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Reexamination ofXanthoria persica, X. polycarpoides, X. lobulata gave evidence, that the thalli of these species are devoid of a lower cortex and rhizinae. Therefore, they do not fit the definition of the genusXanthoria and are transferred toCaloplaca (under the new sectionXanthoriella) asCaloplaca persica, C. polycarpoides, andC. boulyi, respectively. — Details on development, anatomical structure, ecology and distribution are presented.

We studied group I introns in sterile cultures of selected groups of lichen photobionts, focusing on Trebouxia species associated with Xanthoria s. lat. (including Xanthomendoza spp.; lichen‐forming ascomycetes). Group I introns were found inserted after position 798 (Escherichia coli numbering) in the large subunit (LSU) rRNA in representatives of the green algal genera Trebouxia and Asterochloris. The 798 intron was found in about 25% of Xanthoria photobionts including several reference strains obtained from algal culture collections. An alignment of LSU‐encoded rDNA intron sequences revealed high similarity of these sequences allowing their phylogenetic analysis. The 798 group I intron phylogeny was largely congruent with a phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer region, indicating that the insertion of the intron most likely occurred in the common ancestor of the genera Trebouxia and Asterochloris. The intron was vertically inherited in some taxa, but lost in others. The high‐sequence similarity of this intron to one found in Chlorella angustoellipsoidea suggests that the 798 intron was either present in the common ancestor of Trebouxiophyceae, or that its present distribution results from more recent horizontal transfers, followed by vertical inheritance and loss. Analysis of another group I intron shared by these photobionts at small subunit position 1512 supports the hypothesis of repeated lateral transfers of this intron among some taxa, but loss among others. Our data confirm that the history of group I introns is characterized by repeated horizontal transfers, and suggests that some of these introns have ancient origins within Chlorophyta.  相似文献   

Conserved regions of mating-type genes were amplified in four representatives of the genus Xanthoria (X. parietina, X. polycarpa, X. flammea, and X. elegans) using PCR-based methods. The complete MAT locus, containing one ORF (MAT1-2-1) coding for a truncated HMG-box protein, and two partial flanking genes, were cloned by screening a genomic lambda phage library of the homothallic X. parietina. The flanking genes, a homologue of SLA2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a DNA lyase gene, served to amplify the two idiomorphs of the X. polycarpa MAT locus. Each idiomorph contains a single gene: MAT1-2-1 codes for a HMG-box protein, MAT1-1-1 encodes an alpha domain protein. The occurrence of mating-type genes in eight single spore isolates derived from one ascus was studied with a PCR assay. In the homothallic X. parietina a HMG fragment, but no alpha box fragment was found in all isolates, whereas in X. elegans, another homothallic species, all tested isolates contained a fragment of both idiomorphs. Conversely, isolates of the heterothallic X. polycarpa contained either a HMG or an alpha box fragment, but never both.  相似文献   

The Teloschistaceae is a widespread family with considerable morphological and ecological heterogeneity across genera and species groups. In order to provide a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for this family, phylogenetic analyses were carried out on sequences from the nuclear ribosomal ITS region obtained from 114 individuals that represent virtually all main lineages of Teloschistaceae. Our study confirmed the polyphyly of Caloplaca, Fulgensia and Xanthoria, and revealed that Teloschistes is probably non-monophyletic. We also confirm here that species traditionally included in Caloplaca subgenus Gasparrinia do not form a monophyletic entity. Caloplaca aurantia, C. carphinea and C. saxicola s. str. groups were recovered as monophyletic. The subgenera Caloplaca and Pyrenodesmia were also polyphyletic. In the subgenus Caloplaca, the traditionally recognized C. cerina group was recovered as monophyletic. Because this study is based solely on ITS, to maximize taxon sampling, the inclusion of phylogenetic signal from ambiguously aligned regions in MP (recoded INAASE and arc characters) resulted in the most highly supported phylogenetic reconstruction, compared with Bayesian inference restricted to alignable sites.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Chalara and allied taxa are studied based on ribosomal DAN sequences. Partial 28S rDNA and 18S rDNA regions from 26 strains were sequenced in this study. These and related sequences from GenBank were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Most of the Chalara species clustered in a strongly supported monophyletic lineage representing Helotiales. However, a few Chalara species appeared closely related to Xylariales. The phylogenetic significance of morphological characters observed in Chalara species are evaluated based on our sequence analyses. Conidial septation, conidial width and conidiophore pigmentation are thought to be indicative in understanding their evolutionary relationships. Sterile setae, which traditionally have been used to delimitate Chaetochalara from Chalara, are phylogenetically insignificant.  相似文献   

In the symbiotic phenotype of the lichen-forming ascomycetes Xanthoria parietina and X. ectaneoides, a conglutinate, hydrophilic cortex surrounds a system of aerial hyphae with hydrophobic wall surfaces. In X. parietina freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed that a rodlet layer covers the fungal and algal wall surfaces. Extracts of hot SDS-insoluble wall residues isolated from both species contained a protein that revealed a rodlet layer upon interfacial self-assembly. The N-terminal sequence of the 10-kDa protein of X. ectaneoides served to clone cDNA fragments of XEH1 (H1 of X. ectaneoides) and XPH1 (H1 of X. parietina) by RT-PCR. Genomic DNA blot analysis with both lichenized species and the aposymbiotically cultured symbionts of X. parietina showed that XPH1 and XEH1 are fungal single copy genes. The deduced amino acid sequences of the two encoded proteins were 96% identical and showed the characteristics of class I hydrophobins.  相似文献   

Lindblom L  Ekman S 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(6):1545-1559
Genetic diversity and fine-scale population structure in the lichen-forming ascomycete Xanthoria parietina was investigated using sequence variation in part of the intergenic spacer (IGS) and the complete internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. Sampling included 213 and 225 individuals, respectively, from seven populations in two different habitats, bark and rock, on the island Storfosna off the central west coast of Norway. Both markers revealed significant variation and a total of 10 IGS and 16 ITS haplotypes were found. There were no signs of significant positive spatial autocorrelation at any spatial size class down to 10% of transect length, nor did we find significant deviations from neutrality or signs of historical population expansion. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) indicated that most of the genetic variance observed was within populations, but when populations were grouped according to habitat, more than a quarter of the variance was explained among groups. Pairwise comparisons of populations (F(ST), exact tests of population differentiation) revealed significant differentiation between populations in different habitats (on bark or rock), but not between populations in the same habitat. Haplotype networks show that internal and presumably old haplotypes are shared between habitats, whereas terminal haplotypes tend to be unique to a habitat, mostly bark. We interpret the observed pattern to mean that there is no evidence of restricted gene flow between populations in the same habitat at the present spatial scale (interpopulation distances one or a few kilometres). On the other hand, differentiation between habitats is considerable, which we attribute to restricted gene flow between habitats (habitat isolation). Evidence suggests that the observed differentiation did not evolve locally. Estimates of divergence time between populations in the respective habitats indicate that an ancestral population started to diverge at least 34,000 years ago but probably much further back in time.  相似文献   

Two new species of Caloplaca are described, C. pseudocitrina (in the C. citrina group), which is characterized by rather long spores with a thin septum, and a squamulose thallus and C. akbarica ( C. saxicola-growp ) characterized by rather thick, brightly yellowish pruinose apothecia and a parapiectenchymatous proper exciple. The characters of the new species and their closely allied taxa are compared in tables and illustrated.  相似文献   

The genus Lecidea Ach. sensu lato (sensu Zahlbruckner) includes almost 1200 species, out of which only 100 species represent Lecidea sensu stricto (sensu Hertel). The systematic position of the remaining species is mostly unsettled but anticipated to represent several unrelated lineages within Lecanoromycetes. This study attempts to elucidate the phylogenetic placement of members of this heterogeneous group of lichen-forming fungi and to improve the classification and phylogeny of Lecanoromycetes. Twenty-five taxa of Lecidea sensu lato and 22 putatively allied species were studied in a broad selection of 268 taxa, representing 48 families of Lecanoromycetes. Six loci, including four ribosomal and two protein-coding genes for 315- and 209-OTU datasets were subjected to maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. The resulting well supported phylogenetic relationships within Lecanoromycetes are in agreement with published phylogenies, but the addition of new taxa revealed putative rearrangements of several families (e.g. Catillariaceae, Lecanoraceae, Lecideaceae, Megalariaceae, Pilocarpaceae and Ramalinaceae). As expected, species of Lecidea sensu lato and putatively related taxa are scattered within Lecanoromycetidae and beyond, with several species nested in Lecanoraceae and Pilocarpaceae and others placed outside currently recognized families in Lecanorales and orders in Lecanoromycetidae. The phylogenetic affiliations of Schaereria and Strangospora are outside Lecanoromycetidae, probably with Ostropomycetidae. All species referred to as Lecidea sensu stricto based on morphology (including the type species, Lecidea fuscoatra [L.] Ach.) form, with Porpidia species, a monophyletic group with high posterior probability outside Lecanorales, Peltigerales and Teloschistales, in Lecanoromycetidae, supporting the recognition of order Lecideales Vain. in this subclass. The genus name Lecidea must be redefined to apply only to Lecidea sensu stricto and to include at least some members of the genus Porpidia. Based on morphological and chemical similarities, as well as the phylogenetic relationship of Lecidea pullata sister to Frutidella caesioatra, the new combination Frutidella pullata is proposed here.  相似文献   

Garnica S  Weiß M  Oertel B  Oberwinkler F 《Mycologia》2003,95(6):1155-1170
Phylogenetic relationships of 54 European Phlegmacium species, including members of most of the sections of classical systematics, were studied, integrating macro-, micromorphological and chemical characters of the basidiomes, as well as molecular phylogenetic analysis of nuclear rDNA sequences. Microscopical structures of the basidiomes were studied by light microscopy. Basidiospore morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Internal-transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and 2, including the 5.8S) and the D1/D2 (LSU) regions of nuclear rDNA were sequenced and analyzed with a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Many subgroups detected by the molecular analysis are related to groups known from classical systematical concepts. Among others, these subgroups were significantly supported: i) a group containing most of the members of section Fulvi ss. Brandrud and the species Cortinarius arcuatorum, C. dibaphus and C. multiformis; ii) a group comprising taxa of section Calochroi ss. Brandrud and the species C. fulvocitrinus and C. osmophorus; iii) a group containing species of section Glaucopodes ss. Brandrud and C. caerulescens; iv) a group including members of section Phlegmacioides ss. Brandrud; v) a group that includes the species C. cephalixus, C. nanceiensis and C. mussivus. Stipe shape, color of flesh, pigment contents, KOH reaction on pileipellis and gelatinous layer, degree of development of a gelatinous layer on the pileipellis, and pileipellis structure were useful characters in delimiting subgroups in Phlegmacium, while basidiospore morphology was significant at species level. With the exception of C. glaucopus, C. infractus and C. scaurus, ITS and D1/D2 sequences obtained from collections of the same species from different geographical origins showed very little variation. Our molecular and morphological analyses suggest revisions of the traditional concepts of the subgenus Phlegmacium in Europe.  相似文献   

The secondary metabolites of 150 specimens belonging to 29 species of Teloschistes were analysed with HPLC. Seven anthraquinones were detected of which parietin dominated with minor proportions of emodin, teloschistin, fallacinal and parietinic acid. The depsidones vicanicin, caloploicin, and isofulgidin occurred together with some compounds of unknown identity in varying proportions in T. flavicans, T. peruensis, T. stellatus, and one unnamed taxon. Nine chemosyndromes were found in the genus. Most species had only one chemosyndrome, but T. flavicans s. lat. had six syndromes. The geographical distribution patterns of these chemosyndromes in T. flavicans are discussed as well as the applicability of chemical characters for species delimitation in Teloschistes.  相似文献   

Polyporus accommodates morphologically heterogeneous species and is divided into six infrageneric groups based on macromorphological characters. On the other hand allied genera have macro- and microscopic characters similar to those of Polyporus. The phylogenetic relationships of Polyporus and allied genera were established from sequences of RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2), nuclear ribosomal large subunit (nucLSU) and mitochondrial ATPase subunit 6 (ATP6). The molecular phylogenetic trees confirmed that Polyporus is a polyphyletic genus and recognized six major clades (1-6) containing species of Polyporus and several allied genera. Among the clades one contained three infrageneric groups of Polyporus and two allied genera, Datronia and Pseudofavolus while one other contained group Polyporellus and Lentinus. Five of the six major clades contained species belonging to a single infrageneric group, Favolus, Melanopus, Polyporellus or Polyporus. This suggests that morphological characters used to define these groups have phylogenetic significance and reveals the need for a taxonomic revision of Polyporus and its allied genera.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status ofSedum Telephium and its allied species (Crassulaceae-Sedoideae) is discussed, and a new genus,Hylotelephium, is recognized. Under the genus, 27 new combinations are proposed and one new species,H. callichromum, from Central Asia is described. This study has been supported partly by Grants-in-Aid for Fundamental Scientific Research by the Ministry of Education of Japan, No. 034047 in 1975 and 1976.  相似文献   

The bright yellow wall lichen, Xanthoria parietina , is usually inhabited by oribatid mites (Acari) which do not only find shelter, but also graze on selected areas of the thallus. As X. parietina does not produce symbiotic vegetative propagules and its compatible photobiont, unicellular green algae of the genus Trebouxia , are rare outside lichen thalli, we tested the hypothesis of dispersal of viable Trebouxia cells via acarine faeces. The lichenivorous mites, Trhypochtonius tectorum and Trichoribates trimaculatus , were isolated from thalli of X. parietina and cultured in the laboratory on a lichen diet. Light microscopic investigations of faecal pellets from mites that had been feeding on X. parietina indicated gut passage of intact ascospores and photobiont cells. In a series of experiments, viable algal and fungal cells contained in such faecal pellets were cultured. The taxonomic affiliation of these isolates was identified using molecular techniques, i.e. comparative investigations of nuclear ribosomal gene data (ITS 1 and 2, 5.8S rDNA) in the algal and fungal partners, and of the species-specific hydrophobin gene sequence in the fungal partner. Our culturing experiments demonstrated that the faecal pellets of both lichenivorous mites, upon feeding on X. parietina , contain viable ascospores and photobiont cells ( Trebouxia arboricola ) and thus might be a common and successful mode of vegetative short- and long-distance dispersal of this and numerous other lichen-forming ascomycetes and their photobionts. Future studies will have to elucidate the evolutionary significance of invertebrate interactions with lichens. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 259–268.  相似文献   

The dobsonfly genus Acanthacorydalis Weele is a small genus which only occurs in Asia and comprises eight species. Seven species are restricted to the Oriental realm, while A. orientalis (McLachlan) extends into the Palaearctic realm. There are five species in China, four of which are endemic. In the present paper, the Chinese species are redescribed, illustrated, keyed, and subjected to phylogenetic and biogeographical analyses for the first time. Geographic distributions are updated. The cladistic analysis for the Chinese species was constructed by using Hennig86, based on 17 adult morphological characters. The phylogenetic relationships obtained are ( A. orientalis + A. yunnanensis + A. unimaculata + ( A. fruhstorferi + A. sinensis )). Six areas of endemism are identified based on Acanthacorydalis distributions: north, south-west, central and south China, north-eastern India and northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

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