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Matters of life and death in the songbird forebrain.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male zebra finches learn a specific vocal pattern during a restricted period of development. They produce that song in stereotyped form throughout adulthood, and are unable to learn new song patterns. Development of the neural substrate for song learning and behavior is delayed relative to other brain regions, and neural song-control circuits undergo dramatic changes during the period of vocal learning due to both loss of neurons as well as incorporation of newly generated neurons. In contrast, canaries do learn new song patterns in adulthood and modify their vocal repertoires each breeding season. Adult canaries also maintain a large population of dividing cells in the ependymal zone of the telencephalon, and vast numbers of newly generated neurons migrate out to become incorporated into functional circuits and replace older neurons. We review the relationships between cellular and behavioral aspects of song learning in both zebra finches and canaries, as well as the role of gonadal hormones in regulating diverse aspects of the song-control system.  相似文献   

Songbirds rely on auditory processing of natural communication signals for a number of social behaviors,including mate selection,individual recognition and the rare behavior of vocal learning - the ability to learn vocalizations through imitation of an adult model,rather than by instinct.Like mammals,songbirds possess a set of interconnected ascending and descending auditory brain pathways that process acoustic information and that are presumably involved in the perceptual processing of vocal communication signals.Most auditory areas studied to date are located in the caudomedial forebrain of the songbird and include the thalamo-recipient field L (sub fields L1,L2 and L3),the caudomedial and caudolateral mesopallium (CMM and CLM,respectively) and the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM). This review focuses on NCM,an auditory area previously proposed to be analogous to parts of the primary auditory cortex in mammals.Stimulation of songbirds with auditory stimuli drives vigorous electrophysiological responses and the expression of several activity-regulated genes in NCM.Interestingly,NCM neurons are tuned to species-specific songs and undergo some forms of experience-dependent plasticity in-vivo .These activity-dependent changes may underlie long-term modifications in the functional performance of NCM and constitute a potential neural substrate for auditory discrimination.We end this review by discussing evidence that suggests that NCM may be a site of auditory memory formation and/or storage.  相似文献   

Normal brain development requires coordinated regulation of several processes including proliferation, differentiation, and cell death. Multiple factors from endogenous and exogenous sources interact to elicit positive as well as negative regulation of these processes. In particular, the perinatal rat brain is highly vulnerable to specific developmental insults that produce later cognitive abnormalities. We used this model to examine the developmental effects of an exogenous factor of great concern, methylmercury (MeHg). Seven-day-old rats received a single injection of MeHg (5 μg/gbw). MeHg inhibited DNA synthesis by 44% and reduced levels of cyclins D1, D3, and E at 24 h in the hippocampus, but not the cerebellum. Toxicity was associated acutely with caspase-dependent programmed cell death. MeHg exposure led to reductions in hippocampal size (21%) and cell numbers 2 weeks later, especially in the granule cell layer (16%) and hilus (50%) of the dentate gyrus defined stereologically, suggesting that neurons might be particularly vulnerable. Consistent with this, perinatal exposure led to profound deficits in juvenile hippocampal-dependent learning during training on a spatial navigation task. In aggregate, these studies indicate that exposure to one dose of MeHg during the perinatal period acutely induces apoptotic cell death, which results in later deficits in hippocampal structure and function.  相似文献   

Vitamin A, an essential nutrient, is required in its acidic form (retinoic acid) for normal embryogenesis and neuronal development, typically within well-defined concentration ranges. In zebra finches, a songbird species, localized retinoic acid synthesis in the brain is important for the development of song, a learned behavior sharing significant commonalities with speech acquisition in humans. We tested how dietary retinoic acid affects the development of song behavior and the brain's system for song control. Supplemental doses of retinoic acid given to juveniles during the critical period for song learning resulted in more variable or plastic-like songs when the birds reached adulthood, compared to the normal songs of vehicle-fed controls. We also observed that several genes (brinp1, nrgn, rxr-alpha, and sdr2/scdr9) had altered levels of expression in specific nuclei of the song system when comparing the experimental and control diet groups. Interestingly, we found significant correlations between gene expression levels in nuclei of the anterior forebrain pathway (lMAN and area X) and the degree of variability in the recorded songs. We observed, however, no major morphological effects such as changes in the volumes of song nuclei. Overall, our results lend further support to a fundamental role of retinoic acid in song maturation and point to possible molecular pathways associated with this action. The data also demonstrate that dietary content of Vitamin A can affect the maturation of a naturally learned complex behavior.  相似文献   

Male canaries revise their vocal repertoire every year. Early work indicated that the volume and neuron number of the song-control nucleus HVC (Higher Vocal Center) declined in late-summer/fall as birds added and deleted syllables from their repertoire, and increased in spring as the set of song syllables stabilized to a fixed number. Seasonal variation in serum testosterone levels suggested that these changes in brain and behavior were regulated by testosterone (T). However, although initial studies describing growth and regression of HVC used Nissl-staining to define its borders, recent experiments that have measured the distribution of identified populations of HVC cells (projection neurons, hormone target cells) suggest that there are no seasonal changes in HVC volume or neuron number. In order to clarify the role of T in the regulation of HVC morphology, we castrated male canaries, maintained them on short (fall-like) days, and treated them with either T, antisteroid drugs, or nothing. After 1 month of treatment, we used a double-labeling technique to characterize HVC projection neurons and androgen target cells. The results showed that hormonal manipulation influenced HVC volume, the density and size of HVC cells, and the absolute number and percentage of androgen target cells in HVC. Hormonal manipulation did not influence the absolute number of cells in HVC. Moreover, the distribution of projection neurons, androgen target cells, and the Nissl-defined borders of HVC were closely aligned in all experimental groups, indicating that exposure to T and/or its metabolites (estradiol and dihydrotestosterone) regulates the overall size of HVC by affecting the distributions of both projection neurons and androgen target cells. Analysis of double-labeling results suggests that T specifically influences both cell size and the ability to accumulate androgen among HVC neurons that project to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). The results of this study show that steroid hormones exert potent effects on HVC morphology in male canaries, but differences between our results and studies of seasonal males suggest there may be additional factors that can regulate HVC morphology. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A common theme of diverse neural systems is that circuits that are important for initial acquisition of learning do not necessarily serve as a substrate for the long-term storage of that memory. The neural basis of vocal learning in songbirds provides an example of this phenomenon, since a circuit that is necessary for vocal production during initial stages of vocal development apparently plays no subsequent role in controlling learned vocalizations. This striking functional change suggests the possibility of marked physiological changes in synaptic transmission within this circuit. We therefore examined intrinsic and synaptic properties of neurons in the cortical nucleus lMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum), which forms part of this developmentally regulated circuit, in an in vitro preparation of the zebra finch forebrain. Although both functional and morphological characteristics of these neurons change substantially during vocal development, we did not observe widespread, substantive changes in the electrophysiological characteristics of juvenile versus adult lMAN neurons examined in vitro. Overall, both the intrinsic properties and synaptic responses of lMAN neurons were similar in slices from juvenile birds (at ages when lesions of lMAN disrupt vocal production) and in slices from adult birds (when lMAN lesions have no effect on song production). However, one intrinsic property that did vary between juvenile and adult cells was spike duration, which was longer in juvenile cells, suggesting the potential for activation of second-messenger cascades and/or enhanced synaptic transmission onto target cells of lMAN neurons. The pattern of synaptic response observed in both juvenile and adult cells suggests that lMAN projection neurons receive direct excitatory afferent inputs, as well as disynaptic inhibitory inputs from interneurons within lMAN. Activation of inhibitory interneurons rapidly curtails the excitatory response seen in projection neurons. This inhibition was abolished by bicuculline, indicating that the inhibitory interneurons normally exert their postsynaptic response via GABAA receptors on projection neurons. The inhibitory response could also be blocked by CNQX (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione), suggesting that the activation of inhibitory interneurons within lMAN may be governed primarily by AMPA receptors. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 642–658, 1998  相似文献   

Postembryonic neurogenesis leads to a dramatic increase in the number of functional neurons within the segmental ganglia of the moth, Manduca sexta. These adult-specific neurons are generated during larval life by segment-specific arrays of individually identifiable stem cells, or neuroblasts (Nbs). By the end of the feeding larval stage, each Nb has generated a discrete nest of progeny, which ranges in size from less than 10 to more than 70 progeny. The sizes of these identifiable nests of progeny vary in a segment-specific manner, with the thoracic nests containing a greater number of progeny compared with their homologues in the simpler abdominal ganglia. In order to describe those factors that influence the size of the postembryonic neuronal lineages, we examined the spatial and temporal pattern of postembryonic neurogenesis in the segmental ganglia of Manduca. The rates at which the identifiable nests accumulated progeny were estimated by counting the number of progeny within the nests, using sectioned material isolated from animals at stages ranging from embryonic hatching until the end of the feeding larval stage. All of the postembryonic Nbs began to generate progeny at around the time of the molt to the third larval instar. Each nest added progeny at a rate that was a characteristic of its identity and segment of origin. Although all of the nests within the thorax continued to accumulate progeny throughout the feeding larval stage, several of the abdominal nests showed little or no growth following the molt to the fifth larval instar. The thymidine analog 5-bromo 2-deoxyuridine (5-BrdU) was used to estimate the mitotic rates of the identifiable Nbs. The number of labeled progeny within a nest 24 h after application of 5-BrdU ranged from a low of 1 to 2 to a high of 11 to 13 labeled cells. In some instances there was a good correlation between the estimated mitotic rate of an identified Nb and the rate of growth of its associated nest of progeny. However, several of the identifiable nests accumulated progeny at a slower rate than predicted based on the estimated mitotic rate of the Nb. Cell death appears to be responsible for slowing the growth of the nests during the feeding larval stage. We estimate that 10% to 70% of the neurons generated during the feeding larval stage degenerate within 24 h of their birth. The level of cell death observed within a nest was dependent on both its identity and its segment of origin. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Reversible S-glutathiolation of specific proteins at sensitive cysteines provides a powerful mechanism for the dynamic, post-translational regulation of many cellular processes, including apoptosis. Critical in ascribing any regulatory function to S-glutathiolation is its reversibility, mainly regulated by glutaredoxins. Apoptosis is a controlled form of cell death that plays fundamental roles during embryonic development, tissue homeostasis and some diseases. Much of what happens during the demolition phase of apoptosis is orchestrated primarily by caspases, the final executioners of cell death. Recent findings support an essential role for S-glutathiolation in apoptosis, often at the level of caspases or their inactive precursors, and several studies have demonstrated the importance of glutaredoxins in protecting against apoptosis. These observations have contributed to recent advances in apoptosis research. However, the effective relevance of protein S-glutathiolation and the precise molecular targets in apoptotic signalling remain unresolved and a key challenge for future research.  相似文献   

左明雪  陈刚  彭卫民  曾少举 《生命科学》2000,12(2):60-62,56
鸣禽发声学习的控制系统主要由一条直接神经通路和一条辅助神经通路组成,由前脑控制发声学习的最高中枢HVC、旁嗅叶的X区和巨细胞核外侧部(lMAN)组成的辅助通路,对鸟类发声学习行为的发育和调制具有重要作用。发声控制系统中神经元类型、数量及再生与更替、神经组构及其重组、神经介质和受体的分布等差异,决定了鸣禽在发声学习行为表现的差异以及性双态性。本文对近年鸟类控制发声学习行煌神经生物学机制的进展作了较为  相似文献   

The avian forebrain exhibits neurogenesis in adulthood, with neuronal production from ependymal/subependymal zone (SZ) precursor cells. To follow the commitment of newborn cells to neuronal lineage, we used their expression of the Hu family of neuronal RNA-binding proteins to identify them before their migration from the SZ. Adult canaries were injected with [3H]thymidine as a marker of DNA replication, sacrificed after varying intervals, stained for Hu, and autoradiographed. We found that Hu was not expressed by premitotic precursor cells, but rather appeared within hours in their neuronal progeny, which did not embark on parenchymal migration until 4 to 7 days later. Hu was expressed by all neurons, but not glia, both in vivo and in vitro, as determined by ultrastructural analysis as well as co-localization of Hu and cell-type selective antigens. In addition, co-staining for Hu and N-cadherin, whose expression is down-regulated on neuronal emigration from the SZ, revealed their initial co-expression by neuronal daughter cells still within the SZ. These results suggest that Hu expression may be used as a very early indicator of neuronal differentiation by SZ cells. Furthermore, the data indicate that in the adult avian brain, neuronal phenotype is established within hours of precursor mitosis, even though the neuronal daughter cells do not initiate parenchymal migration for at least 4 days thereafter, following their down-regulation of N-cadherin. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The anterior forebrain (AF) pathway of songbirds has an essential but poorly understood function during song learning, a process requiring auditory experience. Consistent with a role in processing auditory information, two nuclei of the AF, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and Area X (X), contain some of the most complex auditory neurons known. In adult zebra finches, these neurons are strongly selective for both spectral and temporal properties of song: They respond more robustly to the bird's own song (BOS) than to songs of conspecific individuals, and they respond less well to BOS if it is played in reverse. lMAN and X neurons of young finches early in the process of song learning (30–45 days of age) are also song responsive, but lack the song and order selectivity present in adult birds. By an intermediate stage of learning (60 days), when birds have experience of both tutor song and their own developing (plastic) song, AF neurons have significant song and order selectivity for both tutor song and BOS (in this case, plastic song). The degree of BOS selectivity is still less than that found in adults, however. In addition, neurons at 60 days are heterogenous in their preference for BOS versus tutor song: Most prefer BOS, some prefer tutor song, and others respond equally to both songs. The selectivity of adult AF auditory neurons therefore arises rapidly during development from neurons that are initially unselective. These neurons are one of the clearest examples of experience-dependent acquisition of complex stimulus selectivity. Moreover, the neural selectivity for both BOS and tutor song at 60 days raises the possibility that experience of both songs during learning contributes to the properties of individual AF neurons. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 694–709, 1997  相似文献   

During development, elimination of excess cells through programmed cell death (PCD) is essential for the establishment and maintenance of the nervous system. In many brain regions, development and major histogenesis continue beyond postnatal stages, and therefore, signs of neurogenesis and PCD are frequently observed in these postnatal brain regions. Furthermore, some brain regions maintain neurogenic potential throughout life, and continuous genesis and PCD play critical roles in sculpting these adult neural circuits. Although similar regulatory mechanisms that control PCD during development appear to also control PCD in the adult brain, adult-generated neurons must integrate into mature neural circuits for their survival. This novel requirement appears to result in unique features of PCD in the adult brain. In this article, we summarize recent findings related to PCD in the early postnatal and adult brain in rodents.  相似文献   

In zebra finches, only males sing, and the neural regions controlling song exhibit prominent, hormone-induced sex diffences in neuron number. In order to understand how sexual differentiation regulates neuron number within one song nucleus, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (IMAN), we studied the development of sex differences among IMAN neurons that project to the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). The IMAN is implicated in song learning, and previous ontogenetic studies have indicated that males lose over 50% of their IMAN neurons during the juvenile song learning period. Based on developmental changes in both the extent of androgen accumulation within the IMAN and its appearance in Nissl-stained tissue, it had been hypothesized that IMAN neuron loss was even greater in young females, resulting in sex differences in neuron number. However, this hypothesis has not been tested directly because the Nissl-stained boundaries of the IMAN sometimes are ambiguous in young animals, and are not evident at all in adult females. To circumvent these problems, we employed the retrograde tracer fast blue to study the development of IMAN neurons defined on the basis of their projections to the RA. We find that the number of these IMAN-RA projection neurons is much greater in adult males than in females, and that this sex difference develops during the juvenile period of sexual differentiation and song learning because a significant number of these neurons are lost in females but not in males. With respect to sexual differentiation, we conclude that masculinization (which is stimulated by the hormone estradiol) promotes the retention of IMAN-RA projection neurons. In addition, our results indicate that any loss of IMAN neurons that may occur in young males does not include cells projecting to the RA. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Embryos were traditionally considered to possess limited learning abilities because of the immaturity of their developing brains. By contrast, neonates from diverse species show behaviours dependent on prior embryonic experience. Stimulus discrimination is a key component of learning and has been shown by a handful of studies in non-human embryos. Superb fairy-wren embryos (Malurus cyaneus) learn a vocal password that has been taught to them by the attending female during incubation. The fairy-wren embryos use the learned element as their begging call after hatching to solicit more parental feeding. In this study, we test whether superb fairy-wren embryos have the capacity to discriminate between acoustical stimuli and whether they show non-associative learning. We measured embryonic heart rate response using a habituation/dishabituation paradigm with eggs sourced from nests in the wild. Fairy-wren embryos lowered their heart rate in response to the broadcasts of conspecific versus heterospecific calls, and in response to the calls of novel conspecific individuals. Thus, fairy-wrens join humans as vocal-learning species with known prenatal learning and individual discrimination.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not local, injury‐induced aromatization and/or estrogen provision can affect cyto‐ or neuro‐genesis following mechanical brain damage, two groups of adult male zebra finches sustained bilateral penetrating brain injuries. The first received contralateral injections of vehicle or the aromatase inhibitor fadrozole. The second group received contalateral injections of fadrozole, or fadrozole with 17β‐estradiol. Subsequent to injury, birds were injected with the thymidine analog 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxyuridine (BrdU). Two weeks following injury, the birds were perfused, and coronal sections were labeled using antibodies against BrdU and the neuronal proteins HuC/HuD. In a double blind fashion, BrdU positive cells and BrdU/Hu double‐labeled cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and at the injury site (INJ) were imaged and sampled. The average numbers of cells per image were compared across brain regions and treatments using repeated measures ANOVAs and, where applicable, post‐hoc, pairwise comparisons. Fadrozole administration had no detectable effect on cytogenesis or neurogenesis, however, fadrozole coupled with estradiol significantly increased both measures. The dorsal SVZ had the greatest proportion of new cells that differentiated into neurons, though the highest numbers of BrdU labeled and BrdU, Hu double‐labeled cells were detected at the INJ. In the adult zebra finch brain, local estradiol provision can increase cytogenesis and neurogenesis, however, whether or not endogenous glial aromatization is sufficient to similarly affect these processes remains to be seen. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 71: 170‐181, 2011  相似文献   

鸣禽鸣叫具有复杂的神经生理和生化基础,表现为一种复杂的学习过程。鸣啭控制系统是研究神经系统与学习、行为和发育关系的重要模型。而鸣禽鸣叫学习行为与鸣啭控制系统内长时程增强效应、神经元超微结构的改变和神经核团内的电活动、激素水平高低及其周期性变化、神经元再生或改变、即早基因的表达等方面密切相关。对鸣禽鸣叫的神经生物学机制进行了综述。  相似文献   

To determine when the life of a human organism begins, Mark T. Brown has developed the somatic integration definition of life. Derived from diagnostic criteria for human death, Brown’s account requires the presence of a life-regulation internal control system for an entity to be considered a living organism. According to Brown, the earliest point at which a developing human could satisfy this requirement is at the beginning of the fetal stage, and so the embryo is not regarded as a living human organism. This, Brown claims, has significant bioethical implications for both abortion and embryo experimentation. Here, we dispute the cogency of Brown’s derivation. Diagnostic criteria for death are used to determine when an organism irreversibly ceases functioning as an integrated whole, and may vary significantly depending on how developed the organism is. Brown’s definition is derived from a specific definition of death applicable to postnatal human beings, which is insufficient for generating a general definition for human organismal life. We have also examined the bioethical implications of Brown’s view, and have concluded that they are not as significant as he believes. Whether the embryo is classified as a human organism is of peripheral interest—a far more morally relevant question is whether the embryo is a biological individual with an identity that is capable of persisting during development.  相似文献   

The blind cavefish and its surface counterpart of the teleost species Astyanax mexicanus constitute an excellent model to study the evolution of morphological features. During adaptation to their lives in perpetual darkness, the cave population has lost eyes (and pigmentation), but has gained several constructive traits. Recently, the demonstration that an increase in Shh (Sonic Hedgehog) midline signalling was indirectly responsible for the loss of eyes in cavefish led to new ways to search for possible modifications in the forebrain of these cavefish, as this anterior-most region of the vertebrate central nervous system develops under close control of the powerful Shh morphogen. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in the understanding of forebrain and eye modifications in cavefish. These include major changes in cell death, cell proliferation and cell migration in various parts of the forebrain when compared with their surface counterparts with eyes. The outcome of these modifications, in terms of neuronal circuitry, morphological and behavioral adaptations are discussed.  相似文献   

何颖  李东风 《生命科学》2007,19(3):333-337
前端脑通路即鸣禽的基底神经节——前脑通路,为鸣唱学习和可塑性所必需。本文综述了前端脑通路的起源、发育、作用及其鸣唱可塑性方面的最新进展。  相似文献   

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