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The reproductive phenology of 60 understorey species was monitored at monthly intervals for 20 months in a medium elevation wet evergreen forest in the Southern Western Ghats. The life forms monitored were herbs (including terrestrial orchids), shrubs and small trees. Flowering and fruiting were non‐uniform with a dry season flowering peak and wet season fruiting peak. Flowering in the understorey correlated negatively with rainfall. No significant correlation was detected for fruiting. Life forms had flowering and fruiting peaks at different times of the year.  相似文献   

Reproductive phenology of 171 plant species belonging to 57 families of angiosperms was studied according to life-forms in four habitat types in a savanna-forest mosaic on the Venezuelan Central Plain. Flowering, unripe fruit, and mature fruit patterns were affected significantly according to life-forms and habitats respectively. Production of flowers, unripe fruits, and mature fruits showed marked seasonality for all habitats except for the forest. Flowering peaked during the rainy season, and fruiting peaked toward the end of the rainy season. The savanna and the disturbed area had similar proportions of species that flowered over the year. The percentage of species with unripe fruits produced throughout the year was more seasonal for the disturbed area than for the other habitats. Mature fruit patterns showed an increase during the late rainy season for the ecotone and savanna. A large number of herbaceous (annual and perennial) and liana species flowered during the wet season, and a smaller fraction flowered during the dry season; and trees, shrubs, and epiphytes increased flowering activity during the dry season. Unripe fruit patterns were similar to those of flowering for all life-forms, however, tree species were less seasonal. Mature fruit production by shrubs peaked in the period of maximum rainfall, while the peak for perennial herbs was in the late rainy season and the peak for annual herbs was during the transition between the rainy season and the dry season. The largest proportion of tree and liana species with ripe fruits occurred during the dry season. Differences among phenological patterns in habitats were caused mainly by life-forms and promote a wider distribution of reproductive events in habitats and overall community in the Venezuelan Central Plain.  相似文献   

Phenology influences many forest functions and can inform forest conservation and management, yet representative phenological data for most common tropical forest tree species remain sparse or absent. Between June 2011 and December 2013, we investigated flowering, fruiting, and leafing patterns in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, a montane forest located near the equator in Uganda, drawing on 16,410 observations of 530 trees of 54 species located between 2066 and 2527 m in elevation. The park's climate is equatorial with two wet and dry seasons each year. Flowering and fruiting were strongly seasonal while patterns in leafing were less pronounced. Flower occurrence peaked at the beginning of the short dry season followed by a pronounced trough during the beginning and the middle of the short wet season. Fruit occurrence had a pronounced peak during high rainfall months in March through April with most fruits ripening during drier months in May through July. Fruit scarcity was observed for a 4-month period spanning September to December and most flushing of leaves noted at the end of the wet season in November and December. Our binomial generalized linear mixed models indicated that flowering and fruiting were negatively associated with temperature and that leafing activity was positively associated with rainfall and temperature. These findings are consistent with the insolation- and water-limitation hypotheses suggesting that the seasonally varying availability of resources such as light, water, and nutrients determines these phenological patterns. Ideally, prolonged, multi-year community-level studies would be supported so as to better characterize the influence of climate and of climate variability.  相似文献   

The relationships between foliage permanence and flowering throughout the year were analyzed in 92 woody species of Cerrado vegetation categorized as either deciduous (DE), semideciduous (SD) or evergreen (EV). Flowering of DE, SD and EV species was investigated via three variables, measured over the course of the year: flowering duration (FLD), calculated as the number of months in flower in each species; flowering distribution (FDI), calculated as the number of species in flower per month; and flowering peak (FPE), defined as the four consecutive months yielding the highest number of species in flower. The months with the highest numbers of species in flower were October (52 species), September (50) and August (49). These months correspond to the period of transition from the dry season to the wet season. In the majority of species studied, seasonal climatic factors were strong enough to induce fruit formation in the dry season and seed dispersal in the following wet season, when sufficient water was available to support germination and plantlet growth. However, significant differences in FLD, FDI and FPE were found among the leaf phenological groups. High FLD in EV species is likely favored by the continuous input of resources from the year-round foliage. In contrast, DE species employ reserves of carbon, water and nutrients to form new leaves and flowers on a crown free of foliage at the end of the dry season. In DE species, their low FLD may reduce the impact of flowering on reserve consumption. SD species showed an intermediate level of foliage persistence, resulting in intermediate FLD values. In addition, SD species exhibited a different pattern of flowering distribution from those of DE and EV species. Many SD species have two flowering periods per year. The first period occurs when the crowns are full of leaves, in the middle of the dry season in June, similar to EV species. The second occurs when only half of the original foliage area is present, near the peak of the dry season in September, similar to DE species. Therefore, despite a strong influence of seasonal climatic conditions on the flowering behavior of DE, SD and EV woody species of Cerrado vegetation, these leaf phenological groups differ significantly in FLD, FDI and FPE.  相似文献   

Dry forests are common, although highly threatened in the Neotropics. Their ecological processes are mostly influenced by rainfall pattern, hence their cycles exhibit contrasting phases. We studied the phenology of canopy trees in a primary dry forest in Western Brazil in the foothills of the Urucum mountain chain, in order to improve our knowledge on the functioning of these poorly-known forests. Leaf shedding started in the early dry season and was massive in the latter part of this period. Most leaf loss occurred in dry hills, while wet valleys remained evergreen. Anemochorich and autochorich species predominated in dry hills, presumably due to their tolerance to dry conditions and enhanced exposition to winds, which favour diaspores removal and dispersal. Conversely, zoochorich species dominated the wet valleys. Flowering was intense in the late dry season, the driest period of the year, while fruiting was massive just after the onset of rains, as well as flushing. Therefore, most flowering was unrelated to wet conditions, although such an abiotic factor, potentially, triggered the major fruiting episode, widely comprised by zoochorich species. Anemochorich and autochorich species flowered and fruited in the course of the long dry season. The contrasting environmental conditions present in the hills and valleys determine the arrangement of a mosaic in which patches of zoochorich and evergreen trees alternate with patches of non zoochorich and highly deciduous species. Consequently, species with such syndromes exhibited marked flowering and fruiting patterns, accordingly to the pronounced seasonality.  相似文献   

F. Gary  Stiles 《Ibis》1980,122(3):322-343
In the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica, rainfall is moderately seasonal, although even in the driest month over 100 mm of rain usually fall. Flowering of hummingbird food plants shows a peak in the dry season (February-April) and another in the early wet season (July-September), with a severe flower shortage at the end of the rains (November-December). The dry season peak involves largely canopy epiphytes, the wet season peak large herbs of light gaps and edges and forest understory plants. This study examines the responses of the associated community of 22 species of hummingbirds (of which 13 breed, and 12 are common for at least parts of most years) to these spatial and temporal patterns of resource availability. Nearly all common breeding species show a peak of reproductive activity in the dry season, coinciding with the first flowering peak, followed by a discrete moulting season that coincides with the wet season peak of flowering. Of the three species with extended breeding seasons, the two species of hermit, Phaethornis, show moult-breeding overlap to varying degrees on an individual basis. In a number of species moult and breeding appear antagonistic. The annual peak of body weight and fat deposits in all species occur during the second flowering peak, approximately corresponding to the moult. The annual minima of body weight and fat occur in the lean season and the breeding season respectively. The lack of concordance of these two possibly reflects the use of muscle protein as a nutrient source during the lean season. Several species show pronounced habitat shifts through the year, with the sexes sometimes occupying different microhabitats, especially during the dry season. At least five species show pronounced seasonal migrations, largely or entirely leaving La Selva for part of the year. Overall hummingbird numbers are greatest early in the rainy season, lowest in the lean season, with the non-hermits (Trochilinae) showing a more pronounced annual cycle of numbers than the hermits (Phaethorninae). Comparisons with other tropical lowland hummingbird-flower communities are made with respect to the roles of flowers as proximate and ultimate factors regulating the annual cycles and affecting the population biology of the birds.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of variation in fire season on flowering of forbs and shrubs were studied experimentally in two longleaf pine forest habitats in northern Florida, USA. Large, replicated plots were burned at different times of the year, and flowering on each plot was measured over the twelve months following fire. While fire season had little effect on the number of species flowering during the year following fire, fires during the growing season decreased average flowering duration per species and increased synchronization of peak flowering times within species relative to fires between growing seasons. Fires during the growing season also increased the dominance of fall flowering forbs and delayed peak fall flowering. Differences in flowering resulting from variation in fire season were related to seasonal changes in the morphology of clonal forbs, especially fall-flowering composites. Community level differences in flowering phenologies indicated that timing of fire relative to environmental cues that induced flowering was important in determining flowering synchrony among species within the ground cover of longleaf pine forests. Differences in fire season produced qualitatively similar effects on flowering phenologies in both habitats, indicating plant responses to variation in the timing of fires were not habitat specific.  相似文献   

Question: Which one of the two mainly used mowing regimes along road verges, mowing once or twice a year is a better option regarding flowering and seed‐producing success of grassland species and plant species in general? Location: Southeast Finland. Methods: Plant species composition, flowering and seed production success were studied in road verges (1) mown once in August and (2) mown at the end of June and August. Flowering shoots were counted and phenological phases were estimated four times during a growing season. Results: The numbers of flowering or seed‐producing species and shoots indicated that mowing once a year corresponding to the timing of traditional management was markedly better than mowing twice a year. The difference between the management groups was greatest at the end of July when the number of flowering species was 43% and the number of flowering and seed‐producing shoots 76% less after the first mowing than in the still unmown sites. The species avoided early cutting either through the timing of flowering or due to their growth form. Early season mowing had no effect on the occurrence and seed‐producing success of grassland species and the first flowering species. Seed production of grasses succeeded poorly in the verges mown twice. Conclusion: Mowing once in August resulted in higher seed production in general, but mowing twice a season might be a better way to manage young verges on nutrient‐rich soils. The useful qualities of the management options should be considered locally when planning road verge management.  相似文献   

The availability of sufficient and diverse resources across time is important for maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In this study, we examine the potential for variation in environmental conditions across topographic gradients to extend floral resource timing. Flowering time on a landscape may vary across topography due to differences in abiotic factors, species turnover, or genotypic differences. However, the extent to which this variation in phenology affects overall flowering duration on a landscape, and the components of diversity that influence flowering duration, are unexplored. We investigate whether differences in flowering time due to topography yield an overall extension in duration of flowering resources in a northern California grassland. We recorded flowering time of pollinator resource species across four successive spring growing seasons (2015–2018) on paired north and south aspects. Flowering time differences were evaluated both at the community level and within species present on both paired aspects. The role of plasticity was examined in an experimental case study using genotypes of Lasthenia gracilis. We found that aspect is a strong determinant of phenology, with earlier flowering on warmer south‐facing slopes. Aspect differences resulted in complementarity in timing of flowering resources across sites, as aspects that started flowering earlier also ended earlier. Complementarity between north and south aspects served to extend the flowering time of pollinator resources by an average of 4–8 days (8%–15%), depending on the year. This extension can be attributed to both within‐species responses to aspect differences and species turnover. Flowering of L. gracilis genotypes was distinct across aspects, demonstrating that plasticity can drive the extension of flowering duration. Our findings indicate that heterogeneous topography can extend overall flowering time of pollinator resources, which may support pollinator biodiversity. Extension was most pronounced at the community level, which incorporates species turnover as well as plastic and genotypic differences within species.  相似文献   

Dry tropical forest tree species show variations in leafless duration (i.e. deciduousness), stem wood density (SWD), leaf mass area (LMA) and leaf strategy index (LSI, reflecting resource use rate) to overcome water limitations. We investigated the role of these tree traits in the seasonal timing of flowering and subsequent fruiting. Flowering and fruiting time of 24 tree species was recorded over two consecutive annual cycles and their relationships with the abovementioned tree specific traits were examined across the species. In leaf-exchanging species having higher SWD and LMA, low LSI and short deciduousness, flowering coincides with leaf transitional state when vegetative growth is at its minimum, and fruit formation and leaf flushing are both supported at the same time. However, >4-months-deciduous species with lowest SWD and LMA, higher LSI and longer deciduousness showed predominantly dry season flowering, subsequent fruiting on leafless shoots and distinct separation of vegetative and flowering phenophases. In contrast, intermediate species (<2 months-deciduous, 2–4-months-deciduous) showed wider flowering range through summer, rainy, autumn or winter seasons. Fruiting duration varies considerably with variation in the flowering time; ca. 5–14 months in summer flowering species; 7–12 months in rainy flowering species; 6–10 months in autumn flowering species, 4–9 months in dry season flowering and 3–7 months in winter flowering species. In most species, fruit maturation occurred just prior to the onset of rains, ensuring seedling survival. The ability of tree species to withstand (leaf-exchange) or avoid (deciduousness) drought stress and varying seasonal flowering timings appear to be the principal mechanisms for successful survival and reproduction under extremely dry and seasonal climate. Since environmental characteristics affect flowering and fruiting either directly (e.g. through conditions in the habitat) or indirectly (e.g. through deciduousness, LMA, SWD and LSI), the impact of probable global climatic change will have long implications on reproduction of dry tropical trees.  相似文献   

Climate change is affecting high-altitude and high-latitude communities in significant ways. In the short growing season of subarctic habitats, it is essential that the timing and duration of phenological phases match favorable environmental conditions. We explored the time of the first appearance of flowers (first flowering day, FFD) and flowering duration across subarctic species composing different communities, from boreal forest to tundra, along an elevational gradient (600–800 m). The study was conducted on Mount Irony (856 m), North-East Canada (54°90′N, 67°16′W) during summer 2012. First, we quantified phylogenetic signal in FFD at different spatial scales. Second, we used phylogenetic comparative methods to explore the relationship between FFD, flowering duration, and elevation. We found that the phylogenetic signal for FFD was stronger at finer spatial scales and at lower elevations, indicating that closely related species tend to flower at similar times when the local environment is less harsh. The comparatively weaker phylogenetic signal at higher elevation may be indicative of convergent evolution for FFD. Flowering duration was correlated significantly with mean FFD, with later-flowering species having a longer flowering duration, but only at the lowest elevation. Our results indicate significant evolutionary conservatism in responses to phenological cues, but high phenotypic plasticity in flowering times. We suggest that phylogenetic relationships should be considered in the search for predictions and drivers of flowering time in comparative analyses, because species cannot be considered as statistically independent. Further, phenological drivers should be measured at spatial scales such that variation in flowering matches variation in environment.  相似文献   

We provide, for the first time, data on phenology and dispersal modes for the Carrasco, a tropical deciduous shrubland in the Brazilian semiarid. The study was conducted in the Serra das Almas Reserve (5°8′45″S, 40°55′43″W), northeastern Brazil. We sampled 2,790 individuals from 39 species, 30 genera, and 17 families. Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Myrtaceae were the most representative. All species lose leaves, fully or partially, during the dry season. Leaf flush was observed to increase at the end of the dry season with a peak during the rainy season. Similarly, the peak of flowering/fruiting occurred at the end of the dry and the beginning of the rainy season. Air humidity and maximum temperature were the only variables correlated with leaf flush. Most species showed annual flowering/fruiting. Flowering lasted 2–5 months, but even longer fruiting periods were observed. Zoochory was the most frequent dispersal mode, followed by autochory. Zoochoric, barochoric, and autochoric species fruited throughout the year, while for anemochorics fruiting occurred at the end of the rainy and/or during dry season. Despite both, the Carrasco and the Caatinga are deciduous, the Carrasco has a greater intensity and duration of phenological events and a higher frequency of zoochory, thus being more similar to less arid ecosystems. We discuss the local implications of these patterns, as well as how our results are in accordance with other regional and global studies with similar approaches.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests occupy more area and are more endangered than rainforests, yet their regeneration ecology has received less study and is consequently poorly understood. We recorded the flowering and fruiting phenology of a tropical dry forest in Jamaica over a period of 26 mo within ten 15 × 15‐m plots. Community‐wide recruitment reached a maximum in the wet season, whereas no recruitment occurred during the dry season. We observed a unimodal peak in rainfall and fruit production, and the periodicity and intensity of seed production were significantly correlated with rainfall seasonality (the optimal time for germination). Flowering at the community and system levels lagged behind a significant increase and subsequent decrease in rainfall by 7 and 3 mo, respectively, indicating that the dominant factor controlling flowering periodicity is the passage of the major (4‐mo long) rainy season and changes in soil moisture conditions. Fruiting lagged behind flowering by 2 mo and a significant increase in fruiting occurred 2 mo prior to a significant increase in rainfall. At the population level, a correspondence analysis identified a major dichotomy in the patterns of flowering and fruiting between species and indicated two broad species groups based on their time of peak fruiting and the number of times they were in fruit. These were either individuals which were usually in peak fruit 1–2 mo prior to the start of the major rainy season or those that were in fruit more or less continuously throughout the year with no peak fruiting time. This study supports the view that seasonal variation in rainfall and hence soil water availability constitutes both the proximate and the ultimate cause of flowering periodicity in tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Phenological observations were made on 122 tree species in a subtropical humid seasonal forest in north-eastern India. The forest had a high proportion of evergreen compared to deciduous species. Leaf-fall of most of the tree species coincided with the dry season. Flushing started towards the end of the dry season for a majority of the tree species, the degree and period of leaflessness varying with the species. Leaf production in the overstorey species extended over a longer period compared to the understorey species. For most of the species, flowering coincided with leaflessness. Proportionately more overstorey species flowered during the dry season and wet season flowering was more characteristic of understorey species. A majority of the species produced fleshy fruits during the wet season. Fruits, produced during the dry season, were mostly dry.Nomenclature follows. Holdridge, L. R., 1967. Life zone Ecology. Tropical Science Center, San Jose, Costa Rica.This work was supported by a research grant from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The authors are thankful to K. Haridasan, Taxonomy laboratory, Department of Botany, NEHU for the help in species identification.  相似文献   

Phenology of Tree Species in Bolivian Dry Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenological characteristics of 453 individuals representing 39 tree species were investigated in two dry forests of the Lomerío region, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The leaf, flower, and fruit production of canopy and sub–canopy forest tree species were recorded monthly over a two–year period. Most canopy species lost their leaves during the dry season, whereas nearly all sub–canopy species retained their leaves. Peak leaf fall for canopy trees coincided with the peak of the dry season in July and August. Flushing of new leaves was complete by November in the early rainy season. Flowering and fruiting were bimodal, with a major peak occurring at the end of the dry season (August–October) and a minor peak during the rainy season (January). Fruit development was sufficiently long in this forest that fruiting peaks actually tended to precede flowering peaks by one month. A scarcity of fruit was observed in May, corresponding to the end of the rainy season. With the exception of figs (Ficus), most species had fairly synchronous fruit production. Most canopy trees had small, wind dispersed seeds or fruits that matured during the latter part of the dry season, whereas many sub–canopy tree species produced larger animal– or gravity–dispersed fruits that matured during the peak of the rainy season. Most species produced fruit annually. Lomerio received less rainfall than other tropical dry forests in which phenological studies have been conducted, but rainfall can be plentiful during the dry season in association with the passage of Antarctic cold fronts. Still, phenological patterns in Bolivian dry forests appear to be similar to those of other Neotropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Based on data from observations of 302 tree species at La Selva, Costa Rica, we tested a range of hypotheses about the relationship between flowering parameters such as time, frequency, and duration and ecological features such as successional status, habit, sexual systems, and pollen vectors with and without considering the effect of family membership. We predicted that early successional species would flower any time of the year, but species pollinated by different vectors as well as dioecious species would flower nonrandomly across seasons. However, there was little evidence that flowering time varied with successional status, pollen vectors, and sexual systems. As we predicted, supra-annual flowering was proportionately less common in early successional species as compared to late ones, in understory species as compared to canopy species, and in dioecious species as compared to those with hermaphroditic flowers. When considering phylogeny, however, supra-annual flowering in the understory was not as rare as predicted. Our prediction of longer flowering in the early successional species as compared to late successional species was also supported. Predictions about longer flowering of dioecious species as compared to hermaphroditic species and of species pollinated by generalist vectors as compared to the specialists were not supported, though there was a trend in the expected direction.  相似文献   

The relationship between phenology and tree stem diameter increment is largely unexplored in tropical species, especially in wet tropical forests. To explore links between these phenomena, we measured stem diameter increment and phenology of ten canopy tree species from a range of functional types in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica to test for seasonal and interannual patterns. We measured stem diameter increment using band dendrometers and visually assessed leaf and reproductive phenology monthly from 1997 to 2000. We categorized the species into groups based on patterns of leaf exchange and reproduction. Species were either deciduous with synchronous or asynchronous leaf drop, or evergreen with continuous or seasonal leaf flushing. Flowering occurred supra-annually, annually, or continuously. Of the ten species studied, four species, Cecropia insignis, Dipteryx panamensis, Lecythis ampla, and Simarouba amara , had consistent seasonal stem diameter increment patterns in both years. Dipteryx panamensis and L. ampla were deciduous with synchronized leaf drop . Cecropia insignis was evergreen and produced new leaves continuously. Simarouba amara , also evergreen, exchanged leaves over a brief period once a year. We tested whether stem diameter increment was correlated to phenology using logistic regression. Leaflessness significantly explained patterns in stem diameter increment but reproductive phenology did not. Deciduous trees were 2.6–9.3 times more likely to grow less than average the month following leaffall than in months when trees had full crowns.  相似文献   

Interspecific and interannual variation in reproductive phenology was quantified for 50 common species of trees and shrubs from a mesic savanna near Darwin, northern Australia. The presence of buds, flowers, and fruit was noted over a 30-month period, from September 1992 to February 1995. Surveys were undertaken at monthly intervals for the less common species, and at bimonthly intervals for ten of the common trees and tall shrubs. The majority of species flowered each year at about the same time. There was no evidence of sub-annual or continuous regimes of reproductive phenology. There was no supra-annual carryover of seed-bearing fruit in the canopy of any species. The peak flowering periods were the mid to late dry season (July–August) and the transition between the dry season and the wet season (October–November). The two dominant trees–Eucalyptus miniata and E, tetrodonta– flowered during the dry season, thereby providing resources for some elements of the vertebrate fauna. Flowering and fruiting were uncommon at the end of the wet season (February/March), although two species that flower and fruit at this time (E. porrecta and Terminalia ferdinandianas may provide resources to consumers at a time when floral or fruit resources are otherwise scarce. Because the peak of reproductive activity takes place during the late dry season, fruit maturity and seed dispersal have occurred prior to the onset of the rainy season for most species, and germination and seedling establishment potentially may take effect in response to the first rains. Late dry season fires, which tend to be extensive and intense, are a potential threat to the floral and fruit reserves within these savannas.  相似文献   

Abstract Normanbya normanbyi (W. Hill) L. H. Bailey (Arecaceae) is a monoecious, arborescent palm with a very small distribution area within the Daintree rainforest in north‐eastern Australia. Our 2‐year study was focused on the reproductive phenology at the individual and population level. At the population level flowering peaked in the dry season, whereas fruiting was confined to the wet season. Each palm can bear up to three inflorescences/infructescences at the same time. Flowering of each inflorescence is separated from each other by a couple of weeks. A single inflorescence consists of about 1900 staminate and 800 pistillate flowers. The flowering of N. normanbyi is protandrous with a staminate phase lasting 40 days and a pistillate phase of approximately 2 weeks. Between both phases is a non‐flowering phase of about 9 days. Fruit ripening takes 21 weeks, with an average of about 280 ripe fruit per tree. Comparison of three study plots revealed a moderate synchrony of flowering and fruiting initiation in this species of palm. The male phase of flowering shows a higher degree of synchrony than the female phase at the population level. Seasonal regularity of flowering and fruiting peaks appears to be predictable. The general flowering and fruiting phenology of N. normanbyi follows a subannual pattern with a strong tendency towards a continual pattern.  相似文献   

Female Osyris quadripartita plants exhibit uninterrupted reproductive activity throughout the year, due to the long duration of successive stages in the cycle and marked within-crop developmental asynchrony. Cycles corresponding to the flowering seasons of consecutive years overlap in each individual. Flowering takes place in spring, and fruits develop in the dry summer season and ripen at any time of the year. Variation in flowering time explains a negligible proportion of variation in ripening time. The greatest reproductive losses are incurred in the phase extending from closed flowers through unripe fruits, mostly due to ovary abortion. Only 30% of closed flowers eventually reach this latter stage. In contrast, 75% of unripe fruits complete their development, with subsequent dispersal of seeds. The probability of the setting of ripe fruit steadily decreases from early to late season flowers, due to increased ovary abortion rates. Resource limitation in the dry summer season seems responsible for this pattern of selective fruit maturation.  相似文献   

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