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In a 20-year-survey, 9364 dairy cattle in 324 herds kept under a zero-grazing management, 1252 beef cattle in 46 herds grazing all the year round, 3347 sheep in 134 herds (only 26 are grazing herds), and 872 goats in 47 herds (only 20 are grazing) were examined. The mites collected from cattle were identified as Chorioptes texanus only, and those from sheep, goats and gazelles were identified as C. bovis. Chorioptic mange was not diagnozed in grazing beef cattle, ibexes and housed animals (as compared to grazing herds), and in rams and billy goats. Holstein-Israeli bulls kept in insemination centres were not clinically infested, whereas four Charolais bulls were infested with chorioptic mange. Infestation rate was higher in older animals than in younger ones. Hoggets and young goats over 10 months and heifers over 13 months were found clinically infested with Choriopic mites. Lesions were not usually extensive and occurred mainly in predilection sites. The ocular form in sheep and the groin form in goats are very uncommon and apparently are reported for the first time. Chorioptic mange was recorded generally throughout the year. In our study seasonal distribution could not be demonstrated in cattle, while in sheep and goats the highest infestation rate occurred in February to March and the lowest in August and September.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of various hosts on feeding performance of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, we used 3 mammalian species as hosts, cattle (Qinchuan), sheep (T an), and rabbits (Japanese white rabbit) for infest-ing ticks. Five hundreds of R. microplus larvae were exposed to each animal (3 animals/host species). Tick recoveries were 11.0%, 0.47%, and 5.5% from cattle, sheep, and rabbits, respectively. The averages of tick feeding periods were not significantly different on cattle, sheep, and rabbits, 28.8, 25.3, and 26.7 days, respectively. The average weights of individual engorged female from cattle, sheep, and rabbits were 312.5, 219.1, and 130.2 mg, respectively and those of egg mass weights each to 85.0, 96.6, and 17.8 mg. The highest egg hatching rate was in the ticks from cattle (96.0%), fol-lowed by those from rabbits (83.0%) and sheep (19.2%). These data suggest that rabbits could be as an alternative host to cultivate R. microplus for evaluating vaccines and chemical and biological medicines against the tick in the laboratory, although the biological parameters of ticks were less than those from cattle.  相似文献   

The present review of the literature on mites of the genus Chorioptes Gervais and Van Beneden, 1859 argues for a support of the validity of C. bovis (Hering, 1845) and C. texanus Hirst, 1924 based on biological, morphological and molecular genetic studies. However, the validity of three further species, C. crewei Lavoipierre, 1958, C. mydaus Fain, 1975 and C. panda Fain and Leclerc, 1975, is regarded as questionable because discriminations of mites, which were described as isolated cases only, were based on morphological features while transfer or cross-breeding studies were not done.  相似文献   

The family Vanhorniidae Crawford, 1909 was recorded for the first time in Korea. As a result of a taxonomic study of the Korean Vanhorniidae, we report on one species, Vanhornia eucnemidarum Crawford, 1909. A diagnosis and photographs of diagnostic characteristics are provided.  相似文献   

This study describes the first record of Bourgelatia diducta (Nematoda: Chabertiidae) from wild boars in the Republic of Korea (=South Korea). Gastrointestinal tracts of 87 Korean wild boars (Sus scrofa coreanus) hunted in mountains in the south-western part of South Korea between 2009 and 2012 were examined for their visceral helminths. B. diducta, as identified by morphological characteristics of the head and tail, were recovered from the large intestine of 47 (54%) wild boars. The average length of adult female worms was 11.3±0.87 mm and the thickest part of the body measured 0.54±0.04 mm in maximum width, while those of males were 9.8±0.72 and 0.45±0.03 mm, respectively. The characteristic J-shaped type II ovejector was observed in females, and the type II dorsal ray with 2 rami on each side of the median fissure was uniquely seen in males. The buccal capsule was small, relatively thin-walled, cylindrical, very short, and ring-shaped. The externodorsal ray arose from a common stem with the dorsal ray. The cervical groove was absent. The anterior extremity was equipped with 20-22 external corona radiata, 4 cephalic papillae and 2 lateral amphids around the mouth. The eggs were 66.0×38.9 µm in average size. By the present study, B. diducta (Nematoda: Chabertiidae) is recorded for the first time in South Korea. Additionally, morphological characteristics and identification keys provided in the present study will be helpful in the faunistic or taxonomic studies for strongylid nematodes related.  相似文献   

Trichinellosis transmission to humans via the consumption of reptile meat is rare worldwide. In Korea, however, 2 such outbreaks, possibly via consumption of soft-shelled turtle meat, have occurred in 2 successive years. In 17 August 2014, 6 patients were admitted to Wonju Severance Christian Hospital complaining of myalgia, fever, and headache. Eosinophilia was the indication of the initial laboratory results, and they were eventually diagnosed as trichinellosis by ELISA. All of the patients worked at the same company and had eaten raw soft-shelled turtle meat at a company dinner 10 days prior to their admission. They were treated with albendazole for 2 weeks, upon which all of their symptoms disappeared. This is the 8th report on human trichinellosis in Korea, and the second implicating raw soft-shelled turtle meat.  相似文献   

This study reports the first case of Capillaria hepatica infection in a nutria in Korea. Ten nutrias, captured near the Nakdong River, were submitted to our laboratory for necropsy. White-yellowish nodules were found in the liver of 1 of the nutrias at necropsy. Histologically, the lesions were granulomatous, and infiltrations of lipid-laden macrophages, eosinophils, and several multinucleated giant cells were observed. The lesions consisted of numerous eggs and necrotic hepatocytes. The eggs were lemon-shaped and had polar plugs at the ends of both long sides. The eggs were morphologically identified as those of C. hepatica. Worldwide, C. hepatica infection in nutrias is very rare. Nutrias are a kind of livestock, as well as wildlife; therefore, an epidemiological study for parasitic infections needs to be conducted.  相似文献   

Hymenoptera stings can cause serious injury to humans. We report the clinical findings of 6 cases of Hymenoptera stings. All patients developed painful erythematous papules at the sting sites and had a past history of parasitoid wasp sting. This is the first clinical report of the parasitoid wasp, Cephalonomia gallicola, causing human stings in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of chigger mite (Acari: Trombiculidae), Gahrliepia cangshanensis n. sp., from rodents in southwest China. The specimens were collected from Yunnan red-backed voles, Eothenomys miletus (Thomas, 1914), and a Chinese white-bellied rat, Niviventer confucianus (Milne-Edwards, 1871) in Yunnan Province. The new species is unique mainly in its number of dorsal setae (n=21), and it has the following features: fT (formula of palpotarsus)=4B (B=branched), fp (formula of palpal seta)=B/N/N/N/B (N=naked), a broad tongue-shaped scutum with an almost straight posterior margin, and 17 PPLs (posterior posterolateral seta) with a length of 36-43 µm. This chigger mite may also infect other rodent hosts and may be distributed in other localities.  相似文献   

Trifolium repens (white clover) stolons were inoculated with Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem nematode), and the development of resulting infestations was monitored. Nematodes initially remained confined to superficial locations, concentrating in petiole axils near inoculation points. They were able to migrate slowly from the inidal inoculation points and infest adjacent axils, especially in regions near the stolon tip. As time progressed, in some axils, nematodes migrated through the stolon epidermis and colonized slowly expanding subepidermal pockets of host tissue (ca. 0.2-mm length of stolon/day). In these loci nematodes established exponentially increasing populations, but the rates of locus expansion remained constant, indicating that locus expansion was limited by unidentified host-dependent factors. As a result of increasing population pressure within subepidermal loci, J4 entered a "diapause" state and the rate of egg production by adults declined, thereby reducing rate of population growth to more sustainable levels. Typically, these populations peaked at ca. 10,000 individuals in ca. 160 days occupying 3-cm lengths of stolon. Thereafter, heavily infested regions of stolons started to die, leading to the formation of longitudinal splits in their epidermis. In other axils, nematodes did not migrate into the stolons but remained confined to axils. Some of these populations increased a hundred-fold in 95 days, with population growth ending when petioles started to die. Host plant stolon morphology was affected only when subepidermal stolon populations developed high population levels (>100 nematodes) within close proximity (<2 cm) to active terminal meristems. This occurred either when axillary buds became active on previously infested nodes or when nematodes established endoparasitic populations at locations near the stolon tip during winter and spring, when the rate of stolon extension was limited by low light intensity. Affected stolon tips could "escape" from the influence of such infestations when light intensity and temperature increased. Nematode activity was limited by low temperature rather than light intensity. Global warming is likely to lead to greater damage to infested plants during the winter and early spring because the predicted milder winter temperatures will enhance nematode activity but not necessarily promote stolon growth.  相似文献   

House dust mites produce inhalant allergens of importance to allergic patients. We measured the major group 1 allergens, Der p 1 and Der f 1, from the house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farina, respectively in 100 randomly selected domestic homes from Cheonan, Korea. Dust samples were collected by vacuuming from the living room floor and 1 mattress in each home. Der p 1 and Der f 1 were measured by double monoclonal ELISA. Der p 1 levels were very low, with geometric mean levels for floors and mattresses being 0.11 microgram/g (range: 0.01-4.05) and 0.14 microgram/g (range: 0.01-30.0), respectively. Corresponding levels of Der f 1 were higher, 7.46 microgram/g (range: 0.01-262.9) and 10.2 microgram/g (range: 0.01-230.9) for floors and mattresses, respectively. D. farinae appears to be the dominant house dust mite in Cheonan.  相似文献   

The biological and environmental factors affecting survival off-the-host of Otodectes cynotis (Acari: Psoroptidae) ear mites were investigated under natural and laboratory conditions. From November 2000 to November 2002 mites were collected monthly from cats and divided into four groups according to sex and stage. In laboratory conditions, the mites were placed in an incubator with a steady 95% relative humidity (r.h.), at 10 °C. All the plates were examined by stereomicroscopy every 24 h until all the mites had died. The data were analysed statistically by multiple linear regression and survival analysis. At 10 °C, the maximum survival time of mites was between 15 and 17 days, while at 34 °C, it was between 5 and 6 days. The maximum survival time of adult females was significantly longer than that of other stages. No differences were observed in maximum survival times of mites that had been offered food and those that had not, or in the time (in days) to reach 50% mortality (LT50). When exposed to environmental conditions, the maximum survival time (12 days) was observed at temperatures ranging from 12.3 to 14.2 °C and r.h.s between 57.6 and 82.9%. Multiple regression analysis showed that temperature alone influenced the maximum survival time and LT50 of mites, and that the rate of survival declined linearly with increasing mean temperature. This basic understanding of off-host survival suggests that, places which have been inhabited by infected animals may need to be disinfected or remain vacated for at least 12 days before occupancy by clean cats or dogs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The infestation status of head louse among children attending primary schools and kindergartens in Chinju-shi, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea, was investigated between June and July 1999. Out of 2,288 children examined, 3.9% of boys (48/1,242) and 23.5% of girls (246/1,046) were infested with nits or adult/nymphs of lice. The effectiveness of lindane shampoo (1% gamma benzene hexachloride solution) was evaluated after one or two time applications to all the children infested. The negative conversion rate of pediculosis was 93.5%. Effective control measures are needed to control and prevent such ectoparasite infestation amongst children.  相似文献   

Medically important arthropods, including fleas, play an important role in causing clinical disorders and disease in man and domestic animals. This study was conducted to determine the seasonal flea infestations for domestic dogs from different geographic regions of Iran. A total of 407 fleas, belonging to 5 different species, were recovered from 83 domestic dogs from 3 regions. There was a distinctive pattern of species distribution and infestations with the highest infestation rates observed in a temperate climate and higher rainfall. Additionally, fleas were observed over all seasons, except February and March, with the highest infestation rate observed in August (24.7%) and the lowest rate in January (1.7%). They also parasitize dogs with a different spectrum of species. The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis (67.5%), exhibited the highest prevalence among all flea species found on dogs. Thus, climatic conditions and seasonal patterns impact on flea infestation and must be considered in developing control programs.  相似文献   

Nine microsatellite markers have been isolated from the scab mite, Psoroptes ovis. These markers have been tested for polymorphism in individual Psoroptes mites originating from two hosts, the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, and sheep, Ovis aries. No definitive picture of Psoroptes species’ status or interrelationships exists. This study provides the basis for a new molecular system to elucidate the systematics of groupings within the genus Psoroptes, allowing us to clarify the population dynamics and epidemiology of the mites causing sheep scab world wide.  相似文献   

G Dharmarajan  J C Beasley  O E Rhodes  Jr 《Heredity》2011,106(2):253-260
Population genetics is increasingly being used to study the biology of parasites at the scales of both the host (infrapopulation, IP) and host population (component population, CP). In this study we tested three mechanistic hypotheses that could explain deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) expectations due to heterozygote deficits (HDs) at the CP scale in raccoon ticks (Ixodes texanus; n=718) collected from raccoons (Procyon lotor; n=91) and genotyped at 11 microsatellite loci. These hypotheses were presence of technical issues (for example, null alleles), hierarchical structure (for example, host demography) and cryptic structure (for example, kin structure). Although statistical support for null alleles existed, their presence would also be expected to lead to an underestimation in levels of relatedness, and thus kin structure. However, we found the opposite pattern: significant HD at the IP scale being more likely in CPs with significant vs non-significant levels of kin structure. Our analyses revealed that pooling of kin groups could lead to highly variable levels of FIS among loci, a pattern usually suggestive of null alleles. We used Monte–Carlo (MC) simulations to show that the existence of subdivided breeding groups and high variance in individual reproductive success could adequately explain deviations from HWE in I. texanus. Thus, our results indicate that biological factors can lead to patterns that have usually been interpreted as technical issues (for example, null alleles), and that it is important to take such factors into consideration because loci deviating from HWE likely reflect the effects of real biological processes.  相似文献   

T. Kaiser  G. Alberti 《Protoplasma》1991,163(1):19-33
Summary Neocarus texanus, a primitive mite, bears two pairs of eyes, which are principally similar in ultrastructure. Each eye is covered externally by a cuticular cornea. It is underlain by flat sheath cells which send extensive processes into the retina. The retina is composed of distal and proximal cells. The 20 distal cells of the anterior eye are inversely orientated and form 10 disc-like rhabdoms. They represent typical retinula cells. Each rhabdom encloses the dendritic process of a neuron, the perikaryon of which is located outside the retina (proximal cells). The significance of this cell is not known. The retina is underlain by a crystalline tapetum. In the posterior eye 14 retinula cells form 7 rhabdoms in an arrangement similar to the anterior eye. The eyes of one side of the body are located within a capsule of pigment cells. Together the axons of the distal and proximal cells form the two optic nerves, one on each side of the body. The optic nerves leave the eyes anteriorly and terminate in two optic neuropils located in the brain.From structural evidence it is concluded, that the resolution of the eyes must be rather low.The peculiar proximal cells have not been observed previously in Acari. They probably resemble at best the eccentric cells and arhabdomeric cells of xiphosurans, scorpions, whip-scorpions and opilionids. Also, inverse retinae and tapeta of the present type have not been found in Acari until now, but are present in other Arachnida. Thus the eyes ofNeocarus texanus evidently represent a unique type within the Acari.  相似文献   

Biting midges belonging to the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) were collected by Mosquito Magnet® and black light traps at 5 sites on Jeju-do, Republic of Korea (Korea), from May-November 2013 to determine species diversity and seasonal distribution. A total of 4,267 specimens were collected, of which 99.9% were female. The most common species was Culicoides tainanus (91.8%), followed by C. lungchiensis (7.2%) and C. punctatus (0.6%), while the remaining 4 species accounted for <0.5% of all Culicoides spp. that were collected. High numbers of C. tainanus were collected in May, followed by decreasing numbers through August, and then increasing numbers through November when surveillance was terminated. Peak numbers of C. lungchiensis were collected during September, with low numbers collected from May-August and October-November. The presence of C. lungchiensis in Korea was confirmed by morphological and molecular analyses.  相似文献   

Pre-school children were examined for the presence of Enterobius vermicularis egg by perianal swab method. We visited 67 nurseries and 25 kindergartens between January, 1999 and April, 1999 in Chunchon, Korea. Of the 4,711 children examined, 434 (9.2%) were found to be positive for E. vermicularis egg. The egg positive rates of boys and girls were 10.1% and 8.1%, respectively. The rates were 7.8% in kindergartens and 9.7% in nurseries. Positive rate of 50 institutions was less than 10%. Rate in 35 institutions was from 10% to less than 20%. Rate in 7 institutions was equal to or over 20%. Out of 1,113 children examined twice, 28 (2.5%) children were positive consecutively, 53 (4.8%) were positive with negative conversion, 47 (4.2%) were negative with positive conversion, and 985 (88.5%) were consecutively negative. It means that in the low endemic area of enterobiasis with around 10% positive rate, the two consecutive examinations may increase the egg detection rate of 4.2-4.8%. The small number of consecutive egg positive children also suggests that the worm burden of the positive children might be low. Since the egg positive rate of that age group in this City increased from 1.85% (1997), and 3.0% (1998), the more intensive regular control should be executed.  相似文献   

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