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Two neuropeptide precursor cDNAs (LUQ-1 and L5-67) have been recently isolated from the Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ) neurons of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia californica (Shyamala, Fisher, and Scheller, 1986; Wickham and DesGroseillers, 1991). Using in situ hybridization techniques as well as dot blot and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, we have studied the expression of these genes in the central nervous system (CNS) of Aplysia californica. The LUQ-1 gene was found to be expressed in neuron L5 in the abdominal ganglion, whereas the expression of the L5-67 gene was observed in the other four LUQ cells (L2-4 and L6). When in situ hybridization was performed on paraffin sections of the abdominal ganglion, clusters of smaller cells located in the left hemiganglion, were also found to express either the LUQ-1 or the L5-67 gene, never both. In many sections, the mRNAs coding for the two neuropeptides were found not only in cell bodies but also in the axon of individual LUQ neurons and even as far as the pericardial nerve. The presence of neuropeptide mRNA in axons, pericardial nerve, and kidney has been confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. A specific, although diffuse hybridization in the left upper quadrant also suggests that mRNA is present in the neuritic field. Taken together these results indicate that neuron L5 is the only giant neuron expressing the LUQ-1 gene and might therefore have a physiological function different from the other four LUQ cells. Neuropeptide mRNAs were also found in the axon and/or the neuritic field of giant neurons and could play important roles related to cell signalling in axons and nerve termini.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that mRNA is associated with the cytoskeleton, and that this relationship is involved in translation and mRNA sorting. The molecular components involved in the attachment of mRNA to the cytoskeleton are only poorly understood. The objective of this research was to directly visualize the interaction of mRNA with the cytoskeleton, with sufficient resolution to identify the filament systems involved. This work required the development of novel in situ hybridization methods for use with electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequence encoding the CP2 neuropeptide precursor is identified and encodes a single copy of the neuropeptide that is flanked by appropriate processing sites. The distribution of the CP2 precursor mRNA is described and matches the CP2-like immunoreactivity described previously. Single cell RT-PCR independently confirms the presence of CP2 precursor mRNA in selected neurons. MALDI-TOF MS is used to identify additional peptides derived from the CP2 precursor in neuronal somata and nerves, suggesting that the CP2 precursor may give rise to additional bioactive neuropeptides.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, E.C. catalyzes the synthesis of acetylcholine, and is considered to be a phenotypic marker specific for cholinergic neurons. In situ hybridization using a nonradioactive cRNA probe identified a large number of cell bodies expressing ChAT mRNA in the cortices of wild-type Drosophila melanogaster brain. Strong labeling is remarkable in the cortical regions associated with the lamina and antennal lobe, and also in the median neurosecretory (MNS) cells within pars intercerebralis, suggesting that some of the lamina monopolar neurons, antennal interneurons, and MNS cells are cholinergic. In two temperature-sensitive mutant alleles, Chats1 and Chats2, most hybridization signal disappears after exposure to a restrictive temperature (30°C). Loss of signal is especially evident in the optic lobes. Some centrally located neurons, however, continue to express ChAT mRNA and are thus likely to have expression controlled in a different way than the majority of cholinergic neurons. Immunocytochemistry, using a ChAT specific monoclonal antibody, identified two sets of paired neurons located in the posterior cortex of the brain. These neurons persist in ChAT immunoreactivity even in the Chats mutants exposed to restrictive temperature. ChAT mRNA is also detectable in the corresponding cell bodies when Chats mutants are held at restrictive temperature. Our findings demonstrate some specific cholinergic neurons in Drosophila brain, and indicate that ChAT expression is differentially regulated in particular sets of cholinergic neurons. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Four complete hsp 30 genes have been isolated from Xenopus laevis: hsp 30A, hsp 30B (a pseudogene), hsp 30C, and hsp 30D. The hsp 30A and hsp 30C genes are first heat inducible at the early tailbud stage, as determined by RNase protection and RT-PCR assays. In this study, we determined by RT-PCR that the hsp 30D gene was first heat inducible (33oC for 1 h) at the mid-tailbud stage, approximately 1 day later in development than hsp 30A and hsp 30C. Furthermore, using Northern blot analysis, we detected the presence of very low levels of hsp 30 mRNA at the heat-shocked late blastula stage. The relative levels of these pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs increased at the gastrula and neurula stage followed by a dramatic enhancement in heat shocked tail-bud and tadpole stage embryos (50- to 100- fold relative to late blastula). Interestingly, treatment of blastula or gastrula embryos at high temperatures (37oC for 1 h) or with the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, followed by heat shock, led to enhanced accumulation of the pre-tailbud (PTB) hsp 30 mRNAs. hsp 70, hsp 87, and actin messages were not stabilized at high temperatures or by cycloheximide treatment. Finally, hsp 30D mRNA was not detected by RT-PCR analysis of cycloheximidetreated, heat-shocked blastula stage embryos, confirming that it is not a member of the PTB hsp 30 mRNAs. This study indicates that differential gene expression and mRNA stability are involved in the regulation of hsp 30 gene expression during early Xenopus laevis development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Differential display of mRNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Differential display of mRNA (DD) is a technique in which mRNA species expressed by a cell population are reverse transcribed and then amplified by many separate polymerase chain reactions (PCR). PCR primers and conditions are chosen so that any given reaction yields a limited number of amplified cDNA fragments, permitting their visualization as discrete bands following gel electrophoresis. This robust and relatively simple procedure allows identification of genes that are differentially expressed in different cell populations. Here we review DD including some recent modifications, and compare it with other techniques for analyzing differential mRNA expression.  相似文献   

Sialic acids play important roles in various biological functions. In the brain, evidence suggests that sialylation of glycoproteins and glycolipids affects neural plasticity. While the 18 sialyltransferase isoenzymes (STs) identified to date synthesize individual sialyl-oligosaccharide structures, they each exhibit activity toward more than one substrate and can overlap in their specificity. Therefore, the distribution of STs is a secondary factor in the study of specific sialylation. Here, seven STs; ST3Gal I-IV, ST8Sia IV, ST6Gal I and ST6GalNAc II, the expressions of which were identified in the adult hippocampus by RT-PCR, showed diverse localization patterns in the hippocampus on in situ hybridization, suggesting that the individual cells expressed relevant STS: Furthermore, to assay activity-related changes in ST expression, we used amygdaloid-kindling among models of neural plasticity. Differential expression of the STs participating in the kindling, notably, up-regulation of ST3Gal IV and ST6GalNAc II mRNAs, and down-regulation of ST3Gal I and ST8Sia IV mRNAs, were observed in the hippocampus following kindled seizures. These results indicate that ST expressions are regulated by physiological activity and may play a role in neural plasticity.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA is the blueprint for all proteins expressed within living systems. Therefore, the study of mRNA expression within normal and diseased tissues is central to our understanding of biological systems. However, blueprints, in themselves, perform no function unless they are used to produce the material for which they code. Spurious results may frequently result from poorly designed or inappropriate studies. This review seeks to highlight both the pitfalls and the promise of various approaches to the analysis of mRNA in different systems and to place these studies in the wider context of research approaches aimed at understanding the function of living systems. The various techniques for the analysis of mRNA are discussed, with particular reference to their potential uses and problems and relevant examples are cited from the literature. It is hoped that this overview of the uses of analytical approaches will allow both the novice researcher and the more experienced scientist to better structure research approaches.  相似文献   

本研究选用枸杞体细胞胚发生体系中的继代愈伤组织(对照)、胚性愈伤组织和早期胚体为实验材料,提取细胞总RNA,在12种锚定真核生物mRNA3'末端的OligodT12VN中,随机选用OligodT12GA为引物合成了以上三种材料的cDNA第一链,以此cDNA为模板,用随机引物进行PCR扩增,选择差别表达的片段。我们选用了OPA、OPH、OPK和OPB四组的60个随机引物对所得的c DNA进行了PCR扩增,得到了三个在体细胞胚发生早期组织中基因特异表达的片段。结果表明,在体细胞胚发生早期有胚胎发生特异性基因的表达,而且这种特异表达的基因在继代愈伤组织中没有表达,说明植物的体细胞胚发生过程就是细胞内基因差别表达的结果。 Abstract:Embryogenic calli and early embryo can be obtained from both auxin and auxin-free medium.The analysis of differential gene expression in early somatic embryogenesis has been hindered by above-mentioned material.The modifications of the recently described mRNA differential display method were reported and differential gene expression in early slmatic embryogenesis was analyzed.We have obtained three differential bands of cDNA in early somatic embryogenesis.The results indicate that gene expression has temperal and spalil order in early somatic embryogenesis of Lycium barbarum L.Plant somatic embryogenesis is the results of differential gene expression in cell.  相似文献   

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