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Despite much recent activity in the phylogeny and developmental genetics of grasses, the enigmatic homologies of their reproductive structures remain largely unresolved, partly because their highly derived morphology has resulted in a unique associated terminology. Outstanding questions include whether grass lodicules and stamens are derived from a single perianth or stamen whorl, respectively, whether the grass caryopsis is homologous with a nut, and how the scutellum evolved. We investigated the reproductive structures of the putative sister group of grasses, the southwestern Australian family Ecdeiocoleaceae, which includes two genera, Ecdeiocolea and Georgeantha. The zygomorphic arrangement of the four (rather than six) stamens in male flowers of Ecdeiocolea indicates that they may represent three outer stamens plus the adaxial inner stamen. Within Ecdeiocoleaceae, characters such as the highly unusual nucellus structure of Ecdeiocolea are autapomorphic. Sister-group comparisons indicate that some characteristic grass features, notably the scutellum, do not occur in their putative closest relatives and that more data are needed on early-diverging grass genera to resolve these issues. The grass caryopsis could represent one end of a transformation series embodied by the reduced gynoecial structure and indehiscent fruit of other Poales such as Flagellaria, Joinvillea, and Ecdeiocolea.  相似文献   

Gondwanan evolution of the grass alliance of families (Poales)   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Phylogenetic interrelationships among all 18 families of Poales were assessed by cladistic analysis of chloroplast DNA rbcL and atpB sequences from 65 species. There are two well-supported main clades; the graminoid clade with Poaceae (grasses), Anarthriaceae, Centrolepidaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae, Flagellariaceae, Joinvilleaceae, and Restionaceae; and the cyperoid clade with Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, and Thurniaceae. A sister group relationship between Poaceae and Ecdeiocoleaceae is identified with strong support. The sister group of this pair is Joinvilleaceae. These relationships help in elucidating the evolution of grasses and the grass spikelet. Dating of the tree was done by nonparametric rate smoothing of rbcL molecular evolution. Most Poales families date back to the Cretaceous >65 million years ago (mya). Dispersal-vicariance analysis indicates that the Poales originated in South America, the cyperoid clade in West Gondwana (South America or Africa), and the graminoid clade in East Gondwana (Australia). The Trans-Antarctic connection between South America and Australia, and its breakup about 35 mya, probably influenced the evolution of the Poales and the graminoid clade in particular, leading to vicariance between the continents, but the separation of Africa from the other Gondwanan areas, completed about 105 mya, is too old for such a relation.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of the grass family (Poaceae) was conducted using two character sets, one representing variation in 364 mapped and cladistically informative restriction sites from all regions of the chloroplast genome, the other representing variation in 42 informative “structural characters.” The structural character set includes morphological, anatomical, chromosomal, and biochemical features, plus structural features of the chloroplast genome. The taxon sample comprises 75 exemplar taxa, including 72 representatives of Poaceae and one representative of each of three related families (Flagellariaceae, Restionaceae, and Join-villeaceae);Flagellaria served as the outgroup for the purpose of cladogram rooting. Among the grasses, 24 tribes and all 16 subfamilies of grasses recognized by various modern authors were sampled. Transformations of structural characters are mapped onto the phylogenetic hypotheses generated by the analysis, and interpreted with respect to biogeography and the evolution of wind pollination in the grass family. A major goal of the study was to test the monophyly of several putatively natural groups, including Bambusoideae, Pooideae, Arundinoideae, and the “PACC clade” (the latter comprising subfamilies Panicoideae, Arundinoideae, Chloridoideae, and Centothecoideae), as well as to analyze the phylogenetic structure within these groups and others. Several genera of controversial placement (Amphipogon, Anisopogon, Anomochloa, Brachyelytrum, Diarrhena, Eremitis, Ehrharta, Lithachne, Lygeum, Nardus, Olyra, Pharus, andStreptochaeta) also were included, with the goal of determining their phylogenetic affinities. The two character sets were analyzed separately, and a simultaneous analysis of the combined matrices also was conducted. The combined data set also was analyzed using homoplasy-implied weights. Among major results of the combined unweighted analysis were resolution of a sister-group relationship betweenJoinvillea and Poaceae; resolution of a clade comprisingAnomochloa andStreptochaeta as the sister of all other grasses, withPharus the next group to diverge from the lineage that includes all remaining grasses; and resolution of other taxa often assigned to Bambusoideae s.l. (includingEhrharta and Oryzeae, and excluding a few other taxa as noted) as a paraphyletic assemblage, within which is nested a clade that consists ofBrachyelytrum, the PACC clade (includingAmphipogon), and Pooideae (including Brachypodieae, Stipeae,Anisopogon, Diarrhena, Lygeum, andNardus). Within the PACC clade,Aristida is identified as the sister of all other elements of the group; Chloridoideae, Centothecoideae, and Panicoideae are each resolved as monophyletic, the latter two being sister-groups; and the remaining Arundinoid elements constitute a paraphyletic group within which are nested these three subfamilies. Within the Pooideae, four “core tribes” (Bromeae, Hordeeae [i.e., Triticeae], Agrostideae [i.e., Aveneae], andPoeae, the latter includingSesleria) are resolved as a monophyletic group that is nested among the remaining elements of the subfamily (Brachypodieae, Meliceae, Stipeae,Anisopogon, Diarrhena, Lygeum, andNardus). A second principal goal of the analysis was to identify structural synapomorphies of clades. Among the synapomorphies identified for some of the major clades are the following: gain of a 6.4 kb inversion in the chloroplast genome inJoinvillea and the grasses; reduction to 1 ovule per pistil, gain of a lateral “grass-type” embryo, and gain of an inversion around the gene trnT in the chloroplast genome in the grasses; loss of arm cells in the clade that consists ofBrachyelytrum, Pooideae, and the PACC clade; loss of the epiblast and gain of an elongate mesocotyl internode in the PACC clade; gain of proximal female-sterile florets in female-fertile spikelets, gain of overlapping embryonic leaf margins, and gain ofPanicum- type endosperm starch grains in the clade that comprises Centothecoideae and Panicoideae; and loss of the scutellar tail of the embryo in Pooideae (in one of two alternative placements of Pooideae among other groups). These findings are consistent with an origin and early diversification of grasses as forest understory herbs, followed by one or more radiations into open habitats, concomitant with multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis and specialization for wind pollination.  相似文献   

Plastid genomes of the grasses (Poaceae) are unusual in their organization and rates of sequence evolution. There has been a recent surge in the availability of grass plastid genome sequences, but a comprehensive comparative analysis of genome evolution has not been performed that includes any related families in the Poales. We report on the plastid genome of Typha latifolia, the first non-grass Poales sequenced to date, and we present comparisons of genome organization and sequence evolution within Poales. Our results confirm that grass plastid genomes exhibit acceleration in both genomic rearrangements and nucleotide substitutions. Poaceae have multiple structural rearrangements, including three inversions, three genes losses (accD, ycf1, ycf2), intron losses in two genes (clpP, rpoC1), and expansion of the inverted repeat (IR) into both large and small single-copy regions. These rearrangements are restricted to the Poaceae, and IR expansion into the small single-copy region correlates with the phylogeny of the family. Comparisons of 73 protein-coding genes for 47 angiosperms including nine Poaceae genera confirm that the branch leading to Poaceae has significantly accelerated rates of change relative to other monocots and angiosperms. Furthermore, rates of sequence evolution within grasses are lower, indicating a deceleration during diversification of the family. Overall there is a strong correlation between accelerated rates of genomic rearrangements and nucleotide substitutions in Poaceae, a phenomenon that has been noted recently throughout angiosperms. The cause of the correlation is unknown, but faulty DNA repair has been suggested in other systems including bacterial and animal mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

Overlapping genes occur widely in microorganisms and in some plastid genomes, but unique properties are observed when such genes span the boundaries between single-copy and repeat regions. The termini of ndhH and ndhF, situated near opposite ends of the small single-copy region (SSC) in the plastid genomes of grasses (Poaceae), have migrated repeatedly into and out of the adjacent inverted-repeat regions (IR). The two genes are transcribed in the same direction, and the 5' terminus of ndhH extends into the IR in some species, while the 3' terminus of ndhF extends into the IR in others. When both genes extend into the IR, portions of the genes overlap and are encoded by the same nucleotide positions. Fine-scale mapping of the SSC-IR junctions across a sample of 92 grasses and outgroups, integrated into a phylogenetic analysis, indicates that the earliest grasses resembled the related taxa Joinvillea (Joinvilleaceae) and Ecdeiocolea (Ecdeiocoleaceae), with ca. 180 nucleotides of ndhH extending into the IR, and with ndhF confined to the SSC. This structure is maintained in early-diverging grass lineages and in most species of the BEP clade. In the PACMAD clade, ndhH lies completely or nearly completely within the SSC, and ca. 20 nucleotides of ndhF extend into the IR. The nucleotide substitution rate has increased in the PACMAD clade in the portion of ndhH that has migrated into the SSC.  相似文献   

Joinvilleaceae is a family of tropical grass-like monocots that comprises only the genus Joinvillea. Previous studies have placed Joinvilleaceae in close phylogenetic proximity to the well-studied grass family. A full plastome sequence was determined and characterized for J. ascendens. The plastome was sequenced with next generation methods, fully assembled de novo and annotated. The assembly revealed two novel inversions specific to the Joinvilleaceae lineage and at least one novel plastid inversion in the Joinvilleaceae-Poaceae lineage. Two previously documented inversions in the Joinvilleaceae-Poaceae lineage and one previously documented inversion in the Poaceae lineage were also verified. Inversion events were identified visually and verified computationally by simulation mutations. Additionally, the loss and subsequent degradation of the accD gene in order Poales was explored extensively in Poaceae and J. ascendens. The two novel inversions along with changes in gene composition between families better delimited lineages in the Poales. The presence of large inversions and subsequent reversals in this small family suggested a high potential for large-scale rearrangements to occur in plastid genomes.  相似文献   

The development and structure of the megagametophyte of Anarthria (Anarthriaceae), Aphclia, and Centrolepis (Centrolepidaceae) are described. Anarthriaceae has tenuinucellate ovules and the Polygonum type of megagametophyte development, both characters typical of the Poales. However, it lacks the anticlinally elongated nucellar epidermis and numerous large starch bodies observed in the megagametophyte of Centrolepidaceae, both characters also present in Restionaceae. This relatively generalized megagametophyte structure is consistent with data from the chloroplast genome, which suggest that Anarthriaceae are not as closely related to Restionaceae as previously assumed. New data from the megagametophyte are analyzed cladistically together with other available information on the poalean families. The results show that there are two possible positions for Anarthriaceae: either as sister to Poaceae. Joinvilleaceae, Restionaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae, and Restionaceae, or as sister to only the latter three families. The new data also allow a critical reevaluation of the phylogenetic position of Centrolepidaceae, which is either basal to the poalean clade (based on microgametophyte data), or embedded in the Restionaceae (based on anther structure and megagametophyte data).  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The grass subfamily Anomochlooideae is phylogenetically significant as the sister group to all other grasses. Thus, comparison of their structure with that of other grasses could provide clues to the evolutionary origin of these characters. ? Methods: We describe the structure, embryology, and development of the flower and partial inflorescence of the monotypic Brazilian grass Anomochloa marantoidea. We compare these features with those of other early-divergent grasses such as Pharus and Streptochaeta and closely related Poales such as Ecdeiocolea. ? Key results: Anomochloa possesses several features that are characteristic of Poaceae, notably a scutellum, a solid style, reduced stamen number, and an ovary with a single ovule that develops into a single indehiscent fruit. Interpretation of floral patterning in Anomochloa is problematic because the ramification pattern of the florets places the bracts and axes in unusual positions relative to the primary inflorescence axis. Our study indicates that there is a single abaxial carpel in Anomochloa, probably due to a cryptic type of pseudomonomery in Anomochloa that resembles the pseudomonomery of other grasses. On the other hand, the Anomochloa flower differs from the "typical" grass flower in lacking lodicules and possessing four stamens, in contrast with the tristaminate condition that characterizes many other grasses. ? Conclusions: Using the median part of the innermost bract as a locator, we tentatively homologize the inner bract of the Anomochloa partial inflorescence with the palea of other grasses. In this interpretation, the pattern of monosymmetry due to stamen suppression differs from that of Ecdeiocolea.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA cleavage sites for 10 restriction enzymes were mapped for 46 species representing all sections of Anemone, four closely related genera (Clematis, Pulsatilla, Hepatica, and Knowltonia), and three more distantly related outgroups (Caltha, Ranunculus, and Adonis). Comparison of the maps revealed that the chloroplast genomes of Anemone and related genera have sustained an unusual number and variety of rearrangements. A single inversion of a 42-kb segment was found in the large single-copy region of Adonis aestivalis. Two types of rearrangements were found in the chloroplast genome of Clematis, Anemone, Pulsatilla, Hepatica, and Knowltonia: An approximately 4-kb expansion of the inverted repeat and four inversions within the large single-copy region. These rearrangements support the monophyletic status of these genera, clearly separating them from Caltha, Ranunculus, and Adonis. Two further inversions were found in two Clematis species and three Anemone species. While appearing to support a monophyletic grouping for these taxa, these two inversions conflict with data from both chloroplast restriction sites and morphology and are better interpreted as having occurred twice independently. These are the first two documented cases of homoplastic inversions in chloroplast DNA. Finally, the second intron of the chloroplast rps12 gene was shown to have been lost in the common ancestor of the same three Anemone species that feature the two homoplastic inversions.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the five families of the order Commelinales remain an area of deep uncertainty in higher-level monocot systematics, despite intensive morphological and anatomical study. To test the monophyly of the Commelinales and the subclass Commelinidae, evaluate their relationships, and analyze evolutionary trends in their morphology, ecology, and biogeography, we conducted parsimony analyses on 95 rbcL sequences representing 17 taxa of Commelinales, 16 taxa of other Commelinidae, and 63 taxa from Arecidae, Liliidae, and Zingiberidae. Commelinales is polyphyletic and Commelinidae paraphyletic, with Eriocaulaceae and Xyridaceae sister to Poaceae and its relatives, Rapateaceae sister to Bromeliaceae and Mayacaceae, and Commelinaceae sister to Philydrales and allies. Thurnia is sister to Prionium at the base of Cyperaceae-Juncaceae; only 1 of Cronquist's multifamily commelinoid orders is diagnosed as monophyletic. We propose a revised Commelinidae, incorporating 4 revised superorders (Bromelianae, Commelinanae, Dasypogonanae, Arecanae) and 10 orders ((Poales, Eriocaulales, Cyperales, Typhales, Bromeliales), (Commelinales, Philydrales, Zingiberales), (Dasypogonales), (Arecales)). Morphological and anatomical characters used to define the original Commelinales and Commelinidae appear to be plesiomorphic or to reflect convergence or recurrent mutation; several characters supporting our revised classification are anatomical traits that seem relatively insulated from environmental selection pressures. The Commelinidae distal to the Arecales arose in South America, with amphiatlantic Bromeliaceae-Mayacaceae-Rapateaceae originating in the Guayana Shield. Ecological diversification involved the repeated invasion of shady, infertile, or arid microsites. The numbers of species in families of the revised Commelinidae are related partly to the extent of adaptive radiation in those families, but seem more strongly related to nonadaptive features promoting speciation, such as restricted seed dispersal (especially in forest interior groups with fleshy fruits), polyploidy, aneuploidy, and apomixis. Species diversity is unrelated to the rate/amount of rbcL sequence evolution.  相似文献   

Simultaneous microsporogenesis is described for the first time in a grass, Streptochaeta spicata Schrad., a tropical Brazilian species that belongs in the early‐divergent subfamily Anomochlooideae. Microsporogenesis is successive in all other Poaceae examined so far, and most other members of the order Poales, to which grasses belong. The only other reports of simultaneous microsporogenesis in Poales are in Rapateaceae and some members of the cyperid clade (Juncaceae, Cyperaceae, Prionium and Thurnia). Among the graminids, Ecdeiocolea (the putative closest relative to Poaceae) is successive, as are Joinvillea, Flagellaria and all other Poaceae, indicating that the simultaneous condition is autapomorphic in Streptochaeta, though Anomochloa has yet to be examined. Anther wall development in Streptochaeta is of the reduced type, as also in another early‐divergent grass Pharus, though most other Poales, including most grasses, have the monocot type. In Streptochaeta, as in Pharus, the endothecium lacks thickenings, unlike other grasses that have a persistent endothecium with thickenings. The centrifixed anthers and nonplumose stigmas of Streptochaeta suggest entomophily.  相似文献   

Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is an economical plant and widely grown for natural rubber production. However, genomic research of rubber tree has lagged behind other species in the Euphorbiaceae family. We report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of rubber tree as being 161,191 bp in length including a pair of inverted repeats of 26,810 bp separated by a small single copy region of 18,362 bp and a large single copy region of 89,209 bp. The chloroplast genome contains 112 unique genes, 16 of which are duplicated in the inverted repeat. Of the 112 unique genes, 78 are predicted protein-coding genes, 4 are ribosomal RNA genes and 30 are tRNA genes. Relative to other plant chloroplast genomes, we observed a unique rearrangement in the rubber tree chloroplast genome: a 30-kb inversion between the trnE(UUC)-trnS(GCU) and the trnT(GGU)-trnR(UCU). A comparison between the rubber tree chloroplast genes and cDNA sequences revealed 51 RNA editing sites in which most (48 sites) were located in 26 protein coding genes and the other 3 sites were in introns. Phylogenetic analysis based on chloroplast genes demonstrated a close relationship between Hevea and Manihot in Euphorbiaceae and provided a strong support for a monophyletic group of the eurosid I.  相似文献   

Ma PF  Guo ZH  Li DZ 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30297


Compared to their counterparts in animals, the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of angiosperms exhibit a number of unique features. However, unravelling their evolution is hindered by the few completed genomes, of which are essentially Sanger sequenced. While next-generation sequencing technologies have revolutionized chloroplast genome sequencing, they are just beginning to be applied to angiosperm mt genomes. Chloroplast genomes of grasses (Poaceae) have undergone episodic evolution and the evolutionary rate was suggested to be correlated between chloroplast and mt genomes in Poaceae. It is interesting to investigate whether correlated rate change also occurred in grass mt genomes as expected under lineage effects. A time-calibrated phylogenetic tree is needed to examine rate change.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We determined a largely completed mt genome from a bamboo, Ferrocalamus rimosivaginus (Poaceae), through Illumina sequencing of total DNA. With combination of de novo and reference-guided assembly, 39.5-fold coverage Illumina reads were finally assembled into scaffolds totalling 432,839 bp. The assembled genome contains nearly the same genes as the completed mt genomes in Poaceae. For examining evolutionary rate in grass mt genomes, we reconstructed a phylogenetic tree including 22 taxa based on 31 mt genes. The topology of the well-resolved tree was almost identical to that inferred from chloroplast genome with only minor difference. The inconsistency possibly derived from long branch attraction in mtDNA tree. By calculating absolute substitution rates, we found significant rate change (∼4-fold) in mt genome before and after the diversification of Poaceae both in synonymous and nonsynonymous terms. Furthermore, the rate change was correlated with that of chloroplast genomes in grasses.


Our result demonstrates that it is a rapid and efficient approach to obtain angiosperm mt genome sequences using Illumina sequencing technology. The parallel episodic evolution of mt and chloroplast genomes in grasses is consistent with lineage effects.  相似文献   

We have sequenced two complete chloroplast genomes in the Asteraceae, Helianthus annuus (sunflower), and Lactuca sativa (lettuce), which belong to the distantly related subfamilies, Asteroideae and Cichorioideae, respectively. The Helianthus chloroplast genome is 151?104 bp and the Lactuca genome is 152?772 bp long, which is within the usual size range for chloroplast genomes in flowering plants. When compared to tobacco, both genomes have two inversions: a large 22.8-kb inversion and a smaller 3.3-kb inversion nested within it. Pairwise sequence divergence across all genes, introns, and spacers in Helianthus and Lactuca has resulted in the discovery of new, fast-evolving DNA sequences for use in species-level phylogenetics, such as the trnY-rpoB, trnL-rpl32, and ndhC-trnV spacers. Analysis and categorization of shared repeats resulted in seven classes useful for future repeat studies: double tandem repeats, three or more tandem repeats, direct repeats dispersed in the genome, repeats found in reverse complement orientation, hairpin loops, runs of A's or T's in excess of 12 bp, and gene or tRNA similarity. Results from BLAST searches of our genomic sequence against expressed sequence tag (EST) databases for both genomes produced eight likely RNA edited sites (C → U changes). These detailed analyses in Asteraceae contribute to a broader understanding of plastid evolution across flowering plants.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of partial phytochrome B (PHYB) nuclear DNA sequences provide unambiguous resolution of evolutionary relationships within Poaceae. Analysis of PHYB nucleotides from 51 taxa representing seven traditionally recognized subfamilies clearly distinguishes three early-diverging herbaceous "bambusoid" lineages. First and most basal are Anomochloa and Streptochaeta, second is Pharus, and third is Puelia. The remaining grasses occur in two principal, highly supported clades. The first comprises bambusoid, oryzoid, and pooid genera (the BOP clade); the second comprises panicoid, arundinoid, chloridoid, and centothecoid genera (the PACC clade). The PHYB phylogeny is the first nuclear gene tree to address comprehensively phylogenetic relationships among grasses. It corroborates several inferences made from chloroplast gene trees, including the PACC clade, and the basal position of the herbaceous bamboos Anomochloa, Streptochaeta, and Pharus. However, the clear resolution of the sister group relationship among bambusoids, oryzoids, and pooids in the PHYB tree is novel; the relationship is only weakly supported in ndhF trees and is nonexistent in rbcL and plastid restriction site trees. Nuclear PHYB data support Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae, Pooideae sensu lato, Oryzoideae, Panicoideae, and Chloridoideae, and concur in the polyphyly of both Arundinoideae and Bambusoideae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The recent assembly of the complete sequence of the plastid genome of the model taxon Physcomitrella patens (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) revealed that a 71-kb fragment, encompassing much of the large single copy region, is inverted. This inversion of 57% of the genome is the largest rearrangement detected in the plastid genomes of plants to date. Although initially considered diagnostic of Physcomitrella patens, the inversion was recently shown to characterize the plastid genome of two species from related genera within Funariaceae, but was lacking in another member of Funariidae. The phylogenetic significance of the inversion has remained ambiguous. METHODS: Exemplars of all families included in Funariidae were surveyed. DNA sequences spanning the inversion break ends were amplified, using primers that anneal to genes on either side of the putative end points of the inversion. Primer combinations were designed to yield a product for either the inverted or the non-inverted architecture. KEY RESULTS: The survey reveals that exemplars of eight genera of Funariaceae, the sole species of Disceliaceae and three generic representatives of Encalyptales all share the 71-kb inversion in the large single copy of the plastid genome. By contrast, the plastid genome of Gigaspermaceae (Funariales) is characterized by a gene order congruent with that described for other mosses, liverworts and hornworts, and hence it does not possess this inversion. CONCLUSIONS: The phylogenetic distribution of the inversion in the gene order supports a hypothesis only weakly supported by inferences from sequence data whereby Funariales are paraphyletic, with Funariaceae and Disceliaceae sharing a common ancestor with Encalyptales, and Gigaspermaceae sister to this combined clade. To reflect these relationships, Gigaspermaceae are excluded from Funariales and accommodated in their own order, Gigaspermales order nov., within Funariideae.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing is fundamentally altering traditional phylogenetic classifications. While the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III system based on chloroplast sequences has opened up a new era of angiosperm molecular classification, the use of nuclear genome sequences is more helpful for a precise phylogenetic analysis. However, such attempts have so far been applied to only a very limited number of angiosperm plant families. We constructed a phylogenetic tree of 25 plant species with well assembled genome sequences representing 19 angiosperm families and one gymnosperm family (as out group) using 390 orthologous genes. Our results strongly support the moving of Rhamnaceae to order Rosales from Rhamnales, abolishing Rhamnales, and establishing the new order Malpighiales in the APG III system. Our data also showed some characteristics inconsistent with the APG III classification and provided a reinterpretation of phylogeny for some of the families involved. We propose that Malpighiales should be placed in Malvids, not Fabids. The four monocot species representing four families were clustered together, indicating that monocot is a natural taxon. In summary, our results support almost all the APGIII treatments of the orders involved in this study and provided some surprising reinterpretations at levels beyond order.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the grass family were studied using a newly obtained locus of the nuclear single copy gene topoisomerase 6 (Topo6) spanning the four exons 8–11 and the chloroplast matK gene. Data were evaluated using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. All analyses showed genera Streptochaeta and Anomochloa as early diverging, followed by Pharus as sister to the rest of the Poaceae, and monophyly of the subfamily Anomochlooideae was supported by the nuclear dataset. The remaining grasses formed a strongly supported and monophyletic group, which split into the major clades BEP and PACMAD in the Topo6 analyses. Monophyly of the BEP clade was strongly supported by the Topo6 data. The results showed clearly incongruity between the two sets of data, such as the different subfamilial relationships of Bambusoideae, Ehrhartoideae and Pooideae. Most of the analysed species are representatives of subfamily Pooideae, which was analysed in more detail by PCR fragment length differences of another Topo6 region spanning the exons 17–19. Monophyly of Pooideae was strongly supported by the matK data, whereas the nuclear data placed Brachyelytrum outside of the remaining Pooideae. Relationships within the early evolutionary lineages remained largely unresolved in the phylogenetic trees, but the ‘core’ Pooideae (Aveneae/Poeae tribe complex and Hordeeae) were highly supported in all analyses. The differences in amplification lengths illustrate the tribe and subtribe classification of Pooideae. The comparatively conserved structure of the newly studied Topo6 region makes it a promising marker from the nuclear genome that could be successfully PCR-amplified to study higher-level phylogenetic relationships within grasses and perhaps between families within the order Poales.  相似文献   

Attempts to design truly universal primers to amplify chloroplast microsatellites have met with limited success due to nonconservation of repeat loci across widely divergent taxa. We have used the complete chloroplast genome sequences of rice, maize and wheat to design five pairs of primers that amplify homologous mononucleotide repeats across the Poaceae (grasses). Sequencing confirmed conservation of repeat motifs across subfamilies and a preliminary study in Anthoxanthum odoratum revealed polymorphism at two loci with a haplotype diversity value of 0.495. These primers provide a valuable tool to study cytoplasmic diversity in this extensively studied and economically important range of taxa.  相似文献   

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