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In several species of electric fish with a sex difference in their pulse-type electric organ discharge (EOD), the action potential-generating cells of the electric organ (electrocytes) of males are larger and more invaginated compared to females. Androgen treatment of females and juveniles produces a longer-duration EOD pulse that mimics the mature male EOD, with a concurrent increase in electrocyte size and/or membrane infolding. In Sternopygus macrurus, which generates a wave-type EOD, androgen also increases EOD pulse duration. To investigate possible morphological correlates of hormone-dependent changes in EOD in Sternopygus, we examined electric organs from both fish collected in the field, and untreated and androgen-treated specimens in the laboratory. The electrocytes are cigar shaped, with prominent papillae on the posterior, innervated end. Electrocytes of field-caught specimens were significantly larger in all parameters than were electrocytes of specimens maintained in the laboratory. EOD pulse duration and frequency were highly correlated, and were significantly different between the sexes in sexually mature fish. Nevertheless, no sex difference in electrocyte morphology was observed, nor did any parameters of electrocyte morphology correlate with EOD pulse duration or frequency. Further, whereas androgen treatment significantly lowered EOD frequency and broadened EOD pulse duration, there was no difference in electrocyte morphology between hormone-treated and control groups. Thus, in contrast to results from studies on both mormyrid and gymnotiform pulse fish, electrocyte morphology is not correlated with EOD waveform characteristics in the gymnotiform wave-type fish Sternopygus. The data, therefore, suggest that sex differences in EOD are dependent on changes in active electrical properties of electrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish produce a communication signal, the electric organ discharge, that is species specific, and in many species, sexually dimorphic. Because the neural circuit that controls the electric organ discharge is relatively simple, it is an excellent model in which to study both the biophysical mechanisms underlying a rhythmic behavior and the neuroendocrine control of a sexually dimorphic behavior. By studying the effects of ion channel blockers on neurons in the medullary pacemaker nucleus, I pharmacologically characterized three ionic currents that influence the pacemaker rhythm, and thus electric organ discharge frequency, in the gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. These currents included a tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium current; a potassium current that was sensitive to 4-aminopyridine; and a calcium current that was sensitive to nickel and cadmium, but resistant to specific blockers of L-, N-, P-, and Q-type calcium currents. The pharmacological profiles of the ionic currents in the pacemaker nucleus are similar to those of ionic currents involved in pacemaking in other neuronal oscillators. Because these ionic currents dramatically influence pacemaker firing frequency, which is directly related to electric organ discharge frequency, these ionic currents are likely targets of steroid hormone action in producing sexual dimorphisms in electric organ discharge frequency. Additional studies are needed to determine how these ionic currents interact to generate the electric organ discharge rhythm and to investigate the possibility that sexual dimorphism in the electric organ discharge results from the actions of gonadal steroids on these ionic currents. Accepted: 3 June 1999  相似文献   

1. Sternopygus macrurus were collected in Venezuela during the period of gonadal recrudescence in early or late dry season. Electric organ discharge (EOD) frequencies were recorded, blood samples were taken for analysis of steroid titers, and gonads were taken for determination of reproductive condition. 2. Mean EOD frequencies were significantly lower in males than in females in all samples. EOD frequency was inversely correlated with body length in males in late, but not early, dry season, and these parameters were never correlated in females. 3. Plasma levels of testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), but not estradiol-17 beta (E2), were inversely correlated with EOD frequency in males. No 11-KT was observed in plasma of females, and plasma levels of T and E2 in females were comparable to those of males. Neither T nor E2 were correlated with EOD frequency in females. 4. Testes collected in late dry season were more mature than those from early dry season; androgen levels and EOD frequency were correlated with testicular maturity. Ovaries collected in early dry season were immature, while those from late dry season were more mature. There was no relationship between EOD frequency and stage of ovarian development. 5. These results suggest that plasma androgens modulate EOD frequency in males during the reproductive season and that plasma E2 has little relationship to EOD frequency in either sex.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish such as Sternopygus macrurus utilize a unique signal production system, the electric organ (EO), to navigate within their environment and to communicate with conspecifics. The electric organ discharge (EOD) generated by the Sternopygus electric organ is quasi-sinusoidal and sexually dimorphic; sexually mature males produce long duration EOD pulses at low frequencies, whereas mature females produce short duration EOD pulses at high frequencies. EOD frequency is set by a medullary pacemaker nucleus, while EOD pulse duration is determined by the kinetics of Na+ and K+ currents in the electric organ. The inactivation of the Na+ current and the activation of the delayed rectifying K+ current of the electric organ covary with EOD frequency such that the kinetics of both currents are faster in fish with high (female) EOD frequency than those with low (male) EOD frequencies. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) implants masculinize the EOD centrally by decreasing frequency at the pacemaker nucleus (PMN). DHT also acts at the electric organ, broadening the EO pulse, which is at least partly due to a slowing of the inactivation kinetics of the Na+ current. Here, we show that chronic DHT treatment also slows the activation and deactivation kinetics of the electric organ's delayed rectifying K+ current. Thus, androgens coregulate the time-varying kinetics of two distinct ion currents in the EO to shape a sexually dimorphic communication signal.  相似文献   

I recorded the electric organ discharges (EODs) of 331 immature Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus 6–88 mm long. Larvae produced head-positive pulses 1.3 ms long at 7 mm (6 days) and added a second, small head-negative phase at 12 mm. Both phases shortened duration and increased amplitude during growth. Relative to the whole EOD, the negative phase increased duration until 22 mm and amplitude until 37 mm. Fish above 37 mm produced a “symmetric” EOD like that of adult females. I stained cleared fish with Sudan black, or fluorescently labeled serial sections with anti-desmin (electric organ) or anti-myosin (muscle). From day 6 onward, a single electric organ was found at the ventral margin of the hypaxial muscle. Electrocytes were initially cylindrical, overlapping, and stalk-less, but later shortened along the rostrocaudal axis, separated into rows, and formed caudal stalks. This differentiation started in the posterior electric organ in 12-mm fish and was complete in the anterior region of fish with “symmetric” EODs. The lack of a distinct “larval” electric organ in this pulse-type species weakens the hypothesis that all gymnotiforms develop both a temporary (larval) and a permanent (adult) electric organ. Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

Motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) innervate the perineal muscles, bulbocavernosus (BC), and levator ani (LA). Testosterone regulates the survival of SNB motoneurons and BC/LA muscles during perinatal life. Previous findings suggest that effects of testosterone on this system may be mediated by trophic factors—in particular, by a factor acting through the ciliary neurotrophic factor α‐receptor (CNTFRα). To test the role of CNTFRα in the response of the developing SNB system to testosterone, CNTFRα +/+ and −/− mice were treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or oil during late embryonic development. BC/LA muscle size and SNB motoneuron number were evaluated on the day of birth. Large sex differences in BC and LA muscle size were present in newborn mice of both genotypes, but muscle volumes were reduced in CNTFRα −/− animals relative to same‐sex, wild‐type controls. Prenatal testosterone treatment completely eliminated the sex difference in BC/LA muscle size in wild‐type animals, and eliminated the effect of the CNTFRα gene deletion on muscle size in males. However, the effect of TP treatment on BC and LA muscle sizes was blunted in CNTFRα −/− females. SNB motoneuron number was sexually dimorphic in oil‐treated, wild‐type mice. In contrast, there was no sex difference in SNB motoneuron number in oil‐treated, CNTFRα knockout mice. Prenatal treatment with testosterone did not increase SNB motoneuron number in CNTFRα −/− mice, but also did not significantly increase SNB motoneuron number in newborn wild‐type animals. These findings confirm the absence of a sex difference in SNB motoneuron number in CNTFRα −/− mice. Moreover, the CNTFRα gene deletion influences perineal muscle development and the response of the perineal muscles to testosterone. Prenatal TP treatment of CNTFRα −/− males overcomes the effects of the gene deletion on the BC and LA muscles without a concomitant effect on SNB motoneuron number. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 41: 317–325, 1999  相似文献   

Summary The electric organ discharge (EOD) potential was mapped on the skin and midplane of several Apteronotus leptorhynchus. The frequency components of the EOD on the surface of the fish have extremely stable amplitude and phase. However, the waveform varies considerably with different positions on the body surface. Peaks and zero crossings of the potential propagate along the fish's body, and there is no point where the potential is always zero. The EOD differs significantly from a sinusoid over at least one third of the body and tail. A qualitative comparison between fish showed that each individual had a unique spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential on its body.The potential waveforms have been assembled into high temporal and spatial resolution maps which show the dynamics of the EOD. Animation sequences and Macintosh software are available by anonymous ftp (mordor.cns.caltech.edu; cd/pub/ElectricFish).We interpret the EOD maps in terms of ramifications on electric organ control and electroreception. The electrocytes comprising the electric organ do not all fire in unison, indicating that the command pathway is not synchronized overall. The maps suggest that electroreceptors in different regions fulfill different computational roles in electroreception. Receptor mechanisms may exist to make use of the phase information or harmonic content of the EOD, so that both spatial and temporal patterns could contribute information useful for electrolocation and communication.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - EO electric organ - CV coefficient of variance  相似文献   

The evolutionary causes of sexual dimorphism in plants have not been as widely studied as in animals and the importance of sexual selection in causing dimorphism remains controversial. Sexual selection is most obvious when it favours the evolution of a trait which enhances mating success at the expense of decreased viability. We studied the relationship between floral display (number of inflorescences), pollinator attraction and plant survival in a dioecious shrub, Leucadendron xanthoconus. Pollinator attraction, measured as the number of insect pollinators, increased linearly with floral display in males. However, males with extravagant displays had a higher probability of dying. Our data suggest that male plants are undergoing selection on floral display for increased mating success counterbalanced by selection against plants with extravagant displays. Seed set in females did not increase with floral display, except at very low inflorescence numbers. Nor was female survival correlated with floral display. Because inflorescences are terminal in the species, selection for more inflorescences in males causes increased ramification, thinner terminal branches and smaller leaves. Thus vegetative dimorphism in this species appears to be caused by selection for extravagant floral display in males, but not females. Limits to dimorphism are imposed by survival costs of elaborate display.  相似文献   

Most sexually reproducing animal species are characterized by two morphologically and behaviorally distinct sexes. The genetic, molecular and cellular processes that produce sexual dimorphisms are phylogenetically diverse, though in most cases they are thought to occur early in development. In some species, however, sexual dimorphisms are manifested after development is complete, suggesting the intriguing hypothesis that sex, more generally, might be considered a continuous trait that is influenced by both developmental and postdevelopmental processes. Here, we explore how biological sex is defined at the genetic, neuronal and behavioral levels, its effects on neuronal development and function, and how it might lead to sexually dimorphic behavioral traits in health and disease. We also propose a unifying framework for understanding neuronal and behavioral sexual dimorphisms in the context of both developmental and postdevelopmental, physiological timescales. Together, these two temporally separate processes might drive sex‐specific neuronal functions in sexually mature adults, particularly as it pertains to behavior in health and disease.  相似文献   

Understanding the interaction between sexual and natural selection within variable environments is crucial to our understanding of evolutionary processes. The handicap principle predicts females will prefer males with exaggerated traits provided those traits are indicators of male quality to ensure direct or indirect female benefits. Spatial variability in ecological factors is expected to alter the balance between sexual and natural selection that defines the evolution of such traits. Male and female blackspotted topminnows (Fundulidae: Fundulus olivaceus) display prominent black dorsolateral spots that are variable in number across its broad range. We investigated variability in spot phenotypes at 117 sites across 13 river systems and asked if the trait was sexually dimorphic and positively correlated with measures of fitness (condition and gonadosomatic index [GSI]). Laboratory and mesocosm experiments assessed female mate choice and predation pressure on spot phenotypes. Environmental and community data collected at sampling locations were used to assess predictive models of spot density at the individual, site, and river system level. Greater number of spots was positively correlated with measures of fitness in males. Males with more spots were preferred by females and suffered greater mortality due to predation. Water clarity (turbidity) was the best predictor of spot density on the drainage scale, indicating that sexual and natural selection for the trait may be mediated by local light environments.  相似文献   

S. Ciali    J. Gordon  P. Moller   《Journal of fish biology》1997,50(5):1074-1087
The spectral sensitivity of the weakly electric mormyrid fish Gnathonemus petersi was investigated under dark- and light-adapted conditions using a transient change (startle) in its electric organ discharge (EOD) rate as response measure. The startle was resistant to habituation and graded with light intensity. Under both lighting conditions, the fish responded optimally to a monochromatic light of 525 nm. A porphyropsin pigment (520–5402) appears to mediate spectral sensitivity over most of the visible spectrum. However, G. petersi responded more strongly to 625- and 675-nm lights (dark- and light-adapted fish) and a 725-nm light (light-adapted fish only) than predicted by the presence of a single rod pigment. These data suggest that at least one additional visual pigment (most likely of cone cells) maximally absorbing long wavelength light (600 nm or longer) is present. The spectral sensitivity data are consistent with the sensitivity hypothesis in that heightened sensitivity to long wavelength light is predicted for fish living in blackwater habitats which are characterized typically by low light levels and transmission of predominantly long wavelengths. Histology of the retina showed photoreceptors grouped into bundles and ensheathed by pigment epithelial cells. Our results demonstrated a functional visual sense in a species of fish much better known and studied for its electrosensory and electromotor abilities.  相似文献   

An examination of the permanent bony structures of the anal fin complex in the mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii , revealed two new structural sexual dimorphisms: longer proximal pterygiophores and wider anal fin rays in males than in females. Both structures are thought to facilitate the male's courtship‐associated anal fin reflex. Adult male mormyrid fishes are characterized by a dorsally directed indentation of the posterior body wall (anal fin indentation). The expression of this indentation in males, presumably driven by anal fin musculature, was correlated with the fish's gonadal state: large indentations were associated with high gonado‐somatic indices and small indentations with low indices.  相似文献   

The life histories of carnivorous marsupials, or dasyurids, make them useful subjects for studying maternal investment, such as sex ratio and lactational investment. One group of annual breeding dasyurids are male semelparous, strongly sexually dimorphic, produce large litters that weigh two to three times the weight of the mother at weaning and show biases in siring success and sex ratio. Red-tailed phascogales Phascogale calura belong to this group and in captivity they have shown biases in siring success with body weight. The growth rates of young of this species were investigated to determine whether sex-biased maternal investment occurs. No relationship was evident between maternal weight and the sex ratio of young, indicating no sex-ratio adjustment with maternal condition. In contrast, a positive relationship was evident between maternal weight and the weight of offspring at weaning, with weaning weight being correlated with weight at maturity. Dimorphism in weight emerged during suckling, with an average dimorphic ratio of 1.5 achieved by maturity. In contrast, dimorphism in skeletal measures did not emerge until after weaning, with an average dimorphic ratio of 1.14 achieved by maturity. The sex differences in growth during suckling provide support for a male bias in maternal investment.  相似文献   

Summary Three weakly electric fish (Gnathonemus petersii) were force-choice trained in a two-alternative procedure to discriminate between objects differing in their electrical characteristics. The objects were carbon dipoles in plexiglass tubing (length 2.5 cm, diameter 0.6 cm). Their electrical characteristics could be changed by varying the impedance of an external circuit to which they were connected (Fig. 1). In one (the capacitance dipole) the resistance was very low(< 3 ) and the capcitance variable. In the other (the resistance dipole) the resistance was variable and the capacitance low (<50 pF).Capacitances from several hundred pF (lower thresholds, Fig. 2) to several hundred nF (upper thresholds, Fig. 3) could be discriminated from both insulators and good conductors. In all cases the reward-negative stimulus was the capacitance dipole, which was avoided by all fish spontaneously. Thresholds were defined at 70% correct choices.The fish were then tested for their ability to discriminate between one object with a given capacitance and another with resistances varying from 3 to 200 k. The capacitance dipole continued to be the negative stimulus throughout. All 3 fish avoided it in at least 80% of the trials at each stimulus combination (Fig. 4). This result suggests that Gnathonemus perceives the capacitance and the resistance of objects differentially.The effect of the dipole-objects as well as some natural objects on the local EOD was recorded differentially very close to the fish's skin (Fig. 5). The amplitude of the local EODs was affected by all types of objects as they approached the skin. However, the waveform was changed only by capacitance dipoles and some natural objects (Figs. 6 and 7). It appears that the fish perceive not only intensity changes in the local EOD but wave-form deformations as well and can thus distinguish objects of different complex impedances.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - f max maximal spectral frequency - GP Gnathonemus petersii - LFS local filtered signal - PMA probing motor act - S+ positive stimulus - S negative stimulus  相似文献   

Brown ghost knife fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, produce sexually dimorphic, androgen-sensitive electrocommunication signals termed chirps. The androgen regulation of chirping has been studied previously by administering exogenous androgens to females and measuring the chirping response to artificial electrical signals. The present study examined the production of chirps during dyadic interactions of fish and correlated chirp rate with endogenous levels of one particular androgen, 11-ketotestosterone (11KT). Eight males and four females were exposed to short-term (5-min) interactions in both same-sex and opposite-sex dyads. Twenty-four hours after all behavioral tests, fish were bled for determination of plasma 11KT levels. Males and females differed in both their production of chirps and their ability to elicit chirps from other fish: males chirped about 20-30 times more often than females and elicited 2-4 times as many chirps as females. Among males, chirp rate was correlated positively with plasma 11KT, electric organ discharge frequency, and body size. Combined with results from experimental manipulation of androgen levels, these results support the hypothesis that endogenous 11KT levels influence electrocommunication behavior during interactions between two male fish.  相似文献   

Understanding how electrosensory images are generated and perceived in actively electrolocating fish requires the study of the characteristics of fish bodies as electric sources. This paper presents a model ofGymnotus carapo based on measurements of the electromotive force generated by the electric organ and the impedance of the passive tissues. A good agreement between simulated and experimentally recorded transcutaneous currents was obtained. Passive structures participate in the transformation of the electromotive force pattern into transcutaneous current profiles. These spatial filtering properties of the fish's body were investigated using the model. The shape of the transcutaneous current profiles depends on tissue resistance and on the geometry and size of the fish. Skin impedance was mainly resistive. The effect of skin resistance on the spatial filtering properties of the fish's body was theoretically analyzed.The model results show that generators in the abdominal and central regions produce most of the currents through the head. This suggests that the electric organ discharge (EOD), generated in the abdominal and central regions is critical for active electrolocation. In addition, the well-synchronized EOD components generated all along the fish produce large potentials in the far field. These components are probably involved in long-distance electrocommunication.Preliminary results of this work were published as a symposium abstract.  相似文献   

The evolution of sexual dimorphism will depend on how sexual, fecundity and viability selection act within each sex, with the different forms of selection potentially operating in opposing directions. We examined selection in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia using planted arrays of selection lines that differed in flower size (small vs. large). In this species, a flower size/number trade-off exists within each sex, and males produce smaller and more numerous flowers than females. Moreover, floral traits are genetically correlated with leaf physiology. Sexual selection favoring males in the small-flower line occurred via greater overlap in the timing of flower output between males from this line and females. Fecundity selection favored males with high flower production, as siring success was proportionate to pollen production. Viability selection opposed sexual selection, favoring males from the large-flower line. In females, fecundity and viability selection operated in the same direction, favoring those from the large-flower line via greater seed production and survival. These results concur with the pattern of floral sexual dimorphism. Together with previous results they suggest that the outcome of the different forms of selection will be environmentally dependent, and therefore help to explain variation among populations in sexually dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the synaptic events in neurons of the pacemaker nucleus of Gymnotus carapo during the increase in rate of the electric organ discharge following activation of Mauthner cells. Pacemaker and relay cells were investigated using intracellular recordings which were performed under two different conditions: (1) with the pacemaker nucleus spontaneously discharging and (2) after its activity was abolished by anesthesia. Mauthner axon activation induced an increase in the rate of pacemaker cell discharges. This response was accompanied by an increase in the slope of the pacemaker potential (up to 110%) and a depolarization of these cells. The discharges of relay cells followed one to one those of pacemaker cells. In contrast to that observed in pacemaker cells, only brief depolarizing antidromic effects could be evoked in relay cells after Mauthner axon activation. In quiescent pacemaker cells, Mauthner cell activation induced a prolonged (up to 500 ms) depolarizing potential with an average amplitude of 1.92 ± 0.82 mV; its latency was 4.43 ± 1.14 ms. Our data indicate that, within the pacemaker nucleus, the population of pacemaker cells is the only target for Mauthner cell-evoked, short-latency excitatory synaptic actions. Accepted: 1 March 1997  相似文献   

Mormyrid fishes produce and sense weak electric organ discharges (EODs) for object detection and communication, and they have been increasingly recognized as useful model organisms for studying signal evolution and speciation. EOD waveform variation can provide important clues to sympatric species boundaries between otherwise similar or morphologically cryptic forms. Endemic to the watersheds of Gabon (Central Africa), Ivindomyrus marchei and Ivindomyrus opdenboschi are morphologically similar to one another. Using morphometric, electrophysiological and molecular characters [cytochrome b sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genotypes], we investigated to what extent these nominal mormyrid species have diverged into biological species. Our sampling covered the known distribution of each species with a focus on the Ivindo River, where the two taxa co-occur. An overall pattern of congruence among datasets suggests that I. opdenboschi and I. marchei are mostly distinct. Electric signal analysis showed that EODs of I. opdenboschi tend to have a smaller initial head-positive peak than those of I. marchei, and they often possess a small third waveform peak that is typically absent in EODs of I. marchei. Analysis of sympatric I. opdenboschi and I. marchei populations revealed slight, but significant, genetic partitioning between populations based on AFLP data (F(ST) approximately 0.04). Taken separately, however, none of the characters we evaluated allowed us to discriminate two completely distinct or monophyletic groups. Lack of robust separation on the basis of any single character set may be a consequence of incomplete lineage sorting due to recent ancestry and/or introgressive hybridization. Incongruence between genetic datasets in one individual, which exhibited a mitochondrial haplotype characteristic of I. marchei but nevertheless fell within a genetic cluster of I. opdenboschi based on AFLP genotypes, suggests that a low level of recent hybridization may also be contributing to patterns of character variation in sympatry. Nevertheless, despite less than perfect separability based on any one dataset and inconclusive evidence for complete reproductive isolation between them in the Ivindo River, we find sufficient evidence to support the existence of two distinctive species, I. opdenboschi and I. marchei, even if not 'biological species' in the Mayrian sense.  相似文献   

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