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In the parasiticScrophulariaceae andOrobanchaceae, two types of contact organs exist: secondary and primary haustoria. Secondary haustoria are lateral organs, developing in large numbers and only when the seedling is fully established. In contrast, a primary haustorium represents the first developmental stage of the seedling itself. In the root system of the parasiticLesquereuxia syriaca (=Siphonostegia syriaca) there are only secondary haustoria, but a few of them apparently develop in a terminal position. This is achieved by transferring the haustorial initiation region closer to the root apex. One can interpret this as a transformation of the apical meristem into a meristematic haustorial tissue. On the condition that an extreme shortening (abbrevation) of the primary root could happen, we discuss the transformation of the terminal secondary into a primary haustorium.  相似文献   

该研究以分布在青藏高原东缘的特有种菊科风毛菊属植物甘肃风毛菊为材料,利用CO_2人工气候箱模拟CO_2浓度升高和温度变化,分析其对甘肃风毛菊各项生理指标的影响。结果表明:CO_2浓度和温度升高对甘肃风毛菊的生理指标影响显著,存在显著的交互作用。在CO_2浓度为550μmol·mol~(-1)时,甘肃风毛菊叶片叶绿素总量、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量达到最大值,而丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子自由基含量均为最小值;在较高温度下,甘肃风毛菊叶片叶绿素总量、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量均增加;丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子自由基含量均降低。当CO_2浓度为550μmol·mol~(-1)时,升高温度能显著提高甘肃风毛菊叶片的叶绿素总量、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量,并且显著减少丙二醛(MDA)和超氧阴离子自由基含量。该研究表明CO_2浓度和温度的升高对甘肃风毛菊的生长具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

A capsule formed around Zymomonas mobilis grown on sucrose, increasing in thickness with higher initial sucrose concentrations. Cryofixation and freeze-substitution electron microscopy techniques preserved this polymer matrix, unlike other techniques.L.A. Kirk and R.i. Webb are with the Department of Microbiology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia; R.I. Webb is also with the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis and H.W. Doelle is with MIRCEN-Brisbane, both at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia.  相似文献   

Liao K  Gituru RW  Guo YH  Wang QF 《Annals of botany》2011,108(5):877-884
Background and Aims The presence of co-flowering species can alter pollinator foraging behaviour and, in turn, positively or negatively affect the reproductive success of the focal species. Such interactions were investigated between a focal species, Pedicularis monbeigiana, and a co-flowering species, Vicia dichroantha, which was mediated by behaviour alteration of the shared bumble-bee pollinator. Methods Floral display size and floral colour change of P. monbeigiana were compared between pure (P. monbeigiana only) and mixed (P. monbeigiana and V. dichroantha) plots in two populations. Pollinator visitation rates, interspecific floral switching and successive within-plant pollinator visits were recorded. In addition, supplemental pollination at plant level was performed, and the fruit set and seed set were analysed in pure and mixed plots with different densities of P. monbeigiana. Key Results Pollinator visitation rates were dramatically higher in mixed plots than in pure plots. The higher pollinator visitation rates were recorded in both low- and high-density plots. In particular, successive flower visits within an individual plant were significantly lower in mixed plots. Supplemental pollination significantly increased fruit set and seed set of individuals in pure plots, while it only marginally increased seed set per fruit of plants in mixed plots. Conclusions The presence of V. dichroantha can facilitate pollination and increase female reproductive success of P. monbeigiana via both quantity (mitigating pollinator limitation) and quality (reducing geitonogamy) effects. This study suggests that successive pollinator movements among flowers within a plant, as well as pollinator visitation rates and interspecific flower switching, may be important determinants of the direction and mechanisms of interaction between species.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):76-84
该文描述了自华西南东部发现的毛茛科翠雀属2新种和1新变种、唐松草属1新种、银莲花属1新种和1新变种,以及毛茛属2新种。  相似文献   

复苏植物可以耐受极度干旱的环境,脱水至10%相对水分含量后仍然可以复苏.苦苣苔科植物包含有较多复苏植物,不同类群的复苏机理可能存在差异.该文选择分布在亚热带和温带石灰岩地区的锈色蛛毛苣苔(Paraboea rufescens)和心叶马铃苣苔(Oreocharis cordatula)两种苦苣苔科植物,并对这两个物种的叶...  相似文献   

李雪萍  赵成章  任悦  张晶  雷蕾 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3670-3676
根系构型决定根系分布及其对养分和水分的吸收效率,是植物根系与胁迫生境相互适应的结果。采用标准化主轴估计(Standardized major axis estimation, SMA)法,并采用全根挖掘和Win-RHIZO根系分析仪相结合的方法,按照甘肃马先蒿种群密度设置I(10—31株/m~2)、Ⅱ(32—53株/m~2)、Ⅲ(54—75株/m~2)3个样地,研究了尕海湿地不同密度下甘肃马先蒿(Pedicularis kansuensis)根系分叉数与连接数及分支角度的关系。结果表明:随着种群密度由高到低转变,甘肃马先蒿的高度、盖度、地上生物量、根系分叉数及外部连接数逐渐减小,地下生物量、根系内部连接数、分支角度逐渐增大;甘肃马先蒿根系分叉数与内部连接数、外部连接数及分支角度均呈异速生长关系,随着种群密度由高到低转变,甘肃马先蒿根系内部连接数与分支角度增加的速度逐渐大于分叉数与外部连接数减小的速度,根系分叉数与内部连接数的异速斜率逐渐减小,与外部连接数、分支角度的异速斜率逐渐增大。甘肃马先蒿在高密度倾向于密集型根系构型构建模式,在低密度选择扩散型根系生长模式,体现了高寒湿地植物种群应对资源多重竞争的生态适应机制。  相似文献   

为分析栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组的密码子使用特征差异,该文以其线粒体基因组编码序列为研究对象,比较其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和演化过程。结果表明:(1)栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组编码区的GC含量分别为44.56%和44.58%,说明栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体编码基因均富含A/T碱基。(2)栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组密码子第1位、第2位GC含量平均值与第3位GC含量的相关性均呈极显著水平,说明突变在其密码子偏性形成中的作用不可忽略; PR2-plot分析显示,在同义密码子第3位碱基的使用频率上,嘌呤低于嘧啶; Nc-plot分析中Nc比值位于-0.1~0.2区间的基因数占总基因数的95%以上;突变和选择等多重因素共同作用影响了大豆线粒体基因组编码序列密码子使用偏性的形成。(3)有20、21个密码子分别被确定为栽培大豆和野生大豆线粒体基因组编码序列的最优密码子,其中除丝氨酸TCC密码子外均以A或T结尾。综上结果认为,栽培大豆线粒体密码子偏性的形成受选择的影响要高于野生大豆,这可能是栽培大豆由野生大豆经长期人工栽培驯化的结果。  相似文献   

向敏  刘强  李妮亚  李伟  张云云 《广西植物》2016,36(4):387-396
为了比较引进红树与乡土红树的耐盐性差异,该研究以引进红树植物拉关木(Laguncularia racemosa)和乡土红树植物木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)与秋茄(Kandelia obovata)幼苗作为实验材料,分析其在不同Na Cl浓度(100、200、300、400 mmol·L~(-1))处理下各器官离子浓度(Na~+、Cl~–、K~+、Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+))和叶光合作用的变化。结果表明:(1)高盐胁迫(400 mmol·L~(-1)Na Cl,28 d)处理下,拉关木根系Na~+增幅较小,秋茄根、叶Cl~–含量增幅均高于木榄和拉关木,说明拉关木在较高的盐浓度时能限制根系对Na~+、Cl~–的吸收,减少向地上部分运输。(2)高盐胁迫均增加3种红树根、叶的K~+浓度(木榄叶K~+略有降低,差异不显著),表明3种红树均可吸收K~+,来限制Na~+对植物的伤害;同时,降低3种红树根Ca~(2+)浓度,但拉关木根Ca~(2+)下降幅度小于秋茄和木榄,说明拉关木具有更强的防止Ca~(2+)流失的能力。(3)拉关木根维持Na~+/K~+、Na~+/Ca~(2+)平衡的能力强于秋茄和木榄。(4)高盐胁迫引起秋茄与木榄光合速率均降低,而拉关木光合速率却增加了54.1%。综上所述,拉关木能限制根系对Na Cl的吸收,有效维持Na~+/K~+、Na~+/Ca~(2+)的平衡,并保持较高的光合速率,这表明拉关木与木榄和秋茄相比具有更高的耐盐性。  相似文献   

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