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The SYK non-receptor tyrosine kinase is a key effector of immune receptors signaling in hematopoietic cells. Here, we identified and characterized a novel interaction between SYK and the ubiquitin-specific protease 25 (USP25). We report that the second SH2 domain of SYK physically interacts with a tyrosine-rich, C-terminal region of USP25 independently of tyrosine phosphorylation. Moreover, we showed that SYK specifically phosphorylates USP25 and alters its cellular levels. This study thus uncovers a new SYK substrate and reveals a novel SYK function, namely the regulation of USP25 cellular levels.  相似文献   

We have characterized the mouse ortholog of the human ubiquitin-specific protease USP15. Mouse Usp15 consists of 981 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 112 kDa, contains the highly conserved Cys and His boxes present in all members of the UBP family of deubiquitinating enzymes, and is 98% identical/99% similar to human USP15. Usp15 shares 59.5% identity/75.5% sequence similarity with the mouse Unp(Usp4) oncoprotein. Recombinant Usp15 demonstrated ubiquitin-specific protease activity against engineered linear fusions of ubiquitin to glutathione S-transferase. Usp15 can also cleave the ubiquitin-proline bond, as can USP15 and Usp4. Alignment of mouse and human Usp15 and Usp4 protein sequences suggested that Usp15/USP15 may be alternately spliced in a manner analogous to Usp4. Sequence analysis of RT-PCR products from several human and mouse cell lines and tissues revealed alternate splicing in all cells studied. Northern blot analysis of both mouse and human Usp15 revealed two differently sized mRNAs in all tissues examined, owing to alternate polyadenylation sites spaced by 1.5 kb. Chromosomal mapping by interspecific backcross analysis localized the Usp15 gene to the distal region of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 10. This region is syntenic with human Chr 12q24, the location of human USP15, and a different location to Unp(Usp4) (Chr 9). Identification of the mouse Usp15 gene (>69.5 kb) and human USP15 gene (145 kb) sequences in genome databases reveals that both are composed of 22 exons with identical splice sites, and both have an exon/intron structure identical to the mouse Usp4 gene, including the alternately spliced exon. Phylogenetic studies suggest that a sequence currently identified as a chicken Usp4 ortholog is in fact a USP15 ortholog, while bona-fide chicken, cow, and rat Usp4 orthologs can be identified in EST databases.  相似文献   

The dynamic modification of proteins with ubiquitin plays crucial roles in major celluar functions, and is associated with a number of pathological conditions. Ubiquitin-specific proteases (USPs) cleave ubiquitin from substrate proteins, and rescue them from proteasomal degradation. Among them, USP2 is overexpressed and plays important roles in various cancers including prostate cancer. Thus, it represents an attractive target for drug discovery. In order to develop potent and selective USP2 inhibitors, a highly reliable assay is needed for in-depth structure-activity relationship study. We report the cloning, expression, and purification of USP2 and UBA52, and the development of a highly reliable assay based on readily available SDS-PAGE-Coomassie systeme using UBA52 as the substrate protein. A number of effective USP2 inhibitors were also identified using this assay.  相似文献   

As a critical member of the ubiquitin-specific proteolytic enzyme family, ubiquitin-specific peptidase 20 (USP20) regulates the stability of proteins via multiple signaling pathways. In addition, USP20 upregulation is associated with various cellular biological processes, such as cell cycle progression, proliferation, migration, and invasion. Emerging studies have revealed the pivotal role of USP20 in the tumorigenesis of various cancer types, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer and adult T cell leukemia. In our review, we highlight the different mechanisms of USP20 in various tumor types and demonstrate that USP20 regulates the stability of multiple proteins. Therefore, regulating the activity of USP20 is a novel tumor treatment. However, the clinical significance of USP20 in cancer treatment merits more evidence. Finally, different prospects exist for the continued research focus of USP20.Subject terms: Targeted therapies, Ubiquitylation  相似文献   

Dynamic modification of proteins with the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) affects the stability, cellular localization, enzymatic activity, and molecular interactions of a wide spectrum of protein targets. We have developed an in vitro fluorescence-resonance-energy-transfer-based assay that uses bacterially expressed substrates for the rapid and quantitative analysis of SUMO paralog-specific C-terminal hydrolase activity. This assay has applications in SUMO protease characterization, enzyme kinetic analysis, determination of SUMO protease activity in eukaryotic cell extracts, and high-throughput inhibitor screening. In addition, while demonstrating such uses, we show that the SUMO-1 processing activity in crude HeLa cell extracts is far greater than that of SUMO-2, implying that differential maturation rates of SUMO paralogs in vivo may be functionally significant. The high degree of structural conservation across the ubiquitin-like protein superfamily suggests that the general principle of this assay should be applicable to other post-translational protein modification systems.  相似文献   

Protein interaction domains of the ubiquitin-specific protease, USP7/HAUSP   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
USP7 or HAUSP is a ubiquitin-specific protease in human cells that regulates the turnover of p53 and is bound by at least two viral proteins, the ICP0 protein of herpes simplex type 1 and the EBNA1 protein of Epstein-Barr virus. We have overexpressed and purified USP7 and shown that the purified protein is monomeric and is active for cleaving both a linear ubiquitin substrate and conjugated ubiquitin on EBNA1. Using partial proteolysis of USP7 coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, we showed that USP7 comprises four structural domains; an N-terminal domain known to bind p53, a catalytic domain, and two C-terminal domains. By passing a mixture of USP7 domains over EBNA1 and ICP0 affinity columns, we showed that the N-terminal p53 binding domain was also responsible for the EBNA1 interaction, while the ICP0 binding domain mapped to a C-terminal domain between amino acids 599-801. Tryptophan fluorescence assays showed that an EBNA1 peptide mapping to residues 395-450 was sufficient to bind the USP7 N-terminal domain and did so with a dissociation constant of 0.9-2 microM, whereas p53 peptides spanning the USP7-binding region gave dissociation constants of 9-17 microM in the same assay. In keeping with these relative affinities, gel filtration analyses of the complexes showed that the EBNA1 peptide efficiently competed with the p53 peptide for USP7 binding, suggesting that EBNA1 could affect p53 function in vivo by competing for USP7.  相似文献   

Proteins expressed by the paired box gene 9 (PAX9) and Msh Homeobox 1 (MSX1) are intimately involved in tooth development (odontogenesis). The regulation of PAX9 and MSX1 protein turnover by deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) plausibly maintain the required levels of PAX9 and MSX1 during odontogenesis. Herein, we used a loss-of-function CRISPR-Cas9-mediated DUB KO library kit to screen for DUBs that regulate PAX9 and MSX1 protein levels. We identify and demonstrate that USP49 interacts with and deubiquitinates PAX9 and MSX1, thereby extending their protein half-lives. On the other hand, the loss of USP49 reduces the levels of PAX9 and MSX1 proteins, which causes transient retardation of odontogenic differentiation in human dental pulp stem cells and delays the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into the neural crest cell lineage. USP49 depletion produced several morphological defects during tooth development, such as reduced dentin growth with shrunken enamel space, and abnormal enamel formation including irregular mineralization. In sum, our results suggest that deubiquitination of PAX9 and MSX1 by USP49 stabilizes their protein levels to facilitate successful odontogenesis.Subject terms: Proteases, Deubiquitylating enzymes  相似文献   

Posttranslational modification by ubiquitin controls multiple cellular functions and is counteracted by the activities of deubiquitinating enzymes. UBPy (USP8) is a growth-regulated ubiquitin isopeptidase that interacts with the HRS-STAM complex. Using Cre-loxP-mediated gene targeting in mice, we show that lack of UBPy results in embryonic lethality, whereas its conditional inactivation in adults causes fatal liver failure. The defect is accompanied by a strong reduction or absence of several growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), like epidermal growth factor receptor, hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-met), and ERBB3. UBPy-deficient cells exhibit aberrantly enlarged early endosomes colocalizing with enhanced ubiquitination and have reduced levels of HRS and STAM2. Congruently immortalized cells gradually stop proliferation upon induced deletion of UBPy. These results unveil a central and nonredundant role of UBPy in growth regulation, endosomal sorting, and the control of RTKs in vivo.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway is a major route for selectively degrading cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in eukaryotes. In this pathway, chains of ubiquitins become attached to short-lived proteins, signalling recognition and breakdown of the modified protein by the 26S proteasome. During or following target degradation, the attached multi-ubiquitin chains are released and subsequently disassembled by ubiquitin-specific proteases (UBPs) to regenerate free ubiquitin monomers for re-use. Here, we describe Arabidopsis thaliana UBP14 that may participate in this recycling process. Its amino acid sequence is most similar to yeast UBP14 and its orthologues, human IsoT1-3 and Dictyostelium UbpA, and it can functionally replace yeast UBP14 in a ubp14Delta mutant. Like its orthologues, AtUBP14 can disassemble multi-ubiquitin chains linked internally via epsilon-amino isopeptide bonds using Lys48 and can process some, but not all, translational fusions of ubiquitin linked via alpha-amino peptide bonds. However, unlike its yeast and Dictyostelium orthologues, AtUBP14 is essential in Arabidopsis. T-DNA insertion mutations in the single gene that encodes AtUBP14 cause an embryonic lethal phenotype, with the homozygous embryos arresting at the globular stage. The arrested seeds have substantially increased levels of multi-ubiquitin chains, indicative of a defect in ubiquitin recycling. Taken together, the data demonstrate an essential role for the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway in general and for AtUBP14 in particular during early plant development.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, both natural and engineered fusions of ubiquitin to itself or other proteins are cleaved by processing proteases after the last (Gly76) residue of ubiquitin. Using the method of sib selection, and taking advantage of the fact that bacteria such as Escherichia coli lack ubiquitin-specific enzymes, we have cloned a gene, named UBP1, of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a ubiquitin-specific processing protease. With the exception of polyubiquitin, the UBP1 protease cleaves at the carboxyl terminus of the ubiquitin moiety in natural and engineered fusions irrespective of their size or the presence of an amino-terminal ubiquitin extension. These properties of UBP1 distinguish it from the previously cloned yeast protease YUH1, which deubiquitinates relatively short ubiquitin fusions but is virtually inactive with longer fusions such as ubiquitin-beta-galactosidase. The amino acid sequence of the 809-residue UBP1 lacks significant similarities to other known proteins, including the 236-residue YUH1 protease. Null ubp1 mutants are viable, and retain the ability to deubiquitinate ubiquitin-beta-galactosidase, indicating that the family of ubiquitin-specific proteases in yeast is not limited to UBP1 and YUH1.  相似文献   

We have identified human and mouse cDNAs encoding a novel ubiquitin-specific protease designated USP23. Both cDNAs encode a 62-kDa protein containing the highly conserved His and Cys domains characteristic of the C19 cysteine protease family of ubiquitin-specific processing proteases (UCH-2). Human tissue Northern blots revealed USP23 to be ubiquitously expressed, whereas USP12, its closest human paralogue, displayed a more restricted expression pattern. The human USP23 gene mapped to chromosome 1q22.  相似文献   

Truncated form of UBP1, an ubiquitin-specific protease ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae, was overexpressed inEscherichia coli. The hexahistidine residue (His6) was fused to the N-terminus of truncated UBP1 and the corresponding recombinant protein was purified with high yield by immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The truncated form of UBP1 protein was functional to cleave ubiquitinated human growth hormone as substrate. Effects of pH and temperature were investigated in order to optimize deubiquitinating reactions for the truncated UBP1. Optimum temperature and pH for the cleavage reaction were 40°C and pH 8.0, respectively.  相似文献   

The TRE17 (USP6/TRE-2) oncogene induces tumorigenesis in both humans and mice. However, little is known regarding its regulation or mechanism of transformation. TRE17 encodes a TBC (Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16)/Rab GTPase-activating protein homology domain at its N terminus and a ubiquitin-specific protease at its C terminus. In the current study, we identified the ubiquitous calcium (Ca2+)-binding protein calmodulin (CaM) as a novel binding partner for TRE17. CaM bound directly to TRE17 in a Ca2+-dependent manner both in vitro and in vivo. The CaM-binding site was mapped to two hydrophobic motifs near the C terminus of the TBC domain. Point mutations within these motifs significantly reduced the interaction of TRE17 with CaM. We further found that TRE17 is monoubiquitinated and promotes its own deubiquitination in vivo. CaM binding-deficient mutants of TRE17 exhibited significantly reduced monoubiquitination, suggesting that binding of Ca2+/CaM to TRE17 promotes this modification. Consistent with this notion, treatment of cells with the CaM inhibitor W7 reduced levels of TRE17 monoubiquitination. Interestingly, the calcium ionophore A23187 induced accumulation of a polyubiquitinated TRE17 species. The effect of A23187 was attenuated in CaM binding-deficient mutants of TRE17. Taken together, these studies indicate a role for Ca2+/CaM in regulating ubiquitination through direct interaction with TRE17.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-specific proteases (Ubps) are a family of largely dissimilar enzymes with two major conserved sequence regions, containing either a conserved cysteine residue or two conserved histidine residues, respectively. The murine Unp oncoprotein and its human homologue, Unph, both contain regions similar to the conserved Cys and His boxes common to all the Ubps. In this study we show that Unp and Unph are active deubiquitinating enzymes, being able to cleave ubiquitin from both natural and engineered linear ubiquitin-protein fusions, including the polyubiquitin precursor. Mutation of the conserved Unp Cys and His residues abolishes this activity, and identifies the likely His residue in the catalytic triad. Unp is tumorigenic when overexpressed in mice, leading to the suggestion that Unp may play a role in the regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation. We have demonstrated here that the high-level expression of Unp in yeast does not disrupt the degradation of the N-end rule substrate Tyr-beta-galactosidase (betagal), the non-N-end rule substrate ubiquitin-Pro-betagal, or the degradation of abnormal, canavanine-containing proteins. These data suggest that Unp is not a general modulator of ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. However, Unp may have a role in the regulation of the degradation of a specific, as yet undescribed, substrate(s).  相似文献   

Deubiquitinating enzymes are essential to the ubiquitin (Ub)/26S proteasome system where they release Ub monomers from the primary translation products of poly-Ub and Ub extension genes, recycle Ubs from polyubiquitinated proteins, and reverse the effects of ubiquitination by releasing bound Ubs from individual targets. The Ub-specific proteases (UBPs) are one large family of deubiquitinating enzymes that bear signature cysteine and histidine motifs. Here, we genetically characterize a UBP subfamily in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) encoded by paralogous UBP3 and UBP4 genes. Whereas homozygous ubp3 and ubp4 single mutants do not display obvious phenotypic abnormalities, double-homozygous mutant individuals could not be created due to a defect in pollen development and/or transmission. This pollen defect was rescued with a transgene encoding wild-type UBP3 or UBP4, but not with a transgene encoding an active-site mutant of UBP3, indicating that deubiquitination activity of UBP3/UBP4 is required. Nuclear DNA staining revealed that ubp3 ubp4 pollen often fail to undergo mitosis II, which generates the two sperm cells needed for double fertilization. Substantial changes in vacuolar morphology were also evident in mutant grains at the time of pollen dehiscence, suggesting defects in vacuole and endomembrane organization. Even though some ubp3 ubp4 pollen could germinate in vitro, they failed to fertilize wild-type ovules even in the absence of competing wild-type pollen. These studies provide additional evidence that the Ub/26S proteasome system is important for male gametogenesis in plants and suggest that deubiquitination of one or more targets by UBP3/UBP4 is critical for the development of functional pollen.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus (HSV) tegument protein VP1-2 is essential for virus entry and assembly. VP1-2 also contains a highly conserved ubiquitin-specific protease (USP) domain within its N-terminal region. Despite conservation of the USP and the demonstration that it can act on artificial substrates such as polyubiquitin chains, identification of the relevance of the USP in vivo to levels or function of any substrate remains limited. Here we show that HSV VP1-2 USP can act on itself and is important for stability. VP1-2 N-terminal variants encompassing the core USP domain itself were not affected by mutation of the catalytic cysteine residue (C65). However, extending the N-terminal region resulted in protein species requiring USP activity for accumulation. In this context, C65A mutation resulted in a drastic reduction in protein levels which could be stabilized by proteosomal inhibition or by the presence of normal C65. The functional USP domain could increase abundance of unstable variants, indicating action at least in part, in trans. Interestingly, full-length variants containing the inactive USP, although unstable when expressed in isolation, were stabilized by virus infection. The catalytically inactive VP1-2 retained complementation activity of a VP1-2-negative virus. Furthermore, a recombinant virus expressing a C65A mutant VP1-2 exhibited little difference in single-step growth curves and the kinetics and abundance of VP1-2 or a number of test proteins. Despite the absence of a phenotype for these replication parameters, the USP activity of VP1-2 may be required for function, including its own stability, under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

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