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The filamentous desmid Spondylosium panduriforme (Heimerl) Teiling var. panduriforme f. limneticum (West & West) Teiling (Desmidiaceae), strain 072CH-UFCAR, is surrounded by a well-defined, mucilaginous capsule consisting of a capsular polysaccharide (CPS). This microalga also produces an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS), which can be isolated from the culture medium. Analysis of the carbohydrate composition of the two polymers by gas chromatography showed that they were different. Both were composed, of galactose, fucose, xylose, arabinose, rhamnose, and glucose but in different amounts. For example, glucuronic acid accounts for 24% of the EPS material but only traces were found in the CPS. Significant differences were also found during methylation analysis. Fucose appeared to have a higher degree of branching in the EPS than in the CPS. These branches were located on C-3 and could be the position for the attachment of the glucuronic acid units in the EPS. The glucuronic acid was present as 1→4-linked and terminal units. A possible explanation for the formation of the EPS is suggested.  相似文献   

The dissolved extracellular compounds produced by the Chlorococcalean Ankistrodesmus densus Kors. were investigated for their molecular masses and chemical composition. Gel permeation chromatography showed apparent relative molecular masses of 2 × 106 and 104, respectively, for two distinct fractions, termed A and B. The higher molecular weight fraction (A) contained mainly fucose and 3- O -methylgalactose, whereas galactose, glucose, mannose, and rhamnose were present in smaller amounts. Methylation analyses showed that the main structural features are fucose as a highly branched part of polymer A with substitutions in both position 2 and position 4, the substitutions on one of those positions being primarily terminal 3- O -methylgalactose and the other one involved as the linkage of the main chain of the polymer. Because of the presence of both fucose and 3- O -methylgalactose, this polymer is highly hydrophobic. In fraction B, mannose represented more than 60% of the carbohydrate material present, whereas the remaining part contained rhamnose, fucose, xylose, and glucose in almost equal amounts. 3- O -methylgalactose and galactose were present as minor elements. Fraction B is basically a mannose-containing polymer in which the mannose units are either 1→4 or 1→2 linked. Traces of glucuronic acid and protein were present in both fractions; neither sulfate nor phosphate was detected.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sp., which preys specifically on cells of the red microalga Porphyridium sp., possesses enzymes that degrade exocellular polysaccharides of the Porphyridium sp. A crude extract of Gymnodinium sp. was applied to this polysaccharide, and the degradation products were characterized by charge and size separations. Charge separation revealed the presence of a fraction that was not found in the native polysaccharide. This fraction, which was eluted from an anion-exchange resin with water alone, was composed mostly of glucose and xylose (in a 1:1 weight ratio). Size separation of the degradation products revealed three fractions; the molecular weight of the main one was 5 × 106 daltons, whereas that of the native polysaccharide was 7 × 106 daltons. The carbohydrate composition of these fractions was determined. Although the main product of degradation had a relatively high molecular weight, its viscosity was significantly reduced relative to the native polysaccharide. Additional enzymatic degradation is required for further exploration of the structure of the exocellular polymer of Porphyridium sp.  相似文献   

The colonial matrices of the volvocacean algae were examined for the presence of sulfated and carboxylated polysaccharides. These results were compared to a similar examination of the single-celled Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. The colonial algae examined were Pandorina morum Bory, Eudorina elegans Ehr., Platydorina caudata Kofoid, Pleodorina californica Shaw, Pleodorina illinoisensis Kofoid and Volvox carteri var. nagariensis Iyengar. Alcian blue staining of whole colonies at pH 0.5 and 2.5 showed evidence for the presence of both sulfated and carboxylated polysaccharides in the extracellular matrix. Quantitative measurement of alcian blue bound to solubilized matrices supported the in vivo results. There was a trend toward an increase in sulfated polysaccharides in the more evolutionary advanced forms with the exception of Pleodorina. This trend was readily seen in the sulfate: carboxyl ratios: Pandorina morum—0.4, Eudorina elegans—1.0, Platydorina caudata—2.1 and Volvox carteri—2.2. The acidic nature of the Pleodorina matrix with a sulfate: carboxyl ratio of 0.2 appeared to be more like that of Pandorina rather than that of the more advanced Volvox.  相似文献   

Evidence for the presence of a sulfated polysaccharide component within the extracellular matrix of Platydorina caudata Kofoid is presented. In situ staining with alcian blue and toluidine blue O indicates accumulation of a sulfated polysaccharide in the matrix. The entire matrix was readily solubilized by a hot aqueous extraction and a sulfated proteoglycan complex was isolated. Thin-layer chromatography of hydrolysates and infrared analysis and chemical desulfation of the intact molecule indicate that the polysaccharide component is principally an arabinogalactan with ester-linked sulfate groups. Protease treatment of the extract revealed two distinct bands separable on cellulose acetate electrophoresis. The slower moving component was a sulfated glycoprotein while the faster moving component was a sulfated mucopolysaccharide essentially free of protein. This is the first report of specific chemical analyses and electrophoretic separation of a sulfated polysaccharide within the matrix of a member of the Volvocales. The cytochemistry and electrophoretic patterns of the P. caudata preparation are compared with the same type of extract made from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. The possible evolutionary significance of the electrophoretic patterns is presented.  相似文献   

Increased levels of nitrogen in liquid growth medium bring about increased growth and a delay in extracellular polysaccharide production by Chlamydomonas mexicana Lewin on a per-cell basis. Addition of nitrogen to stationary phase cultures causes renewed growth and a temporary lag in polysaccharide synthesis until growth again ceases. Removal of nitrogen terminates growth, causing an immediate increase in polysaccharide synthesis. Phosphate-starved cells show a response similar to nitrogen-starved cells, indicating that the beginning of stationary phase and not nitrogen depletion causes the stimulation in extracellular polysaccharide synthesis. As similar results are assumed to occur on soil, the significance of this response is discussed.  相似文献   

The absolute configuration of the flagellar apparatus in Cryptomonas ovata has been elucidated and found to be similar to that reported for Chilomonas paramecium. Variations apparent in the flagellar apparatus of Cryptomonas ovata include the presence of striations in the mitochondrion associated lamella, a rhizostyle which does not bear wing-like extensions from the microtubules and does not lie close to the nucleus, and a striated fibrous anchoring structure associated with one basal body which has not hitherto been described. The flagellar apparatus also includes a four stranded microtubular root which traverses into the anterior dorsal lobe of the cell, a striated fibrous root which is associated with a five stranded microtubular root, and a two stranded Cr root. The homologous nature of these roots to those in the larger cryptomonads is discussed in relation to the apparent reduction in flagellar apparatus size and complexity among the smaller cryptomonads. A diagrammatic reconstruction of the flagellar apparatus of Cryptomonas ovata is also presented.  相似文献   

光强和氮源对念珠藻胞外多糖分泌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胞外多糖(EPS)是结皮蓝藻形成生物结皮的胶结剂,为了理解常球状存在的丝状蓝藻Nostoc胶结沙粒的机理,探讨了光强40、80 E/(m2s)和氮源(气态氮,硝态氮)对结皮优势种Nostoc sp.分泌EPS(包括荚膜多糖CPS和释放多糖RPS)的影响规律及其内在机理。结果发现:Nostoc sp.在气态氮和硝态氮下都有相似的快速生长,但其分泌的RPS、CPS及EPS量,在硝态氮下均随光强的增加而增加,在气态氮下却与光强没有关系。相关代谢研究发现,在硝态氮下细胞内有更高含量的可溶性糖和蔗糖。进一步的相关分析发现,在两种氮源下,蔗糖量与RPS量或CPS量间的显著正相关都只发生在80 E/(m2s)下,在气态氮中,两光强下的胞内总糖量都与CPS量显著负相关。以上结果说明,Nostoc sp.在氮源利用和光强适应方面都有明显优势,它即使在快速生长的对数期,也可同时分泌相当量的EPS,这使其在球状藻殖段形成之前胶结沙粒成为可能。由此可推知,Nostoc sp.在贫瘠沙土表面的最初生长过程中,其胞外的EPS均来自胞内的固碳产物,在高光强下,蔗糖很可能是其EPS合成的原料。    相似文献   

在适宜培养条件下,Pseudomonassp31260能将木糖转化为酸性胞外多糖(EPS),用甲基磺酸乙醋(EMS)诱变处理 Pseudomonassp31260得到一株完全不产生胞外多糖的突变菌株E_(16)。  相似文献   

The polysaccharide producing soil alga Chlamydomonas mexicana Lewin was grown on soil surfaces in a growth chamber, with cell number and total polysaccharide measured weekly. Cell growth was pronounced, reaching an excess of 107 cells · cm?2 within one week. Polysaccharide production was also pronounced, with similar amounts of polysaccharide synthesized whether or not the cells were continuously given nutrients. Polysaccharide synthesis increased once the cells slowed in their growth, as in previous work with the cells in liquid medium.  相似文献   

The predominant sulfated polysaccharide, ?-carrageenan, was localized in the middle lamella of epidermal, cortical and medullary cells of Eucheumanudum J. Agardh. Autoradiographic studies with 35SO4= indicated that the label was first incorporated in the inner wall and ultimately deposited in the middle lamella of all cells, and in an outer wall layer of the epidermal cells. There was no evidence for cytoplasmic incorporation of the label. The middle lamella stained with alcian blue, was γ-metachromatic with toluidina blue O and bound diaminobenzidine-osmium tetroxide. This region was also positive with periodic acid-Schiff's (PAS) ragent, possibly demonstrating cellulose and/or a nonsulfated precursor of ?-carrageenan. A proposed model for extracellular sulfation includes production and secretion of a nonsulfated polygalactan and sulfotransferase enzyme(s) by the golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. Free sulfate in the wall would be bound to the precursor polysaccharide, with much of the resulting carrageenan migrating to the middle lamella facilitating mutual cell growth.  相似文献   

本文研究了豌豆根瘤菌(Rhizobum Leguminosarum),苜蓿根瘤菌(R. meliloti),三叶草根瘤菌(R. trifolii),菜豆根瘤菌(R. phaseoli),豇豆根瘤菌(Rradyrhizobium sp.(Vigna))和大豆根瘤菌(R. Japonicum)产生的胞外多糖化学组分的差异,结果表明,不同种的根瘤菌能产生具有不同组分的胞外多糖,其多糖组分的差异主要表现在糖醛酸和甘露糖的含量。豌豆根瘤菌、三叶草根瘤菌,菜豆根瘤菌产生的胞外多糖含有糖醛酸,大豆根瘤菌和苜蓿根瘤菌产生的胞外多糖一般不含有糖醛酸。根瘤菌有快生型和慢生型之别,这种差异也可由其产生的胞外多糖组分看到,一般快生型根瘤菌:豌豆根瘤菌,苜蓿根瘤菌,菜豆根瘤菌,三叶草根瘤菌,(包括最近证明的快生型大豆根瘤菌)的胞外多糖中甘露糖所占百分比较低(低于20%),葡萄糖所占的百分比较高(高于60%),而慢生型根瘤菌:大豆根瘤菌和豇豆根瘤菌的胞外多糖中甘露糖所占百分比较高(高于36%),葡萄糖所占的百分比较低(低于50%)。  相似文献   

The feeding apparatus of Kalablepharis ovalis (isolated from a freshwater impoundment in Colorado) and Katablepharis clone G-2 (isolated from the littoral of the Black Sea near Yalta in the Crimea) consists of inner and outer oval-shaped arrays of microtubules that begin at the anterior end of the cell and pass into the posterior of the cell. Each array of microtubules contains groups of microtubules with two to eight microtubules per group depending on the position of the array in the cell. A specialized area of the plasma membrane, the mouth, occurs at the anterior end of the cell. The mouth is oval with the long axis oriented dorsoventrally and consists of a raised ridge surrounding a central depression. The anterior end of the microtubules of the inner and outer arrays supports the raised ridge of the mouth. In freeze-fracture replicas, the protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane contains intramembrane particles on the raised ridge of the mouth. Three small membrane-cisternae occur on the protoplasmic side of the plasma membrane in the area of the mouth. Katablepharis clone G-2 also has five or six additional large membrane-cisternae associated with the inner microtubular array in the anterior portion of the cell. These larger membrane-cisternae do not occur in K. ovalis. Vesicles with electron-dense contents occur in association with the microtubular arrays. Katablepharis ovalis has a second type of vesicle containing a single-membrane profile associated with the microtubule arrays. The structure of the microtubular arrays in Katablepharis is compared with similar structures in suctorian ciliates and dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Cryptomonas erosa Skuja, a planktonic alga, was grown in batch culture at different combinations of light intensity and temperature, under nutrient saturation. Growth was maximal (1.2 divisions · day?1) at 23.5 C and 0.043 ly · min?1, declining sharply with temperature (0.025 divisions-day?1 at 1 C). With decreasing temperature, the cells showed both light saturation and inhibition at much reduced light intensities. At the same time the compensation light intensity for growth declined towards a minimum of slightly above 0.4 × 10?4 ly · min?1 (~1 ft-c) at 1 C or <0.1 ly · day?1 (PAR). Cell division was more adversely affected by low temperature than carbon uptake, and the resulting excess production of photosynthate was both stored and excreted. Extreme storage of carbohydrates resulted in cell volumes and carbon content ca. 22 and 30 × greater, respectively, than the maxima observed for cells incubated in the dark, whereas, at growth inhibitory light levels, as much as 57% of the total assimilated carbon was excreted. A marked increase in cell pigment was observed at the lowest light levels (<10?3 ly · min?1), at high temperature. The growth response of C. erosa in culture provides insight into the abundance and distribution of cryptomonads and other small algal flagellates in nature.  相似文献   

The morphology, ultrastructure, phylogeny, and ecology of a new red‐tide‐forming cryptomonad, Urgorri complanatus Laza‐Martínez gen. et sp. nov., is described. U. complanatus has been collected in southwestern European estuaries, blooming in the inner reaches of several of them. The estuarine character of the species is also supported by its in vitro salinity preferences, showing a maximum growth rate at 10 psu. U. complanatus is a distinctive species and can be easily distinguished by LM from other known brackish and marine species. Cells are dorsoventrally flattened. The plastid has two anterior lobes. One pyrenoid is located in each of the lobes, and a third one on the posterior part. Thylakoids are arranged in pairs and do not penetrate pyrenoids. The plastid is reddish due to the presence of the phycoerythrin Cr‐PE545. An orange discoidal eyespot lies beneath the nucleus, in the posterior ventral face of the plastid. A long furrow runs from the vestibulum, and a gullet is lacking. The periplast is composed of an inner sheet. The nuclear 18S rDNA based molecular analysis reveals U. complanatus is not related to any of the main cryptomonad lineages. Based on ultrastructural and pigment data, the most probable relatives are those merged under the family Geminigeraceae. Its lack of derived characters, together with the presence of characters proposed in previous studies to be primitive, suggests Urgorri could be considered representative of the cryptophycean ancestral character state.  相似文献   

The lipids of Cryptomonas rufescens (Skuja) cells have been analyzed. Quantitative changes of polar and neutral lipids were observed during cell encystment, induced by cultures in a nitrogen-deficient medium. During encystment, thylakoids disappeared while unsaturated galactolipids, characteristics of chloroplast membranes, decreased and neutral lipids accumulated in the cytoplasm. When excystment was induced, the reversal of the phenomenon was observed while thylakoids containing galactolipids were formed.  相似文献   

The major components of the internal flagellar apparatus of Chilomonas paramecium Ehr. are two large microtubular roots and a striated root paralleled by three microtubules. The two microtubular roots overlap at the basal bodies. One microtubular root follows a curved path in the anterior of the cell, and the other extends straight to the posterior passing through a groove in the nucleus. The striated root extends laterally from the basal bodies. Except that it is smaller, the posteriorly directed root bears a strong resemblance to the axostyle of oxymonads. The overall arrangement and structure of the flagellar roots is similar to the pelta, axostyle and costa of trichomonads and the pelta and axostyle of oxymonads, groups of mitochondrion-less, largely parasitic or symbiotic protozoans. An affinity between cryptomonads and oxymonads or trichomonads would have many phylogenetic implications, some of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Bryopsis sp. from a restricted area of the rocky shore of Mar del Plata (Argentina) on the Atlantic coast was identified as Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) based on morphological characters and rbcL and tufA DNA barcodes. To analyze the cell wall polysaccharides of this seaweed, the major room temperature (B1) and 90°C (X1) water extracts were studied. By linkage analysis and NMR spectroscopy, the structure of a sulfated galactan was determined, and putative sulfated rhamnan structures and furanosidic nonsulfated arabinan structures were also found. By anion exchange chromatography of X1, a fraction (F4), comprising a sulfated galactan as major structure was isolated. Structural analysis showed a linear backbone constituted of 3‐linked β‐d ‐galactose units, partially sulfated on C‐6 and partially substituted with pyruvic acid forming an acetal linked to O‐4 and O‐6. This galactan has common structural features with those of green seaweeds of the genus Codium (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta), but some important differences were also found. This is the first report about the structure of the water‐soluble polysaccharides biosynthesized by seaweeds of the genus Bryopsis. These sulfated galactans and rhamnans were in situ localized mostly in two layers, one close to the plasma membrane and the other close to the apoplast, leaving a middle amorphous, unstained cell wall zone. In addition, fibrillar polysaccharides, comprising (1→3)‐β‐d ‐xylans and cellulose, were obtained by treatment of the residue from the water extractions with an LiCl/DMSO solution at high temperature. These polymers were also localized in a bilayer arrangement.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural examination of the periplast of Chroomonas sp. revealed a surface pattern composed of rows of plate areas. The plate areas are delineated by a series of ridges, which emanate from a common line at the posterior cell end, and lateral grooves which intersect the anterior-posterior ridges. Small ejectosomes (trichocysts) are generally located at the intersection of the lateral grooves and the ridges. Size of the plate areas varies, being smallest at the posterior and anterior ends and largest in the midregion of the cell. The average plate area is 1 μ in length and 0.7 μ in width. In section the periplast is seen to consist of 3 intimately attached layers of which the middle (plasma membrane) layer is continuous with the gullet region, flagella, and ejectosome chambers. Trypsin digestion resulted in the disappearance of the inner and outer layers, and in the loss of periplast stiffness.  相似文献   

The sequence of the glycosyl residues and the anomeric configurations of the glycosyl linkages of the acidic polysaccharides secreted by Rhizobium leguminosarum 128c53, Rhizobium leguminosarum 128c63, Rhizobium trifolii NA30, and Rhizobium trifolii 0403 have been determined. All four polysaccharides were found to have the following glycosyl repeating-unit structure, where galactosyl is Gal, glucosyl is Glc, glucuronosyl is GlcA, and pyruvyl is Pyr: [Formula: see text] Each of the glycosyl residues of these polysaccharides was determined to be in the d configuration and in the pyranose ring form. These results add support to the proposal that R. leguminosarum and R. trifolii have a particularly close genetic relationship. The significance of these results with regard to the possible function of these polysaccharides in the nodulation process is discussed.  相似文献   

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