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中国水螅属一新种(水螅纲,水螅科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道采自广东省肇庆市的淡水水螅1新种,多形水螅Hydra polymorphus sp.nov.,研究标本均来自1只水螅的单系繁殖群体,测量数据经生物统计学处理。新种的钩刺丝囊外形及内部刺丝盘旋均有多种形态,故新种名以此命名。所有研究标本保存于深圳大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

娄柏丹  孙国娜  史新柏 《生物学通报》2007,42(11):21-22,F0004
简述了水螅变形虫的发现和研究历史,报告了在哈尔滨近郊采到的此虫的生境、形态、运动特征及寄生于水螅的情况。结语指出继续研究此虫的生物学意义。  相似文献   

淡水水螅的无性繁殖方式是出芽生殖。水螅胃区的皮肌细胞摄取的营养物质,经细胞间传递方式,转移到芽体的内、外胚层,为芽体的发育提供了能量。胃区的干细胞与增殖的细胞不断迁移到芽体,保障芽体发生时的细胞数。水螅的头部与基盘对芽体的发生,同时存在着激活与抑制2对位置信息素,共同控制并决定了芽体在体柱上的发生位置。芽体先发生垂唇与触手芽,其发生位置必需远离母体头部抑制素的作用。芽体发育后期,发生基盘时,必须远离母体基盘抑制素的作用。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种简单易行的水螅活体染色法。水螅体放入一定浓度范围的亚甲基蓝和中性红染液中,经过一定时间,细胞染一颜色而被标记,通过观察着色情况的变化而指示出水螅细胞迁移的规律。对水螅其他方面如移植、嫁接等研究也有一定实用价值。詹纳斯绿染料用本法染色效果较差。  相似文献   

记述采自北京地区水螅属1新种:北京水螅Hydra beijingensis sp.nov.。新种的主要鉴别特征是出现体部与柄的分化;钩刺丝囊内刺丝缠绕具有2种形态:大部分钩刺丝囊(占2/3左右)内顶端基部刺丝呈4~5圈横向弹簧状缠绕,而占所观察刺丝囊总数1/3左右的囊内刺丝为不规则缠绕和纵向缠绕。标本保存在哈尔滨师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物学系无脊椎动物研究室。  相似文献   

中国水螅属一新种(螅形目,水螅科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述水螅科水螅属1新种:哈尔滨水螅Hydra harbinensis sp.nov.。本种与其它已报告的雌雄同体水螅有明显区别,只与美洲的海曼水螅较为相似,但也有不同,其与海曼水螅的区别为:生活于静水,能直立并可横向附着生活,实验室培养用储放的自来水可正常生活及生殖。粘刺丝囊小型。胚鞘的鞘膜表面有网格,每根圆锥形的棘刺发自每一网格中央,棘刺无结节,不分叉。精巢数目为2~6个,卵为4~6个。模式标本保存于哈尔滨师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物学系无脊椎动物研究室。  相似文献   

五种水螅基因组DNA的RAPD多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用RAPD技术对水螅科2属5种水螅进行了基因组DNA多态性研究.80个随机引物筛选出18个引物,共扩增出303个清晰稳定的DNA片段,分子量在0.3~3.0kb之间.以UPGMA聚类法构建树状图,阐明水螅属种的分类关系:大庆水螅Hydra daqingensis、北京水螅H.beijingensis和强壮水螅H.robusta 3种分成两组并聚在一起;不同属的漠河水螅H.mohensis和绿水螅Chlorohydra sp.聚为一支;由此2属5种水螅分为两个支系.  相似文献   

水螅腔肠的活体观察   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
利用杆吻虫的汁液,引诱水螅的口极度扩展或外翻。对水螅腔肠进行细致地观察;水螅内胚层的腺细胞与内皮肌细胞排列规则。每个内皮肌细胞上有鞭毛2根,长度约35μ,鞭毛活动时2根合在一起呈螺旋状摆动,静止时远端分开,基部靠近。这与其消化机能有密切联系。内胚层腺细胞无鞭毛。  相似文献   

腔肠动物具有其他动物所没有的特殊的刺细胞(cnidocyst),因而旧称刺胞动物(Cnidaria)。刺细胞来源于未分化的间细胞,发育过程很复杂(图1见封二,下同)。成熟的刺细胞一般呈椭圆形,端部的一侧具一小针状的刺针(cnidocil),细胞核位于细胞的基部。刺细胞中含有一囊状的细胞器称刺丝囊(nematocyst)(图2)。在腔肠动物中已识别出的刺丝囊有20余种。Weill(1923)研究了  相似文献   

从3个不同的面切割水螅,观察愈合时及愈合后各触手的变化情况。第1组中有少数原位于触手环上的触手外移出触手环,移至茎区诱导成头,但如果切去已移出触手环外的触手,则无头形成。第2组中多数基部带有组织块的触手环外的触手移至茎区诱导成头,但如果切去触手环外的触手,则只有还保留有由组织块形成的圆锥状基部的可形成头;而切去圆锥状基部的则无头形成。第3组中再生性的位于触手环外的触手可在原水螅头的对应末端诱导成头。以上3个方面的观察结果都说明了水螅触手在一定条件下具有诱导成头的能力。  相似文献   

The effects of cell crowding on the blastogenic response to phytohaemagglutinin in in vitro cultures of lymphocytes from both normal subjects and from patients with lymphoproliferative disorders were studied. Moderate degrees of cell crowding resulted in enhancement of blast transformation; however, further increases in the degree of crowding produced relative or absolute inhibition of blast transformation, an effect which was more marked in the normal controls than in the lymphoproliferative group. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and pseudocholinesterase (°ChE) were studied in vivo and during the first several months of development of pectoral and posterior latissimi dorsi (PLD) muscles in normal and dystrophic chickens. Muscle extracts were prepared in a high ionic strength-nonionic detergent medium in the presence of protease inhibitors, in order to obtain complete solubilization and to prevent degradation of intrinsic molecular forms of both enzymes. In both normal and dystrophic pectoral muscles levels of AChE and °ChE increase rapidly in vivo, °ChE accounting for 5–10% of total cholinesterase activity. In the normal pectoral muscle the concentration of both enzymes drops rapidly after hatching with increasing muscle mass; total AChE per muscle remains relatively constant for 30 days post-hatch. In the dystrophic pectoral muscle both AChE and °ChE accumulate after hatching, resulting in greatly elevated levels (approx 10–25-fold) of both enzymes throughout the period studied. Multiple molecular forms of AChE and °ChE are observed in the pectoral muscle by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Four principal forms are distinguished: two light (L1, L2), one medium (M), and one heavy (H2). The °ChE forms are 0.5–1.0 S units lighter than the corresponding AChE forms. L2 is the predominant light form of AChE, whereas L1 is the major light °ChE form detected. The lighter forms of AChE predominate in normal and dystrophic embryonic pectoral muscle at day 14, being replaced by the H2 form by day 19. H2 is the major °ChE form detected at day 19. After hatching, H2 AChE is the predominant form found in both of the normal muscles studied. In the dystrophic pectoral muscle, progressive accumulation of the L2 form of AChE is detected as early as day 4 post-hatch; this form eventually becomes predominant, although the heavier forms are also elevated. In PLD muscle the same phenomenon occurs, but with a slower time course. In dystrophic pectoral muscle a similar rise in the L1 form of °ChE is first observed by day 4, with heavier forms also elevated in the mature muscle. Thus the alteration in the control of these two enzymes in dystrophic fast-twitch muscles results in an accumulation of the light forms of AChE and °ChE.  相似文献   

The ratio of physicians to general population in California has been approximately the same for many years, the influx of physicians having kept pace with the population trend.For many years California has licensed more physicians than any other state.The five medical schools in this state have been increasing the number of candidates admitted to the freshman class. Attempts are being made to increase the number of medical schools in this state to seven in anticipation of the future growth and medical needs of the population.The heaviest concentration of physicians is as always in the thickly populated areas as determined by the population physician ratio.A study of the detailed statistics presented in this paper should be of interest to all California physicians.  相似文献   

Hydra magnipapillata strains collected from various localities in Japan were induced to reproduce sexually.
From the survival data of the progeny, it was calculated that H. magnipapillata contained an average of between 3.5 and 4.0 lethal equivalent units of recessive deleterious genes per gamate (between 7.0 and 8.0 per animal).
Various types of developmental mutants were found among the offspring of crosses made between strains isolated from the same ponds. The mutant types isolated included mini strains, maxi strains, multi-headed strains, nematocyst-deficient strains, regeneration-deficient strains and male sterile strains. The characters of these strains were stably transmissible to the successive progeny produced by budding. These strains therefore were propagated by budding and maintained as clonal lines to be used later for developmental studies.  相似文献   

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