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The systematics of Malagasy Myristicaceae is revised to take into account new collections made since the work by Capuron in the 1970s, as well as improved knowledge from fieldwork and two scanning electron microscopy studies by the author. Four new species are described: Mauloutchia annickiae Sauquet, M. capuronii Sauquet, M. echinocarpa Capuron ex Sauquet, and M. sambiranensis (Capuron) Sauquet. In addition, basic information is given for each remaining Malagasy species of the family (synonymy, type specimen, updated distribution and main distinctive features). According to this treatment, Malagasy Myristicaceae now consist of four endemic genera and 15 species: Brochoneura Warb. (three species), Doyleanthus Sauquet (one species), Haematodendron Capuron (one species) and Mauloutchia (Baill.) Warb. (ten species). Two identification keys to these species are provided: one based primarily on fruit characters and one based primarily on male flower and inflorescence characters. Putative phylogenetic relationships among these species are also indicated, based on a previous combined morphological and molecular study by the author.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 351–368.  相似文献   

The pistillate flowers of Horsfieldia are morphologically similar to those of Myristica and Knema, and are composed of a single whorl of thick, fleshy tepals, and an unsealed, monocarpellate pistil bearing a single ovule. The carpel is vascularized by two ventral bundles, a pair of dorsal bundles, and several supernumerary bundles. The ovule vascularization is derived from the supernumerary bundles. Paired dorsal vascular bundles are an uncommon feature of uncertain significance. Carpels of Myristica and Knema lack any clearly defined dorsal vasculature, and the ovule vascular supply is derived from both the ventral and supernumerary bundles. The organization of the staminate flowers of Horsfieldia agrees with the myristicaceous pattern observed in Myristica and Knema. Each androecium consists of a single whorl of anthers fused or partially fused to a massive connective column. Each anther consists of a pair of bisporangiate lobes and a single vascular bundle. The androecial forms observed are interpreted as forming a series of intermediates between the monadelphous type of androecia of two South American genera, Compsoneura and Dialyanthera, and one African genus, Brochneura, and the solid, columnar androecia which are predominate in the family. Accumulating evidence supports a proposed South American or west Gondwanaland origin of the Myristicaceae.  相似文献   

银缕梅属花形态及其分类学意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1995年在江苏宜兴发现的一较大银缕梅居群的花为材料,观察确认金缕梅亚科单种属银缕梅属(ShaniodendronM.B.Deng,H.T.WeietX.QWang)的花序为近头状短稳状花序,由4~7朵花组成,花序内轮4~5朵花,两性;外轮1~2朵花,常为雄花,构成雄全同株。花无柄,无花瓣,花喜常合成浅林状,杯缘及杯背早期簇生长硬毛(hirsute),花生于初生苞片腋处,初生苞片卵形或阔卵形。雄蕊不定数,5~15枚,花丝长,直立。与其他无花瓣属植物比较表明,银缕梅属与特产里海南岸的Parrotia形态极为相似,主要区别在于本属花萼合生成浅怀状。银缕梅属花形态特征的阐明,对探讨金缕梅亚科无花瓣类群的系统发育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Lauraceous flowers from the Late Cretaceous of North Carolina, U.S.A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three new taxa with clear affinity to extant Lauraceae are described from the Santonian/ Campanian ( c .83 My, Late Cretaceous) Neuse River locality in North Carolina, U.S.A. A new lauraceous genus, Neusenia , is established to accommodate an excellently preserved flower with tetrasporangiate anthers and psilate pollen grains. Two additional lauraceous taxa are described but not named due to incomplete preservation. The fossil taxa described in this paper represent a variety of evolutionary lineages within Lauraceae with respect to inflorescence structure and anther morphology, including both distinctly pedicellate flowers and sessile, closely crowded flowers, as well as tetrasporangiate and disporangiate anthers. In light of the co-occurrence of both tetrasporangiate and disporangiate anthers in the Neuse River flora, the plesiomorphic state of lauraceous anthers is discussed. Mapped on a recent cladogram of Laurales, tetrasporangiate anthers appear to be primitive within Lauraceae. Thus, disporangiate 2-valvate anthers must have evolved independently at least three times in Laurales (in Lauraceae, Hernandiaceae, and Atherosperrnataceae/Gomortegaceae). In Hernandiaceae and Atherosperrnataceae/Gomortegaceae such anthers are interpreted to have originated from tetrasporangiate 2-valvate anthers through reduction of the septum in each theca, while in Lauraceae they may have originated in the same way and/or from reduction of two pollen sacs in a tetrasporangiate 4-valvate anther.  相似文献   

The floral anatomy of Cephalostemon, Monotrema, Rapatea, Spathanthus, and Stegolepis was studied for taxonomic purposes. All species studied share colleters between the floral parts; sepals, petals, anthers, and style covered by an ornamented cuticle; short epidermal cells with sinuous walls on the abaxial surface of the petals; tetrasporangiate anthers with phenolic idioblasts in the epidermis; endothecium with spiral thickenings; incompletely septate ovary; and anatropous, bitegmic ovules. The floral anatomy is useful not only for characterizing the family, but also for delimiting the subfamilies and genera. Sepals with silica bodies in the epidermal cells; mature anther wall composed of epidermis, endothecium, and middle layer; absence of phenolic idioblasts in the sepals, filaments, and ovary; and stylar epidermal cells with thickened external periclinal wall support Rapateoideae. Cephalostemon and Rapatea show a great number of similarities, corroborating their close relationship indicated in the phylogenetic analyses of the family. Monotrema shares few characters with the genera of Rapateoideae, corroborating its placement in Monotremoideae. Stegolepis shows several distinctive characters, probably related to the greater diversity found in this genus.  相似文献   

The morphology and anatomy of 105 flowers representing 13 species and 6 genera of the Canellaceae are summarized. The flowers are borne in axillary or terminal racemes, cymes, or small groups, or solitary, in an axillary or terminal position. The flowers are characterized as follows: bisexual, hypogynous; sepals 3, thick and leathery; petals, 5–12, free or united into tube at base, rather thick, in 1 or 2 whorls and/or spirals; androecium of 6–12 stamens united by their filaments forming a tube, anthers with longitudinal extrorse dehiscence; gynoecium of 2–6 carpels fused by their ventral margins; 2–6 placentae. There are 2 vascular bundles (rarely 3) to each sepal, 3 to each petal (some of the inner petals have only 1), 1 to each stamen and 1 trace to each carpel. The petal and stamen bundles have a common origin. All the data accumulated in this series on the Canellaceae indicate that the correct systematic placement of the Canellaceae is in the woody Ranales, perhaps in a complex with the Myristicaceae.  相似文献   

The floral ontogeny of two species of Knema and one of Horsfieldia was examined and described using scanning electron microscopy. The perianth is trimerous with three tepals arising in succession. Pistillate flowers have a rounded floral apex with a convex top. The single carpel primordium is initiated along the margin of the bud and develops a plicate shape with an apical bilobed stigma. In staminate flowers, the floral apex is broadly hemispherical with a somewhat three‐sided shape. Several anther primordia are initiated almost simultaneously around the margin of the floral apex. In Horsfieldia, stamens extend laterally in antetepalous groups, whereas, in Knema, anthers form two whorls. The alternitepalous stamens were found to be different from the antetepalous stamens, which are pressed within a limited space. The anther primordia remain adnate to the receptacle and grow longitudinally, producing a pair of microsporangia. The central area of the floral apex persists as an undifferentiated residuum without any trace of a gynoecium. Myristicaceous anthers are basically homologous, although the number of anthers, pollen sacs and shape of the androecium are variable. The evolution of the androecium is discussed in the family, with opposing possibilities for reductions and increases in anther number in Myristicaceae. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 42–52.  相似文献   

The column is the most characteristic part of an orchid flower. It is considered to be formed by the union of stamens with a central style and stigma. In the Apostasieae, for example, the column is rather primitive in the stamens and style only partially united, whereas in the majority of higher orchids it becomes more advanced through a eomplete union of them into a single organ. Within the family, indeed, the column structure is greatly diversified and of great taxonomic significance. It is interesting to note that a great range of diversity of column structure is bund in Neottia (sensu lato), a small but widespread genus consisting of 14 species, about two thirds of which, however, are of local occurance and seem to be little known to many botanists. In some speeies of this genus we find a very primitive column structure which is quite unique in the family, while in the others it is much more complicated. In all, five types of their column structure can be distinguished as fol- lows: (1) column rather longer; anther erect with a short filament attached to the back of the column near the apex; stigma terminal; neither clinandrium nor rostellure; (f. 2, 4) (2) as the preceding, 'except for the stigma more or less curved foreward and filament longer; (f. 6, 8) (3) column rather longer with a clinandrium at its summit, upon which a sessile and incumbent anther sits; rostellum large, horizontally projecting out over the concave stigma situated in the front of the column; (f. 10, 13, 15, 17) (4) as the preceding, except, for the anther and rostellum almost erect, and the stigma more or less bilabiate; (f. 19,21) (5) column very short; anther and rostellum erect; stigma lamellate, erect; reflexed and almost clasping the rostellum. (f.,2g) In these .five types, with the exception of the first one in which the labellum (the median petal) is very similar to the lateral: petals, they all possess zygomorphic perianth with labellum bilobed or entire which is quite different from the two lateral petals. Here, we see a great change in the column structure from one form with stamen and style not fully united to another form in which they have been well fused. Speaking strictly, these are two sorts of entirely different column structure. The former one, represented by (1) and (2) as stated above, is, in fact, an incomplete or s very primitive column in having a terminal stigma and an erect stamen with its free filament attached to the back of the column; and the absence of clinandrium and rostellum. Furthermore, there exists on the back of the column a thick ridge with its upper end joined to the filament, with which it is of the same texture and appearance. In Neottia pantlingii (=Arohineottia pantlingii) the free filament is even rather longer than the ridge, (f. 6) while in the other three species (f. 2, 4, 8) they are shorter. It is in my opinion the lower part of the filament adnate to the compound style or column. This is another fact of interest perhaps not occuring in any other living orchids. On the other hand, the latter one, represented by (3), (4) and (5), is a more advanced column structure, in which a higher level of specialisation with well-developed clinandrium and rostellum is reached. The stigma becomes shallow depressed on the anterior side of the column, or sometimes in the form of somewhat a bilabiate lip projecting out before or under the long rostellum. This is apparently a complete column both in structure and function quite different from the former and, contrarily, much like that of Listera. Basing upon the facts just mentioned, we may subdivided Neottia (sensu lato) into two distinct genera, with two and three sections respectively. They are as follows: 1. Archineottia S. C. Chen, gen. nov. (1) Sect. Archineottia 1) A. gaudissartii (Hand.-Mzt.) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (China) 2) A. microglottis (Duthie) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (India) (2) Sect. Furciila S. C. Chen, sect. nov. 3) A. pantlingii (W. W. Smith) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (Sikkim) 4) A. smithiana (Schltr.) S. C. Chen, comb. nov. (China) 2. Neottia Guett. (1) Sect. Listeroides S.C. Chen, sect. nov. 1) N. listeroides (L.) Rchb. f. (China, Sikkim, Kashmir) 2) N. camtschatea (L.) Rchb. f, (China, Soviet Union) 3) N. megalochila S. C. Chen, nom. nov. (China) 4) N. inayatii (I)uthie) Schltr. (Pakistan, Kashmir) 5) N. tenii Schltr; (China) (2) Sect. Neottia 6) N. papilligera Schltr. (Chinas: Japan, Korea, Soviet Union, Sikkim) 7) N. nidus-avis (L.) L. C. Rich. (Europe, Iran, Western Siberia) 8) N. brevilabris Tang et Wang: (China) (3) Sect. Hologlossa S. C. Chen, sect. nov. 9) N. acuminata Schltr. (China, Japan, Korea, Soviet Union, Sikkim) Inperfeetly known species: 10) N. ussuriensis (Kom. et Nevski) S6o (Soviet Union) Thus, the subtribe Neottiinae are composed of four genera, namely, Diplandrorchis, Archineottia, Neottia and Listera. The new genus Archineottia, as one of the most primitive genera in the family, is of great interest from a phylogenetic point of view. It shows dose similarity to Diplandrorchis and Neottia in habit, but sharply distinct from them in column structure. These genera, as indicated By some authors, also show affinity in some respects with the subtribe Limodorinae, especially to Tangtsinia and Sinorchis, the other two quite primitive genera in the family. There is, indeed, a great need of further study of these interesting or relic genera and this, I think, would go a long way towards solving the problems concerning the origin ofthe Orchidaceae.  相似文献   

Magnoliales, consisting of six families of tropical to warm-temperate woody angiosperms, were long considered the most archaic order of flowering plants, but molecular analyses nest them among other eumagnoliids. Based on separate and combined analyses of a morphological matrix (115 characters) and multiple molecular data sets (seven variable chloroplast loci and five more conserved genes; 14 536 aligned nucleotides), phylogenetic relationships were investigated simultaneously within Magnoliales and Myristicaceae, using Laurales, Winterales, and Piperales as outgroups. Despite apparent conflicts among data sets, parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of combined data converged towards a fully resolved and well-supported topology, consistent with higher-level molecular analyses except for the position of Magnoliaceae: Myristicaceae + (Magnoliaceae + (( Degeneria + Galbulimima ) + ( Eupomatia + Annonaceae))). Based on these results, we discuss morphological evolution in Magnoliales and show that several supposedly plesiomorphic traits are synapomorphies of Magnoliineae, the sister group of Myristicaceae (e.g. laminar stamens). Relationships within Annonaceae are also resolved with strong support ( Anaxagorea basal, then ambavioids). In contrast, resolution of relationships within Myristicaceae is difficult and still incomplete, due to a very low level of molecular divergence within the family and a long stem lineage. However, our data provide good evidence that Mauloutchia is nested among other Afro-Malagasy genera, contradicting the view that its androecium and pollen are plesiomorphic  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 125–186.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Giant Pill-Millipedes, order Sphaerotheriida, is investigated using a new morphological character matrix comprising 89 characters. The majority of these characters are employed for the first time in millipedes. All trees obtained agree on the monophyletic status of the Sphaerotheriida and several of its tribes, each restricted to a modern land mass. The species from Madagascar displaying island gigantism do not form a monophyletic group. The classic division of Giant Pill-Millipedes into two families, Sphaerotheriidae and Zephronidae, was not reflected in the analysis. The genus Procyliosoma is the sister-group to all other Sphaerotheriida, rendering the family Sphaerotheriidae paraphyletic. A new family-level classification of Giant Pill-Millipedes, based on the current phylogeny, is introduced. The new family Procyliosomatidae contains only the genus Procyliosoma , distributed in Australia and New Zealand. The family Zephronidae remains unchanged, while the family Sphaerotheriidae now incorporates only the African Giant Pill-Millipede genera. All genera from southern India and Madagascar form a monophyletic group and are placed in the new family Arthrosphaeridae. The Malagasy genus Sphaeromimus is more closely related to the Indian Arthrosphaera species than to other genera from Madagascar. A biogeographical analysis identifies the group as a Gondwana taxon (with a notable absence from South America). The current phylogeny of Giant Pill-Millipede families mirrors perfectly the suggested break-up of Gondwana fragments 160–90 Ma. No evidence for a dispersal event could be found, highlighting the importance of Giant Pill-Millipedes as a potential model taxon.  相似文献   

We compared anther development in 13 genera and 15 species of Annonaceae to document the nature and development of anther septa. In aseptate anthers, all sporogenous initials proceed to sporogenesis and meiosis. In septate anthers, a small number of sporogenous initials, in a discontinuous distribution pattern, differentiate into sporogenous cells; the remaining initials become sterile and form cellular septa that partition each anther lobe into multiple sporangial chambers. In species where the septum is 1-2 cell layers thick, the entire septum becomes tapetal (T-type septa) and breaks down before anther dehiscence. In species in which the septum is three or more cell layers thick, only the layer in direct contact with the sporogenous cells becomes tapetal, and the remaining cells become parenchymatous (P-type septa). These thicker P-type septa are sometimes visible in dehisced anthers. Both types are homologous in ontogeny and are highly associated with the production of compound pollen. We propose that the evolution of anther septation in Annonaceae was mainly driven by the requirement for highly efficient nutrient and physical support to the development of large, compound pollen units.  相似文献   



Anther smuts of the basidiomycetous genus Microbotryum on Caryophyllaceae are important model organisms for many biological disciplines. Members of Microbotryum are most commonly found parasitizing the anthers of host plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, however they can also be found on the anthers of members of the Dipsacaceae, Lamiaceae, Lentibulariaceae, and Portulacaceae. Additionally, some members of Microbotryum can be found infecting other organs of mainly Polygonaceae hosts. Based on ITS nrDNA sequences of members of almost all genera in Microbotryaceae, this study aims to resolve the phylogeny of the anther smuts and their relationship to the other members of the family of plant parasites. A multiple analysis strategy was used to correct for the effects of different equally possible ITS sequence alignments on the phylogenetic outcome, which appears to have been neglected in previous studies.  相似文献   

A new system of classification of Magnoliaceae proposed. This paper deals mainly with taxonomy and phytogeography of the family Magnoliaceae on the basis of external morphology, wood anatomy and palynology. Different authors have had different ideas about the delimitation of genera of this family, their controversy being carried on through more than one hundred years (Table I). Since I have been engaged in the work of the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, I have accumulated a considerable amount of information and material and have investigated the living plants at their natural localities, which enable me to find out the evolutionary tendencies and primitive morphological characters of various genera of the family. According to the evolutionary tendencies of the characters and the geographical distribution of this family I propose a new system by dividing it into two subfamilies, Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae Law (1979), two tribes, Magnolieae and Michelieae Law, four subtribes, Manglietiinae Law, Magnoliinae, Elmerrilliinae Law and Micheliinae, and fifteen genera (Fig. 1 ), a system which is different from those by J. D. Dandy (1964-1974) and the other authors. The recent distribution and possible survival centre of Magnoliaceae. The members of Magnoliaceae are distributed chiefly in temperate and tropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, ——Southeast Asia and southeast North America, but a few genera and species also occur in the Malay Archipelago and Brazil of the Southern Hemisphere. Forty species of 4 genera occur in America, among which one genus (Dugendiodendron) is endemic to the continent, while about 200 species of 14 genera occur in Southeast Asia, of which 12 genera are endemic. In China there are about 110 species of 11 genera which mostly occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan; 58 species and more than 9 genera occur in the mountainous districts of Yunnan. Moreover, one genus (Manglietiastrum Law, 1979) and 19 species are endemic to this region. The family in discussion is much limited to or interruptedly distributed in the mountainous regions of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan. The regions are found to have a great abundance of species, and the members of the relatively primitive taxa are also much more there than in the other regions of the world. The major genera, Manglietia, Magnolia and Michelia, possess 160 out of a total of 240 species in the whole family. Talauma has 40 species, while the other eleven genera each contain only 2 to 7 species, even with one monotypic genus. These three major genera are sufficient for indicating the evolutionary tendency and geographical distribution of Magnoliaceae. It is worthwhile discussing their morphological characters and distributional patterns as follows: The members of Manglietia are all evergreen trees, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely, filaments very short and flat, ovules 4 or more per carpel. This is considered as the most primitive genus in subtribe Manglietiinae. Eighteen out of a total of 35 species of the genus are distributed in the western, southwest to southeast Yunnan. Very primitive species, such as Manglietia hookeri, M. insignis and M. megaphylla, M. grandis, also occur in this region. They are distributed from Yunnan eastwards to Zhejiang and Fujian through central China, south China, with only one species (Manglietia microtricha) of the genus westwards to Xizang. There are several species distributing southwards from northeast India to the Malay Archipelago (Fig. 7). The members of Magnolia are evergreen and deciduous trees or shrubs, with flowers terminal, anthers dehiscing introrsely or laterally, ovules 2 per carpel, stipule adnate to the petiole. The genus Magnolia is the most primitive in the subtribe Magnoliinae and is the largest genus of the family Magnoliaceae. Its deciduous species are distributed from Yunnan north-eastwards to Korea and Japan (Kurile N. 46’) through Central China, North China and westwards to Burma, the eastern Himalayas and northeast India. The evergreen species are distributed from northeast Yunnan (China) to the Malay Archipelago. In China there are 23 species, of which 15 seem to be very primitive, e.g. Magnolia henryi, M. delavayi, M. officinalis and M. rostrata, which occur in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan. The members of Michelia are evergreen trees or shrubs, with flowers axillary, anthers dehiscing laterally or sublaterally, gynoecium stipitate, carpels numerous or few. Michelia is considered to be the most primitive in the subtribe Micheliinae, and is to the second largest genus of the family. About 23 out of a total of 50 species of this genus are very primitive, e.g. Michelia sphaerantha, M. lacei, M. champaca, and M. flavidiflora, which occur in Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan (the distributional center of the family under discussion) and extend eastwards to Taiwan of China, southern Japan through central China, southwards to the Malay Archipelago through Indo-China. westwards to Xizang of China, and south-westwards to India and Sri Lanka (Fig. 7). The members of Magnoliaceae are concentrated in Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan and radiate from there. The farther away from the centre, the less members we are able to find, but the more advanced they are in morphology. In this old geographical centre there are more primitive species, more endemics and more monotypic genera. Thus it is reasonable to assume that the region of Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan, China, is not only the centre of recent distribution, but also the chief survival centreof Magnoliaceae in the world.  相似文献   

Telangium pygmaeum Graham is known from Upper Pennsylvanian coal balls from the Calhoun coal mine (Illinois). The species was described as possessing radial synangia consisting of 3-5 sporangia fused laterally for about f13 their length. Synangia were believed to be sessile and borne terminally or laterally on a branching rachis without lamina. Examination of new coal ball material of the same age indicates that the synangia are borne abaxially on the pinnules of a compound frond with the anatomy of a Psaronius leaf (Marattiales). Synangia are sessile and borne in two rows, one on either side of the pinnule midrib, under the unbranched lateral veins. Synangia are radial, 0.6 mm in diam, and consist of a ring of thin-walled sporangia fused to near their apices prior to dehiscence, but separating on dehiscence to release spores along their inner midline. Spores are spherical, trilete, 30-48 μm in diam, with a granulate ornamentation. The new genus Araiangium is proposed for this material based on the organization of the sessile thin-walled synangia. Araiangium is compared with other marattialean genera with sessile synangia (Acaulangium, Acitheca), and with the pedicellate synangia of various species of Scolecopteris. Criteria used in the delimitation of genera in Paleozoic anatomically preserved marattialean fertile foliage are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus of Leguminosae in tribe Brongniartieae is proposed based on a new species endemic to the Caatinga of Bahia state. The new genus is named as Tabaroa L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & M. F. Wojc. and the new species as Tabaroa caatingicola L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & M. F. Wojc. A phylogenetic study of the Brongniartieae based on nuclear rDNA ITS and plastid matK sequences supports a closer relationship between Tabaroa and Harpalyce Moc. & Sessé than to the two South American genera Poecilanthe Benth. and Cyclolobium Benth., which are more similar morphologically. Optimisation of selected morphological characters on one of the most parsimonious trees indicates that the sessile ovary and the explosive pollen presentation are putative synapomorphies of the Tabaroa-Harpalyce clade. The genus Tabaroa may be diagnosed by the absence of peltate glandular trichomes; leaves imparipinnate, exstipellate and with opposite leaflets; flowers sessile, not resupinate, grouped in panicles; anthers apiculate; and fruit indehiscent. The only known species inhabits areas of arboreal caatinga on sandy soil in southwestern Bahia, near the boundaries of Dom Basílio and Livramento de Nossa Senhora municipalities.  相似文献   

The diatom family Rhaphoneidaceae is characterized by high generic diversity and low species diversity with most genera known to have long stratigraphic ranges. The genera within this family are neritic marine, and mostly epipsammic. A new modern and epipsammic genus, Meloneis gen. nov., is described herein and is compared to all genera within Rhaphoneidaceae and especially to Rhaphoneis Ehrenberg s.l. Within Meloneis three new species and one variety are distinguished and described herein: M. mimallis sp. nov., M. mimallis var. zephyria var. nov., M. akytos sp. nov., and M. gorgis sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ant genus lshakidris from Sarawak is described as new. Its relationships with the Brasilian monotypic genus Phalacromyrmex Kempf and the Malagasy monotypic genus Pilotrochus Brown are discussed, and the Phalacromyrmex genus-group is established to hold the three genera. The resemblances of lshakidris to the smithistrumiform dacetine genus Glamymmyrmex Wheeler and the agroecomyrmecine genus Tatuidris Brown & Kempf are discussed and the similarities are analysed as the results of convergence in the characters concerned.  相似文献   

The endothecial thickening patterns in 173 species, representing the three genera of Begoniaceae, were investigated using cleared macerated anthers. Begoniaceae contain taxa with U-shaped thickenings, perforate base plates, entire base plates, tympanate base plates, anticlinal bars, and taxa that lack endothecial thickenings. The degree of correlation between these endothecial classes and accepted taxonomic boundaries varies: some classes are confined to a single taxonomic unit (e.g. absence of thickenings, non-perforate tympanate base plates) while others are present in several taxonomic units (e.g. U-shapes, perforate base plates). This study provides an improved understanding of the diversity of endothecial patterns in a large genus and indicates that in the Begoniaceae the endothecium is of moderate systematic value within and between closely related sections in Begonia and in Symbegonia . We conclude that the endothecium exhibits high levels of homoplasy between distantly related sections of Begonia . In addition, we show that in contrast to past observations of the endothecium in dicotyledons, apical anther dehiscence in the Begoniaceae is not correlated with a loss of endothecial thickening.  相似文献   

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