporting this contention is reviewed in this article.  相似文献   

A mutation of Atp2a2 gene encoding the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2) causes Darier's disease in human and null mutation in one copy of Atp2a2 leads to a high incidence of squamous cell tumor in a mouse model. In SERCA2 heterozygote (SERCA2+/−) mice keratinocytes, mechanisms involved in partial depletion of SERCA2 gene and its related tumor induction have not been studied. In this study, we investigated Ca2+ signaling and differential gene expression in primary cultured keratinocytes from SERCA2+/− mice. SERCA2+/− keratinocytes showed reduced initial increases in intracellular concentration of calcium in response to ATP, a G-protein coupled receptor agonist, and higher store-operated Ca2+ entry with the treatment of thapsigargin, an inhibitor of SERCA, compared to wild type kerationcytes. Protein expressions of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPases, NFATc1, phosphorylated ERK, JNK, and phospholipase γ1 were increased in SERCA2+/− keratinocytes. Using the gene fishing system, we first found in SERCA2+/− keratinocytes that gene level of tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 1, crystalline αB, procollagen XVIII α1, and nuclear factor I-B were increased. Expression of involucrin, a marker of keratinocyte differentiation, was decreased in SERCA2+/− keratinocytes. These results suggest that the alterations of Ca2+ signaling by SERCA2 haploinsufficiency alternate the gene expression of tumor induction and differentiation in keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of Hg2+ and Ch3-Hg+ on the passive and active transport properties of the Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase-rich fraction of skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is reported. The agents abolish active transport, at 10–5 and 10–4 M concentrations, respectively. Addition of the mercurials was also shown to release actively accumulated Ca2+. The mercurials increase the passive Ca2+ and Mg2+ permeability in the absence of ATP at the same concentrations at which they inhibit transport. It is proposed that both effects are the result of direct binding of the mercurials to the SH groups of the Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase pump, altering the conformational equilibria of the pump. The agents were also shown to increase the passive KCl permeability. The SR preparation consists of two vesicle populations with respect to K+ permeability, one with rapid KCl equilibration faciliated by a monovalent cation channel function and one with slow KCl equilibration. The mercurials increase the rates of KCl equilibration in both fractions, but produce higher rates in the fraction containing the channel function. The results are discussed in terms of pump and channel function and are compared with results for the electrical behavior of the Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase and other SR proteins in black lipid membranes, as presented by others.  相似文献   

Although cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) is a potent anticancer drug, clinical use of this agent is highly limited predominantly because of its strong side effects on the kidney and gastrointestinal tracts. We found that cisplatin impaired respiratory function and DNA of mitochondria in renal proximal tubules and small intestinal mucosal cells, thereby inducing apoptosis of epithelial cells. Cisplatin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA (mtDNA) injury, lipid peroxidation, and apoptosis of epithelial cells in the kidney and small intestine were strongly inhibited by L-carnitine. However, carnitine had no appreciable effect on the tumoricidal action of cisplatin against cancer cells inoculated in the peritoneal cavity. These results indicate that L-carnitine may have therapeutic potential for inhibiting the side effects of cisplatin and other anticancer agents in the kidney and small intestine.  相似文献   

In resting muscle, cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration is maintained at a low level by active Ca2+ transport mediated by the Ca2+ ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum. The region of the protein that contains the catalytic site faces the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, while the transmembrane helices form a channel-like structure that allows Ca2+ translocation across the membrane. When the coupling between the catalytic and transport domains is lost, the ATPase mediates Ca2+ efflux as a Ca2+ channel. The Ca2+ efflux through the ATPase channel is activated by different hydrophobic drugs and is arrested by ligands and substrates of the ATPase at physiological pH. At acid pH, the inhibitory effect of cations is no longer observed. It is concluded that the Ca2+ efflux through the ATPase may be sufficiently fast to support physiological Ca2+ oscillations in skeletal muscle, that occur mainly in conditions of intracellular acidosis.  相似文献   

Two kinds of ATP binding sites were found on the ATPase molecule in deoxycholic acid-treated sarcoplasmic reticulum. One was the catalytic site (1 mol/mol active site) and its affinity was high. Upon addition of Ca2+, all the ATP bound to the catalytic site disappeared at 75 mM KCl, while a significant amount of ATP remained bound to the site at 0–2 mM KCl. The latter binding was found to be due to the formation of a slowly exchanging enzyme-ATP complex, which is in equilibrium with phosphoenzyme + ADP. The other binding site was the regulatory one (1 mol/mol active site) and its affinity was low, changing only insignificantly upon addition of Ca2+. The ATP binding to the regulatory site shifted the equilibrium between the slowly exchanging complex and EP toward EP.  相似文献   

The transfer of 14C from Lolium perenne (the donor) to Plantago lanceolata (the receiver), mediated by vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi, was examined when the two species were grown together or separately. The VA mycorrhizal infection led to a significant increase, relative to that in uninfected plants, in the 14C transferred from donor to receiver plants, not only when the roots of the two plants were growing in intimate mixture, but also when they were separated by a root-free zone of 2.33 cm. The majority of isotope transfer between the two plant species was along the direct pathway via VA mycelium.  相似文献   

R. R. Wise  J. B. Harris 《Protoplasma》1984,119(3):222-225
Summary The peripheral reticulum (PR) inCyphomandra betacea chloroplasts originates as vesicles budding from the inner membrane of the chloroplast envelope which elongate to form tubules then aggregate or branch to form discrete PR units. Individual PR units of many coiled tubules may be connected with other units by narrow tubules. Serial sectioning revealed the discrete units to be approximately 650–1,000 nm wide, 400–500 nm high and 500–600 nm deep and to possess a compact morphology. TheCyphomandra PR structure is compared to the morphologies of chloroplast reticula reported for other plant species. A scheme to group PR from different species into 3 distinct morphological categories is outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Cook  P. A.  Stewart  B. A.  Achituv  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):285-290
Translocation of radioactive 14C and 32P between the pyrgomatine barnacle Savignium milleporum and the hydrocoral Millepora dichotoma in the Red Sea was investigated in order to discover any mutual nutritional benefits. Translocation of photosynthetic products from endosymbiotic zooxanthellae to the hydrocoral was demonstrated. There was no evidence that carbon was further translocated to the barnacle. However, hydrocorals bearing barnacles accumulated significantly more 14C and 32P than those with no barnacles. The possibility that the hydrocorals recycle substances excreted by the barnacles is discussed in the context of the oligotrophic environment of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

The error inin vivo 14C incubator measurements of primary production in the Eastern Scheldt when neutral density filters were used and the error obtained when no account was taken of the spectral changes in submarine irradiance that occur with increasing depth, were evaluated theoretically. By multiplying the photosynthetic action spectra of two marine algae by calculated irradiance in the euphotic layer using Kd and Kd() respectively, the gross primary production P[Ed(400–700)] and P[Ed()] was computed. In the green-brown waters of the Eastern Scheldt estuary the use of neutral density filters was sufficient to simulate the underwater light conditions. In clear waters it can cause an overestimation of the gross production.  相似文献   

(Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum has been reconstituted with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, and the activating effect of ATP and Ca2+ on this enzyme has been studied at different temperatures. It has been found that two kinetic forms of the enzyme are interconverted at about 31°C, and this is possibly related to a phase change in the phospholipid which is more directly associated with the protein. Above 31°C the enzyme is less dependent on ATP activation at high ATP concentrations but shows positive cooperativity for Ca2+ activation. On the other hand, below 31°C, the reconstituted enzyme is more dependent on ATP for activation at high ATP concentrations than the purified ATPase and does not show cooperativity for Ca2+ activation.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 Nef protein is an essential modulator of AIDS pathogenesis and we have previously demonstrated that rNef enters uninfected human monocytes and induces T cells bystander activation, up-regulating IL-15 production. Since dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in HIV-1 primary infection we investigated whether rNef affects DCs phenotypic and functional maturation in order to define its role in the immunopathogenesis of AIDS. We found that rNef up-regulates the expression on immature DCs of surface molecules known to be critical for their APC function. These molecules include CD1a, HLA-DR, CD40, CD83, CXCR4, and to a lower extent CD80 and CD86. On the other hand, rNef down-regulates surface expression of HLA-ABC and mannose receptor. The functional consequence of rNef treatment of immature DCs is a decrease in their endocytic and phagocytic activities and an increase in cytokine (IL-1beta, IL-12, IL-15, TNF-alpha) and chemokine (MIP-1alpha, MIP-1beta, IL-8) production as well as in their stimulatory capacity. These results indicate that rNef induces a coordinate series of phenotypic and functional changes promoting DC differentiation and making them more competent APCs. Indeed, Nef induces CD4(+) T cell bystander activation by a novel mechanism involving DCs, thus promoting virus dissemination.  相似文献   

The hydrogenosome, an organelle that produces molecular hydrogen and ATP from the oxidation of pyruvate or malate under anaerobic conditions, presents some characteristics common to mitochondria. The hydrogenosome of Tritrichomonas foetus, a cattle parasite, is a spherical organelle that presents a peripheral vesicle the origin and behavior of which is poorly known. In this article it is reported an ultrastructural and microanalytical study using energy dispersive X-ray analysis, 3D reconstruction and cytochemistry of the hydrogenosome peripheral vesicle and then compare the results with the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope of T. foetus. Similarities between the hydrogenosome peripheral vesicle and the ER are presented. This study included: (1) the detection of ER enzymes by cytochemistry, such as glucose-6-phosphatase, IDPase, acid phosphatase and Ca(2+) -ATPase; (2) elemental composition by X-ray microanalysis and the mapping of calcium, phosphorus and oxygen in both ER and hydrogenosome peripheral vesicle; (3) freeze-fracture; (4) TEM of routine and cryofixed cells by high-pressure freezing and freeze-substitution; (5) 3D reconstruction, (6) monoclonal antibody anti-trichomonads ER; and (6) other cytochemical techniques that detects ER, such as the ZIO and lectins. We found a similar composition of the tested enzymes and other elements present in the ER when compared with the hydrogenosome's peripheral vesicle. It was concluded that, like mitochondria, hydrogenosome presents relationships with the ER, especially the peripheral vesicle.  相似文献   

The release of H+ during the oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles is kinetically coincident with the initial phase of Ca2+ accumulation. The Ca2+ uptake is increased and the H+ release is decreased in the presence of KCl and other monovalent chloride salts as expected for a H+-monovalent cation exchange. The functioning of the Ca2+-pump is disturbed by the presence of potassium gluconate and, to a lesser extent, of choline chloride. These salts do not inhibit the ATPase activity of Ca2+-permeable vesicles, suggesting a charge imbalance inhibition which is specially relevant in the case of gluconate. Therefore, K+, and also Cl, appear to be involved in secondary fluxes during the active accumulation of Ca2+. The microsomal preparation seems homogeneous with respect to the K+-channel, showing an apparent rate constant for K+ release of approximately 25 s–1 measured with the aid of86Rb+ tracer under equilibrium conditions. A Rb+ efflux, sensitive to Ca2+-ionophore, can be also detected during the active accumulation of Ca2+. The experimental data suggest that both monovalent cations and anions are involved in a charge compensation during the Ca2+ uptake and H+ release. Fluxes of these highly permeable ions would contribute to cancel the formation of a resting membrane potential through the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are effective as antigen-presenting cells in the immune system and are present at two functional stages depending on their maturation state. For experimental investigation of this concept, CD14+ monocytes from blood are isolated and cultured to generate in vitro the DCs needed for functional analysis. For positive selection of CD14+ monocytes we compared two immunomagnetic bead technologies: MACS® Separation, created by Miltenyi Biotec, and EasySep® Selection, created by StemCell Technologies. The monocytes provided dendritic cells for their functional analysis. Lipopolysaccharide was added to cultured DCs to induce maturation. Although both systems generated DCs from the positively selected CD14+ cells, there were certain differences between them. Morphological, phenotypic, and functional analysis showed that MACS®-selection provided DCs that have typical features corresponding to day 6 or 7 of maturation. EasySep®–DCs exist in a partially-mature state from day 6 onward, even without the addition of a maturation stimulus. The reason behind this partial maturation is possibly based on the dextran-coated beads that are associated with the EasySep® product. Both methods provide pure and viable DCs, but we would recommend using the MACS® system for obtaining DCs suitable for functional studies.  相似文献   

The effects of various local anesthetics (LAs) on the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor were tested. The LAs were divided into three categories according to their effects on the binding of ryanodine to the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Ryanodine binding was assayed in the presence of 0.2 m NaCl and 10 m CaCl2. Tetracaine and dibucaine inhibit the binding with half-maximal inhibition (CI50) of 0.12 and 0.25 mm, respectively, while inhibition by benzocaine and procaine occurs with CI50 of about 10-fold higher. Lidocaine, its analogue QX-314, and prilocaine, on the other hand, stimulate the binding up to fourfold with half-maximal stimulation occurring with about 2 mm of the drugs. Lidocaine increases both the receptor affinity for ryanodine by about fivefold and the rate of ryanodine association with its binding site by about 10-fold.Tetracaine interacts with the ryanodine receptor in a non-competitive fashion with respect to ryanodine but it competes with lidocaine for its binding site, suggesting the existence of a single site for the inhibitory and stimulatory LA.  相似文献   

A polyallylamine carrying long hydrophobic dodecyl groups and adenine residues as side chains (PALAD C12) may be able to catalyze the hydrolysis ofN-carbobenzoxy-l-alaninep-nitrophenyl ester (N-Cbz-Ala) as well asp-nitrophenyl acetate (pNPA). The progress curve of hydrolysis of the former displays a long lag and apparently no steady state. After this transient the rate falls off due to the accumulation of the products. Conversely, the hydrolysis ofp-nitrophenyl acetate displays classical burst kinetics followed by a slow decline of the reaction rate. Theoretical considerations show that a steady state may be expected to occur only if the concentration of the free catalyst is very small during the reaction. This condition is sufficient to allow the rate of disappearance of the substrate to be equal to the rate of appearance of the products, which is precisely a condition for the existence of a steady state. If the catalyst is poorly active and has a loose affinity for its substrate and product, the measurement of a significant reaction rate will require a much larger concentration of the catalyst. Therefore, under these conditions, one cannot expect a steady state to occur. The mathematical expression of the error made in the steady-state assumption has been derived. This error increases with the catalyst concentration and decreases if the affinity of the substrate for the catalyst is high. Therefore the lack of steady state is associated with the affinity (or the dissociation) of the substrate and the product for the catalyst. When this affinity is low, the free concentration of the catalyst during the reaction is high and one cannot expect a steady state to occur. This is precisely what takes place with N-Cbz-Ala. A mathematical expression of the rate of hydrolysis of N-Cbz-Ala and of any reactant that displays this type of kinetics may be derived at the end of the transient when the rate is close to its maximum value. Under these conditions the rate cannot follow classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics and displays positive cooperativity. It may therefore be speculated that primordial template-like catalysts that were displaying a poor affinity for their substrates and products were already exhibiting apparent positive cooperativity in the kinetic reactions they were able to catalyze. Correspondence to: J. Ricard  相似文献   

Eeva-Liisa Karjalainen  Andreas Barth 《BBA》2007,1767(11):1310-1318
The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a) pumps Ca2+ and countertransport protons. Proton pathways in the Ca2+ bound and Ca2+-free states are suggested based on an analysis of crystal structures to which water molecules were added. The pathways are indicated by chains of water molecules that interact favorably with the protein. In the Ca2+ bound state Ca2E1, one of the proposed Ca2+ entry paths is suggested to operate additionally or alternatively as proton pathway. In analogs of the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme E2P and in the Ca2+-free state E2, the proton path leads between transmembrane helices M5 to M8 from the lumenal side of the protein to the Ca2+ binding residues Glu-771, Asp-800 and Glu-908. The proton path is different from suggested Ca2+ dissociation pathways. We suggest that separate proton and Ca2+ pathways enable rapid (partial) neutralization of the empty cation binding sites. For this reason, transient protonation of empty cation binding sites and separate pathways for different ions are advantageous for P-type ATPases in general.  相似文献   

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