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A well preserved, permineralized seed fern stem is described from the Upper Mississippian Fayetteville Formation of north central Arkansas. Quaestora amplecta gen. et sp. n. is 41.6 cm long and exhibits six pairs of decussate, highly decurrent petiole bases. The stem has a cruciform, exarch protostele with prominent secondary xylem, vascular cambium and secondary phloem. Leaf traces are terete and occur as an outer ring with a small number of internal strands. The cauline vasculature, leaf-trace production, petiolar anatomy and several other features indicate that this specimen represents the most structurally simple and geologically ancient medullosan stem presently recognized.  相似文献   

Comparative localization of three classes of cell wall proteins.   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
The localization of the cell wall proline-rich proteins (PRPs), and the gene expression of the cell wall glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) and the hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) were examined in several dicot species. The PRPs are accumulated in the corner walls of the cortex where several cells are joined together and in the protoxylem cell walls of 3-day-old soybean root. In 1-month-old soybean plants, the PRPs are specifically deposited in xylem vessel elements of the young stem, and they are accumulated in both phloem fibers and xylem vessel elements and fibers of the older stem. Likewise, the PRPs are localized in xylem vessel elements and fibers in tomato, petunia, potato and tobacco stems. They are also found in outer and inner phloem fiber cell walls of tomato stem and in outer phloem fiber cell walls of petunia stem. The gene expression of the HRGPs and the GRPs is developmentally regulated in tomato, petunia and tobacco stems. HRGP mRNAs are abundant in outer and inner phloem regions, while GRP mRNAs are present mostly in primary xylem and in the cambium region. Immunocytochemical localization showed that the GRPs have a localization pattern similar to that of the PRPs in tomato, petunia and tobacco stems.  相似文献   

Silicified stems with typical cycadalean anatomy are described from specimens collected from the Fremouw Formation (Triassic) in the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. Axes are slender with a large parenchymatous pith and cortex separated by a narrow ring of vascular tissue. Mucilage canals are present in both pith and cortex. Vascular tissue consists of endarch primary xylem, a narrow band of secondary xylem tracheids, cambial zone, and region of secondary phloem. Vascular bundles contain uni- to triseriate rays with larger rays up to 2 mm wide separating the individual bundles. Pitting on primary xylem elements ranges from helical to scalariform; secondary xylem tracheids exhibit alternate circular bordered pits. Traces, often accompanied by a mucilage canal, extend out through the large rays into the cortex where some assume a girdling configuration. A zone of periderm is present at the periphery of the stem. Large and small roots are attached to the stem and are conspicuous in the surrounding matrix. The anatomy of the Antarctic cycad is compared with that of other fossil and extant cycadalean stems.  相似文献   

A new genus of pleridosperms is described from the uppermost Devonian beds from Ballyheigue, Ireland. I.aceya hibernica May & Mat ten is represented by stems bearing spirally arranged fronds. The base of the frond is swollen and is about the same size as the stem. Pinnae are borne alternately and apparently in one plane on the rachis. The anatomy of the stem reveals a three-fluted protostele. Secondary xylem consists of rays and trachcids and secondary phloem is present. The inner cortex contains probable secretory and/or sclerotic cells. The outer cortex is of the spargaimm-type. Rachial trace formation is described. The U-shaped xylem strand of the rachis lacks secondary tissue. Pinnae traces are V- to C-shaped. A presumed adventitious root has a triarch protostele, a parenchymatous cortex and lacks a 'sparganum' outer zone. I.aceya is believed to be a member of the Lyginopleridaceae. The divisions of the sympodial protoxylem strand forming the rachial trace is compared among the Aneurophytales, Buteoxylonaceae, Calamopityaceae and Lyginopteridaceae and is shown to be similar.  相似文献   

Stem anatomy and development of medullary phloem are studied in the dwarf subshrub Cressa cretica L. (Convolvulaceae). The family Convolvulaceae is dominated by vines or woody climbers, which are characterized by the presence of successive cambia, medullary- and included phloem, internal cambium and presence of fibriform vessels. The main stems of the not winding C. cretica shows presence of medullary (internal) phloem, internal cambium and fibriform vessels, whereas successive cambia and included phloem are lacking. However, presence of fibriform vessels is an unique feature which so far has been reported only in climbing members of the family. Medullary phloem develops from peri-medullary cells after the initiation of secondary growth and completely occupies the pith region in fully grown mature plants. In young stems, the cortex is wide and formed of radial files of tightly packed small and large cells without intercellular air spaces. In thick stems, cortical cells become compressed due to the pressure developed by the radial expansion of secondary xylem, a feature actually common to halophytes. The stem diameter increases by the activity of a single ring of vascular cambium. The secondary xylem is composed of vessels (both wide and fibriform), fibres, axial parenchyma cells and uni-seriate rays. The secondary phloem consists of sieve elements, companion cells, axial and ray parenchyma cells. In consequence, Cressa shares anatomical characteristics of both climbing and non-climbing members. The structure of the secondary xylem is correlated with the habit and comparable with that of other climbing members of Convolvulaceae.  相似文献   

Stigmaria stellata Goeppert is a lycopod underground system occurring in Upper Mississippian and equivalent age rocks of Europe and North America. This taxon has previously been based on impressions exhibiting radiating ridges and furrows around each lateral appendage scar and numerous polyhedral projections on the remainder of the axis. Anatomically preserved specimens from the Chester Series (Upper Mississippian) of Illinois reveal that the distinctive surface pattern of this species results from polyhedral wedges of thick-walled cells in the outer cortex. Decortication produces a smooth outer surface that is indistinguishable from that of the much more abundant Stigmaria ficoides. The structure of S. stellata is quite similar to the structure of other petrified stigmarians, but the following are some of the anatomical characters that distinguish it: (1) presence of abundant polyhedral wedges of thick-walled cells in the outer cortex; (2) absence of secondary cortex; (3) very tall rays associated with appendage traces that remain confluent with the secondary xylem to its outer margin; (4) the absence of a connective in the lateral appendages. The anatomical characters of Stigmaria stellata confirm it as a taxon of at least specific rank.  相似文献   

Permineralized gigantopterid stems of Vasovinea tianii Li et Taylor gen. et sp. nov. were collected from the Upper Permian of Guizhou Province, China. They are slender and bear prickles, trichomes, and compound hooks. Internally, the stems have a sparganum cortex, eustele, and secondary xylem. The mesarch protoxylem tracheids have annular to helical thickenings, and metaxylem tracheary elements have scalariform and/or transversely elongated, bordered pits, while those of the secondary xylem have scalariform to circular bordered pits. Importantly, the inner part of the secondary xylem has large vessel elements with foraminate-like perforation plates. The hooks and other morphological and anatomical characteristics are similar to those found in gigantopterids, suggesting that Vasovinea is a member of the Gigantopteridales. The vegetative plant is reconstructed from permineralized stems and Gigantopteris-type leaves based on the anatomical similarities and intimate association. The eustele, secondary xylem, and other features support the placement of the order among the seed plants. Ecologically, Vasovinea is suggested to have been a vine or liana that used compound hooks to climb among the trees in a Permian tropical rain forest. The occurrence of vessels could have been an efficient adaptation to allow the slender stems to conduct sufficient water to the large Gigantopteris-type leaves.  相似文献   

The distribution of the phloem in relation to the xylem was examined in the stem of Hibiscus cannabinus L. with reference to a report in the literature that this species has internal (intraxylary) phloem, a feature not previously observed in the Malvaceae. In the present study, the stem was found to have phloem only outside the xylem (external or extraxylary phloem). In the protophloem, the sieve tubes are obliterated while the internode elongates and the associated cells become fibres with thick secondary walls. Fibres occur in the secondary phloem also. As seen in transections of stems, the secondary xylem forms a continuous ring. The primary xylem extends in the form of arcs into the pith. The tracheary cells of the protoxylem become crushed or completely obliterated in elongating internodes. The associated parenchyma cells either retain thin walls or develop secondary thickenings.  相似文献   

A lycopsid axis from the New Albany Shale (Sanderson Formation) of Kentucky is described. The stem, which branches dichotomously, is 45 mm in diameter and is characterized by a relatively narrow parenchymatized protostele, a 3.0 mm-thick cylinder of secondary xylem, a tripartite cortex, and a periderm that is more than 5.0 mm thick. The secondary xylem is composed of uniseriate and biseriate vascular rays and narrow tracheids with scalariform wall thickenings on both radial and tangential walls. The periderm is characterized by elongate, thick-walled cells, some of which broaden tangentially in the outer part of the tissue forming zones that appear wedge-shaped in cross section. Surface features of the axis, including leaf bases, are not preserved. The stem is tentatively regarded as a member of the Lepidodendrales in accordance with the numerous anatomical characters that it shares with more recent representatives of the order. Because the external morphology is not known, however, the possibility exists that the axis corresponds to a protolepidodendralean taxon currently known only from compression and/or impression remains or some other nonlepidodendralean plant that produced secondary xylem. The extremely narrow profile of the secondary xylem tracheids (relative to other arborescent lycopsids) is interpreted as evidence that the plants grew in a habitat that was substantially drier than the Upper Carboniferous coal swamps.  相似文献   

In Ipomoea hederifolia Linn., stems increase in thickness by forming successive rings of cambia. With the increase in stem diameter, the first ring of cambium also gives rise to thin-walled parenchymatous islands along with thick-walled xylem derivatives to its inner side. The size of these islands increases (both radially and tangentially) gradually with the increase in stem diameter. In pencil-thick stems, that is, before the differentiation of a second ring of cambium, some of the parenchyma cells within these islands differentiate into interxylary phloem. Although all successive cambia forms secondary phloem continuously, simultaneous development of interxylary phloem was observed in the innermost successive ring of xylem. In the mature stems, thick-walled parenchyma cells formed at the beginning of secondary growth underwent dedifferentiation and led to the formation of phloem derivatives. Structurally, sieve tube elements showed both simple sieve plates on transverse to slightly oblique end walls and compound sieve plates on the oblique end walls with poorly developed lateral sieve areas. Isolated or groups of two to three sieve elements were noticed in the rays of secondary phloem. They possessed simple sieve plates with distinct companion cells at their corners. The length of these elements was more or less similar to that of ray parenchyma cells but their diameter was slightly less. Similarly, in the secondary xylem, perforated ray cells were noticed in the innermost xylem ring. They were larger than the adjacent ray cells and possessed oval to circular simple perforation plates. The structures of interxylary phloem, perforated ray cells, and ray sieve elements are described in detail.  相似文献   

Ipomoea hederifolia stems increase in thickness using a combination of different types of cambial variant, such as the discontinuous concentric rings of cambia, the development of included phloem, the reverse orientation of discontinuous cambial segments, the internal phloem, the formation of secondary xylem and phloem from the internal cambium, and differentiation of cork in the pith. After primary growth, the first ring of cambium arises between the external primary phloem and primary xylem, producing secondary phloem centrifugally and secondary xylem centripetally. The stem becomes lobed, flat, undulating, or irregular in shape as a result of the formation of both discontinuous and continuous concentric rings of cambia. As the formation of secondary xylem is greater in one region than in another, this results in the formation of a grooved stem. Successive cambia formed after the first ring are of two distinct functional types: (1) functionally normal successive cambia that divide to form secondary xylem centripetally and secondary phloem centrifugally, like other dicotyledons that show successive rings, and (2) abnormal cambia with reverse orientation. The former type of successive rings originates from the parenchyma cells located outside the phloem produced by previous cambium. The latter type of cambium develops from the conjunctive tissue located at the base of the secondary xylem formed by functionally normal cambia. This cambium is functionally inverted, producing secondary xylem centrifugally and secondary phloem centripetally. In later secondary growth, xylem parenchyma situated deep inside the secondary xylem undergoes de‐differentiation, and re‐differentiates into included phloem islands in secondary xylem. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 30–40.  相似文献   

Cell wall hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) and glycine-rich proteins (GRPs) were examined at the protein and at the mRNA levels in developing soybean tissues by tissue print immunoblots and RNA blots. In young soybean stems, HRGPs are expressed most heavily in cambium cells, in a few layers of cortex cells surrounding primary phloem, and in some parenchyma cells around the primary xylem, whereas GRPs are highly expressed in the primary xylem and also in the primary phloem. In older soybean stems, HRGP genes are expressed exclusively in cambium cells and GRP genes are most heavily expressed in newly differentiated secondary xylem cells. Similar expression patterns of HRGPs and of GRPs were found in soybean petioles, seedcoats, and young hypocotyls, and also in bean petioles and stems. HRGPs and GRPs become insolubilized in soybean stem cell walls. Three major HRGP mRNAs and two major GRP mRNAs accumulate in soybean stems. Soluble HRGPs are abundant in young hypocotyl apical regions and young root apical regions, whereas in hypocotyl and root mature regions, soluble HRGPs are found only in a few layers of cortex cells surrounding the vascular bundles. GRPs are specifically localized in primary xylem cell walls of young root. These results show that the gene expression of HRGPs and GRPs is developmentally regulated in a tissue-specific manner. In soybean tissues, HRGPs are most heavily expressed in meristematic cells and in some of those cells that may be under stress, whereas GRPs are expressed in all cells that are or are going to be lignified.  相似文献   

采用显微制片技术、组织化学定位和三萜皂苷定量分析方法,对五叶木通的营养器官分别进行了三萜皂苷的组织化学定位、含量和解剖结构特征研究。结果表明:三萜皂苷在五叶木通不同营养器官中的含量不同,含量测定与组织化学定位推测的结果吻合,叶>根>茎;三萜皂苷在同一营养器官的不同发育时期含量不同,总的规律是:老叶>幼茎>幼根>幼叶﹥老根﹥老茎。三萜皂苷在不同器官中具有明确的积累位置:根中主要是次生韧皮部和周皮;皮层和次生韧皮部是茎中三萜皂苷积累部位;叶内则以栅栏组织为主。五叶木通根中初生木质部二原型,次生木质部内导管多为单管孔,少数为管孔链,纤维含量丰富。茎中韧皮纤维丰富,在幼茎中纤维成束状罩在初生韧皮部的外方,在次生韧皮部中纤维呈带状环绕在外方。叶为异面叶。  相似文献   

This study deals with four form or organ genera from the Upper Mississippian (Chester Series) of the Illinois Basin, and provides evidence that they were produced by a single natural genus with gymnospermous affinity. The plant remains—compressions, impressions, petrifactions, and specimens that combine compression or impression with petrifaction—allow examination of both external morphology and internal anatomy. The specimens include foliage corresponding to Rhodea, stems and petioles corresponding to Heterangium, and synangiate fructifications corresponding to either Telangium or Telangiopsis. The stems and foliage are considered parts of the same plant because of the identity of the anatomical and cuticular features of petioles attached to stem and those petioles with attached foliage. The fertile material is regarded as part of the same plant because: (1) The anatomy of axes of the fertile specimens is like that of the sterile specimens. (2) A single specimen may contain both sterile Rhodea-type axes and fertile regions. (3) Axes bearing synangia have the same size and patterns of divisions as the sterile foliage. Features that indicate lyginopterid affinities include: (1) Equal forking of the petiole. (2) Presence of fiber bands in the outer cortex and sclerotic nests in the inner part of the cortex. (3) Crowded circular bordered pits on the lateral walls of the metaxylem tracheids. (4) The presence of a small amount of secondary xylem. A variety of structural details of the stem and petiole suggest the genus Heterangium. The phyletic position of the plant that produced Rhodea, Telangium, Telangiopsis, and Heterangium is reviewed in light of such discoveries as the presence of a planated frond that lacks a lamina and the presence of both monolete and trilete microspores in a single synangium.  相似文献   

Bostonia perplexa, gen. et sp. nov., was collected from the Lower Mississippian Falling Run member of the Sanderson Formation. The single short segment of an axis, preserved as a petrifaction, contains at least three vascular columns, each with both primary and secondary tissues. Primary xylem is two or three ribbed, and contains several mesarch protoxylem strands. Gymnospermous secondary xylem is characterized by both uniseriate and multiseriate rays. The ground tissue is parenchymatous except for a few clusters of sclerotic cells. In its apparent polystelic nature, the specimen superficially resembles members of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Medullosaceae. All evidence currently available, however, leads to the conclusion that this species should be placed in the Upper Devonian to Lower Mississippian Calamopityaceae. It has not been determined with certainty whether the species is polystelic (in the sense of the Medullosaceae), or whether the apparent polystely is the result of stelar branching proximal to the level of branch divergence.  相似文献   

A large permineralized calamitean stem, Arthropitys yunnanensis Tian et Gu from the Upper Permian of southwest China is reinvestigated and interpreted. The stem has a broad pith and well developed and large carinal canals. Secondary xylem is thick and characterized by wide parenchymatous interfascicular zones that remain constant in width throughout the wood. Striking features of the stem include the abundant leaf traces arranged in two whorls in the cortex with this arrangement previously unrecognized within calamitean stems, and the presence of growth rings in secondary xylem that suggest frequent fluctuations in environmental stress presumably due to variations in water availability. Features of A. yunnanensis infer the stem to be in the epidogenetical phase of calamitean development, and suggest it to be the basal part of a large trunk. Comparisons with biomechanical models for calamitean stems suggest this species had a semi-self supporting habit.  相似文献   

白鲜根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用半薄切片、常规石蜡切片并结合离析法,对药用植物白鲜(Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz.)根的发生发育过程进行了研究。结果表明:白鲜根的发生发育过程包括4个阶段,即原分生组织阶段、初生分生组织阶段、初生结构阶段以及次生结构阶段。原分生组织位于根冠内侧及初生分生组织之间,衍生细胞分化为初生分生组织。初生分生组织由原表皮、基本分生组织以及中柱原组成。原表皮分化为表皮,基本分生组织分化为皮层,中柱原分化为维管柱,共同组成根的初生结构;在初生结构中,部分表皮细胞外壁向外延伸形成根毛,皮层中分布有油细胞,内皮层有凯氏带,初生木质部为二原型或偶见三原型,外始式;根初生结构有髓或无。次生结构来源于原形成层起源的维管形成层的活动以及中柱鞘起源的木栓形成层的活动;白鲜次生韧皮部宽广,其中多年生根中可占根横切面积的85%,另外除基本组成分子外,还分布有油细胞;周皮发达,木栓层厚;初生皮层、次生木质部和次生韧皮部薄壁细胞中常充满丰富的淀粉粒。  相似文献   

Stem flattening in Rhynchosia pyramidalis (Fabaceae) is achieved by the development of crescent-shaped successive cambia on two opposite sides of the stem (referred hereafter as distal side). Other lateral sides of the stem (adjacent to supporting host and its opposite side, referred as proximal sides) usually possess single cambium. In the young stems, parenchymatous cells located outside to protophloem of distal side dedifferentiate and develop small segments of cambium. Concomitant to bidirectional differentiation of the secondary xylem and phloem, these newly developed cambial segments also extend in tangential directions. Differential activity of newly developed crescent-shaped cambial segments deposits more secondary xylem at median position as compared to their terminal ends of the stem on distal side; consequently, it pushes the cambial segment outside, thus resulting in crescent-shaped arcs of the cambia only on two opposite sides. After the production of 1–2 mm of secondary xylem, they cease to divide and new segments of cambial arc develop on the same side in a similar fashion. Such repeated behaviour of successive cambia development consequently leads to the formation of tangentially flat stems. The secondary xylem is diffusely porous with indistinct growth rings and is composed of vessels (wide and narrow), fibres, axial ray parenchyma cells, while phloem consisted of sieve elements, companion cells, axial and ray parenchyma. Rays in both xylem and phloem are uni- to multiseriate and heterocellular. The structure of secondary xylem and development of successive cambia is correlated with climbing habit.  相似文献   

Secondary growth in the stem of Dolichos lablab is achieved by the formation of eccentric successive rings of vascular bundles. The stem is composed of parenchymatous ground tissue and xylem and phloem confined to portions of small cambial segments. However, development of new cambial segments can be observed from the obliterating ray parenchyma, the outermost phloem parenchyma and the secondary cortical parenchyma. Initially cambium develops as small segments, which latter become joined to form a complete cylinder of vascular cambium. Each cambial ring is functionally divided into two distinct regions. The one segment of cambium produces thick-walled lignified xylem derivatives in centripetal direction and phloem elements centrifugally. The other segment produces only thin-walled parenchyma on both xylem and phloem side. In mature stems, some of the axial parenchyma embedded deep inside the xylem acquires meristematic activity and leads to the formation of thick-walled xylem derivatives centrifugally and phloem elements centripetally. The secondary xylem comprises vessel elements, tracheids, fibres and axial parenchyma. Rays are uni-multiseriate in the region of cambium that produces xylem and phloem derivatives, while in some of the regions of cambium large multiseriate, compound, aggregate and polycentric rays can be noticed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Claims that submerged roots of alder and other wetland trees are aerated by pressurized gas flow generated in the stem by a light-induced thermo-osmosis have seemed inconsistent with root anatomy. Our aim was to seek a verification using physical root-stem models, stem segments with or without artificial roots, and rooted saplings. METHODS: Radial O2 loss (ROL) from roots was monitored polarographically as the gas space system of the models, and stems were pressurized artificially. ROL and internal pressurization were also measured when stems were irradiated and the xylem stream was either CO2 enriched or not. Stem photosynthesis and respiration were measured polarographically. Stem and root anatomy were examined by light and fluorescence microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Pressurizing the models and stems to 相似文献   

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