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Synchronous monocarpy in long‐lived plants is often associated with pollination by wind, in part because infrequent mass flowering may satiate pollinators. Selfing in synchronous monocarps may provide reproductive assurance but conflict with the benefits of outcrossing, a key evolutionary driver of synchrony. We predicted that animal‐pollinated species with synchronous flowering would have unspecialised flowers and attract abundant generalised pollinators, but predictions for selfing and outcrossing frequencies were not obvious. We examined the pollination biology of Isoglossa woodii (Acanthaceae), an insect‐pollinated, monocarpic herb that flowers synchronously at 4–7‐year intervals. The most frequent visitor to I. woodii flowers was the African honeybee, Apis mellifera adansonii. Hand‐pollination failed to enhance seed production, indicating that the pollinators were not saturated. No seed was set in the absence of pollinators. Seed set was similar among selfed and outcrossed flowers, demonstrating a geitonogamous mixed‐mating strategy with no direct evidence of preferential outcrossing. Flowers contained four ovules, but most fruits only developed one seed, raising the possibility that preferential outcrossing occurs by post‐pollination processes. We argue that a number of the theoretical concerns about geitonogamous selfing as a form of reproductive assurance do not apply to a long‐lived synchronous monocarp such as I. woodii.  相似文献   

The capacity to produce seed, both by selfing and outcrossing, or mixed mating strategies, is considered a mechanism for overcoming unpredictable pollinator availability. In the present study, we investigate breeding system, insect visitations and the role of insect visitors in the pollination of five species of Oenothera subsect. Oenothera. Field experiments showed that autonomous selfing occurs at bud stage, prior to the opening of the flower. Control flowers showed similar seed set to hand-pollinated flowers, whereas emasculated flowers and those subject to open pollination set fewer seed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the investigated Oenothera exhibit a great capacity for autonomous selfing and that selfing is selected in order to provide reproductive assurance. Although flowers were visited mostly by nocturnal lepidopterans, these insects did not precipitate pollination and are thus considered nectar thieves. Conversely, analysis of pollen loads and behavior during foraging by diurnal insect visitors revealed that honeybees and bumblebees are the probable pollinators. We conclude that production of flowers capable of autonomous selfing at bud stage, followed by anthesis and opportunities for outcrossing, probably improves the invasive potential of these Oenothera in Europe, together with a rapid increase in their populations, even when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

In animal-pollinated plants, autonomous selfing provides reproductive assurance under conditions of infrequent pollinator visits or a lack of mates, but few data are available for wind-pollinated species or species with combined insect and wind-pollination, for which it is often assumed that pollen availability does not limit reproduction. In this study, the capacity of autonomous selfing was investigated in the temperate forest herb Paris quadrifolia, and an emasculation experiment was performed under natural field conditions to investigate the contribution of autonomous selfing to total seed set across a continuous gradient of densities of flowering conspecifics. In the absence of wind or pollinators, autonomous selfing was observed through anthers approaching stigmas at the end of flowering and the capacity for autonomous pollination was about 0.34. Under natural conditions, considerable outcross pollination was observed, but the proportion of ovules successfully fertilized significantly decreased with decreasing density of conspecifics when flowers were emasculated, but not when flowers were left intact. These results indicate that autonomous selfing resulted in reproductive assurance (RA = 0.16) and thus support the hypothesis that autonomous selfing can also provide reproductive assurance in wind-pollinated species.  相似文献   

郭艳峰  刘妍  蒋谦才  孙红梅 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1318-1324
猪屎豆( Crotalaria pallida)为典型的蝶形花植物,分布极广,是路边或遭破坏生境中最常见的先锋种之一,野外观察未发现其有营养生殖的现象,主要为种子繁殖。该研究通过对自然生境中猪屎豆开花物候、访花昆虫及繁育系统的研究,旨在从繁殖的角度阐述其快速扩张的能力。结果表明:尽管猪屎豆的主要访花昆虫是蜜蜂,但蜜蜂的访花频率极低[(1.73±1.30)次/花序·h-1],且在整个花期内花药和柱头均被龙骨瓣包裹,蜜蜂访花时未成功接触柱头和花粉,不能实现传粉,因此蜜蜂不是猪屎豆有效的传粉昆虫,这与假说“蝶形花普遍是对膜翅目昆虫,尤其是对蜜蜂传粉的适应”不一致。人工授粉结果显示,猪屎豆为自交亲和种,不存在无融合生殖现象,其繁殖主要通过主动自交生产种子来实现,且在自交过程中长短花药都参与主动自交。这种自交方式不同于其他蝶形花植物的主动自交仅由短花药实现。对猪屎豆而言,长短花药均参与自交能够增加柱头的授粉几率,保证其在不利的生境中成功结籽,是其成功扩张的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

Delayed selfing is a reproductive strategy that can increase mating opportunities and provide reproductive assurance in the absence of pollinators. When external pollination fails to occur in the herbaceous perennial, Kosteletzkya virginica, the styles curve downward to bring anthers into contact with the stigmal lobes, resulting in delayed selfing. Our goal was to evaluate experimentally the effects of weather conditions on pollinator activity, style curvature, and plant fitness. We discovered that adverse weather conditions significantly reduced pollinator visitation rates, and increased the incidence of style curvature, which resulted in delayed selfing. Furthermore, elimination of delayed selfing by experimental manipulation reduced fruit and seed set compared to non-emasculated flowers, even under adverse weather conditions. Offspring produced through selfing were similar to outcrossed progeny in the majority of fitness traits measured, and inbreeding depression was limited. Our study demonstrates that context-dependent style curvature promotes delayed selfing and provides reproductive assurance in the absence of pollinators, with minimal loss of progeny performance through inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

According to the "effective pollination" hypothesis, tall stature resulting from strong apical dominance attracts greater pollinator visitation, thus allowing larger pollen loads and/or greater outcrossing rates, which in turn produces more vigorous offspring with greater genotypic variability and/or less inbreeding depression. Components of this hypothesis were tested in Verbascum thapsus, which commonly grows unbranched to over 2 m tall with strong apical dominance suppressing all axillary meristems. A natural population survey indicated that plants with visiting pollinators were significantly taller than their nearest neighboring individuals not possessing a visiting pollinator. Plants in natural populations with excluded pollinators produced seeds via a delayed selfing mechanism. However, delayed selfing under pollinator exclusion resulted in only 75% of the seed set obtained with natural pollinators. Under natural pollination, emasculated flowers experienced a 50% reduction in pollen deposition by the time of flower closure but only a 5% reduction in seed set relative to intact flowers. Hence, taller plants attracted more pollinators and maximum seed set could not be achieved without pollinators. Comparison of seed set and seed mass in plants that were artificially selfed and artificially crossed (in both the greenhouse and in natural populations) indicated that plants were fully self-compatible with no evidence of early-acting inbreeding depression. However, this does not exclude the possibility that inbreeding depression is manifested in later life stages. The results suggest that V. thapsus has a mixed mating system with potential for reproductive assurance and various levels of outcrossing depending on variables affecting pollinator availability (e.g., population size).  相似文献   

The ability to produce seeds when pollinators or potential mates are scarce is thought to be one of the main advantages of self-fertilization in flowering plants. However, whether autonomous selfing increases seed set in natural populations has seldom been tested, and even fewer studies have evaluated the advantage of selfing across a gradient of pollen availability. This study examines the fertility consequences of autonomous selfing in Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae), a short-lived, spring-flowering perennial typically found in small, patchy populations on rock outcrops. We used a pollinator exclusion experiment to confirm reports that A. canadensis has a well-developed capacity for autonomous selfing resulting from incomplete protogyny and close proximity of stigmas and anthers during dehiscence. Flowers excluded from pollinators set 87% as many seeds per carpel (X +/- 1 SE = 7.1 +/- 1.4 seeds) as hand-pollinated flowers (8.1 +/- 1.3 seeds), and seed production in unpollinated flowers correlated negatively with the distance between stigmas and anthers (r = -0.46). Autonomous selfing could be potentially valuable in providing reproductive assurance because only 2.7 +/- 0.5 pollen grains were deposited on each stigma before anther dehiscence, compared to 134.1 +/- 17.9 pollen grains by the end of anther dehiscence. However, prevention of autonomous selfing by anther removal before dehiscence did not decrease seed set, even for plants at low plant densities where outcross pollen may have been in short supply. Emasculated flowers set as many seeds per carpel (9.3 +/- 0.9) as intact flowers (8.4 +/- 1.1), indicating that sufficient cross pollen is deposited for full seed set. These results do not support the hypothesis that autonomous selfing by A. canadensis has been selected because it provides reproductive assurance.  相似文献   

Selection for selfing to provide reproductive assurance depends on the balance between increased reproductive output when pollinators or potential mates are scarce and the extent that inbreeding depression erodes such fertility gains. We use glasshouse and field experiments to examine the benefits of autonomous and facilitated selfing in Bulbine vagans . Autonomous selfing was delayed until after opportunities for outcrossing and reproductive output was 0.67 relative to manual selfing and open pollination. Values less than one probably reflected insufficient autonomous deposition of self pollen. In the field, reproductive output of emasculated flowers was 0.50 relative to intact flowers that could both outcross and self, indicating that outcross pollen was limited and that selfing boosted reproductive output. Because all pollen was removed from anthers before intact flowers closed, facilitated selfing rather than autonomous selfing occurred. In the glasshouse, inbreeding depression was 0.45, but under natural conditions would probably exceed 0.5. Values greater than 0.5 negate the automatic gene transmission advantage afforded by selfing and increasingly erode the benefits of reproductive assurance. We conclude that in B. vagans delayed and facilitated selfing can confer reproductive assurance, providing the latter does not usurp ovules that could be outcrossed.  相似文献   

 研究处于片断化生境中濒危植物的繁育系统、传粉过程及生殖成功状况, 可为评估物种的受胁迫程度及制订相应的保护和管理策略提 供重要依据。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验等方法,对片断化生境中濒危植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)的开花生物学和繁育系统 进行了初步研究, 并探讨了影响其生殖成功的因素。黄梅秤锤树的总状花序上通常有两性花2~6朵, 单花花期约5~7 d, 单花花药不同步开裂 使整朵花花粉活力持续时间延长。虽然花开放过程中柱头始终高于花药, 在单花水平上可在一定程度上避免同花自交的发生, 但由于花粉活力 和柱头可授期之间有一定的重叠期, 在自然情况下, 由于外界媒介动物和风媒的作用, 不可避免地会产生同株同花和同株异花传粉。实验结果 表明, 该种不存在无融合生殖现象, 繁育类型以异交为主, 部分自交亲和且需要传粉者。主要的传粉昆虫为黑带食蚜蝇(Epistrophe balteata) 、中华蜜蜂 (Apis cerana) 和中华回条蜂(Habropoda sinensis)。黄梅秤锤树自然状态下的结实率较低(10.33%), 平均每果种子数较少(0.387 个), 这主要与传粉昆虫少、花粉传递效率低, 以及柱头上自花及同株异花花粉的落置和自交亲和性低有关。但是单株较大的开花量保证了一定 的果实和种子产量, 使居群能自然更新。部分自交亲和性可能为该物种适应生境片断化提供了一定的生殖保障及进化潜力。对该残存居群的保 护, 应着眼于加强对传粉昆虫赖以生存的自然生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   

Flower stalks of Pulsatilla cernua, an early spring herb in north temperate Asia, changed position from erect to pendulous and back to erect during 6-10 d anthesis. We tested three possible explanations for this movement. Our results showed that (1) this movement is unlikely to be a mechanism to attract pollinators or enhance pollen output, because no pollinator preference was observed between erect and pendulous flowers and we found no buzz-pollination in this species; (2) hand self-pollination yielded higher seed set than open pollination in the field, but spontaneous selfing rarely occurred. Among open-pollinated flowers, seed set was depressed by emasculation, indicating that in the presence of insects, self-pollen provided reproductive assurance in this protogynous and self-compatible species. However, the change in flower orientation cannot be explained as reproductive assurance in that even self-pollination largely depended on pollinator visits rather than gravity. (3) A pollen germination experiment indicated that pollen damage by water is serious in this species. We deduced that the bending of the flower stalk during anthesis was to avoid rain damage to pollen grains in this species. During the 3-6 d period of pollen presentation, the petals elongated and were covered with unwettable hairs. Together with flower stalk movement, this was enough to protect the organs inside the flower from rain. This movement of the flower stalk seems to be important to maintain pollen viability in a rainy habitat with a scarcity of pollinators.  相似文献   

A central question in plant evolutionary ecology is how mixed mating systems are maintained in the face of selection against self-pollination. Recently, attention has focused on the potential reproductive assurance (RA) benefit of selfing: the ability to produce seeds via autonomous selfing when the potential for outcrossing is reduced or absent. To date, there is little experimental support for this benefit under natural pollination conditions. In addition, the RA hypothesis has not been tested experimentally in a species displaying morphological variation for traits expected to influence the mating system, such as flower size, which affects both attractiveness to pollinators and ability to self autonomously. Here, we document significant among-population variation in flower size in Collinsia parviflora and show that pollinators preferred large flowers over small flowers in experimental arrays. The pollinator community varied among three study sites, and two small-flowered populations had lower pollinator visitation rates than one large-flowered population. We compared seed production between intact flowers (can self) and experimentally emasculated flowers (require a pollinator) on large- and small-flowered plants. As predicted by the RA hypothesis, small-flowered plants show a greater RA benefit of selfing than large-flowered plants; emasculated, small flowers produced very few seeds, relative to intact, small flowers or either emasculated or intact, large flowers. We also show that the RA benefit is pollination-context dependent, differing between small- and large-flowered test sites, likely due to a combination of pollinator discrimination against small flowers and differences between test sites in the pollinator community. This paper is the first experimental evidence showing a trait-dependent RA benefit of selfing under natural pollination conditions.  相似文献   

海滨锦葵花柱有5柱头裂片,若传粉失败,柱头裂片向下弯曲使柱头与自身花粉接触,发生延迟自交。传粉不足条件下发生的延迟自交可能提供繁殖保障。该研究定量分析了花粉搁置和授精胚珠数对花内未授粉柱头裂片运动的影响,并测定了花粉—胚珠比及柱头可授性和花粉生活力。结果表明,花内未授粉柱头裂片的弯曲不受其他柱头接受花粉量及授精胚珠数的影响,仅响应于其自身是否接受到花粉,花粉-胚珠比值显示海滨锦葵交配系统属兼性异交;未授粉柱头经弯曲与自身花粉授触时的强柱头可授粉和高花粉生活力为自交授粉的发生提供了可能。包括柱头裂片运动在内的多个花性状有机地展示了一种新花内混合交配系统,且花内柱头裂片弯曲的独自调节为从花水平验证被广泛接受的自交进化解释——繁殖保障假说提供了可能。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The establishment of plant populations in novel environments may generate pronounced shifts in floral traits and plant mating systems, particularly when pollinators are scarce. In this study, floral morphology and mating system functioning are compared between recently established and older populations of the annual plant Blackstonia perfoliata that occur in different pollinator environments.


Hand-pollination and emasculation experiments were conducted to assess the extent of pollinator-mediated pollen deposition and pollen limitation, and the contribution of autonomous selfing to total seed production. Detailed measurements of key floral traits were performed to compare the flower morphology and mating system functioning between plants from both pollination environments.

Key Results

Pollinator-mediated pollen deposition was about twice as low in the recently colonized and pollinator-poor environment compared with the old and pollinator-rich sites, but total seed set was little affected by any type of pollen limitation. The contribution of autonomous selfing to total seed production was higher in the pollinator-poor sites than in the pollinator-rich sites (index of reproductive assurance = 0·56 and 0·17, respectively), and seed production was only poorly affected by selfing, whereas in the pollinator-rich populations selfing reduced total reproductive output by about 40 % compared with outcross pollination. Plants originating from pollinator-poor environments produced smaller flowers that showed significantly lower levels of dichogamy (i.e. protogyny) and herkogamy. These reductions resulted in a 2-fold higher capacity for autonomous selfing under pollinator-free conditions (index of autonomous selfing = 0·81 and 0·41 in plants originating from the pollinator-poor and pollinator-rich environment, respectively).


The results illustrate that plant populations colonizing novel environments can differ markedly in floral morphology and mating system functioning. Due to a temporal shift in the male phase, the breeding system of B. perfoliata shifted from delayed selfing under pollinator-rich conditions towards competing selfing in recently established populations, providing greater reproductive assurance when pollinators and/or reproductive partners are limited.  相似文献   

Variations in floral traits and floral structures influence plant mating systems. Hibiscus trionum produces large, showy flowers typical of an outcrossing species, yet flowers are autonomously self-pollinated. In this study, we measured floral morphology, breeding system and outcrossing rate estimated by ISSR markers. Results indicate that two types of flowers were observed in H. trionum, and the type I with bigger petals appears to be much more visible to pollinators, demonstrated by than type II flowers with smaller petals. The flowers with hand pollination were closed 1 h earlier than intact flowers, whether they were type I or II. The relationship between the amount of pollen deposited on the stigma and the number of seeds per capsule was highly significant, and 80 or more pollens per flower can make the mean number of seeds (mean = 37) in H. trionum. Delayed selfing in H. trionum did not provide a large contribution to seed production, since reproductive assurance were only 0.025. However, successful reproduction of 72.5% flowers in the absence of pollinators suggested that selfing provides reproductive assurance during seasons, in which pollinators were limiting. The multilocus outcrossing rates in different populations varied from 0.982 to 1.200, with a mean of 1.116. Our data provide an empirical demonstration of a predominantly outcrossing species with potential delayed selfing when pollinators are absent or scarce.  相似文献   

一些研究显示盗蜜对自交植物的结实和结籽没有显著影响。然而, 对于既有传粉者为其传粉实现异交又能通过自交实现生殖保障的兼性自交植物来说, 盗蜜对其生殖的影响还知之甚少。由于兼性自交植物可以自交, 盗蜜对其总体结实可能不会有显著影响, 但可能会通过影响传粉者行为而影响传粉者介导的结实。为了验证这一假说, 本研究以兼性自交的一年生角蒿(Invarvillea sinensis var. sinensis)为研究材料, 通过野外调查和控制实验, 探讨了盗蜜对传粉者介导的结实(传粉者行为)和总体结实率的影响。结果表明: 角蒿的盗蜜者和主要传粉者相同, 均为密林熊蜂(Bombus patagiatus)。熊蜂盗蜜频率平均为20.24% (范围为0-51.43%)。盗蜜对角蒿总体结实率、每果结籽数和每果种子重量没有显著影响。然而, 被盗蜜花的柱头闭合比率显著高于未被盗蜜花, 说明盗蜜影响传粉者的访花行为和传粉者介导的结实率。另外, 被盗蜜花的高度显著高于未被盗蜜花, 说明盗蜜者倾向于从较大较高的花上盗蜜。这些结果为全面认识盗蜜对植物生殖的影响提供了新的信息。  相似文献   

Kennedy BF  Elle E 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):469-477
Autonomous selfing can provide reproductive assurance (RA) for flowering plants that are unattractive to pollinators or in environments that are pollen limited. Pollen limitation may result from the breakdown of once-continuous habitat into smaller, more isolated patches (habitat fragmentation) if fragmentation negatively impacts pollinator populations. Here we quantify the levels of pollen limitation and RA among large and small populations of Collinsia parviflora, a wildflower with inter-population variation in flower size. We found that none of the populations were pollen limited, as pollen-supplemented and intact flowers did not differ in seed production. There was a significant effect of flower size on RA; intact flowers (can self) produced significantly more seeds than emasculated flowers (require pollen delivery) in small-flowered plants but not large-flowered plants. Population size nested within flower size did not significantly affect RA, but there was a large difference between our two replicate populations for large-flowered, small populations and small-flowered, large populations that appears related to a more variable pollination environment under these conditions. In fact, levels of RA were strongly negatively correlated with rates of pollinator visitation, whereby infrequent visitation by pollinators yielded high levels of RA via autonomous selfing, but there was no benefit of autonomous selfing when visitation rates were high. These results suggest that autonomous selfing may be adaptive in fragmented habitats or other ecological circumstances that affect pollinator visitation rates.  相似文献   

Zhang ZQ  Li QJ 《Annals of botany》2008,102(4):531-538

Background and Aims

Reproductive assurance, the ability to produce seeds when pollinators or mates are scarce, is thought to be the major advantage of selfing in flowering plants. However, few studies have performed a direct cost–benefit analysis of the selective advantage of selfing, particularly given a long-term perspective among populations or across several flowering seasons within population. This study examined the fertility consequences of autonomous selfing in Roscoea schneideriana (Zingiberaceae), a small perennial Himalayan ginger typically found in habitats at around 3000 m a.s.l.


The floral biology of R. schneideriana was studied in natural populations; the capacity for autonomous selfing was estimated using pollinator exclusion experiments; the timing of selfing was quantified by anther removal at different times during flowering; whether autonomous selfing increases seed production was tested by emasculating flowers; and the magnitude of inbreeding depression was estimated by comparing relative performance of progeny from self- and cross-pollinations. Pollinator observations were also conducted in the natural populations.

Key Results

The hooked stigmas of most flowers curl towards the anther and can contact pollen grains at an early stage of anthesis. Flowers with potential pollinators excluded set of as many seeds per fruit as hand-selfed and opened flowers. Autonomous selfing mostly occurs within 2 d of anthesis and can increase seed production by an average of 84 % in four populations during the flowering seasons of 2005–2007. Visits by effective pollinators were extremely rare. The cumulative inbreeding depression of R. schneideriana was 0·226.


Autonomous selfing in R. schneideriana is achieved by stigmas curling towards the anthers early in flowering. It is suggested that under the poor pollination conditions, autonomous selfing has been selected for in this alpine ginger because it provides substantial reproductive assurance with very low costs.Key words: Zingiberaceae, Roscoea, autonomous self-pollination, reproductive assurance, inbreeding depression, pollinator failure, Himalayan species  相似文献   

Delayed selfing could provide ovules with an opportunity to be fertilized as a means of "pollination assurance" before the flowers wilt. It could, thus, be regarded as an adaptation to unpredictable pollinator environments. Within the alpine biennial Gentianopsis paludosa, the showy flowers and herkogamy at the early stage of a flower's life cycle may favor outcrossing. As the flower ages, anthers contact the central stigma due to the elongation of all filaments, resulting in autonomous selfing. Flower visitors are extremely rare in a high altitude population; and examination of the mating system indicates that G. paludosa is self-pollinated under natural conditions in this population. While at the lower altitude, the bumblebee visitation rate is relatively high but possibly unreliable. Stigma receptivity is the highest on the third day of anthesis, and decreases thereafter. Pollen viability is the highest when flowers open, and gradually decreases later. Self-pollination of G. paludosa occurs at the late stage of a flower's lifecycle when stigma receptivity and pollen viability have both decreased, suggesting delayed selfing and assurance of seed production. This delayed selfing could assure seed production under the constraints of pollinator scarcity, but ensure outcrossing when pollinators were available. Such a flexible pollination mechanism is highly adaptive in the alpine environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Reproductive assurance is a widely accepted explanation for the evolution of selfing, although theory suggests that an evolutionarily stable mixed mating strategy does not maximize seed production. We present a correlation analysis involving 28 species representing 23 families showing that selfing can evolve independently of inbreeding depression. We discuss the cost-benefit trade-off of selfing, in particular the incongruence of whether delayed selfing provides reproductive assurance in 22 species representing 14 families, in which pollen and seed discounting are minimized when pollinators or mates are scarce. Reproductive assurance, in response to frequent pollinator failure, can be reconciled with an evolutionarily stable mixed mating system contributed to by delayed selfing, which is still advantageous even if there is strong inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of elaborate flowers visited by specific groups of pollinators and capacity for autonomous selfing in the same plant species has puzzled evolutionary biologists since the time of Charles Darwin. To examine whether autonomous selfing and floral specialization evolved in association, we quantified the autofertility level (AFI) in nine Schizanthus species characterized by a wide range of pollination specialization, revealing AFI values of 0.02 to complete selfing. An independent contrasts analysis conducted on AFIs and number of functional pollinator groups showed that autonomous selfing evolved from an ancestral outcrossing system as plants became increasingly specialized (r = -0.82). To assess whether autonomous selfing together with specialization acts as a reproductive assurance mechanism, we estimated spatial and interannual variation in fruit set due to pollinator failure in two closely related high Andean Schizanthus species differing in their specialization levels. Variation in pollinator failure rate was more pronounced and autonomous selfing increased fruit production over biotically assisted pollination in the more specialized species. Our study suggests that specialized pollination deems species more vulnerable to pollinator fluctuation thus promoting the evolution of delayed autonomous selfing.  相似文献   

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