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The caecilian amphibians are richly endowed with cutaneous glands, which produce secretory materials that facilitate survival in the hostile subterranean environment. Although India has a fairly abundant distribution of caecilians, there are only very few studies on their skin and secretion. In this background, the skin of Ichthyophis beddomei from the Western Ghats of Kerala, India, was subjected to light and electron microscopic analyses. There are two types of dermal glands, mucous and granular. The mucous gland has a lumen, which is packed with a mucous. The mucous-producing cells are located around the lumen. In the granular gland, a lumen is absent; the bloated secretory cells, filling the gland, are densely packed with granules of different sizes which are elegantly revealed in TEM. There is a lining of myo-epithelial cells in the peripheral regions of the glands. Small flat disk-like dermal scales, dense with squamulae, are embedded in pockets in the dermis, distributed among the cutaneous glands. 1–4 scales of various sizes are present in each scale pocket. Scanning electron microscopic observation of the skin surface revealed numerous glandular openings. The skin gland secretions, exuded through the pores, contain fatty acids, alcohols, steroid, hydrocarbons, terpene, aldehyde and a few unknown compounds.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on the thrce-spined stickleback provided predictive equations for the relationships between food consumption, faecal production and growth, and between respiration rate and body weight. These equations were used to estimate the energy income and expenditure at monthly intervals during the annual reproductive cycle of females of mean length from two populations. In winter only a small percentage of the energy income was invested in ovarian or somatic growth, and the latter was negative in some cases. Routine respiration and faecal losses accounted for a high proportion of the energy income. In spring a higher proportion of the energy income was partitioned into somatic and ovarian growth while routine respiration accounted for a smaller proportion of the energy income.  相似文献   

Morphological changes of the ovary of the Chinese cobra, Naja naja, throughout the annual reproductive cycle are described. A single clutch of between 6 and 22 eggs is produced in late June. From July to the following April the ovary remains quiescent and contains small previtellogenic, hydration stage follicles. The growth of an ovarian follicle from a primary oocyte to maturation and ovulation is estimated to take three years. The histology of the germinal epithelium and the follicular granulosa shows seasonal changes correlated with the growth of the oocyte. During the quiescent period, the germinal epithelium lacks mitotic activity, but during April, when yolk deposition and rapid growth of the preovulatory follicles take place, the germinal epithelium shows intense mitotic activity. The growth of the smallest hydration stage follicles, and the occurrence of cytoplasmic bridges between the pyriform cells of the granulosa and the developing oocyte, also appear to increase during this period. The possible function of the pyriform cell is discussed and the literature on the origin and fate of these cells in the squamate ovary is reviewed. Postovulatory follicles (corpora lutea) and two types of atresia are described and compared with what is known of these structures in other reptiles.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the brown bullhead catfish, Ictalurus nebulosus Lesueur, was investigated over a two-year period. In females, GSI increased in the spring as follicles enlarged and the granulosa became hypertrophied, dropped during spawning in August, then rose in the autumn as follicles enlarged slightly. 3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity was limited to thecal nests of large, vitellogenic follicles. Plasma testosterone and estradiol-17β levels increased in parallel with GSI. Levels of both steroids dropped prior to the spawning period, although a peak in estradiol-17β was evident during the spawning period. No 11-ketotestosterone was detected in female plasma. In males, GSI increased in the spring as spermatogenesis proceeded, and dropped during spawning. 3β-HSD activity was confined to Leydig cells and was most intense prior to spawning. Plasma testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone peaked during the pre-spawning period, dropped prior to spawning, then rose slowly during the autumn. A peak in estradiol-17β occurred during the spawning period. Significant differences in GSI and plasma steroid levels during the pre-spawning and spawning periods were observed between the two yearly cycles; they may be related to differences in rainfall during these periods.  相似文献   

Atretic follicles of the ovary of the Indian pied myna (Sturnus contra contra) were studied in birds collected each month throughout the year. Histological examination included histochemical techniques for 3β-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSDH) and for lipids. Atretic follicles were mainly of two types: nonbursting (lipoidal and cystic) and bursting (Types I–VI). Nonbursting atresia was observed in the smaller follicles (< 500 μm in diameter), whereas larger follicles (> 500 μm in diameter, viz., small developing, large developing, and yolky follicles) showed exclusively a bursting type of atresia. Sudanophilic lipid was found in both types (lipoidal and cystic) of nonbursting atresia, but was present only in early stages of bursting atresia. Activity of 3β-HSDH was absent in nonbursting atresia, but present in early stage of bursting atresia. Nonbursting atresia was common throughout the year and higher in frequency than the bursting type. Bursting atresia was common during March through May and attained its peak level during the nesting cycle.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Progesterone levels in Mytilus edulis males and females during the annual reproductive cycle were analysed in the whole animal and in the gonads using gas-liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassays.
  • 2.2. The high hormone levels in the whole animal were observed in July and October, coincident with the main spawning seasons.
  • 3.3. The levels of progesterone in gonad extracts also show a maximum in summer (July).
  • 4.4. The patterns of the progesterone levels in males and females throughout the annual reproductive cycle are similar.
  • 5.5. These data are discussed in relation to the role of progesterone in the regulation of sex-specific processes, particularly gametogenesis.

Various aspects of the reproductive physiology of the female lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula L., demonstrate marked annual cycles. Pituitary ventral lobe gonadotrophin content and plasma oestradiol and testosterone levels rise through the autumn as the ovary recrudesces and the percentage of fish bearing eggs in the oviducts increases. The pituitary gonadotrophin and plasma sex steroid levels remain elevated throughout the winter but decrease during the spring, two months prior to a fall in both the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the percentage of fish with eggs in their oviducts. The lowest gonadotrophin and sex steroid levels are found in early summer, again preceding the minimum GSI and rate of egg-laying by two or three months. Some of these cycles are pronounced, the pituitary gonadotrophin levels varying by more than 100-fold, and the oestradiol levels by more than 10-fold, throughout the year. It is concluded that the female dogfish has a very extended breeding season, though the peak frequency of egg-laying occurs in the winter and spring.  相似文献   

Females of the squirrelfish family (Holocentridae) accumulate higher levels of hepatic zinc than any other studied animal. This accumulation is accompanied by high expression of the zinc-binding protein, metallothionein (MT), and is strongly correlated to the onset of sexual maturity. In an attempt to further characterize the timeframe of this accumulation, and to possibly discern any potential mediators, we examined the physiology and endocrinology of the yearly reproductive cycle of mature female squirrelfish. There are two separate reproductive events during the year in December-January and again in March-April, as evidenced by peaks in ovarian growth, VTG production, steroid levels, zinc accumulation and redistribution. Increased hepatic zinc seems to be preceded by a necessary increase in MT, but this was not clearly correlated to plasma 17beta-estradiol, testosterone, or progesterone levels. The plasma zinc protein vitellogenin (VTG) is one, but probably not the predominant, vehicle for the transport of hepatic zinc to the ovary.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at assessing the annual reproductive cycle of female Arabian carpetshark, Chiloscyllium arabicum from the Persian Gulf by a macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the reproductive tract. The annual cycle of gonadal steroids [17β-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T)] was also assessed in this shark. In total, 130 female C. arabicum were collected from the Bahrakan Creek (located northwest of the Persian Gulf) between January 2018 and March 2019. Females were oviparous with an external-type ovary and only one functional ovary. Five sexual maturity stages were recognized based on macroscopic and microscopic evaluation: Immature I (August–October), Immature II (November–January), Mature (February–March), Pregnant (April–May) and Spent (June–July). The structural changes in the oviducts, oviducal glands and uterus throughout the annual reproductive cycle were consistent with their roles in the egg movement, the egg capsule production and sperm storage. The plasma levels of the gonadal steroids were associated with morphological changes in the reproductive tract. E2 showed two detectable peaks during March (close to ovulation) and June (just before mating). P4 and T displayed a peak just before ovulation.  相似文献   

To clarify the environmental factors regulating the annual reproductive cycle of the female mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, a viviparous teleost, histological changes of the ovary in natural population, and laboratory experiments were examined. The results, extending over two years, suggested that ovarian recrudescence is initiated by the rise in temperature during spring and that ovarian regression is caused by the shorter daylength during late summer. The first rearing experiments using four photoperiod-temperature groups to investigate the factors triggering the onset of reproduction revealed that females with regressing ovaries began reproduction with the rise of temperature regardless of the photoperiod during spring. The results of the second experiment using three different temperature groups indicated that vitellogenesis occurred at over 14 degrees C and pregnancy at over 18 degrees C. The third experiment with four photoperiod-temperature groups was arranged to investigate the factors in the cessation of reproduction. Sexually active females ceased vitellogenesis of the next clutch of oocytes due to the shorter daylength regardless of temperatures during late summer; however, temperature seemed to influence the rate of embryo development. The critical photoperiod is estimated at about 12.5 hr. In nature, it is supposed that vitellogenesis starts when the temperature rises to about 14 degrees C, and final maturation of oocytes occurs when the temperature reaches about 18 degrees C during spring. Then, vitellogenesis of the next clutch of oocytes ceases when the daylength becomes shorter than 12.5 hr during late summer; the last gestation proceeds at a rate dependent on the temperature, and finally reproduction ends by the last parturition. J. Exp. Zool. 286:204-211, 2000.  相似文献   

Sex-specific enzymatic and other biochemical changes were studied in the annual reproductive cycle of the freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. Citrate synthase (CS) activity of brain, liver and skeletal muscle was maximum in spawning and minimum in postspawning showing a sharp decline in aerobic capacity after spawning. Similar CS activity in remaining phases of the annual reproductive cycle reflects similar energy need during regressed, preparatory and prespawning phases. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6-PDH) activity declined in spawning and postspawning indicating a possible decrease in lipid and nucleic acid syntheses. The subsequent increase in G6-PDH activity with onset of resting and maintenance of the increased level throughout preparatory and prespawning phases shows restoration of biosynthetic activity. Higher activity of G6-PDH in female than male may be to satisfy a greater biosynthetic need of female reproduction and breeding. The decreased RNA content of tissues showed reduction in protein synthesis capacity during spawning and subsequent increase through postspawning until resting phase. The RNA content of brain and liver was higher in female than male during preparatory and prespawning, which may be associated with higher protein synthesis requirement of female for preparation of reproductive activities. The requirement based sex related changes in metabolism of catfish may be enzyme, tissue or reproductive phase-specific.  相似文献   

Biswas A  Roy S  De J  Kundu S  Pramanik M  Ray AK 《Life sciences》2007,80(19):1777-1783
Concentrations of hepatic estradiol-17beta (E2) receptors (ER) in cytosolic and nuclear fractions were evaluated in diploid and triploid female catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) during four different reproductive periods of a complete reproductive cycle. Basal level of ER concentration was noted in the resting period of both diploids and triploids. Receptor level gradually elevated through the preparatory period and reached a peak in the pre-spawning period in both diploids and triploids. However, ER concentrations were overall reduced in triploid to that of diploid females. In a single point assay, in diploids, ER concentration showed about a 3-fold rise (p<0.001) in the cytosolic and a 4-fold rise (p<0.001) in the nuclear extracts from resting to the pre-spawning period. In triploids, only a 2-fold rise was observed both in cytosolic (p<0.01) and nuclear (p<0.05) ER concentration during the same span. Finally, a sudden fall of receptor level was observed in the spawning period in both the ploidy groups with a lower concentration in the triploids. The K(d) value did not differ between the females of diploids (cytosolic 1.12+/-0.21 nM and nuclear 6.9+/-0.9 nM) and triploids (cytosolic--1.13+/-0.17 nM, nuclear--6.8+/-2 nM). However, B(max) of the diploid showed about double the value than triploid females both in the cytosolic (diploid--367.4+/-33.24 pmol/mg protein, triploid--187.3+/-13.20 pmol/mg protein, p<0.001) and nuclear extracts (diploid--946+/-66 pmol/mg DNA, triploid-558+/-98 pmol/mg DNA, p<0.01) of liver. Lower E2 binding capacity and lower amount of E2 receptors of triploid catfish liver with a stunted vitellogenic status could be one of the major causes for reduced gonadal development and sterility in female triploids.  相似文献   

Prolactin (Prl) is released by electrical stimulation in the turkey hypothalamus and preoptic area (POA). Possible trajectories for POA efferents to the median eminence (ME) were tested by placing lesions in the POA, the lateral hypothalamus (LHy), or the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) of reproductively quiescent turkey hens, then subjecting them to long photoperiods while monitoring their blood Prl levels and nesting activities. In addition, lesions were made in the VMN of a group of incubating hens to learn whether the lesions would cause the elevated Prl levels to fall or interfere with incubation behavior. Lesions in medial POA, LHy, or VMN prevented the onset of incubation and prevented the large rise in Prl associated with it. However, these lesions did not interfere with the initial, more gradual Prl rise caused by increasing daylengths. Lesions in LHy or VMN appeared to interfere with a pathway lying laterally from POA to ME. Electrical stimulation in medial POA, which caused an increase in circulating Prl, failed to do so in hens with LHy or VMN lesions. Lesions in the VMN of incubating hens caused them to leave the nest and suffer a large decline in Prl, both within 48 h. It is tentatively suggested that incubation behavior and its associated elevated Prl are prevented by the POA lesions and that lesions in LHy or VMN, which mimic POA lesion effects, interfere with POA efferents projecting to ME.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The distribution of radiolabel from L-leucine [14C-UL] and D-glucose [14C-UL] was measured in the sea star Asterias rubens at 1, 6 and 24 hr after oral administration.
  • 2.2. Incorporation of the label from both compounds was observed in pyloric caeca, coelomocytes and ovaries even after an incubation time of 1 hr.
  • 3.3. Highest incorporation from both precursors was found in proteins, while substantial radioactivity was present in the amino acids, organic acids and neutral components. Lipids were hardly labelled from leucine and only slightly from glucose.
  • 4.4. Radioactivity in proteins and lipids increased with increasing incubation time. No significant differences were found in the distribution patterns of radiolabel during the reproductive cycle.
  • 5.5. The data obtained are discussed in terms of current knowledge on the translocation of nutrients in echinoderms.

We investigated the sites of Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 β-HSD) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) synthesis in the testes of goldfish, Carassius auratus, during the annual reproductive cycle. The histochemistry of fish gonads has been investigated previously in many species other than goldfish. The reproductive cycle of goldfish, is divided into five stages and the steroid synthesizing cells of the testes were studied during these stages, using histochemical techniques. We found that interstitial cells and seminiferous tubules are the main steroid synthesizing sites in testes of goldfish, and that enzyme activity was more intense in the interstitial cells than in the seminiferous tubules. During the pre-spawning months, 3 β-HSD and G-6-PD activities were weak compared to the spawning months.  相似文献   

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