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Turnera subulata is a substantial medicinal plant used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. The current study was assess the total phenolic and flavonoid contents to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of the sequentially extracted T. subulata plant samples. In vitro anti-angiogenic activity was evaluated by chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model for chloroform, ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts. The results obtained revealed that total phenolic content of the chloroform extract (24.13 ± 0.27 mg/g) and total flavonoid content (TFC) of the chloroform extract (22.28 ± 0.40 mg/g) were found to be suggestively higher than the other extracts. A strong antioxidant property was observed for all the six extracts. A study anti-inflammatory activity was observed in chloroform and ethanol extracts, with IC50 ranging from 79 ± 1.01 μg/mL to 81 ± 1.01 μg/mL for protein denaturation assay and from 74 ± 0.11 μg/mL to 76 ± 1.11 μg/mL for HRBC membrane stabilization assay, respectively. The chloroform and ethanol extracts have exhibited good antiangiogenic property. Eventually, these results justified that the chloroform and ethanol extracts of T. subulata with great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiangiogenesis potentials could be promising candidates for the development of a cost effective, potent anticancer drug with minimal side effects.  相似文献   

The anatomy of colleters was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy in 25 species of Turnera and nine species of Piriqueta. Based on morphology, four categories of colleters were recognized: standard, sessile, lachrymiform and trochleariform, all of which differ in shape and length/width ratio. They all have a similar anatomy: they consist of an axis of parenchymatous cells, sheathed by a palisade epidermis. The standard type is the most widespread in the studied taxa; the lachrymiform example was found in those species of Piriqueta with setiform glandular hairs; only one trochleariform example appeared in T: diffusa. The sessile type is considered to be a morphological transitional form between extrafloral nectaries and colleters. This is the first record of sessile, lachrymiform and trochleariform colleters. The anatomy of colleters is compared with other secretory structures such as glandular trichomes and extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

We performed mixed pollinations, involving self vs. within- or between-population pollen, and used starch gel electrophoresis to assay 2,210 progeny to detect pollen competition in Turnera ulmifolia. Within populations there was no evidence for a competitive advantage to outcross pollen. Between populations a marked advantage to self pollen occurred for most populations, and the extent of this competitive advantage was correlated with increasing morphological divergence of the outcross pollen donor population. A comparison of rates of ovule abortion revealed that the biased paternity ratios cannot be the result of ovule abortion alone, and that pollen competition must be the major contributing factor. We suggest that reproductive divergence among the populations, perhaps through adaptation to different pollinators or through the evolution of increased selling, has resulted in the evolution of reproductive isolation through pollen competition.  相似文献   

Tamari F  Shore JS 《Heredity》2004,92(5):380-385
We explore the distribution of a style and pollen polygalacturonase in a number of distylous and homostylous species of Turnera, and two species of Piriqueta (Turneraceae). We show, using immunoblotting with antibodies made against these proteins, that the style polygalacturonase is specific to styles of short-styled plants of all the six distylous species of Turnera we have investigated. Styles of a somatic homostylous mutant derived from a short-styled plant do not possess the style polygalacturonase. Distylous P. caroliniana did not appear to possess this protein. We show that the pollen polygalacturonase, while associated with the short-styled morph in three species, is polymorphic among short-styled plants of T. krapovickasii, and absent from T. joelii, T. grandiflora and P. caroliniana. These data support a role for the style polygalacturonase in distyly, possibly in the incompatibility system, but cast doubt on any role for the pollen polygalacturonase. In concert with the predictions for the mode of origin, and the response of styles of homostylous species to pollen from long- and short-styled plants, we find that none of the homostylous species possess the style polygalacturonase. The pollen polygalacturonase does occur in some homostylous species, but not in others. It is not clear that the pollen polygalacturonase, however, provides a marker for the mode of origin of homostyly.  相似文献   

Distyly is a plant breeding system in which two self-incompatible, but cross-compatible, floral morphs occur within populations. The morphs differ in having a reciprocal arrangement of styles and anthers. Little or nothing is known of the proteins involved in self-incompatibility for any distylous species. Here we show that a 35 kDa putative polygalacturonase is specific to the transmitting tissue of short-styled plants of five species in series Turnera. The polygalacturonase was not detected in styles of long-styled plants, or in styles of five homostylous self-compatible species in this series of the genus. It is also absent from two X-ray generated mutants and a spontaneous somatic homostylous mutant that arose on a short-styled plant and whose style does possess this polygalacturonase. Three more distantly related species in the Turneraceae were investigated. Turnera weddelliana (series Salicifoliae) does possess the polygalacturonase; however, T. diffusa (series Microphyllae), and Piriqueta caroliniana, showed no evidence of possessing this polygalacturonase using immunocytochemistry. Polygalacturonase assays revealed activity in styles of long- and short-styled plants, but showed no activity of the 35 kDa style polygalacturonase. The distribution of pectins in styles and pollen tubes revealed no difference between the long- and short-styled morphs. Methyl-esterified pectins occur throughout the style tissues, except in the transmitting tissue. The transmitting tissue possesses unesterified pectins that could provide a substrate for polygalacturonase activity. We propose that the style polygalacturonase might act in a complementary manner, allowing pollen of long-styled plants to grow through short styles or, alternatively, oligogalacturonide products of polygalacturonase activity might play a role in signalling compatible responses.  相似文献   

To explore the genetic architecture of distyly in Turnera spp., we determined the inheritance and compatibility behaviour of two spontaneous homostyled mutants. A long-homostyled mutant shoot arose on an otherwise short-styled plant that was an artificial hybrid (Turnera subulata x T. krapovickasii) between two diploid distylous species. The mutation appears to be an allele, SH, of the distyly locus with the dominance relationships, S>SH>s, where S confers the short-styled phenotype, SH confers homostyly in SHSH and SHs genotypes, and ss genotypes are long-styled. Aberrant segregation ratios were observed among some crosses and might be the result of pollen competition. Compatibility relationships are consistent with the hypothesis that a gene complex determines distyly. Infrequently, revertant short-styled flowers have appeared on cuttings of the T. subulata x T. krapovickasii mutant and on occasion, short-styled progeny have appeared in crosses where none were expected. A second mutant homostyle was discovered in autotetraploid T. scabra. The mutation is inherited as above, however, tetrasomic inheritance occurs at the locus. This homostyled mutant carries two copies of the SH allele and has the duplex genotype SHSHss. Compatibility relationships were as observed above. The occurrence of homostyled mutants is consistent with the hypothesis that a linked gene complex underlies the inheritance of distyly in Turnera but we cannot discount the hypothesis that an allelic series is responsible.  相似文献   

The indumentum of Piriqueta and Turnera is made up of nine different types of trichomes, which broadly can be divided into glandular and non-glandular. Taking into account foot shape, head size and pedicle size, five variants of glandular trichomes are recognized: microcrapitate, stipitate-capitate, sessile-capitate and setiform. The non-glandular trichomes can be simple (unicellular or pluricellular-uniseriate), stellate or porrect-stellate. The setiform glandular hairs are present in most species of Piriqueta . Simple unicellular hairs are the most widespread type, frequently being found in combination with other trichomes. Stellate trichomes show a restricted distribution in both genera. Within Piriqueta , section Africana has only simple trichomes, whereas section Piriqueta has also porrect-stellate trichomes; groups of species can be set up according to the presence and type of glandular trichomes. Within Turnera the stipitate-capitate trichomes are exclusive to series Papilliferae ; sessile-capitate trichomes are found in series Microphyllae , Annulares and in some species of Salicifoliae ; clavate trichomes are found only in series Turnera ; setiform glandular hairs are exclusive to T. collotricha , whereas the microcapitate trichomes are widely distributed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 85–97.  相似文献   

We end-labeled Hin fI restriction digests of a PCR-amplified plastid encoded gene, the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, to investigate patterns of cpDNA inheritance in Turnera ulmifolia. A total of 70 progeny from crosses among plants taken from ten populations revealed varying patterns of inheritance. A majority of progeny inherited the paternal cpDNA (64%), while 19% exhibited maternal and 17% biparental inheritance. Eight variegated progeny showed biparental inheritance and were analyzed in greater detail. We extracted and analyzed the cpDNA content of light- vs. dark- green leaf sectors from these plants. The results showed that vegetative segregation of cpDNA had occurred for seven of the eight plants.  相似文献   

A. Athanasiou  J. S. Shore 《Genetics》1997,146(2):669-679
We used nondenaturing isoelectric focusing (IEF) in a survey of plants from 11 populations to identify style and pollen proteins unique to the short-styled morph of Turnera scabra, T. subulata and T. krapovickasii. Three protein bands [approximately isoelectric points (pIs) 6.1, 6.3 and 6.5] were found only in styles and stigmas of short-styled plants while two bands (approximately pIs 6.7 and 6.8, M(r) 56 and 59 kD) occur only in pollen of short-styled plants. Some of these bands appear very late in development, within 24 hr before flowering. Two isozyme loci were mapped to an 8.7 cM region spanning the distyly locus. Using these isozyme markers we identified progeny exhibiting recombination adjacent to the distyly locus. No recombinants between the distyly locus and the locus or loci controlling the presence of the short-styled morph-specific proteins were obtained. This suggests that the loci encoding these proteins are either extremely tightly linked to the distyly locus and in complete disequilibrium with the S allele or exhibit morph-limited expression. Crosses to a plant showing an unusual style protein phenotype demonstrated that an additional unlinked locus is required for full expression of the style proteins. The function of the morph-specific proteins is unknown.  相似文献   

We used PCR to amplify most of the rbcL gene and identified restriction fragment length polymorphisms to study the inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in the cross between two taxonomic varieties of the Turnera ulmifolia L. complex, vars. angustifolia and velutina. We identified an Alu I restriction site polymorphism that distinguished the parental plants. All 23 progeny from the cross var. angustifolia × var. velutina, where var. angustifolia was the maternal parent, possessed the paternal cpDNA. Results for the reciprocal cross were more varied, and the 16 progeny showed maternal, paternal, or biparental inheritance. We believe this represents the first study of plastid inheritance for any species in the Tumeraceae. The results are unusual and warrant further investigation using other species in this family.  相似文献   

Turnera sidoides, with the most southerly distribution of all Turnera species in America, is a complex of obligately outcrossing perennial herbs. Karyotypes of the five subspecies of T. sidoides (x = 7) are described for the first time utilizing root-tip mitotic metaphases. Different ploidy levels were found for all of the subspecies, ranging from diploid to octoploid. The results obtained, coupled with available meiotic and preliminary biosystematic data, support the hypothesis of autopolyploidy within this species complex. Although detailed karyotype analysis shows a high degree of intraspecific uniformity, subspecies may be differentiated by the number, type, and position of satellites, suggesting that chromosome rearrangements may also be involved in the karyotypic evolution of T. sidoides. Karyotype data, coupled with morphological and anatomical features, suggest the removal of T. sidoides from series Leiocarpae.  相似文献   

This study constitutes the first investigation of cyanogenesis variation within the Turnera sidoides autopolyploid complex. The qualitative and quantitative analysis carried out in 38 populations showed that the five subspecies of the complex are cyanogenic, although the levels of cyanide released varied both between and within subspecies. Between the subspecies, carnea , holosericea and integrifolia showed higher values of HCN released than subspecies pinnatifida and sidoides . Within subspecies, there is a tendency toward an increment of mean cyanide values with ploidy levels and different hypotheses are considered in order to explain this variation. The study of cyanogenesis in populations from different geographical areas cultivated under uniform greenhouse conditions showed that, in the widespread subspecies pinnatifida , HCN variation may also reflect the action of different selection pressures, since populations having dissimilar cyanide levels grow in different phytogeographical provinces with different climatic regimes. On the other hand, the fact that the variation of HCN released was greater between populations from different geographical areas than that observed between diploid and tetraploid populations of the same area provides additional evidence for the multiple origins of polyploids of the T. sidoides complex.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 85–94.  相似文献   

With the objective of contributing to understanding the patterns of variation within the Turnera sidoides complex, a detailed evaluation of morphological variation along the range of T. sidoides subsp. pinnatifida was performed. A multivariate analysis based on leaf traits and flower colour data enabled differentiation of five morphotypes. Common-garden experiments demonstrated that the morphological variants have a strong genetic basis. It was also found that the morphotypes are geographically structured along the subspecies range, display different habitat preferences, and occur in regions with different climatic regimes. Although these results are suggestive of adaptive differentiation of T. sidoides subsp. pinnatifida, comparisons between morphological and bioclimatic ordinations showed that the patterns observed cannot be fully explained by current climatic conditions. It is proposed that Miocene–Pleistocene events may explain the origin of the five morphotypes and that current climatic and ecological factors may be contributing to the maintenance of the extent and patterns of morphological differentiation in T. sidoides subsp. pinnatifida.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is a plant breeding system occurring in approximately 28 plant families and it has often been used as a model system in plant genetics and evolution. Although heterostyly has been studied for over a century beginning with Charles Darwin, the genes determining floral architecture and incompatibility are still unknown. To identify the genes residing at the S-locus of distylous Turnera subulata, we used a positional cloning strategy and assembled three BAC contigs across the S-locus region. In total, 31 overlapping BAC clones were assembled into contigs 1, 2 and SL. We developed and mapped numerous co-dominant markers from the ends of BAC clones across the S-locus region and assayed X-ray deletion mutants to delimit the region of the contig containing the S-locus. Deletion mapping revealed that a single BAC clone (L22s) within contig-SL contains the s haplotype, while two additional BAC clones (I1 and K15) may contain parts of the dominant S haplotype. Furthermore, we exploited the contigs assembled and investigated the rates of recombination at the S-locus as well as in two regions on either side of the S-locus. We found that recombination rates (estimated in kb/cM) are 2-5 times lower at the S-locus relative to flanking regions, although they are not statistically significant. The present study represents a landmark in the molecular characterization of the S-locus of a heterostylous species. We are now on the verge of identifying the genes that have remained elusive since Darwin's comprehensive study of heterostylous systems more than 125 years ago.  相似文献   

New chromosome number determinations are presented for 48 populations of five subspecies of Turnera sidoides. Chromosome counts in sspp. carnea, holosericea, integrifolia and sidoides confirm previous data while, in ssp. pinnatifida , the numbers 2n=2x = 14 and 2n = 6x = 42 are reported for the first time. The results show that polyploidy is a very frequent phenomenon. Populations are primarily tetraploids (2n = 4x = 28), while diploids (2n = 2x = 14), hexaploids (2n = 6x =42) and octoploids (2rc = 8x = 56) are less frequent. Diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes occur in sspp. carnea and pinnatifida , whereas tetraploids and hexaploids are known in ssp. holosericea. Turnera sidoides ssp. integrifolia shows a polyploid series with ploidy levels from 2x to 8x. The ssp. sidoides appears to be uniformly tetraploid, with the exception of an isolated pentaploid (2rc = 5x = 35). On the basis of these counts and previous reports the geographical distribution of the cytotypes has been determined and related to climatic and ecological factors.  相似文献   

Turnera ulmifolia L. is used in Brazilian folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory. Since this activity may be correlated with the presence of antioxidant compounds, a leaf extract was evaluated for its radical scavenging capacity (RSC). The in vitro RSC of a 50% hydroethanolic (HE) extract was evaluated by beta-carotene/linoleic acid coupled oxidation system for the inhibition of oxidation and the lipid peroxidation inhibition in rat brain homogenates, using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and chemiluminescence (CL). Results indicated, through peroxidation suppression, that this extract exhibited greater antioxidative activity (77.4% +/- 10%) than alpha-tocopherol (58.4% +/- 3.7%). TBARS and CL inhibition was concentration-dependent and Q(1/2) values were 8.2 and 6.0 microg/mL for TBARS and CL, respectively. For alpha-tocopherol these values were 7.1 microg/mL (TBARS) and 9.8 microg/mL (CL). Phenolic compounds may be responsible for this antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the current geographical structure of chloroplast DNA variation in the Turnera sidoides L. complex in order to establish historical biogeographical hypotheses for the mid‐latitude South American lowlands. During the Quaternary, the climate shifted from tropical humid to cold dry, and the vegetation cover has not been stable. The consequences of these processes on the current distribution of the vegetation of this area have received very little attention. Location The mid‐latitude South American lowlands extend between c. 20 and 40°S and include Uruguay, northern, central and eastern Argentina, southern Brazil, and parts of southern Paraguay and Bolivia. They are surrounded by higher‐elevation systems. Methods Turnera sidoides is a well‐studied polyploid complex of perennial rhizomatous herbs occurring throughout the area of interest. We analysed 321 individuals from 79 populations of the five recognized subspecies. We also included progenies from artificial crosses in order to analyse chloroplast inheritance. After screening sequences for four non‐coding chloroplast DNA regions, the trnLtrnF spacer was selected to characterize the collection. Results Three haplotypes can be easily identified, with each differing from the others in two independent characters. A clear geographic structure is revealed when haplotypes are plotted for the complex as a whole regardless of subspecies and cytotype. Three distinct regions can be identified. Main conclusions We propose three putative refugial areas for the Turnera sidoides complex, which are associated with the orographical systems of the region. Ravines and slopes in the Haedo Cuchilla system in northern Uruguay, the elevations of the western side of the area in Argentina, and the eastern Serranías system in south‐eastern Uruguay may each have served as refugia in which the A, B and C haplotypes became fixed during the drier climatic phases. Biogeographical patterns in the area covered by T. sidoides, particularly east of the Uruguay River, have not previously been analysed from a historical perspective.  相似文献   

This paper describes the myrmecochory system of Turnera ulmifolia in a coastal sand dune matorral in Mexico. Turnera ulmifolia has elaiosome‐bearing seeds and extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). In ten quadrants (4 × 15 m) ant–seed interaction was monitored, and an interaction intensity index calculated and correlated with the number of seedlings. Seed removal rates by ants were surveyed every 2 h for 24 h, the ants being observed both on and beneath the plants. The role of the elaiosome in seed removal was evaluated by offering seeds with and without elaiosomes, and elaiosomes only. Finally, the effect of ant manipulation in seed germination was evaluated. There were 25 ant species associated with seeds and/or EFNs, the most frequently recorded being Monomorium cyaneum and Forelius analis. There was a positive correlation between the intensity index and seedling number per quadrant. There was significantly higher mean seed removal during the day than during the night (19.3% and 12.3%, respectively), and from beneath than on the plant (21.9% and 9.5%, respectively). The preference for elaiosomes only was also greater during the diurnal period, and when gathered on, rather than beneath, the plant. Seed manipulation by F. analis enhanced germination by T. ulmifolia. Seed removal, dispersal distances, seed predation and germination were largely determined by ant behaviour. The presence of EFNs may be influencing seed removal on the plant by attracting a specific assemblage of omnivorous ants. Among such assemblages associated with T. ulmifolia we encountered a variety of behaviours, with ant species either good at defending plants but bad at dispersing seeds, or vice versa. We discuss the way in which these two rewards, and the processes involved (defence and dispersion), could have interacted with each other and evolved. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 67–77.  相似文献   

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