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Paracyathocaulis ogurae gen. et comb. nov. andCyathocaulis yezopteroides sp. nov. are Late Cretaceous tree-fern stems with cyatheaceous affinity. They are comparable with the Recent scaly cyatheoids (Cyathea s.l.), as well as with the Cretaceous and Tertiary fossil stems that have similar anatomy. All of these tree ferns, including the Late Jurassic to Early CretaceousOguracaulis Tidwellet al., comprise a well-defined morphological complex within Cyatheaceae, and are considered to be monophyletic. The taxonomy of this complex is analyzed cladistically, and the cladogram is phylogenetically evaluated by reference to the chronological data of fossils.  相似文献   

Divergence time estimates suggest that most clades constituting the fern family Pteridaceae (Polypodiales) were in existence by the Early Cretaceous. However, fossil evidence to corroborate this remains exceedingly rare. Burmese amber is an important source of new information on the radiation of derived fern lineages during the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution. This study describes Heinrichsia cheilanthoides gen. et sp. nov., a fern with suggested affinities to Pteridaceae, based on fertile foliage portions preserved in Early Cretaceous (~100 Ma) amber from Myanmar. Heinrichsia cheilanthoides is characterized by a pinnate‐pinnatifid frond that bears apical, marginal sori protected by a pseudoindusium. Sporangia are of the polypod type and contain tetrahedral‐globose, trilete spores with a striate perine. This discovery provides a new calibration point to test and refine molecular clock‐based concepts of the evolutionary history of the Pteridaceae. Heinrichsia cheilanthoides further substantiates the suggestion that the Cretaceous forests of Myanmar were home to a rich fern flora.  相似文献   

The plants that produced unique resinous coals (rhabdopissites) of the Lipovtsy coal field are revealed. They belong mainly to the group Miroviaceae (Oswaldheeria). Pseudotorellia (Ginkgoales) played an important role in the formation of humic coals of this Early Cretaceous coal field. The coal-forming plants comprise also cyatheaceous and gleicheniaceous ferns. A leafy shoot of Pseudotorellia has been found in this locality for the first time. It is assigned to the new species Pseudotorellia krassilovii Bugdaeva sp. nov.  相似文献   

As an important component of the Mesozoic flora, the extinct fern genus Eboracia Thomas (Dicksoniaceae, Filicales) is widely reported in China with diverse fossil records. New material of Eboracia lobifolia, represented by a nearly intactly preserved fossil frond, is described herein from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation in Beipiao of western Liaoning, Northeast China. The frond is lanceolate in gross outline, at least 38.0 cm long, and can be divided into the basal sterile part, the upper fertile part and a transitional part in between. The new discovery confirms for the first time that the frond of E. lobifolia is hemidimorphic rather than holodimorphic. Many in-situ spores were detached from the sori of the fertile pinnae, which are characterized by rounded-tetrahedral shape, smooth surface, distinct border, and a wide, long triradiate crack almost reaching the equator. Comparing with dispersed spores in the same horizon, these in-situ spores seem to be most similar to Cyathidites minor Couper in morphology. A spatio-temporal analysis of Eboracia in China shows that Eboracia with totally four species occurred in a time interval ranging from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous in China, and mostly flourished in the Middle Jurassic; the genus was widely distributed in both the Northern and Southern Phytofloristic Provinces of China, particularly in southern China during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, while more abundant and diverse in northern China during the Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

We present a phylogenetic dating of asterids, based on a 111-taxon tree representing all major groups and orders and 83 of the 102 families of asterids, with an underlying data set comprising six chloroplast DNA markers totaling 9914 positions. Phylogenetic dating was done with semiparametric rate smoothing by penalized likelihood. Confidence intervals were calculated by bootstrapping. Six reference fossils were used for calibration. To explore the effects of various sources of error, we repeated the analyses with alternative dating methods (nonparametric rate smoothing and the Langley-Fitch clock-based method), alternative tree topologies, reduced taxon sampling (22 of the 111 taxa deleted), partitioning the data into three genes and three noncoding regions, and calibrating with single reference fossils. The analyses with alternative topologies, reduced taxon sampling, and coding versus noncoding sequences all yielded small or in some cases no deviations. The choice of method influenced the age estimates of a few nodes considerably. Calibration with reference fossils is a critical issue, and use of single reference fossils yielded different results depending on the fossil. The bootstrap confidence intervals were generally small. Our results show that asterids and their major subgroups euasterids, campanulids, and lamiids diversified during the Early Cretaceous. Cornales, Ericales, and Aquifoliales also have crown node ages from the Early Cretaceous. Dipsacales and Solanales are from the Mid-Cretaceous, the other orders of core campanulids and core lamiids from the Late Cretaceous. The considerable diversity exhibited by asterids almost from their first appearance in the fossil record also supports an origin and first phase of diversification in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The position of the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Cretaceous, sandwiched between Laurasia and Gondwana, makes it an important area for the biogeography study of terrestrial ecosystems. Relevant data are, however, scarce. The discovery of silicified wood in the west of the Cameros Basin, in the village Hacinas (Spain), is the first record of the genus Protopodocarpoxylon in Spain and the seventh of Agathoxylon. A new species, Protopodocarpoxylon haciniensis sp. nov., is described. The anatomy of the samples studied shows that paleoclimatic conditions during the Early Cretaceous in the western part of the Cameros Basin were favorable to tree growth, with good water supply during the growth season. Although much impoverished in comparison with Western Europe, the Iberian Early Cretaceous wood floras are clearly Laurasian in affinity.  相似文献   

The literature on cyatheaceous spore morphology relative to the presence of a perine layer is reviewed, and evidence based on a sodium-hydroxide assay is presented indicating that the outer scultpine layer in certain cyatheaceous spores is perine. Perine so defined characterizes Metaxya, paleotropical and certain neotropical species of Sphaeropteris, nearly all species of Alsophila, all species of Nephelea, and certain species of Trichipteris and Cyathea. It is lacking in Lophosoria, many species of Trichipteris and Cyathea, and all species of Cnemidaria. Two major patterns of spore number per sporangium in the family are reported. Lophosoria, Sphaeropteris, Trichipteris, Cyathea, Cnemidaria, and probably Metaxya are characterized by 64-spored sporangia, whereas most species of Alsophila and all species of Nephelea are characterized by 16-spored sporangia. The congruence of this generic distribution of sporangial-capacity types with Tryon's phyletic arrangement of cyatheaceous genera supports the naturalness of his system. The intrasporangial germination of spores retained in dehisced and dispersed sporangia supports the suggestion that decreased spore number per sporangium in Alsophila and Nephelea may relate to the role of the sporangia as dispersal units. The decreased number of spores per sporangium is associated with a trend toward increase in the number of sporangia per sores, with the highest known count approaching 1000 sporangia per sorus. The Alsophila-Nephelea evolutionary line has probably not been ancestral in the phylogeny of the more advanced groups of ferns.  相似文献   

通过对中国化石骨舌鱼类及骨舌鱼类现生主要类群的比较研究,用 PAUP 软件对31个分类单元的65个特征进行了分析,得到了16个最简约的分支图(步长为206,一致性指数为 0.4320,保留指数为0.7194)。严格合意树显示,中国早白垩世的骨舌鱼类(酒泉鱼、狼鳍鱼、固阳鱼、吉南鱼、同心鱼、西夏鱼、昆都仑鱼和华夏鱼)主要为骨舌鱼超目中不同等级的干群;与一般的观点不同,始舌齿鱼与蛟河鱼组成了姊妹群关系;骨舌鱼目由 Thaumaturus、弓背鱼亚目和骨舌鱼亚目组成;弓背鱼类与象鼻鱼类关系更近;Ostariostoma 为弓背鱼科的姊妹群;副狼鳍鱼与[骨舌鱼亚科+犁齿鱼亚科]组成了姊妹群,该姊妹群关系的建立,将骨舌鱼科的历史延伸到了早白垩世。  相似文献   

The fossil history of most extant seed plant groups is relatively well documented. Cycads, conifers and Ginkgo all have an extensive fossil record, and the understanding of early angiosperm diversity is increasing. The Gnetales are an exception. Few macrofossils have been described, and character evolution within the group is poorly known. Cratonia cotyledon is a new gnetalean fossil from the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil. This well-preserved seedling consists of two cotyledons, a feeder and a root. The leaf surface shows polygonal epidermal cells and apparently paracytic or actinocytic stomata. The cotyledons have a very specific venation pattern, shared only by Cratonia and Welwitschia, with parallel primary veins and secondary veins fusing to form inverted 'Y's between the main veins. Based on the 'Y'-venation and the presence of a feeder, we assign Cratonia to the Gnetum-Welwitschia clade. Fossil seedlings are unusual and this complete specimen with unambiguously welwitschioid characters is spectacular. Cratonia indicates that the evolutionary split between Gnetum and Welwitschia had occurred in the Early Cretaceous. Further, the close relationship between a West African plant and an east South American Early Cretaceous fossil is consistent with a major geological event: the rifting of the Gondwana continent.  相似文献   

Divergence time estimates based on DNA sequence variation of extant species suggest that eupolypod ferns were diverse already in the Cretaceous; however, fossil evidence to support this assumption remains exceedingly rare. Holttumopteris burmensis gen. et sp. nov., a fertile fern foliage fragment preserved in a piece of Albian–Cenomanian Burmese amber from Myanmar, is characterized by divided fertile leaves with catadromous, free lateral veins. Sporangia possess a vertical annulus interrupted by the sporangium stalk and contain monolete spores with a lophate perine. The sporangia occur clustered in discrete sori overarched by a laterally attached, reniform indusium. Reconstruction of ancestral character states suggests affinities of Holttumopteris to the Thelypteridaceae; however, several taxonomically relevant characters are not preserved. This discovery is nevertheless important because H. burmensis represents the first unequivocal fossil of a representative of the eupolypods from the middle Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Javier Luque 《Palaeontology》2015,58(2):251-263
Despite the extensive fossil record of higher crabs (Eubrachyura) from Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks worldwide, their Early Cretaceous occurrences are scarce and fragmentary, obscuring our understanding of their early evolution. Until now, representatives of only two families of eubrachyuran‐like crabs were known from the Early Cretaceous: Componocancridae and Tepexicarcinidae fam. nov., both monospecific lineages from the Albian (~110–100 Ma) of North and Central America, respectively. The discovery of Telamonocarcinus antiquus sp. nov. (Telamonocarcinidae) from the early Albian of Colombia, South America (~110 Ma), increases to three the number of known Early Cretaceous eubrachyuran‐like families. The ages and geographical distributions of the oldest eubrachyuran‐like taxa (i.e. Componocancridae, Telamonocarcinidae and Tepexicarcinidae fam. nov.) suggest that the oldest higher true crabs might have originated in the Americas; that they were already morphologically diverse by the late Early Cretaceous; and that their most recent common ancestor must be rooted in the Early Cretaceous, or even the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

The first Cretaceous representatives of Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae in the Antarctic are described from the Albian flora of Alexander Island. Two new species are recognized, one is assigned to Matonia, and another to the emended gleicheniaceous form-genus Gleicheniaceaephyllum. The taxonomy of fossil genera assigned to Gleicheniaceae is problematic, and as an alternative to the invalid genus Gleichenites, we propose that Microphyllopteris be utilised as a form-genus for species that have either an unknown branching pattern or pseudo-dichotomous branching without resting buds; Microphyllopteris is reserved for ferns that cannot be ascribed conclusively to Gleicheniaceae. Alternatively, Gleicheniaceaephyllum should be used for gleicheniaceous material that has a resting bud amongst two to four primary branches. Gleicheniaceaephyllum acutum sp. nov. is preserved as sterile and fertile fronds, pinnae and pinnules. The other new species, Matonia jeffersonii sp. nov., occurs as sterile and fertile pinnae and pinnules, and is aligned to Matoniaceae based on the presence of circular-oval sori with peltate indusia. The two taxa are inferred to have either a pedate or scrambling habit. These morphologies are relatively common at Alexander Island, compared to other high latitude fossil floras, and are interpreted as an adaptation to the high disturbance, polar conditions and unusual photoperiod experienced at Alexander Island during the Early Cretaceous. The theory that angiosperms caused the demise of ferns is discussed in relation to the Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae, and there does not appear to be association between angiosperm expansion and the decline of these two fern families.  相似文献   

曹正尧 《古生物学报》2001,40(2):214-218
报道辽西义县组两种颇具地层意义的植物化石。Ruffordia goeppertii(Dunker)Seward和Nageiopsis exgr.samioides(Fontaine)berry,根据植物化石认为义县组的时代应属于早白垩世。  相似文献   

Two thin‐toed tridactyl tracks in a fluvial sandstone bed of the Eumeralla Formation (Albian) at Dinosaur Cove (Victoria, Australia) were likely made by avian trackmakers, making these the oldest known fossil bird tracks in Australia and the only Early Cretaceous ones from Gondwana. These tracks, which co‐occur on the same surface with a slightly larger nonavian theropod track, are distinguishable by their anisodactyl form, hallux impressions and wide digit II–IV divarication angles. A lengthy hallux impression and other deformational structures associated with one track indicate foot movement consistent with an abrupt stop, suggesting its tracemaker landed after either flight or a hop. The single nonavian theropod track is similar to other tracks described from the Eumeralla Formation at another locality. The avian footprints are larger than most Early Cretaceous avian tracks recorded worldwide, indicating sizeable enantiornithine or ornithurine species in formerly polar environments of Australia. The avian tracks further supplement scant body fossil evidence of Early Cretaceous birds in southern Australia, which includes a furcula from the Wonthaggi Formation. Because of this discovery, Dinosaur Cove, previously known for its vertebrate body fossils, is added to a growing list of Early Cretaceous vertebrate tracksites in southern Australia.  相似文献   

Nomenclature reappraisal, diversity pattern and palaeoclimatic implications of Jurassic, Triassic and Early Cretaceous pycnoxylic woods in India are undertaken in the present study. Among the fourteen generic names published previously, only eight are validly published and the rest are nomenclaturally illegitimate. About 51 species were reported under these genera to date. There is a gradual increase of species diversity of fossil wood from the Triassic to Early Cretaceous. The nature of the growth rings was applied to understand the palaeoclimate. The lack of distinct growth rings in the Triassic woods suggests absence of seasonality. The Jurassic woods with an inconsistency in growth rings and presence of growth interruptions suggest climate was seasonal and turbulent. During the Early Cretaceous, conifer dominated vegetation and with wider growth rings and gradual transition suggests warm environments with pronounced seasonality. The general increase in mean ring width from the Triassic to Early Cretaceous indicates ameliorating climatic conditions, particularly benign summer conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Reef facies, reef types and their biotic associations in the Maiella platform margin (central Italy) provide qualitative evidence for a significant reef decline across the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary, and indicate two phases of reef recovery during the Paleocene. Rudists dominated the reef community until the latest Cretaceous. A significant sea-level fall around the time of the K/T boundary is documented by a truncation surface associated with emersion. During sea-level highstands in the Danian to Early Thanetian and, more extensively, during the Late Thanetian, coral-algal patch-reefs grew along the platform margin and top. Already in the Danian to Early Thanetian, the reef communities were more diverse and the constructional types more evolved than previously known from this time. Differences between the Danian to Early Thanetian coral association, the Late Thanetian association, and Late Cretaceous coral faunas may have ecological or evolutionary causes. Repeated emergence produced a complex diagenetic history in the Danian to Lower Thanetian limestones. All Paleocene reefs were displaced by gravitative redeposition. Coral-algal reefs are less important in the Early to mid Eocene, when alveolinid foraminifera dominated on the Maiella shelf. Reefs on the Maiella platform diversified and attained large sizes in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene, as known from other Mediterranean platforms. The external controls on the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene evolution and demise of reef communities that are most easily demonstrated with our data are sealevel fluctuations and climate change. We propose that the change in reef biota and reef types across the K/T boundary and during the Early Tertiary were important causes of the parallel changes in platform growth style.  相似文献   

A high diversity of terrestrial crocodyliform species has been found in the continental Cretaceous deposits of Gondwana. They are widespread in the sedimentary basins of Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Morocco, Cameroon, Niger, Malawi, Madagascar and Pakistan, from alluvial, fluvial and lacustrine deposits. A peculiar aspect of these terrestrial crocodyliforms is that only some of them are cosmopolitan. They comprise distinct groups as the basal Notosuchia, baurusuchids, sphagesaurids and Sebecian peirosaurids. There is a distribution pattern of the terrestrial Crocodyliformes faunas throughout the Cretaceous. The oldest are composed of the small and probably omnivorous Notosuchia and Araripesuchus, found in Early Cretaceous deposits. In the Late Cretaceous this fauna was enriched by the medium-sized to large-size baurusuchids, sphagesaurids, peirosaurids and larger Araripesuchus which present specializations as active terrestrial predators. The distribution analysis of the terrestrial Crocodyliformes from Early and Late Cretaceous palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic maps indicates that temperature was the principal influence on their Gondwanan distribution. Although expressed seasonality, aridity is a limiting factor for the distribution of extant crocodilians. The Cretaceous basal Notosuchia, baurusuchids, sphagesaurids, Araripesuchus, Sebecian peirosaurids, are found in arid climatic belts during Early and Late Cretaceous. To live in a hot and arid climate they have presumably developed ecological strategies that allowed such habits. The aridity or seasonal warm and cyclic dry and wet climate periods plays a role, that have not yet been analyzed, that may explain the domain of bizarre Crocodyliformes in Gondwana during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Four new genera and six new species of fossil seed (Buarcospermum tetragonium, Lignierispermum maroneae, Lobospermum glabrum, L. rugosum, L. stampanonii, Rugonella trigonospermum) are described from five Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras from Portugal and eastern North America. The four genera are distinguished by differences in size, shape, and details of seed anatomy, but all are unusual in having an outer seed envelope with a distinctive anatomical structure that surrounds the nucellus and the integument. The integument is extended apically into a long, narrow micropylar tube. The four new genera are part of a diverse, but previously unrecognized, complex of extinct plants that was widespread in Early Cretaceous vegetation and that coexisted in similar habitats with early angiosperms. The distinctive structure of these seeds, and the strong similarities to other fossil seeds (Ephedra, Ephedripites, Erdtmanispermum, Raunsgaardispermum, and some Bennettitales) already known from the Early Cretaceous, suggests that this newly recognized complex of extinct plants, together with Bennettitales, Erdtmanithecales, and Gnetales (the BEG group), is phylogenetically closely related.  相似文献   

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