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MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a founding member of the pentapeptide repeat class of proteins (PRP) that is believed to confer bacterial resistance to the drug fluoroquinolone by mimicking the size, shape and surface charge of duplex DNA. We show that phenylalanine side chain stacking stabilizes the N-terminus of MfpA's pentapeptide thus extending the DNA mimicry analogy. The Lumry-Eyring model was applied to multiple spectral measures of MfpA denaturation revealing that the MfpA dimer dissociates to monomers which undergo a structural transition that leads to aggregation. MfpA retains high secondary and tertiary structure content under denaturing conditions. Dimerization stabilizes MfpA's pentapeptide repeat fold. The high Arrhenius activation energy of the barrier to aggregate formation rationalizes its stability. The mechanism of MfpA denaturation and refolding is a ‘double funnel’ energy landscape where the ‘native’ and ‘aggregate’ funnels are separated by the high barrier that is not overcome during in vitro refolding.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein Rv2302 (80 residues; molecular mass of 8.6 kDa) has been characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. While the biochemical function of Rv2302 is still unknown, recent microarray analyses show that Rv2302 is upregulated in response to starvation and overexpression of heat shock proteins and, consequently, may play a role in the biochemical processes associated with these events. Rv2302 is a monomer in solution as shown by size exclusion chromatography and NMR spectroscopy. CD spectroscopy suggests that Rv2302 partially unfolds upon heating and that this unfolding is reversible. Using NMR-based methods, the solution structure of Rv2302 was determined. The protein contains a five-strand, antiparallel beta-sheet core with one C-terminal alpha-helix (A61 to A75) nestled against its side. Hydrophobic interactions between residues in the alpha-helix and beta-strands 3 and 4 hold the alpha-helix near the beta-sheet core. The electrostatic potential on the solvent-accessible surface is primarily negative with the exception of a positive arginine pocket composed of residues R18, R70, and R74. Steady-state {(1)H}-(15)N heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects indicate that the protein's core is rigid on the picosecond timescale. The absence of amide cross-peaks for residues G13 to H19 in the (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single quantum correlation spectrum suggests that this region, a loop between beta-strands 1 and 2, undergoes motion on the millisecond to microsecond timescale. Dali searches using the structure closest to the average structure do not identify any high similarities to any other known protein structure, suggesting that the structure of Rv2302 may represent a novel protein fold.  相似文献   

The closely related mycobacteria responsible for tuberculosis produce an unusually high number of secreted proteins, many of which are clearly implicated in pathogenesis and protective immunity. Falling within this category are the closely related proteins MPB70 and MPB83. The structure of MPB70 reveals a complex and novel bacterial fold, which has clear structural homology to the two C-terminal FAS1 domains of the cell adhesion protein fasciclin I, whose structures were reported very recently. Assessment of the surface features of MPB70, the sequence divergence between MPB70 and MPB83, the conservation of residues across a group of FAS1 domains, and the locations of disease-inducing mutations in betaig-h3 strongly suggests that MPB70 and MPB83 contain two functional surfaces on opposite faces, which are probably involved in binding to host cell proteins. This analysis also suggests that these functional surfaces are retained in the FAS1 proteins associated with mediating interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix (fasciclin I, periostin, and betaig-h3) and furthermore that some of the human corneal disease-inducing substitutions identified in betaig-h3 will perturb interactions at these sites.  相似文献   

A DNA encoding the 6-kDa early secretory antigenic target (ESAT-6) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was inserted into a bacterial expression vector of pQE30 resulting in a 6x His-esat-6 fusion gene construction. This plasmid was transformed into Escherichia coli strain M15 and effectively expressed. The expressed fusion protein was found almost entirely in the insoluble form (inclusion bodies) in cell lysate. The inclusion bodies were solubilized with 8M urea or 6M guanidine-hydrochloride at pH 7.4, and the recombinant protein was purified by Ni-NTA column. The purified fusion protein was refolded by dialysis with a gradient of decreasing concentration of urea or guanidine hydrochloride or by the size exclusion protein refolding system. The yield of refolded protein obtained from urea dialysis was 20 times higher than that from guanidine-hydrochloride. Sixty-six percent of recombinant ESAT-6 was successfully refolded as monomer protein by urea gradient dialysis, while 69% of recombinant ESAT-6 was successfully refolded as monomer protein by using Sephadex G-200 size exclusion column. These results indicate that urea is more suitable than guanidine-hydrochloride in extracting and refolding the protein. Between the urea gradient dialysis and the size exclusion protein refolding system, the yield of the monomer protein was almost the same, but the size exclusion protein refolding system needs less time and reagents.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades host immune responses by colonizing macrophages. Intraphagosomal M. tuberculosis is exposed to environmental stresses such as reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates as well as acid shock and inorganic phosphate (Pi) depletion. Experimental evidence suggests that expression levels of mycobacterial protein PstS3 (Rv0928) are significantly increased when M. tuberculosis bacilli are exposed to Pi starvation. Hence, PstS3 may be important for survival of Mtb in conditions where there is limited supply of Pi. We report here the structure of PstS3 from M. tuberculosis at 2.3‐Å resolution. The protein presents a structure typical for ABC phosphate transfer receptors. Comparison with its cognate receptor PstS1 showed a different pattern distribution of surface charges in proximity to the Pi recognition site, suggesting complementary roles of the two proteins in Pi uptake. Proteins 2014; 82:2268–2274. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mycolic acids (alpha-alkyl-beta-hydroxy long chain fatty acids) cover the surface of mycobacteria, and inhibition of their biosynthesis is an established mechanism of action for several key front-line anti-tuberculosis drugs. In mycobacteria, long chain acyl-CoA products (C(14)-C(26)) generated by a type I fatty-acid synthase can be used directly for the alpha-branch of mycolic acid or can be extended by a type II fatty-acid synthase to make the meromycolic acid (C(50)-C(56)))-derived component. An unusual Mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (mtFabH) has been identified, purified, and shown to catalyze a Claisen-type condensation between long chain acyl-CoA substrates such as myristoyl-CoA (C(14)) and malonyl-ACP. This enzyme, presumed to play a key role in initiating meromycolic acid biosynthesis, was crystallized, and its structure was determined at 2.1-A resolution. The mtFabH homodimer is closely similar in topology and active-site structure to Escherichia coli FabH (ecFabH), with a CoA/malonyl-ACP-binding channel leading from the enzyme surface to the buried active-site cysteine residue. Unlike ecFabH, mtFabH contains a second hydrophobic channel leading from the active site. In the ecFabH structure, this channel is blocked by a phenylalanine residue, which constrains specificity to acetyl-CoA, whereas in mtFabH, this residue is a threonine, which permits binding of longer acyl chains. This same channel in mtFabH is capped by an alpha-helix formed adjacent to a 4-amino acid sequence insertion, which limits bound acyl chain length to 16 carbons. These observations offer a molecular basis for understanding the unusual substrate specificity of mtFabH and its probable role in regulating the biosynthesis of the two different length acyl chains required for generation of mycolic acids. This mtFabH presents a new target for structure-based design of novel antimycobacterial agents.  相似文献   

Acyl carrier protein (ACP) performs the essential function of shuttling the intermediates between the enzymes that constitute the type II fatty acid synthase system. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is unique in producing extremely long mycolic acids, and tubercular ACP, AcpM, is also unique in possessing a longer carboxyl terminus than other ACPs. We determined the solution structure of AcpM using protein NMR spectroscopy to define the similarities and differences between AcpM and the typical structures. The amino-terminal region of the structure is well defined and consists of four helices arranged in a right-handed bundle held together by interhelical hydrophobic interactions similar to the structures of other bacterial ACPs. The unique carboxyl-terminal extension from helix IV has a "melted down" feature, and the end of the molecule is a random coil. A comparison of the apo- and holo-forms of AcpM revealed that the 4'-phosphopantetheine group oscillates between two states; in one it is bound to a hydrophobic groove on the surface of AcpM, and in another it is solvent-exposed. The similarity between AcpM and other ACPs reveals the conserved structural motif that is recognized by all type II enzymes. However, the function of the coil domain extending from helix IV to the carboxyl terminus remains enigmatic, but its structural characteristics suggest that it may interact with the very long chain intermediates in mycolic acid biosynthesis or control specific protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

With the aim of elucidating the biological function of hypothetical proteins unique amongst the Actynomyces sub-group of bacteria, we have solved the crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein Rv1155 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis at 1.8 A resolution. Rv1155 is a homodimer both in the crystal structure and in solution and folds into two separate domains consisting of a six-stranded anti-parallel beta-barrel fold flanked by two alpha-helices and a helix-turn-helix domain. Both domains contribute to the formation of two deep clefts at the dimer interface. The overall fold of Rv1155 strikingly resembles that of flavin mononucleotide-binding protein and pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxydase, but the architecture of the putative binding pocket is markedly different, consistent with the lack of color of Rv1155 and its inability to bind FMN. Rv1155 thus appears to belong to a group of proteins with stringent conservation of the binding cleft, having evolved towards a new binding function.  相似文献   

The structure and intrinsic activities of conserved STAS domains of the ubiquitous SulP/SLC26 anion transporter superfamily have until recently remained unknown. Here we report the heteronuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy solution structure of the STAS domain from the SulP/SLC26 putative anion transporter Rv1739c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The 0.87-Å root mean square deviation structure revealed a four-stranded β-sheet with five interspersed α-helices, resembling the anti-σ factor antagonist fold. Rv1739c STAS was shown to be a guanine nucleotide-binding protein, as revealed by nucleotide-dependent quench of intrinsic STAS fluorescence and photoaffinity labeling. NMR chemical shift perturbation analysis partnered with in silico docking calculations identified solvent-exposed STAS residues involved in nucleotide binding. Rv1739c STAS was not an in vitro substrate of mycobacterial kinases or anti-σ factors. These results demonstrate that Rv1739c STAS binds guanine nucleotides at physiological concentrations and undergoes a ligand-induced conformational change but, unlike anti-σ factor antagonists, may not mediate signals via phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs) represent a large superfamily with more than 38 000 sequences in nearly 3500 species, the majority belonging to cyanobacteria but represented among all branches of life. PRPs contain at least eight consecutive pentapeptide repeats with the consensus (A/C/S/V/T/L/I)(D/N/S/K/E/I/R)(L/F)(S/T/R/E/Q/K/V/D)(G/D/E/N/R/Q/K). PRPs fold into right-handed quadrilateral β helices, also known as repeat-five-residue (Rfr)-folds, with four consecutive pentapeptide repeats comprising a single coil, the ~90° change in polypeptide direction in square-shaped coils achieved by type I, II and IV β turns, and hydrogen bonds between coils establishing β ladders on each Rfr-fold face. PRPs are broadly categorized into group 1 and 2 involved in antibiotic resistance and group 3 currently having unknown functions. Motivated by their intriguing structures, we are investigating PRP biophysical characteristics, including Rfr-fold thermal stability, β turn and β ladder hydrogen bond amide exchange rates and backbone dynamics. Here, we present analysis of 20 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and all atom normal mode analysis (aaNMA) calculations for four group 1 and group 2 and four group 3 PRPs whose structures have been determined by X-ray crystallography. The MD cross-correlation matrices and aaNMA indicated strong correlated motion between adjacent coils and weak coupled motion between coils separated by one or more intervening coils. Slow anticorrelated motions were detected between adjacent coils in aaNMA modes that we hypothesize are requisite to access exchange-competent states necessary to permit solvent exchange of amide hydrogens involved in β-ladder and β-turns hydrogen bonds, which can have lifetimes on the order of months.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins are a ubiquitous and diverse family of stress proteins that have in common an alpha-crystallin domain. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has two small heat shock proteins, Acr1 (alpha-crystallin-related protein 1, or Hsp16.3/16-kDa antigen) and Acr2 (HrpA), both of which are highly expressed under different stress conditions. Small heat shock proteins form large oligomeric assemblies and are commonly polydisperse. Nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry showed that Acr2 formed a range of oligomers composed of dimers and tetramers, whereas Acr1 was a dodecamer. Electron microscopy of Acr2 showed a variety of particle sizes. Using three-dimensional analysis of negative stain electron microscope images, we have shown that Acr1 forms a tetrahedral assembly with 12 polypeptide chains. The atomic structure of a related alpha-crystallin domain dimer was docked into the density to build a molecular structure of the dodecameric Acr1 complex. Along with the differential regulation of these two proteins, the differences in their quaternary structures demonstrated here supports their distinct functional roles.  相似文献   

The Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalase-peroxidase is a multifunctional heme-dependent enzyme that activates the core anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid. Numerous studies have been undertaken to elucidate the enzyme-dependent mechanism of isoniazid activation, and it is well documented that mutations that reduce activity or inactivate the catalase-peroxidase lead to increased levels of isoniazid resistance in M. tuberculosis. Interpretation of the catalytic activities and the effects of mutations upon the action of the enzyme to date have been limited due to the lack of a three-dimensional structure for this enzyme. In order to provide a more accurate model of the three-dimensional structure of the M. tuberculosis catalase-peroxidase, we have crystallized the enzyme and now report its crystal structure refined to 2.4-A resolution. The structure reveals new information about dimer assembly and provides information about the location of residues that may play a role in catalysis including candidates for protein-based radical formation. Modeling and computational studies suggest that the binding site for isoniazid is located near the delta-meso heme edge rather than in a surface loop structure as currently proposed. The availability of a crystal structure for the M. tuberculosis catalase-peroxidase also permits structural and functional effects of mutations implicated in causing elevated levels of isoniazid resistance in clinical isolates to be interpreted with improved confidence.  相似文献   

Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 contains 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs), proteins that contain a minimum of eight tandem repeated five-residues (Rfr) of the general consensus sequence A[N/D]LXX. Published crystal structures of PRPs show that the tandem pentapeptide repeats adopt a type of right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix called an Rfr-fold. To characterize how structural features of Rfr-folds might vary with different amino acid sequences, the crystal structure of Cyanothece Rfr23 (174 residues) was determined at 2.4A resolution. The structure is dominated by an Rfr-fold capped at the N-terminus with a nine-residue alpha-helix (M26(*)-E34). The Rfr-fold of Rfr23 contains four structural features previously unobserved in Rfr-folds. First, Rfr23 is composed entirely of type II beta-turns. Second, the pentapeptide repeats are not consecutive in the primary amino acid sequence. Instead, Rfr23 contains 24-residues protruding outside one corner of the first complete N-terminal coil of the Rfr-fold (L56-P79) (24-residue insertion). Third, a disulfide bond between C39 and C42 bridges the beta-turn between the first and second pentapeptide repeats in the first coil (disulfide bracket). NMR spectroscopy indicates that the reduction of the disulfide bracket with the addition of DTT destroys the entire Rfr-fold. Fourth, a single-residue perturbs the Rfr-fold slightly in the last coil between the C-terminal two pentapeptide repeats (single-residue bulge).  相似文献   

The proposed role of the mammalian cell entry protein 1A (Mce1A) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is to facilitate invasion of host cells. The structure of Mce1A was modelled on the basis of the crystal structure of Colicin N of Escherichia coli by fold prediction and threading. Mce1A, as the model predicts, is an alpha/beta protein consisting of two major (alpha and beta) domains, connected by a long alpha helix. The model further revealed that the protein contains 12 helices, 9 strands, and 1 turn. The final model of Mce1A was verified through the program VERIFY 3D and more than 90% of the residues were in the favourable region. A mouse monoclonal antibody, TB1-5 76C, is directed to an epitope within a 60-mer peptide that has been shown to promote uptake of bacteria in mammalian cells. We show here that the epitope could be narrowed down to a core of 4 amino acids, TPKD. Upstream flanking residues, KRR also contributed to binding. Mce2A does not promote uptake in mammalian cells and sequence comparison of Mce1A and Mce2A indicates that the epitope mediates uptake. The epitope was located at the surface of the Mce1A model at the distal beta strand-loop region in the beta domain. The localization of this epitope in the model confirms its potential role in promoting uptake of M. tuberculosis in host cells.  相似文献   

The genome of the diurnal cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 has recently been sequenced and observed to contain 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs). These proteins, while present throughout the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms, are most abundant in cyanobacteria. The sheer number of PRPs in cyanobacteria coupled with their predicted location in every cellular compartment argues for important, yet unknown, physiological and biochemical functions. To gain biochemical insights, the crystal structure for Rfr32, a 167-residue PRP with an N-terminal 29-residue signal peptide, was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The structure is dominated by 21 tandem pentapeptide repeats that fold into a right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix, or Rfr-fold, as observed for the tandem pentapeptide repeats in the only other PRP structure, the mycobacterial fluoroquinoline resistance protein MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sitting on top of the Rfr-fold are two short, antiparallel alpha-helices, bridged with a disulfide bond, that perhaps prevent edge-to-edge aggregation at the C terminus. Analysis of the main-chain (Phi,Psi) dihedral orientations for the pentapeptide repeats in Rfr32 and MfpA makes it possible to recognize the structural details for the two distinct types of four-residue turns adopted by the pentapeptide repeats in the Rfr-fold. These turns, labeled type II and type IV beta-turns, may be universal motifs that shape the Rfr-fold in all PRPs.  相似文献   

The devR-devS (Rv 3133c-Rv 3132c) two-component system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was identified in our laboratory by RNA subtractive hybridization. This genetic system was predicted to encode a response regulator and histidine protein kinase, respectively. The putative histidine kinase protein DevS was overexpressed to high levels in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with a hexahistidine tag, His(6)-DevS201, in the form of inclusion bodies. Here we report a "redox-based" method of matrix-bound renaturation of DevS protein. The refolded protein was biochemically active in an autophosphorylation reaction characteristic of histidine kinases and was suitable for the generation of polyclonal antibodies and as an antigen in ELISA.  相似文献   

A possible origin of the refolding ability of globular proteins is discussed. It is shown that the structure of native proteins has a special feature, namely, that this is the only structure in which the short overlapping segments of the polypeptide chain are in one of the significantly stable conformations of the oligopeptides with the same amino acid sequences as segments themselves. It is shown that this special feature is responsible for the refolding ability of proteins. A simple formula is given for the estimation of the time, t, necessary for the spontaneous formation of a refolding nucleus by a certain segment and it is shown that the segment which has the smallest t value, will serve as a refolding nucleus. It is suggested that natural selection which ensures the maintenance of the native structure of globular proteins automatically results in the refolding ability of proteins regardless of the biological relevance of this ability.  相似文献   

The arginine repressor (ArgR) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a gene product encoded by the open reading frame Rv1657. It regulates the l-arginine concentration in cells by interacting with ARG boxes in the promoter regions of the arginine biosynthesis and catabolism operons. Here we present a 2.5-Å structure of MtbArgR in complex with a 16-bp DNA operator in the absence of arginine. A biological trimer of the protein-DNA complex is formed via the crystallographic 3-fold symmetry axis. The N-terminal domain of MtbArgR has a winged helix-turn-helix motif that binds to the major groove of the DNA. This structure shows that, in the absence of arginine, the ArgR trimer can bind three ARG box half-sites. It also reveals the structure of the whole MtbArgR molecule itself containing both N-terminal and C-terminal domains.  相似文献   

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